Download - Gaganjit,Bradon. Benjamin thought that the animal's communism wouldn’t help them He thought there was nothing worth reading or learning. He was considered.



Benjaminand Moses

Benjamin thought that the animal's communism wouldn’t help them

He thought there was nothing worth reading or learning.

He was considered to be as smart as the pigs or even smarter.

Benjamin kept quite so he wouldn’t be a threat to the pigs.

He remember the past and thinks about the future and doesn't get worked up the rebellion because he sees this rebellion as a fad or phases.

Intelligence and Beliefs

In the Russian revolution Benjamin would be considered a elder person because he lived a long time and would keep his ideas to himself. Also he would stay low because he didn’t wouldn’t want to be considered a enemy.

Benjamin is the few animals that stays alive from the rebellion days.

Connections with Historyand Final Fate

Moses represents the Russian Orthodox Church from the time of Tsar Nicolas II.

Moses tells the animals lies about there being a mystical land call sugar candy mountain that all animals go to when they die and says he has been there.

Moses was the favourite pet of Jones and lied to the animals to keep them docile.


Even as a young man he astonished people; there was talk about him having visions and the ability to heal. According to one legend, one day Rasputin was lying in bed sick when a group of peasants walked in to find out who had stolen a horse. Grigori rose from his bed and pointed at the thief among them. The insulted peasant denied it, and Grigori was beaten

Connections with History

Moses represents the Russian Orthadox Church and resists the revolutions he is Mr. Jones favorite pet

Grigori Rasputin was a private advisor to the Romanovs the leaders of Russia before the revolution

Grigori Rasputin was one of the most mysterious and dark individuals of Russian history.

Connections with History count.

Benjamin in Animal Farm movie Real donkey

Visuals Long Live Animal Farm!
