Download - FUTURE OF ORANGEISM, - OF ORANGEISM, BEING A " Wmtchmsu I what of the night? 'fh€ W"



" Wmtchmsu I what of the night? 'fh€ W" ar" DOW lu ,ha working"'" oft!::e Ord~r. morning CfJmeUl, l1Jnd also the night." ~l he' A pe,!!hD,t C('Id.h:tu~,nce !D. C?'.h '!nodus oJ1€'i'andi fs, the morning cometh ts- Orange1:em, e:~_d t"ne of tblj h:EltHuOon will GeDd eu:;,' Ct<.t18(j ~h'2ad. nIght cometh to RcwLI:;!2m. TlC8 M,:'c!. Wnmlli;JftJ! Loage rr,mt ,,,c·rt. )'''e>

Wi:; !\1'O jU8t begb~nlrrg to Bo6 a .d26rr £-k~' In i?rovh:wial Lsdgc;f::I mU6ii wodr, 1he COti:.:.~y th$ hor1z:(~! of OralVgei9m, The big c,lond;J ot J..JOdg&H mttl:rt wor1;, i,lie Distriot LG·~;Gf·n llin,~t prej l1·ji:.:,e Bre rapidly pS8r;fDG e/wPJy-/!;re be. w'urk, t:v.d tbe Ptit.'26TY L\)~geB ::JlTI~j; wo-r ~.:.. com~ng G5BpeU,su by the bright ligbt Qf 1n~,~L OU!' Le,:::;~urer8 DJ.U'flt wOlk) v,~:OVi:i ~L, '" D.r S~~ IBct,! t.he generwl eprfJo.d of Ol'S-r:t78 1.-,.1:0 1'. J"et:<.l~t'fi {WhOe.::U1 ~·he ?3,C·)-,t; ~nll ·-:f t5. ... :h of me,Uoll ttlr!ong the mSl:BI?,F.L ~ -- i.;h61r If0{"1g~B) DL;UHt, '$ork.- E-j(;f:t rli rJ':.~Ja 'T.t6'!U"

Trn~, the he~Ve!lfJ aTe no~; Jet dem·, ll1.ov'lng bot r:uuat w~rk. ()~t prlncip1.:J ;:1'1; '~'/!-n'ldng

~~~~~~~t~!;:e ~f~8C~;\l;,:~;;~i~~;,1\~:Yi fl~'f c;,~; ;;':i~;~~';r~"I~tR;;,·!'t,,(,~~8~~; ~.'[~~h j;'t,,))er

we~tb.c.r &uer,d. Wo ce,r! pee a bl!ghh~'{-fl( 'l'lhBte la O;-"!ij Fj~rn:J;T [,0C11 h.; ":'b;~ut in the did(,Yii(.:o;) whkh we tt~~z. will go Oli in. i?,';J.1ng0rE,m anv ,:~\IuL C[2,:;;.j'J~_ ll;jc 0f flUY creaeing ~D. l1ght t1.'.!l~:tI our O;:<!t':' dlv .. -"8te,.i (,1 U!:Utll hrn::.n::u" h~},~ rtntion, Pit' ~J.l.<jjy) 1i:1 '; v J'y fl~ep ell inco:{1gruHie8 wHl st{~ ... !(~ b0fore ;",11 f"./h:21'~' of. the O!rd~rB prcg;'6Elf" tbn i::'1;'j~ b.~8n ing world so er .... "Jl:,~;;lm of the 2.:t:~ th. b0l:!Ua up wi:,h \t<:.d:;oG>r"~' VfY2'2J;:,z;tllfJ past t gao<l, ::',hd tn all 'Hi.a eft.:I8,T. r~I?r! glf;T!C1U3 f8'.~":G 'of the

Of the future, it be~Gme8 na tn apea.iI. (lQ.U p~u.t ~.r~d. pi.'Nlen~l_ wEI b,-, f U~ c: tt, .. :; PH}CBG<::nrs ticualy and coolly. I~ win dep5D.d b,zgf:Jly ~b.H)b. Ble deB,'llI.\cc) to'''' gDlvf:' "lb.efutux13. It upon t.Us char&ct',r of those who ohaH OOlJ" (8 a very r6m""~,,bj6 f"d, the .. , in O'E.~,g~ilJJm afue7 us, 'm:}~Br tha s1:J:per1ntendc,IDcs ,S""ud pro .. Ls cnmtln~IG 1,t.G Vlg0:~' of j'ou(h wHi': ttJ ho~,}j'y tection of D.(vine Providence. th6Zl. ere .treDg".h of enUqu"'y ; nl':I it is E,I1. <ql11>lly O1!!r hopes, and snUclpE> fo! the fninr6 ? ,td&!!Ig f~ct t!:",t., w~E.i is not !OJ;"'{! 1,,- the For myeelf, I C~12 B;\y, that we sntertBiu Mgb pest wm no> i<>!lt Haongh tile Iu!;ur'J. Now, hopes, exalted and 6l!lnobllng hopeg, humbly 'na lmll?lplea of O[!;;ageiaID d~d n:lst In the and meekly before God, but fearlam~ly aed ~n.ljJt) ana d:l'::'!.l exist 1n tll'o fu1;rh'€;, WIn ex .. da.untles6Iy bc·lf0!'6 :m.0n-th8 prOEper~t':J" ~I:C tat t!H tbe f;UJ2 grows g::0y "With r:ge j ti!l the hlgb renown of the present d"y-OreiJg6).am ruOOl~ 13 dl~ wH.!;' YBars, '.".\1 . )ae cDme;s Cetil8e snlOl! continue through BIn coming time "lOb their m!ga$;y t'~""luU"me, tll! na<llr0 totters IncresH!ng brll!lancy. I lw,ve EeBri !Iud con. mth Uml1's paIDY'. O'i%llgei,m hllS ?os~1]med COIl­v~:r;:,<jd with dfs0rBt;~ m.en from ever" pt~Tt oj ~j8tel')cy e,nd order; it oc'm~!r~~a inte?;dty iQf tbe country-men who Bra n~tiveB oj obarac!er, fortf!.ude of mind, ib:~dnt:",l of dlfftlreut who h~va been fll>' rGBoJllt.!on, wilh ocullrcu"A pr,;"rG6[;(oll of effort mlllax with the hleoory of Omngei>m fO! for its purpose. ·X'~\lr.~ Is in O"mgeiam S m!lny years, and I should be utJju.t to those ate·rn reellty, which hIDe 1il!!d ci.reuilQst&J:lces meD, to the Oi'cer, to myself, !IDa to the oouo. "~m~ot ch8.nge. There ia an Imp~rlsho.bHlty by, if I did not congratui"i,e Orangelam 01' :;vou. the Order thst CaJOllCt be destroyed. the prospect before the Order. The progwB' rhe~e Is life-power in the Institution which of ht!lDan\t.y Is evidently the benevolent rle- neitner tile tongue of cc;,lumuy-ot the mm of sign of "n e.! wise Provldence' H therefore be. de81'otiopower-c!I'II destr()y. Fodo!lg years, ('.Qmea 118 to venerate C;lQd hop~fuily e,nticipat< IgllOI/l,\lCa concealed the lust.Ie of tho Order­!II coming, S\ near at hand, and glorIous futurE .lhmder clllrlcstured Omngmem l!SC6T ooio11s fer OUI noole Order. The gree.t gUllS of Bo. ~esfgl1atlolls-5'.nd tYHmny resisted He ILflu­manlsID and of rebeJbm. hmve oHen beell load. encs; but though through these our /l,Hcend. ad to the very muzzle, mnd hlllV0 discharged sney has been deJe.yed, it ClI'lIlnot be uUlm/l,teiy th"ir volleys ofullol'lngperaecutlon8gainst 1lB prbventect, As the dimond s(qllires brlght­bnt stJll, Orsngeisill lives Imd flourishes. ) nesa by. friction, so the intrlneiu exoeU"nce of

OrelJgelBID becomes rev6t>led by !r"V28~ig8\t.lon OllWB~d I till o'er the gladdened earth, .. nd ~Ile ds,y of IllvesligP.ltloJll\ will oome. '.r~ The k,tndllng Impulse shall go forth-. the true Mends of OH>DgotSm, It is" pleasing Till 0 clr the f"rtllest. oceBn iHle, tbonght, Itnd 0110 which, by btlng cOl'nmuw\. Our ""acr,n star eball Bwe0tly emIle, cBtea '0 OIhers, Is well celcuLte.d to u<I\ver-TW Rome 16 oh .. l!)ed, antI m~n Ie free, sallz9 the prlnelples of th., Order thillt the BWI OllWW:ct I let QUI watchword be. great heroos, Siu.teBmsn, !lnd I!lLge~, of other


mgea e2d !lBt!onn, I1neient and modem; Whol Every advanolng Btep In the history of the !neve lOver Bpoken of ROffiilGlam, !Jt1,ve entereo Order rsv6f11s new wonders in Orange aeono. their most llntqulv(>cal Imil poaHlvo pro/esl my i Bnd calle fo, hlgher nDtes of Ildmll"atlOll it.g"ioat H. To Bay it&t they dlasppwved of Bud praise flom every Chdstll1D and phll~n. Roma'lism would not. b3 Buffi ;lent!y ExpresBtn tmoplst. of tlw TIt·\oc. detestation whh which tl:wy or'!.· Alroady d05" the qulckei!llng IlJfiuBuoea ota formly regarded It. That they abhorred U 0;. bright :future siir the mBB8es d our people, tUJ; 'lH',st "gone), In. tt.s hands d the ~vil o:c~ and they will gather force and power with eBch tlmt lw~ BVG! 88siets(llor,ld men to cc,:uv-art, Ie eucoee<i!lng d,y. W6 clalm t!:mt our C!l1'WEl la q!lHe m~1l]f8Bt f{'~ill U10 very t~'l'3 con· the C~llae of JUBtlce li>nd of truth. We r.ppe!ll Biruclh2. of their 1[;"{,TI'5'.7.'). Or:i.l'.':·,18m 18, t(I Goa, 1'>8 did our fathers in the darkest days &Illd will 0110r rems!1l\ ~h3 Th01'moPJ)"" of Pro- of the'!1i; perH, folr Buppori ; and we believe te3t!\n~!8m, eme, jf ,here w~r8 but ,;.W{) Oi2:Uge.- ,h1\'~ II~ will guIde n~ 8"faly through. But men '1hey "muM Giand In tb0 Bnd rEpulse let 11,) !l.ot I*ntloipBis RIB time, nor, bV Blly B thcus~nd.,.,.,.ye9,p tUuu8tf>nd'3 i> ::3a~llaS, 01' rash 'predpHj$IlC7 of Ot1~· own teke our C9;ua6 (',Ja6 ;:,obly dIe '''';'oil0 gm;rdlrlg 0)'3 llghte 0'"' {If His hflUds. Humall pride Is human of Pmteetrnnt.isID. fmd of Loy"l';i. I uri. l'7ealiness. (!Jur Bulli.)lanoy Is of God, If we '[11J<3 O' to) nAt" more ",,,,c! more ack:::O?119(;ge him in all our ways, Ha wiU f~l' tho!;: fil.uG'l."l Ffotectbn, ,,···,W th,;]7 bl'oome dlle8~ ou,' 8~eps, and the.y :>.ra well directed Hke the B,myan 'rreBI Oxi8I1?1.i1g Hr.~elf further w!:!.nm .He directa. C~3t J10ur eye ronnd you, a"2c, fiE~hflt c/v~;ry year. Pi.'0te~tell~~,X:.1 is IaoV" bl'ott3,:'a, r,!;1fJ askp if wa were d0pell~ent upon neerly i;w(} hundred ye,~rs estil.b1l8hed ill Ed e3r~h!y aId, whellce i8 H~", come 7 Yet, this bJol ~;'ld I t':Dst that the dZ'J ~$.n :~.ct b-2 '.lead DC~'I c.nd C\)8F.1 !;(·t (J!ephit ua. What far dlntc·;c; "heu even I!al"ild will ;',·va th0 'It>mueh the gO'lemmo'r:t perC0cutsB? What oe.r'lb!n h,,,lp d500,OOO Omngemell. ~ttemp:s 1':10llgh RomBlli31s elUd rebel a Beek Olli' lives? have bce!\ m"je by vur enemies, if··. the go,· Wh"t though mEl!))] PJ()tGstallts tum the cold ~r:ilm\J"'t, to:> .10""1'" up our orgl'lllz',iOT.l j tlnd ulahonlder to us? Has(i}od never delivered his ~bey flilCCef',(~ed ~ 11 30 (]o1ng R'~:rD_'~ ~ould re .. E:ect 12I!d-91' cirCti36::i:,:sceB 8.S dlffi)ult iUta jo!c0e::rc'%d~;0s1Jo But in the words ()i th() D.VP!,O~",I:~~OCJ ea th",9~ wDuld b9

1 did they

poet:- E>x!ct? M"jj's e:l!:trem!~y 1" Gocc's opportunity Why, If we hod not 6\ hu.nd len for our defel;c,\, t:),cl voice of heaveD. mIght aWl be heard tiel;!; <;' TIB, ct~"d Gtlll, and 665 the BIll. v&tlon of (Ld.

II N () "l-~l;y tC;llg7~::a sI:;.:)1 nl(.V~ TIS~ Nor tyra'2t arm 6!ffrlgM, We'll l,J·:rk to ODe nb~~ve UEl

J Who Db'0r fOl'3{lok tbe rIght; Who wlll, mr"y orm;eh, Ml€i ,e "ler " So I to 11'1;·h'8 enllghtenad sight, 'I'he blr'ilnlght. of the Free, All the motmt£;!" fhm,s with light, Bat, Swlhers, 'No !iunBl1der,' Hell is nigh, bub God la nigher, No compromIse for me I" Clrol'ng us with J],y,tg oj fire."

It a w131l !lind wary alate phYBlchm Wille. There sre those who fl~ttOl them.elves ctill!e11D. ju~t now to fd,)l the lIl",t\orw,l nul.a that the OrBnge Fldy III Ci>ue.d~ Is deed, or a:l:1 i/?'):-::::3uno8 on the e!.ate ()f the c~.r:~tlt.n) on the point of c18801n~Ion-who hops to aee ~loll, ",u might be tolerably Bura of th0 RenBr~11 ~~ C~:~B~Ed.. They ESlY _ to th8lllselves­'C~'''Gr of tis "12sw.·'r. 'I'he hMrt 1" all !lah~ .c,)l"v.,,~. ,8 Jo!rwd It tma"r the 6:llcltement " good D1;Jady flJw of bl",,;l Ie c(.ur~iDg r..mtuw.l!y cr.,used by tl:w GBVVZ! rlots---tha through t..he veins. PI~nty of unTI1'lshmanl. Corrlgllnmmdor, &0, &0, &e, WL\O wlll f~ll h~s b'.:,v~ t":.k-3.l1 1 snd. there ifJ 110 dtfi.d~ncy 03 IJ)wo.y DOW that peace and OraB! fa reatored. In the red glotnlG8. The HI'at glow (,I YOIl.t.n Is this they are grsllUy mistaken. paat in wh1c:':\ all atrain seams d:flL1l.1t j but Trbls rond "t\o b8~rt Iiicklles8 of llope the tun str6JDgth of mcmhood r,lmain,' fund defemd" cannot Bhr>k0 OUr cDllstlmcy for we ~he puIs;, Is only BJfghUy compreSllble. Tiwxe know t~S\t the ul.tlmu.t8 viciory mu~t be, as me IlO lLfl.\lillD'[)!~q symptoms, llke those ever, ";I'l!h the Right rond that ~~_ :,)]kn,IJIH' "~;e!lted on ~he other s!d? of ~he " Freedom's brIttle Ollce begun, c~nn'J' ,hI 'u6 old e,nd b&rb!:lTOUa lue.hod d BEquea\hed from b,,,edllJg aire to eon, b.ood


!e','1ng. Though bd1l3d oft Is ever won JJ

There '0 no defect!V0 1118lmllation Ol8 ill Ill. ~hls vast confliot, the enemies at free-Garmany i no ganeml decmy <0f the vHaJ dom neutmllz8 6Mb. otuercJ powers in sillv­l?owBrs like tno:..t whleh we 211 {·b~erve in OUT lng for victory, of 6"llamelilll dnrllli~n . while i2,3c:qH !'iii;olJy)t.;1ll DGighbDf, N, doubt upon 1.128 wbite balm.,,& of froodom's ~!\lli'lnt t~s 8Y8':,91.:0 m~,y b~ oV8r .. taxed., bu~ wa C~DD.ot iJV2.~;g iI31m~(jl'ibed iA successful ce.mpalgn and tBl! it.~ Rt'·.8.1Jgtl} til! It!a irle<:l. A mo,jorate the 163u6, freedom for 011. ' ~'eF."l]"0 ,nl) "D}'J (;c;'l"c,bp Us po",ors. Eglla YES, thec()~fl'ctgoes oro.vel OlD. DeE otiam :,Ith!,\ ~re k~p: bJ. ,check by gentle eXcite_I beg1;:;r. to y!elc, even !n hlg{ (lr~ce8. -p Boon _~ell'l ,r··!::\T'~ilCTI'., It 13 ihe necessity f01 v!ct::ny wlll be DrDclai\,o9d by millions of ~l:~; 58 '1'1'" C", averts !Ill dangers of apo_ tongues. And wlien /,b,,, met of time shall

• bava obliterated most of the Orders mud

Soolet!es that llOW exist, the Orange InsWu- the promotion (If the tru~ R'Jllgioll. Bnd the Hon unIted, as It is, wIth so m,my be~utlf(ll prese,!v&tlon of British OonBtituliollalHi:larty, ~l1d n'9ful ao81)olatiolli), shall stiU live; ~lld mU9t Ilnd will continua to atlraot the atten. men will delight to contemplate Hs nn- t!on aud respact of the wia8 and th.' good.-tarnished hOllor !mj ':0 8pe~lr of Its the lS!lmej flnd the loyal.. deeds of d0i1lthleas renown. Wer.e dB order Dapend (lU it, the dRY i~ llot hc' dleta:u~, the c;e~ture of c!rcu'lJs~~1JCSS, h~d !i when io O~ne<ls. ilI~ le"'8~, the glQri-oug Orange b6~n foundsd on the eal\d 1p1,nt •. t} of n&nno!' 8hl1.H wave i.B'imnphRludy, ~Yld nOlle 19nOr&nC8, C1.' pa~sloD) ttlt:U, IndBeu, th0 per. b€l f.}u ·}.2 80 ";'!t)J,::"l co preju.-Hoer.i!, or so wZek6d m~nenoy of lits .:":dsh,uCB m:g1-..:.t ;]'::l8lJ.:.:!0 ~, ':!,g to [}~ilC~J"~rC 'l p-:,L. O[d.%' th~~j has for its obj jet vsry qiI'::';U.;-:.:;.-::: ')~e .eh~.,,>3. But OJ:('''J~~\i~·r.D 1~ the ~:\1'~~3Jbt GErd futnt-..:; good of 2, migrtty Em. .. b836C. G:1 p~dThc~ple3 ; it .k.TI1QW6 pin~. ~;O chonge., "l~ lduhje:::'0 t:):no illiJb'd.ODj a"e,(} 1~·:'1:);,~'JJ.(:n.· ill:::'~~:31' w~h.'1. ~S3j£l to secura the It oe,1~n0t ba aItytt.i;·,g but whst H ie FlO',i 1,1tn::.'~1 p.')l'petult.f! of OrangellJro. :iJ '~ne fsel, and a.lw!;~Y:J h-18 been. It has stoDd the ~~:,._ !-hiAt ~~1!);) O~'Lkr, mere '::ff::i.DP'1, tt:.9,:a an.y tacks ('f ~.!Dr-} fi8rcea~ ~ud fonlf.lflt a8F.1~HantlJ; ·)ther im t,he cl)nni~!Yl nni.1i0::J s:::.;a with youtb., and ('ot..l·j {:h.3 ~a::-Cug and !'ope~tad a!,j;;~Gkg 01 !i.ud thu~ S€Ct1f2tS 'i.;'.!p,.~ lllilk. be1iW&en SObi3t }t.) deajIL.,~~) f,)es, or the In9idbJuB 0.Ef~~~~z of )oD33 Bnd y"t!~hfci: npi'\'L:s~ which i8 ao !Jauch ita fehw fd8llds, have ,'~=:col:npH;::~o:1 Its de- :,·:;eG.(j·J ill ').):rlc:i1:.;;;£:g ·~::':·8 ?~Q")?,:i:cJ.2~1tS cf 80 ... £truO';lDD, It had long sInce given u) the cle~y. eD{,st, But thougb the p0;.~1 of Blander (IRe

b5e::2 lUc,5 in the eE.l'r. cf '!,he ~!0::;.D..I.;)ca B;~;nlnBt it for 8g9S, yet, like th3 sun in the fire.. me!'~t) it has h0lt~. on the even teIJ:::;r of its w"'Y and it bIds fair to shine b!lgMer &od btlghter t'Hr~ml8 its meric!i1!n splendor.

True, om number has beeu small, but It 18 lilpldly 8walllng i"to lD.6'gnlfic6nt proportions The day J8 at arma wben tb~ t,)?,ming millions of freedom profe~e!])g P rotesiallta she,H re­}JiC6 in tbl::l faot that they are OrangeI!rlen. Yes, through the instrumentallty of the Order, the time will come, when ""0 sys, tems of soclGty Bhdl btl f.)tmded on a bet· te" and ih,'zefore hspple!' bMla. When mall ahan 'nderatand their na[ure h6tter. When the laws by which n",Uon8 are go.ameli shaU be mora in accordance wIth the wlae I'!IlU OU!'S principles of Ohllatl!mity, 0, then, • "Oheer up, ye heart.s of loyalty, lJor oink ji)

deep despair, Our banner8 6h&H agaIn unfold thel. glories

to the Sir, The storm that roars the wll d!'st, the eOCtDest

pa.sses by, Then put your truet in (,,:00, "'7 boya, s:nc

keep your powder dry.

ThreE! gDh~i0Q Iii_l-:~ ,'lli'>j Ll ihe c:h&ln That billctq u.s\(> 109,011 other;

Tb."y C!l.rl'y u.s Iil Union's 1.r&in, To n18tJt and g::'0:,1; a B.i.'olher.

A Bwth0I'i3 love atn18:,.£wo~11a H10 road! Of rng[5fHl 'dfj l;3 C2.::,ssr ;

And helpFl b8roI' t,'h(:,; h':>:-~-,',7 I:x~'l ThR.t f~"Ufj npoD. U6 hATf.),

And 0 when Ewn'ou'a bE·t'fn' tenr Doth g~thsr in OID:' eye;

'1')S 8w.?e·~ to have a Brother n5!11, OUt running taR.t's to dry.

Then trttGi!ng in om holy Truth, We may defy a.ll rruga ;

'Tie Truth wil.l B:,ve u3111 our youth, -d.Dd b.o';}~:--l' no in hoaX'y egG.

'fhenl6t us sHU the Or'mge "";;[ilS r,u,ialn, .&ud bInd (HI\' country'd growIug youth

Within the Ord,~r'a bJe?-6ed "'mIn Of Union, Love 9;nd Truth.

There i8 a glorioll6 hIm's haiore U~-fl bright dest!ny t;; aecompllah. Nor sh&U we D!t'lS6 while SilO'" a f2cn'e BWP.ItS u~ There ~us~ be DO gtop if! the 0 rd.a!=-we mast maroh on·-to sto-o 19 t3 I0tfogrlOde-we cau· not lay in rear of -the prog"s88i we ~p!rH of the

81,"ce the Grgnd Loag~ of 1856 UwlOD uillleieenth o6ntnru. Wb@~ CiJUrBe io the fOJ:­

Love and ':'rnth reign onpremely th~ODgbou: off future wlil be te.ken It is not om' proviooe the Order-Peace and Harmony )aaya taiJ:e" .t ~.rB',clx~ to fores,'le j bur, I aill confident that up ~helr perme.nent sbode lc 0'1;.' !odile-mum "s the Orelar l!1creaoee h lloll1h0m, power and ..,hile the mom! 8.nd poWic&1 iJJfla,:UDO of th~ 'atBi,;g61106, it ""ill fin~ ~,mpla mefbllB to InilWnilon is prooncing such ~81u,".ry effect, ~"i<iV£ \;8df 10 aU H9 demll.(!ds. He prlnclplea that, prejudice and 19nor&nce tl.l'e r~pidll' be- 'Vat 3c,md even thoug!} the w.tea of hell 0.0.<1

Ing rBilloved ",na many of om best, euloj 'lO~8, \.I,,, powera of thb ""Jr, '\&.Cl of tue e~rth, lIud of who in tile PIIst have boet:> ho'CtSst!v Op(lOS00 the sell do ".~PG'80 tj"c'm, We labOr not only to the Orde~, !ire llOW b~co"'log ita mu;;i ~g"il.18' B,'me, hu;,'_Vo ''11'\1119\ that npe.thy of z9alous champions. It wL'u!d apps",- P'-C';'of; .. ,,-:,t '''-l<::d ~ib\.Jll haa rendered Om the.t the epoch had now arrived whan ,-.{"ry w;)Ti~ on.ed 1111'1"';, -liiJien'Ly. W01kW3 hald obstacle that imp'lded our pr06 1',"8B mUlt be to Cll< du'ty ,when <110 olj.,,,\b;12 of tba irreoo­removed, and Dotblng rem~!1Il ouccc)8sflUy t{) lute and the fe~ra uf ,h', tr,\mld mlF,ht have operate ag!1lnst the final t_rlumph of O{lJ,ll!l;'O- Ill",da us give It u~. iCV'e he,'J~ mdnt,,1.116d our 18m throu.ghont the wllole Br1OI811 Em~Iw, POSUiOll with he~tG, Ii,l!)end ng upon God. Indeed, suoh an order ~a Ol'e.fJlFN'8m":','nc We have b.bored with "~,I «(\,: ",,!llt\'h "ud founded 011 the gre~t priuCip\'j3 of Union, energies 1n the cauea, dlor"g&Td[""; "U world­Love ~nd Truth-one hwl;J,'; for Its objecte 1y cOIl.81dera\i(l:n,~, !And gail mal!, utlL),)ke,d·for


Bllorificeo, pecunIary and persons!, whIch we In the rear, !md the R9Q Sea before-yet God have had to make, beOl~uBe we hrove believed s&ld te Joshua, "Speal!: to the people that our work to be the work of God, And we tbey go forward," They rose up-d!lllhed Into thank Him that the Protesttilnta of Grell; 'ho .e",·-!ts wIllves pl!,t~Gd-they went ()vsr Brlt!Lln !Lnd Irel!LlI2d ere lOt lelJgth begInnIng dfy.shoo, and fin~lly reached the prorulBd to flppreo!lIte our efforts, ""Dd Ilre advr;nclne '''!la. 80 DOW, duty,;:goed, ('peaks to om ald. We Bre (,heered Oil, dillY anel' dRY, to our Grauel Ml>3ter, saying speak nnt;) your by encour!\glng COlllllltmi.r.lItlons addressed t.() people tilBt they go hrW6;Yd. ns by leltar from our frisnds in the country, Oh J could the sl.aoghtered dead P&6B before and by 'he words of approv!r.g oOl:dideDce us In re~i6w~the peree(:uted, oppressed, whIch greet our ears from the HI'S 0'1 Intolll· p~i1HDg Jl'li;Dg be p~eBen,-alld the sartl:! gent mild infiuenti!!.l c!"rgy men and laymen, obahlng tklmciers of t.he future toe heard_ l'Iho are the slay of CUr Prol.,'siantlnstitulionB ""bat f. '70i()6 would be ralead to uuite every We b"lieve thu>l' we deserve thit.t cOl'Jfldei;CB, O:fH)8'elDaJ:l to duty, end to proclalm in loudest beclillIsB we have no motive but Olnlstlall \(Ine" th" necessity for the future porpeln&­patrfot!8m, !lind no aim but the pre£'ervII\lc>D lIon of en Order 80 good aDd GO prMt. of Protes,,,,,,,i, truth and liberty. We are It Wf;B all inherent love of truth .. cd II siimulmted by Ii; to conUnn:·.d flrertJoil; and ,i0t01mim<cUoll to Upbold p! In tho In tb~ et"'0u,,,tb 0.: God we ~b.,,)] go on haiWJlg d,ukeBt Urnes that caUed it into existence, with Rome, lind with th""t< whloh is more olm. and, therefore, like tmtb. itself, it will rSll.1,,'l1l ger01:w (0 (our cOlIlO.try and ohm-oh than ,,)0, ",no. flJmirh 1m eve" or till H shs.H b() ren­hostlJ!ty th"t come8 from Rome, namely, tha\ d"red D.O longer lH·ceSSs.ry by the n111ver3~1 d,adly Bj'"t~m of dwelt .olld f .. !S81,ood c •. nled pOE.S611"!OU of ,hal holy lov~ which shaH !'011. (In by men-"wolvea !ll fOeep'g oJolhlng"- (4, Ollr rBCe Olle, ill paten}6ll fJellngs­within om' own p&le, which hlis been proper· :, f",mily u~tli·ed b.,! the ge,hldl ghct!e of Iy termed ".8,I1gllcao Pop.ory." The we dIMity. m~,t !l;ss':at!ll rodIng out befor" the for~el 'rhrougb. the whol<3 ulIl>chlneryof Ormnge­C~l1 be, <:Ir!V0!J /;WI>Y, I ask r;,!l e!llHwzt ho· lam, the <.hd®r !lao cOIJllected by secret Uee teBtame to .,*s!ot ns In our :,"ork by theil' In. 'he future snd present Interests of mel! . lIond fluNlce, thel" mcmey und their pYa} era, com, quelltlj7 has m~de the efforts of h~ll\l!.n

ThG Ord,,! is to day wh"" the past 11M mad" "'Isdom the in.trumeu!a of ,. wider (IUd nl'!re U. We HOW "DjCJY (he froBs of oEhera' labors vIgorous dlicacy to iu:fii Its objsotB ~lJ.Q to 80 the future wll! be wbat the paet and tt, .ccomp'ilh ita g",at purposes. pre:serlt ruak0 It Not only d~) t',e reap the We, Brethren, have now every rea.son to fruas of the past, 'bn\ "',." l~}illg the founda. take IIeW ocurl>ge. Order "IUd prOep8!ity pre­tiona for the fulme D00B anyone ask me, vall amongst us tnl«llghout the land, We WIHl>t wm btl the fature ch&r!1.C'[6T of oU!' have mallY good men In the L~cJgea at the O.laer 7 "JI.'!Jen I ~0iJ\'7er the Q"8btion by present time. "Men to the Dell," true.bernt­asking '1:0" her WhGlt J8 the pT6.6:<lt cr."r:;:,c. ad, elcquent, ana learneci, who !Ire ready and ter (If the Q,il,·,? Lei, 'Os not forget Ihat th .. ~ble to Rdvoc~te and ad,s,IlCe ollr C&U68. preG~nt J9 the pr',n. of tbe f11l.11r6, o,nd th&, The city of J ilrue&h'm liSB in mIllS, and her mos. cnllcl",n b""," " resHrJblMKe, to thel! once lmpregollhle g1\tes ai',) torn from their parents. Dspelld 0;;' it, no df:.rt 0f p"trio\· br&zm hingeR-the mighty ":',,,Iig of B~r,ylon. ism-llo zeal for" rellglNl-lJO f~8}:jfiee for prcs"ed t y t.lle forcG'" of time heve b,"sil ae.troy_ llb~rtY-llo "'co m true stiLl Dwnly COlll"fOgr ed by the enemy ,md Ere Bunken to the eax~h_ has .ever heen, fWI" even",W be loot, HI&tori( the iO'l7cr\J1 g pHIar of Botcnles 10 no more_ te,;tlruO))l',ASY8.tll"t N'po!eon's army, ",hel' na!.i('"8 ha'<3 ,lsen !u).d f"l1s!I-!hrolleB hav;: it Bppro~Q:"-1eQf ~1l(;81j, ~Dfby p.yr8mi~~_of Egypt b~en WOn a~~ .• j lost; yet OHmgBisll>, 8urrouud­whoae roP8 '~W8r«:, hlgh toW~)U" heavet ". by !1l{l,.t!Uc~abj" bnlwu,l!:a-gulded by became ,,:we."~rock by the 61gb., Thr, Em· Divine P(,vldence.·-and gUBrc;€d by omn!fto p0~O', ii1.dllg Il!dvam"ge of this fect, ad ~ower, does still af'er th" bpse of agea sud ares8Hi the!!!.!) GRj ing) (. REli:'~hm btw, from ~he~f' r,te buda,l of centllr!es, like an indOfJl';'uctlble Bummlta, forty eet~turieB nave tbdr fj)0~ fL-s:e() fnl'~1f:SB ralssito tCW1:rivl? tn~j"'EHc'bs~d above­npon you.': And though In 1863 l\ jil no! .n lte enemies. The'']'cness of our nGC8SGaty r

iOr us t.o p'O~]JJ:; t~ !"f;.Y EUI)h )110nU- &a~o(;he.Hon frowna dtfi"Dce U.pOil OUt foez., ~ent~i Pl:;~s ~~ SH;nu<!4te co. ~onombJe or·" while the beauty, the J1wu:dng, the otJ Jot, ~Jrav6 eXeH~{}D<c, ~ .... t, le~ TIS ,--,DC forget! the~ (tU:\ ptn-pOuA3 of our ill3tituti(ln, (-xcite tha ill the living re}",lon6 0' th" present, 2J3 weH iof:le8t ll.dmlrat!oll of Its friends. BS the noble BMrHlcee cf the pl>at, Il>nd in tht Thrones m~y ho overtu'neO--ctowua may InsplriDg' hopes of the future, W6 beer I~ may be tre~nAfened_aceptrea m~y be broken,er·tones th(l vo:ce of duty spooking k -dynaet!e" m&.y be dtstroyeo--gov6rJ.:rnentB U8 B8 It did of yO!~, wnen It spoke to J06hu~, mo.y Clumble jutG QUut-pollr!ca.l !l>(lmini6trll. IlB the children of Israel 'if"re Burre'unded and t1on~ and !n~t!tuHO"ll8 Ill"y yl,,!<1 .up the ghost hedged 1n on every BMe wUh difficulties appa· -whole llRtlo!ts may dlsr.pJleo,r ae a dre"m ro~tJy IDj;urmOtlDmb!e, even with t·h(, t.wo "hen cne aw&keth. Bnt 81ill the Orange m.uI1tlllns on either hand-Phal'Oah'a a.rmy Association shllll nm,ull &B iI. Bubllme r:lD.d

pemument monumeni not tObeIll9ved. Tn(li Qruy let Ori.mgemkuri OOllltintt~tD- 1:><>, ins in tempests of the poli~cal *orld r.mly howl. the p1\8~, d!at!r.gtrlal)o1! by e n\'ibl() O;lD.,tempt s!onnd ns-innnmembia inatilint!ona' mily' of rAlpnb~ prejlld.'o6 £\lid perverted. o(,I6!lc;JB ; ~rDm ble Illt ilI1U feet, bnt iITmef tJ:um th" rookB by rm. Bld<ll!lt \!:,I:l.i'ill.rmIi!I.lD Me 8~e$;ay pm, sf llibmlt&r-more l&stlng tlllm the PyrlmldS\Sclt of 1/lrlnfl; by iW i9.!U.loUil '){)lI!'-'-lm fOI' of Egypt, OrElJgelsm must still e:d~t. Tme, ~l!G moml l.m!}Y'-"'6ll1Ef"e ()f nJ./i,nhlnd; mnd by the Assocll!.t!o!2 hss oftel1l been thrown luto the b liel'dc)upedodty 1:0 tho plOO8lLtOO of life, II ill.1rnfng fisry fl:rr:n8ce" of pe.raeOlltioll, lou!;, ~\':ld to 'th,~' t'3]]'0l'8 of jmp!>ll.{jjlqg djlath, ffJld ~e like the f!lbled Phronb:, n YnI!.S rowered i1'rOJ]1 futtu:;, ,-,r ~b.t Otd"r wm b,,· e1tr-,wi<ltlve1y the fismeS, ep!l'2d Us well· fleilged piJ;li()lla fmC! :S,,'!J~ d. ' . . ' so<ued'to m loftier fi'lght, da.ghed ~own the '. Y PS, ill. ~.Qj);eoi ' til" h~{)(j.~· ,,,i f';'jtt,j,.;;",..,.ftl!l mouuments wllieh Oll!: siIlem!s9 Md !lrooted,.ikfum.r~. of !;:hil strong mluel),~.d Ii0!:;JntkJ tl? destroy w, .flDd gone Oll fW s~ ];ll:es6nt from ,llpl.illon-In t,he fMa of t.h", "!.11'!(!J,'<liQ(, CIt VIctory to viot.()."Y. And thG ABoocmtioill We.'!J.m~tll.W8tr tillil eW0 Ili' ~IJh fu.itll~essllleaG stenda t@day, as it hM eve: stood, tind faIj it ",f PO"'8rt;y~hmvil!!lg' iP,,, W~!;:lwiM of t:tli.; wilhve.r mnd, fiml. In the midst ot op!?oEi- atlidied ~Jander!l of ifw.lJsm!;Wg lW,d tloll.. yea, Orange!.am lB.gloIious m the algllt mOlley-iillfiuelloed P~!J.>.OOl1.e!\\tli.ti:l.82ooroh­of Its frlsnru:, S!ld terdfio m the "yea j}l' jf'~,!lIlg Jiel:J.Wllg of 8 mi~gmdoo :rri!p~9;.-anoi. f009, ., ' !th8 eonnd 01 tb,<;l tl:;®.di;!-{l!l;tpg of m\ Till-

The Omnge {;1'.1ll1e~hIIll flou.-1sb., ··IiP'rit<3fu) .. 61Zld nnwl.!.le (}J)v0J:ll.malit MIl" Ot<\."'f While fltIll. fIlld moon Elndme ; iMla Jm!lrohoo O!lward Md npwm.:J, fuM.!! P()11-Let old lind )l0;mg it nonrlBh, lque~t .t.o ().Ollqn~st-l1ea, w. Ithi;o!!l:1i!l1U'lHf' 8uoc~Ba ehr,.ll then be 8ura. <lGlUrIlg01l;IIQ l'lll nVBt.akan o:oooj V,,> V',f!J hllvll Show Popery ll.O fiilvor- ,!;it,atlHY pnmnoo the ",V!'iD. tel[).O~ ;~f Olll' WilY,

. P I alletch mell from Us gr,rvs, r'J.<Okmg to. our 'p~<lru:.lil. r, Oh~(lll ~. d e;ppn'· And pmy that Ohriat ~e &vlatlE ,., tlaw work, until now the GlIy 01 9.'ur futm<J ElICh&' fJl.llen aCOll may S&ve. ' , II bright with tile p()~..endo Ojf fin~.l D,,')Q ",,{lift '. !llonouG !eon!t<l.

In :r~.i:!ooIta the· futore of the Of,terts '\ The d~J:imvBs 1." whlDh Wltoll !!{v(){1 the sleepmg unbo::n. BTI~ think me }lot !)l~eumy$- JrJuit (If lihert." which p<Jifl'nei!.t-BB ~;he OW;",:, lous in !f$yl11gthatlI p-ee rap!<llyapprcacllwg t',"SIHU@;1l!t}'OOld Vk'(lE~0 Us exornoiill .. the tIme when IIll the Booml Md lllai;1oul I t~n.l)u~ ·foGS ~iJr,,, ,",i.huM ileroti6v' iGi­elemenb'i of Pr()teatall:l'~ b!1'd8 will bil !",p~e- .g'<lfmm. Ti!.6? ,,£(J:'50;'; a.~ 'Hell ,,~;,,~,pi .. ) B,'nt<h~. in. the Oz.j'e~ .. ,W_neD. 6V.ery~oc.·~ple, wevent th$.'<l~:Zlll.u.e_r!:(~e 0. f a gk;" .. 12 .. 1; ?,!fJ"lY t..ongue~ ~ye:i~ ~D.?r~~ win c~?~'l'ItJute ~ ~v.!Y, Gr.i~~ !rom ··ilruffitr.~ts..12_&L tb.~ ,~-:k~n~p Tonal! quow> to ;·ll", wOllaerfl:lft milttti.", Ot1t Of 'IS ,,) (,t>;."",r'3 ;r!. ,"~!!lllx!,) Pn~,v,'iHn~ ~.K;.f). lOb, whlchts to ftC,<; "c gr6f>tPmi;eatlllJi wprl.d Milbh",~'~s, 'iw ~:)i~'<;B(l(i lj,l'lta'Cl'! .! 800h bamg t[~ fU',I:,.'J!md h~ppr r;;tmatb~,t ref I.! 1('\71cif":':":: wmel. gr0 ",ut .I.,y in 2wt,Itg !;he 0;l.T(,,;J '-'.z;d 1,;" iOOc.;3ltlmts, how iin'~e !}1).d,;,m hope jn e,temjJ;v, (l!)!tD.nt, f'JH1)""·'m.ill,r.rt~l, l!'l'j'01l1' dt<l.y.l:v 11M- H01 OXJ>'1.geisID (!:'Ul:lot bd dcs:,roy<3."l, for ten on tll" glill:ld ool1.m:m'iX,!l.tlm:, t : Arlsafrom I.ll every 0121:lg" 1101l!,t !;J eo C9hi~ !.JJo.:ill(dal,ifI. your Illglotiolla e9,~e-fwttl yeu dtilllle~'iI !l.):Id vnU:wrlIoble fill . .:! ilrQ'i:o.cillle .. ilMctivity -c;tiil mov<'l""'""~'.i 211 the pst\} of i H~l1th.ell ye heirs c-f frecdtm-baPPY0lii:­your daiy, - . poot.mIrio of fl day cf E0St from Rom~.illillm=

Se8lted on the high OEllog of . fl!0 prf;Beilt, or- longiIlg m:mla wl:w watch with 1lll~leep!l!g 1JY6 angeiam 101I2 lOrlg a!i.·:'j $:!:p~oim~:tl'y towoo:dB for tm.t) fnn I:!f.d.ning O~~ l:,~l:at blissful manow the 2·~a of th0 futi21'3. ·B~n dc~a the O!'~ u B~g Dff jn pl'Dpnetio ;r~0ryU whlch elmU dar>m&b:r~ln ·it~' .hi;.r~_ pi·1Jt·8;)~.:gn~ p·~~U~ODJ ~t~g. Q81h"·~~;I?,:lC9 from gr&"1~ Po~ lOor' wiH O;::!:ngi;me~ .Ee~tr0. fl'()m·~n~t· po~ power te tho ??b')~fJ hmn~.E! mM. siti(ln ul1tH tbe h:or~;)D:'fa ~~:J'i·D~Nj 'With tJu.$ i Loo}~, TIp ~l':'(,i,b.i.;:rt ..... ,."u InO of gt";'){~ Ch0';.'I!,t-~_

blee.Bi.1l15:2 of he,,,,,,,,,) ; !lJr6~Y ""13. l,i0'\1'.;.lC.·· t:;;~II~jJ,e t,Jk'i:.';6 of '='{;". 8TI .. ,,,~t"" nm"a q;\l~~,t0d-.;th" pI'?~fBed dar ~Of ITG6(}:iID. anC! J}!Bty' ~io~z. LKt- ulgh(i of (,:,p~H::a~tl~-rE , ~a fBI' f2Gnt.~--tr:e ~ay oi II !il11I1Cln hmia,' ~ . Onmg,; \wlm:."pb.8 "Ii b,m<1-the proow 'l! flnM

Loo~it1g ,tow:u~.Q .R-:)~8~., ";:If) ~8h!;5j ,~..JJ' 1if(;~,0iJ fltdD.e 0i'..~t.j[(jli' m:i:n] G108reK npon om oMflDlfwi~h iH.c~I!,1.{;Ghl"*;·;B;~,~i{:~ like a oourm~, ::ev0eling fr;~e ::m.blh!.'t~j the gremd, the OltlllMy COll'i'l!:r6d tn' t!. C5l!;13,ear;.~r 10 'comot UB glorious tJ:l1!h OIl "'!,,ry Blde, \'j",t th~ moml.'llg' fette!~' 1l11(FtliJ:u\'1 off tnaixDil' yoks of the of compJ.ete, • .hon:mg.b. ifrlJeDom Jrom :&om~J!),!Bl!ll . Pop~. Rise hSC)2.0T J~"t:.d. qwO~0t~ 811 r~ud I Is e.h~~ut to daw:n np\)~, i,na ·,,;~E!OI{j British Em .. mu~ r,pr-~od QV(1);' 'tho .-(f~Ql¢ I c';1"rth. Unqn~s"' pira. 'Il£io CI::.J,dO~l3 of nliJ;b.~ (!IC) flth:.irst; ~W~ th.-;:~~b~w· thG' P.-,??~d'{;rli -~~'-t{)tter"ng. Fl'mloe, .-~b.e TIl~~0r of ~)'r;·]'!)'[.'0 p:::io.'~Jr,:;(;ntk:n Ie p~8t-­Auillirl; Il:!l.d' other R'Ol:n1Ella I)OU1llt:!ie8, l!!li!y the PBYlS\V6 s·teps of PwtesYa.ot IDonmfltS ~re stnveM keep it at;!!millJg by thei'~ bSlYOlll"t ';'''.ll!l.bSfP,d._.tJ:i0 gllill1lng te"rs of !(,y~\ heMta nropaJ but the from€! work ~8 worm .. e~t{)M~ ~.j ~:'e taIDg dried npo The EmpI:t'e will GOOn be tile /Mat!)f' the boost 1a £;,:mllg hI pioo€s hem into thi!>t Ub61"t,y fOE wh!ch Ol'.mgemen BIlle, ..•. oli: 11l1md of the !1J1gl:.\ty of God I Im'lle gtOOlllld wlQ trav,,>1lJ.g ~:Il!l even Ilntil BllIikethe seveD hillep the 6~llgroohl of the ThOW. 0 what B c;J!,'j of ~vut. of Wumpi.l, !mel Mtm of Bm. oii gl"dr;0;:;a 'Will .~J; "a !


Tbe snccsss of OrallgeiBlll. ••• tb.e charfActer of Border thy followers, but do not divide j Ita :mernbers, !lnd He gwwlng popul1uity, N'a8B1.OU'B voice fal ont.lID.theme tl:J~~ Baa j wherev'Jr it hB8 Lco;; t0ste,j, haa dispelled FIBlg of sublimity 1 bleBslng8 on t.,e" 1 prejlldlce, xUIDoved oppositlim, &nd c!lu8ed ntlmy, who were a~ first loud ill C?l.ldemll~tlon <if IW, 'i,1) r8j~!ca In our pr:J60m fi'Jurlshlng 8';l\t" m::d iLl onr futuro bopeful. pr08pecta Oth<"s ih(.X~ c:,r~, IV l:w, th(,ugh tlley have C6"'6'

ed to cOlld~mlJ., stlH refnee to join UB, for with ~ome, Il(,tio.lng Is worthy of active 1I6Glat!lDCe "hlob. t.hoy (ljd FAO' ;:'l"lgin£lte and fwm which they dol net dmiv\) II dIrect ~J;,d IJoBltlve pal·

Hope ~f the world 1 on thy mission rmhjjw~, Whon thou dld'st bUtB)~ OD. the pe.thWUlY of

Time, Millions from d~rl\lJ(·r.H .mel boud@giJ !!woke j MusiC) welS bom WhO'" .r.,lbm:ty "polle; jllll lIolls to 001110 yet ahllll jub! hi the gle0; Flug of the ProteHhmt!a hope 1 l:'lllB~ing8 .m


sonelndV!U1iagB. l'ralt0l8 etUilll perish l1!lld 'A're/l,llon shill! fal.l ; We a,re to cOlilqU(ol', but not by phye\caJ KIJJgd01:;lS and tklIones III thy glory grow

might. We are to subjugate, hut not by vlo· pale 1 lew,e. AU P.wtcstnnts wJll cOlle, under tb.e Tilou sh3>lt live OD, Bud thy p~0I'le 8h. .. ll own sw~y of our prlncipj.,e, but not by loree. All r",yalty's s ... ~et, wher~ e'oh hGmrt ie thy Is to be done by freedom fi.ud InteHlgence, throne. 'J,'hne, tl10D, It ia evident t.hat our org;mlz&i.ion Union end Freedom thine hedtBi'6 lJa j

is oltle tbat conllnends itself to tbo appro,,,,- Order of Orangeism, bless!ngs OOD. thee 1 tlOll of the "'\.0 !Ill'} the good In every olaos of , . ,., __ , 81lciety and COl:.oS€qIlOl!l.Jy i6 moat JUJUy ,~"I,l- Toe pas!; haa tested I?range ~t",b,Jl,y e."''' t!oil to' th~ z3810u3 co·ope,athm of ".:1 tru€ po,;er, /.llfordlng ~:.,gUffiOlellt augurv ~f i:B Chr!st! bolds n,)'''', c.6 j>; h~8 '.'V~( held, bri,lIant fut?ro. c flI) pr~s0;:;t ger;0r~t,_ou of '" d!siingnlshed. p19,c0 "'m~'l'.lgB~~l1o K,formiDg Or8.!lgemen D."\'6 bO:'" aauoated bY,ohe 6lt· In6mnt~ollil of the "crlel, and. its energies ell. peIl01.l~cB of ,.hoee w_o 1UW6 gone to .he city ~':·cted by aound rOfloBOD. and p"rsoverlng exer. of qnlemde and vlotory, .md thus fitt~d by reieD. C,"UlIot fn!!. to ",)com ~Urh 1\ vast amonnt tbe wlee dlspensatlon of Provldance fo. the of ood carrying out of the broad and deep prlnciplBB

g . . • _ •• ,' . whIch p~rta!n to civil exl.Bt~nca. There T.IIne~, now-eve.<, be {ue,gcolo, eystoma. Time fights for OrangeiaDl. Every suoceed.

tic, effectual exertIolls in mho carlSe-Gnrls· lng Y6&r does but consolidate om forces tlans 1 Protest&ui.s 1 ?i1 Jl&mhroplsis 1 ?r!l.llge. strengthen our number~, tmd increB~e OUt COIl~ moll. 1 soe to It, th"t there b~ Lodges In your lidence In our Urder and at the same time several ci.ties, tow!J~, townships, ~lIl"geB, and brings Ollr enemleo ~8!l.r, !Il,":letHl nearer, their ~ejghborhood8, 90 ,h~t every wo~thY man in frightful and Inevlll.lble c ... t~stropha. [·be wElole \Ilild l'nf,y be reached by .he influence This affords to the Order Q futme prospect of OUt glorlou6 arC,,". Tben, wl.ll eh~t won· lull of encouragement :lond hope a!ld brushes derfulsystem ()f i,~.ll,J, lc(':~.;·fY, euperstltloD aw .. yall doubt of our snccess. But the mind ~Ild cruelty wMc:~ h,,~ fo,' £0 many ~ges 1lIB- fa.lls to graBp the future of BUoh an Order when tonndcd the wo,:Id, Cilme to a~ end ~hrougb we behold the progress achieved In B~ short the Instr'llncmc,"';;<. (of Ownge,sln III time, we are almost dlspoBed to give hIstory

War f,bnH 002::8, ,wedOll sh"U be uulversal, the He. Buch aa is dlsorlbed ill Gowall'9 hIs. vIce eh .. n h1da H~ Jt.fnoonA heilod, e6~t .. rlanlBm tory lind myatery of OIllollgeism hIlS the Order shall be lost In 10'1", Jgnc:r"nc0 shall yield to •.• been ••. sllch !A3 I aID desorlblng is light, Gllld one net <ClNC!d of mellt8! and upl!!. lt to-d~y. Wilat it will be 11o century from this inal iUmuh,f"tioll Ehe.ll C,iV"," Cba 6t.nt~. I cen time, Is II question which it !.~ beyond the see, Bnd 'ihtlo~ :not f;],~ crr, i;, r"tloa Wilen the power of hum:m prescience t.o alll.ower, except power of tlw Order'G E"tul,,!y IxI~aelJC~ on tbe by estImate or conjeoture; of OUt future some conn~el6 of Btateemen, the drmb"rB,twns 01 few elements mlly be cOllSldered capable of Pe.rllament sud '<·he mtnd of the peopJ.e of the reasonably reliable prophecy. Th",t avery whole nr.tlon '~rm loe fell!; and IloOklllowledge·d, doz9n years of our future growth will surpass

And 16t it 'DB lDm,]mhered that in resouroes !&ny preoedlng dozen is proved by ow: pro. of every Q<lsortp!!.oll-phyeical, IntoUectual, gress hitherto. ' momX or purely 8pirltu~l, Onmgeiem ia IllItOU- TheBe things all foretell for the Ords! 1\

lsh\!lglr ricb. 0, theil, Bplendid future-a future more mdiSll.t and Ha.!! 1 brightest harmer ~hB;t fi~S\ta on the gale 1 ennobling thllJl any preceding epoch of the Flag of t)1" o'lUntry of Orange N1\6S~1I, lulIlIl Order's hIstory. Red Slfe thy 1.';Tip38 TIHh the blood of the brave, The Orangelsm of to-Ciay hruJ been greatly Bdght c.m i':<.', rmole;,,·''. as ihe SUll on the benefitted by the experlenoe of the past. ][

w~ve . elm not Bw! of anything In (lur past history Wrapt !u thy fold~ ere ,he hopeB of tho free, or present poBition to Induce sadous mls­B"nll~l' of Ol'~nw, Wil i~"m.! bless!ngs Oll thee 1 givingB lIB to our future success. MJuY>!o.t"Ao1?3 l']Jn~,;16 the sky with their I I oome now to the qusstion of permanency,

e~i)W ; lor whether the Orange Order can be made Prs>iri~B lie ~mm';i': 1l:1 suuBhlne below; :perpetulli. BSftsoning a prioire, I might de. Rlv0EB,:"9 '~rob\<i as tho Be", In their pride, :olllore this part settled. But, unfortunately,


'''0 a'" not allowed In thIs instanoe to pte- A gentleman wmarkll.ble for hIe breadth of ,jjot the futuTe by the 0lrcumetilnoea of tbe view, abarp Imight Into the chal'ed;aI of liN" l'u<t, 'l'l:w fu~t !.haC the Order haa ex· tlud i118tBl1tiOllB, sud £0, hie stngullif Cilndor, lei",) fer Intmy y"r>JS Is no proof that It ViUl 0013 ye",r M!ilr his iuitlt.Ullll Into O;'allgeI6m "",''',),9 ex:la;-it Is alliy !!. procf tblOt it would observed to mG-I< I deo}sIe fuo you Mr, G,Y07IJ,H exillt provided the Bsme cll'cumstaucea WhICh that, with prepoBa6ssiolIB exlren:18!y fSlvorilhl" r'>1~l'W'0,lzi>d the p1\9t shall dllltlngu!sh the to OmngeiBlU, ,he reality has jprovor!. to be fu, fui;mo. beyond theBe preI,08s6ssJona. I r.tlVB fonud Bll', how dlffol'Elnt &re the ol,cumstlmces of [n Ol!Ong8isID thillt whloh, deapHe uuy iucl1m­H10 preBout from those which In the past ell- don to t.dmlro 6vt)"ythlng, I did ]lot e7!:"ect to ';Dmage,1 our Ol'd0r, It Is impossible to cen- meet with; "ncl thBt Is perfect ordor, iwnaety" V<l""plat,r tho (;hartge without awaking the eag0rn~"B to b~ of aarvlc~ If not urb~Kt!ly, llf~ Ih'811ast v.p]y[",hensloJ18 In evel'y patrlot[o oomfortable, er,BV and regnle,r, in fiRe !In mlud. b!!lbltu",! intel', contilct l;y IiIll cle.eaes of so-

l cletY', which l1~[thel' soHa, w(,uucla, nor W~'''n 10 I burs'l r. my of the pureBteffalgence, ohlllG any ,,"3, .r haliil bee!1 tlirtJck Slud

'il'he V/\P:HS of night round the hum~n soul touohed with the ohl'i'BirOll8 1tr~()r of Or.mge-i;uri6d men; and I am satisfied 'th2t tUB elam.flilta of

AA WillL;:m, ;dvanclng in kindest indulgence, vltamy whIoh the Order haa within her, wi!! Bg,j" Union Love ana 'I'rulh encompasp give har strength, 1 also <lIgna the futaw

the wo;ld. ' perpetustion of the Order fwm the f&ct thnt 1\ 16 founded upon Immutable prInciples, 1l0~

2 upon casu!!II emergencies!' 'rho;" good tIme" "rwBB tho lodge I 'tWB:.l tbe lodge I In ita po- for OmngelsID eo long foretold, la actually

wnoy rising, coming !!It last, if it has not alreadyarr!ved. To rend the Pope's pDwer and sunder hlB We Bre on the very eve of itilin1!.ugnration,

chain; Rommnisis themselves Rre convInced or it, ':rwa~ the wo?k of B PrInc'), !!Iud the Protest- &ud Loyal Protestants rejoice accordillgly. If

ants all prizing, there were no true hasis for tl1la hope In the With g"",mude e)hoed ag/l,[n and Ilgaln. actn~l stata of !\ff~!rs, the very c0l1'i11cilon of

3 Impend[ng prosperity whieh perme!lte~ trw llaart of every member of the Order would be

Bo!o,a 'Cl:W" the p~~rlot flame shaH be nour- IIlmost Buffioient to bring eb0ut t.he conSUill-[su6d-- mation 20 devoutly wlsl:ted for,

Aruund thee j.he scions of freadom shall But there are the meg;; 8ubatslltl",l grouuds truong, for assumillg that E> tIme of ul1sxe,r,,)Ied ae-

WIlIl" Briton. boasis a flag or a bJ!!Ide to be tivlty !!In.d prvgreaa Is at ihe dOD: of the flourished, Orange iD6~1tutlon. Notwlthslalldh:g the

As William's great fame rises high in the crooking dlBtortion of iud:s 011 ~he pllrt of song. Romll,l!l1sm, the Orange O"derla surrour.ded by

4 the most propitious circnmstances, "ncr I aill confident th&t Orang'"lsm Is k,6All DI;~hted

Rebela ailull tremble Bnd P"'piais shall fesr enough to ,,,rcelve, l>lld "'\06 enough, to take , thee, adv,mt6g6 of these c!rcunlsttmces, The brigh~

Thl ;;he Pope end Pdesta [n Bri!on shall genIuses who do the scribbling in tM hif"m. , ~ ceaso, , bla sheets of ROlliBniBm by tTnelr mlmahollB

lUlu the irne and .he pure of the llntlon shall discrepancles out Bruins Bruin, white Rotilng IT, 0 cheer t~~e, • . forth the approaching QtBBolu~!Oll of thr; ,lhoir ramp~lt in war ana their guidance In Order. But they will nllOl'tly learn that

petce. (l),BllgeiBm Is to-dlSiJ7 grElater and b~tter than 5 ever bafore. I would I!ke ~o come ba,ck to

.!i.e free as the zephyrs thllt kills the broad 8arth In one hundred years f,om next 12th of ocean July to see lin OrliJage proceeslc,n. Oh wh,,~

As bright ~a tbe Bun-reoya tha.t dfUlce In the Ii glOrious Bight It wlll then he. sky, A hundred yei%rfl 10J2cE.1

Thl3 Lodge in Its gre!l!tnesa sn&ll calm eaoh Wha.t chllnges wUl be madel, commotion, In pol!tic~, morale,

Enlarge the true heart and illumine the Religion lind trade? bold eye. In statesman who WUlllg!.},


'Eben speed the engine of might and of glory, Muses and Sages shall hallow thy name,

When the present is wrapt in the legends 01 " story,

And the future Is borne on the bosom of fllme.

Or ride on the felloe-=­How things wlll be altered

A hundred years henoe.

The hellds of the Le.dies 8nch ohl>ngoa mllY fin(il."·,,

We Ito not epellk now Of mutatIons of mInd

FreID ~~l!e-.I) bnRht=J! %D.ThCr..s To, .Bf.lITg ~.Ht~a k±~i;~p,

Th6 ~p~ip81 nf(,v3.tlu~~~~! TOo Gil?~los 15m;! fi"i:c"

WH;tt.' fan.'5 hn(~ w~~h nbb::\t~, fea1;hero !M:itl :IlOW'H~~~

8omo fe;.'3hh~:::l;?>u by i7.:rth;to,

retire from the field, To dtOllie~ 0: hesitate Il.(lW is tl) roUllq'l1lsh aU tbiltt we ruW6 fAlreMy aooom pUshed. '

We have aU butc~med the OOU11.tlY; The grel\t BOYllf'l of Oimad:J.'tl IG'10111·H'''1l1ies' before -qa-the trr/th ia :!!..;)w [email protected];:do the "..Iuds of tbe ma@sGe-the ",,,l 1~S1l5 is YI.!lW rev6""l~d-m;oll ~be !de,"l of ~h0 following !i:ues fJlHIH oo·rs!llll'lo(l: -~ '8'1rrH-3 pinf)k~}u frnm the h{)w·eYBi

Bu.:'; b8$de '!;"!iH 'be cb-1"ng~d t.o.:)1 Ineoi'Jl!o\, ~"<lr.r''''n8e, 1'ii .. ~ime Eh~n 00:"'& Wh0l1l wrong BhlliH and,

tror mmo·"ra De ",la,~,.-- When BtltB,ln to Popeg n,) more !;brAH IJend; A b\;~~!"'~.~ii ~(:~tt~ \1:~-;:1.f::$. VI/,tJ.q ,the- reboA crew eJrlaHJose their 6WS!,Y,

"' '. 4-1 ~,- ~- f; t ]'l~ t ;il!)d Jr'€etnfl)2 DO mOIe ih'3~r frown obey: S·,}llle O,{,".:<~;:;"j1} P.Cc0lli V) "'.',"" .. ml, W .~' ToU brotl.wrr toE. tH! tho work is done,

Weg} r;;r{lp'3~ for Oilr f{iI!'~fathe~ t.ll 010 ,l?l ~~e ~nl] bOnrtr.~B 7~B 0';,):' au'-; fll'S0f"om ';6 won I ~pnch of ~b.<j w0rh::'I:~ '~~;::ltf;.rJf; ar .. rl l\r.:QG:f~~ .t'ile -..! . , ... '''r-, - .i, .-.1..... ..: -.

Illfinenoe ,of ono sa,; of dr~,}'c,;"i:::"c'",J i5 rust) 2. moot for us W dQ, ",t : tUEI p;es~,"t'tlme, "wi Th"l tillle> 6h~J! cm:O.(l when ~he thfuldng :awn undf.rl' quite tl dj~~x~'i!;. t, :oIsgg {..II d (Cn\U:l~i~aIlCEll1 ;ihsa ,homa,~0> no mo·re til£!' fi);l'esUy clan ri With ttlls ""1..e"', I b",,,a uo.:'3'mr"'t13Y,~,::dIJll When the lD(n:king m~n who d0lvoi=l in Ow 'l'h;tlonto it, ~\'ig .10 r<;m"r,tl'; t,ho.~ VU'l f..I,th~ BIble mhH'l '. , gl'e6t~~Gt o~)Dt-:L!cl;;.~ tc ¥,,?~9\uH!meki EnC!}BSS .of By POD6PS (~eo)"l;~a Ji'.l~') ~ore stZiH pine: tt,£) 01';:1<'1, ill the bBllefitw,tpr0vl'Illll ll:dkm Ton" brothers tolltlH the wo;:k lB dOM . mjn~:~8 of ~.o:-I~O Ora.~)gf.)m,~u, r:~~, i~ ,the imr.ll'Or 'Tn! fhnb,d.e;!to' la o!)'et ariel' frBI;lcTom is won ' llft.iJilU,lIllftlie I)"l.c' 'W'W {'iJ:"~r0l.hig f\l.Add!r~c(). ~ ing, the c(n:t:e~e,!8 ~,:f HJ.a: 1o~~~(Xf.\~, " ,3.

ry:i~lt'l' ~(l~;r1> df;!~U.J!~ tll':- e,~~rti.';!n9 (,f _;:b~~ ,OrGel'. ':rb.a ~;lm.0 s}!..~H COIDe wh-on, the l~y!M b9!nd Whe!~a~~ 1lp. tlf(1 F.I~~,? 'r5.·J.)pBI:UG}:~ '·~b.,;~t:, ,~he o~ 8hsll faST no' mor.a' fo"1: Ul€,lt fz.)~jh0rland; pf.:eJ~e o!;'lI\:~";:-l V,·~,'-.;:';:,l~~~ (~9~~ th~ In8:dtuHCF1 Wht:'.jD. to, tbe brtg-ht d~wn- of fro6doD1l,'a df.iY" '1I3a.!1ze t;hp t:V0t;t1~ wh~'IlJ~::: i~ 10~~B ite ;,f7:-,mD31!'.2 ::1;.'ltO:CB 8t~U' gHd8'tO heavBn 2w~y : . tosntic~p~}.t[J. Stif~ly,H~1Jy:~)l,i~g19 G'fiU,121J11il'·"'1.'I:; IroH~ brothera, t"'~~J~ ~c" &c. tp e~lt J,Ol't~ l~t;';, lufi. ss~yiP5 til.-=:> 4 \lll(\i1/l()n'll l1WW,po,'g " m"",(; i:,{),. to faB1-the ' wbole :[L\f'>f:'i'J::-,tld£) o{'t.b,o, lV9rk -;;r.J.,~il ~hioh 1'11'0 stitH (;OIDfj wilen ~opeB so. bold they axe i<fm:;~Hl.9':i, %rl ilo i.\twug fuUb. lnth£' Shall 10090 ori BrHOl.1S their sor.:'lid hold ; PWlllj®no1wlT t'lnil .Buco,e~mQ)UAI3 GI!i;eW,pW'Of W!lf,)ill, the Beast's d,lIr:t;. Bt~!ll the 'f!M-bo:m the ~.h\,lc;)rj fo':' :D~fq~m~ ))'bnefiC ~i(11 Ol'f-BEI r.f~e _ m~nf1 .' . , lllOtl<)'!!, . , Sh1!.11Ioo1l:. ]1.:; J:!Wr8 ill uru:kuoos bl!1"c\ :

'rhe",i J.d~'''B M9 ("8 ~"'~'Y on"! of pmiotmti TOil, brothel.s, tOil, til! ehs w61'ld is 'fwa, ~efl€oifol1 01' ae"'I\ 001;JR'rie,nC!) funy kl:\ow~) Till .Jrmtlos !.'md Love h(.ld Jl'1bllee I epl'llc:.ble to 6Vq~y (ii,p"t~m"/.l.t of life 5. AU .bj3~(~rY1 (,~~',:£T!~HGQ~ and. l'XP6!101O.C0", ' ~ .. ",' trmnpot-iO"lSDfQ, proclc.1mG. thl>~ In. ()rd~! rhs fun" shill! roms whell th'l t.f~iQ crown to .dmw (lui Hw,.t .zaaL which 1(1 .!leo"r.- Selld P!HI'6;- of pr!eBr,B/han~~e il1lku0w;t' j sary to gre"t nchi6vu,wrb, th0~e lIHlat When thE> fieroe ~l1d ... Ise .,dlw Sl1~:~ ,aU, nlll o;;.ly be a. h.igh eB~hrwA.lon of the clvjBot Al1d :r11th !!l?-d lIosrty ~; fr:e for Ill< , 20)lgilt to b., g~jued, J:mt .a/,o.1\ firm. beiipf :In TOll, ~rot!, to!l,:~~ ",,;e WO:~d i~ fraJ, the D70b"blliW v! lt~ ul'Xm.,';;a .,ODOllil' And tne G,-a=d Loa"o hOlds 1:>.,,).1 ~ubll£Q' nl.t>llt. Whenthls siatEl.of l!'lind Pf<317Wls,. the 6. ' ()bst~cl0a in tha V;1.tY Qf E<;I.OCeOB ()])ly Berve ~,. , inBpir(l wilh IIddH.l(l1'1£11 ZB:l.l tb.8 efforts by :Tl1e 9jm,e S?GlU come when W6 shah bs whlon aucces~ 13 fill~ny obtaiiled. . ,A song of JO'![ U(J.ll'! B6!\}Q E~a,

Omnge!sm has ~OmE;()!l.~Qf lllany weH. lAnd 1l.omfuh Wl.'>'hh lJe fe~reL( no m.()re~ fought and glor:ioua crimna!"'12s where IlUtIl'l lAs o~ great. Order spre!1.ds from al!ore .to .• ' ." , , '. snore-(lllcournging incld'Jllts ilnd dete.i.lB more thl»ll I' T" b~', • _ comper>.se!a f(l~ om faw def8B,i~., DmJ?1g; (\" _o~e;s, toll, jtm~h6. v;:or~d Is free, lata c()n<e~J'~g'the Otdol?·"zlltb!~ed il BDr. An", aU e"IIL ke-ep .ile OrtA1ll6 e JubHs0 1!!1eiug £JU6Dgth wt:1ch) wbii0 ft ~.~~t~H ~ihe i ~H .;:;:-~t'~r,tp:rfed $n _ the. co:a~trY ,are lc-oklng lJe~rt ot. eV6l1'},' Pro!'lsmnm loyr,l:at, strllwb :",,'Eh satiEf"Qt!oll. sud con:tLlence"to the policy terror t.c.~{) tnG bO;;;()r:1s of the p0p0:r:.v··,B2;)~(3n0." ~hllB fib! pursued by the, Order. Ing ",dminleizsMonS tb2(, 1l')Ci7 ,'0:' .• " ·c.>' ~·l.Cl Ie The grea1, masses cif loyalty-loving men );lIre.. . t":lUY' ~l1dQIse cur cause, They· recognize ill

But nobly a8 we l:Jave f01'lght, [Ili" mig!:lt\J pxa)l.geJ:/IDJ.the,!nstNunent requITe<! to Ilileooa IlB nA€> diDpla)' ()f mu: mrfmgtl:i. ill, we !'UIVe lile <:llimclO1fl!.t()lS -of lin pmloo 'lind to still fuU))l. short. of "'P'J,,~pl.lahl,lf1ii. the< grelilf ~roalll:ve tl1~ plllW'l Imd unity of the E:nplre. ref()m:t m the gov".=. ea. t.of i;.h~ o.llUl:\i;ry it III t Hl)llCa tile generous diEpoo!tlon of the people 011\! miooioll w complete, We (}'iUlMt yet, fOwe.rds om OEder,rmd their confident expec-

tationa.oUhe continued pellcCl. order, pros· UIS Bontan!gt populatl()n: of the ()ountl-y jlGrity and haf'Plu683 of tho country, throngb dwIndle t{) !In Inslgnlfioo,1.l.t fr<lctlon. Tna the :wise o(>unsa!:B and just merulUrGS Of honsel dl.ssnlntron of tl18 Or"'1tlgo I118Wution in 1836 !Ina Independent men, sustained In power by \Vila lll{)m.\nal olll]" and merely OOllSlIJ'.od In Orangeism. The f"at of EO mQlly Orangemen tha wit~drmw"l of Borne hundreds of Mieto­belDg Bent to Parl1flID."nt, I interptot as an ~lD- Cfl\tle 1n6mbers. The ol\i,)m'R of the O,ellge , qn!vocal endorsement r"f ths ord~r by the 0. g",,\z~t!Oll ~hrtlw up t,tleit oommifsions, eOlllltry llit large. ,In this ~Iew t.lle bsHige!c,,,t buo th ... hu.:ablar rank ~nd fib ?email1sd em. und t.ardble tllre"tenlngs of suoh fir0-ootu1'e r<B bodied !~~ bolor",. 'rna Inst!not of aelf presef. Mr. McGes s;w r6{\lIced to tu"ir praotical v~tlon JB th" In6epilol'il>bla tie ~bat bh)UB tho value l'ha fierc(J Rnd SQUgUiIl!<l'Y ultri1>B, in lltlmbler momberaof ih., @mnga Institution f.ot, am playing !I very de~purd(' g-am0 to togeilior, and t.he g~nny ~"d clergy feel it an ·create a d!?18!nn flmong us. But mil t.heir Impe!lltl <8 duty to guide aud direct a d'3ien­hordble 8ce.WHlrowa (·f blood r>nd thunder elva orgl1ulzmlicll w1u!ch experlenoe bas taught will pasa hy Oml:!gemen !loS the idle wino. them oonllotba sa'iiJIYEomndoned. which tlwy reg&rd llot. In e WD1-a, It 1~ Ona' thing is certalll, the past is ",'ctm,. neithel' !lo public dllty Ilor a party necessity fo~ Orangel= 111!~ & history; Us courBe baa been Omngelsm to listen to the croaking and raw, a luminous one; "'XIii whatever becomes of hF,s;.l, "ud bloody-boTIes etor!e8 of );arty agite.- the Ilame, or the (lrgBnlz.tloll, tn" BrItish tors or fquabUr,g spollsmon. We have the Government cannot be 9ncca;;afully w:!mlnill. l,mnr, s.nd H 1s om policy to rednce rul sucb tel'6d without the aid of ita princlple"_ which men to theIr proper Btameln the community, b.~n beBn eni0l1ced :and 1ll1lstrl'bted by elo­A large and mOTe p?ts,:t p!lbilc opinion Bt<,n~B qU911.0e, zeal, sBlf-c&c!iftce und blood, wWeh at our bf>ck th~n !ill. tue combined otTeJJgUl wIll slllblllm them forever. Orllngalsm wMoll demoralIzed PCHtlC"118 fl,1l~ p!lrty spoUs- stands ag .m. organIzed body to wlltch the m~il CSIll muster at their call. How thall, C01ll'80 of ev"nia ani\ the cUI'rent of publlo with tho path of dnty, eidety G;ild success BO oplnloll, and to ~!lke advantage of the signs ·olearl, marked out b0\Ore 1:l2, c&ll we enteltcln of the tlmefJ fo~ tll!l ~af0~y of the Empire >lind the shadow of !l douM sbout the future? ohlle tJ:tw rellgio!J.. '][,Ile Order Ie 8m il1stru. Wh,.t.;,ver D:!l!l.y be the COl1BEqne!l.Cee to Tori0s mentallty by and through whloh the oplnlone or Rwlceol.B, Orlllllgeism will go on In the course ~na voloeB of Prot0et~l1t Loyal13ts, mlOY b" that it 1\115 adopted, and will be amply eus- commun!c~te::! to the public. The Otil.C·9 of tillnea by tU0 vote and V'llee of the COWl t,y at collecting' alld gIving cnrr@oy to good large. And mOB~ since""lv do I 1!89UrO tho thougMs 10 !:ID. hllmble OM, thongh useful.. pDlltld,mB of the day th"t fine promi~'JB ~nd The Ortllige Sooiety h;;,J ever ooonpied thl9 gUttering gelHlIalities in el€cL1on addrcsEea positIon, And though th" order ha~ existed wlil !lot aailify th", O;:"ngamsn of this lalld. for centurIes, there Is !>lot m.mJ.fest I"> Bingle 'rhe Order Is PlOW awake to iM Sllpijr]"tlvB elgll of sellHlty and decay. !llPjesty, and will llot alierefore be qUieted will:! Tna future dOP611.GS to alJ tlconcehrlOhle rosewater t.,lk and lavender promlees. We extent on tho Order's dist.!not seps:r~tlol'J, frOIll :tuow thBt a glori()uO future is before our Order both ~he great pamlc"l parties of the EmpIre. snd we are determll1.(l(\ to be true W on!8eive3 If It becomes a. lllMhlne In the hands of

Oar hca.tte beat l1!gh &t Hw -.;. ..,l,t~ i~ will be lost In Oonsenr.tism or In mild bnt pIercing 11'lQlellCEl of gl()rlons light Reformism. L&t It keep ",Joot from both lind now glimmering visibl", almag all the borders [I; will at-ill live and operate on both. I run of our dear country. 'The ~htck clouds lire fully cOllvinced that It WOUld. be most unad­edged white. snd s8em, !lfter a bug night, to vis&ble to discontinue or t!;mper with Orange­bi) Bhlnlng on the mountgjn 8lde, as If to col. Ism, 16Ct themselvea for rolling up ~nd openIng And notwithstanding Bpp6ure.uaell, I do not the valleys to the d",y. Beil.uHfal is the com- appreho:ud that .. ny serioua desiailB are enter­Ing of the Orange Mellenlum. lalned by the Government, ill that dlreotlon.

Orangeism doesllot go f(lrth against Rl)m~ll· Besides the signal ant!qnlty of the Order. 18m aB did the O!llsadars. cll'!.illn visible 1I.1"000r which would cle!lrly give to Its a,bomlon lin Emd' bearing'" DWvrd of ateel. the rl.aka of en untried experiment, the ohar. The Order stepB gently Ilk'.l ihe da.wl!l of dey, !lowr of weight and authority with whloh it

l.ta only weapons are the sba.fts of light; it is Is Inveawd hil>ve!l tel!ldency to eecure oonald­aITayed in a garment of union and love, and eratlon for m .. tterB effecting the illtereeats of h:l.S for a helmet the hope of truth, 'rlllls ProtsBtlmt loyalty. clothed and marohing, the OreDge iu.stl.tUtlOll It is Impoeeible for an Ordor, 80 aged alid ie deBtfned to a glorIous f"ture. 80 respectable, to speak wIthout attontion be-

A vo~e of the HOllsa of Oommons I:a 1836 Ing excited and rIveted. In all. th'lt has illns· f",i18d W extInguIsh the Orange InssitutloD. j trated our cheqnared bul not Ingloriou9 past, althongh the majority sf HB more pruLlll:.1cnt the eye of Protestantism has been upon lIB. le!lldel'B ooncurr"~. in. enOleavormg to achieve And in all that, I trust. will .. dOni that end. In pialn simple tru~h, the O'tlnge our prosperous find brilliant intme, the InstitutIon must from the force un,d neoes- people of Britain w!Il sympa.tllise with

.)llty of o!rQnmflt~noes, C()lltintw to <':xla', nntil un. Then all blli! our glorious Orde


and lIu friends I In .. u.nited phahnx, ne~f and mighty facta, so e.dorned in the 11gM lu~r,n!r;g tliede~'Eg(Jf Poot;l5Ir.nt!s,;·', we Ce.ll- e,,,,, lova of Btble rellglon Is upon DB. A \lot be cn~qu",t0d, We cab. "c~·,cell' bo retard"d o""lltlful noon ie just before Or!llnll:sman~-g in om vidvrlou' cnUr"". IguOI'ime8 !I!l»Y time ot tha singing of Protestant birds fi,nd of ii8e up "w,lm,t n" y"j,:" ",olld front. Repllb- UIO retumlng of Rvmiah b!lt~, Hcanism may lum upun Hs Ileel end walk A p")rlOtl when the whole realm shall put e.way,·t!h ur.d1somhlect ojjggnst ; the akept!- Oll hut robe2 of beauty, Already the glmj clBm Qf t,h039 who shonld long ere this huve w!ltel'S refloct the imlllgery of Hef1.ven'''.Q!.lroody " disof)V'dWct ih" Alg'U8 of the tltni18" mmy tre,,! the" mudlower tome to her Hod" lind man omaelv8" and Ollt prll1c!pl9s wl~h heantetfl !OOKij TIp wUh conficlm:we in the face of his '''"lei indllf'"'0';Oi), R~l1.\l~lJ.i6m UHClY hrAd ~g .. lnBt [",the!'? YeB, brothers, Omngalsf.ll expanding a<l all if.A thuuders of hat,ed; atm, p!'!lloplled in beauty mud In wi8dom, and MUng In the with truth Glnd led on by prhwlp!e, we know Ilght "nd love of truth, will live and \':leas 'n,,,;; our advance will 00 Irr8sls,able emfi om mlt,U ita glowIng intellect Bnd quickened Ii>f­omlqrl02,to "[l"ec1Y and BOle. Even now the ""cUOI1S Bh~n form a truthful mIrwr, whose monn:.,,'.' toP" of the O"j.c .. nt arB btigh, In the oollshed 8mf~ce shaH reflect the light l;bllt h" .. m" , f u)'.'mlm(. The 110W ,j,,"" whIch Is 110 fi"sh~~ from the brow of God hImself. L1g" '(1,t~!. {:J:iW f4nd ~)orloufi iC':.u1Ji:7 GO deh in