Download - Fuse Worship Welcome SSSuummmer! · 7300 North Kings Highway, Myrtle Beach, South Carolina 29572-3029 Dr. Jerry Robertson,

Page 1: Fuse Worship Welcome SSSuummmer! · 7300 North Kings Highway, Myrtle Beach, South Carolina 29572-3029 Dr. Jerry Robertson,

7300 North Kings Highway, Myrtle Beach, South Carolina 29572-3029 Dr. Jerry Robertson, Interim Pastor


Sunday, June 23 Contemporary Worship 9:00 a.m.

Discipleship Classes 10:05 a.m.

Traditional Worship 11:10 a.m.

Fuse Worship (NEW Building) 11:10 a.m.

Volume 40 June 19, 2013-July 2, 2013 Number 13

Welcome Welcome Welcome Welcome Summer!Summer!Summer!Summer!

Rejoice with usRejoice with usRejoice with usRejoice with us

this Sunday, June 23, 2013this Sunday, June 23, 2013this Sunday, June 23, 2013this Sunday, June 23, 2013

as we celebrate in the baptism as we celebrate in the baptism as we celebrate in the baptism as we celebrate in the baptism of Jeffrey Bailey Morrowof Jeffrey Bailey Morrowof Jeffrey Bailey Morrowof Jeffrey Bailey Morrow

during the 9:00 a.m. Contemporary Worship!during the 9:00 a.m. Contemporary Worship!during the 9:00 a.m. Contemporary Worship!during the 9:00 a.m. Contemporary Worship!

Also, this Sunday, Also, this Sunday, Also, this Sunday, Also, this Sunday, we will observe the Lord’s Supper we will observe the Lord’s Supper we will observe the Lord’s Supper we will observe the Lord’s Supper during all Worship Services.during all Worship Services.during all Worship Services.during all Worship Services.

Page 2: Fuse Worship Welcome SSSuummmer! · 7300 North Kings Highway, Myrtle Beach, South Carolina 29572-3029 Dr. Jerry Robertson,

Let me ask you a question. “What would you do differently if you had

complete confidence that God was with you in your decisions?“

Think about that.

In his book, Organic Church, Neil Cole points out that in the 1990’s, Phil

Jackson began building the Chicago Bulls around his best player, Michael

Jordan. Everyone else was evaluated by how they supported Jordan. I

hope you won’t find the analogy offensive, but He goes on to suggest that

our churches should allow Jesus to be the best player on the team and

then set expectations accordingly.

More specifically, here is what Cole says, “Our churches should allow Jesus

to be the best player on the team … Someone may say, ‘Well, of course

we recognize Jesus is on board; it is assumed. We even pray about our

decisions.’ But the real test is if you conduct ministry business expecting

Jesus to carry the load – to carry the team. Or do you practice church as

though Jesus doesn’t need to do anything, and everything is done for Him

instead of by Him? This would be like the Bulls having Jordan on the team

and never passing him the ball! Like leaving Jordan on the end of the

bench to happily cheer on the other team members and tell them how

proud he is of them while they sweat it out on the court. Sadly, that is not

far from the reality. We need to take on the challenges of God’s Kingdom

with confidence that Jesus Himself is on the team… Is Jesus merely the

owner or the coach, or is He also the most valuable player as well? It is

time to pass the ball to Jesus and see what He can do.”

I’ll close with a verse that is often used in an evangelism context, but

remember that it was to a church that Jesus said, “Behold, I stand at

the door and knock; if anyone hears my voice and opens the door,

I will come in to him and will dine with him, and he with Me”

(Rev. 3:20). He still knocks.

In Christ, Everett

The Pastor Search commi)ee has received over 350 resumes from around the country. We have been busy meeting weekly to study the resumes and have prayerfully listened to many sermons on line. We are now busy gathering more information on a few candidates that we think are wonder-ful possibilities for our church. Please continue to pray for our commi)ee as we seek Godʹs wisdom in this huge task before us. — Peggy Sansbury, Chairperson, Pastor Search Commi�ee



An Update from the Pastor Search Committee ...An Update from the Pastor Search Committee ...

Page 3: Fuse Worship Welcome SSSuummmer! · 7300 North Kings Highway, Myrtle Beach, South Carolina 29572-3029 Dr. Jerry Robertson,

This Month, We are Collecting Items for Helping Hand! Please consider donating non-perishable items such as: Rice; Pork ‘n’ Beans; Tuna; Canned Beef Stew, Chili & Spaghe1i; Sm.-Size. Instant Potatoes; Powdered Milk; Cereal; Coffee; Tea Bags or Kool-Aid; Peanut Bu1er; Juices; Jelly (Sm. Jars); Mac ‘n’ Cheese; Dry Pasta & Sauce; Spam; Other Canned Meats and Diapers. Bring your items to the shopping cart in the N. Hallway. Thank you for partici-pating in this ministry to people in need in Myrtle Beach.

The 26th Annual Helping Hand of MB Golf Tournament will be held on Saturday, July 13 at River Oaks Golf Plantation. It will be a 4-person Captain’s Choice event with an 8:30 am Shotgun Start. Call 843.448.8451 for more info.

Faith Wesleyan Church, in Little River (10615 Hwy 90) is a Moore, Oklahoma Tornado Disaster Relief Distribution Center. Until June 27, 2013, they are collecting items such as: Bo1led Water, Blankets, Baby Formula, Diapers, Baby Food, Wipes, Flashlights, Ba1eries, Dog Food, Cat Food, Li1er, 6ʺ-8ʹ Plas-tic Folding Tables, Large Plastic Ice Chests, Work Gloves, Shovels, Leaf Rakes, Hard Rakes, Hard Tire Wheel Barrows, Shrink Wrap, Duct Tape, Tarps, Safety Glasses and Small Folding Chairs. Contact: Sandy, 957.6702 — Melissa, 281.9500 — Connie, 249.9074. Drop Off Times: M-F, 5-7 pm; Sat., 8-11 am.

Discussion on the Proposed Draft of the Constitution & By-Laws: Pick up a copy in the Foyer or Church Office to read before you come. Then bring your questions to the meeting this Sun., June 23, at 5 p.m. in the Fellowship Hall.

Tentatively-scheduled Special Called Business Meeting: Sunday, June 30, at 5 p.m. in the Fellowship Hall to discuss an adjusted church budget.

Volunteers from OVBC are needed to help serve lunch to the “least of these” in our community, during the week of June 24-28. If you would like to participate in this worthy ministry, please call Gwen Edge, 843.449.5890. Thank you in advance for your response to this call… you’ll be richly blessed!

We are going to Texas for 8 days & 7 nights! Eight days & seven nights for $865! Pick up a flyer in the Foyer or Church Office soon and sign up on J.O.Y. Bulletin Board. This trip is filling up, so don’t delay! Call Bill Bowman, 390.4258, asap, for more information. D/L for the final payment is August 1st.

Get Connected ...Get Connected ...


Two Important Upcoming Meetings ...Two Important Upcoming Meetings ...

OVBC’s Week at Community Kitchen ...OVBC’s Week at Community Kitchen ...

J.O.Y. Fellowship Fall Trip Dates: 9/18J.O.Y. Fellowship Fall Trip Dates: 9/18--25!25!

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► FUSE! Every Sunday morning at 11:10 am in the new building at 7202 Kings Highway!! FUSE is an exciting worship experience with relevant teachings.

► Sunday Morning FUSE Groups meet in the New Building at 10:05 am, right before FUSE.

► A New Series during FUSE: “Breathing Room”: We live our lives so busy and fast-paced that when summer arrives, we bolt. Go on hiatus. Disappear. And we gear up for our next relentless season of marathon-running. But our continued lack of margin increases our stress and shortens our tempers. It makes the years fly by, spent on things that, in the end, we don't even value or love. Instead, we sacrifice the things we do. It can even affect our relationship with God because there's a connection between our willingness to create margin and our faith in Him to fill those gaps. What if we used this summer of rest to prepare ourselves for the upcoming season of chaos?

► Meet at the Beach is back! Every Tuesday at 10:30 am, students are to meet at the new building. We'll walk straight down 73rd Avenue to our tent. Bring a bagged lunch, your Bibles, bathing suits and plenty of sunscreen!

► Fantasy Lake Trip! We’re going the weekend before school starts. Meet at the church at 9am. Sign up with Catherine Meeks ASAP!

► X Fuge at North Greenville University: June 24-29! Sign up NOW! Call Tommy, 222.1080, for all the details.

► Fall Retreat at the Lake House! September 27-29, so the water will be warmer and the weather will be perfect! Sign up with Jessica Hogan.

J. D. (John) & Marjorie Ballentine 101 Brightwater Dr., Unit 1117 Myrtle Beach, SC 29579 843-903-3292

J. D. and Marjorie are requesting membership at Ocean View upon transfer of their le)er from Surfside Baptist Church in Surfside Beach, SC.

Smi1y & Susan Crow and family in the loss of his father, Smith Crow Jr., who passed away on May 29th at White Oak Manor in Rock Hill, SC, at the age of 91.

Judy Post and family in the June 2nd death of her mother, Pauline Taylor, who passed away in Nu)er Fork, WV, near Clarksburg. She was 92 years old and only recently had been ill.

The recently approved Safety and Security Commi1ee is now meeting to develop a comprehensive plan for OVBC. Commi)ee members are: Sam Byers, Chairman, Virginia Looper, Bill Stubbs and Bill White.

Welcome New Members!Welcome New Members!

Christian Sympathy is Expressed to:Christian Sympathy is Expressed to:

Please Note ...Please Note ...

Page 5: Fuse Worship Welcome SSSuummmer! · 7300 North Kings Highway, Myrtle Beach, South Carolina 29572-3029 Dr. Jerry Robertson,

Sunday, June 23rd Louisa Harris Monday, 24th Fred Knight, Rick Poston, Ashley Camhi, Mary Kris Brown Tuesday, 25th Marsha NaOke, Marc Mayhart, Justin Lee Wednesday, 26th Joe Bratcher, Trula Simon, Tim Carlisle, Robert Mann Thursday, 27th Margaret Crump Friday, 28th Ann Tippins, Barbara Keeter Sunday 30th Sandra Greenhill, Bill Cooke, Mark Patsel, Haley Horstemeyer Monday, July 1st Landon Brice Tuesday, 2nd Billie Lane, Freida Allen, Mary Brown, Melissa Turner Wednesday, 3rd Emma Ann Benton, Donna Trask, Steven Quickery, Erica Guyton Thursday, 4th Marian Canady, Jessie Bousquet Friday, 5th Sarah Clary, Benjamin Moore Saturday, 6th Donna Hennessy

Sunday, 7th Lorene Gillespie,

Sherri Whitmire, Jessica Delco,

Adam Todd

Sunday, June 23rd Lord’s Supper will be observed during all Worship Services. Contemporary Worship (Sanct.) 9:00a Baptism PX (Preschool Experience) 9:00a Library Open 9:50a & 10:50a Discipleship Classes 10:05a FX Groups 10:05a Promiseland (Preschool) 10:05 & 11:10a Traditional Worship (Sanct.) 11:10a FUSE (New Building) 11:10a Const./Bylaws Discussion (FH) 5:00p Monday, 24th Student Min. to a)end X-Fuge 6/24-29! Wednesday, 26th Family Night Suppers to resume in late August. Prayer Focus & Bible Study “The Book of Acts” (B104) 6:30p DivorceCare will resume 8/28/13. Sanctuary Choir (Choir Room) 7:30p Sunday, 30th Benevolence Sunday— an offering will be received at the door. Contemporary Worship Service 9:00a PX (Preschool Experience) 9:00a Library Open 9:50a & 10:50a Discipleship Classes 10:05a FX Groups 10:05a Promiseland (Preschool) 10:05 & 11:10a Traditional Worship (Sanct.) 11:10a FUSE (New Building) 11:10a Tentatively-scheduled Special Called Business Meeting (FH) 5:00p Wednesday, July 3rd Family Night Suppers to resume in late August. Prayer Focus & Bible Study will resume on 7/10. Sanctuary Choir (Choir Room) will meet at an earlier time today @ 6:30p Thursday, 4th Happy Fourth of July! OFFICE IS CLOSED.

OVBC Calendar

Happy Birthday!

for the Weeks of 6/9 & 6/16

Budget Offering $ 44,532.05

Requirement $ 44,482.96


Am’t. Received $ 497,202.61

Am’t. Required $ 533,795.52


Summer Outreach for Lifeguards

This summer, we are collecting the

following items for this ministry:

Individually packaged snacks

such as Crackers, Cookies, Chips,

Granola Bars, etc.

Juice Pouches

Bo1led Water

Sunscreen Chapstick/Lip Balm w/ Sunscreen

Items may be dropped off at the

Church Office, or placed in the desig-

nated container near the Welcome

Center throughout the summer. If

you have questions, call Diane Hu1o,

843.248.9358 at the WBAssoc. Office.


The 2013 Flower Committee invites

you to be a part of this ministry! Your

participation is much appreciated!! Sign

up on the Flower Calendar on the wall

near the Welcome Center in order to

donate altar flowers in honor of, or in

memory of, your friends

and loved ones, or call the

Church Office, 449.3384.

SomeUpcoming Open

Dates: 6/23; 6/30; 7/21; 7/28;

9/1; 9/15 & 9/29.

REMINDER: Next Sun., June 30, 2013, is Benevolence Sunday! Ushers will accept a separate offering at the doors, following each Worship Service. Your generosity is appreciated as we join in this ministry to members in their time of need.

God’s Tithes & Our Offerings:

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Dr. Jerry Robertson Interim Pastor Evere) Douglas Missional Minister Tommy Moore Minister to Students Beth Douglas Minister of Preschool/Children Erma Stackhouse Administrator of Finance & Church Resources Max Mishler Visual Director Terry Martin Audio Director Margene Todd Interpreter to the Deaf Josh Swilling 9:00 am & FUSE Worship Leader Kim Alexander 11:10 am Worship Leader Nancy Grainger 9:00 & 11:10 am Pianist Sheryln Simmons Dir. of Teaching Learning Ctr. Darrine Brown Office Administrator Suzanne Gaff Administrative Assistant Church Office 843.449.3384 Information Line 843.449.4321 Fax 843.449.2795 E-mail [email protected] Web Site Visit Ocean View Baptist Church on Facebook! Teaching Learning Center 843.449.6220

TRVRWQXQTY MQYQXSOU Sunday Service Telecast Schedule:

HTC in Conway: Mondays @ 9:30 p.m., Channel 4 & Tuesdays, 11:30 a.m., Channel 47

Tidings will be published two times in June on Wednesdays. Articles for the next issue must be in writing and submi1ed by Wed., June 26, at 5 p.m. for publication on Wed., July 3. Email: [email protected].











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Childcare is provided during all services for babies through 5 year olds. Bible learning at any hour is interspersed with age-appropriate play, music, and more.


FX or Family Experience for children in Kindergarten through 5th grade and their parents, is now meeting on the FIRST and THIRD Sundays of each month at 10:05 am.

Donʹt forget FX groups on all the other Sundays at 10:05 am (when parents and children go to separate classes) Thereʹs always something fun EVERY Sunday as we study Godʹs True Word together!

June Life App & Memory Verse:

Life App: 3 Basics: Wisdom • Faith • Friendship

Memory Verse: “And Jesus grew in wisdom and stature, and in favor with God and men.” — Luke 2:52, NIV

Promiseland/FX Welcome Team

6/23— Mike Crowder 6/30— Chris Hammock

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The Center for Women and Children has some updated needs: If you happen to have gently- used furniture and household items we could use them! Sofas, chairs, ma1ress- es, kitchen supplies etc. but also items as simple as toilet paper, paper towels, cleaning supplies, feminine products, laundry soap, dish soap, Q-tips, diapers, wipes, bo1les and sippy cups. The list could go on… Please prayerfully consider any donation, knowing it would be a blessing! If you have any questions, or need your donated items to be picked up, please call Dana Lidard, 843.457.8738, or for more info about the Center. And, we hope that you will remember to follow us on Facebook: myrtlebeachcenterforwomenandchildren

ATTENTION! Dr. Frank S. Page, will be delivering the sermon at OVBC on July 14, 2013! He has served as presi- dent and chief executive officer of the Southern Baptist Convention Executive Commi)ee since October 1, 2010. Dr. Page was also president of the Southern Baptist Convention from 2006-2008.

Dr. Page was born in NC and educated at Gardner Webb University and SW Baptist Theological Seminary in Ft. Worth, TX. He is an author and has traveled extensively and spoken on every continent.

Dr. Page is married to the former Dayle Gibson on Huntersville, NC, and they have three beautiful daughters and are also blessed to have three grandsons! We are privileged to have him as our guest speaker!

Stop by the “Thank You” Bulletin

Board in the N. Hallway and

see new Thank You notes

from Anne Zerfass and

Juddie Bacot.