Download - Functional Properties of Seed Flours of Detarium ... the proximate composition, functional properties and storage properties (Nwosu et al., 2011). However, there is no reported work


361 Owuamanam et al., Functional Properties of…

Futo Journal Series (FUTOJNLS)

e-ISSN : 2476-8456 p-ISSN : 2467-8325

Volume-2, Issue-2, pp- 361 - 378

Research Paper December 2016

Functional Properties of Seed Flours of Detarium

Microcarpum and Mucuna Sloanei as Affected by Sodium

Chloride and Palm Oil: a Response Surface Methodology


*Owuamanam, C. I.1, Obeleagu, S. O.1, Ogueke, C.C.1, Iwouno, J. O.1, Nwakaudu, A.A.1 and Nwachukwu, I.2

1Department of Food Science and Technology, Federal University of Technology, PMB 1526 Owerri, Nigeria.

2Department of Microbiology, University of Technology, Owerri, Nigeria *Correspondence email: [email protected]


Functional properties of seed flours of Detarium microcarpum and Mucuna sloanei as affected by sodium chloride and palm oil quantities were studied using a three factor, five levels Central Composite Rotatable Design of Response Surface Methodology. The quantities of sodium chloride and palm oil used in the study were based on the previous trial experiment. Functional properties were determined using standard methods. Data obtained were statistically analysed using Design Expert. The study showed that sodium chloride and palm oil significantly influenced the viscosity of D microcarpum and M sloanei flours. The model equation indicated that the response factor (viscosity) is positively influenced by the linear term 0.26x3 (x3 = D microcarpium flour), and the quadratic term of increasing the quantity of palm oil also increased the viscosity. On the other hand the interactive action of sodium chloride (x1) and palm oil (x2) negatively affected the viscosity by (- 0.84x1x2) and also the interactive of sodium chloride and D microcarpium flour decreased the viscosity by (- 0.31x1x3). The regression analysis revealed the R2 for viscosity of D microcarpum and M sloanei flours were higher than 0.75 and their lack of fits were not significant, meaning that the model adequately predicted the effects of sodium chloride and palm oil on their viscosities. The model was not significant in swelling power and oil absorption capacity but their lack of fits were not significant hence the model is suitable for the predictions. The developed regression models will enable commercial food processors/caterers to understand the effects of sodium chloride and palm oil on the viscosity of D microcarpum and M slonei flours and to know how to manipulate the quantities of sodium chloride and palm oil for effective functionality of flours. Keywords: Soup thickeners, sodium chloride, palm oil, viscosity, swelling power, response

surface methodology.

362 Owuamanam et al., Functional Properties of…

1.0 Introduction

Detarium microcarpum belongs to the family Fabaceae (sub-family

Caesapiniodeaee). The D mcricarpum is used as a soup thickener and is known by

various ethic names in Nigeria: ofo in (Igbo), taura (Hausa), gatapo (kanuri),

gkungorochi (Nupe) and aikperlarimi (Etsako) etc. The tree can attain a height of 9m

with a twisted bole and wide spreading crooked branches. Leaves are joined to a

common stalk, 5-13cm long with 5-12 leaflets. The flowers are available in

November to January and lay off annually (Borget, 1992).

Mucuna slonei is among the numerous legumes found in the tropical and sub-

tropical regions of the world. The seed of M sloanei like the Detarium microcarpum is

used as soup thickener and owes its origin from Asian region and was introduced

into the Western hemisphere via Mauritius (Nkpa, 2004). It is also called “horse eye

bean”. M sloanei is known by local names in different tribes and ethnic groups. It is

called ukpo by Ibos; karasuu by Hausas and Yerepe by Yorubas (Adewale and

Mozie, 2010). They belong to the legume family fabaceae and there are other

species of Mucuna found in tropical regions of the world including Mucuna urensi, M.

pruriens and M. veracrua etc (Nkpa, 2004).

Nutritionally, D microcarpum and M sloanei are important economic sources of

protein, carbohydrate as well as certain vitamins and minerals. The seed proteins

are rich in lysine but deficient in sulfur containing amino acids particularly cysteine

and methionine (Okaka et al., 2006). Owing to their high protein content, they are

used to supplement cocoyam (high carbohydrate) and melon (high oil) in soup

making. According to Giwa et al. (2010), soup thickeners also help in tackling

protein- energy deficiency (the most common form of malnutrition) in regions where

the people depend mainly on starch based diets.

There are various reported works on M slonei but few on D microcarpum, especially

on the proximate composition, functional properties and storage properties (Nwosu

et al., 2011). However, there is no reported work on the interactions of the soup

thickeners (M slonei and D microcarpium) with sodium chloride and palm oil on the

functional properties as experienced during soup preparation. According to Berchie

et al. (2010) and Franzen and Kinsella (1976) physico-chemical properties interact

363 Owuamanam et al., Functional Properties of…

with other food components directly or indirectly, which affect processing

applications, food quality and product acceptability.

The approach of response surface methodology (RSM) has been reviewed by Box

and Wilson (1951) and successfully applied to optimize conditions in food research

(Giovanni, 1983). RSM is a statistical tool in which quantitative data from various

experimental designs are simultaneously applied to solve multivariate equations. It

explores the relationships between several explanatory variables and one or

more response variables (Carley et al., 2004). The tools of RSM are widely used

for predictive research. The objective of the study was to determine the functional

properties of seed flours of D microcarpum and M sloanei as affected by sodium

chloride and palm oil addition using Response Surface Methodology.

2.0 Materials and methods

This study was carried out from the months of March to September, 2016 in the

Laboratory of the Department Food Science and Technology, Federal University of

Technology Owerri, Imo State, Nigeria. The D microcapum and M sloanei seeds

used in study were purchased from Ochanja market in Onitsha, Anambra State and

were properly identified at the Department of Crop Science and Technology Federal

University of Technology Owerri, Imo State.

Preparation of legume seed flours

The method described by Nwosu et al. (2011) was followed in the processing of the

seed into flour. The D microcapum seeds were sorted and boiled for 300C. The

boiled seeds were manually dehulled, oven-dried for 15min at 600C, milled (Corona

corn mill; REF 121) and sieved to obtain flour as shown in Figure 1. The same

process was carried out for the M sloanei seed though with boiling for 1 h as shown

in Figure 1

364 Owuamanam et al., Functional Properties of…

Sorting Sorting Boiling Boiling (1h at 1000C) (30 min at1000C) Dehulling Dehulling

Oven drying Oven drying (15 min at 600C) (15 min at 600C) Milling Milling Sieving Sieving

Figure 1: Flow chart for processing of Mucuna slonei flour and Detarium microcarpium flour. Source: Nwosu et al. (2011). 2.2 Determination of functional properties of legume seed flours sample

2.2.1 Viscosity

The method described in Onwuka (2005) was followed for the determination of the

viscosity of the sample. Ten grams (10 g) of flour sample was weighed into 250 ml

beaker. One hundred millilitres (100 ml) of distilled water was added and

mechanically stirred for 2h at room temperature. Brookfield DV-E Digital Viscometer

(Version: 1.00; CP: 100FF%SθZ) was used to measure the viscosity.

2.2.2 Swelling power

The procedure described in Ikegwu et al. (2010) was used to determine the swelling

capacity of the sample. One gram the flour sample was mixed with 10ml of distilled

water in a centrifuge tube and heated at 80oC for 30 min under continuous agitation.

After heating, the suspension was centrifuged at 1500rpm for 15 min. The

D micricapum M slonei


Flour Flour

365 Owuamanam et al., Functional Properties of…

supernatant was decanted and the weight of the paste taken. The swelling power

was calculated as follows: Swelling power

2.2.3 Oil absorption capacity

The procedure described by Okaka and Potter (1979) was followed for the

determination of the oil absorption capacity. Ten millilitres (10ml) of vegetable oil

(power oil brand) was added to 1g of the sample in a graduated centrifuge tube. The

suspension was stirred using magnetic stirrer for 3 min. The suspension obtained

was thereafter centrifuged at 3500 rpm for 30 min, and the supernatant was

measured into a 10 ml graduated cylinder. The oil absorbed by the flour was

calculated as the difference between the initial volume of the sample and the volume

of the supernatant. The oil absorption capacity was calculated as follows:

Oil absorption capacity

Note: density of the vegetable oil is 0.926g/ml. 2.3 Experimental design and statistical analysis

A three-factor, five levels Central Composite Rotatable Composite Design [CCRD] (Box and

Hunter, 1957; Nwabueze, 2010) was adopted to study the interaction of sodium chloride

quantity (g) (X1), palm oil quantity (g) (X2) and seed flours (X3). The independent variables

and their various levels are shown in Table 1. The levels of each variable were established

according to literature information and preliminary trials. The outlines of the experimental

layout with the coded and natural values are presented in Table 2. Analysis of variance

(ANOVA) was conducted to determine significant differences among the treatment

combinations. Data obtained were analyzed using Design Expert (Version, State-

Ease, Inc. Minneapolis, 2015). A quadratic polynomial regression model was assumed for

predicting individual responses (Box and Wilson, 1951).The model proposed for each

response of Y was:

Where Y is the predicted response, β0 is intercept, β1, β2 and β3 are linear variables,

β11, β22 and β33 are quadratic variables, β12, β13 and β23 are interaction variables, X1

is sodium chloride quantity, X2 is palm oil quantity and X3 is D microcapum (ofo) or

M sloanei (ukpo) quantity .

366 Owuamanam et al., Functional Properties of…

2.3.1 Model description

The regression equation coefficients obtained from statistical analysis were used to

fit independent and dependent variables to a second-order model equation and

examined for the goodness of fit.

The analysis of variance evaluates the lack of fit and the significance of the linear,

quadratic and interactions effects of the independent variables on the dependent

variables. Coefficient of determinant (R2) measures the degree of fit (satisfactory or

not satisfactory). Adjusted R2 interprets the proportion of total variance that is

explained by the model (Singh et al., 2007). The lack of fit test is a measure of the

failure of a model to represent data in the experimental domain at which points were

not included in the regression (Haber and Runyon, 1977).

Table 1: Independent Variables and Levels used for Central Composite

Rotatable Design

Coded variable level(x) Variable Symbol(xij) -1.68α -1 0 1 1.68α

Sodium chloride)qty(g)

X1 0.64 2 4 6 7.36

Palm oil qty(g) X2 2.64 4 6 8 9.36 Seed flour(g) X3 3.2 10 20 30 36.8

Transformation of coded variable (xi) levels to uncoded variables (xj) levels will be obtained from. X1=2x+4;X2=2x+6; X3= 10x+20.gty- quantity.

367 Owuamanam et al., Functional Properties of…

Table 2: Experimental design in their coded form and natural units.

Sample 15-20 are five centre points. X1- sodium chloride (g); X2- palm oil quantity (g) and X3- seed flour (g).

3.0 Results and discussion

3.1 Effects of sodium chloride and palm oil addition on functional properties of D microcarpum flour The mean values of the functional properties of D microcarpum flour as affected by

sodium chloride and palm oil are presented in Table 3. The viscosity ranged from

0.0cp (sample 1) to 8.7cp (sample 7). Viscosity is a measure of a fluid’s resistance to

flow. It describes the internal friction of a moving fluid. According to Thomas (2011) a

fluid with large viscosity resists motion because its molecular make-up gives it a lot

of internal friction. High viscosity is desirable in soups as it enables incorporation of

more water to the mix and this translates to cash gain by commercial eateries. Thus

addition of sodium chloride and palm oil however reduces the viscosity of the soup

as revealed from the study. To achieve high viscosity, sodium chloride and palm oil

might be introduced when the thickener has already formed a viscous system.

The swelling power values ranged from 1.96 (sample 7) to 12.13 (sample 2). The

swelling power is a measure of the ability of flour to imbibe water and enlarge in size.

Sample Independent variable in coded form

Experimental variable in their natural unit

X1 X2 X3 X1 X2 X3

1 -1 -1 -1 2 4 10 2 1 -1 -1 6 4 10 3 -1 1 -1 2 8 10 4 1 1 -1 6 8 10 5 -1 -1 1 2 4 30 6 1 -1 1 6 4 30 7 -1 1 1 2 8 30 8 1 1 1 6 8 30 9 -1.68 0 0 0.64 6 20 10 1.68 0 0 6 6 20 11 0 -1.68 0 4 2.64 20 12 0 1.68 0 4 9.36 20 13 0 0 -1.68 4 6 3.2 14 0 0 1.68 4 6 36.8 15 0 0 0 4 6 20 16 0 0 0 4 6 20 17 0 0 0 4 6 20 18 0 0 0 4 6 20 19 0 0 0 4 6 20 20 0 0 0 4 6 20

368 Owuamanam et al., Functional Properties of…

Lin et al., (1974) reported that swelling power is related to increase in water

absorption capacity, which leads to an improved solubility. Thickeners are expected

to dissolve completely in salad and soup systems without forming globules. From the

high values of swelling power obtained as sodium chloride and palm oil added, it

shows that a mixture of the two brings about better particle solubility as water is


Oil absorption capacity ranged from 0.79% (sample 13) to 3.12% (sample 12). Oil

absorption capacity is attributed mainly to the physical entrapment of oil. It is an

indication of the rate at which the protein binds to fat in food formulation (Lin et al.,

1974). Hollingworth (2010) reported that relatively high oil absorption capacity of

flour could be useful in food formulation where oil holding capacity is needed such as

in jelly-like-foods like candies and also in fabricated foods like ice cream. The

hydrophobic proteins are responsible for binding lipids in food system (Lin et al.,


Table 3: Mean values of functional properties of D microcarpum flour as affected by sodium chloride and Palm oil.

Sample Independent variable Dependent variable Functional Properties

X1 X2 X3 V (cp)


OAC (%)

1 2 4 10 0.0 9.70 2.40 2 6 4 10 7.2 12.13 3.00 3 2 8 10 4.1 7.31 2.07 4 6 8 10 3.0 5.44 2.14 5 2 4 30 1.0 3.82 2.36 6 6 4 30 8.0 4.24 2.62 7 2 8 30 8.7 1.96 2.07 8 6 8 30 1.0 2.16 2.28 9 0.64 6 20 3.9 2.10 2.04 10 6 6 20 4.8 2.95 2.23 11 4 2.64 20 5.5 2.46 2.49 12 4 9.36 20 6.8 3.08 3.12 13 4 6 3.2 2.1 3.05 0.79 14 4 6 36.8 7.5 10.81 2.79 15 4 6 20 2.3 3.70 2.31 16 4 6 20 2.3 3.70 2.31 17 4 6 20 2.3 3.70 2.31 18 4 6 20 2.3 3.70 2.31 19 4 6 20 2.3 3.70 2.31 20 4 6 20 2.3 3.70 2.31

369 Owuamanam et al., Functional Properties of…

Means values within a column with the same superscript are not significantly different (P > 0.05). X1- salt quantity (g); X2- palm oil quantity (g) and X3- D microcarpum flour (g). KEY:

V- Viscosity; OAC - Oil Absorption Capacity; SP- Swelling Power.

3.2 The Regression Equation Coefficients of the Functional Properties of D

microcarpum Flour as affected by Sodium chloride and Palm oil.

The coefficients are interpreted from analysis of variance (ANOVA) as shown in

Tables 4 in the appendix and is significant only when F cal < F tab. Again only

significant terms at p< 0.05 are used for model prediction. For the viscosity, linear

value x1 and x3 are significant, while the quadratic value x22 and also the cross

(interactive) product values of x1x2 and x1x3 are significant in interpreting the model


Table 4: ANOVA for the Effect of Salt Quantity and Palm Oil Quantity on Viscosity of Detarium Microcarpum

Source Sum of Squares

df Mean Square

F Value p-value Prob > F


Model 9.18 9 1.02 8.82 0.0011 Significant X1 0.51 1 0.51 4.39 0.0626

X2 0.20 1 0.20 1.69 0.2222

X3 0.90 1 0.90 7.78 0.0191

X1 X2 5.70 1 5.70 49.30 < 0.0001

X1 X3 0.79 1 0.79 6.82 0.0260

X2 X3 0.11 1 0.11 0.98 0.3454 X1

2 0.14 1 0.14 1.20 0.2983 X2

2 0.81 1 0.81 7.02 0.0243 X3

2 0.15 1 0.15 1.30 0.2806 Residual 1.16 10 0.12 Lack of Fit 1.16 5 0.23 Pure Error 0.000 5 0.000 Cor Total 10.33 19

Table 5 shows the regression equation coefficients for the functional properties of D

microcarpum as affected by quantities of sodium chloride and Palm oil.

The regression model obtained for the interaction of common salt and palm oil on

viscosity of D microcarpum was:


370 Owuamanam et al., Functional Properties of…

When the non significant terms are removed, the model equation obtained is:

The model equation explains that the response factor (viscosity) is positively

influenced by the linear term 0.26x3 (x3 = D microcarpium). The quadratic term of

increasing the quantity of oil also increased the viscosity. On the other hand the

interactive action of sodium chloride (x1) and palm oil (x2) negatively affected the

viscosity by (- 0.84x1x2) and also the interactive of sodium chloride and D

microcarpium flour decreased the viscosity by (- 0.31x1x3).

The analysis of variance also showed the lack of fit and the significance of the linear,

quadratic and interaction effects of the independent variables (see Table 5), which is

non significant. The lack of fit test is a measure of the failure of a model to represent

data in the experimental domain at which points were included in the regression

(Varnalis et al., 2004). The coefficient of determinant, R2 (78.73%), which means that

the model explained about 78.73% of the observed variation and about 21.27% of

the variation was attributed to factors not included in the model.

For the swelling power and oil absorption capacity, their ANOVA showed that F cal>

F tab and cannot be used for model prediction. However, from Table 5, their lack of

fits were not significant. Myers et al. (2009) reported that if a model has a significant

lack of fit, it is not a good indicator of the response and should not be used for the


371 Owuamanam et al., Functional Properties of…

Table 5: Regression equation coefficients for the effects of sodium chlorde and Palm oil on functional properties of D microcarpum flour


Viscosity (cp)

Parameter Swelling power

Oil absorption cap (%)

Linear β0 1.53 0.27 0.44 β1 0.19 -0.020 -0.019 β2 0.12 0.035 0.013 β3 0.26* 0.042 -0.11* Quadratic β11 0.098 0.031 -0.014 β22 0.24* 0.016 -0.052 β33 0.10 -0.039 0.11* Interaction β12 -0.84* 0.0058 0.00814 β13 -0.31* -0.012 0.00157 β23 -0.12 0.043 -0.011 R2 0.8881 0.3669 0.5628 Adj R2 0.7873 -0.2029 0.1693 Lack of fit NS NS NS Model(Prob>F) 0.0011* 0.7400 0.2918

Y= β0+β1X1 + β2X2 + β3X3 + β11X12+ β22X2

2+ β33X32+ β12X1X2+ β13X1X3+ β23X2X3. X1= value for

sodium chloride quantity;X2- palm oil quantity; X3- D microcarpum flour. *Significant at the 5% level (p < 0.05). Y- Predicted response. Values of “Prob > F” less than 0.05 indicate model terms are significant.

3.3 Effects of sodium chloride and palm oil on functional properties of M

sloanei flour

The results of the effects of sodium chloride and palm oil on the functional properties

of M slonei are presented in Table 5. Viscosity ranged from 2.0cp (sample 7) to

60.0cp (sample 2) and the swelling power ranged from 1.84 (sample 9) to 14.75

(sample 2) while oil absorption capacity ranged from 0.50% (sample 13) to 2.30%

(sample 6). Oil absorption capacity is attributed mainly to the physical entrapment of

oil. It is an indication of the rate at which the protein binds to fat in food formulation

(Lin et al., 1974)

372 Owuamanam et al., Functional Properties of…

Table 6. Mean values of effects of sodium chloride and Palm oil quantities on functional properties of M sloanei flour

sample Independent variable Dependent variable Functional Properties

X1 X2 X3 V SP OAC (%)

1 2 4 10 4.80 11.80 1.77 2 6 4 10 60.0 14.75 2.21 3 2 8 10 48.0 2.77 2.07 4 6 8 10 31.2 2.05 1.38 5 2 4 30 49.2 3.07 2.07 6 6 4 30 54.6 3.41 2.30 7 2 8 30 2.0 2.76 1.60 8 6 8 30 2.30 3.04 1.76 9 0.64 6 20 13.60 1.84 1.07 10 6 6 20 16.30 2.21 1.80 11 4 2.64 20 13.60 4.63 1.80 12 4 9.36 20 17.0 5.80 2.25 13 4 6 3.2 11.80 2.80 0.50 14 4 6 36.8 42.0 9.93 1.76 15 4 6 20 2.10 3.87 2.03 16 4 6 20 2.1 3.87 2.03 17 4 6 20 2.10 3.87 2.03 18 4 6 20 2.10 3.87 2.03 19 4 6 20 2.10 3.87 2.03 20 4 6 20 2.10 3.87 2.03

Y= β0+β1X1 + β2X2 + β3X3 + β11X12+ β22X2

2+ β33X32+ β12X1X2+ β13X1X3+ β23X2X3. X1= value for

sodium chloride quantity; X2- palm oil quantity; X3- M sloanei flour. *Significant at the 5% level (p < 0.05). Y- Predicted response. Values of “Prob > F” less than 0.05 indicate model terms are

significant. KEY: V- Viscosity; OAC - Oil Absorption Capacity; SP- Swelling Power.

3.4 Regression equation coefficients for the functional properties of M sloanei

Flour as affected by sodium chloride and palm oil addition

The significant value obtained from ANOVA in Table 7 in the appendix showed that

quadratic terms of x12, x2

2 and x32 as well as the interaction of x2x3 are significant at

p< 0.05 for the viscosity.

373 Owuamanam et al., Functional Properties of…

Table 7 ANOVA for the Effect of Salt Quantity and Palm Oil Quantity on Viscosity (Ukpo)

Source Sum of Squares

Df Mean Square

F Value p-value Prob > F


Model 0.99 9 0.11 7.04 0.0026 Significant X1 0.011 1 0.011 0.70 0.4215 X2 0.044 1 0.044 2.84 0.1228 X3 0.019 1 0.019 1.20 0.2994 X1 X2 0.013 1 0.013 0.83 0.3844

X1 X3 0.007062 1 0.007062

0.45 0.5165

X2 X3 0.23 1 0.23 14.61 0.0034 X1

2 0.25 1 0.25 15.89 0.0026 X2

2 0.25 1 0.25 16.11 0.0025 X3

2 0.30 1 0.30 19.19 0.0014 Residual 0.16 10 0.016 Lack of Fit 0.16 5 0.031 Pure Error 0.000 5 0.000 Cor Total 1.15 19

Table 8 shows the coefficients of regression for the effects of sodium chloride and

palm oil on functional properties of M sloanei. The general regression equation

formed from the coefficients is expressed as follows:

When the non significant terms are removed the resultant model expressed as:

Equation 3.1 showed that increasing the quadratic quantities resulted in decrease in

viscosity while increasing the interaction quantities of palm oil and M sloanei resulted

in increased viscosity.

The R2 was satisfactory only in the viscosity (74.10%) and did not present significant

lack of fit. However, the model was not adequate in predicting the swelling capacity

and oil absorption capacity because of non significant ANOVA analysis tests.

374 Owuamanam et al., Functional Properties of…

Table 8: Regression equation coefficients for the effects of salt and palm oil quantities on functional properties of M sloanei flour



Parameter Swelling power

Oil absorption cap (%)

Linear β0 0.69 0.59 0.30 β1 -0.028 0.014 0.028 β2 0.057 -0.10 -0.015 β3 0.037 -0.00927 0.073 Quadratic β11 -0.13* -0.092 -0.028 β22 -0.13* 0.053 0.029 β33 -0.14* 0.055 -0.088* Interaction β12 0.040 -0.029 -0.035 β13 0.030 0.015 0.021 β23 0.17* 0.17* -0.011 R2 0.8637 0.5727 0.5679 Adj R2 0.7410 0.1881 0.1791 Lack of fit NS NS NS Model(Prob>F) 0.0026* 0.2714 0.2811

Y= β0+β1X1 + β2X2 + β3X3 + β11X12 + β22X2

2 + β33X3

2 + β12X1X2+ β13X1X3+ β23X2X3. X1- salt quantity;

X2- palm oil quantity; X3- M sloanei flour. *Significant at the 5% level (p < 0.05). Y- Predicted

response. Values of “Prob > F” less than 0.05 indicates model terms are significant.

3.5 Response surface plots

Response surface plot of quadratic effect of sodium chloride and palm oil

quantities on viscosity of D microcarpium is shown in Fig 2. The viscosity of the

D microcarpium is found to reduced as the sodium chloride quantity increased

to the right. On the contrary, the viscosity increased to the left with increased

quantity of palm oil. Similarly as seen in Fig 3, the interaction of sodium

chloride and M sloanei decreased the viscosity while interaction of palm and

M sloanei led to gradual increase in the viscosity.

375 Owuamanam et al., Functional Properties of…

Figure 2 Response surface plot of quadratic effect of sodium chloride and palm oil quantities on viscosity of D microcarpium (ofo)

Figure 3: Response surface plot of quadratic effect of sodium chloride and palm oil quantities on viscosity of M sloanei flour

4.0 Conclusion

Functional properties of seed flours of Detarium microcarpum and Mucuna sloanei

as affected by salt and palm oil quantities were studied using the three factors five

Design-Expert® SoftwareFactor Coding: ActualOriginal ScaleViscosity (cp)

Design points below predicted value

X1 = A: Salt QtyX2 = B: Palm Oil Qty

Actual FactorC: Ofo Flour = 0





















A: Salt Qty (g)B: Palm Oil Qty (g)

Design-Expert® SoftwareFactor Coding: ActualOriginal ScaleViscosity (cp)

Design points below predicted value

X1 = A: Salt QtyX2 = B: Palm Oil Qty

Actual FactorC: Ukpo Flour = 0





















A: Salt Qty (g)B: Palm Oil Qty (g)

376 Owuamanam et al., Functional Properties of…

level Central Composite Rotatable Design of Response Surface Methodology. The

model equation explains that the response factor (viscosity) is positively influenced

by the linear term D microcarpium flour. The quadratic term of increasing the quantity

of oil also increased the viscosity. On the other hand the interactive action of sodium

chloride and palm oil negatively affected the viscosity and also the interaction of

sodium chloride and D microcarpium flour decreased the value of viscosity.

The regression analysis revealed that R2 of viscosity of Detarium microcarpum and

Mucuna sloanei flours were higher than 0.75 and their lack of fits were not

significant, meaning that the model was adequate in predicting the effects of sodium

chloride and palm oil on their viscosities. Although the model was not significant in

swelling power and oil absorption capacity but their lack of fits were not significant

which means that the model stands a suitable tool for predicting outcome of the

interaction of these components. The interaction of sodium chloride and palm oil

decreased the viscosities of Detarium microcarpum and Mucuna sloanei flour.

Timing is of essence during food preparation when sodium chloride is added along

with thickeners as their interaction will decrease the viscosity of the product. The

developed regression models will enable commercial food Processors/Caterers to

manipulate these ingredients during food preparation and formulation. It will also

assist in estimating the desirable quantities of sodium chloride and palm oil to be

added that will affect the functionality of thickeners so as to optimize/ maximize the

product quality.


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