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Carroll Fulford

PoO. Box 130

Eppindust, Cape


T 0




March 19, 1989




Bryce Morgan

1237 N. Brummitt

Chesterton, IN.

46304 U.S.A.

"Brother Fulford, I feel that the Spirit of the Lord is leading me to be baptized.Can you please explain the meaning of baptism to me?" This was the question of aSouth African teenager to me, dear Brothers and Sisters in the Lord Jesus:

Harry Dunjua had been born into a Christian family, but had not yet personally givenhis heart and life to the Lord. At his home I had been bringing weekly Bible lessonsto his family ever since he was old enough to walk. Recently he had seen a number ofhis friends come to know the Lord, and this prompted his question to me.

"Harry," I replied, "the act of baptism is an act by which we are united with the LordJesus Christ in his death, burial and resurrection. It is a new spiritual birth fromabove, by which we are born into the family of God, but it is not an isolated act. Itis preceded by a commitment to God, a turning away from evil, and an acknowledgement ofJesus as Lord of our life. Just as life stirs within a baby's body before the act ofbirth, so the spirit of God moves within our hearts before the act of baptism. It wasthis moving of the spirit which caused the apostle Peter to command the baptism ofCornelius and his household." Harry expressed the desire to be baptized, and we are nowmaking the necessary arrangements.

it Groote Schuur Hospital Harry's mother is receiving treatment after having suffereda stroke. We went to see her last week for a time of scripture and prayer with her andwith other patients in her ward, and plan to visit her again tonight. Lord willing.

On Thursday evenings in MANENBERG we are studying the book of ROMANS in the home ofBrother Fanie. He is having some problems in KNYSNA, but is making good progress inthe HORNLEE district, where the brethren have asked me to come for a week-end ofLeadership Training. I hope to go there later in the month.

Sunday services are now being held at a school building in PORTLANDS, MITCHELL'S PLAINwith two different groups. It was my privilege last month to bring to them in theAfrikaans language an outline study of the scriptures, using the blackboard to illustratemy Alpha-Omega Bible Chart. I also had the opportunity to present this study to oneof our neighbours in our new home in TUSCANY GLEN. My eldest daughter, Alandra Jo, whodoes commercials on South African Radio and TV, is planning to spend Easter with us.Sandra Jo is now doing wages for a restaurant chain in California, while Timothy is ata Steakhouse in Wisconsin.

My next FURLOUGH has been set tentatively for April/May, 1990, and I will be arrangingspeaking engagements with all who are supporting me financially. If you are not doingso, but are interested to have me speak at your congregation, please write to me directgiving one or two suggested dates, and I will do my best to arrange a visit with you.

On Mondays at our OUTREACH GROUP meeting near the Town Center I am bringing weeklystudies on I CORINTHIANS. The theme of the book is "The Cleansing Blood," and Iillustrated this theme by showing that the blood of Jesus Christ does not cleanse usphysically like water in a basin, but rather it cleanses us spiritually in veiry muchthe same way as the circulation of the blood within the body cleanses each member ofthe body. It is my earnest prayer that the blood of Jesus Christ might cleanse eachone of us, making us pure and whole in thought, word and deed until the great day ofhis coming again.

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Carroll Fulford Bryce MorganP.O. Box 130 1237 N. Brummitt

Eppindust, Cape Chesterton, IN.7475 SOUTH AFRICA . June 7, 1989 46304 U.S.A.

In a recent Mid-week study in our Tuscany Glen home it was our privilege to study ourLord's prayer to the Father on the very eve of His crucifiction (John 17), dearlybeloved brethren. Oh, may you always know his peace in your hearts!

Incredibly there is no mention of the cross, but only the joyful expectation of gloryas he returns to the One from whom he came, and a prayer for his disciples, that theymay share that glory, experience his joy, receive his peace, and know his love. What agreat example this is for us. Our Master, for the joy that was set before him, enduredthe cross, despising the shame. When we face trials, let's look beyond them to the joywhich he so graciously sets before us, and despise the fleeting shame we must bear.

A phone call from our brother Goliath in Gelvandale has led Martha and me to plan a tripto Port Elizabeth in September, should the Lord will it so. I'm hoping to take them ona study through Galatians — what a fascinating book. Here we really see the heart ofPaul; amazed at their sudden turning away from God's way, cursing those who change thegospel message and enslave believers to their own rules and regulations. He insiststhat Christ has made us free — free to live in the realm of the spirit of God's love.

I am trusting in the Lord to be able to come to you April 16 to May 30 next year.Please pray for me in this, and pray that I shall have a safe trip. It has been 10j^ears since my last furlough, and I am hoping to renew fellowship with many of you^.report on the work here, especially the wonderful way God has opened doors for me, aswell as visiting Timothy (Wisconsin), my grand-children (Iowa) & Sandra Jo (California).The amount needed for the trip will be in the region of ^ 2000.00.

God has blessed me in opening up a new area in Ravensmead for weekly Bible studies.Brother Fanie and I started out last week with my Alpha:Omega Bible Chart, and this

_^week I gave an introduction to Genesi^l^ased on P.G. Wiseman's thriiilhg i5gplr""Nfew"^Discoveries in Babylonia about Genesis." Here we find a key to Genesis in an exposition of the recurring phrase ..."these are the generations of"... The Hebrew word(toledoth) literally means - original historical writings, and Wiseman suggests thatthe sections were written by Adam, Noah etc. and later brought together by Moses. Thepeople in Ravensmead are so friendly; they even gave me some tomatoes to take home.

In Mitchell's Plain on Mondays we are studying 1 Corinthians. Here Paul addressesproblems regarding marriage. Marriage is of God, who brought the first woman to theman. Marriage is for life, God never intended divorce, yet if the unbelieving wifeinsists on leaving her husband he is to let her go, for God wants his children toenjoy a life of peace,

God has opened a new door for me at Lansdowne, where I have been called to preach ata small church on a farm once a month. Last month I brought a message on the Tabernacle,showing how it lies hidden within the Gospel of John where we find the altar - "Beholdthe Lamb of God"; the laver - "You must be born again"; the lampstand - "I am theLight of the world"; the showbread - "I am the Bread of Life"; the incense - our

Lord's prayer in John 17; and the Holy of Holies - he offers his own blood to God.

This past Lord's Day Martha and I spent a time of prayer with Sister Dunjua who hassuffered a mild stroke and is very ill in bed. Please remember her and her familywhen you pray. At our new Sunday morning worship service on Bloubekkie Street I spokeof Christ as King and Servant, Son of Man and Son of God. Alan testified how God hadconverted him from drug dealer to train preacher. Next week. Lord willing, we willhave a combined meeting of several churches at the Rocklands Civic Center.

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Carroll FulfD'rd Bryce MorganP.O. Box 130 1237 N. Bruimnitt.Eppindust, Cape Chesterton, IN.7475 SOUTH AFRICA October 24, 1989 46304 U.S.A.

It is both a pleasure and a privilege to bring you gr'="='̂ "''riq^ in fhe; wonderful nameof our Lord Jesus Christ from Cape Town, South Africa^/^I am trusting in the Lord''~^'

(^o be able to see some of you personally on furioughnext yeajc^-^nd wish to thank"those of you who have already responded to my personal letters. It has been so longsince I have seen you, and though we have kept in touch by newsletter,, I really needto renew that close personal contact and fellowship of being with you; I hope thatyou understand, and feel the same as I do about this.


Martha and I recently took the Midnight Flight to Port Elizabeth (it's cheaper yousee). The plane took an hour, and we were met at the airport by Desmond Amsterdam,at whose home we stayed while there. The purpose of the trip was a series of sevenmeetings at the GELVANDALE CHURCH OF CHRIST. Our theme was "FREEDOM IN CHRISTi!/'"^idconsisted of a chapter by chapter analysis of the book of Galatians, entirely in theAfrikaans language, together with an introductory lesson on the book. Paul's majorthrust in this book is that Christians do not mechanically follow a set of rules andregulations, but are filled with and led by the Holy Spirit of God Himself, much asan airplane is lifted'above the things of this world by its powerful engines.

Our Monday Bible Studies at an Anglican Church in MITCHELL'S PLAIN are based on THENEW LIFE. I recently brought a lesson on "The New Birth" from JOHN 3 and ROMANS 6."In the early church baptism was always practiced by immersion," I said. "In the actof immersion Paul saw the vivid portrayal of a death to the old way of life, a burialof the sinful self, and a resurrection to a new life in Christ." Later one of theyoung people came to me and said that she wanted to be immersed. Praise God.

Our Wednesday Cottage Meetings in PORTLANDS have just concluded a survey of I JOHN.This week we looked at "THE UNPARDONABLE SIN" and discovered that it is the open,public rejection of our salvation in Christ, and the total repudiation of His HolySpirit, where evil is called good and good, evil, to the point of no return.

At the EPPING MARKET I am leading the Council workers in a study of "SALVATION." Weneed to be saved because of sin, and we are saved by our commitment to Christ.

My children are all well^ I had a great time a while ago visiting Alandra Jo inJohannesburg. We cracked major ducks from studio to studio where she does commercials.

I phoned Sandra Jo in California after the earthquake and was glad to hear that she isalright. Timothy, the youngest, turned 21 last month. Where does the time go?

Our OLD TESTAMENT STUDIES in Ravensmead were interrupted by road fires and stonethrowing, but we are planning to resume them next week. Please keep this work inyour prayers. We really need your prayers and they help us a lot,

Vivienne McClune of TUSCANY GLEN had a baby boy last week. We visited her at home andin the hospital, read scriptures from the PSALMS, and prayed with her.

Last Sunday morning in LENTEGEUR I brought a message on "MIZPAH'.' Laban caught up withJacob on a mountain ridge, Mizpah was a monument to the promise that neither wouldcross that place to attack the other. Jacob then offered a sacrifice to God on thatmountain. And on another mountain at another time another sacrifice was offered, andGod Himself has promised not to pass that cross to attack those who trust in Him,

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