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Page 1: Front cover analysis

The target audience for this magazine is students of this school.

The masthead is big and bold so that it stands out and students notice it and wonder what it is.

You can tell this is aimed at students as its headlines are about life after school and information about college.

The colours are clear and stand out so makes it less formal which is also aimed at teenagers.

Page 2: Front cover analysis

The colour of the Masthead is a really good choice of colour to use against the black background because it stands out a lot. The masthead is also quite good because it is in block capitals and its quite bold, this catches the eye of the target audience.

The image is very good for this “School Sport” magazine because there is a man playing cricket who looks like he has caught the ball and is cheering. This is good because the target audience will see this and think their school is as good as this man who has caught the ball. This also represents success which is good in a school environment.

The headlines around the image create a border around the image to make it stand out more, the headlines are broken up because every other one is white and then in-between them, they are yellow. The headlines in yellow show more importance because they are the same colour as the masthead.

The bad things about this front cover are that the circles look out of place with everything else and distract the target audience from the main image and the masthead.

Also, The white text is hard to read in some places as it clashes with the part of the image behind the cricket player.

Page 3: Front cover analysis

The fonts on the contents page are a bold coloured and underlined to stand out. These are used to get the attention of the reader.

You can tell the magazine is aimed at teenagers who are getting ready to leave school and either go to college or to a job because the titles are all based on adulthood which gives advice to the reader.

The background image has a faded affect which works well as it doesn’t take all the attention of the writing.

The titles have a white outline which distorts the eye which can cause frustration towards the reader.

Page 4: Front cover analysis

The target audience for this magazine is teenage girls because the background is pink and also one of the subjects is about make up tips.

The colour scheme is a bit boring as it is only two colours but the two colours chosen work well together because the white writing stands out on the pink background.

The images could be more affective if they where in the right places because it makes the text change places and takes all the attention away from the text which is not what you want.

By looking at the photos it easy to see that the magazine is an informal magazine because the photos are of girls having a laugh and of an eye which doesn’t really go with the magazines style