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Page 1: Frogs in the city: What do they indicate

Frogs in the City:What do they Indicate?

Gururaja KVCentre for infrastructure, Sustainable Transportation and

Urban Planning (CiSTUP)Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore

[email protected]

Page 2: Frogs in the city: What do they indicate

Flow of talk

What are frogs? What if, they are not in a city? The Crisis! What we do at CiSTUP?

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Did you hear this? If yes, when?

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Few more in the Symphony

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Frogs are Amphibians What are amphibians?

Those vertebrates that live both in water as well as on land

That’s what is taught!

Photo credit:

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Amphibians are dual lifers! Two stages in life – a tadpole stage and an adult

stage From Greek, Amphi – dual, bian – life forms

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What if, they are not in City?

Biological controllers

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What if…

Bio-indicators Indicators of environmental health Earthquake early warning systems

Before that briefly about their uniqueness Biphasic life Ectotherms Skin breathers Anamniotes

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Body temperature maintained externally (depends on Sun)

Basking in Sun

Hiding away from Sun

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Skin breathers

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Eggs of a bird Eggs of a frog

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Habitat specialists

Aquatic, Terrestrial, Arboreal and Fussorials

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They metamorphose from tadpole to adult

Life span: from 10 months to 55 years

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Ecosystem function

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Indicators of environmental health Decline in population Malformations, diseases Call at higher pitch in cities!

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Earthquake early warning systems

They detect changes in ionsphere (Grant and Halliday, 2010)

Perturbations in Ionsphere five days prior to earthquake (detected by VLF and LF)

Possible reason is change in radon content in atmosphere, detected through skin



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Frogs also indicate

Factors Process(es) Climate change Temperature and precipitation patterns are altered so as to

cause disruptions in micro or macro-climatic conditions

Habitat modification

Deforestation and agriculture; drained and filled wetlands, land filling

Habitat fragmentation

Roads, introduced species, and low pH dissect habitats, creating barriers to dispersal.

Introduced species Introduced predators, prey on/ or compete with native amphibians.

UV-B radiation UV-B damages and/ or kills cells, causing egg mortality, lesions, malformations and increased susceptibility to disease and low pH.

Chemical contamination

Toxins cause direct mortality of eggs and adults, mimic endocrine harmones, reduce the prey base, pesticidal effect; fluoranthene.

Acid precipitation and soil

Toxins create barriers to dispersal and cause high egg and larval mortality.

Disease Disease often causes death in amphibians (Chytridiomycosis)

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Direct benefits to human!

Antimicrobial peptides

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More on AMP…

Image courtesy : Panama Amphibian Rescue and Conservation Project

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Cultural issues

Frog Hymn (Rig Veda, Mandala 7)

Dvija – dual life!! Frog in the boiling water Frog marriage and monsoon Mowgli!!!


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How many are there?

Recorded 6639 species of amphibians world wide

3 orders, Gymnophiona-183, Caudata-597, Anura-5859

In India, 309 species; Gymnophiona-33, Caudata-1, Anura-275




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The Crisis

Nearly 1/3 of species are endangered, 200 species disappeared in two decades

Main reason for decline – Habitat fragmentation, alteration and attrition

Pesticide usage induce malformations and weaken immune system

UV-B radiations, climate change Fungal infection - Chytridiomycosis Homogenization of species diversity Data available are poor! Many more to vanish before


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Save the frogs before its too late!

In Urban Environment

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But what do we know from cities?

In India Darjeeling 1962, 7 species Pune 1976,77, 79, 13 species;

in 2009, 14 species, 9 out of the city, 4 beyond 20km

Dharwad 1989, 13 species Bangalore 1999, 16 species

(Karthikeyan and Daniels);

Bangalore Valley School 2008, 12 species (Vishnupriya, 2008)

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Apart from ‘list’, nothing!

So no statistical comparison possible Cannot say to decision makers, what needs to be

done? But changes in Bangalore are obvious…

# Tanks in Bangalore has come down (379 in 1973 and 81 at present, Ramachandra and Malvikaa, 2007)

Temperature on rise (~2-2.5°C), Green spaces are decreasing (46000ha in 1973 – 11000ha in 2009; (Ramachandra and Uttam, 2010)

Land-conversion rampant Trees along the road side gone!

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Just a glimpse through Google

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Same place in 2009

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Similarly few more places

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Same in 2009

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What we do at CiSTUP?

Base line data on Amphibians of Bangalore Document species in each water tank/green

space Drivers of change Citizen science initiative Hands on training

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SV Krishnamurthy for introducing me to Frogs TV Ramachandra for introducing me to Urban

systems TG Sitharam for accommodating me in CiSTUP

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Special thanksThis work was not possible otherwise, if the people mentioned below had not accompanied me in field and made me feel secure, while they took the pain of travelling during night hours, amidst dense forest, heavy rains, tough terrain, creeping creatures and frightening animals.

Special thanks to you all - Sameer Ali, Vishnu D Mukri, Karthick B, Sreekantha, Srikanth Naik,

Lakshminarayana, Nayak CR, Dinesh KP, Amit Yadav, Seshadri KS, Dhanpal G Naidu, Alkananda,

Supriya, Uttam Kumar, Hemant Ogle, Palot MJ, Divakar K Mesta, Rao GR, Sudhira HS, Vijaya

Cavale, Harish Bhat, Sumanth, Thulasiraman, Vishnupriya S, Mittal Gala, Ramanath

Chandrashekar, Dayani Chakravarthy, Vipul Ramanuj, Srinidhi Kashyap, Subramanian KA,

Gowri Shanker, Pradeep Gangadkar AS, Archna Singh, Boominathan M, Subash Chandran MD,

Nisarg R Prakash, Ganesh HS, Aravind NA, Vijay Mohan Raj, Manoj Kumar, Lingaraja,

Manikantan, Avinash KG, Suresh GB, Manjunatha MJ, Manjunatha Reddy, Sushanto Sen, Vijay

Kumar SP, Varun Torsekar, Doris, Preeti and forest guards, watchers and many on lookers.

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It’s still not too late,


Thank you