Download - Free E-book How to Live 100 Years in Perfect Health

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“How to stay youthful, toned andlive 100 years in perfect health with

one simple key principle ”

By Stefan Aschan

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About Stefan Aschan Born and raised in Vienna, Austria, Stefan Aschan is the founder of and personality behind, STRENGTH 123. Stefan’s revolutionary Strength 123 and Mental Detox™ programs are specifically designed to address the human body inside and out. His principles are surprisingly simple; proper executed movements and proper nutrition builds a lean defined body and clears the mind. Regardless of age, only a clear mind can focus on building a strong, agile and flexible body.

Stefan’s roots in fitness and nutrition began in Austria. His passion in fitness started in primary school by being a competitive athlete in sports such as wide & high jumping, 100 m sprints and downhill skiing. His love of nutrition was developed on the organic farms in Lower Austria and continued through his working as a culinary apprentice. While receiving his Culinary Arts Degree, Stefan was further bitten by the “fitness bug” and continued training at the local gyms and fitness facilities in his area. Never one to shy away from physical activity Stefan also began playing American football at the same time that he started his modeling career. His friends and colleagues continuously told Stefan that his energy and outlook on life was too great to be bottled up in Europe and urged him to move to a country with a larger outlook - the United States.

Commitment and discipline are key traits of Stefan’s personality. In 1997, equipped with two suitcases and a goal, Stefan immigrated to the United States. Once in New York, he obtained his Degree in Finance from New York University’s Stern School of Business while continuing to work towards many of his fitness certificates (he currently has nine). Not someone to be satisfied with one degree, Stefan completing his Masters Degree in Holistic Nutrition.

His programs have been featured in Fitness, Shape, More, Cosmopolitan, Woman’s Day, First Woman, in the New York Times, the NY Sun, Forbes and on CW11 - The Morning News Show. Currently he is a contributor to and CW11 - The Morning News Show and writes monthly articles for “Affluent Magazine”.

Stefan is driven by knowing that he can make a difference by helping individuals change their bodies – and their lives –with changes in nutrition, exercise and lifestyle. He’s been quoted as saying: I have techniques that will work for anyone, anywhere, anytime… guaranteed!”

Stefan’s Recommended Websites:

The Austrian Advantage – from Old to Young in 30 days and 15 pounds less Strength 123 Workout DVD Stefan Aschan – Make Your Body Your Business™

FREE NEWSLETTERMake sure you sign up for Stefan’s Weekly Free Updates, Solution and Information Newsletters at

CONTACT STEFANYou can reach Stefan via e-mail at [email protected] or at 212 750 3696I am interested in your feedback and comments!

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The nourishment of your body is a HUGE issue because if you don’t control your eating and nourishment everyone around you will control it. Your friends, your family, colleagues, waiters, advertisers, commercials and anyone who will want you to purchase their product, their food or their nourishment system.

I urge you to examine your self-worth. This is your life, your body, your health, your appearance, and your money. That being said, why are you not guarding your most precious resource for a longevity life, to be pain and disease free, and most important your appearance?

As an every day aging person, nourishment is your only true currency for anti- aging and to live 100 years in perfect health. You can replace your clothes, your house, your car, or your jewelry, but never the time missed taking care of your body, health, and appearance. The clock is ticking away.

You have times when you eat, drink and indulge – breakfast, snacks, lunch, and dinners. What are you nourishing your body with?

I want you to know upfront that I am going to teach you and be taught with you about the nourishment you put in your body. Most of us don’t use our time to nourish our body to the best of our ability. We get caught up in comfort, laziness, and the attitude “I am going to be all right. I just do fine. I look great.” If your body isn’t where you want it to be, and if you are not feeling at ease with the clothes that you wear or what you see looking in the mirror when naked, then you need to face the reality that you are not taking care of yourself. And yes, I am talking to you.

One of the biggest resources we use for personal improvement is to bring awareness to our situation. Be frank. Are you aware of exactly what you eat? Are you aware of your daily food intake? Are you aware who influences your food choices? What success habits do you practice on a daily basis to stay young, not bedridden, sick, in pain, but in shape to fit into clothes that you fit in when you where 25 years old?

Whatever you don’t do regularly by routine, by commitment, on a schedule, working toward a goal, never will be achieved at all. And they’re reasons why some people look fantastic when they are 50, 60, 70, and even in their 80s. Can’t think of any? How about Tina Turner, Sting, Madonna, Jack Lalanne ….

And there are reasons why some people are successful and some people fail to achieve their goals. It is the time spent to honor their goals and commitments.

In my experience, it is much easier to help to change individuals by implanting strong integrity within themselves, to take care of themselves vs. trying to force destructive behaviors on a person.

The success of looking your best, youthful and energetic, is about your behavior. It is not your genetics, your upbringing, your workout routine, the relationship that you are in, the long hours that you work, health issues that you might deal with – it is how you choose to behave. Living in a destructive environment that does not honor your commitment to

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youthful living does not help you to have daily discipline. Honor your commitments in a supportive environment.

The problem isn’t just your lifestyle and the situation you are in. It also is about the way you think about yourself. No, you are not lazy, worthless, incapable of changing, or not able to change. Your thoughts spent on yourself, how you think about things, and worries that something might happen are energy drains that do not get you anywhere.

Please take back your self-respect. Take back your life. Take back your body and the health that you want to have. Take back your control of making decisions – Decisions that help you to be stronger, wiser, and motivated. You are the creator of your body, health, life, and appearance. And no, age has nothing to do with having a youthful appearance.

My goal with the e-book is to educate you with one simple key principle that can make all the difference – no, make that a HUGE difference.

How to get from older to younger with one key principle:

One word is the simple answer: “Enzymes.” Unfortunately, most people have never heard about enzymes. Many are unaware what impact enzymes have in regulating the body and maintaining health. Our vital energy only becomes accessible because of the role enzymes play in our system as energizer, metabolism, digestive aid, detoxifier, vitamin and mineral helper. Enzymes slow aging, create better skin, fewer wrinkles, help weight loss, are chronic condition busters, fight arthritis, and are circulation rejuvenators.

Enzymes are substances that are critical for living. If it is a plant or an animal, it has enzymes. And enzymes are critical for life. Enzymes are responsible for synthesizing, joining together, and duplicating whole chains of amino acids [protein]. They also are responsible for breaking down proteins, carbohydrates, and fats when we digest foods.

Nothing can take place without energy and energy cannot be used or produced without enzymes. It is fact that the existence of each living cell depends on chemical reactions that require a constant supply of energy and enzymes. Without it, they become disorganized, uncontrolled, and cause damage to our cellular level, resulting into illness, death, low energy, and old appearance.

Our cells take the energy from three main components: carbohydrates, protein and fats. They are converted into amino acids, glucose, and fatty acids. Oxygen reacts inside the cells with those components, releasing energy toward its proper use. Inside the cell, this energy released is adenosine triphospahate or ATP. Hence, ATP is used inside the cell as the intracellular metabolic reaction. The amount of energy released through oxidation is referred to as free energy of food oxidation, which can be measured in calories.

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Current researchers have identified more than 3,000 different enzymes in the human body. Every second, there is an enzyme in charge of a particular function in our body; every second chemical reactions are taking place that are orchestrated by enzymes. That’s why an enzyme deficiency can have a devastating effect on our metabolism and energy.

Enzymes are the catalysts that make metabolic functions capable; they enable a chemical reaction to proceed, usually at a faster rate or under different conditions (as at a lower temperature) than otherwise possible. This reaction also is referred to as our metabolism.

Without enzymes, there would not be chemical reactions. Without chemical reactions, we would not have energy. And there wouldn’t be breathing, digesting, growth, blood coagulation, reproduction, and so on.

Our blood renews every 3–4 weeks. Blood cells die and are reproduced. The same happens with our cells. From birth till death, our body reproduces several times. Can we influence this reproduction process?

Yes, we can.

How can you influence your reproduction process from slow to fast and from old to young?

Now that you understand that you need enzymes for your reproduction and energy, the question is where do you get enzymes from? The simple answer is from food.

But what kind of food? Cooked or uncooked foods? Did you know that the heat of cooking can kill enzymes? Thankfully, the higher amount of enzymes can be found in uncooked food, which tastes good, too. Centuries ago, this theory really worked. Yet, today, we have a different story. Preservatives, additives, radiation, long-term storage, pasteurization, canning, freezing, drying, and whatever else is out there can kill or highly reduce the enzymes.

Restaurant food, fast food, your favorite food from your mother or Aunty Emma general is enzyme deficient. Fewer enzymes provided from food restricfts your ability to maintain optimum levels of reproduction.

Tips for increasing your enzyme levels for optimum reproduction of cells:

• Eat seasonal foods. No, not seasonal foods that have been canned, cooked, or transported from one continent to the next, but foods that would grow in your backyard.

• Manage your stress. Stress increases free radicals that damage cells, which need to be repaired; it also uses up more enzymes.

• Diet soda is dead food. It does not provide you with any enzymes and does not help you to flush out your systems from waste products. It causes more ravage than good.

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• Juice up your nutrition. Use fresh fruits and vegetables to increase your enzymes. Smoothies and vegetable juices are a great solution.

• Avoid pasteurized juices. Pasteurization kills the enzymes.

• Eat as fresh as possible. Sprouted lentils or beans are high in enzymes.

• Support your systems. Papaya, pineapple, bananas, and avocados supply enzymes such as papain, bromelain, and lipase to break down protein, carbohydrates, and fats efficiently.

5 concepts that help you to implement this simple key strategy:

• Avoid excuses: Either way, you are going to be right. Yes, I can or yes I can’t. Decide early upfront how you want to communicate with yourself to succeed and not to fail.

• Reality check: This is what happens all the time. You read information and you tell yourself you know it already. That is great. But are you implementing the knowledge? Do you walk away from learned information and then do exactly the opposite?

• You must plan: You have to know what you eat on a daily basis. Plan ahead where and what you eat. Don’t let it become a spur-of-the-moment decision because your colleague orders the cheapest thing on the menu.

• Be proactive: Don’t react to your external environment. Yes, situations that make you upset affect your food chooses. Stay in control and calm on one aspect.

• Eliminate negativity: Anything that pulls you down and depresses you; anybody, or anything. This might be the news or some friends. You have to be in the right frame to continue to achieve your goals.

From my perspective as a personal trainer, coach, and naturpath, based on the feedback I get from my private clients and customers, I see clearly that most individuals who gained weight, have low energy, don’t feel good about themselves, look older then they are, and suffer from injuries and pain, have no real plan to follow. They don’t know what adjustments need to be made, movement to be corrected, or how to reset the aging clock.

Is your body running your or are you running your body?

Is your age controlling you or are you controlling your age?

Is your appearance controlling you or are you controlling your appearance?

Is your life controlling you or are you controlling your life?

You can accomplish greater things by making the most efficient use of your time by following a detailed system that has worked for more than 100,000+ individuals.

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Give yourself the right to change. It is your body that you live with – and your life.

Your energy should be on the top of your to-do list. What can you do to increase your energy? What can you provide your body to increase cellular function for efficient reproduction? What can you do to create a long-lasting pain-free, fit, flexible, strong, and youthful body? The steps that you take today are the steps that will allow you to manifest whatever you want in the future.

The bottom line is that you are in control of your success, and the outcome of your daily actions in the future.

It is not tomorrow, next week, or next month. Your action today – this minute this second, right now – will make the difference. You can decide right now if you are going to be proactive to take your life, health, and appearance in your hands or sit back and just let it slip away.

Your actions, by the minute, are going to influence where you are going to be and how you are going to feel and what you are going to look like. How do you want to look and who do you want to become?

What do you want your life to look like from now on, and in three months, one year, two years, ten years, or thirty years? I believe you need to invest some time and money into long-term strategies concerning your food, your activity, and your lifestyle that are designed to yield benefits years down the road, as well as right now and tomorrow.

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Andrew J. Fishman MD,37, New York University School of Medicine

When I initiated Stefan’s Nutritional Mental Detox program, I was concerned that it would have a temporary benefit. This was my experience with all previous “diet” programs I had tried in the past, including the popular reduced carbohydrate methods. What I soon realized was that the Detox program was not a “diet” at all, but rather functioned as a training program for healthy cooking and eating, one of the core ingredients to healthy living.

Through the program I was convincingly familiarized with the benefits of natural foods and principles of nutrition that I would never have explored or learned on my own. The benefits have remained simply because I feel better when I eat this way. This experience has been unlike any other “diet” program I had tried in the past, which ultimately failed because they were based on applying restrictions to what I really wanted to do which was to enjoy eating!

I went from 30 percent to 22 percent body fat, lost 20 lbs. as I went from 214 to 194 lbs., and changed my hip measurements from 40.5 inches to 35.5 inches and my waist measurement from 40 inches to 36 inches. And this is really just the beginning.

Through my experience with Stefan’s program, I do not feel restricted but rather feel that I have been opened up to a whole new world of food and gained a tremendous knowledge, which will stay with me for the rest of my life. And even better, I enjoy eating!

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Susan Hudson, 51, Former CEO, Fortune 500 Company, NY

Thank you for changing my life. At 51, I was post-menopausal. I thought all I had to look forward to was a downhill slump of more sagging and drooping. In less than two months, your exercises and nutritional recipes have helped me to lose the fat, restore tone and muscle to my body, and have given me more energy than I’ve had in 20 years. I went from 145 lbs. to 125 lbs. My friends tell me I look 35, and I have the energy than I had at 20. And my sexual appetite has been rekindled! You are a miracle worker. By the way, have you got another recipe for chicken that I can try?


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“The Austrian Advantage – from Older to Younger in 30 days and 15 pounds less”

Stefan’s 30-day most effective physical and cellular transformation program ever!

The proven secret is the Austrian Secret. In recent studies, it was shown that performing simple activities for less than 30 minutes a day can maintain a youthful, slender shape. These movements need to be well designed in the right combination to achieve best results and transformation. Cleansing and rejuvenation is the key to jump-start your metabolic system, and support is another ingredient to succeed. Our “Look Learn Do” support system will help you stay motivated and focused, and provide you with a model blueprint for a youthful body, appearance, and lifestyle that gets results.

The valuable benefit of Stefan’s program include tips that give your courage to say NO to old behaviors, courage to help you change and implement, courage to say YES to a new life and body that you deserve.

“The Austrian Advantage” will include the following:

· You get easy-to-use implementation tools:

Quick-Start ProgramStefan’s secrets to success, including easy to follow organizational chart, planning chart and implementation guide.Stretching ProgramFit and Flexible! Stefan’s stretching routine to relax and lengthen muscles.The Ultimate Core Conditioning ProgramStefan’s 12 moves to improve core and function, including ABS 123.Burn the Fat Cardio ProgramBurn Fat Fast! Stefan’s exciting and fast fat burning program you won’t want to end!

· You receive a nutrition-for-life blueprint program:

Detox and Rejuvenate! Stefan’s 14-day easy to follow Mental Detox ™ nutritional program to lose 10 lbs in 15 days.Hudry Wusch Recipes60 recipes in the easy, fast 1-2-3 approach including the [14-day dinning program].

· You receive 2 easy to follow and implement workout programs:

1) Lean and strong –The Starter Program [DVD Part 1 downloadable]Stefan leads you through his basic fundamental toning moves to reshape, trim, and strengthen your body.2) Burn the fat and shape your body – The Experienced Program [DVD Part 1 downloadable]Develop an athletic body: An intense, full-body interval workout that will shape your body and lead to dramatic results.

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· You receive 3 bonus workout programs [booklets to print out to take anywhere]

3) Build and Define with rubber bandsStefan’s sculpt and tone program to reshape your problem areas.4) Tone, Shape, and Balance with a medicine ball Your fast-track program that tones three muscles or more with each move.5) Sculpt and Strengthen with hand weightsSlimming and toning moves to complete your transformation and reshaping.

· In addition you receive 4 bonus support items

Look, Learn, Do” education and motivational e-newsletters Commit and change. Stefan’s motivational, educational and fun newsletters to help you succeed in changing and committing to your new lifestyle.Mental Detox™ shopping listEasy to follow shopping guide for your first 2 weeks.Quick Mental Detox reference ChartEasy to read reference chart for when everything fails.24/7 support and online community for you to succeed

Connect with like-minded fitness oriented people and receive support and information. You can invest in this program by filling out the order form and faxing it to 212 750 3696 [CALL FIRST], phoning 212-750-3696, or e-mailing [[email protected]] your order to Strength123’s office.

The Austria Advantage program is regularly priced at $297 – but this is an Exclusive Offer for you and is on special for $39 –. Plus, if you act quickly, you‘ll receive FREE BONUS gifts worth more than $969.95 with your order (for details, please go to

I can guarantee you that “The Austrian Advantage” program will be one of the greatest programs you have ever invested in, and also will be one of the most successful for you.


Stefan Aschan

P.S.: Go to for more details on your Free Gifts.

P.S.S.: 100% Satisfaction – 90-day Money Back Guarantee!!

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Mail to: Strength123Inc.The Austrian Advantage791 Lexington Ave, Suite

2RNew York, NY 10065

Fax to: 212 750 3696 CALL FIRST

Call in: 212 750 3696E-Mail to: [email protected]

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