Download - Fraud in the Workplace Lunch and Learn

  • 8/9/2019 Fraud in the Workplace Lunch and Learn


    Fraud in The Workplace

  • 8/9/2019 Fraud in the Workplace Lunch and Learn


    ow ones s uWorld

  • 8/9/2019 Fraud in the Workplace Lunch and Learn


    ow ones s uWorld

  • 8/9/2019 Fraud in the Workplace Lunch and Learn


    Fraud is: Any illegal act characterized by deconcealment or iolation o! trust" #erpe

    by indiiduals, parties and or$anizationsecure personal or business adanta$e'The (nstitute o! (nternal Auditors )((A*s

    -eception deliberately practiced

    iew to $ainin$ an unlaw!ul or un!airadanta$e&'Webster*s .eised /nabrid$ed -iction

    Fraud is any intentional act or omissi

    desi$ned to deceive others, resultin$ictim su0erin$ a loss and1or the perpe

  • 8/9/2019 Fraud in the Workplace Lunch and Learn


    A2F3 F.A/- 24A55(F(2A

    5ource: Association o! 2erti7ed Fraud 38aminers

  • 8/9/2019 Fraud in the Workplace Lunch and Learn


    a s or p acFraud

    Source: ACFE 2010 Report to the Nations on Occupat

  • 8/9/2019 Fraud in the Workplace Lunch and Learn


    Types o! Fraud 38plained Fin5tatement Fraud

  • 8/9/2019 Fraud in the Workplace Lunch and Learn


    Types o! Fraud 38plained 9ri2orruption Fraud

  • 8/9/2019 Fraud in the Workplace Lunch and Learn


    Types o! Fraud 38plained A;isappropriation Fraud

  • 8/9/2019 Fraud in the Workplace Lunch and Learn


    Who 2ommits Workplace

    Source: ACFE 2010 Report to the Nations on Occup

  • 8/9/2019 Fraud in the Workplace Lunch and Learn


    How is Workplace Fraud -isco

    Source: ACFE 2010 Report to the Nations on Occupat

  • 8/9/2019 Fraud in the Workplace Lunch and Learn


    #ick the Fraudster

    ;elissa A$eB@

    MB"? ;illion oer C years2hie! Financial ONcer

    #ublically Traded HeadJ#hone;!$

    -arryl " ;c2auley> A$e BMM"K ;illion oer C yrs

    2elebrity ;ana$er #ublicist2omedian )and brother+ -ane

    2ookGacations, 2ars, .estaurant,

  • 8/9/2019 Fraud in the Workplace Lunch and Learn


    Fraud*s 2ost

  • 8/9/2019 Fraud in the Workplace Lunch and Learn


    What is behind Workplace

  • 8/9/2019 Fraud in the Workplace Lunch and Learn


    What is behind Workplace

  • 8/9/2019 Fraud in the Workplace Lunch and Learn


    (s it FraudP

    -eliberate hidin$, nonJdisclosure, or supprmaterial !act or circumstance )which one ismorally bound to reeal+ with intent to dec

    de!raud in a contractual arran$ement"

    A company owns a pipeline se$ment locateddrou$htJstricken area" The area has been u

    conditions !or three )M+ years" Historically, mthe pipeline se$ment has been e8pensie benumerous Qood conditions" The company udrou$ht to its adanta$e and initiates a salese$ment" Althou$h the acRuirin$ company site inspection, the drou$ht conditions resul

    historical Qoodin$ issue not bein$ detectedproblem was not !ound in the inspection thesellin$ the asset decides to keep Ruiet& andhi$her sellin$ price than they would hae reQood condition was known"

  • 8/9/2019 Fraud in the Workplace Lunch and Learn


    (s it FraudP

    Automobile insurance is $enerally a contrindemnity&" The principle o! indemnity is to! restoration a!ter a loss" (t restores the into the ori$inal position he was in be!ore thoccurred"

    Iou are driin$ your car and $et hit by an indrier" Iou take your car to the repair shop

    you a Ruotation to $et the dama$e 78ed" Thcompany approes and pays the claim" Iou e8pect to repair the dama$e, instead you wthe money and not hae the ehicle 78ed" Adries O= and you don*t care about a little dand there"

  • 8/9/2019 Fraud in the Workplace Lunch and Learn


    .ed Fla$s !or Frau

    H 4 F d

  • 8/9/2019 Fraud in the Workplace Lunch and Learn


    How to 4essen FraudGulnerability

    a you uspe

  • 8/9/2019 Fraud in the Workplace Lunch and Learn


    a you uspeFraud