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Fort Collins, CO An Open and Affirming Congregation

NINETEENTH SUNDAY AFTER PENTECOST October 11, 2020, 10:00 a.m.

PRELUDE “Mother God, Be Our Stay” Paul Manz WELCOME AND ANNOUNCEMENTS The Rev. Hal Chorpenning

TIME OF CENTERING SILENCE (ends with the sound of the chime) * INTROIT “Come and Fill” Taizé

* CALL TO WORSHIP The Rev. Hal Chorpenning Leader: This is the day God has made! People: Let us rejoice and be glad in it. Leader: Welcome to this sacred place where all are welcome. People: It is here, in this safe place, we receive one another

just as we are! Leader: Come and experience the invitation to give back to

God. People: To be empowered by sharing abundance and

abundant love with others. Leader: Come, so that our abundance meets the great needs

of the world, and the needs of our sisters and brothers become part of our abundance.

All: Let us worship God together!


* HYMN “Take My Life” HENDON


SCRIPTURE 2 Corinthians 8.1-15 Response: Thanks be to God.

SERMON “Experience the Joy” The Rev. Carla Cain

MUSICAL OFFERING “No. 1 from ‘Autumn’” Antonio Vivaldi

Gifts may be made online at or mailed to Plymouth UCC, 916 West Prospect Rd., Fort Collins, CO 80526.

Thank you for your continued financial support during the pandemic.

* UNISON PRAYER OF DEDICATION The Rev. Jane Anne Ferguson Thank you for the capacity and privilege of giving. Consecrate these gifts for the transformation of lives and communities so that our abundance may be for their need and their need become our abundance.

PRAYERS OF THE PEOPLE The Rev. Hal Chorpenning


Silent Prayer • Pastoral Prayer • The Lord’s Prayer Our Mother/Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come, thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our debts as we forgive our debtors. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil; for thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory forever. Amen.



* BENEDICTION The Rev. Carla Cain

POSTLUDE “Postlude” William Mathias

Permission to podcast/stream music is through One License #A-709014 and Christian Copyright Solutions #11133.

Musicians this morning Mark Heiskanen, organ and piano • Blair Carpenter, cantor

Harmony Tucker, violin

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Come and Fill

Text and Music: Taizé Community © 1991 GIA Publications, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Reprinted under #A-709014.

Take My Life

Text: Francis Havergal, alt.; Music: HENDON © 2013 Westminster John Know Press. All Rights Reserved. Reprinted under #A-709014.

Won’t You Let Me Be Your Servant?

Text: Richard Gillard, alt.; Music: SERVANT SONG © 1995 The Pilgrim Press. All Rights Reserved. Reprinted under #A-709014.

We Walk in Love

Text: Deanna Witkowski and Lemuel Colon; Music: Deanna Witkowski. Used by permission.

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Welcome to Plymouth Congregational Church! We are an Open & Affirming congregation of the United Church of Christ, including all without regard to their race, gender, physical or mental ability, economic status, sexual orientation or gender identity. Our congregation has also voted to become a Peace with Justice church, stressing its importance in our common life. And we voted to become an Immigrant-Welcoming Congregation, which offers a respectful, compassionate welcome and inclusion of immigrants in our midst. Learn more about us at Keep in touch! Please keep Barb Gregory apprised of any address, phone or email changes, [email protected]. In addition, you can send Barb short (4 or fewer lines, please) pieces for the bulletin insert at

The Rev. Hal Chorpenning, sr. minister [email protected] The Rev. Jane Anne Ferguson, associate minister [email protected] The Rev. Carla Cain, associate minister [email protected] Mark Heiskanen, director of music/organist [email protected] Alli Stubbs, interim director of Christian formation for youth [email protected] Tricia Medlock, interim director of Chrstian formation for children [email protected] Anna Broskie, it/communications coordinator [email protected] Yendra Ruiz Tencza, business manager [email protected] Barb Gregory, office manager [email protected] Johnny & Jenn Wieda, sextons [email protected]


Next Sunday is Consecration Sunday! We launched our 3-week annual pledge campaign using the theme Pilgrims on a Journey! You should have received a brochure, letter, and pledge card in the US Mail, and you can also find the information on our website. You can even pledge online right now and sign up to be an Evergreen Partner online — it’s an easy way to pay your pledge via electronic funds transfer. The 2021 pledge campaign is off to a great start. Kenneth L. Samuel tells us, "As we consider what we should tangibly give to support the work of God through our church, we should seek to be more aware of the tangible gifts of love that we have received. The God who provides for us is the God who provides through us." (from Bill Thompson, Stewardship Board)

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THIS WEEK @ PLYMOUTH Today: Adult Ed. Forum: Larimer Cty. & CO Candidates (Zoom-Email Invite) 9 a.m.; Worship service (FB

Livestream) 10 a.m.; Sleepout Vigil Filming (Lawn/FH) 10 a.m.; Virtual Coffee Hour (Zoom) 11 a.m.; Middle School Youth Group (Lawn/FH) 4:30 p.m.

Monday: Wholeness Prayer Group (FH) 10 a.m.; New Gifts of the Dark Wood Class (Zoom-Email Invite) 9 a.m.; Leadership Council (Zoom-Email Invite) 6 p.m.

Tuesday: Pastoral Worship Mtg. (Zoom-Email Invite) 9 a.m.; Celtic Spirituality (Zoom-Email Invite) 9:30 a.m.; Staff Mtg. (Zoom-Email Invite) 10:30 a.m.; Stewardship Board (Zoom-Email Invite) 7:00 p.m.

Wednesday: Living Celtic Christianity (Zoom-Email Invite) 8 a.m.; Admin. Mtg. (Zoom-Email Invite) 10 a.m.; Immigration MT (Zoom-Email Invite) 12 p.m.; Prayer Shawls Ministry (Zoom-Email Invite) 2:30 p.m.; Cong. Life Board (Zoom-Email Invite) 7 p.m.; High School Youth Group (Lawn/FH) 7 p.m.; Midweek Vespers (FB Livestream) 7 p.m.

Thursday: Outreach/Mission Board (Zoom-Email Invite) 4 p.m.; CFB Class: Gifts of the Dark Wood (Zoom-Email Invite) 7 p.m.

Friday: Friday Morning Discussion Group (Zoom-Email Invite) 9 a.m.; Cong. Life Coffee Hour Meeting (Zoom-Email Invite) 9 a.m.

Saturday: Sunday: Consecration Sunday; Adult Ed. Forum: Larimer Cty. & CO Candidates (Zoom-Email Invite) 9 a.m.;

Worship service (links on streaming page Livestream) 10 a.m.; Virtual Coffee Hour (Zoom) 11 a.m.; Middle School Youth Group (Lawn/FH) 4:30 p.m.

____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Because of issues with Comcast internet service, we are streaming exclusively on Vimeo for the time being. You can find the link either for Sunday worship or Midweek Vespers by going to For more information on Zoom software go to If you haven’t received an Email Invite for your event, please contact your Group Leader. Be sure to upgrade your Zoom client to 5.0 here:

Pastoral Care is still happening! Carla, Jane Anne and Hal are all happy to set up online coffee with those who might want or need it or even to meet in the Memorial Garden (weather permitting) with masks at a safe distance. Just call us…you probably received a fridge magnet with our cell phone numbers (in the Placard, too!).

The Immigration Ministry Team is sorting and distributing clothing for students in our North Wing (in groups of <10), so that wing will be fully closed to everyone else through October 27. Thanks for avoiding it!

From the Budget & Finance Committee: Just wanted you to know that your financial support is much appreciated and helpful! You can pay pledges online at or by mailing your check to the church. Thanks for your generosity!

Pledge Income – Thank you!

Actual September Pledge Contributions $58,686

September Budgeted Pledge Contributions $67,454

Year-to-Date Actual Pledge Contributions $631,234

Year-to-Date Budgeted Pledge Contributions $607,089

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Zoom coffee hour begins after the service ends. You won't be able to get into the Zoom link before 11 a.m. Look for the link in your Saturday email from Plymouth.

Need assistance? Do you need financial assistance with groceries, rent or medication? We have some funds available to help. Contact one of your pastors.

Adult Formation Gifts of the Dark Wood: Seven Blessings for Soulful Skeptics (and Other Wanderers) by the Rev. Dr. Eric Elnes, pastor of Countryside Community Church (UCC) in Omaha, Neb. and our Plymouth Visiting Scholar. Join Viki Johnson and Sarah Parmenter on Zoom at 7 p.m. on Thursdays (9/10-10/29) as we work our way through the gifts of the dark wood. Look for Zoom link for each class section in the Saturday emails and on the web. More more info email [email protected]. Candidate Forums: Please join the Forum on Sundays at 9 a.m. when we offer Zoom meetings in preparation for the upcoming election. Oct. 4 for the State House, on Octr. 18 for District Attorney and on Oct. 25 for County Commissioner. On Oct. 11 a representative from the League of Women Voters will discuss the Ballot Initiatives. This is a chance to hear and be heard. More details to come. Look for the Zoom link in the Saturday email and on our website.

Mondays, Sept. 28-Oct. 26, 9-10 a.m.! Limited to 8 participants on Zoom. Email leaders, Marty Marsh ([email protected]) or Anna Olsen ([email protected]), for registration and the Zoom link!

Your Visiting Scholar Ministry Team is excited to present Rev. Dr. Eric Elnes for a day of inspiration and contemplation on Sat., Nov. 14, live via Zoom. This year’s fees are by donation only...please don’t let inability to pay be an obstacle! You can learn more and register now by going to

Children & Youth Formation Tricia Medlock, our new interim director, is preparing take-home lesson packets for children and families to work on and is exploring a video-based program as well. Stay tuned to your email, and if you want to be added, please contact [email protected]

Middle School and High School Youth Groups will be participating in a six-week program on Mindfulness for Stress Management led by graduate students at CSU. Middle School youth will be meeting every Sunday from 4:30-6 p.m. starting Oct. 11 and High School youth will meet every Wednesday from 7-8:30 p.m. starting Oct. 7. For more info., contact Alli, [email protected].

Small Groups & Fellowship Ministries The church is OPEN … but we won’t be gathering in person inside the church until further notice. If you are looking for a new small-group activity to try, call any of our ministers, and we’ll help plug you in! Celtic Christianity, Healing prayer, and some new opportunities will be available.

Plymouth is hosting a PSD & ISAAC project to support immigrant and refugee high school youth new to Ft Collins. Help with a donation of a new Sm-L winter coat, hat, gloves, winter socks or full-size toiletry item: shampoo & conditioner, body wash, lotion, toothpaste & toothbrush, deodorant, lip balm, razor, comb, brush, hair ties or sanitary napkins. Drop at Linda Mahan's, 708 Birky Place, Oct 7-17.

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All women are invited to join the Sophia Circle spirituality group in a socially distanced labyrinth prayer walk, Tuesday, Oct. 27, at 5:30 p.m. on Plymouth’s Labyrinth. We can take up to 10 participants and will stagger our walking sessions to have only 5 on the labyrinth at a time. Masks Required! Email [email protected] for info and reservations for the walk!

The Calling and Caring Ministry team has reorganized. There are three ministry teams: Visiting Ministry; Faith Community Nursing (FCN); and Stephen Ministry (SM). If you are interested in being a part of any of these ministries or want to learn more, please contact [email protected].

Christian Formation Board is looking for someone passionate about supporting Christian Education programs for Adults and Youth. There is a "new normal" and education programs may look very different, so we welcome someone with innovative ideas! Please contact Ross Lane on our Nominating Committee if you would like to discuss this opportunity. [email protected]

The Prayer Shawl Ministry has many prayer shawls and would like to make them available to anyone who might benefit from having one. If you know of anyone who might like to receive a prayer shawl, please contact Karen Guter at: [email protected].

Calendar Requests/Booking Zoom Rooms While the building is closed, we have church-owned Zoom online “rooms” for remote meetings, small groups, etc.? Please visit and select the News & Events link at the top of the page. The request form can be found at the button by the Calendar. Choose “Zoom Room” as your meeting room, and we will get back to you with information you can send your group members.