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Manufacturing Solutions 12.0 Forging Tutorials iAltair Engineering

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Manufacturing Solutions 12.0 Forging Tutorials

........................................................................................................................................... 1Forging

................................................................................................................................... 2Modeling Hot Isothermal Forging Simulation for a T-Joint

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The following Forging tutorials are available:

Modeling Hot Isothermal Forging Simulation for a T-Joint

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Modeling Hot Isothermal Forging Simulation for aT-Joint

In this tutorial, you will learn about setting up a model for DEFORM for the hot isothermalforging simulation of a T-joint. It is assumed that you are familiar with basic HyperMeshfunctionality related to meshing such as geometry cleanup, meshing, and mesh editing.If you need help on these topics, please refer to the corresponding HyperMesh tutorialsunder online help.

Exercise: Modeling hot isothermal forgingsimulation for a T-joint

Step 1: Load the Forging user profile

To load the Forging user profile that directly interfaces with the DEFORM solver, go to theStart  menu, select HyperWorks 12.0, and point to Manufacturing Solutions, and clickForging.


Step 2: Import billet and tooling geometries

1. On the Utility Menu, click the CAD macro. The Files panel displays. Click the switchto change the option for the file type to IGES .

2. Click import… and browse to load the file, Teebillet.iges.

3. Click return.

4. On the Utility Menu, click the FE  macro. This will take you to the Files panel. Clickthe switch to change the option for the file type to STL.

5. Repeat step 2 and retrieve the files Teetop.stl and Teebottom.stl one after the


6. Click return.

7. On the Utility  Menu, click Comps to create three separate components named

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billet, top_die and bottom_die with the card image PART and suitable colors.

8. Click return.

9. Go to the Organize panel and move the STL mesh and billet surface to thecorresponding components.

Step 3: Mesh the billet

1. In the Model Browser, right-click on the component billet and select Make Current.

2. On the Utility  Menu, click on the Tetramesh macro. This will take you to theTetramesh panel.

3. Select the volume tetra radio button.

4. Under enclosed volume collector, select surfs.

5. Check on the use curvature & use proximity. Click on the billet surface from the

graphics area. Enter the element size as 0.09, min element size as 0.09 and click onthe mesh button. Click return to accept the mesh.

Step 4: Create material with flow stress data for the billet

1. From the Utility Menu, click on the Materials macro. This will take you to the

Collectors panel. 

2. Enter the name as steel in the name field.

3. Click on the Card image button and choose MAT.

4. Click on create and return.

5. From the Utility Menu, click on the Flow Stress macro.

6. From the Materials Flow Stress data dialog choose steel  for the materials field.

7. Make the option as 2 for the Type field.

8. Enter the values 3, 4, and 2 for Nstrain, Nsrate and Ntemp, respectively.

9. Click on the button in front of the Curves field. Browse to find the file mat_sample.


10. Click Apply .

Note: mat_sample.dat contains the flow stress data at given strains, strain rates and


Step 5: Assign billet material

1. From the Utility Menu, click on the Comps macro.

2. Select the update radio button.

3. For Comps collector, select billet  and click return.

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4. Click on the Card image button and select PART .

5. Click on the materials button, and select steel .

6. Click on the update/edit  button, and select billet .

7. From the card image click OBJTYP  and select option 2.

8. Click Mesh > Check > Component  > Mass/area calculation.

9. Click on the yellow Comps button and select billet ; click return.

10. Click on Calculate. Copy the value from the Volume text field.

11. Repeat steps 1-6 to get the billet attributes. Enter that value from (10) underTRGVOL.

Note: TRGVOL is the target volume. This value is used to eliminate the volume lossduring remeshing.

12. Click return.

Step 6: Assign a temperature for the billet

Note: For cold forging, this step is not necessary.

1. From the main panel area, click the Temperatures panel.

2. For Comps collector, select billet  and click return.

3. Under value, type 1900 as the temperature of the billet.

4. Click create.

Step 7: Define contact between the billet and dies

1. From the Utility Menu, click the Contacts macro to enter the Interfaces panel.

2. Ensure that the Create radio button is active. Enter the name billet_top in the

name field.

3. Click type and make the selection as CONTACT.

4. Under the creation method make sure that the option is Card image and thecorresponding field shows CONTACT .

5. Click on the interface color and select a suitable color.

6. Click create.

7. Select the card image radio button.8. Click edit . Enter the value of  0.25 for FRCFAC inside the card image.

9. Click return.

10. Select the add radio button. Click on the name twice to bring up the billet_top die.

11. Click on the yellow Comps button for master and select the top die. Click return.Click on the Update button next to master .

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12. Click on the yellow Comps button for Slave and select the billet. Click return. Clickon the Update button next to Slave.

13. Repeat steps 1 - 12 and create a contact for the billet and the bottom die with namebillet_bot.

14. Repeat steps 1 - 12 and create a contact namedbillet_billet

 for the billet’s contact

with itself.

Note: Self contact for the billet is used to detect a possible fold in the componentduring the forging process.

Step 8: Position the billet and dies

1. From the Utility Menu, click the Tool Position macro.

2. Select the bottom_die as the reference part and the billet as the translation part.

3. Select Z- as the direction of approach.

4. Click Apply . This will move the billet down very close to the bottom_die.

5. Repeat steps 1 - 4 to position the top_die with respect to the billet.

Note: Depending on the original location and orientation of the billet with respect tothe dies, you may need additional tools such as Translate and Rotate from thepull-down menu to correctly position the billet with respect to the tooling. Thefollowing figures show the correct positioning for this model.


Positioned cylindrical billet with respect to top and bottom die

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Different views after positioning

Step 9: Set up motion for the top die

1. From the Utility Menu, click Tool Motion.

2. From the Tool Motion dialog, select Top_Die for the Moving tool.

3. For Moving Control type, select speed controlled .

4. Enter 0 for unit vectors in X and Y direction and –1 for Z direction.

5. Enter 1.1 for Max Stroke, which is the same as SMAX.

Note: The max stroke is the amount by which the top die needs to move to completethe forging. Carefully select an appropriate gap for the flash.

6. Click Apply .

Step 10: Define control cards

1. From the main panel, click on Control cards.

2. Click Process Definition. Type in SIM1 in the TITLE text field.

3. Scroll down to find SIMNAME. Type in T-joint in the text field. Click return.

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4. Click Stopping Stepping control card to check the following default values:

· DSMAX = 1% of SMAX

· NSTEP = 200

· STPINC = 10

5. Click return.

Step 11: Save and export the deck for the DEFORM solver

1. From the Utility Menu, click Save to get to the Files panel.

2. Save the model file as

3. From the Utility Menu, click Export .

4. In the File name field, type T_Joint.key.

5. Click Save.

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