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Page 1: Foreign Rights · Web viewENT doctors as well as oral and maxillofacial surgeons and dentists see themselves frequently

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Selection of German Language Titles for Translation Rights

New Books in Medicine, Psychology and Biomedicine

July 2006

Der Fokus im HNO-Bereich: Fakt oder Fiktion?Reihe: HNO Praxis heute , Band 26 Biesinger, E.; Iro, H. (Hrsg.) 2006, XVIII, 126 S., 40 illus., Geb.ISBN: 3-540-30680-3

English translation of description:Focus in Otolaryngology – Fact or Fiction?

What is discussed in this discipline is brought to the point. ENT doctors as well as oral and maxillofacial surgeons and dentists see themselves frequently confronted with the question "Focus in otolaryngology?" by representatives of various disciplines. Here interdisciplinary thinking and acting are asked for!

In this volume an interdisciplinary team of authors informs about the following topics: focus on tonsils and paranasal sinus, diseases from an oral and maxillofacial and rheumatologic point of view, internal medical and oncological aspects and on dermatology and pediatrics. "HNO Praxis heute" (ENT Practice Today") – the series for practice relevant continuing education.

Written for: ENT doctors in clinic and practice

Infektiologie des Gastrointestinaltraktes · Klinik, Diagnostik und TherapieCaspary, Wolfgang F.; Kist, Manfred; Stein, Jürgen (Hrsg.) 2006, XVIII, 558 S., 108 illus., 41 in Farbe, Geb.ISBN: 3-540-41359-6

English translation of description:Infectology of the Gastrointestinal Tract – Clinic, Diagnosis, and Therapy

Early Diagnosis – Right TherapyBacteria, parasites, fungus, virus, prions, - state-of-the-art diagnosis and therapy- Antibiotics, antiparasitics, antimycotics, virusstatics – which medication works?- Doses, therapy length, critical resistance – what is the most practical management?- Daily infections, nosocomial infections, infections affecting certain patients – was must be observed?

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For all situations….

- Tourism, business trips, migrations:Rare viruses and new resistances have to be considered in differential diagnosis and therapy

- High population density, industrial food production:Quick infection of large groups is the result: rapid diagnosis, reporting and therapy are necessary

- Immunodeficient patients:HIV infections, immunosuppressive therapy – special diagnosis and therapy is required.

…knowledge from Appendicitis to Zestodes.

Written for: Gastroenterologists, internists, microbiologists, hygienists specialized in epidemics

Antibiotika in der Praxis mit Hygieneratschlägen · 2006 - 2007Reihe: 1x1 der Therapie Daschner, Franz, Frank, Uwe 7., vollst. überarb. Aufl., 2006, IX, 187 S., SoftcoverISBN: 3-540-30695-1

English translation of description:Antibiotics in Practice with Hygiene Tips

Antibiotics treatment is highly dynamic. Important resistances, state-of-the-art compounds and their spectrum of effectiveness. Comprised knowledge especially compiled for the resident doctor in order to always be up to date. The antibiotics therapy in several important infections is concisely presented in table form. Furthermore, environmentally sound and cost-saving hygiene tips are given for the doctor's practice. The well-proven "Daschner" for quick reference!

Written for: Doctors in all disciplines

Aktiv leben und genießen · Ein Ratgeber für Typ-2-DiabetikerEdel, K., 2006, ISBN 3-7985-1573-5, Softcover, Versandfertig innerhalb von 3 Tagen

English translation of description:Enjoy an Active Life – A Guide for Type 2 Diabetics

This diabetes guide is mainly directed towards persons suffering under type 2 diabetes, but also towards dieticians and physical therapists. Tips on nutrition and a targeted exercise program are the focus of this book.

A special tutorial section offers instructions and motivates to regularly and independently exercise. The diagnosis diabetes does not represent the beginning of a hopeless disease. There are ways and means to brave diabetes.

Written for: Type 2 diabetes and their relatives, dieticians, physical therapists, family doctors, internists

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FBL Klein-Vogelbach Functional Kinetics: Therapeutische ÜbungenEicke-Wieser, Katrin 5. Aufl., 2006, XVI, 283 S., 173 illus., SoftcoverISBN: 3-540-29872-X

English translation of description:FBL Klein-Vogelbach Functional Kinetics: Therapeutic Exercises

A comprehensive exercise program built up on the therapeutic observation and treatment principles of the basic book "FBL: Bewegung lehren und lernen" (FBL: Teaching and Learning Movement). Proven exercises demonstrate differentiated training adapted to the patient's disorders.

Applicable to all parts of the body with functional disorders or impairment of the movement system. Over 50 exercises are systematically described and documented in photo series. The authors provide information on how they analyze, school patients and individually and differentially correct their posture and movement.

The 5th edition is concise and convincing with a new and generous format and layout. Exercise names and instructions are conveyed in the technical terminology used in physiotherapy. Now with DVD: many exercises in video sequences!

Written for: Physiotherapists and occupational therapists in practice and training and students

Risiko und Qualität in der HerzchirurgieEnnker, J.; Zerkowski, H.-R. (Hrsg.) 2006, XXII, 254 S., 2 illus., SoftcoverISBN: 3-7985-1498-4

English translation of description:Risks and Quality in Cardiac Surgery

This book throws a light on the risks of cardiac surgery thus contributing to its optimization. With adequate indications cardiosurgical interventions are undertaken with lesser risk nowadays that large interventions in other disciplines. At the same high morbidity and mortality rates of heart disease show that the knowledge about treatment possibilities many professionals require in order to take necessary steps is not given. Instead the decision patients and professional make are influenced by hypotheses and assumptions.

The presentation of possibilities of transparent quality assurance helps to eliminate such information deficits and with help of serious evaluations of treatment results to avoid delayed indications of operative therapies.

Furthermore, the definition and restriction of benchmarking with regards to the quality of cardiosurgical interventions is stressed.

Written for: Heart surgeons, cardiologists, surgeons, hospital managers

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Molekularmedizinische Grundlagen von para- und autokrinen RegulationsstörungenMit Beiträgen zahlreicher FachwissenschaftlerReihe: Molekulare Medizin Ganten, Detlev; Ruckpaul, Klaus; Köhrle, Josef (Hrsg.) 2006, LII, 616 S., 184 illus., 100 in Farbe, Geb.ISBN: 3-540-28781-7

English translation of description:Molecular Medical Fundamentals of Paracrine and Autocrine Regulation Disturbances

This volume focuses on locally effective hormone systems, autacoids, autocrine, paracrine, and intracrine functions and their disturbances as the cause of diseases. 100 years after the introduction of the term hormone by Starling in 1905 renowned experts have compiled present knowledge in 25 chapters which provides the reading with an extensive orientation in this interdisciplinary subject.

Written for: Doctors in clinic and practice, residents, molecular physicians, internists, and immunologists

Ossäre IntegrationGradinger, Rainer; Gollwitzer, Hans (Hrsg.) 2006, X, 200 S., 190 illus., 95 in Farbe, Geb.ISBN: 3-540-22721-0

English translation of description:Osseointegration

From the table of contents: Historical Development – Experimental Exercises – Biological Fundamentals – Biomechanics – Biochemistry – Studies in Animal Experiments – Histological Studies of Implants – Metallurgical Fundamentals – Advanced Metallurgy with Coatings – Coating Systems – Antiinfectious, Bioactive, Allergological Aspects – Implementation – Spine – Spinal Disk – Large Joints – Shoulder – Knee – Small Joints – Hand – Foot – Teeth – Special Implants – Revision – Tumours - EndoExo – Perspective – Sustainable Implant Anchor – Wear Parts

Written for: Orthopedists, accident surgeons, biomechanics, orthopaedic technicians

Menschen pflegen · Band 2: Pflegediagnosen Beobachtungstechniken PflegemaßnahmenBandwerk: Menschen pflegen Heuwinkel-Otter, Annette; Nümann-Dulke, Anke; Matscheko, Norbert (Hrsg.) 2006, XXXIV, 1031 S., 757 illus., 757 in Farbe, SoftcoverISBN: 3-540-29433-3

English translation of description:Caring for People – Volume 2: Nursing Diagnoses, Observation Techniques, Nursing Measures

"Caring for People" is more: this 3-volume textbook for vocational training in nursing is based on nursing diagnosis and offers knowledge in various diseases and various life situations of the patients. Such as the new nursing laws require.

Volume 2 deals with nursing according to nursing diagnoses, observation techniques, and nursing measures. 60 diagnoses with disease pattern and life situations make up the main part. Guiding and counseling, prevention and rehabilitation are firm components. The didactics include interdisciplinary learning by connecting nursing with anatomy, physiology, psychology, social sciences, medical therapy and law.

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Health counseling and prevention, nursing of people in all age groups and nursing tips are further important elements. Concrete operation procedures simplify the realization of theory into practice. Information for students at the end of each chapter offer addition information and self-caring aspects, etc.

Written for: Students in healthcare, nursing, and geriatric care, instructors at nursing schools, mentors

PalliativmedizinHusebø, Stein, Klaschik, E. 4., aktualisierte Ed., 2006, XXX, 560 S., 27 illus., SoftcoverISBN: 3-540-29888-

English translation of description:Palliative Medicine

Central themes in dealing with critically ill and dying patients and their family members are concisely and practically summarized. Additionally the possibilities of tumor pain therapy and symptom control are discussed. Chapters on central themes such as ethics and communication, psychosocial issues, active and passive assisted euthanasia provide a state-of-the-art overview of palliative medicine. The authors place special stress in this new edition on the more current information concerning living wills, euthanasia, and the development of palliative medicine in Europe.

Written for: Internists, oncologists, nurses, hospice employees, medical students

Positiv lernenJansen, Fritz, Streit, Uta 2. Aufl., 2006, XIV, 347 S., 63 illus., Geb.ISBN: 3-540-21272-8

English translation of description:Learning Positively

Not only for parents! The guidebook "Eltern als Therapeuten" ("Parents as Therapists") is published in a new edition with a new title. The focus lies in coping with learning disorders through learn psychological cognitions.

Jansen and Streit work with IntraActPlus-Concept which they developed and have successfully utilized for years. It is aimed at parents, but also teachers, occupational therapists, school psychologists, and other occupational groups which work with children. How do learning disorders develop, how do they intensify, how can they be prevented?

Concrete instructions guarantee the practical usability of this guidebook. New chapters on dyslexia, dyscalculia, and engagement in school have been added.

Written for: Parents, educators, social education workers, teacher, kindergarten teacher, psychotherapists for children and juveniles

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Leben mit Lärm? · Risikobeurteilung und Regulation des Umgebungslärms im VerkehrsbereichReihe: Wissenschaftsethik und Technikfolgenbeurteilung , Band 28 Kloepfer, M., Griefahn, B., Kaniowski, A.M., Klepper, G., Lingner, S., Steinebach, G., Weyer, H.B., Wysk, P.

2006, XXXVII, 552 S., 192 illus., 80 in Farbe, Geb.ISBN: 3-540-34509-4

English translation of description:Living with Noise

Noise is health hazardous: heart and circulation problems are partially due to noise. It constricts communication and cohabitation, is annoying and achievement reducing. Despite national and communal regulations, the conflict still persists.

Noise caused by air traffic is on the one hand an economic chance for the operators, but on the other hand affected residents are defending themselves. The same applies to highways and industry. The analysis and solution of this problem leads to numerous medical and technical issues, but also philosophical, economical, planning, and legal aspects, which are recognizable when analyzing the problematic.

For this reason the European Academy is conducting a rational evaluation of noise risks and reduction possibilities within the framework of the an interdisciplinary project without losing sight of the social benefits and mobility possibilities. The authors make suggestions for further regulations and speak for calmness as a right worth protecting.

Written for: Scientists and decision makers in all disciplines, in which noise is a main topic

Lasertherapie in der Dermatologie · Atlas und LehrbuchLandthaler, Michael, Hohenleutner, Ulrich 2., vollst. überarb. Aufl., 2006, XV, 212 S., 138 illus., 138 in Farbe, Geb.ISBN: 3-540-30091-0

English translation of description:Laser Therapy in Dermatology

New impulses are set by the authors with their completely updated 2nd edition of "Lasertherapie in der Dermatologie". All new and optimized processes and their area of application are didactically and outstanding described and clarified through brilliant illustration from the clinic:- all laser types and their areas of application- high-energy flash lamps (IPL system)- a special plus: photodynamic therapy in dermatologyA practical book for the practice!

Written for: Interns in dermatology and otolaryngology, dermatologists, otolaryngologists, plastic surgeons

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Rationale Arrhythmiebehandlung · Ein ParadigmenwechselLewalter, Thorsten (Hrsg.) 2006, XIV, 170 S., 11 illus., 7 in Farbe, Geb.ISBN: 3-7985-1516-6

English translation of description:Rational Arrhythmia Treatment – A Paradigms Change

The treatment of heart arrhythmia is currently experiencing a quick - and in some aspects - dramatic change. This book deals with the important medical technical developments of heart pacemakers and defibrillators such as "home monitoring" and digital signal analysis thus making their relevance to practitioners clear.

The combination of 3D anatomic depictions from the computer or MRT with techniques of electrical activation of suitable cardial structures opens new horizons in ablation treatment.

Competently answered question in daily practice complement the contents: such as the dimensioning of an antiarrhythmic treatment during pregnancy and nursing or forms of genetic diagnosis in the case of long QT syndrome.

Written for: Internists, general practitioners, cardiologists

Muskeldehnung · Grundlagen, Differenzialdiagnostik, Therapeutische Dehnungen, Eigendehnungen Sehen - Verstehen.- Üben - Anwenden Reihe: Physiotherapie Basics Lindel, Kathrin 2006, XII, 228 S., 451 illus., 451 in Farbe, mit Anwortkarte, Geb.ISBN: 3-540-22549-8

English translation of description:Muscle Stretching – Basics, Differential Diagnosis, Therapeutic Stretching, Self-Stretching – Seeing - Understanding - Practice - Application

Muscle stretching is an important physiotherapeutic treatment method. For the first time all aspects are provided for the student and practitioner. First the book conveys basics, i.e. effectiveness of stretching, dealing with pain, contractures. In the practical part for each muscle a length test and structure stretch are described. The procedures and their practical implementation are illustrated with 3d graphics of anatomy and photo sequences in color. Tables indicate joint by joint the direction required for each stretch. The ideal textbook and exercise manual for the practice!

Written for: Physiotherapists, students, physiotherapists in continuing education, sports teachers, fitness trainers, and athletes

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Praxisanleitung in der PflegeMamerow, Ruth 2006, X, 245 S., 4 illus., SoftcoverISBN: 3-540-29469-4

English translation of description:Field Teaching in Nursing

Based on the guidelines of the Deutscher Bildungsrat für Pflegeberufe ("German Education Council for Nursing Vocation") this book offers theoretical basics and concrete instructions for the field teacher. It is an practice oriented handbook with pedagogically founded information. Extremely helpful are the concrete instruction sheets and practical tips field teaching structure. This book answers the following questions: How do I write staff reports? How do I create an instruction sheet for the practice? How do I test and grade?

Written for: Mentors, field teachers, schools, nursing facilities (hospitals, nursing home, ambulant nursing services)

Psychodynamische Psychotherapien · Lehrbuch der tiefenpsychologisch fundierten PsychotherapieverfahrenMit Beiträgen zahlreicher FachwissenschaftlernReimer, Christian, Rüger, Ulrich 3., vollst. neu bearb. u. aktualisierte Aufl., 2006, I, 464 S., 29 illus., Geb.ISBN: 3-540-25384-X

English translation of description:Psychodynamic Psychotherapies – Textbook of Depth Psychology-Based Psychotherapeutic Methods

Do you know all of the well-established psychodynamic psychotherapeutic methods? For which disorder is which method applied? The new edition of Psychodynamic Psychotherapien has been completely revised. Entirely new is the presentation of single disorder patterns and their psychotherapeutic treatment. The connection between disease pattern and therapy make this book a very practice-oriented guideline to the entire treatment concept.

In this new edition you will find:- Basics and characteristics of psychodynamic psychotherapy.- Several therapy methods – concise and practice oriented.- Various disease patterns and their treatment methods.- Special chapter on questions concerning psychodynamic psychotherapeutic methods.- The comprehensive language, the practice-oriented presentation and reader-friendly layout make this

book essential for psychiatrists, psychosomatics, psychotherapists, clinical psychologists and those who want to become one.

Written for: Specialists in psychiatry and psychology, interns in continuing education, clinical psychologists

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Asperger-SyndromReihe: Manuale psychischer Störungen bei Kindern und Jugendlichen Remschmidt, Helmut, Kamp-Becker, Inge 2006, VIII, 259 S., 40 illus., mit CD-ROM, Geb.ISBN: 3-540-20945-X

English translation of description:Asperger Syndrome

Do you know the difference between Asperger syndrome and infantile autism? Is Asperger syndrome a disorder which is gaining ground, a so-call "techie" disorder? Where do the causes lie? How can this disorder be diagnosed and confined?

The renowned research team from Marburg lead by Professor Remschmidt sets diagnostic and therapeutic standards with this book. Here you will find reliable answers. The series "Psychische Störungen im Kindes- und Jugendalter" ("Psychic Disorders Among Infants und Juveniles") pursues three important goals:

The interdisciplinary approach: The patient is in the central point – the therapist must do his best to diagnose the disorder and adequately treat it. Psychiatrists and psychologists are challenged to contribute their knowledge and to look further. The practice-relevant approach: This series provides the reader with tips and tricks in order to cope with everyday problems.Didactics and structure: All volume are structured equally with concise didactics. Reading is fund and important information is comprehensive.

Written for: Child psychiatrists and psychotherapists

Springer Lexikon Diagnose und TherapieReuter, Peter 2006, LVI, 1798 S., 2250 illus., 2250 in Farbe, Geb.ISBN: 3-540-26000-5

English translation of description:Springer Dictionary of Diagnosis & Therapy

The Springer Lexikon Diagnose und Therapie covers the most common and important diseases and symptoms, diagnosis and therapy methods, and prevention measures.

It facilitates the progression of symptoms from suspicion diagnosis and diagnosis to therapy in everyday life in clinic and practice. For this reason it serve as a quick reference book during studies and in practice and offers state-of-the-art and compressed knowledge on standard methods.

With it overview presentation it closes the gab between studies-relevant paperback textbooks and specialized standard textbooks. The concise layout and design, the comprehensibility of the language and combination of short entries and essays set standards for works in this area.

Written for: Doctors in clinic and practice, medical students, pharmacists, nurses

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Facharztwissen Urologie · Differenzierte Diagnostik und TherapieSchmelz, H.U.; Sparwasser, C.; Weidner, W. (Hrsg.) 2006, XXVI, 735 S., 50 illus., Geb.ISBN: 3-540-20009-6

English translation of description:Knowledge for the Urologist – Differentiated Diagnosis and Therapy

No word too much: concise presentation in keywords. No word too few: detailed and differentiated recommendations. This work focuses on how urologists need to diagnostically and therapeutically proceed. It is orientated on guidelines set up by national and European associations. The three editors are experts in the broad spectrum of clinical urology. A medical specialist, a clinic director, and a chair holder have engaged authors from everywhere in Germany. This book is the knowledge basis for exams and daily work in clinic and practice.

Written for: Urologists in clinic and practice

Therapielexikon Endokrinologie und StoffwechselkrankheitenStalla, Günther K. (Hrsg.) 2007, XVI, 1100 S., 70 illus., 20 in Farbe, Geb.ISBN: 3-540-20937-9

English translation of description:Therapy Dictionary of Endocrinology and Metabolic Diseases

All endocrinological and metabolic diseases from A to Z at a glance. Endocrinological and metabolic diseases form a broad spectrum of disease patterns, which not only endocrinologists are confronted with. Endocrinological research and the therapy of metabolic diseases constitute an area in which significant scientific progress has been made in the past years. A current and practicable reference work is for this reason indispensable.

With this dictionary all endocrinological disorders can be found at one glance together with a systematic presentation of the most modern therapy possibilities as well as medication and basic research terminology.

This book provides the doctor or health professional quick access to all important information needed for daily work.

- Suited for quick reference: all endocrinological and metabolic diseases and their treatments in a practical A to Z format

- Current and comprehensive- Uniformly structured and clearly composed contributions- Interdisciplinary through the cooperation of endocrinologists and doctors from other areas- Also contains endocrinological children's diseases and disease patterns in the are of gynecological

endocrinology and reproduction medicine.- English translation of keywords- Contains numerous figures and tables

Written for: Endocrinologists, diabetologists, internists, gynecologists, general practitioners

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Manuelle Therapie und komplexe Rehabilitation · Band 1: Grundlagen, obere KörperregionenBandwerk: Manuelle Therapie und komplexe Rehabilitation Set: : Manuelle Therapie und Komplexe Rehabilitation Streeck, U., Focke, J., Klimpel, L., Noack, D.-W. 2006, XVII, 512 S., 1100 illus., 1100 in Farbe, Geb.ISBN: 3-540-21213-2

English translation of description:Manual Therapy and Complex Rehabilitation – Vol. 1: Basics, Upper Body

This 2-volume work presents classical and new techniques of manual therapy, problem-oriented and combined with other physiotherapeutic methods, i.e., medical training. It offers students and professionals:

- Clear step-by-step directions, concise with numerous color photos and graphics- Concrete criteria for findings and therapy planning- "From head to foot": Therapy schemes for all body regions- "The right measures at the right time": everything for the individual therapeutical escort from the first

day of discomfort to the successful completion of rehabilitation

Written for: Physiotherapists and manual therapists

Akupunktur - Poster & PunkteselektorStux, Gabriel 7. Aufl., 2006ISBN: 3-540-31110-6

English translation of description:Acupuncture – Poster and Point Selector

Poster and point selector are of essential help in the acupuncture practice. Three large colour posters present all meridians and the most important acupuncture points of the body (head, trunk, arms, legs). Even those new to acupuncture will be able to find the right acupuncture point at the first glance.

Support is given by the unique point selector. It takes traditional rules and theories of point selection into consideration. Points of yin and yang meridians are graphically stress. The point selector offers a quick overview of major acupuncture points. Acupuncture in a concise overview and brought to the point.

Written for: All readers occupied with acupuncture

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MRT-Atlas · Orthopädie und Neurochirurgie. WirbelsäuleBandwerk: MRT-Atlas Weyreuther, M., Heyde, C.E., Westphal, M., Zierski, J., Weber, U. 2006, X, 298 S., 524 illus., Geb.ISBN: 3-540-40285-3

English translation of description:MRT Atlas – Orthopedics and Neurosurgery. The Spine

This clinically orientated MRT Atlas is an interdisciplinary cooperation between radiologists, orthopedists, orthopedic surgeons, and neurosurgeons. Important diseases and injuries of the spine are presented. Aside from numerous illustrations, details on anatomy and pathophysiology, MRT notes on physiological and pathological findings, diagnostic pitfalls and clinical ratings of findings are dealt with. The simultaneous presentation of clinic and MRT diagnosis facilitates the learning of independent assessment of spine. The anatomy and pathology basics are comprehensively and concisely presented, diagnoses and operative measures didactically prepared.

Written for: Radiologist, orthopedists, orthopedic surgeons, neurosurgeons, neurologists