Download - For the post of TEAM VICAR - St James' Church, Daisy · agreed to form a new Team Ministry with two stipendiary

Page 1: For the post of TEAM VICAR - St James' Church, Daisy · agreed to form a new Team Ministry with two stipendiary


For the post of

TEAM VICAR (Designate)

for the United Benefice of Daisy Hill, Westhoughton & Wingates. Team Ministry in the Deane Deanery

part of the Manchester Diocese

Page 2: For the post of TEAM VICAR - St James' Church, Daisy · agreed to form a new Team Ministry with two stipendiary


Table of Contents INTRODUCTION 3

TEAM VICARS ROLE Who are we looking for? 4

Person specification 6 VISION & PRIORITIES 7

PARISH LIFE Team Ministry 8

Children’s/Youth Work 8 Mission & Evangelism 9

Times Away/Social Activities 9 PARISH STATISTICS 10



THE TEAM CHURCHES Daisy Hill Parish 14

Wingates Parish 16 Westhoughton Parish 18



Shopping/leisure 22 Schools 24 Health Care 25


In God we trust, in Jesus we believe, guided by the Holy Spirit

Page 3: For the post of TEAM VICAR - St James' Church, Daisy · agreed to form a new Team Ministry with two stipendiary


Introduction We are looking to recruit a Team Vicar – Designate to work alongside the Team Rector in what will be a newly created Team Ministry embracing the three parishes covering the town of Westhoughton, namely St. Bartholomew, St. George LEP and St. Thomas in the parish of Westhoughton; St. James in the parish of Daisy Hill; and in the parish of Wingates, St. John’s. The three parishes are to remain distinct, with their own autonomy. All five churches have something different to offer and as you peruse this Team Profile, we pray that we will have excited you to want to come and visit our town and see for yourself the vibrant, proactive group of churches working to one common theme; to worship, praise and give thanks to God for the Lord Jesus Christ. Living in the parish of St. James, our new Team Vicar together with the Team Rector will share in the mission of Jesus Christ across all five of our cluster churches, but with specific day to day responsibility for the parishes of St. James, Daisy Hill and St. John, Wingates. The Team Rector will have responsibility for the Westhoughton Parish and will work collaboratively and ecumenically with the appointed Team Vicar, the Methodist and United Reformed Church ministers, the Readers and the Authorised Lay Ministers to ensure the team functions effectively. To this end there will be regular meetings both for prayer, fellowship, for discussion and planning.

St. John the Evangelist

St. Bartholomew

St. James the Great

St. George LEP St. Thomas

In God we trust, in Jesus we believe, guided by the Holy Spirit

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The Team Vicar’s role

In God we trust, in Jesus we believe, guided by the Holy Spirit

Prayer To ensure that every aspect of the churches’ life and ministry

is surrounded by prayer as an expression of openness to God and dependence upon Him.

To develop the collaborative and individual prayer lives of all church members.

Teaching and worship

To confirm and maintain a Biblical preaching ministry that draws upon scriptural authority when addressing issues that are relevant to contemporary life and which challenges at all levels.

To be open to new ways of teaching and worship that will appeal to new and established members of all churches.

To assist in formulating a flow of evangelistic activities which move from faith exploration courses to courses that develop Christian maturity.

To invigorate the music at church services by seeking new musicians from the congregations and encouraging and valuing their skills. To promote worship in the parishes to strive to grow

congregations at all churches. To maintain the sacramental life of churches. Pastoral Care To proactively ensure that the pastoral needs of the members

of congregations are met. To provide pastoral care to the non-churched community. To establish and champion visiting teams to meet the needs

of those who cannot get to church e.g. housebound, hospitalised.

To empathise with the needs of the elderly and meet their needs by working in partnership with the domiciliary carers and care teams.


To encourage the sharing of our experience of God’s goodness, primarily through our personal relationships and to lead by example.

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Witness cont’d

To encourage us to put our faith into actions, so that the local communities can see a prominent commitment to love and social justice in the life of the church.

Making Disciples

To fulfil the core task entrusted by the Lord to His church by

promoting and encouraging membership of e.g. Home and prayer groups, courses for Confirmation, Alpha and Emmaus and others.

To encourage the members to identify and utilise their spiritual gifts, skills and strengths in the work of his church.

Young People

To strongly support the youth and children’s work for the

young people and to take an active role in youth organisations associated to church life in particular at St James, St John and Friday Night Fever Youth group.

To be instrumental in the care of the school community through personal involvement and to ensure the growth of our Christian ethos in all our church schools.

To do all that is possible to include young people within the ongoing life of the church, and help them to grow in Christ.

Workers of the church To manage, and encourage the development of the

employed and volunteer staff as appropriate. To encourage, cherish and grow volunteer staff to take an

increased role in the running of church life. To seek out and encourage members of the congregation

into ordained and lay ministry. Administration

To maintain orderly and accurate administration of all the

affairs of the two parishes.

In God we trust, in Jesus we believe, guided by the Holy Spirit

The Team Vicar’s role

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In God we trust, in Jesus we believe, guided by the Holy Spirit

Person specification

We are ideally looking for the following attributes to which the applicant will need to demonstrate at interview.

A deep Christian spirituality. A willingness to listen and to share leadership with others. A team player and an effective manager. A person who can work collaboratively with colleagues, both

ordained and lay, in a team setting. To show an enthusiasm to work ecumenically with worship

and fellowship. An ability to provide a variety of worship styles from traditional

liturgy to ‘Fresh Expressions’. Be comfortable to work in every church across our full range

of churchmanship. Be comfortable with our open baptism policy at all our

churches and promote a culture of welcome to all. Show enthusiasm to work within and with our schools. Be open to the needs of others outside our churches. Be open to charity work at home and abroad.

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Team Vision & Priorities

Our vision is to be a multi-generational community living in mission with Christ, known for our changed lives and caring relationships. To come together as five churches all working to the same aim and being collaborative in every possible way. To advance our vision over the next five years we will strive too: Expand our ministry to individuals and families with disabilities. Expand the utilisation of our facilities in serving as a missional community centre to meet the needs of people, groups and organisations. Expand our ministry to specific communities in town through

partnerships with churches and other ministry organisations. Expand our commitment to justice by defending those God

considers abused or neglected. Challenge people to annually participate in a Home Group,

volunteer team or affinity group. Support every member of the Church family in drawing near

to God through appropriate spiritual disciplines. Encourage people to meet God in prayer. Develop spiritual growth that would include resources to

support a person investigating Christ, in their faith journey. Develop a Spiritual Coaching ministry that connects spiritually-mature Christians with new believers. Expand Youth mission in our town. To deliver God’s message to the sick the helpless and the

non believer.

In God we trust, in Jesus we believe, guided by the Holy Spirit

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Team Ministry

Team Church Life We come together from time to time both socially and spiritually i.e. Week of Prayer for Christian Unity, Dawn Easter service, Easter Experience– (the Easter story in exhibits around church); Christian Aid week-(door to door collections); Pretoria Pit Memorial service, Christmas Lights switch-on. We have strong connections with many denominations in town.

In God we trust, in Jesus we believe, guided by the Holy Spirit

Team Children/Youth work

Between the five churches we provide the following: We have a full programme of youth and children’s ministry,

including School assemblies led by clergy and lay ministers. Uniformed Organisations are well supported and attended

throughout the five churches. Our Youth Group is Friday Night Fever. Pupils from all church

schools and many local authority schools are enrolled as members.

We have Parent and Toddler Groups in both St John’s and St Bartholomew’s in term time.

Each church has a thriving Sunday School with 200 children across all five churches.

In the past 12 months the three parishes containing the five churches have held a joint Sunday morning service and have agreed to form a new Team Ministry with two stipendiary clergy working side by side. Lay ministers will assist the clergy with pastoral ministry. The proposed Team will have two stipendiary Anglican clergy, namely the Team Rector and The Team Vicar. At the moment the three parishes have one OLM Curate, one Reader and two Readers Emeriti, eight ALM - five trained in Worship, two trained in Pastoral Care and one trained in Prayer and Spirituality. Each team church has a Pastoral Care scheme, operating on different models, who take communion out to individuals and to care homes.

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In God we trust, in Jesus we believe, guided by the Holy Spirit

Team Mission/Evangelism

Team Social and fellowship

We help charities at home and abroad. We minister monthly at all the care facilities for the elderly in

town. We hold regular events within all our churches in the form of

concerts or town services, to introduce people back to church.

We hold the Back to Church event every September. We introduce new services as demand arises. Every church has an open Baptism Policy. We hold an annual Easter Experience. We hold an annual Ecumenical service to celebrate the week

of Christian Unity and Prayer. Our church websites are a new way of furthering mission and

evangelism not only to the town but also further afield. We have a link with a parish in Namibia. The local papers pick up much of our news and events.

Between the five churches we provide the following: We hold a monthly Luncheon Club. We hold a monthly Ladies Group. We hold a regular Men’s Group. We have an annual Black Tie Dinner. We have Friday Night Fever Youth Club. All the schools use church for school concerts or plays. We have garden parties. We have regular coffee mornings.

Friday Night Fever Youth Club

Friday Night Fever Youth Club

St John’s Fair

Friday Night Fever Youth Club

St Johns Fair St George’s Church congregation

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In God we trust, in Jesus we believe, guided by the Holy Spirit

Parish statistics

The average weekly attendance figures October 2011 for those

attending regularly i.e. 12 times or more a year. Church 2011 Sunday Week Young Electoral days Roll St James 70 15 30 201 St John 72 0 36 145 St Bartholomew 93 9* 34 317** St George LEP*** 38 0 24 :: St Thomas 50 0 45 :: * Mid week numbers are counted only if they don't come on Sunday

**We operate a joint electoral roll for the parish. ***LEP - for statistical purposes for calculating parish share numbers are divided by 3.

Church 2011 Baptisms Weddings Funerals St James 65 7 17 St John 14 6 13 St Bartholomew 105* 23 52 St George LEP** 2 0 0 St Thomas ** 1 0 0 * Families from St Thomas and St George LEP are offered their own church but mostly

decide to hold their Baptism at St Bartholomew’s, **Being church schools St George LEP and St Thomas can only hold weekend and half term services.

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Each church has its own Treasurer and Church Council. Each parish is responsible for their parish expenditure and payment of parish share. Our joint income is approximately £200,000 per annum. Parish share due last year was £155,319 collectively of which £85,728 was paid collectively. Both St John and St James have had major works to the church buildings affecting the parish share paid. All five churches are deemed viable by Manchester Diocese. Westhoughton parish was required to seek its own charity status two years ago, under diocesan and charity legislation. Both Wingates and Westhoughton held a major stewardship campaign three years ago which saw time, talents and income increase as a direct result. St James is due to hold theirs shortly. Gift Aid is an asset across all our churches and more and more are giving by direct debit or standing order. Fund raising is recognised as a priority. Regular stewardship events are ongoing. Full parish accounts for all three parishes are available upon request.

In God we trust, in Jesus we believe, guided by the Holy Spirit

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In God we trust, in Jesus we believe, guided by the Holy Spirit

Patterns of worship

St James- 8:00 am Said Holy Communion weekly 9:30 am Sung Parish Eucharist (1st, 3rd, 4th & 5th Sunday in the month) This is the main Sunday service. 9:30 am Family Service (2nd Sunday in the month). The Family Service is geared to young people and the Uniformed Groups (Rainbows, Beavers, Brownies, Cubs, Guides and Scouts all take part in the Service). Wednesday 9:00 am School service during school term Wednesday 10:00 am Holy Communion Thursday 6:00 pm Holy Communion. St John-

We meet each Sunday at 11:00 am 1st Sunday of the month: Holy Communion 2nd Sunday of the month: Morning Worship 3rd Sunday of the month: Family Service or Baptism 4th Sunday of the month: Holy Communion with Healing 5th Sunday of the month: Morning Worship or Baptism. On the 1st and 3rd Sundays of each month: 8:00 am Book of Common Prayer Communion. On the 4th Sunday of each month: 4:00 pm Refresh - a modern, informal service, especially for young families and the young at heart followed by Revive at 5:15 pm. A Youth Group for ages eight years and above. St Bartholomew - 8:00 am Eucharist on the 2nd and 4th Sunday. 11:00 am Sung Parish Eucharist for all the family. First Sunday of the month healing is included prior to Communion and 2nd Sunday is Parade for Uniformed Organisations and Sunday School. 10:00 am Eucharist every Wednesday St Thomas- 8:00 am Eucharist on the 1st, 3rd and 5th Sunday. 9:15 am Eucharist or a service of the word on alternate weeks. First Sunday of the month healing is included prior to Communion and 2nd Sunday is Parade for Uniformed Organisations and Sunday School. St George LEP 9:30 am Holy Communion or a service of the word on alternate weeks. First Sunday of the month Sunday is Parade for Uniformed Organisations and Sunday School.

Harvest at St Bartholomew’s

Joint Ecumenical service

Harvest at St Thomas’s

Harvest at St Bartholomew’s

Hark the Angel’s sing

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The Vicarage

Built in 1957, the detached double glazed vicarage has a separate garage. It has four bed rooms and is adjacent to St James’ church on Lower Leigh Road, Daisy Hill, Westhoughton. The house backs onto the church yard, and a foot path takes you from the vicarage to the church. Downstairs consists of a hall, study, toilet, large sitting room, good size dining room, kitchen, utility room and pantry. In addition to the four bedrooms upstairs (two of which have wash basins) there is a separate toilet, bathroom with shower over bath and a large airing cupboard. The rooms are carpeted throughout with the exception of the study and fully decorated to a good standard.

Front view and garden.

Rear view and garden.

In God we trust, in Jesus we believe, guided by the Holy Spirit

St James’ Vicarage Lower Leigh Road, Daisy Hill,

Westhoughton, Nr. Bolton. BL5 2EH

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Daisy Hill Parish attributes

St James

The church maintains very close links with our large two tier primary school of 450 pupils, which lies just across the street, the Old school hall being the original meeting room for

worship in the parish.

The Team Vicar will be a member ex-officio of the Governing Body of St James’ school. A regular dialogue is kept with the Head Teachers and children, and their parents are actively encouraged to attend church. There are also many church members on the Governing Body including a PCC

representative Governor.

The children in the later years attend church for a short

service every Wednesday morning in the school year.

We currently hold PCC meetings and some fundraising events in the school. Our relationship with the school is one of the cornerstones of our future as a parish church in Daisy Hill, and provides an important channel to reach out to parents and

children who do not currently attend our church services.

Eatock Primary School is a new school built in the parish several years ago to cope with the growing demand. It has 180 children on roll and is state funded. The school makes frequent

visits to church.

St James Church is in the modern Catholic tradition which recognises the importance of the Ministry of the word, but places equal importance on the sacramental life of the Church.

Eucharistic vestments are worn at most services with

servers in attendance; a talented resident organist; and a full choir, coached by a former pupil of St James School who progressed to be an international lead with the Royal Opera, Covent Garden, and has now returned to live and worship in

her home village of Daisy Hill.

We subscribe to the seven sacraments recognised by the

universal church.

We have a thriving Sunday School which meets in the School Hall just across the road. The children join the Sunday service

at the beginning of the Eucharistic prayer.

In God we trust, in Jesus we believe, guided by the Holy Spirit

St. James the Great

St. James the Great

St. James the Great

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Daisy Hill Parish attributes

We support: Winter Watch, The Children’s Society and

Christian Aid.

We encourage Beavers, Cubs, Scouts, Rainbows, Brownies

and Guides.

We have a prayer and healing group.

We have currently one Reader Emeritus and one

Authorised Lay Minister.

We have a hard working Fundraising, Social and Outreach Committee which arranges concerts, fundraising events and generally gets more people involved with the life of our


We also have committees for building, finance and worship.

It is our long term hope and intention to open up our building to the community and create a meeting room which can be used by church and outside parties and provide toilet


We have disabled access.

St James Church and vicarage are at the heart of Daisy Hill village which has a chemist, post office, three off-licences/general stores, two public houses, resident artist, an independent community hall, plus a football and cricket club

and a local dance school.

The church is situated in the village of Daisy Hill close to

new large private housing developments.

We are mindful of our need to meet our parish share in full again and we continue to take advice from the Diocese on both stewardship and fund raising and are planning a

stewardship campaign in February 2013.

In God we trust, in Jesus we believe, guided by the Holy Spirit

St James old school

Westhoughton Cricket Club

Daisy Hill Cricket Club

Daisy Hill Football Club

Daisy Hill Recreation

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St John We are a vibrant church suiting all ages. We run a monthly family service under the Fresh

Expressions umbrella called ‘Refresh’. We have a Sunday School which meets at The Gates

Primary School. Tiddlywinks meet in term time every Thursday morning. We have a thriving choir and a resident organist. We have a live band to help us with worship. The Women’s Guild holds a monthly celebration of Holy

Communion, and meet weekly on a Tuesday afternoon. We have house-groups where worship takes place. Churchmanship is broadly in the open evangelical

tradition. Much has been done through Alpha to encourage lay

ministry. This is a parish which believes in collaborative ministry –

between lay and ordained ministers and between the churches in the Team.

We have one OLM, one Reader and three Authorised Lay Ministers, two trained in pastoral care and one trained in worship.

About half of the congregation lives outside the parish though mostly within the area of the new team ministry.

There is a mix of socio-economic groups and a wide range of ages, with an increasing number of young families.

We have strong links with the local county school The Gates, as well as the local Care facility, Wingates Residential Home.

Wingates Parish attributes

In God we trust, in Jesus we believe, guided by the Holy Spirit

Aerial of St John

St John’s entrance

Wingates Residential home

Wingates industry

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Our OLM and Reader are members of the Archdeaconry Healing Group and recently ran an Acorn course on the Healing Ministry for all the Anglican churches in Westhoughton.

Adult Alpha courses are run on a regular basis at St. John's for all the churches in the existing team.

Confirmation preparation and the annual confirmation service are similarly organised on a team basis.

We currently hold coffee mornings with light lunches and a Fair at Christmas.

A shared meal is often held after a Sunday service. There are close and warm links within the various

groups and members support each other in times of crisis.

Many of these groups have grown up from Alpha courses.

Continuous pastoral ministry has been provided by the OLM, Reader, ALM’s and Lay Assistants.

There is a Lay Pastoral & Healing Prayer Team in place.

Many older members of the congregation have known each other all their lives.

We have a Brownie group which meets in church and a Rainbow group is planned.

In the past 18 months, the church building has been extensively refurbished, outside and in.

Pews have been removed to create a flexible worship space, allowing new opportunities for church and community.

We now have seating for 200. A new sound system has been installed. It is planned to complete our renovation project by

installing a dais in front of the Chancel steps and re-carpeting the Chancel.

In the 1980’s the foyer was created at the west end to

provide a separate meeting area including a kitchen

and toilet facility.

We are accessible for wheelchairs.

THE AIM OF THE PARISH is: “to grow in love, in faith, in

spirituality, and in the number of committed Christians” Our vision for the future is to implement this aim.

Wingates Parish attributes

In God we trust, in Jesus we believe, guided by the Holy Spirit

Rev Vince & Christine Radford

St Johns choir

Live music at St Johns

Refresh at St Johns

St John’s Chancel

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St Bartholomew We have a modern attractive building used for services

as well as a variety of events. All age groups are well represented in our congregation.

We hold Christenings, Weddings, Renewal of Marriage Vows, Funerals and Memorial services.

We have a choir and organist who greatly enhance our worship.

We have a strong Sunday school and Crèche running alongside our main Sunday service.

We are renowned for our Victorian Bell Tower, which attracts many visiting ringers as well as our own loyal band of bell ringers.

We have strong links with our Church School which we support financially as well as spiritually.

We have a regular Ministry of Healing. We also offer Holy Communion at home for those who cannot attend church. We also provide bereavement support.

We have a Parent & Toddler group, uniformed groups and a Youth Club. For adults, there is a monthly Luncheon Club, Fellowship Group and a Ladies group.

We are open every Saturday morning for private prayer and visitors.

We are involved in the wider community in various forms of service for the town including: Pretoria Pit Memorial service, Remembrance Sunday, The Town Mayoral inauguration and the Christmas lights switch on.

We support various charities both at home and abroad. St George LEP We are a Local Ecumenical Partnership, set up to

explore co-operation between denominations - in our case the Anglican, Methodist and United Reformed Churches - working towards the biblical truth that ‘We are called to be one Church in Christ’s name’.

We are open each Sunday morning for a varied pattern of Eucharistic and non-Eucharistic worship, and welcome anyone in the parish for Baptisms.

Westhoughton Parish attributes

In God we trust, in Jesus we believe, guided by the Holy Spirit

Parade Sunday

School concert

The Easter Experience

Sunday School

The Team Rector has day to day responsibility for Westhoughton Parish

Macmillan Coffee morning

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We are fortunate in benefiting from the wide spread of experience and understanding provided by our ordained and lay ministerial team.

We are a modern attractive church, located within an Anglican school, with which we have strong links and which we support spiritually and financially.

We are committed to home visits in times of illness and bereavement. We reach out especially to people who can no longer attend church because of infirmity.

We have Uniformed Organisations. Support is provided for our younger members, in the

form of Crèche, Sunday School and a weekly Youth Club.

We enjoy fellowship with many other local churches. St Thomas We have a modern attractive building used for ser-

vices as well as a variety of events. All age groups are well represented in our congregation.

St Thomas’ Church is situated inside St Thomas School. The separate chancel and sanctuary combine with the school hall to create a church for worship on Sunday.

As well as Sunday worship, baptisms and other services, such as renewal of wedding vows, take place.

Our facilities are used for a variety of church and community activities.

There is Sunday school for ages 3 years to 16 years. Uniformed Organisations (Scouting & Guiding

Associations) are an integral part of church life. School and church work closely together. The Rector and a number of members of the

congregation serve on the governing body of the school.

We work in fellowship with other local churches.

Westhoughton Parish attributes

In God we trust, in Jesus we believe, guided by the Holy Spirit

Bishop Nigel's’ Pilgrimage

Uniformed Organisations—boys

Uniformed Organisations—girls

Town Mayors service

The annual Easter Experience

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Diocesan, Town Clergy and Lay Ministers

Our Ecumenical friends

Venerable David Bailey

Archdeacon of Bolton

Right Reverend Chris Edmondson Bishop of Bolton

Reverend Gary Lawson Team Rector

Reverend Vince Radford OLM Curate for Wingates

Alan Morris Reader Emeritus

Sylvia Priddy Reader Emeritus

Christine Andrews ALM-Worship Minister

Elaine Simkin ALM-Worship Minister

Janet Perfect ALM-Worship Minister

James Wilson ALM-Worship Minister

Demelza Robertson ALM-Spirituality & Prayer Minister

Ilona Hepburn ALM-Pastoral Minister

Fr. Michael Johannet Roman Catholic Priest

Pastor Martin Speed Westhoughton Pentecostal

Assemblies of God Reverend

Sally Martin

Reverend Dr. Terry Clark Area Dean of Deane

Christine Radford Reader

Suzanne Walker ALM-Pastoral Minister

In God we trust, in Jesus we believe, guided by the Holy Spirit

Ian Hepburn ALM-Worship Minister

Reverend John Howard-Norman

Methodist Minister

Sue Snowden Lay- Methodist Minister

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In God we trust, in Jesus we believe, guided by the Holy Spirit

Where are we?

On this map you will see where all five churches are situated and

the size of all three parishes together.



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Steeped in history, Westhoughton has a

population of some 23,056, mostly living in

houses built in the past 30 years. Properties vary from apartments and terraced houses

to semi-detached and detached houses.

Close to M61 and Manchester city the town has a host of local businesses from

supermarkets to carpet shops and double

glazing manufacturers to saw mills.

Westhoughton is part of Bolton Metropolitan

Council but retains a town Council. We have

our own Town Hall with local councillors who

serve the community and many of them worship with us.

We have a host of support and care

agencies to help all manner of problems.

We also have a thriving market which has just won best small market in the UK— a

National Award.

Championship side Bolton Wanderers our local football club located nearby falls in

Wingates Parish. Middlebrook, is two miles

away and boasts a lively shopping mall

which includes many leisure businesses.

We have good road links, that link to

Manchester stations, Wigan main line trains

and Southport; complemented by three

railway stations, Daisy Hill, Westhoughton and nearby Horwich Parkway.

We have our own High School with eight

feeder primary school.

Our town is a great town

Reebok Stadium

Royal Bolton Hospital

Westhoughton Leisure Centre

Westhoughton Leisure Gymnasium

In God we trust, in Jesus we believe, guided by the Holy Spirit

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Our parishes have four church schools who

also feed to Canon Slade Bolton, St James

Farnworth and for the first time this year Lowton High School formed as a Church

High School, with costs shared between

Manchester and Liverpool Dioceses.

Other than local businesses, employment is

mainly out of town. We do have an

industrial estate at Wingates, but many

people work in Bolton, Wigan, Leigh and of course Manchester.

There are some National and International

industries in the district.

There are many walks to be enjoyed and we

have parks and leisure amenities too.

At Daisy Hill there is a Cricket and Football Club next door to each other with a

recreational area adjacent. St. James’s

church is nearby. St George’s is next to

Westhoughton Cricket Club.

We have two golf clubs and a recently

refurbished Leisure Centre mainly available

outside of school hours.

Sainsbury's, Lidl and B & M Bargains have

all joined our town recently.

We have a host of corner shops and small national mini markets, Tesco, Co-op and

Spar, all open early to late and a local


Our town is a great town

Sainsbury's Supermarket

Market Street & Westhoughton Market

Lidl Supermarket

Gee Tees Supermarket

In God we trust, in Jesus we believe, guided by the Holy Spirit

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St. George’s School, The Hoskers - Aided -

The Gates School, Wingates

St. Thomas’ School, Chequerbent - Aided -

St. James’ School, Daisy Hill -Voluntary Controlled The Team Vicar will be ex-officio on the Governing Body

Sacred Heart RC School, Westhoughton

St. Bartholomew’s School, Westhoughton - Aided -

Eatock School, Daisy Hill Washacre School, Westhoughton

In God we trust, in Jesus we believe, guided by the Holy Spirit

Westhoughton High School

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Health Services

Westhoughton has a range of Health

Services: including GPs’ surgeries, nursing

care, auxiliary care, alternative therapists, dentists, chiropodists, physiotherapists, and

sports injury specialists.

The Royal Bolton Hospital is 3 miles away in neighbouring Farnworth. Leigh Walk-in

centre is just 2 miles away.

Health Care provision is superb here and is complemented by local gymnasiums,

Weightwatchers, Slimming World, Zumba

and a variety of other keep fit opportunities.

Four pharmacies serve our town.

Peter House GP Surgery, Park Rd, Chequerbent

Stable Fold Surgery, Church St, Westhoughton

District Nurses’ offices, Market St, Westhoughton

The Royal Bolton Hospital and A & E

GP Surgery Church St, Wingates

In God we trust, in Jesus we believe, guided by the Holy Spirit

Page 26: For the post of TEAM VICAR - St James' Church, Daisy · agreed to form a new Team Ministry with two stipendiary


In God we trust, in Jesus we believe, guided by the Holy Spirit

Links you may find useful to help with your research:

Further information


Westhoughton Old Band

Westhoughton Football 1920’s

Westhoughton Town Hall

Local cotton workers

Westhoughton Carnival 1920’s

Page 27: For the post of TEAM VICAR - St James' Church, Daisy · agreed to form a new Team Ministry with two stipendiary


In God we trust, in Jesus we believe, guided by the Holy Spirit

We want to thank you for the interest you have shown thus far in our newly created vacancy of Team Vicar Designate. If God is calling you we want to hear from you. For an application pack please contact:

Venerable David Bailey. Archdeacon of Bolton The Rectory. 14 Spring Road, Walmersley, Bury. Greater Manchester. BL9 5JE Telephone: 0161 761 6117 Email: [email protected] The vacancy selection representatives are:

Patronage Board

Bishop of Manchester represented by Chris Edmondson Bishop of Bolton. Tel: 0161 790 9157 Venerable David Bailey Archdeacon of Bolton Tel: 0161 761 6117 Reverend Dr. Terry Clark - Area Dean Tel: 01204 61819 Reverend Gary Lawson - Team Rector Tel: 01942 859251 Daisy Hill parish representatives Brian Palin -Churchwarden. Geoff Madeley -Churchwarden. Westhoughton parish representatives Christine Andrews -Churchwarden James Wilson -Churchwarden Wingates parish representatives Kevan Moores -Churchwarden Andrew Glynn -Churchwarden

How to apply

Pretoria Pit Miners

Westhoughton Football Team

Market Street 1960

The Pit head

Market Street 1920

Westhoughton Cottage

Page 28: For the post of TEAM VICAR - St James' Church, Daisy · agreed to form a new Team Ministry with two stipendiary


In God we trust, in Jesus we believe, guided by the Holy Spirit