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MILLENNIUM CHALLENGE ACCOUNT MONGOLIA Vocational Education and Training Project


Food production equipment technician (repair equipments)


Code 12345

Food Sector

Date and version

October 26, 2010 vers.00

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Acknowledgments The MILLENNIUM CHALLENGE ACCOUNT MONGOLIA - Vocational Education and Training Project would like to thank the many people working in the field and in the education community who participated in the development of this vocational training program, in particular the following individuals:

Representatives Employed in Education

Representatives Employed in the Field


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Development Team Coordination Giovanni Crisonà

Design and Development Members of the curriculum development team Ts. Badamgerel .................Teacher of the Trade and Production of Mongolian University D. Khishigbayar...................................................Teacher of the Food technology college J. Baljinnyam ....................................Teacher of Food Engineering and Biotechnology of Mongolian University of Science and Technology J. Batamgalan. ....................................................Teacher of the Food technology college Б.Naigalmaa......................................Teacher of Food Engineering and Biotechnology of Mongolian University of Science and Technology Оyunsuren...........................................................Teacher of the Food technology college Mongolian version Name of translators

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Introduction to the Program ................................................................................................................................ 1 Program Components ............................................................................................................................................. 1 Aspects of Program Implementation .................................................................................................................. 3 Summary of the Program........................................................................................................................................ 5

Part I

Program Goals ......................................................................................................................................................................... 9 Educational Aims...................................................................................................................................................10

Statements of the Competencies ..................................................................................................................... 11 Grid of Competencies............................................................................................................................................11

Part II

Program Competencies MODULE 1: To be a Technician........................................................................................................................ 15 MODULE 2: Assure health and safety .............................................................................................................. 16 MODULE 3: Adapt to work requirements in the trade sector and get a job position ....................................... 18 MODULE 4: Solve problems related to work activities ..................................................................................... 20 MODULE 5: Use mathematical concepts and techniques ............................................................................... 22 MODULE 6: Use relevant technologies............................................................................................................. 23 MODULE 7: Use Tools ...................................................................................................................................... 25 MODULE 8: Perform Mensuration .................................................................................................................... 27 MODULE 9: Read and Interpret Technical Drawing and manuals .................................................................. 28 MODULE 10: Perform Computer Operations ..................................................................................................... 29 MODULE 11: Apply Quality Standards and Control ........................................................................................... 30 MODULE 12: Terminate and connect electrical wiring and electronics circuit................................................... 31 MODULE 13: Apply basic engineering principles to food production processes............................................... 33 MODULE 14: Implement maintenance procedures in food sector enterprises ................................................. 35 MODULE 15: Work in freezer storage areas ...................................................................................................... 36 MODULE 16: Work in a clean rooms environment............................................................................................. 37 MODULE 17: Clean a unit to achieve a low bacteria condition.......................................................................... 38 MODULE 18: Clean industrial food machineries ................................................................................................ 41 MODULE 19: Monitor and maintain instrument and control systems ................................................................ 44 MODULE 20: Repair instrument and warning systems...................................................................................... 46 MODULE 21: Maintain and Repair Mechatronics Devices................................................................................. 48 MODULE 22: Service and maintain ice plant refrigeration system .................................................................... 50 MODULE 23: Troubleshoot ice plant refrigeration system ................................................................................. 52 MODULE 24: Recover and recycle refrigerant in ice plant system.................................................................... 53 MODULE 25: Repair and retrofit ice plant systems and its accessories............................................................ 54 MODULE 26: Repair and retrofit heating equipment systems and accessories................................................ 56

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Introduction to the Program

In vocational training, a program of study presents the competencies required to practice a given trade or occupation at entry level on the job market. The training provided allows students to acquire a degree of versatility that will be useful in their career and personal development.

A program is a coherent set of competencies to be developed. It outlines the knowledge and broad orientations to be favoured during training. The competencies correspond to the tasks of the trade or occupation or to activities related to work, vocational or personal life, depending on the case. Learning is acquired in a specific achievement context and targets the ability to act, succeed and evolve.

For each competency, the compulsory components include the statement of the competency, the elements of the competency, the achievement context and the performance criteria.

For information purposes, programs also provide a grid of competencies, educational aims, a summary of competency-related knowledge and know-how, and guidelines. They also specify the suggested duration of each competency. All optional components of a program may be enriched or adapted according to the needs of the students, the environment and the workplace.

Program Components

Program Goals

Program goals consist of the expected learning outcome at the end of training as well as a general description of a given trade or occupation. They also include the four general goals of vocational training.

Educational Aims

Educational aims are broad orientations to be favoured during training in order to help students acquire intellectual or motor skills, work habits or attitudes. Educational aims usually address important aspects of career and personal vocational development that have not been explicitly included in the program goals or competencies. They serve to orient appropriate teaching strategies to contextualize students' learning, in keeping with the dimensions underlying the practice of a trade or occupation. They help guide educational institutions in implementing the program.


A competency is the ability to act, succeed and evolve in order to adequately perform tasks or activities related to one’s working or personal life, based on an organized body of knowledge and skills from a variety of fields, perceptions, attitudes, etc.

A competency in vocational training includes specific practical guidelines and requirements for learning. It describes the actions and the results expected of the student. It consists of the following features:

The statement of the competency is the result of the job analysis, the orientations and general goals of vocational training and other determinants.

The elements of the competency correspond to essential details that are necessary in order to understand the competency and are expressed in terms of specific behaviours. They refer to the major steps involved in performing a task or to the main components of the competency.

The achievement context corresponds to the situation in which the competency is exercised at entry-level on the job market. The achievement context attempts to recreate an actual work situation but does not describe a learning or evaluation situation.

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The performance criteria define the requirements to be respected. They may refer to elements of the competency or to the competency as a whole. When associated with a specific element, performance criteria are used to judge whether a competency has been acquired. When associated with the competency as a whole, the criteria describe the requirements for performing a task or activity and provide information on the expected level of performance or the overall quality of a product or service.

Each competency corresponds to one module.


The total duration of the program is compulsory and must be observed. It consists of teaching time, which includes time for the evaluation of learning and for enrichment or remedial activities, depending on the students’ needs. The duration indicated for a given competency refers to the amount of time needed to develop the competency.

The amount of teaching time corresponds to the amount of time allotted to training, which is established during program development as the average amount of time needed to acquire a competency and evaluate learning. This duration is helpful in organizing training.


A credit is a unit used for expressing the quantitative value of each competency. One credit corresponds to 15 hours of training. Students must accumulate a set number of credits to graduate from a program.

Aspects of Program Implementation

Program-Based Approach

The program-based approach is founded on a comprehensive view of a program of study and its components (e.g. goals, educational aims, competencies). It requires concerted action among all players involved, from the initial stages of program design and development, to program implementation and evaluation. It consists in ensuring that all of the actions and activities proposed are based on the same aims and take into account the same orientations. For students, the program-based approach makes training more meaningful as it presents learning as a coherent whole.

Competencies are organized into an integrated training program designed to prepare students to practice the trade or occupation. This systematic organization of competencies produces better overall results than training by isolated objectives. More specifically, it fosters a smooth progression from one objective to the next, saves teaching time by eliminating needless repetition, and integrates and reinforces learning material.

Competency-Based Approach

In vocational training, the competency-based approach is based on a teaching philosophy that is designed to help students mobilize their own individual sets of resources in order to act, succeed and evolve in different contexts, according to established performance levels with all the required knowledge and know-how (e.g. skills, strategies, attitudes, perceptions). The competency-based approach is carried out in situations that are relevant to the students’ working life and personal life.

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Food production equipment technician (repair equipments)

Year of approval: 2010

Certification: Diploma of Vocational Studies

Number of credits: 140 credits

Number of competencies: 26 competencies

Total duration: 2100 hours

To be eligible for admission to the Food production equipment technician (repair equipments), candidates must meet one of the following requirements:

Persons holding a Secondary School Diploma or its recognized equivalent. OR

Specify the regulation of Mongolian Ministry of Education or appropriate authority

The duration of the program is 2100 hours, which includes 795 hours spent on the specific competencies required to practice the trade or occupation and 305 hours on general, work-related competencies. The program of study is divided into 26 competencies which vary in length from 30 to 450 hours. The total hours allocated to the program include time devoted to teaching, evaluation of learning and enrichment or remedial activities. Note : 2100 hours = 795 +305

This document contains two parts.

Part I is of general interest and provides an overview of the program of study. It includes the program goals, the educational aims, a synoptic table of statements of the Competencies,the grid of competencies.

Part II is designed primarily for those directly involved in implementing the program. It contains a description of the program competencies/.

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Part I Synoptic table of statements of the Competencies Program Goals Educational Aims List of competencies Grid of Competencies

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Synoptic table of program of study

Number of modules 26 Food production equipment technician (repair equipments) 12345

Duration in hours 2100

Code # Title of the module (competency) Duration (hours)


1 To be a Technician 45 3 2 Assure health and safety 45 3 3 Adapt to work requirements in the trade sector and get a job position 450 30 4 Solve problems related to work activities 45 3 5 Use mathematical concepts and techniques 45 3 6 Use relevant technologies 60 4 7 Use Tools 45 3 8 Perform Mensuration 240 16 9 Read and Interpret Technical Drawing and manuals 90 6 10 Perform Computer Operations 60 4 11 Apply Quality Standards and Control 30 2 12 Terminate and connect electrical wiring and electronics circuit 45 3 13 Apply basic engineering principles to food production processes 60 4 14 Implement maintenance procedures in food sector enterprises 45 3 15 Work in freezer storage areas 30 2 16 Work in a clean rooms environment 30 2 17 Clean a unit to achieve a low bacteria condition 30 2 18 Clean industrial food machineries 45 3 19 Monitor and maintain instrument and control systems 45 3 20 Repair instrument and warning systems 60 4 21 Maintain and Repair Mechatronics Devices 255 17 22 Service and maintain ice plant refrigeration system 60 4 23 Troubleshoot ice plant refrigeration system 60 4 24 Recover and recycle refrigerant in ice plant system 60 4 25 Repair and retrofit ice plant systems and its accessories 60 4 26 Repair and retrofit heating equipment systems and accessories 60 4 * 15 hours = 1 credit This program leads to a Diploma of Vocational Studies in Food production equipment technician (repair equipments)

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Program Goals

This programme prepares students to practice the profession of Food production equipment technician (repair equipments) in different sectors, mostly in Food Sector or related sectors.

Description of tasks

Food production equipment technicians (repair equipments) carry out a variety of tasks, such as:

Assure health and safety Adapt to work requirements in the trade sector and get a job position Solve problems related to work activities Use mathematical concepts and techniques Use relevant technologies Use Tools Perform Mensuration Read and Interpret Technical Drawing and manuals Perform Computer Operations Apply Quality Standards and Control Terminate and connect electrical wiring and electronics circuit Apply basic engineering principles to food production processes Implement maintenance procedures in food sector enterprises Work in freezer storage areas Work in a clean rooms environment Clean a unit to achieve a low bacteria condition Clean industrial food machineries Monitor and maintain instrument and control systems Repair instrument and warning systems Maintain and Repair Mechatronics Devices Service and maintain ice plant refrigeration system Troubleshoot ice plant refrigeration system Recover and recycle refrigerant in ice plant system Repair and retrofit ice plant systems and its accessories Repair and retrofit heating equipment systems and accessories

Food production equipment technicians (repair equipments) use different tools and equipment such as personal protective clothing and equipments, workplace equipment and tools, office automation resources as fax and telephone, scanner, printers etc, cameras, word processing software, data base software, spreadsheet software, management software, basic measuring tools/devices, calculators, hand tools for adjusting, dismantling, assembling, finishing, cutting, multitester, tools and equipment appropriate to maintaining mechatronics systems, tools and equipment appropriate to maintaining ice plant refrigeration processes, tools and equipment appropriate to maintaining heating systems.

The program goals of the Food production equipment technician (repair equipments) program are based on the general goals of vocational training. These goals are as follows:

To help students develop effectiveness in the practice of a trade or occupation, that is:

– to teach students to perform roles, functions, tasks and activities associated with the trade or occupation upon entry into the job market

– to prepare students to progress satisfactorily on the job (which implies having the technical and

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C t 11

technological knowledge and skills in such areas as communication, problem solving, decision making, ethics, health and safety)

To help students integrate into the work force, that is:

– to familiarize students with the job market in general, and with the specific context of their chosen trade or occupation

– to familiarize students with their rights and responsibilities as workers

To foster students’ personal development and acquisition of occupational knowledge, skills, perceptions and attitudes, that is:

– to help students develop their autonomy and ability to learn, and acquire effective work methods

– to help students understand the principles underlying the techniques and the technology used in the trade or occupation

– to help students develop self-expression, creativity, initiative and entrepreneurial spirit

– to help students adopt the attitudes required to successfully practise the trade or occupation, and instill in them a sense of responsibility and a concern for excellence

To promote job mobility, that is:

– to help students develop positive attitudes toward change

– to help students develop the means to manage their careers by familiarizing them with entrepreneurship

Educational Aims

The aim of the Food production equipment technician (repair equipments) program is to help students develop attitudes and behaviours that representatives from education and the field deem essential to the practice of the trade or occupation:

to develop the skills that will enable them to choose the appropriate construction materials and techniques

to show constant concern for the strict application of current occupational health and safety rules and standards

to acquire the habit of being precise in their work

to improve their ability to react quickly in unforeseen situations

to develop the skills they need to work in a team

to show concern for clients’ needs

Statements of the Competencies

List of Competencies

Actively implement health and safety rules in work situations and protect health, safety and physical integrity on work.

Take up employment within the trade sector position

Solve problems in the workplace, apply problem solving techniques and determine and resolve the root cause of problems

Applicates of mathematical concepts and techniques to work situations

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Select, source and apply appropriate and affordable technologies in the workplace.

Safely use, handling and maintenance of tools.

Perform Mensuration identifying, caring, handling and using measuring instruments

Read/interpret diagrams, engineering abbreviation and drawings, symbols, dimension and manual in general

Input, access, produce and transfer data using the appropriate hardware and software

Apply quality standards in the workplace within relevant procedures, regulations and customer requirements

Terminate and connect electrical wiring and electronic circuits

Map production processes, measure outputs (yields, material variances) and apply an understanding of the basic principles of systems and equipment commonly used in the food processing industry with regard to systems and equipment used for heat transfer, refrigeration, pumping and evaporation/drying.

Set up maintenance procedures to keep equipment and software operating effectively

Work in a freezer storage/cold room area with temperature controlled stock

"Gown-up, enter and work in a clean room environment and de-gown to

minimise contamination risks"

Clean units achieving low bacteria conditions

To clean industrial food machinery on a planned or rostered basis with the machinery being taken out of operation for cleaning.

To monitor and maintain instrument/electrical systems used for process measurement and control of a process.

Repair instrument and warning systems, test systems and identify faults/causes, repair, clean-up and document the work.

Maintain and repair mechatronics devices and electrical/electronic control systems in general

Maintaining refrigeration components, lubrication, refrigerant, secondary heat transfers and distribution systems in ice plant refrigeration units.

Planning and preparing materials, tools and equipment, identifying and rectifying faults in ice plant refrigeration systems.

Evaluation of unit for recovering/recycling, setting-up of equipment and performing recovery and recycling of refrigerant operations.

Evaluate the condition, repair and retrofit ice plant system and its accessories, repairing faulty components, performing preventive maintenance and testing ice plant refrigeration system operation.

Repair and retrofit heating and cooking equipments and systems and their accessories including water heater systems, induction heaters, food warmers, microwave and dielectric heaters, gas and electric range, roasters, industrial ovens and dryers, fryers etc.

Grid of Competencies

The grid of competencies shows the relationship between general competencies, which correspond to work-related activities, and specific competencies, which are required to practice the particular trade or occupation, as well as the major steps in the work process.

The general competencies appear on the horizontal axis and the specific competencies, on the vertical axis/.

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General competencies involve activities common to several tasks or situations. They cover, for example, the technological or scientific principles that the students must understand to practice the trade or occupation. Specific competencies focus on tasks and activities that are of direct use in the trade or occupation.

The work process includes the most important steps in carrying out the tasks and activities of the trade or occupation.

The symbol (O) indicates a correlation between a general and a specific competency. The symbol (X) that these relationships have been taken into account in the acquisition of specific competencies. The logic used in constructing the grid influences the course sequence. Generally speaking, this sequence follows a logical progression in terms of the complexity of the learning involved and the development of the students’ autonomy. The vertical axis presents the specific competencies in the order in which they should be acquired and serves as a point of departure for determining how all of the competencies will be taught.

To be a Technician

Assure health and safety

Adapt to work requirements in the trade sector and get a job position

Solve problems related to work activities

Use mathem

atical concepts and techniques

Use relevant technologies

Use Tools

Perform M


Read and Interpret Technical Drawing and manuals

Perform Com

puter Operations

Apply Quality Standards and Control

Terminate and connect electrical wiring and electronics circuit

Monitor and m

aintain instrument and control system


Repair instrument and warning system


Competency number

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 19 20

Duration (in hours)

45 45 450 45 45 60 45 240 90 60 30 45 45 60

Apply basic engineering principles to food production processes 13 60 O O O O X O O O X O

Implement maintenance procedures in food sector enterprises 14 45 O O O O X O O O X O X O

Work in freezer storage areas 15 30 O O O O O O O O O

Work in a clean rooms environment 16 30 O O O O O O O O

Clean a unit to achieve a low bacteria condition 17 30 O O O O O O O O

Clean industrial food machineries 18 45 O O O O O O X O O

Maintain and Repair Mechatronics Devices 21 255 O O O X X O X X X O O X X X

Service and maintain ice plant refrigeration system 22 60 O O O X X O X X X O O X X X

Troubleshoot ice plant refrigeration system 23 60 O O O X X O X X X O O X X X

Recover and recycle refrigerant in ice plant system 24 60 O O O X X O X X X O O X X X

Repair and retrofit ice plant systems and its accessories 25 60 O O O X X O X X X O O X X X

Repair and retrofit heating equipment systems and accessories 26 60 O O O X X O X X X O O X X X



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To be a Technician Code 12345

Competency n. 1 hours durat ion 45 Credi t 3

Statement of the Competency

To be a Technician in food production equipment repairing sector. The students determine their suitability for the trade and the training process.

Achievement Context

Information phase - Learning about the nature and requirements of the job: tasks, work context, standards and regulations, personal qualities and aptitudes required, etc. - Learning about the job market: sectors of activity and job prospects, working conditions, remuneration, etc. - Learning about the educational environment: rules, student services, schedule, etc. - Learning about the training process: program of study, evaluation methods, certification of studies, participation required, etc. Participation phase - make researches on the trade. - Visiting the education centre. - Attending seminars. - Sharing their views on the trade and their initial reactions to the program of study. - Meeting with specialists in the trade. - Visiting businesses.

Elements of the Competency

1 be familiar with the nature of the trade. 2 know the training process. 3 confirm the career choice.

Performance Criteria

produce a report in which: 1.1 present the trade taking examples from existing professionalities in labour market (as output of the active research task) 2.1 list a set of learning priorities and aims 3.1 state their preferences, qualities, aptitudes and expectations with respect to the trade 3.2 evaluate their career choice by comparing the aspects of the trade with their preferences, qualities, aptitudes and expectations

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Assure health and safety Code

Competency n. 2 hours durat ion 45 Credi t 3

Statement of the Competency

To actively implement health and safety rules in work situations and protect health, safety and physical integrity on work.

Achievement Context

Information phase - Learning about the risks inherent in construction sites. - Learning about the rules that apply to health and safety on construction sites. - Learning what measures to take in the event of an emergency. - Thinking about the importance of acquiring competencies related to occupational health and safety. Participation phase - Experiencing situations in which it is necessary to prevent risks and eliminate dangers to the environment, facilities, equipment, machinery, tools, materials, power sources, etc. - Participating in activities involving the recognition of risks related to the transportation of loads and work postures in confined spaces. - Participating in activities involving the recognition of symbols and signals related to risk prevention (hazardous materials and their transportation, road work, etc.). - Comparing high-risk behaviour observed on construction sites and identifying the basic principles underlying safe behaviour.

Elements of the Competency

1 be responsible and have attitudes with respect to health and safety 2 be familiar with the importance of complying with occupational health and safety standards and rules3 recognize dangerous situations or behaviours and the applicable preventive measures 4 implement health and safety rules 5 report workplace hazards and occupational health and safety incidents and related action 6 solve or report problems identified when dealing with safety hazards and applying 7 apply appropriate hazard control procedures 8 use required personal protective equipment, clothing and other equipment when necessary 9 make a self evaluation of risks during the work placement

Performance Criteria

1.1 demonster responsibility and attitudes with respect to health and safety during workshops and placement 2.1 producing a report containing: - a summary of their newly acquired knowledge and skills - an evaluation of their own attitude to occupational health and safety - objectives and means of improving their behaviour - a self evaluation of risks done during the work placement 3.1 producing an appropriate self evaluation of risks during the work placement (see point 2.1) 4.1 implement health and safety rules during workshops and placement 5.1 make written reports on workplace hazards and occupational health and safety incidents and related action during simulations, workshops and placement 6.1 solve or report problems identified when dealing with safety hazards and applying 7 1 apply appropriate hazard control procedures

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during workshops and placement 8.1 use in the right way relevant personal protective clothing and equipment during workshops and placement 9.1 write a self evaluation of risks done during the work placement (see point 2.1)

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Adapt to work requirements in the trade sector and get a job position


Competency n. 3 hours durat ion 450 Credi t 30

Statement of the Competency

To take up employment within the trade sector position

Achievement Context

Information phase: - job research techniques - CV standards and presentation letters - workflow procedures and Quality Management Research guided activities with information phase on: - Manage one's own learning. - Adapt to and demonstrate appropriate work practices. - Work within organisational requirements. - Identify sectors of the industry. - Identify industry sector products and services. Simulation phase: - simulation of a real work situation where the student has to correspond to work requests given by a simulated buyer or employer. Students must be organized in small groups or individuals and have to simulate a market situation where they work as a free lance/ entrepreneurs or employees. The simulator buyer meet them and ask for services. They have to implement all the phases like to make the offer or to calculate internal work times in case of employees, realize the work, ask for the payments or fill the work sheet report templates. Active phase - work placement experience - produce CV and presentation letter - research job positions and apply - build up a personal network

Elements of the Competency

1) adapt and modify activities depending on differing workplace contexts and environments 2) apply relevant industrial or legislative requirements 3) apply basic interpersonal and communication skills, such as listening, questioning and receiving feedback 4) follow directions 5) follow relevant occupational health and safety and environmental protection procedures and requirements 6) use literacy skills in the workplace 7) recognise and adapt appropriately to cultural differences in the workplace including modes of

Performance Criteria

1.1 adapt and modify activities depending on differing workplace contexts and environments during simulation and workplacement 2.1 choose and apply relevant industrial or legislative requirements to simulation and workplacement work 3.1 apply basic interpersonal and communication skills, such as listening, questioning and receiving feedback 4.1 follow directions during workplacement and simulation 5.1 follow relevant occupational health and safety and environmental protection procedures and requirements during workplacement and simulation

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behaviour and interaction with staff and others 8) recognise limitations, ask for help and seek clarification or information about work requirements and procedures 9) apply time-management procedures and behaviours 10) use related technologies 11) produce presentation letters and CV 12) search and apply for job

6.1 produce appropriate CV and presentation letters 7.1 write a description of cultural differences seen in the workplace and or in the course, including modes of behaviour and interaction with staff and others 8.1 produce written requests for help and clarifications or for information about work requirements and procedures 9.1 maintain an agenda of activities, a list of tasks and use it 10.1 use personal computer, telephone and fax 11.1 produce appropriate presentation letters and CV 12.1 produce list of potential employer and related presentation letters and CV ready to be sent to enterprises 12.2 build up a personal job research network 12.3 interact positively in work interviews

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Solve problems related to work activities Code

Competency n. 4 hours durat ion 45 Credi t 3

Statement of the Competency

Solve problems in the workplace, apply problem solving techniques and determine and resolve the root cause of problems

Achievement Context

Students will be conducted to apply various techniques to concrete situations. With an initial briefing the teacher will propose a work method and after that the students will have to apply it to concrete situations. As Analytical techniques, they will have to use: Brainstorming, Intuitions/Logic, Cause and effect diagrams, Pareto analysis, SWOT analysis, Gant chart, Pert CPM and graphs, Scattergrams As problem management they will have to use: - Non - routine process and quality problems - Equipment selection, availability and failure - Teamwork and work allocation problem - Safety and emergency situations and incidents As Action plans they will have to use - Priority requirements - Measurable objectives - Resource requirements - Timelines - Co-ordination and feedback requirements - Safety requirements - Risk assessment - Environmental requirements The lessons will be conducted referring the contents to concrete situations happening during the course and the placements

Elements of the Competency

1) Identify the problem 2) Determine fundamental causes of the problem 3) Determine corrective action 4) Provide recommendation/s to manage

Performance Criteria

1.1 Variances are identified from normal operating parameters; and product quality 1.2 Extent, cause and nature of the problem are defined through observation, investigation and analytical techniques 1.3 Problems are clearly stated and specified 2.1 Possible causes are identified based on experience and the use of problem solving tools / analytical techniques. 2.2 Possible cause statements are developed based on findings 2.3 Fundamental causes are identified per results of investigation conducted 3.1 All possible options are considered for resolution of the problem

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3.2 Strengths and weaknesses of possible options are considered 3.3 Corrective actions are determined to resolve the problem and possible future causes 3.4 Action plans are developed identifying measurable objectives, resource needs and timelines in accordance with safety and operating procedures 4.1 Report on recommendations are prepared according to procedures. 4.2 Recommendations are presented to appropriate personnel. 4.3 Recommendations are followed-up, if required

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Use mathematical concepts and techniques Code

Competency n. 5 hours durat ion 45 Credi t 3

Statement of the Competency

Application of mathematical concepts and techniques to work situations

Achievement Context

Students will be guided to resolve concrete problems, identifying the right mathematical tools and techniques. Tasks on analysis and manage of processes will be assigned to push them to find adequate solutions. Through concrete cases and examples they will apply mathematical procedure/solution to work environment and will learn how to analyze results. They will have to consider: Mathematical techniques that may include but are not limited to: - Four fundamental operations - Measurements - Use/Conversion of units of measurements - Use of standard formulas Appropriate actions as - Review in the use of mathematical techniques (e.g. recalculation, re-modeling) - Report error to immediate superior for proper action

Elements of the Competency

1) Identify mathematical tools and techniques to solve problem 2) Apply mathematical procedure/solution 3) Analyze result

Performance Criteria

1.1 Problem areas are identified based on given condition 1.2 Mathematical techniques are selected based on the given problem 2.1 Mathematical techniques are applied based on the problem identified 2.2 Mathematical computations are performed to the level of accuracy required for the problem 2.3 Results of mathematical computation is determined and verified based on job requirements 3.1 Result of application is reviewed based on expected and required specifications and outcome 3.2 Appropriate action is applied in case of error

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Use relevant technologies Code

Competency n. 6 hours durat ion 60 Credi t 4

Statement of the Competency

Select, source and apply appropriate and affordable technologies in the workplace.

Achievement Context

The students will have to work with various aspects of the knoledge and of the technologies. They will have to understand how the technologies can be integrated in the work processes, both in case of using for learning and of use for working in a costruction site being in the following context. Technology, that may include but is not limited to: - Office technology - Industrial technology - System technology - Information technology - Training technology Management concepts, that may include but are not limited to: - Real Time Management - KAIZEN or continuous improvement - 5s - Total Quality Management - Other management/productivity tools Industry standard operating procedure - Written guidelines relative to the usage of office technology/equipment - Verbal advise/instruction from the co-worker Manufacturer’s operating guidelines/ instructions - Written instruction/manuals of specific technology/ equipment - General instruction manual - Verbal advise from manufacturer relative to the operation of equipment Appropriate actions - Implementing preventive maintenance schedule Coordinating with manufacturer’s technician

Elements of the Competency

1) Study/select appropriate technology 2) Apply relevant technology 3) Maintain/enhance of relevant technology

Performance Criteria

1.1 Usage of different technologies is determined based on job requirements 1.2 Appropriate technology is selected as per work specification 2.1 Relevant technology is effectively used in carrying out function 2.2 Applicable software and hardware are used as per task requirement 2.3 Management concepts are observed and practiced as per established industry practices

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3.1 Maintenance of technology is applied in accordance with the industry standard operating procedure, manufacturer’s operating guidelines and occupational health and safety procedure to ensure its operative ability 3.2 Updating of technology is maintained through continuing education or training in accordance with job requirement 3.3 Technology failure/ defect is immediately reported to the concern/responsible person or section for appropriate actio

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Use Tools Code

Competency n. 7 hours durat ion 45 Credi t 3

Statement of the Competency

Safely use, handling and maintenance of tools.

Achievement Context

The achievement context for this module is, for one part, a situation where the students can understand, plan and prepare the necessary tools to undertake a specific tasks. For another part is an environment where they can experiment the use and the maintaining of these tools.The context is characterize by the following aspects: Tools characteristics and classification according to the task requirements Preparation of tools - Appropriate tools are checked for proper operation and safety - Unsafe or faulty tools are identified and marked for repair according to standard company procedure Use appropriate tools and test equipment - Tools are used according to tasks undertaken - All safety procedures in using tools are observed at all times and appropriate personal protective equipment (PPE) are used - Malfunctions, unplanned or unusual events are reported to the supervisor Maintain tools - Tools are handled without damage according to procedures. - Routine maintenance of tools is undertaken according to standard operational procedures, principles and techniques - Tools are stored safely in appropriate locations in accordance with manufacturer’s specifications or standard operating procedures

Elements of the Competency

1. Plan and prepare for tasks to be undertaken 2. Prepare tools 3. Safety use of appropriate tools and test equipment 4. Safety maintaining of tools

Performance Criteria

1.1. Tasks to be undertaken are properly identified 1.2. Appropriate tools are identified and selected according to the task requirements 2.1. Appropriate tools are checked for proper operation and safety 2.2. Unsafe or faulty tools are identified and marked for repair according to standard company procedure 3.1. Tools are used according to tasks undertaken 3.2. All safety procedures in using tools are observed at all times and appropriate personal protective equipment (PPE) are used

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3.3. Malfunctions, unplanned or unusual events are reported to the supervisor 4.1. Tools are handled without damage according to procedures. 4.2. Routine maintenance of tools is undertaken according to standard and safety operational procedures, principles and techniques Tools are stored safely in appropriate locations in accordance with manufacturer’s specifications or standard operating procedure

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Perform Mensuration Code

Competency n. 8 hours durat ion 240 Credi t 16

Statement of the Competency

Perform Mensuration identifying, caring, handling and using measuring instruments

Achievement Context

The students have to own basic principles of Applied or Industrial Metrology to properly use measuring instruments. The achievement context will be therefore characterized by the presentation and the study of theoretical and practical aspects of measurement and by practical activities where the students will be able to put in practice the principles studied in theory and become practiced with the instruments. In particular, it is necessary that they know the most important instruments and tools usually utilized for measurement activities in their profession. The practical abilities can be developed through simple workshops managing Units related to base quantities (Length, Time, Mass, Electric current, Thermodynamic temperature, Amount of substance, Luminous intensity).

Elements of the Competency

1 Select measuring instruments 2. Carry out measurement 3. Maintain measuring instruments (at a basic level of competences)

Performance Criteria

1. Select measuring instruments 1.1. Object or component to be measured is identified according to procedures 1.2. Correct specifications are obtained from relevant source 1.3. Appropriate measuring instrument is selected to achieve required outcome 2. Carry out measurements 2.1. measuring instrument are calibrated when necessary 2.2. Accurate measurements are esecuted 2.3. Measurement errors are calculated when necessary 2.4. data are saved 3. Maintain measuring instruments 3.1. Measuring instruments are handled without damage according to procedures 3.2. Measuring instruments are cleaned before and after using. 3.3. Proper storage of instruments are undertaken according to manufacturer’s specifications and standard operating procedures

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Read and Interpret Technical Drawing and manuals Code

Competency n. 9 hours durat ion 90 Credi t 6

Statement of the Competency

Read/interpret diagrams, engineering abbreviation and drawings, symbols, dimension and manual in general

Achievement Context

In industry and in the maintaining of the machineries in particular, is necessary to be able to read and understand technical drawing and manuals. All the instruction manuals and operation manual are potential instruments of work and has to be understood and applied in the proper way. In this sense, the students have to be driven into the panorama of manuals publishing and inside of the various possible existing approaches they have to become able to read and understand the draws. Technical drawing are explained and interpreted in function of the instructions or the operations that have to be performed with the machinery.

Elements of the Competency

1 identify different kind of manuals 2 Identify different kinds of technical drawings 3 Interpret manuals and technical drawing 4 Store technical drawings and manuals

Performance Criteria

1. identify different kind of manuals 1.1. Correct manual is selected according to job requirements. 1.2. Manuals are segregated in accordance with the types and kinds of it 2. Identify different kinds of technical drawings 2.1. Correct technical drawing is selected according to job requirements. 2.2. Technical drawings are segregated in accordance with the types and kinds of drawings 3. Interpret manuals and technical drawing 3.1. Abbreviations and structures are identified and understood. 3.2. Components, assemblies or objects are recognized as required. 3.3. Dimensions of the key features of the objects depicted in the drawing are correctly identified. 3.4. Symbols used in the drawing are identified and interpreted correctly. 3.5. Drawing is checked and validated against job requirements or equipment in accordance with standard operating procedures. 4. Store technical drawings and manuals 4.1. Care and maintenance of drawings are undertaken according to company procedures. 4.2. Technical drawings and manuals are recorded and inventory is prepared in accordance with company procedures. 4.3. Proper storage of Technical drawings and manuals is undertaken according to company procedures.

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Perform Computer Operations Code

Competency n. 10 hours durat ion 60 Credi t 4

Statement of the Competency

Input, access, produce and transfer data using the appropriate hardware and software

Achievement Context

Office automation is a must in any work process where it is necessary to communicate, store and retrieve information. Students have to learn how to finalize personal computer and network use to their work. It is necessary to let them understand how to input, elaborate, retrieve and communicate data in function to the work tasks that they have to perform.

Elements of the Competency

1. Input/manage/elaborate data using computer 2. Communicate data using computer and networks3. Access information using computer 4. Produce/output data using computer 5. Maintain computer equipment and systems

Performance Criteria

1. Input/manage/elaborate data using computer 1.1 Appropriate hardware and software are selected according to task assigned and required outcome 1.2 Data are entered into the computer using appropriate peripherals, programs/applications 1.3 Inputted data are stored in storage media according to requirements 1.4 Data are managed/elaborated using word processor, database, spreadsheet 1.5 Work is performed within ergonomic guidelines 2. Communicate data using computer and networks2.1 Data are sent or received using email 2.2 Data are shared using online tools 3. Access information using computer 3.1 Data are retrieved both, from local and form external drives and network resources 4. Produce/output data using computer system 4.1 Data are outputted in printers, speakers and video projectors 5. Maintain computer equipment and systems 5.1 Cleanings, minor maintenance and replacement of consumables are implemented 5.2 Procedures for ensuring security of data, including regular back-ups and virus checks are implemented 5.3 Basic file maintenance procedures are implemented

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Apply Quality Standards and Control Code

Competency n. 11 hours durat ion 30 Credi t 2

Statement of the Competency

Apply quality standards in the workplace within relevant procedures, regulations and customer requirements

Achievement Context

Quality management is a very important factor that must be integrated with all the activities carried out during work. The module is essential to link all the abilities acquired by the students, within the general perspective and enterprises strategy. Students have to know the basics of a quality management system and have to be able to take their specific responsibilities in a structural frame, having ever present the operations up and down their own responsibilities. Quality management system must be presented as something to be known and as something to be applied in every moment of the work execution. Students will be able to know and follow procedures, to apply rules and to fill documents as check lists and templates.

Elements of the Competency

1. be awareness of quality principles and processes 2. apply quality assurance and control procedures as related to the trade

Performance Criteria

1 be awareness of quality principles and processes1.1. Describe the reasons for quality assurance and quality plans 1.2. Explain the relationship between quality assurance and quality control 1.3. Describe quality control procedures as applied to the production and checking of specifications and processes in applicable occupations. 1.4. Describe quality control procedures as applied to the acceptance and checking of raw materials. 1.5. Explain the role of communications in a quality environment 1.6. Explain why it is important for all employees to understand the structure of the company and its production processes. 1.7. Explain how human resource effectiveness is maximized in a quality managed Organization 1.8. Explain the role of company policy in quality management 1.9. Explain the purpose of codes and standards in various occupations. 1.10. Explain the concepts of quality 1.11. Explain how it is possible to measure quality performances 1.12. Explain the concept of indicators 2 apply quality assurance and control procedures as related to the trade 2.1. Apply quality control procedures to work 2.2. Interpret required standards 2.3. Complete quality control (check lists) reports

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Terminate and connect electrical wiring and electronics circuit


Competency n. 12 hours durat ion 45 Credi t 3

Statement of the Competency

Terminate and connect electrical wiring and electronic circuits

Achievement Context

To maintain or install machineries or computer hardware in particular is ever necessary to manage connection of electrical and electronic circuits using the appropriate tools and also by soldering wires and terminals when required. For these reasons, students must become familiar with the wiring techniques and characteristics and have to know what king of connections are necessary in relation to what the cables have to transmit.

Elements of the Competency

1. Plan and prepare for termination/connection of electrical wiring/electronics circuits 2. Terminate/connect electrical wiring/electronic circuits 3. Test termination/connections of electrical wiring/electronics circuits

Performance Criteria

1. Plan and prepare for termination/connection of electrical wiring/electronics circuits 1.1. Materials are checked according to specifications and tasks 1.2. Appropriate tools and equipment are selected according to tasks requirements 1.3. Task is planned to ensure OH & S guidelines and procedures are followed 1.4. Electrical wiring/electronic circuits are correctly prepared for connecting/termination in accordance with instructions and work site procedures 2. Terminate/connect electrical wiring/electronic circuits 2.1. Safety procedures in using tools are observed at all times and appropriate personal protective equipment are used 2.2. All work undertaken safely in accordance with the workplace and standard procedures 2.3. Appropriate range of methods in termination/connection are used according to specifications, manufacturer’s requirements and safety 2.4. Correct sequence of operation is followed 2.5. Accessories used are adjusted, if necessary 2.6. Confirm termination/connection undertaken successfully in accordance with job specification 3. Test termination/connections of electrical wiring/electronics circuits 3.1. Testing of all completed termination/ connections of electric wiring/electronic circuits is conducted for compliance with specifications and regulations using appropriate procedures and equipment 3.2. Wiring and circuits are checked using specified testing procedures 3.3. Unplanned events or conditions are responded to in accordance with established procedures

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Apply basic engineering principles to food production processes


Competency n. 13 hours durat ion 60 Credi t 4

Statement of the Competency

Map production processes, measure outputs (yields, material variances) and apply an understanding of the basic principles of systems and equipment commonly used in the food processing industry with regard to systems and equipment used for heat transfer, refrigeration, pumping and evaporation/drying.

Achievement Context

The Food production equipment technician (repair equipments), is a worker who needs to interact properly with the production chain, having the ability to understand the processes of food production and for this purpose, having the ability to apply basic engineering principles proper to the sector. In this sense, the maintaining of the equipments must be performed understanding the enterprise processes and understanding the principles that regulates these processes. The production processes must be mapped to be understood and the Food production equipment technician (repair equipments) has to be able to understand how the production management measure the inputs and the outputs (yields, material variances) in order to apply a real understanding of the basic principles of systems and equipment commonly used in the food processing industry.

Elements of the Competency

1. Map a production process 2. Calculate yields and efficiencies of a production process 3. Apply principles of fluid flow to a production process 4. Apply principles of heat transfer to a production process 5. Apply principles of evaporation to a production process 6. Apply principles of drying to a production process 7. Apply principles of process control to management of production processes

Performance Criteria

1. Map a production process 1.1 The scope of a production process to be mapped is identified 1.2 Appropriate process mapping symbols are selected and used 1.3 A map is developed that identifies the relationship of each step in the process 2. Calculate yields and efficiencies of a production process 2.1 Inputs to and outputs of a production processing system are identified 2.2 Information required to monitor performance of a production process is collected 2.3 Calculate yields, efficiencies and material variances 3. Apply principles of fluid flow to a production process 3.1 Fluid properties that affect flow are identified 3.2 Components and related equipment used in the pumping system are identified 3.3 Features of the system design that affect performance of the pumping system are identified 3.4 The effect of pumping on the fluid properties is identified 3.5 The operating capacity of pumping systems used in the production process is established 3 6 Procedures for the safe use of pumping

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equipment are reviewed and/or established 4. Apply principles of heat transfer to a production process 4.1 Types of heat transfer are identified 4.2 Methods and related equipment used to transfer heat are identified 4.3 Types of heat transfer media are identified 4.4 Operating principles of cooling, chilling and freezing processes are identified 4.5 The effect of heat transfer on product/material properties is identified 4.6 The operating capacity of heat transfer equipment used in the production process is established 4.7 Procedures for the safe use of heat transfer equipment are reviewed and/or established 5. Apply principles of evaporation to a production process 5.1 Methods and related equipment used for evaporation are identified 5.2 The effect of evaporation on product/material properties is identified 5.3 Tests used to determine the concentration of a liquid are identified 5.4 The operating capacity of evaporation equipment used in the production process is established 5.5 Procedures for the safe use of evaporation equipment are reviewed and/or established 6. Apply principles of drying to a production process 6.1 Methods and related equipment used for drying are identified 6.2 The effect of drying on product/material properties is identified 6.3 Tests used to determine moisture content of materials and/or product are identified 6.4 The operating capacity of drying equipment used in the production process is established 6.5 Procedures for the safe use of drying equipment are reviewed and/or established 7. Apply principles of process control to management of production processes 7.1 Locate sensors and instrumentation providing input information to the control system 7.2 Identify consequences of a system malfunction

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Implement maintenance procedures in food sector enterprises


Competency n. 14 hours durat ion 45 Credi t 3

Statement of the Competency

Set up maintenance procedures to keep equipment and software operating effectively

Achievement Context

The breadth, depth and complexity of knowledge and skills in this competency would cover a broad range of varied activities or application in a wider variety of contexts most of which are complex and non-routine. Leadership and guidance would be involved when organising activities of self and others as well as contributing to technical solutions of a non-routine or contingency nature.

Elements of the Competency

1. Conduct routine inspection of plant and equipment 2. Prepare to conduct routine maintenance 3. Carry out routine maintenance 4. Complete maintenance tasks

Performance Criteria

1. Conduct routine inspection of plant and equipment 1.1 Equipment is inspected to identify signs of wear1.2 Nature of maintenance requirement is assessed 2. Prepare to conduct routine maintenance 2.1 Maintenance task is assessed to determine tools and services required 2.2 Equipment is prepared for maintenance 2.3 Hand tools are selected according to task requirements 2.4 Tools are checked before use and unsafe and/or faulty items are reported within standard procedures 2.5 Maintenance is planned and scheduled in consultation with affected work areas to minimise disruption to production 3. Carry out routine maintenance 3.1 Routine maintenance on equipment is carried out according to workplace procedures 3.2 Maintenance activities are reported according to workplace reporting requirements 4. Complete maintenance tasks 4.1 Equipment is returned to operating order 4.2 Tools and materials are stored according to workplace procedure 4.3 Relevant personnel are notified of maintenance completion 4.4 Housekeeping standards are maintained

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Work in freezer storage areas Code

Competency n. 15 hours durat ion 30 Credi t 2

Statement of the Competency

Work in a freezer storage/cold room area with temperature controlled stock

Achievement Context

The Food stored in a freezer environment must be treated avoiding any product damage, during the normal maintenance operations and during any extraordinary repairing operations or updating of equipments. Additionally, working in a freezer environment, to repair and maintain equipments mean to be able to guarantee safety of self and others during all the phases. For these reasons the Food production equipment technician has to work in the freezer area being able to move in it in an effective way with professionalism and advanced knowledge of the situation.

Elements of the Competency

1. Prepare to enter a freezer storage environment 2. Identify and monitor equipment operation in a freezer storage environment 3. Handle frozen product safely 4. Respond to emergencies

Performance Criteria

1. Prepare to enter a freezer storage environment 1.1 Appropriate clothing and footwear is identified and available 1.2 Clothing and footwear is correctly fitted prior to entering a freezer 1.3 Checks and inspections are conducted according to workplace procedures 2. Identify and monitor equipment operation in a freezer storage environment 2.1 Identify the effect of freezing temperatures on equipment used 2.2 Monitor equipment to ensure it is in operational order when in use in a freezer 3. Handle frozen product safely 3.1 Identify handling requirements for frozen product 3.2 Handle frozen product safely 4. Respond to emergencies 4.1 Identify signs and symptoms of exposure 4.2 Take appropriate action to minimise effects of exposure of self and others

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Work in a clean rooms environment Code

Competency n. 16 hours durat ion 30 Credi t 2

Statement of the Competency

Gown-up, enter and work in a clean room environment and de-gown to minimise contamination risks

Achievement Context

To work in a clean room work environments is necessary to use properly protective clothing and appropriate footwear. The Food production equipment technician has to follow procedures to fit and inspect protective clothing and footwear and following appropriate hand washing and disinfecting procedures and fitting gloves as required because he can be asked to make mensurations, maintenance and repair actions also in presence of normal production activities. His work requires the appropriate manners to minimising risk of food contamination including the knowledge necessary about sterilisation of equipment and surfaces.

Elements of the Competency

1 Prepare to enter a clean room environment 2. Work in a clean room environment 3. Exit a clean room environment and de-gown

Performance Criteria

1 Prepare to enter a clean room environment 1.1 Appropriate clothing and footwear are identified and available 1.2 Clothing and footwear are correctly fitted and inspected prior to entering a clean room 1.3 Hand washing and disinfecting procedures are followed according to workplace procedure 2. Work in a clean room environment 2.1 Follow workplace procedures to enter a clean room environment 2.2 Conduct work activities so as to minimise risk of contamination 3. Exit a clean room environment and de-gown 3.1 Follow workplace procedures to exit a clean room environment 3.2 Remove protective clothing and footwear according to workplace procedure

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Clean a unit to achieve a low bacteria condition Code

Competency n. 17 hours durat ion 30 Credi t 2

Statement of the Competency

Clean units achieving low bacteria conditions

Achievement Context

All equipment and materials are either disposable or suitable for chemical disinfection or sterilisation. These operations can be part of the periodic maintenance or as final step of a repair activity. The work environment has to be maintained at low bacteria conditions to assure food hazards free condition even and especially after any maintenance operation. Any maintenance activity must be concluded with the final cleaning of the equipment, following rules and procedures and using the right products, to achieve a low bacteria conditions.

Elements of the Competency

1 Ascertain the special requirements for cleaning the low bacteria location 2. Select appropriate methods and procedures 3. Select and assemble tools and equipment 4. Organise work to follow scheduled procedures 5. Wear protective clothing where required 6. Apply selected procedures to low bacteria area 7. Determine that the requirements of the applied procedures have been met 8. Clean and store equipmen

Performance Criteria

1. Ascertain the special requirements for cleaning the low bacteria location. 1.1. The availability of the area to be cleaned using the required method is confirmed. 1.2. Risks and hazards are identified and dangerous areas are reported immediately for further action . 1.3. The priorities and special requirements for cleaning the area are identified, including special clothing requirements. 1.4. Protocols for cleaning of the area are identified and planned for. 1.5. Written notices, warning symbols and room conditions are observed and acted upon in accordance with requirements. 1.6. The responsibilities for cleaning are confirmed based on agreed requirements. 1.7. Any pre-existing damage to work site is reported immediately. 2. Select appropriate methods and procedures. 2.1. The methods and procedures selected to produce the low bacteria outcome can be fully completed in the access time available. 2.2. The application of relevant health regulation, code of practice and requirements are met by the selected methods and procedures. 2.3. Up to date documentation for the selected methods is obtained. 3. Select and assemble tools and equipment. 3.1. Tools and equipment selected are relevant to the type of low bacteria area and provide protection from identified risks. 3.2. Equipment is selected in accordance with relevant signage systems coding and

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manufacturers requirements. 3.3. Equipment is assembled in accordance with manufacturers specifications and checked to be in good working order. 3.4. Chemicals are diluted in accordance with manufacturers instructions and protocols. 3.5. Safety conditions are reviewed against relevant safety data sheets to ensure safe cleaning operations. 3.6. New filters are installed where required to protect against any possible cross infection. 4. Organise work to follow scheduled procedures. 4.1. Waste types are recognised and removed in accordance with relevant company and legislative requirements to reduce risk of contamination or infection. 4.2. Equipment and furniture are moved to provide clear access to cleaning site. 4.3. Specialised equipment is isolated/removed from cleaning site in terms of client requirements to avoid any possibility of damage. 5. Wear protective clothing where required. 5.1. Protective clothing is fitted and secured properly to ensure safe and comfortable use. 5.2. All external jewelry is removed or covered where it is a potential safety hazard. 6. Apply selected procedures to low bacteria area .6.1. Machinery is used in accordance with manufacturers specifications . 6.2. Relevant Occupational health and safety legislation and practice, industry codes of practice, infection control, waste management and organisational requirements are observed . 6.3. Ongoing activity and work in process is not interrupted. 6.4. Suitable measures and organisational procedures are taken to ensure cross contamination does not occur. 6.5. Filters, pads and brushes are regularly checked for cleanliness and replaced as required to maintain the effectiveness of the cleaning procedures. 6.6. Correctly diluted cleaning agent is applied to surfaces to enable reduction of bacteria in accordance with manufacturers instructions. 7. Determine that the requirements of the applied procedures have been met. 8. Clean and store equipment. 8.1. Equipment is dried and cleaned as per manufacturers' specifications, and infection control procedures. 8.2. Cleaning agents, polishes and cloths are stored in accordance with manufacturers specifications and relevant health and safety requirements

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8.3. Cleaned equipment is stored in a manner that will maintain its function and is readily accessible for re-use

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Clean industrial food machineries Code

Competency n. 18 hours durat ion 45 Credi t 3

Statement of the Competency

To clean industrial food machinery on a planned or rostered basis with the machinery being taken out of operation for cleaning.

Achievement Context

Cleaners are not usually involved in the routine cleaning of operational machinery for safety and production reasons so it is necessary that the Food production equipment technician perform these operations. He has to own the ability to assess the extent of the cleaning task through a knowledge of the characteristics of the surface area and the type of surface soiling, and through understanding client requirements and applying company policies and procedures in order to perform the task. The work may be performed in teams or individually. The selection of appropriate equipment, chemicals and cleaning methods is essential for performing the task safely and efficiently

Elements of the Competency

1 Assess suitability of industrial machinery for cleaning 2 Select equipment and chemicals 3 Prepare machinery and site 4 Clean machinery 5 Tidy work site 6 Clean, safety-check and store equipment and chemicals

Performance Criteria

1 Assess suitability of industrial machinery for cleaning 1.1 Assess the industrial machinery to be cleaned and review work order in accordance with company requirements and clarify any issues with appropriate person(s) 1.2 Identify hazards and control risks in the work site in accordance with legislative, occupational health and safety (OHS) and company requirements 1.3 Identify machinery surfaces and soil type(s) through observation in accordance with work order and company requirements 1.4 Assess machinery cleaning hazards in accordance with work order and legislation, OHS and company requirements 1.5 Select cleaning technique(s) in accordance with work order, manufacturers’ specifications and environmental, legislative, OHS and company requirements 1.6 Identify and report any pre-existing damage at the work site to the appropriate person(s) in accordance with company requirements 2 Select equipment and chemicals 2.1 Select and use suitable personal protective equipment (PPE) in accordance with manufacturers’ specifications, OHS and company requirements 2.2 Select equipment and chemicals appropriate for the work order in accordance with OHS and company requirements 2.3 Check operational effectiveness of equipment in accordance with manufacturers’ specifications

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and company requirements 2.4 Adjust mechanical equipment to suit operator’s requirements in accordance with manufacturers’ specifications and OHS requirements 2.5 Prepare chemicals in accordance with manufacturers’ specifications, OHS and company requirements 3 Prepare machinery and site 3.1 Confirm and reassess hazards and control risks in the work site in accordance with legislative, OHS and company requirements 3.2 Install appropriate signage and barriers to maximise public safety during the cleaning operation in accordance with OHS and company requirements 3.3 Utilise existing access platforms in accordance with manufacturers’ specifications and OHS and company requirements 3.4 Cover and secure items or areas requiring protection from damage in accordance with work order, manufacturers’ specifications and company requirements 3.5 Identify any work restrictions affecting the completion of the work order instructions and advise promptly the appropriate person(s) 4 Clean machinery 4.1 Prepare heavily soiled areas in accordance with manufacturers’ specifications and company requirements 4.2 Clean machinery using appropriate equipment, PPE, chemicals and cleaning technique(s) in accordance with client requirements, work order, manufacturers’ specifications and company requirements 4.3 Inspect machinery for residual spots, marks and soil and spot clean as required in accordance with work order and company requirements 4.4 Conduct all work in accordance with manufacturers’ specifications and legislative, OHS and company requirements 5 Tidy work site 5.1 Dispose of all collected soil and waste in accordance with client/enterprise specifications, work order, manufacturers’ specifications and environmental, legislative, OHS and company requirements 5.2 Remove signage and barriers in accordance with work order and OHS and company requirements 6 Clean, safety-check and store equipment and chemicals 6.1 Clean equipment and Personal Protective Equipment PPE in accordance with manufacturers’ specifications and environmental, OHS and company requirements 6 2 Safety-check equipment and PPE in

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accordance with manufacturers’ specifications and OHS requirements and record any required maintenance in accordance with company requirements 6.3 Store and maintain equipment and PPE to allow ready access in accordance with manufacturers’ specifications and OHS and company requirements 6.4 Store chemicals in accordance with manufacturers’ specifications and OHS and company requirements

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Monitor and maintain instrument and control systems Code

Competency n. 19 hours durat ion 45 Credi t 3

Statement of the Competency

To monitor and maintain instrument/electrical systems used for process measurement and control of a process.

Achievement Context

In a typical scenario, a Food production equipment technician would be able to·test, repair and recommission instrumentation and control systems used in the food industry, monitor equipment operation,·issue permits to allow work to be undertaken, verify equipment operation, calibrate instrumentation, prepare and analyse reports related to the equipment/systems. This competency covers any control system/instrumentation forming part of a control system, such as those for compressor systems, prime movers, valve systems and systems measuring/controlling flow, pressure or temperature. It also covers the use of relevant test equipment. Control systems can be pneumatic, electrical/electronic, electro-pneumatic, computer-based, etc. This competency includes responding to emergency situations, such as a leaks, fire or equipment failure. It also includes troubleshooting a range of problems which could include electrical faults, calibration errors or equipment failure. Persons performing this competency would also, as part of their job role, identify and control hazards in their work area and with equipment/systems.

Elements of the Competency

1. Monitor equipment operation 2. Test/repair equipment 3. Recommission systems and equipment 4. Compile and analyse reports

Performance Criteria

1. Monitor equipment operation 1.1 Monitor equipment operation according to instrument/electrical equipment operating principles and parameters 1.2 Access and interpret relevant technical drawings and schematics to determine system faults 1.3 Issue permit to work to allow work to be undertaken 1.4 Verify equipment operation/performance through test procedures to ensure correct operation and to confirm identified problems from other sources 1.5 Correct operational variations through calibration and adjustment 1.6 Document operational variations. 2. Test/repair equipment 2.1 Verify equipment is operating correctly and document test results 2.2 Apply appropriate troubleshooting techniques to determine the cause of operational faults 2 3 Rectify operational faults through the

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application of relevant maintenance procedures 2.4 Isolate, remove and dispose of faulty equipment, and install new equipment 2.5 Verify the performance of newly installed equipment to ensure it meets required operational parameters and conditions 2.6 Record all repairs/installations to provide historical records of the condition of system equipment. 3. Recommission systems and equipment 3.1 Recommission repaired/installed equipment to on line operation in the correct sequence at the required operational parameters 3.2 Monitor or activate systems to ensure they are operating both safely and effectively 3.3 Close out permit to work and restore site/system to normal operation. 4. Compile and analyse reports 4.1 Collect information concerning deviations/repaired equipment and put into accepted reporting format 4.2 Compile reports ensuring they provide an accurate and ongoing record of deviations in pipeline processes and a current record of pipeline and equipment trends 4.3 Utilise information or reports for short and long term deviation control planning.

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Repair instrument and warning systems Code

Competency n. 20 hours durat ion 60 Credi t 4

Statement of the Competency

Repair instrument and warning systems, test systems and identify faults/causes, repair, clean-up and document the work.

Achievement Context

The Food production equipment technician has to use workplace technology to repair instruments and warning systems, using specialist tooling and equipment, measuring equipment, computerised technology and communication devices and has to manage the reporting/documenting of results. For these purposes he has to collect, analyse and organise information, communicate ideas and information, plan and organise activities, work with others and in a team, use mathematical ideas and techniques and solve problems.

Elements of the Competency

1. Prepare for work 2. Test systems/ components and identify faults 3. Repair instrument and warning systems and/or associated components 4. Clean up work area and maintain equipment

Performance Criteria

1. Prepare for work 1.1 Work instructions are used to determine job requirements, including method, process and equipment 1.2 Job specifications are read and interpreted 1.3 OH&S requirements, including personal safety needs, are observed throughout the work 1.4 Equipment and tooling are identified and checked for safe and effective operation 1.5 Procedures are determined to minimise task time 2. Test systems/ components and identify faults 2.1 Correct information is accessed and interpreted from manufacturer/component supplier specifications 2.2 Tests are carried out to determine faults using tooling and techniques 2.3 Tests are completed without causing damage to component or system 2.4 Faults are identified and preferred repair action determined 2.5 Tests are carried out according to industry regulations/guidelines, OH&S, legislation and enterprise procedures/policies 3. Repair instrument and warning systems and/or associated components 3.1 Correct information is accessed and interpreted from manufacturer/component supplier specifications 3.2 Repairs, component replacement and adjustments are carried out using tooling, techniques and materials 3.3 Instrument and warning systems repairs are completed without causing damage to component or system 3 4 Retests are carried out to ensure correct and

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safe instrument and warning system operation 3.5 Repairs are carried out according to industry regulations /guidelines, OH&S, legislation and enterprise procedures/policies 3.6 Workplace and equipment documents are completed in accordance with site requirements 4. Clean up work area and maintain equipment 4.1 Material that can be reused is collected and stored 4.2 Waste and scrap is removed following workplace procedure 4.3 Equipment and work area are cleaned and inspected for serviceable condition in accordance with workplace procedures 4.4 Unserviceable equipment is tagged and faults identified in accordance with workplace requirements 4.5 Operator maintenance is completed in accordance with manufacturer/component supplier specifications and site procedures 4.6 Tooling and equipment is maintained in accordance with workplace procedures

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Maintain and Repair Mechatronics Devices Code

Competency n. 21 hours durat ion 255 Credi t 17

Statement of the Competency

Maintain and repair mechatronics devices and electrical/electronic control systems in general

Achievement Context

Mechatronic represent the integration of mechanical and electronic engineering referring, more specifically, to a multidisciplinary approach to product and manufacturing system design. The Food production equipment technician interact daily with these technologies like the next generation machines, robots and smart mechanisms because they are present in a variety of factory automation forms. Additionally, he has to interact not only with one technology at time, but with the combination of different technologies in the same equipment and he has the need to own skills adaptable to ever new factor combinations.

Elements of the Competency

1. Plan and prepare for maintenance 2. Maintain Mechatronics devices 3. Repair Mechatronics devices 4. Inspect and test Mechatronics devices

Performance Criteria

1. Plan and prepare for maintenance 1.1. Maintenance or repair is planned and prepared in line with job requirements. 1.2. OHS policies and procedures are followed in line with job requirements. 1.3. Mechatronics devices for maintenance or repair are checked against specifications and requirements. 1.4. Materials necessary to complete the work are obtained in accordance with established procedures and checked against job requirements.1.5. Tools, equipment and testing devices needed for the maintenance/repair are obtained and checked for correct operation and safety 1.6. Mechatronics devices to be maintained or repaired are identified from the job instructions 2. Maintain Mechatronics devices 2.1. Appropriate personal protective equipment is used and OHS policies & procedures are followed 2.2. Normal functions of the Mechatronics devices are checked in accordance with manufacturer’s instructions. 2.3. Scheduled/periodic maintenance is performed in accordance with manufacturer’s & company requirements. 2.4. Unplanned events or conditions are responded to in accordance with established procedures 3. Repair Mechatronics devices 3.1. Appropriate personal protective equipment is used and OHS policies & procedures are followed 3.2. Normal function of mechatronics devices are checked in accordance with manufacturer’s instructions. 3 3 Fault or problem in component is diagnosed

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and corrected in line with the standard operating procedures. 3.4. Unplanned events or conditions are responded to in accordance with established procedures 4. Inspect and test Mechatronics devices 4.1. Final inspection and testing are undertaken according to manufacturer’s instructions. 4.2. Mechatronics devices are checked to ensure safe operation. 4.3. Work site is cleaned and cleared of all debris and left in safe condition in accordance with company procedures. 4.4. Report is prepared according to company requirements.

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Service and maintain ice plant refrigeration system Code

Competency n. 22 hours durat ion 60 Credi t 4

Statement of the Competency

Maintaining refrigeration components, lubrication, refrigerant, secondary heat transfers and distribution systems in ice plant refrigeration units.

Achievement Context

The use of ice plant refrigeration system in food industries is projected to increase more and more in the next years and the increased complexity of these systems, improve the possibility that equipment may malfunction, also creating more demand for service technicians in this field. This module intend answer to this demand giving to the Food production repair technician the abilities to work with this technology.

Elements of the Competency

1. Prepare for maintenance activities 2. Check and adjust refrigeration components 3. Maintain lubrication system in ice plant 4. Maintain refrigerant system 5. Maintain secondary heat transfer equipment

Performance Criteria

1. Prepare for maintenance activities 1.1 Work instructions are read and interpreted to determine job requirements 1.2 Appropriate manufacturer's manual is selected based on system requirements 1.3 Tools and instruments are selected in accordance with job requirements 1.4 Personal protective equipment (PPE) is selected and prepared 2. Check and adjust refrigeration components 2.1 Evaporator/condenser are cleaned in accordance with manufacturer's maintenance manual 2.2 Refrigerant piping are checked for condition, leak, and insulation in accordance with standard testing procedures 2.3 Tightness of support/brackets are inspected according to plan 2.4 Operating condition and electro-mechanical controls/settings are inspected and adjusted in accordance with manufacturer's operation/service manual 2.5 Refrigeration components are checked and adjusted as per manufacturer's operation/service manual 2.6 Established maintenance procedures are applied according to plan 3. Maintain lubrication system in ice plant 3.1 Lubrication system variables and components are checked and adjusted based on operational specifications 3.2 Oil levels, properties and circulation balances are checked and adjusted based on operational specifications 3.3 Oil filters are checked based on manufacturer’s maintenance procedures

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4. Maintain refrigerant system 4.1 Liquid supply and back pressure filters are checked as per manufacturers maintenance procedures 4.2 Refrigerant leaks are detected and rectified based on procedures 4.3 Refrigerant system variables and contaminants are checked and adjusted based on procedure’s manual 4.4 Automatic and manual non-condensable gas purgers are checked and adjusted based on operational specifications 5. Maintain secondary heat transfer equipment 5.1 Secondary heat transfer loop is checked and findings are documented in accordance with established procedures 5.2 Liquid properties are checked and adjusted to meet system requirements 5.3 Follow-up action is arranged in accordance with workplace procedures

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Troubleshoot ice plant refrigeration system Code

Competency n. 23 hours durat ion 60 Credi t 4

Statement of the Competency

Planning and preparing materials, tools and equipment, identifying and rectifying faults in ice plant refrigeration systems.

Achievement Context

The use of ice plant refrigeration system in food industries is projected to increase more and more in the next years and the increased complexity of these systems, improve the possibility that equipment may malfunction, also creating more demand for service technicians in this field. This module intend answer to this demand giving to the Food production repair technician the abilities to work with this technology.

Elements of the Competency

1. Plan and prepare for troubleshooting 2. Identify and rectify faults 3. Test-run refrigeration system

Performance Criteria

1. Plan and prepare for troubleshooting 1.1 Appropriate wiring diagrams, charts and manuals are interpreted in line with job requirements 1.2 Appropriate materials, tools and equipment are selected and prepared based on manual 1.3 Power supply is checked to ensure compliance with nameplate rating and/or manufacturer’s standard 2. Identify and rectify faults 2.1 Refrigeration system components are tested following correct testing procedures 2.2 Faults/problems with refrigerant system are diagnosed in accordance with established procedures 2.3 Remedial action is taken to overcome faults/problems in line system requirements 2.4 Work is completed safely in line with workplace safety guidelines 2.5 Appropriate PPE is selected and used in line with the job requirements 2.6 Report on testing procedure, including faults and repair, is completed 3. Test-run refrigeration system 3.1 Refrigeration system is tested in line with manufacturer's instructions 3.2 System is evaluated in accordance with specifications and requirements 3.3 Report on testing refrigeration system is prepared and completed in line with enterprise procedures

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Recover and recycle refrigerant in ice plant system Code

Competency n. 24 hours durat ion 60 Credi t 4

Statement of the Competency

Evaluation of unit for recovering/recycling, setting-up of equipment and performing recovery and recycling of refrigerant operations.

Achievement Context

The use of ice plant refrigeration system in food industries is projected to increase more and more in the next years and the increased complexity of these systems, improve the possibility that equipment may malfunction, also creating more demand for service technicians in this field. This module intends answer to this demand giving to the Food production repair technician the abilities to work with this technology.

Elements of the Competency

1. Assess unit for recovery/ recycling 2. Set-up equipment for recovery/ recycling 3. Perform refrigerant recovery/ recycling

Performance Criteria

1. Assess unit for recovery/ recycling 1.1 Relevant data are gathered on unit to be recovered/recycled as per procedure 1.2 Appropriateness of unit for refrigerant recovery/recycling is determined according to Clean Air Act/Montreal Protocol requirements and manufacturer's specifications 2. Set-up equipment for recovery/ recycling 2.1 Equipment, instruments, tools and accessories are gathered based on job requirements 2.2 Equipment, instruments and tools are checked based on operation’s manual 2.3 Equipment and accessories are set-up according to recovery/recycling requirements 3. Perform refrigerant recovery/ recycling 3.1 Optimum recovery of refrigerant is determined in line with the Clean Air Act/ Montreal Protocol 3.2 Refrigerants recovery/recycling is performed according to manufacturer's recommendations 3.3 Recovered refrigerant in the tank is identified and labeled prior to recycling based on procedure 3.4 Contaminants are removed from the system based on instrument readings 3.5 Recovery/recycling machine is operated and maintained in accordance with manufacturer's recommendations 3,6 Safety measures in recovery/recycling of refrigerants are observed in accordance with industry requirements

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Repair and retrofit ice plant systems and its accessories Code

Competency n. 25 hours durat ion 60 Credi t 4

Statement of the Competency

Evaluate the condition, repair and retrofit ice plant system and its accessories, repairing faulty components, performing preventive maintenance and testing ice plant refrigeration system operation.

Achievement Context

The use of ice plant refrigeration system in food industries is projected to increase more and more in the next years and the increased complexity of these systems, improve the possibility that equipment may malfunction, also creating more demand for service technicians in this field. This module intend answer to this demand giving to the Food production repair technician the abilities to work with this technology.

Elements of the Competency

1. Evaluate condition of existing ice plant systems 2. Prepare for servicing/repairing ice plant and components 3. Prepare ice plant systems for retrofitting 4. Repair/replace faulty ice plant components 5. Test industrial refrigeration system operation 6. Undertake preventive maintenance check/adjustment on ice plant refrigeration

Performance Criteria

1. Evaluate condition of existing ice plant systems 1.1 Visual inspections of all refrigeration components are performed and any signs of damage, lubricant leaks and corrosion are reported 1.2 Refrigeration systems are checked based on manufacturer’s specification 1.3 Leak test is performed based on time requirement and any leaks found are repaired according to manufacturer’s specifications 2. Prepare for servicing/repairing ice plant and components 2.1 Work instructions are read and interpreted to determine job requirements 2.2 Electrical materials are prepared and checked in accordance with system requirements 2.3 Appropriate Personal Protective Equipment is selected and prepared in line with the job requirements 2.4 Work safety is observed according to enterprise regulations 3. Prepare ice plant systems for retrofitting 3.1 Required tools and equipment are selected and used based on procedure 3.2 Faults identified from a visual inspection and operational check are rectified, according to system requirements 3.3 Amount of oil in the compressor crankcase/oil separator is optimized based on procedure 3.4 Optimum amount of refrigerant is recovered in accordance with manufacturer's recommendations 3.5 Refrigeration system is pump-out and evacuated 4. Repair/replace faulty ice plant components 4.1 Ice plant components are correctly identified based on manual 4 2 Faults are identified and diagnosed based on

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procedure 4.3 Operational function of each component is inspected and tested in accordance with the standard operating procedures 4.4 Ice plant components are repaired/replaced as per manufacturer's operation/repair manual 4.5 Ice plant components are reconditioned and overhauled in accordance with workplace procedures 5. Test industrial refrigeration system operation 5.1 Suitable tools and compatible equipment are selected and used based on manufacturer's specifications 5.2 Refrigeration system is checked for leaks based on procedure 5.3 Any leaks located as a result of leak detection tests are sealed in compliance with compressor and manufacturer's instructions 5.4 Refrigeration system is operated within compressor and manufacturer's acceptable limits of temperatures and pressures 5.5 Safe working practices are observed throughout the task 6. Undertake preventive maintenance check/adjustment on ice plant refrigeration 6.1 Inspection and testing of ice plant refrigeration components is carried out with appropriate test equipment in accordance with refrigeration principles, procedures and safety requirements 6.2 Preventive maintenance is performed according to established plan 6.3 Maintenance records/service reports are recorded and completed in accordance with standard operating procedures

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Repair and retrofit heating equipment systems and accessories


Competency n. 26 hours durat ion 60 Credi t 4

Statement of the Competency

Repair and retrofit heating and cooking equipments and systems and their accessories including water heater systems, induction heaters, food warmers, microwave and dielectric heaters, gas and electric range, roasters, industrial ovens and dryers, fryers etc.

Achievement Context

In the food heating process, prominent cooking equipments for instance are the industrial ovens, but there are many other cooking equipments which are commonly used in food industry, like steamers, bain maries, boiling pans, boiling hot plates, bratt pans, bratt pans, charcoal grills, chicken rotisseries, chip warmers, crepe maker machines, fryers, griddles, pasta cookers, pie warmers, pizza conveyor ovens, pizza deck ovens, ranges, rice cookers, salamanders, soup kettles, steam combi ovens, toasters, toaster >contact, toaster >conveyors, waffle makers, wok burners All these equipments operate with heat and use different principles to produce or transmit the heat. The Food production technician has to be able to maintain and repair all these different technologies that represent an important part of the equipment present in the enterprise

Elements of the Competency

1. Evaluate condition of existing heating systems or equipments 2. Prepare for servicing/repairing heating systems and components 3. Prepare heating systems for retrofitting 4. Repair/replace faulty heating systems components 5. Test industrial heating system and heating equipments operation 6. Undertake preventive maintenance check/adjustment on heating systems

Performance Criteria

1. Evaluate condition of existing heating systems or equipments 1.1 Visual inspections of all heating components are performed and any signs of damage, corrosion or possibility of loss of energy for defect of insulation are reported 1.2 Heating systems or equipments are checked based on manufacturer’s specification 2. Prepare for servicing/repairing heating systems and components 2.1 Work instructions are read and interpreted to determine job requirements 2.2 Electrical materials are prepared and checked in accordance with system requirements 2.3 Appropriate Personal Protective Equipment is selected and prepared in line with the job requirements 2.4 Work safety is observed according to enterprise regulations 3. Prepare heating systems for retrofitting 3.1 Required tools and equipment are selected and used based on procedure 3.2 Faults identified from a visual inspection and operational check are rectified, according to system requirements 3.3 temperatures of extensive radiation surfaces are limited with new insulations

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3.4 pipes are thermally insulated to reduce heat loss and to improve efficiency 4. Repair/replace faulty heating systems components 4.1 Heating systems components are correctly identified based on manual 4.2 Faults are identified and diagnosed based on procedure 4.3 Operational function of each component is inspected and tested in accordance with the standard operating procedures 4.4 Heating systems or heating equipment components are repaired/replaced as per manufacturer's operation/repair manual 4.5 Heating systems or heating equipment components are reconditioned and overhauled in accordance with workplace procedures 5. Test industrial heating system and heating equipments operation 5.1 Suitable tools and compatible equipment are selected and used based on manufacturer's specifications 5.2 Heating systems or heating equipment is checked for energy leaks or malfunctions based on procedure 5.3 Any energy leaks located or malfunctions are fixed 5.4 Heating system is operated within acceptable limits of temperatures and eventually pressures specifications 5.5 Safe working practices are observed throughout the task 6. Undertake preventive maintenance check/adjustment on heating systems 6.1 Inspection and testing of heating systems or heating equipment components is carried out with appropriate test equipment in accordance with heat principles, procedures and safety requirements 6.2 Preventive maintenance is performed according to established plan 6.3 Maintenance records/service reports are recorded and completed in accordance with standard operating procedures