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Salford City CollegeEccles Sixth Form CentreBTec Level 3Extended Diploma in Creative Media ProductionGames Design

Final Major ProjectProduction Log

Name Chris Munro

Date CommentsTuesday19/02/2013

Today I began to research the target audience. I looked at popular arcade games on various websites. I also Created a Questionnaire.


I handed out some questionnaires, and I created a online survey using, I then posted to link to the survey on gaming forums so I can open up to wider audience.


I did research into how online gaming websites such as miniclip generate revenue through advertisements on the site.


Researched into audience profiling.


Continued audience profiling research and Compiled questionnaire answers into graphs.


Hosted a focus group and began audience profiling conclusion


Finished Task 2. Created a mood-board.


Started Task 3, looked at games, control and game mechanics.


Finished Task 3 + uploaded to blogger


Made pitch. And finished task 4. Uploaded pitch video to blog.


Started task 5 pre-production, drew up a rough idea/storyboard for visual reference.


Task 5 pre-production – production plan.


Task 5 Pre-production – budget.


Budget, contract.

Thursday Gui Main menu prototype build

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GUI Main menu prototype build .


GUI Main menu Prototype Build + Sound for GUI. Start of SpaceCraft controller/functionality for level 1.


Level functionality, Particle Emitter for Thruster.


Shooting functionality, collision detection with a certain object.


Today I ran into a major Error. This error is a major setback as I now have to restart my entire project from the start. I need to rebuild the GUI, and the game level. Lucky I still have access to the scripts I used so I should be able to get back on track.


Today I was able to recreate the ship controller with working particle effect (thrusters) . I also added in a new feature that rotates the ship slighty when moving allong the Horizontal axis. I added in the shooting scrpit and fixed it so the its doesn’t collide with the ship its self.


Today I worked on the shooting functionality and made a target that had health and when shot 1 point of health is subtracted. So when its shot 3 times it is destroyed.


I worked on creating an in game GUI, so when the player hits the ESCAPE key, a menu pops up and the user is able to back out to the main menu.


Today I tried to give the game and objective, I tried to create the functionality of ‘winning’. The objective being the level will only be completed if a platform is activated and the player then lands on the enemy space station. I tried to do this by using simple a variable with a true or false value, I set the variable to FALSE and on the platform activating funtion i changed the variable to equals TRUE. On the winning script I wrote a simple debug console message of ‘You win’ I only wanted the console to print the message if It noticed that the variable was TRUE however it printed the message even if I didn’t activate the platform.


The winning functionitly proved to be more complicated than expected so I spent the day browsing forum on unity looking for a solution.


I think its about time I started improving the general look of the game so I opended up blender in attempt to create a spacecraft. However I couldn’t think of a good design so I looked up at other people designs online. I came across a website where you can buy and download models, I found a design I really liked and ot was free. So Ive decided to find free models and use them in the game.


I added in a Score GUI to the game and did a little testing to figure out what needs fixing and doing and noted them down.

Friday I looked at other projects online in hope that it can help with my ‘Win’ functionality, and I also looked for other solutions on the unity forums.

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I looked online at certain websites to find free models that came with textures so I can use them in my game.


Score/shooting functionality, now when and asteriod is shot and destroyed the player gains points, however this isnt complete as when I shoot and destroy another astreriod the score stays the same, ill have to do more research and find a solution.


When I tested my game, the collision detection was broken mainly my spacecraft would either pass throught the object or collide and not explode, so I fixed this up to the point it would not pass though.


I re-visited the Win functionality and decided to try what I did on Thursday 18/04/2013, and still no luck but I was sure that it would work so I looked on more forums and found out that I wasn’t calling the Script I was simply calling the variable so I added it in… but still it wasn’t working so I asked my friend if he knew why it wasn’t working and he did, he showed me that the variable wasn’t a global variable. So finaly I have the Win Functioanlity Working.


I fixed the Collision detection so now the ship explodes on collision.


I addd in a new line of script so that the spacecraft will only explode if the user collided too hard.


I tried many different methords that was suggested online in order to create ‘score over time’ how ever I kept getting problems with the Code and it wasn’t working.


I Wasn’t able to meet my target of exporting a prototype version. I was still trying to find sollutions into the GUI of my game. What I was able to acomplise today was a fuel amount GUI. It’s a green bar that decreases when fuel is being use (when the player is pressing Down a Key). I then turned my attention back to the score GUI but I still wasn’t succesful in getting the GUIText to display the score properly.


I was able to display the score by using a GUI.Lable instead of the standard GUIText.

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I imporved the overall layout of the level trying to make it more challenging and over all look better.


Today I created 2 new scene’s that will load either when the player wins or loses/gets destroyed. They arent guite what I want yet but its starting point and ill work on them more.


I mainly focused up on doing touch ups today I did some more work on the level and decided to dellay the idea of and enemy turret for now, instead I have created a barrier which is just small meteorites orbiting the winning platform and the user can disable it by landing on another platform. This adds more purpose and objective to the game and im quite pleased with it.


I worked on my game over the weekend I made a lot of changes such as, I added and enemy that moves left to right, once the player destroys the the enemy the activation platform spawns, the player then lands on the activation platform to gain fuel and turn of the barrier protecting the win platform. When I got in college today I created two C# scripts which makes the enemy fire ever few seconds. When I tested the level I found it quite hard and challenging, just what I wanted. I then cleaned up a little on the menu system I took away the old scroll texture I was using as a guide. Originally I was to replace this with sci-fi panels but I coulnt find any that would work with my game, so I just added in a space background. I added in a quick title using GUIText. And then when I was happy I Build/Exported the game.