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Flea Trap Tips

 There are many ways to make a flea trap. When you are designing your flea trap, keep in mind that

chemicals are not the answer. Heat is one way to trick the flea, as they think they are getting close to

a warm body. The warmth draws them in and the trap catches them. As soon as they are caught in

the trap they are killed.

If you want to get rid of fleas, the best solution is to get a flea trap. These traps are designed to

attract, capture and prevent fleas from escaping. This results in the death of the flea. This site covers

this indepth:

A good flea trap will be durable. The nice thing about this flea trap is that the pads are non-toxic. It is

possible that your pets get close to the trap and there are fleas near by that will bit them.

Front Line has a lot of chemicals, and should be avoided. I like to play the movie "Stuck On You"

when I am watching the fleas gets stuck on the sticky pads. To eliminate the fleas, you need to

change the pad several times a week.

Flea traps are difficult to pick, as there are many different models. The flea population levels will have

a lot to do with the method you use to wipe them out. One single flea trap will cover an entire room by

itself. The traps are inexpensive enough so that if you get more traps than you need, you will be able

to get rid of them.

Make sure you take all the steps you can to prevent a flea bite. The safest ways to remove fleas is to

use a flea trap. I always give my pets a flea bath to finish the process. Flea Traps