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Thoughtsof the

Mission:We, the congregation, in humble and selfless service to God, will

go forth joyfully, empowered and

enabled by the Holy Spirit, to seek out,

welcome, accept, and nurture persons to

become faithful and effective disciples for

Jesus Christ.

First United Methodist Church Clover, SC February 2021

The Presentation of Christ in the Temple/Groundhog Day

“When the time of their purification according to the Law of Moses had been completed,

Joseph and Mary took him to Jerusalem to present him to the Lord.” – Luke 2:22

The Bible tells us that on the 40th day after Jesus’ birth he and Mary were presented at the temple in accordance with the Laws of Moses. It was at this purification ceremony that both Simeon and Anna recognized Jesus and praised God for sending the Messiah. In the early church the day of the year corresponding to the 40th day after Jesus birth became a religious celebration called Candlemas. Candles, which representing the returning light of the sun, the longer days as spring approached, and the light of Christ, were blessed.

If you look at your calendar you will see that the 40th day after Christmas is February 2nd. This day is popularly celebrated as Ground Hog Day. According to legend small animals, like ground hogs, come out of their dens, and if they see their shadows, they go back in because there will be six more weeks of winter. On the other hand, if they don’t see their shadows, then they come out and spring comes early. Believe it or not this tradition is actually connected to Candlemas. There is an old English song which says: “If Candlemas be fair and bright, Come, Winter, have another flight; If Candlemas brings clouds and rain, Go Winter, and come not again.” There are versions of this same legend in other northern European countries.

All this makes me wonder. Simeon and Ann were looking for the light and they saw Jesus Christ and praised God. The ground hog looks for its shadow and if there is enough light to cast a shadow it goes back underground. This February will you be looking for the light or looking for a shadow. Often in our world people are looking for shadows. They only see the troubles and hardships of life. Not realizing that the only reason they can see a shadow is because there is a light if only they would turn around and look.

Look for the light and you will join Simeon is saying “For my eyes have seen your salvation, which you have prepared in the sight of all people, a light for revelation to the Gentiles and for glory to your people Israel!”

The First EditionThe First Edition

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Announcements _______________________________________________________________

Status of Worship at First Clover

We will continue having an 8:30 indoor service in the Mission and Fellowship Center, and an 11:00 Outdoor Service, weather permitting. We will also continue having a prerecorded Virtual Service on the church website and Facebook, and a livestream of the 8:30 indoor service on Facebook. If the Outdoor Service gets rained out, we will have a second indoor Service that Sunday at 11:00. Please attend the service that best suits your needs.

Transfiguration of Our Lord Sunday

Jesus took Peter, James, and John up a mountain and was transfigured so that he glowed before them. The church remembers this event every year on Transfiguration of our Lord Sunday which is the last Sunday before Lent begins. This year Transfiguration Sunday is February 14th. Come and celebrate the glory of God revealed in Jesus Christ and look to see the glory of God revealed in your life!

Shrove Tuesday: “Party for tomorrow may be Lent!”

Also known as “Fat Tuesday” or “Mardi Gras,” Shrove Tuesday is basically the day of preparation for Lent. The name “shrove” is rumored to derive from the word “shrive” or confess. It takes place on the Tuesday before Ash Wednesday (the first day of Lent). Shrove Tuesday is on February 16th this year. The tradition in the church of having pancake suppers and the secular tradition of just plain partying probably derives from the practice of feasting before the Lenten fast.

Of course, with the pandemic going on we cannot gather at the church for a pancake supper as we would like to, but you can have one at home! You might choose to facetime, or skype, or whatever video format you prefer, with some friends or family and have a pancake supper together that way! Come and let us break bread together even if it is over the internet!

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Lent is a season of the church year that is a time of preparation for Easter. Lent always begins on “Ash Wednesday” which falls on Wednesday February 17th this year.

The season of Lent is 40 days long excluding Sundays. 40 is the Biblical number for a time of preparation and cleansing. It rained for 40 days and nights during the flood. The children of Israel wandered in the desert for 40 years. Christ fasted for 40 days to prepare for his ministry.

Lent is a season of prayer and fasting during which we remember our sinful condition and our need for Christ to die for our sins and rise to offer us new life. In church we make use of Crosses and the color purple to represent Christ’s death. The purple represents the bruises Christ bore for our sins.

Some Christians celebrate Lent in their personal devotional lives by giving up habits or foods that are not good for them. Some fast. Others set aside extra time for prayer and Bible Study, or they reach out to others in acts of kindness.

How will you prepare for Easter this year?

Ash Wednesday

Ash Wednesday is the first day of the season of lent. On that day we dedicate ourselves to preparing spiritually for Easter. It begins the process of realizing that we are all dust and ashes in need of the Holy Spirit to make us alive. Stay tuned for more information on worship and devotion activities planned for this Ash Wednesday February 17.

Announcements _______________________________________________________________

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Bible Study of Revelation on Zoom

 The Book of Revelation is a message of hope given to the church in its hour of despair. We are continuing the Bible Study of Revelation begun in January. We meet on Zoom each Tuesday at 7 pm. If you want to participate, please contact Pastor Alex at [email protected] or the church. We will email you the class lessons and Zoom link so you can participate.

Here is a tentative schedule of the remaining classes: Trivia Question of the Day

Feb. 2 - “God and the Lamb:” Breaking the Code Ch 5; Revelation 4:1-5:14

Feb. 9 - “Seven Seals on the Scroll:” Breaking the Code Ch 6; Revelation 6:1-8:5

Feb. 16 - “Seven Trumpets:” Breaking the Code Ch 7; Revelation 8:6-11:14

Feb. 23 - “The Dragon and The 1st Beast:” Breaking the Code Ch 8; Revelation 11:15-13:10

March 2 - “The 2nd Beast and The 144,000:” Breaking the Code Ch 8; Revelation 13:11-14:20

March 9 - “Armageddon:” Breaking the Code Ch 9; Revelation 15:1-16:21

March 16 - “Death & Judgment:” Breaking the Code Ch 10; Revelation 18:1-20:15

March 23 - “New Heaven and New Earth:” Breaking the Code Ch 11; Revelation 21:1-22:21

Upcoming Sermons for February

February 7: 1 Corinthians 9:16-23 “All Thing to All People” Rev. Alex Stevenson

February 14: Mark 9:2-9 “Faith/Doubt” Rev. Alex Stevenson

February 17 – Ash Wednesday: Matthew 6:1-6, 16-21 “Being Real and Religious” Rev. Alex Stevenson

February 21: Mark 1:9-15 “Where the Wild Things Are” Rev. Kathy Pryor

February 28: Mark 8:31-38 “What’s It All About?” Rev. Alex Stevenson

Announcements _______________________________________________________________

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God used His voice to speak the universe into existence. Music and singing is type of sound that I believe

God uses to speak to his people. As we approach Lent and I reflect on the weariness of the past year, I am

grateful to have rediscovered God's voice through sacred sounds in the wilderness.

About a year ago our world was plunged into uncharted territory and we seem to still be wandering around in it today.

This time has helped me better relate to the Israelites a little better and I’m grateful that it has only been 1 year and not

40! I am also reminded of Jesus and His desert journey as we approach Lent. We read in the Gospels that Jesus was with

beasts of the earth, ministered to by angels and tempted by satan in the desert. When I read those verses I usually think

about the fasting and temptation, but I wonder what else Jesus might have heard and felt in the desert and how that

might relate to our own Lenten journey this season?

Luke 4:14-15 Jesus returned to Galilee inthe power of the Spirit, andnews about him spreadthrough the wholecountryside. He wasteaching in theirsynagogues, and everyonepraised him

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HHaappppyy VVaalleennttiinnee’’ss DDaayy!!

FFeebbrruuaarryy 22002211

I remember hearing somewhere, “No one is ever going to take away my prayers”. I was convicted myself. I have let myself get slack on praying. I know it. I feel it. I miss that quiet time when I am praying. Oh yes, I still pray. But I know I have rushed through prayers instead of soaking in God’s presence. He hears us and moves through our prayers. The bible tells us that Jesus himself constantly intercedes for us: Romans 8:34b “Christ Jesus who died—more than that, who was raised to life—is at the right hand of God and is also interceding for us”; and, Philippians 4:6,7, “Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your request to God”. The apostle Paul wrote both these scriptures. He wrote to the early church members to encourage them to pray to God about anything and everything that troubled them. And not only that, Jesus is sitting at the right hand of God, the Father, interceding for us. So, I have been short changing myself – and those I pray for. Not anymore. I was so moved by those words that I stepped up my praying and meeting with God. I stepped up praying for our church, praying for our community, praying for our leaders, praying for families. I am going to take full access to Jesus interceding. In the month of Love, would you join me in praying and let’s entrust God with our prayers!

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The month of love! February has come to be known among some people as a month for flowers and candy. But when we talk about love, I have to look to the Father of all love. There is no greater love than God’s love for us. He first loved us before we even knew Him. And He loves us today just as much. Let’s see what His love is like: Attribute 1 – His love is unchanging, Deuteronomy 7:9 Attribute 2 - His love is merciful, Psalm 86:25 Attribute 3 – His love never fades, Lamentations 3:22-23 Attribute 4 – His love is inseparable, Romans 8:38 Attribute 5 – His love is sacrificial, 1 John 3:16 Attribute 6 - His love guides us, Psalm 32:8

MMaarrsshhmmaallllooww HHeeaarrttss Bag of large marshmallows Toothpicks or ice cream sticks Melted chocolate Sprinkles Melt chocolate over medium heat. Spear marshmallow and dip in hot chocolate. Roll in your favorite sprinkle and let cool. Grab a friend and enjoy!

YYoouurr cchhuurrcchh lloovveess yyoouu aanndd wwee aarree pprraayyiinngg ffoorr yyoouu.. CCaattcchh yyoouurr cchhuurrcchh’’ss sseerrvviiccee oonn FFaacceebbooookk..

Your friend, Kathy Pryor Email: [email protected] Telephone: 704-609-7749

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Come Join in the Valentine FunBIG & Tweens Children

(and their families)

Wednesday, February 10, 20214:30 – 5:30 pm

or6:00- 7:00 pm

Mission & Fellowship Hall

Limit of 10 kids at each time framecall or email Cathy to reserve your spots704-617-9572 or [email protected]

Agenda:Play outside (rain plan in gym)

Bible StoryMake Valentines for family and Nurture members

(all materials provided)

Safety Protocols:Masks are required the entire time, including outside

Social distancing Hand washing and sanitizing

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Nurture Committee delivers Valentines Bags!

We love our Nurture Folks and love to spoil them! Valentines candy bags will be delivered by the Nurture Committee in time for February 14th! Teresa Glass, chairperson, and her committee enjoy spreading love. The bags contained chocolate kisses, candy word hearts, and a Valentine scripture card. This ministry sure brightens their days. Note: Easter bags will be placed in the foyer mid-March for the congregation’s enjoyment to fill. Thank you for your involvement in this wonderful ministry!

Stephen Ministry at FUMC

Mike Bono, Director Telephone 803-610-3304 - Email: [email protected]

Stephen Ministry during COVID-19 - bringing Christ’s

comfort in the midst of pandemic. With increased needs for care everywhere, Stephen Ministry can make

a big difference with Christ-centered care.

We are here. Give us a call.

What a Wonderful Church family we have. We got so many cards and well wishes while we have been sick with covid. Ben had an easy week with his, thank God. I had a very sick week, and all the cards brought joy to both of us. We are both well and on our way to being "normal" again. We thank God for all of you! Ben and Kathy Devine

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UMW Update

The UMW was unable to have their annual UMW Sunday in 2020 due to COVID. Each year the UMW of FUMC recognizes church members who have made significant contributions to the church of time, talent and other resources while promoting and participating in church-wide programs, which is the Special Recognition Award. Another special recognition given annually to a United Methodist woman is for her lifetime of dedication and/or service and this is the Sapphire Award.

The awards were presented in December with the UMW officers present. We would like to congratulate the 2020 award recipients. The Special Recognition Award went to Eddie and Debbie Sherwood and the Sapphire Award went to Louise Jackson. Please congratulate these members when you see them.

Missions Moment

The Missions Committee would like to thank Doug Baysinger for his service as chairperson over the last few years and welcome Dee Wise as the new chair-person. As always the Missions Committee welcomes anyone who would like to join.

You can now call Mama Cat Cockman at 803-818-5068. If you don't get an answer, just call again. No need to leave a message.

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First United Methodist ChUrCh124 Bethel StreetClover, SC 29710(803) 222-3496

FUMC StaffReverend Alex Stevenson, Senior Pastor – [email protected]

Reverend Kathy Pryor, Associate Pastor – [email protected]

Lynn Shore-Hollis, Lay Associate – [email protected]

Reverend J. Richard Gibson, Pastor Emeritus

Cheri King, Director of Music Ministries – [email protected]

Cathy Allen, BIG/Tweens Coordinator – [email protected]

Christine Payseur, Church Business / Technical Coordinator – [email protected]

Shirley M. Davis, Administrative Assistant / Financial Secretary – [email protected]

Nannette Carnes, Organist & Pianist – [email protected]

Tracie Kite, Sexton – [email protected]

Hope Long, Nursery Care Worker / Coordinator

Windy Bartee, Lay Leader

Ray Reavis, Bob Grindle, Renee Gallien, Sue Gover, Conference Lay Members