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1Choosing referees

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2 Applying for a teaching post

The NUT – for qualified and qualifyingteachers.The union that

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We firmly believe that every class should have a qualified teacher.



3Choosing refereesRoutledge... think about

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4 Contents

Contents______________Page No.

Finding your first post

Where and when are teaching posts

advertised? _______________________________6

Is this the post for you? ____________________6

Supply teaching ___________________________8


Your pay__________________________________9

Your employment terms and conditions _____9

NUT concerns ____________________________10

An expensive experiment _________________10


Information about the post _______________11

How to use a person specification__________11

Writing successful job applications _________11

Application tips __________________________12

Choosing referees ________________________12

Criminal Records Bureau __________________13

Criminal convictions ______________________13


Preparing for the interview _______________14

The interview itself _______________________15

Interview tips ____________________________15

Trial lessons ______________________________16

Trial lesson tips ___________________________16

Your right to a fair deal ___________________17

Withdrawing from an interview ___________18

Interview expenses _______________________18

Contents______________Page No.


Do you wish to accept the offer? __________19

Accepting the post _______________________19

If you are unsuccessful this time ___________19

Salary matters

Main pay scale for classroom teachers ______21

Inner London area________________________21

Outer London area _______________________22

Fringe area ______________________________22

Starting salary____________________________22

Academies and free schools ____________23

Contracts _______________________________24


Induction: where? ________________________26

Induction: when?_________________________26

Induction and supply teaching_____________27

Support during induction _________________27

General Teaching Councils______________28

Local authority directory

England _________________________________32


Wales ___________________________________92


Service Children’s Education (SCE)__________99

NUT contacts __________________________100

5First post

Welcome to the most comprehensive guide to finding a teaching post,which gives essential tips for success in your application.


6 First post

Finding your first post

Where and when are teaching posts advertised?The first task is to locate vacancies for teaching posts. Teaching posts are widely advertised.A good source of advertisements is the Times Educational Supplement (TES) publishedevery Friday or visit local authorities and schools publish vacancy lists and bulletins to which you

may have access. Local authorities also advertise posts on their own websites. Schoolssometimes write directly to colleges and university departments with details ofteaching posts available.Local authority entries in this guide give details of how, when and where they

individually advertise their vacancies.Vacancies can occur at any time but start looking for advertisements from January

and February onwards. The majority of posts are advertised in May and June. Moststudents obtain their posts during the summer term. Posts continue to be advertisedwell into the autumn term.

Is this the post for you?You are most likely to be successful if the post advertised is close to the age range orsubject area for which you have been trained. If you are prepared to be flexible,however, you will widen the number of posts available to you.If the post you are interested in is not advertised as full-time and permanent you

should check the exact nature of the contract being offered. Information about thedifferent contract types can be found later in this guide.

7Finding the right post

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8 Applying for a teaching post 8 First post

Supply teachingIn England, you are entitled to work on a short-term supply basis for up to 16 monthswithout having to serve an induction period. In Wales, you are eligible to work as ashort-term supply teacher for a maximum of five years from the date of gainingqualified teacher status (QTS).The NUT has always been concerned that the inappropriate implementation of ‘rarely

cover’ would lead to the increased use of non-teacher qualified staff as coversupervisors. As a consequence there has been a significant drop in the employment ofsupply teachers. The NUT is the only teachers’ union that has campaigned on the policyof a qualified teacher for every class. It is unacceptable that many children and youngpeople are not taught by a qualified teacher.Work as a supply teacher can be found through local authorities, schools or teacher

agencies. Teacher agencies do not tend to pay teachers in accordance with the SchoolTeachers’ Pay and Conditions (STCPD) document. However, on 1 October 2011, theAgency Worker Regulations came into effect which provide new rights to supplyteachers who work for an agency. After 12 weeks in the same assignment, you have theright to receive the same rate of pay and the same working time provisions as if you hadbeen employed by the school direct. From day one in an assignment you also have anequal right of access to any collective facilities for staff, eg staff common room,canteens, prayer room, workplace crèche, provided by the employer, and to beinformed of employment vacancies. Unfortunately the qualifying period may prove anobstacle in acquiring the right to STPCD pay rates, and if you can find employment witha local authority supply pool or direct with a school you are likely to be much better off.Before you accept any supply work find out exactly what you are being offered. If you

have any queries, contact your NUT regional office in England or NUT Cymru in Wales.You can find out about induction and supply teaching in the section on induction

later in this guide.

9Choosing referees


Academies are state funded independentschools. Some are run by sponsors – oftenbusiness people or religious organisations –but the latest academies do not have sponsorsand are instead run by an academy trustdrawn from the governing body. They areoutside the local authority family of schools.They have more freedom over the curriculumand can set their own pay, conditions andworking time arrangements for newly appointed teachers joining their staff.

Your payAcademies have the flexibility to operate outside the system of national pay andconditions for school teachers. They can set their own levels of pay for staff who havenot transferred to the academy. There is no requirement for an academy to implementnational pay awards for new staff, and longer contracted working hours for newstarters may mean your hourly pay is less than in a local authority school.

Your employment terms and conditionsAcademies can set their own rules regarding working duties, days and hours, breaks,holidays, sick leave, maternity/paternity leave and so on for staff who are new to anacademy.In many academies a significant worsening of conditions has already been imposed onnew staff. For example:• Absence of any limits on working time – The ARK academies chain has no contractuallimit of any kind on working time in its academies.

• Changes to conditions of service – Some academies, such as those operated by theThomas Telford group, require 1,500 hours or more of directed working time. Anumber of academies in some multi-academy chains use informal ‘learning walks’ asa means of teacher observation.


Whatever the situation regardingunion recognition in an academy,teachers are still entitled to bemembers of the NUT. The NUT canadvise you on any problems youencounter at work.

10 Applying for a teaching post 10 Academies

• Pay – The Labour Research Department carried out a survey on pay for senior staff inboth individual stand-alone academies and academy chains which was published inApril 2011. The LRD found that pay for senior staff in academies was outpacing thatof their counterparts in local authority maintained schools. The flexibility academieshave on pay has been used to benefit a small number of senior staff instead ofbenefiting all employees.

It is also worth noting that any continuity of service that you gain whilst working in anacademy will not necessarily be recognised if you later move to a local authority schoolwithin the same borough or county. Whilst some local authorities have voluntaryagreements with their local academies, there is no statutory right for your service to berecognised for pay and conditions. It will however be recognised for any redundancypayment.

NUT concernsThe NUT is firmly committed to supporting the growing number of members who workin academies. However, we remain opposed in principle to the academies programmebecause of our concerns about:• Academies’ freedom to ignore teachers’ national pay and conditions for new joinersto the academy.

• The lack of trade union recognition in some academies.• The lack of democratic accountability of academies.• Unfair funding and admission arrangements.• The unsuitability of many sponsors.• The lack of a track record in raising levels of attainment for pupils.• Complaints from members already working in academies about excessive workload,high staff turnover and bullying management

An expensive experimentThe NUT opposes the transfer of billions of pounds worth of publicly funded buildingsand land to unaccountable academy sponsors or academy trusts, many of whom haveno track record in education.

For more information on academies go to

11Choosing referees


Information about the postIt is likely that, when you ask for details about a teaching vacancy, you will be sent arecruitment pack containing:• An application form.• Information about the school.• Information about the local authority.• The Equal Opportunities Policies of the school and the local authority.• A job description.• A person specification (see below).• Guidance notes on the appointments procedure.

How to use a person specificationA person specification includes the selection criteria for shortlisting and interviewing. It lists the qualifications, knowledge, experience and skills required by the postholder inorder to carry out the tasks in the job description.The person specification helps the employer to be fair and non-discriminatory. The

most successful applications are the ones where the applicants have demonstratedthrough their knowledge, experience and skills how they meet the criteria listed in theperson specification.

Writing successful job applicationsYour application provides the evidence the prospective employer needs about youwhen deciding on a shortlist.You will probably be asked to provide a supporting statement. Use your supporting

statement to show that you meet all of the essential selection criteria listed in theperson specification.See the application tips box overleaf for some suggestions that may help you to

maximise your chances of being called for interview.


12 Applications

Choosing refereesUsually, you will be asked to provide tworeferees.You will be expected to give at least

one referee who can comment on yourteacher training experience. Somecolleges and departments specify whichtutor or other person should be namedas a referee. If you have the choice, selectsomeone who can comment on youracademic ability and your teachingperformance. It is most helpful if a schoollearns from your referee that you weresuccessful on school placement.You may also wish to name a head

teacher or teacher from one of yourplacement schools. If you are asecondary education student, you maywish to ask the head of the faculty inwhich you were training.Always ask those you wish to name as

referees for their permission beforedoing so. Tell them each time you applyfor a different post, so that they do notunexpectedly receive requests forreferences. Remember, references areconfidential between the prospectiveemployer and the referees.

Application tips• Read the guidance notes on theappointments procedure carefullyand follow the employer’sinstructions.

• Look at each criterion of the personspecification and relate yourknowledge, experience and skills toeach one when you write yoursupporting statement.

• Be specific and concise.

• Pay attention to spelling andgrammar.

• Set out your application so that it isclear and easy to read. Rememberyour application is likely to be oneof many that the members of theselection panel will consider.

• Ask someone else to check yourapplication before you send it.

• Keep a copy of your application as itwill be referred to at the interview.You can also use it as a startingpoint for your next application.

• Make sure you answer all thequestions on the application form.

• Do not include a curriculum vitae(CV) unless one is requested.

• Only include information in yourapplication that is relevant andwhich you can back up in aninterview.

Criminal Records BureauOnce an appointment is offered, you will be asked to apply for an Enhanced Disclosurefrom the Criminal Records Bureau (CRB). Your employer will process and countersignthe application form. The CRB disclosure may include information from local policerecords, such as acquittals or other non conviction information. If you have beenconvicted of an offence in the past, this information will appear on the EnhancedDisclosure.The Enhanced CRB certificate will also show whether a person is barred from working

with children and/or vulnerable adults. It will show whether a person is barred on‘Children’s List’ and/or ‘Adults List’ if this information was requested when you appliedfor the certificate.The Enhanced Disclosure will be sent to your employer, but you will be provided with

a copy, so that you may check that you have been correctly identified and that theinformation disclosed on the certificate is accurate.If you have any concerns about the accuracy of checks carried out by the CRB or

concerns about the relevance of disclosed information on your Enhanced Disclosure,contact your NUT regional office in England or NUT Cymru in Wales.

Please note that, subject to the passage of the Education Bill through Parliament, theCRB and the Independent Safeguarding Authority (ISA) will merge in 2012 to form theDisclosure and Barring Service.

Criminal convictionsYou may be asked to declare any criminal convictions you have, including those whichwould normally be regarded as “spent”. You must fill in this section truthfully andinclude any juvenile or adult conviction(s). If you are asked to provide details of anycaution(s) or bind over(s), similarly you must answer truthfully.The police may disclose information about you which they have on record. A failure

to answer these questions truthfully, including giving false or misleading information,may have serious consequences, such as summary dismissal or a criminal charge.For further advice you should contact your NUT regional office in England or NUT

Cymru in Wales.


14 Interviews


The purpose of an interview is to select the best candidate for the post. It also gives youthe opportunity to assess if it is the right post for you.

Preparing for the interviewThorough preparation before an interview is crucial. If you are well-prepared, you canbe more confident in your performance and you will be more likely to say what youintend to at interview.Below are some suggestions to help you to prepare well.

• Re-read your application form. This will provide you with a starting point for yourinterview preparation.

• Prepare key points and examples of your knowledge, experience and skills to giveevidence to the interview panel that you meet each of the selection criteria.

• Keep yourself informed about educational developments and be familiar with theterminology used to describe them.

• Prepare to answer job-related questions, for example, on discipline and classroommanagement.

• Pay particular attention to how the requirements of the National Curriculum impacton your subject or age range.

• Have a basic understanding of any recent official reports on your subject area or agerange, for example, Ofsted or Estyn reports. Your tutors and your college librariansshould be able to give you more guidance on what is particularly relevant.

• Read The Teacher magazine, which you will receive as a student member of the NUT.The NUT’s website at is another important source of information.

• Make sure you read all the details about the school and the post.• Accept any invitation to visit the school before the interview. If possible, look atwhat happens in the classroom. Talk to children and show an interest in theiractivities. Think in advance of any questions you wish to ask.

• Let the school know if you have any access requirements.• Make sure you know how to find the school and arrive on time for the interview.


The interview itselfSometimes the interview panel willconsist solely of the head teacher andthe chair of governors. Sometimes, itwill include all of the governors and, inlocal authority schools, members of thelocal authority advisory staff.See the Interview tips box opposite

for some suggestions to help you tohave a successful interview.

Interview tips• Give answers based on your ownexperience, using phrases such as “Myrole was...” and “I organised...”.

• Repeat and expand upon what youhave said on your application form.The panel will not have memorisedyour form.

• Feel free to take in a notepad listingyour key ‘must say’ points and saythese at the end of the interview ifyou have not had the opportunityearlier.

• Jot down key points, beforebeginning your answer.

• Feel free to pause before answering ifyou wish to collect your thoughts.

• Ask for the question to be repeated ifyou do not hear it properly or if youare not sure what a question means.

• Be positive and enthusiastic.• Wear clothes which make you feelconfident about the image youproject.

• Prepare one or two short questionswhich might be appropriate to ask atthe end of the interview.

• Do not worry about being nervous. It is natural.

• Do not be put off by the othercandidates when waiting together.

• Do not worry if you dry up. Just pausefor a few moments and carry on.

16 Interviews

Trial lesson tips• Don’t panic – with thorough preparation you will be great.• Ask the school the year group and number of pupils you will be expected to teach.• Plan thoroughly. Anticipate that you will have little set-up time. Keep your plansimple!

• You should research the school and area well and could include a local element inyour planning.

• Engage the students – this is key!• Demonstrate your strengths.• Plan for an interactive and lively lesson.• Plan for differentiation in questioning and activities.• Try to include all pupils and show that you recognise and have planned for anypupils in the class or group with special educational needs or disabilities.

• Be aware of equalities issues in all of your planning and delivery.• Ensure that the lesson objectives are clear to those observing the lesson and thepupils at the beginning of the lesson and that understanding is checked at the endof the lesson.

• Don’t try to cover too many objectives in your lesson. Keep it focused.• Don’t assume that any resources are available. Bring any additional ‘props’ withyou which you would like to use in the lesson.

• Don’t panic if it does not go to plan – adapt and carry on.• Try to relax!

Trial lessonsAn increasingly common aspect of the interview process for teachers is the requirementthat they deliver a ‘trial’ lesson.In secondary schools this will be in your subject area and you should be given guidelines

on the lesson for which you need to plan, with your interview pack.In primary schools you will also be given guidelines on the lesson, or part of a lesson,

which you have been asked to deliver.The observers/interviewers will be interested in: the quality of your planning and

preparation; your rapport with the pupils and management of any behaviour issueswhich may arise; your knowledge of content/teaching strategies; and yourprofessionalism.


Your right to a fair dealAll applicants and interviewees have a right to a fair deal. The NUT has been successfulin persuading many local authorities and schools to operate fair appointmentsprocedures. It is unlawful for employers to discriminate on grounds of age, disability,gender reassignment, marriage and civil partnership, pregnancy and maternity, race,religion or belief, sex and sexual orientation, part-time status, fixed-term status ortrade union activity. The NUT has worked hard to encourage employers to implementanti-discrimination law and to stop unfairness of any kind.If you are a disabled applicant, you have a right to ask for adjustments such as written

information in large print or level access to the interview room, to enable you toparticipate in the recruitment procedure on an equal basis with other candidates.During the interview, you should not be asked questions on marital status, family

commitments, sexual orientation, disability or, in a non-denominational school, aboutreligious belief. Such questions could infringe the law and good practice on equalopportunities. Questions based on gender or race stereotyping are also unacceptable.One response to this sort of question is to address yourself to the chair of the

interview panel and to ask, politely, if the panel wishes you to answer such a question.It may be that you will prompt the realisation that the question is inappropriate andshould be withdrawn.Many local authorities have adopted the good practice of including forms for

equality monitoring, which are looked at only after interview and which are there toensure that local authorities can monitor the impact of their equal opportunitiespolicies. The NUT advises you to complete and return these forms.

18 Interviews

Withdrawing from an interviewIt is not unusual for an applicant to arrive at the school on the day of the interview andrealise that the post is not suitable. If this occurs, you can politely and tactfully ask to be excused after you have been

shown around the school. Alternatively, at some stage in the interview, usually at theend, you will be asked if you are still a serious candidate. Again you can tactfully backout. If you do either of these things, you should still get your travelling expenses.If you do not wish to be offered the post, find a means of conveying that to the panel

before a decision is reached. Failing to do this will have wasted their time and may resultin you not being paid your travel expenses.

Interview expensesWhen you are invited to attend for interview, it is reasonable for you to make enquiriesas to the arrangements for payment of expenses before you decide to attend. Seekinformation about entitlement to costs of travel, subsistence and accommodation ifneeded.The expenses available may be subject to limits and if you need accommodation you

should seek advice from the school concerned about facilities in the area which arewithin those limits.



Do you wish to accept the offer?If you have another interview for a post you would prefer in a few days’ time, you couldask the panel if they will hold a job offer open until after the other interview. They willalmost certainly ask you to make up your mind immediately. This is understandablebecause they may not want to risk losing another candidate whilst waiting for theresult of your second interview.It is unprofessional to accept a job at the interview and then renege on this

acceptance later. You should decide at the time and stick to that decision.

Accepting the postA spoken offer and acceptance of a teaching post establish a legal contract even ifthere is nothing in writing to confirm the agreement. If you are not sure of the exactterms of the post being offered to you, then accept orally but “subject to contract”.The position is slightly different if the offer is made subject to satisfactory

pre-employment checks, e.g. references, CRB, medical fitness and right to work in theUK checks. If a conditional offer is made and accepted, the employer has the right towithdraw the offer at a later date if the conditions are not met.Once you have accepted an offer, you will be sent a letter confirming your

appointment. Make sure you respond promptly to this letter to confirm youracceptance of the post. Keep a copy of your reply. Before you confirm your acceptanceof the appointment in writing, make sure that you are clear about the type of contractyou are being offered. There is information in this guide about types of contract. If youhave any queries, contact your NUT regional office in England or NUT Cymru in Wales.No school should withdraw an unconditional offer of appointment made orally.

If there is an attempt to do so, contact the NUT as soon as possible.

If you are unsuccessful this timeIf offered the chance of feedback, take it. If it is not offered, ask for some guidance onyour performance from your tutors and any experienced teachers you know. Also, takethe opportunity to attend any training sessions in interview techniques offered by yourcollege/university. In some areas the NUT offers advice. Look out for these opportunities.

20 Applying for a teaching post

The NUT – it’s your unionMore and more young, newly qualified teachers are gettinginvolved in the NUT.

Join them now to:

� Get involved in NUT campaigns.

� Let us know what’s important to you as a young teacher.

� Meet other young NUT members at local and nationalevents.

For further details about how to get involved contact the NUTyoung teachers’ section at [email protected]


21Salary Matters

Salary matters

As a classroom teacher in a maintained school, you will almost certainly be paid on thepay scales determined by the Secretary of State for Education as set out in the SchoolTeachers’ Pay and Conditions Document (STPCD).

The Government has imposed a two-year payfreeze across the whole public sector for 2011and 2012. This means that the real value ofteachers’ pay is being cut, as inflation increasesbut teachers’ pay is frozen. Teachers’ payincreases have been consistently belowinflation in recent years. Now the Government’spay freeze is costing teachers even more. The NUT is campaigning to defend pay andpublic services – see the NUT website for details.

Main pay scale for classroom teachersYou will initially be paid on the six point MainPay Scale for classroom teachers. There are fourseparate scales for teachers in: Inner London;Outer London; the Fringe Area; and the rest of England and Wales.The current values for 1 September 2011 are set out overleaf. In addition, allowances

may be payable to reflect teaching and learning responsibilities, recruitment/retentionincentives and special needs teaching.There is a separate pay structure for teachers working in sixth form colleges. Please

visit for details.

Inner London areaTeachers in the following areas will be paid on the Inner London pay spine:Barking and Dagenham, Brent, Camden, City of London, Ealing, Greenwich, Hackney,Hammersmith and Fulham, Haringey, Islington, Kensington and Chelsea, Lambeth,Lewisham, Merton, Newham, Southwark, Tower Hamlets, Wandsworth andWestminster.

Teachers’ pay is determined bythe Secretary of State afterrecommendations are made bythe School Teachers’ ReviewBody (STRB). The STRB wasestablished by the Governmentas an independent body. Itsrecommendations, however, rarelyvary from the Government’swishes. The NUT is campaigningfor the restoration of propernegotiating machinery for teacherunions and their employers.

22 Salary matters

Outer London areaTeachers in the following areas will be paid on the Outer London pay spine:Barnet, Bexley, Bromley, Croydon, Enfield, Harrow, Havering, Hillingdon, Hounslow,Kingston upon Thames, Redbridge, Richmond, Sutton and Waltham Forest.

Fringe areaTeachers in the following areas will be paid on the Fringe Area pay spine:The whole of Surrey and the district council areas of: Bracknell Forest, Slough, Windsor and Maidenhead (in Berkshire); South Buckinghamshire and Chiltern (in Buckinghamshire); Basildon, Brentwood, Epping Forest, Harlow and Thurrock (in Essex); Broxbourne, Dacorum, East Hertfordshire, Hertsmere, St Albans, Three Rivers,Watford and Welwyn Hatfield (in Hertfordshire); Dartford and Sevenoaks (in Kent); andCrawley (in West Sussex).

Starting salaryTeachers taking up their first appointment will normally be placed on point M1 of thecommon pay spine. Mature entrants may be allocated additional spine points on appointment for

experience gained outside teaching. This may include relevant work experience orunremunerated activities. The allocation of such spine points is not mandatory, unlikethe annual additional spine points for experience gained inside teaching, but the NUTbelieves that governing bodies should always take such experience into account andallocate spine points where appropriate.

Pay from 1 September 2011Spine Point E & W Inner Outer Fringe London London Area

Main Pay Scale £ p.a. £ p.a. £ p.a. £ p.a.

M1 21,588 27,000 25,117 22,626

M2 23,295 28,408 26,674 24,331

M3 25,168 29,889 28,325 26,203

M4 27,104 31,446 30,080 28,146

M5 29,240 33,865 32,630 30,278

M6 31,552 36,387 35,116 32,588

23Academies and free schools

Academies and free schools

The NUT is firmly committed to supporting the growing number of members who workin academies. However, we remain opposed in principle to the academies programmebecause of our concerns about a range of issues, in particular pay and conditions ofservice.Academies and free schools are able to set their own pay, conditions and working

time arrangements for newly appointed teachers. Although pay and conditionsarrangements for newly appointed teachers in some academies and free schools may besimilar or identical to those in local authority schools, in others pay and conditionsarrangements will be very different. The Secretary of State for Education has confirmed that free schools will be allowed

to employ teachers without a teaching qualification. The NUT is completely opposed tochildren being taught by unqualified teachers. Free schools can pay their teachers whatthey like.There are a number of key questions on pay and conditions that you need to ask

when applying for a job in academies or free schools.

Please refer to the separate and detailed NUT guidance for members

24 Contracts


You should give priority to seeking a permanent teaching post. There may becircumstances, however, where you are unable to obtain such a post. You may find, forexample, if you are restricted to a particular area, that the only posts available to youare temporary or fixed term.Fixed term or temporary contracts end either on a specific date, after a specific period

of time or on the completion of a specific task. They are frequently used where teachersare employed to cover maternity leave, long-term sickness absence, secondments orpending a permanent appointment. The NUT opposes the use of fixed term contractsfor inductees or for so-called budgetary reasons.The law provides that fixed term and temporary employees must not be treated less

favourably than similar permanent employees with regard to pay, conditions of service,pensions and training opportunities, and also places restrictions on the repeated use offixed term contracts.Fixed term and temporary contracts are sometimes used unfairly as a form of

probation or in anticipation of falling rolls or future budget reductions. If you believeyou have been offered a fixed term contract for one of these reasons, you shouldcontact your NUT regional office in England or NUT Cymru in Wales.It is a common misconception that teachers employed on fixed term and temporary

contracts cannot gain the same employment rights as colleagues on permanentcontracts. Regardless of whether you work on a full-time, part-time, temporary orpermanent basis, once you have completed 12 months of continuous service with thesame employer, you have the right not to be unfairly dismissed. Non-renewal of a fixedterm contract is, in law, a dismissal and if the dismissal is not for a fair reason, you mayhave a legal remedy. Once you have completed two years’ continuous service as ateacher, with one employer or with one or more employers in the state sector, you havethe right to a redundancy payment.If you are concerned or uncertain about anything set out in a contract you have been

offered, please seek professional help and advice from your NUT regional office inEngland or from NUT Cymru in Wales.

The NUT – taking thelead on pensionsThe Government’s plans for public sector pensions threaten you,when you enter the profession, with paying more, working longerand getting less in retirement.

The NUT is proud to have taken the lead on fighting for teachers’pensions. We welcome the fact that the Government has madeconcessions. Our campaign will go on, however, for as long asthe Government insists that teachers pay a lot more and work alot longer to get a lot less.

SUPPORT THE NUT’S CAMPAIGNThe NUT is working with the other teachers’unions to defend teachers’ pensions. Support the NUT’s campaign. Go to more information.

26 Induction


As a newly qualified teacher, you will be required to complete an inductionprogramme, usually lasting one academic year, on taking up your first teaching post.In England, trainee teachers are required to pass the literacy, numeracy and ICT skills

tests in order to gain qualified teacher status (QTS). The skills tests do not exist in Walesbut the Welsh Government Education Minister has recently announced that this iscurrently under review. Induction can only begin when a teacher has been awarded QTS.Induction must be provided for all newly qualified teachers appointed to teaching

posts in maintained nursery, primary or secondary schools or in non-maintained ormaintained special schools. Induction cannot be served in a Pupil Referral Unit or EarlyYears Centre not legally designated as a school.

Induction: where?Induction can be completed in further education institutions, including sixth formcolleges or independent schools, which meet certain requirements. There is no legalrequirement, however, on Further Education Institutions, including sixth form collegesor independent schools, to offer induction. If you choose to teach on a peripatetic basis you will also have to serve an induction

period. If your first post is in more than one school, you should seek further informationfrom your NUT regional office in England or from NUT Cymru in Wales.As a newly qualified teacher, you should not be appointed to any school deemed to be

in need of special measures unless it has been certified, in writing, by an HMI (HerMajesty’s Inspector) in England or Estyn in Wales, that the school is able to provideinduction, or you previously undertook employment-based Initial Teacher Training (ITT) atthe school. If you decide that you wish to teach in a school under special measures, youshould seek advice from your NUT regional office in England or from NUT Cymru in Wales.

Induction: when?There is no requirement for you to start your induction within a certain time aftercompletion of your initial teacher training, except if you are employed as a supplyteacher. See below for information on induction and supply.In Wales, once a programme of induction has begun, it should normally be completed

within five years. If the programme is not completed within that time you can apply foran extension. In England, there is no time limit for finishing induction.


If you are appointed to a part-time teaching post, this should still allow completion ofyour induction. The length of the induction period will be calculated on a pro-rata basis.

Induction and supply teachingIn England, if you are working as a supply teacher, you cannot count periods of less thanone term in a particular school towards the induction period. In Wales, the appropriate body, usually the local authority, has limited discretionary

powers to determine whether a period less than a full term can count. Only a period of10 consecutive weeks should count as one term.In England, you are entitled to work on a short-term supply placement for up to

16 months from the date of your first supply placement without having to serve aninduction period. You will not lose your qualified teacher status after this 16 monthlimit, but you cannot continue to work on short-term non-inductable placements. Inexceptional circumstances, however, the local authority may be able to extend yourentitlement to undertake short-term supply work up to an additional 12 months. If youhave worked for 16 months on a short-term supply basis and have not been able tosecure an inductable placement, you should seek advice from your NUT regional office.In Wales, newly qualified teachers are eligible to work as short-term supply teachers

for a maximum of five years from the date of gaining qualified teacher status. If youhave worked for five years on a short-term supply basis and have not been able tosecure an inductable placement, you should seek advice from NUT Cymru.

Support during inductionThe induction arrangements which are offered by a particular school may be a factorwhich influences whether or not you decide to accept an offer of a teaching post. Youmay wish to ask about induction arrangements at your interview. As a newly qualified teacher, you should have a maximum of 90 per cent of the average

teaching load in order that your induction period can be properly supported. In additionto the 10 per cent induction release time, you should receive a minimum of 10 per centPlanning, Preparation and Assessment (PPA) time to which all teachers are entitled.You should also be provided with a programme of monitoring and support which is

tailored to your individual needs and which will help you meet the requirements forsatisfactory completion of the induction period.For more information the NUT’s “Your Guide to Induction” (Edition for Newly Qualified

Teachers) is available to download from the NUT website

28 General Teaching Councils

General Teaching Councils

To teach in maintained schools in England or in Wales as a qualified teacher, you mustbe registered with the GTC for England or the GTC for Wales, as appropriate.Although the Government has announced its intention to abolish the GTC(E), the

council will continue to carry out its statutory functions until new legislation has beenpassed by Parliament. The GTC(E) is likely to remain in force until at least 31 March2012. Its’ registration functions may then be taken over by the ‘Teaching Agency’. Thismeans employers must ensure that teachers, instructors and trainees are properlyregistered.The GTC announcement relates to England, not Wales. There are currently no plans

to abolish the GTC in Wales.Your teacher training institution will supply your details to the GTC. The GTC will

write to you advising you of your unique teacher reference number. That number willremain with you for your career in the profession. You will be asked to provideconfirmation of your name, date of birth and the contact address to which yourqualified teacher certificate should be sent. For more information, visit In Wales, visit you need advice about the registration process, contact your NUT regional office in

England or NUT Cymru in Wales.You need to register before you begin your first teaching post, including supply

teaching. When you are given your GTCE or GTCW registration number, keep a record ofit for reference when needed.

Taking the Lead on PensionsThe NUT is proud to have taken the lead on fighting for teachers’ pensions. We welcome thefact that the Government has made concessions. Our campaign will go on, however, for as long asthe Government insists that teachers pay a lotmore and work a lot longer to get a lot less.

Workload and Working TimeThe NUT believes that teachers deserve betterprotection against excessive workload.

For guidelines, surveys and the latest news onthese and other campaigns:

NUT Campaigns

or go to


30 Applying for a teaching post

The union that only recruits qualified and qualifying teachers

Qualified teachersWe stand up for teachers’ professional status and we campaign for a qualifiedteacher in every classroom.

Unity in the professionWe’re the only teachers’ union campaigning consistently for one union for all teachers.

Advice and supportWe provide unparalleled legal and professional support, including solicitors in everyregional office in England and NUT Cymru in Wales.

Largest and most effectiveOur membership strength makes us the most effective teachers’ union.

Internationally connectedWe campaign for education for the 67 million children in the world who currentlydon’t go to school.

Fairness for all childrenWe fight for a good local school for every child and for every community.

It’s your unionWe encourage all members to get involved in deciding and promoting union policy.

Equality of opportunityWe lead the way with our groundbreaking equality work.

Decisive campaigningWe’re proud to campaign on the issues that matter to teachers and children. The NUT – taking the lead on pensions.


31Local authority directory

Local authority directory

The information in the local authority directory section of this guide is supplied to theNUT by the local authorities themselves.

England: page 32London: page 72Wales: page 92Islands: page 98Service Children’s Education (SCE): page 99

The information on pages 9 and 10 in this guide coverssome of the things you should bear in mind if you arethinking of working in an academy.

32 England



Barnsley Metropolitan Borough Council, Chief Executive’s Department, Human Resources, PO Box 680, Barnsley S70 9JF.Tel: (01226) 772250Advertisements usually appear in the TES; Job vacancies are also advertised on the website The website is updated every Friday.Schools additionally advertise their own vacancies which can also be found in the TES or the Barnsley Chronicle. Once appointed in Barnsley, Newly Qualified Teachers undergo a strong six-day Induction Support Programme throughthe academic year. This development programme has been tailored to assist the NQT in meeting the core standards andto equip the NQT with the tools to be an effective successful teacher.

Bath and North East Somerset

School Improvement and Achievement Service, Children’s Service, PO Box 25, Temple Street, Keynsham, Bristol BS31 1DN.Tel: (01225) 394487There are 63 primary schools, one of which is an academy; seven secondary academies, including one federation; fivefurther secondary, two of which are federated, and 3 special schools, one of which is an academy. We also have two newlydesignated Teaching Schools, one primary and one special.All teaching posts are advertised on our website (see A-Z, under ‘jobs’) and in other externalpublications such as the TES.Schools are responsible for their own recruitment and selection. Once appointed, Newly Qualified Teachers have a strongInduction Support Programme, ensuring that the professional and career development of our NQTs is built upon a firmfoundation. For further information, see our NQT website on or contact the Schools’ LeadershipAdviser, [email protected]

Bedford Borough

Borough Hall, Cauldwell Street, Bedford MK42 9AP.Tel: (01234) 267422Website: Bedford Borough there are 50 lower schools, 9 middle schools, 5 upper schools, 3 nurseries, 8 academies and 4 specialschools. Many teaching posts are advertised on our website and in other publications such as the TES and the local press,such as Bedfordshire on Sunday and the Bedford Times and Citizen. Schools are responsible for their own recruitment andselection. Newly Qualified Teachers can expect a structured induction provided by the school and borough, includingconferences and workshops, designed to support transition from ITT. Visit our website, telephone or e-mail us. We lookforward to hearing from you.Follow this link to the NQT page:


Birmingham NQT Team.E-mail: [email protected] We aspire to recruit and retain the best NQTs in our schools, and so raise standards for the children and young peoplein our care. It is our aim to ensure that NQTs employed in our schools successfully complete their induction year, so wewill promote a supportive and safe working environment in which they can develop and flourish as professionals.


Our NQT pool will be open to applicants from January 2012. To be kept up to date with the latest information, please view our website or follow us on with Darwen

Blackburn with Darwen Children’s Services Department is high achieving, inclusive and creative. We recognise thatrecently trained teachers have a particularly important role in helping to realise that vision. The Schools’ and Children’s Services Departments have developed a structured programme of support for NQTs and bothare committed to their continuing professional development.Primary – A recommended candidate list is operated for the borough for primary candidates. For further information andan application form please contact Heather Lofthouse. Tel: (01254) 666045 E-mail: [email protected]

Blackpool Children Adult and Family Services, Progress House, Clifton Road, Blackpool FY4 4US.Unitary authority. Vacancies advertised as required on individual school basis, in the TES and Blackpool Evening Gazette.A vacancy bulletin is also available and copies can be obtained, during term time, from the above address. Vacancies areposted on the internet at Blackpool there are:• Chances to demonstrate and develop skills• Structured and supportive induction• Opportunities for accredited CPD.The local authority works in partnership with schools to provide a structured programme, including meet and greetsessions, conferences, workshops and a dedicated NQT website designed to support transition from ITT. NQTs are able toregister with our supply agency – Blackpool Education Supply Service (BESS) Tel: (01253) 477257.For advice and support please contact Dave Brennand, Professional Development Adviser.Tel: (01253) 478303 or e-mail [email protected]

Schools Workforce Development, Paderborn House, Bolton BL1 1AU.E-mail: [email protected] or [email protected] Tel: (01204) 338335 or (01204) 332124As part of the Bolton family our teachers benefit from working in one of the largest towns in the UK. It’s a town with big ambitionsfor its pupils and with great talent in its teachers, as well as being a vibrant multicultural place to work. Children’s Services,working in partnership with local schools, is dedicated to supporting the continual development of newly qualified teachersso that they can play a central role in enriching the opportunities and raising standards.Newly Qualified Teachers can expect:• First-class NQT induction• A learning and development guarantee• Challenges and rewards• A diverse range of more than 100 schools• Excellent transport links• Affordable housing.On a personal level Bolton offers a great place to live with vibrant shopping centres, thriving nightlife, moorland surroundingsand country and local parks. All provide a great backdrop to a successful working life.Schools advertise their own vacancies, usually in the TES and local press as we do not operate a pool system. All teachingvacancies also appear on the eteach website (

34 England


Children’s Learning and Engagement, Town Hall, Bourne Avenue, Bournemouth BH2 6DY.Tel: (01202) 456117E-mail: [email protected]: offers you opportunities to work in a beautiful part of the country. Situated centrally along the south coast,the town has good links to the rest of the UK, as well as both air and ferry links to the continent from nearby BournemouthInternational Airport and the ports of Poole and Southampton. Bournemouth has a wide variety of school types, theprimary school roll is expanding and outcomes are above the national average.There is no pool system and NQTs should apply directly to individual schools when vacancies are advertised. Many teachingposts are advertised on the borough website – – which is updated weekly. Vacancies can alsobe found on individual school websites. Some posts are also advertised in the TES and local press (The Daily Echo).There is an established programme of induction and support for newly qualified teachers (in partnership with the Boroughof Poole) with significant opportunities for career development. A full list of schools in the borough can be found, togetherwith other relevant information, on the Bournemouth website.

Bracknell Forest

Bracknell Forest Council, Children, Young People & Learning School Recruitment Team, Seymour House, 38 Broadway,Bracknell, Berkshire RG12 1AU.Tel: (01344) 354005E-mail: [email protected] Website: is a small, friendly and highly effective local authority located to the west of London in Berkshire. We have 31 primary schools, six secondary schools (including one academy) and one special school. There is no better place to start your teaching career. We are a supportive authority which guides its NQTs through theirearly years as a teacher and beyond as their careers progress. An NQT taking their first post in Bracknell Forest can benefitfrom:• An excellent induction programme • Enhanced salary rate at the Outer London Fringe rate• A flexible benefits package• An early salary start option• Housing assistance.This year we are operating both primary and secondary online application pools – all details can be found on our you would like to be sent updates of vacancies as they arise, please send an e-mail to [email protected] containing the following information:• Your name • Specify if primary or secondary (if secondary please identify your specialist subject) • Your college/university name • E-mail address.Posts are also advertised on the Bracknell Forest website For further information or advice please contact Jo or Sara in the School Recruitment Team who will be more than happyto assist.

35Choosing referees

There has never been a greater need for people with talent and vision to become teachers and there has never been a more exciting time to begin teaching in Bradford. Teachers are crucial to the successful regeneration of Bradford, and if you come here to teach you will be choosing to develop your career in a fascinating and beautiful part of the country. Bradford schools are looking for creative and inspiring teachers to work in a progressive education environment to raise achievement for all our pupils. We are delighted you are interested in teaching in Bradford, and look forward to welcoming you. Recruitment & Advertising Service City of Bradford MDC Future House, Bolling Road, Bradford, West Yorkshire, BD4 7EB Tel: 01274 385992/3,

36 England


City of Bradford Metropolitan District Council, Future House, Bradford BD4 7EB.Tel: (01274) 385992/3.E-mail:[email protected]: Bradford has 200 schools covering all combinations of age groupings. Bradford Council provides an excellent inductionand mentoring programme for all NQTs. You will have access to our team of advisers and advisory teachers who areavailable to provide advice and in-service training across the curriculum, while individual schools have their own mentorto provide on-the-job advice and support ensuring that NQTs have the professional support they need, allowing them tomaximise their potential. Vacancies are advertised as required on our recruitment website – Applicants can register for e-mail alerts for their preferred keystage/subject and apply online. A vacancy bulletin is also produced weekly during termtime and some posts are advertised in the TES and local press such as Telegraph & Argus and Yorkshire Post. Bradford Council also operates a supply service through a partnership with Bradford Education Professionals who can becontacted on (01274) 377620.

Brighton & Hove

Recruitment Team, 4th Floor, King’s House, Grand Avenue, Hove BN3 2SR.Tel: Switchboard on (01273) 290000 and ask for the Recruitment Team.Register online – jobs are loaded on the website and there is a facility for e-mail alerts for particular vacancies. There are 69 schools in Brighton & Hove and nearly two-thirds of these employed NQTs in 2011 (more than 100 NQTs intotal). The city council provides significant training, investment and support in your NQT year and beyond. For furtherinformation about the NQT year and job applications, go to > Learn > Teachers

Bristol, City of

Bristol Schools Recruitment, 2nd Floor, Parkview Office Campus, Whitchurch, Bristol BS14 0ST.Tel: (0117) 3521400 Fax: (0117) 9222705E-mail: [email protected] Website: Bristol welcomes applications from NQTs and has an extensive programme of support and continuous professionaldevelopment. There is no pool system and applications should be made direct to schools which advertise their individualvacancies on our website and in a weekly term-time bulletin. Bulletins can be sent to individuals on subscription. Alsoadverts may appear in the TES or local press. Bristol is a city with a great quality of life and HomeBuy schemes may beavailable in appropriate circumstances.


Buckinghamshire County Council, Workforce Development Team, County Hall, Aylesbury, Buckinghamshire HP20 1UZ.Tel: (01296) 382765E-mail: [email protected] Website: your career here in Buckinghamshire and you can look forward to enjoying all the opportunity, support anddevelopment you could want.It couldn’t be easier to apply and you only have to do it once. To apply just go online and we’ll ensure your applicationhas access to the entire range of teaching opportunities for secondary, primary and special schools in Buckinghamshire –taking all the hard work out of finding the right place for you.Visit our website, telephone or e-mail us. We look forward to hearing from you.



Children’s Services, Athenaeum House, Market Street, Bury BL9 0BN.Tel: (0161) 253 5619 for application forms.Website: you approach an important and exciting time in your career we are delighted that you are considering applying for ateaching post in Bury. Bury is a great place to start your teaching career, attracting a significant number of new entrantsto the profession year-on-year. Its schools welcome Newly Qualified Teachers (NQTs) and appreciate the vitality andenthusiasm that they bring to the profession. Situated close to the M60, M62 and M66 motorways and only half an houraway from Manchester, Bury is a friendly and caring authority which has consistently achieved excellent Ofsted results.Teaching vacancies in our schools are advertised on the YourCouncilJobs website: where youcan apply either online or by completing and returning an application form to the school. If you register on the websiteyou will receive job alerts.In Bury we offer every NQT a rich and stimulating learning environment. The local authority and its schools givewholehearted support to the induction process, recognising its importance in laying secure foundations for futureprofessional and career development. Professional development activities and opportunities for networking figure highlyin the induction year.If you would like more details please contact: Children’s Services, Athenaeum House, Market Street, Bury BL9 0BN. Tel: (0161) 253 5645/5632/5662.


Children and Young People’s Services, PO Box 33, Northgate House, Northgate, Halifax HX1 1UN.Tel: (01422) 392511Website: to work in a lively, forward-looking authority, within a stimulating environment located in the Pennines. We offer a local authority induction programme allowing NQTs opportunities for networking, support from officers andconsultants in Calderdale’s Learning Service and from fellow professionals; providing high quality professional developmentand learning.No pool system is in operation. Posts in primary, special and secondary schools are advertised either nationally in the TES,or in the local paper, The Halifax Courier. Individuals can view vacancies on our website.


Barbara Deacon, General Adviser – Workforce Development, Children and Young People’s Services, Cambridgeshire CountyCouncil, Box No ELH2001, Stanton House, Stanton Way, Huntingdon, Cambridgeshire PE29 6XL.Tel: (01480) 376620Fax: (01480) 376142E-mail: [email protected]: is an authority that recognises the importance of your induction as a newly qualified teacher.Comprehensive support for NQTs includes an induction conference, NQT networks and a comprehensive courseprogramme throughout the year. Gym membership and corporate discount schemes are also available.Contact us for an information pack and/or submit your CV to the NQT database by going to and selectingCambridgeshire when you come to the list of local authorities. The Cambridgeshire vacancy bulletin can be found on thesame website; posts are also advertised in the TES and local press.

38 England

Central Bedfordshire

Priory House, Monks Walk, Chicksands, Shefford SG17 5TQ.Tel: (0300) 300 contact the above for details of the teacher recruitment policy.

Cheshire East

Human Resources, Westfields, Middlewich Road, Sandbach, Cheshire CW11 1HZ.Tel: (0300) 123 contact the above for details of the teacher recruitment policy.

Cheshire West and Chester

Cheshire West and Chester Council, HQ Building, Chester CH1 2NP.Tel: (0300) 123 8123 contact centre Website: a population of 327,500, the area covered by the Cheshire West and Chester Council includes the major towns ofEllesmere Port, Neston, Winsford, Northwich and Frodsham and the historic city of Chester.Cheshire West and Chester Council is the fourth largest unitary authority in the North West.How to apply:The recruitment process involves a no pool system – primary and secondary posts are advertised as required in the TESand/or local press. All teaching vacancies can be viewed on our website, as detailed above.Details of our supply teacher agency can also be found on the website. Alternatively, please phone: (01244) 405102.


Children, Schools & Families, Schools’ Employee Relations Team, Room 469, New County Hall, Truro, Cornwall TR1 3AY.Tel: (01872) 323500E-mail: [email protected] forms and details are available from head teachers of schools and vacancies are advertised on the school’swebsite, in the TES, local press and in a weekly bulletin which can be viewed by accessing (jobs &careers). Cornwall Children’s Services Authority is eager to recruit newly qualified teachers for whom induction conferences areorganised. No pool system is in operation.


Teachers Recruitment, Human Resource Service, Room 107, 1st Floor, Civic Centre 2, Earl Street, Coventry CV1 5RR.Tel: (024) 7683 2121Minicom: (024) 7683 3487No supply pool in operation. Posts in primary, special and secondary schools are advertised as required, either nationally in the TES or locally in the Coventry Evening Telegraph. Teacher Vacancy Bulletins are available to teachertraining establishments on receipt of a SAE, or to individuals on collection from the HR recruitment team. Teachers’recruitment helpline: (024) 7683 2121. Vacancies can also be viewed by accessing the website – NQT database in operation and used in conjunction with normal advertisingprocess.



Capita HR Solutions – Education, The Capita Building, Kingmoor Business Park, Cumbria CA6 4SJ.Tel: (01228) 673663Applications welcomed in response to individual advertisements, vacancies in the local press; no pool system in operation. Individuals interested in vacancies advertised in the press should contact the school directly. A large proportion of vacancies are advertised on the Cumbria County Council


Director of Services for People, Town Hall, Darlington DL1 5QT.Enquiries to Human Resources, Tel: (01325) 388080Darlington does not operate a pool system for supply teachers. Vacancies are advertised through our Recruitment Bureau ordirectly through the school, usually in the TES and on the council’s website at: for a place on the Graduate Teacher Programme (GTP), with Carmel Teacher Training Partnership, should bemade direct to [email protected]

Derby, City of

Children and Young People’s Department, Derby City Council. Saxon House, Heritage Gate, Friary Street, Derby DE1 1AN.Tel: (01332) 716924E-mail: [email protected] vacancies are advertised on our website at:


County Hall, Matlock, Derbyshire DE4 3AG.Tel: (01629) 580000Applications to be submitted to schools in accordance with advertisement. Posts are advertised in the local and nationalpress.Derbyshire also produces a vacancy list each week which can be viewed on the following website


Devon County Council has established a county-wide training programme for newly qualified teachers.As a local authority, Devon gives priority to supporting teachers throughout their teaching career, through excellentpersonal and professional development.Advice and guidance is offered to the NQT and in-school tutors during the induction process to ensure that a fair, effectiveand accurate programme is being delivered, contributing to the high quality of education in Devon schools.The head teacher/principal and the appropriate body are jointly responsible for ensuring that NQT posts are suitable andthat their duties, supervision, personal development and the conditions under which they work are such that a fair andeffective assessment of their performance against the core standards can be made. The appropriate body provides accessto a wide range of specific additional training and development to help support the NQT through their induction.Details of these courses can be found on vacancies are advertised in the Choice Bulletin (also found online ) and in the TES.General information about living and teaching in Devon and other SW local authorities is available South West operates a supply service to schools in the region and more details about this can be found on theirwebsite.

40 England


A Class LocationVacancies for all teaching posts are advertised as required by schools on and on Recruitment Strategy Manager, Doncaster Metropolitan Borough Council, Human Resources, Council House, College Road,Doncaster DN1 3AJRSM e-mail: [email protected]: (01302) 737396Doncaster offers a fantastic quality of life, competitively-priced housing, as well as enjoying unrivalled communicationlinks with the rest of the country. What’s more, from a work perspective you’ll be able to experience a wide range ofeducation environments, from inner city to rural. Our commitment to your professional development is unrivalled. We’ll help you to identify your career path and equip youwith fantastic classroom management skills, at Induction and beyond with the Doncaster Professional LearningFramework. We’ll also support you in your first year by enrolling you into an Employee Assistance Programme, operated by theWorklife Support team of the Teacher Support Network.Doncaster maintains close links with local colleges and universities and offers an excellent Induction Support and TrainingProgramme for NQTs. This is led by School Improvement Advisors who can be contacted on (01302) 737989 or by e-mailto: [email protected] wish you the very best of luck with your final year teaching studies, if you’ve not yet qualified, and hope that you arefortunate enough to secure a suitable post in a Doncaster school.


E-mail: [email protected]: (01305) 224426 Fax (01305) 224348Website: is an excellent local authority in which to live and work. Our schools achieve consistently high standards with mostmeasures being within the top 10-15 per cent of the country. The environment, with the Jurassic coast, Olympic sailingand the many areas of outstanding natural beauty, all make this an excellent place to enjoy life. All Dorset schools are co-educational and comprehensive with a strong and successful emphasis on staff development and training.We have a wide range of different types of school with some three-tier and some two-tier systems coupled with both ruraland urban settings. All posts are advertised nationally on the local authority and Eteach websites, as well as mostly beingadvertised in the national press.Dorset offers excellent support for induction as well as actively engaging in the SWIfT scheme to help teachers gainmasters and other higher qualifications. We are also very actively involved in training teachers and support staff withinour own schools through the HLTA, SCITT and Employment-Based Routes (GTP, OTTP and RTP).Applications should be directed to individual schools, all of which are listed on and all jobs areadvertised at is an equal opportunities employer.


Directorate of Children’s Services, HR Supporting Children’s Service, Westox House, 1 Trinity Road, Dudley, West Midlands DY1 1JQ.Tel: (01384) 814268 Fax: (01384) 815744E-mail: [email protected]:


Dudley is a pleasant residential area on the outskirts of the West Midlands. The borough has plenty to offer for your leisuretime including nightclubs, cinemas, pubs (with plenty for the real ale connoisseur!), excellent libraries, museums and artgalleries. The area is well provided with leisure centres; golf courses and full facilities for tennis, bowls and football areavailable in most parks. Dudley is easily accessed via established motorway links.Dudley schools have made significant progress in recent years; the future expectations of our young people, their careersand society as a whole will be ever higher. We believe that Dudley schools can provide a world-class education systemthat is second to none.In Dudley we provide a highly effective accredited induction programme and continuous professional development.Schools advertise vacancies in the local press, the TES and via our website We operate a pool systemfor NQTs in partnership with other Black Country local authorities via the Black Country Children’s Services ImprovementPartnership,


Durham is a large authority, with some 284 schools (227 primary, 35 secondary, 10 special and 12 nursery schools).Geographically it covers a large area and has a unique mix of coastal, urban and rural settings, with the beautiful andhistoric city of Durham at its heart.The Local Authority’s Education Development Service works closely with its schools to ensure the highest quality ofeducational opportunities for its pupils and its teachers, and in recent years was awarded Beacon status for its work inschool improvement. Durham provides NQTs with a comprehensive programme of high quality support and professionaldevelopment, resulting in an excellent track record of NQTs successfully completing induction. Opportunities for furtherprofessional development are wide-ranging and aim to meet the needs of teachers at all stages of their career.The pool system operates from December 2011, with a closing date of 27 January 2012. NQTs are welcome to apply(SAE required). In addition, schools may advertise in the local or national press and on the Durham County Councilwebsite: further information please contact the Education Development Service, Children and Young People’s Services, County Hall, Durham DH1 5UJ or telephone (0191) 383 3334.

East Riding of Yorkshire

Children, Family and Adult Services Directorate, County Hall, Beverley, East Riding of Yorkshire HU17 9BA.Tel: (01482) 392420 Most posts suitable for NQTs are advertised in the TES and may also be found on the Council’s website – NQTs are invited to apply directly to individual schools.

East Sussex

East Sussex County Council has had a strong commitment to education and improving children’s life chances for manyyears, and to deliver our vision of learning in the 21st century we know we need to attract the best teachers. This has helped us become the highest performing children’s service in the south east and the best performing countycouncil children’s service in the country. What can East Sussex offer you?There are 191 schools across the county including infant, junior, primary, special and secondary/academy schools, fromrural to urban, so you can be sure there will be one that suits and needs you.NQTs are appointed through our primary pool or secondary teachers’ register. Teachers are also recruited throughapplication to individual posts.

42 England

A great place to liveLocated on the south coast of England, we have beautiful coastlines and delightful towns and villages. The city of Brightonand Hove is on our western border, with London just an hour away by train. We also have direct ferry links to France.As a teacher in East Sussex you’ll have access to support with buying a home. For further information on the schemecontact the zone agent at our website for further details or contact (01273) 482516.


School Workforce Recruitment Team, Schools, Children and Families Directorate, PO Box 47, County Hall, Chelmsford CM2 6WN.Tel: (01245) 436252E-mail: [email protected] primaries in country villages to large secondary schools in major centres, our schools are varied and interesting. But we need great teachers to bring these schools to life for an audience of 200,000 students.There are more than 560 schools in Essex, and our size and diversity means we’ve got something for everyone. What’smore, we have a dynamic approach to teaching that we think new teachers will find exciting. We’re looking for people withability and imagination, people who will inspire and challenge our children to achieve their potential and contribute to theirchanging world. Essex invites primary and secondary NQTs to apply for their first teaching job at any time during the year.Teaching posts in schools may be found in Jobscene, which is published by the local authority each week during term time,or on our job website at may be sent to your e-mail address for up to one term upon application to the address above.There’s no better choice than Essex. Some of the benefits that may be on offer include:• Key Worker Housing Scheme• A structured and tested framework for induction• A mentor in your first post• A partnership with universities for combined professional development and higher qualifications.For more details about what Essex has to offer visit our NQT pages at


Gateshead Council, Learning and Children, Civic Centre, Regent Street, Gateshead NE8 1HH.Margaret Whellans, Group Director, Learning and Children and Director of Children’s Services.Tel: (0191) 433 3000Fax: (0191) 490 1168.Website:, based in the North East of England, has changed beyond recognition in recent years. We have a history asvibrant as our future as traditional heavy industries have given way to high tech companies, leisure and cultural facilities.There is a pace and vibrancy about Gateshead that is helping to raise the profile of the area to an international level.Gateshead Council is committed to improving the quality of life for the whole community through learning and culture,and particularly by supporting schools in raising the standards of education across all age ranges. It is our aim to giveevery person in Gateshead an education which allows them the opportunity to achieve their potential.Living in the BoroughGateshead has a vast array of good quality, affordable housing, from traditional terraced housing to luxury quaysidedevelopments. There is also a wide range of readily available rented housing and a number of sites are currently beingdeveloped by private housing developers in partnership with the council to increase the range and type of dwellingsavailable in prime locations across the borough.


Gateshead LandmarksGateshead’s innovation is seen clearly through stunning new landmarks such as the Gateshead Millennium Bridge whicharches across the Tyne, providing a gateway to the new arts, cultural and leisure developments on Gateshead Quays.On the banks of the River Tyne, overlooking the Millennium Bridge, lie two of the most prominent developments inGateshead’s recent transformation. In the heart of the regeneration of Gateshead Quays stands Baltic, the Centre forContemporary Art. The major new art gallery opened in July 2002 to an international audience and offers a dynamic andconstantly evolving public arts programme for the region to enjoy. The Sage, Gateshead, is a major new music centre withoutstanding facilities for all kinds of live music and houses a music education centre and concert hall. Our Angel of theNorth, designed by Anthony Gormley, is now one of the best-known sculptures in Britain and symbolised the start ofGateshead’s high-profile regeneration.Leisure Time in GatesheadFor shopaholics, we boast Europe’s largest retail and leisure complex – the Metro Centre – which attracts millions ofvisitors each year. And if shopping is not your thing, the North East is home to some of the UK’s finest sporting arenas andvenues for football, cricket, athletics, rugby, golf and horseracing.Education in the BoroughWe enjoy a good reputation, with improving schools, many of them outstanding where pupils at all Key Stages exceed thenational averages for similar local authorities. The council also enjoys a reputation as a modernising employer whichinvests in and supports all its employees.The borough is served by one nursery school, three infant schools, three junior schools, 61 primary schools and 9 secondary schools all of which are specialist schools offering specialised support to young people in subjects includingsports, art, languages and technology. There are also six special schools, a Pupil Referral Unit, four Sure Start programmesand two Early Excellence centres. 9 secondary schools are members of Education Improvement Partnership linking schoolswith Gateshead College (itself an outstanding FE College employer and work based learning provider) and were involvedat an early stage in the national strategy to improve standards at Key Stage 3; there are two mini EAZs. The total schoolpopulation is approximately 27,000.Gateshead College, the borough’s largest higher education college, offers a wide range of courses and has extensive links tothe region’s major employers and three local universities. The college has recently opened a new purpose-built £60millioncampus on the banks of Gateshead Quays. Each school advertises for newly-qualified and experienced teachers in the localpress (Newcastle Evening Chronicle) each Thursday. All our teaching vacancies are advertised on our website If you wish to discuss employment opportunities in Gateshead’s Learning and ChildrenGroup, please contact Pauline Purvis ([email protected]) or Tel: (0191) 433 3000 or Fax: (0191) 490 1168.


Recruitment Team, Business Services Centre, Shire Hall, Gloucester GL1 2TG.Website: welcome the positive contribution that NQTs make to our region’s schools. In order that you can make the best useof your skills and qualities you will receive help and support through an excellent induction programme and continuingprofessional development. Individual schools are responsible for the appointment of teachers, and you may makeindividual applications for posts advertised in the Times Educational Supplement, on, inlocal newspapers and in the local authority bulletins in GloucestershireThe council is set in a great county with a mix of smart towns like Cheltenham for café bars, shopping, nightlife andfestivals (including Cheltenham Gold Cup racing), the historic city of Gloucester with its impressive Cathedral (used as aset in the filming of Harry Potter) and premiership rugby. The Cotswolds, Tewkesbury and Forest of Dean add furthercharacter and countryside.

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The county covers an area of 1,025 sq. miles which include the largest areas of outstanding natural beauty in the countryand has a total population of around 570,000. The county’s housing, schools, motorway access and rail links are also verygood with the cities of London, Birmingham and Bristol all within easy reach.


Personnel Division, Municipal Building, Kingsway, Widnes WA8 7QF.Tel: (0151) 424 2061 ext 1034 Website: for posts should be made direct to schools or as indicated in an advertisement. Most vacancies areadvertised in the TES and all appear during term time in a weekly published vacancy list which is available on receipt ofa supply of SAEs from the above address.For all of us education is an exacting and challenging business; it is nonetheless an exciting time to be joining us. As youmay know Halton is a fairly new local authority, celebrating its tenth anniversary in 2008, yet in this short time we havetaken some big steps forward. The local authority is situated at the hub of the M6, M56, M62 motorway network, witheasy access to the cities of Manchester and Liverpool, the Welsh hills, the Pennines and the Lake District.


Website: than 750 NQTs join Hampshire’s 500-plus schools each year – come and join us!Living and working in HampshireThe large, beautiful and diverse county of Hampshire combines historic towns like Winchester and Romsey with thebustling atmospheres of Andover, Basingstoke and Aldershot; from small rural primary schools to large town-basedsecondary schools, the choice is endless. It’s a wonderful place to live and work – from the south coast you can catchferries to France and the Isle of Wight; Southampton Airport has flights to the UK, Europe and further afield; on the eastChichester and Brighton are within easy reach; on the west are main routes to Dorset, Devon and Cornwall; and on thenorth both Oxford and London are short distances away with good road and rail links.Support for NQTsTo find out about the support we offer visit and click on the Newly Qualified Teachers link.The website includes information on the following:• Our comprehensive support programme for NQTs with:– courses on a wide variety of topics– local networks to enable you to get together with other NQTs– annual NQT conferences– a handbook telling you and your induction tutor all you need to know about the induction year

• Help with housing• Advice on completing application forms and interviews• Advice on behaviour management and other issues during your first year• Details of continuing professional development in Hampshire• Useful websites to find out about individual schools and Hampshire’s education statistics or to aid your development.RecruitmentVisit the website to access all NQT positions in Hampshire. Here you will find adedicated page for NQT positions which are updated daily and include full-time, part-time and temporary (e.g. maternitycover) posts. You can access a section devoted to jobs suitable for NQT induction. Start viewing NQT positions on thewebsite early in the spring term to start in September.We do not have a ‘pool’ system or allocate NQTs to schools, believing that both you and the head teacher should be freeto make your own decisions about whether the post is suitable for you.



Children’s Services Department, Civic Centre, Hartlepool TS24 8AY.Tel: (01429) 266522 Fax: (01429) 523750E-mail: [email protected]: is seeking to appoint energetic, enthusiastic newly qualified teachers and welcomes applications from finalyear students for teaching posts in our schools. We do not operate a system of pool appointments. NQTs are encouragedto apply for specific posts which interest them and for which they feel qualified. This system offers width and quality ofopportunity to all applicants. Vacancies are advertised in our weekly Teaching Vacancies Bulletin. If you would like toreceive notification of vacancies, please contact the local authority for details.Tel: (01429) 287367 or e-mail: [email protected]


Herefordshire Public Services, Human Resource for People’s Services Directorate, Plough Lane, Hereford HR4 0LE.Tel: (01432) 260935E-mail: [email protected] and schools advertise their own vacancies, usually in the local press and sometimes in the TES. All teachingvacancies in the county also appear on the council’s website – offers a wide range of teaching experience with large and small secondary and primary schools/academiesin both urban and rural settings. There is a strong partnership between the local authority and schools that supports NQTs.Herefordshire – a great place to teach, learn and live!


School Workforce Development Team, School Standards and Effectiveness Group, Hertfordshire Development Centre,Robertson House, Six Hills Way, Stevenage, Herts SG1 2FQ.Tel: (01438) 844871E-mail: [email protected]: search for jobs visit: www.teachinherts.comHertfordshire – a great place to live and work!With the contrast the county offers of busy towns, rural villages and the close proximity to London, Hertfordshire is anattractive place to start a career and set up home.There are many good and outstanding schools in Hertfordshire that provide children with a high quality education and arich and varied range of learning opportunities.School’s Well-Being Programme.Hertfordshire’s schools have a long tradition of caring for the welfare of their staff and the county was one of the first tojoin the national Well-Being Programme.Newly Qualified Teachers in HertfordshireWe have a strong tradition of effective induction for Newly Qualified Teachers which provides carefully differentiatedprofessional development for all new teachers. Trained and supported teacher tutors co-ordinate school-based inductionand new teachers are encouraged to attend appropriate courses and activities arranged by the authority.With a fully interactive recruitment website, you can simply register your details online, search forjobs, receive job alerts and apply online if you wish.Apply now for a post in a Hertfordshire school and you could find yourself benefiting from the support and careeropportunities that Hertfordshire has to offer!

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Isles of Scilly

Children’s Services, Town Hall, St. Mary’s, Isles of Scilly TR21 0LW.Tel: (01720) 423680The Council of the Isles of Scilly maintains just one school, The Five Islands School, catering for pupils aged 3-16. Studentsmove to the mainland for their post-16 education. Further details about teaching in Scilly can be obtained from theschool, Tel: (01720) 424850, or their website www.fiveislands.scilly.sch.ukGeneral information about life on the Isles of Scilly can be obtained from the Council’s website at

Isle of Wight

Human Resources, County Hall, Newport, Isle of Wight PO30 1UD.Tel: (01983) 823437 Fax: (01983) 823122E-mail: [email protected]: www.iwight.comThe Isle of Wight is one of only two off shore local authorities. In September 2011 schools changed from a three tiersystem to a universal two tier system. There are now 41 primary schools (4-11 range); 6 secondary schools (11-18+); and2 special schools (one primary, one secondary age range).A weekly vacancy sheet is produced and a copy can be obtained by either e-mail or paper format by contacting HumanResources. Posts are advertised in the TES, Isle of Wight County Press ( and on the council’s website – – where more information on the island can be obtained.


Teacher Recruitment and Retention Team, Sessions House, County Road, Maidstone, Kent ME14 1XQ.E-mail: [email protected] is one of the largest local authorities in the country with just under 600 schools ranging in size from tiny villageprimaries to large grammar schools and specialist colleges. In addition to the variety of career opportunities this makesavailable, we provide all newly qualified teachers with a comprehensive programme of training and support throughoutthe induction year. Our support for teachers does not stop at the end of their first year – we are committed to thecontinuing professional development of all our school staff in their first years of teaching and beyond the fifth year of ateacher’s career.Using our interactive website you can register your CV in our database, search for and apply onlinefor vacancies and find information regarding accommodation in Kent. Kent head teachers can also, via a secure line, e-mail you invitations to apply for their vacancies. Relocation packages are available in approved circumstances. Keep aneye on our events calendar for the latest news and recruitment events.

Kingston upon Hull

Children and Young People’s Services, Brunswick House, Strand Close, Hull HU2 9DB.Tel: (01482) 616607Hull has 14 secondary schools, 71 primary schools and 6 special schools. The Children and Young People’s ServicesDirectorate is keen to promote an achievement culture with emphasis on high standards and expectations gained frompartnership working between schools, parents, the local authority and other stakeholders. We are looking for committedand enthusiastic teachers who can make a key contribution to delivering improved pupil outcomes.Applications are welcome from NQTs, current teachers and those returning to the teaching profession. For furtherinformation about teaching in Hull and for vacancies please look on For more information aboutHull, you can browse the City Council website


What the city has to offer:• An excellent induction programme• A commitment to professional development as a key strategy to raise standards• Superb quality of life, including affordable housing• A great place to live with excellent shopping, bags of history, thriving nightlife, brilliant transport facilities andspectacular scenery close by.


Website: in the heart of Yorkshire, Kirklees has just under 200 schools covering all combinations of age groupings. With astrong reputation both regionally and nationally, Kirklees offers excellent NQT Induction programmes and wideopportunities for Professional Development.Teaching vacancies are advertised in the national and local press and on the Kirklees website. We do not operate a poolsystem so please check for details of individual posts which are updated each week on the website.Why not put the web page link on your desktop so that you can keep up with vacancies in Kirklees!We have our own Supply Service (KSS), supported and used by almost all schools in Kirklees.Our learners are waiting to welcome you to Kirklees!


Knowsley Metropolitan Borough Council, Human Resources and Organisational Development, Westmorland Road, Huyton L36 9GL.Website: has seven Centres for Learning. These are secondary schools with a wider community role and all are situatedin brand new, state-of-the art buildings. We have 53 primary schools and 8 special schools.We make a very big effort to welcome newly qualified colleagues to our schools at such an exciting time in our history,when we are in the process of wholesale transformation of our education system. The next phase of the transformationfocuses upon primary and special schools. Many of you will be teaching and facilitating learning in environments whichare fundamentally different from the ones in which you experienced your own education. In Knowsley we have a passionand an appetite for experimentation, creativity and for innovative ways of removing the barriers to learning faced bymany of our children and young people. The fundamental reform which we are undertaking places the needs of the childat the centre of how we organise all aspects of education – leadership and management, building design, curriculum andstaffing. In our planning we have wholeheartedly adopted the Every Child Matters agenda, making the link between thewider needs of children and young people and their educational achievement and outcomes. At the heart of our vision is the personalisation of learning; new and exciting approaches to teaching and learning;learning which is customised to suit the needs of each and every individual. We are determined to innovate and effectivelyimplement the best of new ideas. Our schools are in the process of developing new and exciting curriculum models, takingbest practice from around the world.If you share our vision and passion for making a difference to the lives of children and young people we would welcomean application from you.


Lancashire County Council is one of the largest and most diverse local authorities in England, with a population of morethan a million, in both urban and rural areas.Our size is a major advantage. It allows us to deliver a range of services that smaller authorities cannot match. Our constant challenge is to tailor those services to local needs.

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All Lancashire schools are self-managed and are therefore responsible for their own recruitment and selection. Therefore,applications for advertised posts must be made on an individual basis. A weekly teachers’ vacancy list is available upon request by forwarding a supply of A4 sized, stamped addressedenvelopes to The Recruitment and Retention Team, Children and Young Person’s Directorate, PO Box 61, County Hall,Preston, PR1 8RJ. Alternatively, the weekly vacancy list appears on Lancashire County Council’s website and the hyperlinkto this is: posts are also advertised in The Times Educational Supplement (TES), appropriate press for aided schools and thelocal press.Lancashire does not operate a pool system but is a partner in the Lancashire Teacher Agency (LTA). Anyone who isinterested in supply teaching within Lancashire is advised to contact the LTA on (01772) 200845 or visit their


Leeds City Council, 9th Floor East, Merrion Centre, Leeds LS2 8DR.Tel: (0113) 2474361 E-mail: [email protected] your teaching career a head start in Leeds.Leeds City Council is dedicated to giving every child in Leeds the opportunities they deserve to enable them to be happy,healthy, safe and successful. We know that our biggest strength is our staff and it’s our people who make the realdifference. That’s why we’re committed to recruiting and developing talented and passionate NQTs who will help usachieve our goals as they develop their own teaching career. We want to attract and promote diversity within ourworkforce to represent all the groups we work with, including children and young people, staff and citizens of Leeds. Leeds is a friendly, cosmopolitan city with so many business and leisure opportunities that you are sure to enjoy life here. Teaching posts in Leeds are advertised on Eteach at and on The Guardian schools and from November 2011 on the Leeds City Council website also works with a number of supply agencies who have good links with Leeds schools. For more informationcontact us using the details above.

Leicester City

Leicester City Council – Children and Young People’s ServicesLeicester welcomes NQTs who want to make a difference, through raising standards of educational achievement andcontributing to the life of the communities in which they work.In return we offer:• A challenging and rewarding career• Experience in a diverse environment• Help and support in achieving your potential• Comprehensive training and CPD programmes• An attractive remuneration package.Teaching posts in Leicester are advertised by schools through the City Council’s ‘Job Shop’ which can be accessed Enquiries about individual posts can be addressed through the Job Shop or individual schools.

Leicestershire schools recruit a considerable number of NQTs each year and value the innovative new ideas andenthusiasm that NQTs contribute. In return we work hard to provide a programme of support that gives you the bestpossible start in the profession.


Teaching vacancies are advertised on e-teach where we have a Leicestershire page: A weekly vacancy bulletin is e-mailed to a subscriber list which you canjoin via our e-teach page.NQTs should apply to advertised vacancies.Lincolnshire

Lincolnshire County Council, County Offices, Newland, Lincoln LN1 1YQ.Lincolnshire is a large diverse county with more than 60 Secondary, 270 Primary and 20 Special Schools ranging fromsmall rural schools to large city schools.All Lincolnshire teaching posts are advertised on the recruitment website: can benefit from working in Lincolnshire. We offer free welcome meetings, a comprehensive training programmeand information packs including our ‘Welcome to Teaching in Lincolnshire’ booklet. Our schools offer good mentoring andsupport for NQTs.Liverpool

Human Resource and Payroll Service, 6th Floor, Venture Place, 13-17 Sir Thomas Street, Liverpool L1 6BW.Tel: (0151) 233 3003E-mail: [email protected] vacancies are advertised on and posts are advertised in the TES and the local press.Applications are also sought independently by individual schools.Good support and induction programmes are available, and all recruitment undertaken by Liverpool Direct Limited is inline with Safer Recruitment legislation.Luton

John Manning, Teacher Recruitment Manager, Children and Learning HR Dept, Unity House, 111 Stuart St, Luton LU1 5NP.Tel: (01582) 548078E-mail: [email protected]:’s 64 schools include 47 primary, 8 secondary, 3 special and 6 nursery. We are justly proud of our CPD programmefor NQTs. Standards are rising across all Key Stages and teachers are supported by family workers and learning mentors.Effective school cluster groups offer networking opportunities. Key Worker Housing is available. And we make finding ajob easy. With our primary pool (online application, deadline 16 February) just one interview can secure you a post in anyof the 33 participating schools. A clearing database runs in the summer once the pool candidates are placed. We are alsolaunching a pool for secondary NQTs this year, along with e-mail job alerts.A unitary authority in the south of Bedfordshire, Luton is compact and rich in cultural diversity. A vibrant town with thelargest one-day carnival in Europe, Luton has good road and rail links, with London half an hour away by train and theM1 running through the town. Luton’s international airport offers cheap flights to a range of destinations in and beyondEurope. And the verdant countryside of Bedfordshire and Hertfordshire starts just a few minutes from the town centre. Thetown is embarking on an exciting period of change, with substantial investment in redeveloping the town centre.Manchester

Teacher Recruitment, Children’s Services, Overseas House, Quay Street, Manchester M3 3BB.Tel: (0161) 234 7175E-mail: [email protected] are invited from newly qualified teachers who wish to teach in primary, secondary or special schools.Manchester schools typically recruit in excess of 200 NQTs each year.

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Please visit to check how to register for the Primary and Secondarydatabases. There is no official closing date for applications but we recommend submission by mid-February as on 1 Marchthe talent pool is made available to all Manchester head teachers.All applications submitted online and accompanied by a supporting statement will be placed in the Manchester NQTtalent pool and head teachers will contact suitable candidates directly to offer interviews.


Teacher Recruitment, HR Schools, Medway Council, Gun Wharf, Dock Road, Chatham, Kent ME4 4TR.Tel: (01634) 331209 Fax: (01634) 332858E-mail: [email protected]: is a unique urban area in the heart of the Thames Gateway, a national priority area for regeneration and growth.While Medway has a rich and diverse history it is also well placed to grasp the opportunities offered to develop into a cityof learning, culture, tourism and enterprise – the city of the Thames Gateway. Medway is made up of the towns ofGillingham, Chatham, Rochester, Strood and Rainham.Medway is the only unitary council in Kent and serves a population of 250,000. Easily accessible, Medway is an ambitious,bustling and thriving place to live and teach. It is close to the Bluewater shopping centre, three international airports andthe Channel Tunnel.Medway has more than 100 schools, almost 45,000 pupils and an innovative approach to youth activities. We operateboth selective and non-selective schools, so you can teach where your skills will make the most difference and the teacherrecruitment team will help you find a school that is right for you.Medway operates a pool system and welcomes online applications from both primary and secondary NQTs. There is noclosing date but early applications are recommended.NQTs in Medway can look forward to:• A well-established induction programme• Continuing professional development opportunities• Help and advice on housing issues• A salary from 1 July or August (participating schools only).For teaching vacancies, information on Medway and to make a pool application visit our website or contact the TeacherRecruitment Team.


Human Resources contact: Harry Eagling, Middlesbrough HBS, Rede House, 69-71 Corporation Street, Middlesbrough TS1 1WZ.Achievement Service contact: Andrew Mackle, PO Box 69, Vancouver House, Middlesbrough TS1 9FU.E-mail: [email protected] vacancies are included in a weekly jobs bulletin which appears on the website for newly qualified teachers also appear in the local, and occasionally, national press and are placed directly byschools, as we do not operate a pool system. If you wish to make a speculative approach to schools withinMiddlesbrough, a list of schools can be supplied by contacting the School Improvement Service.

Milton Keynes

Children and Young People’s Services (School Improvement), Saxon Court, 502 Avebury Boulevard, Central Milton Keynes MK9 3HS.Tel: (01908) 253 058 Fax: (01908) 253 289E-mail: [email protected]


Milton Keynes is increasingly recognised as an exciting centre for cultural and social activity, with excellent shopping,nightlife and entertainment, including snowboarding, skydiving and a theatre to rival the West End. Within 30 minutes ofLuton airport; easy access to London and the north via road and rail links.General enquiries may be e-mailed to [email protected]

Newcastle upon Tyne

Newcastle City Council, Civic Centre, Newcastle upon Tyne NE99 1FR.E-mail: [email protected] city of Newcastle upon Tyne serves as the regional capital for a population of more than two million people in NorthEast England. It is an accessible, inclusive city with equal opportunities for all people to realise their potential througheducation and work and offers challenging and rewarding jobs. Vacancies are advertised in the local Evening Chronicle(Thursdays), the Times Educational Supplement and online at


Norfolk County Council, Children’s Services, NIEAS, Norwich Professional Development Centre, Woodside Road, Norwich NR79QL.Tel: (01603) 222901E-mail: [email protected] NQT Recruitment website: is a beautiful, but still affordable county, considered by many the heart of East Anglia, yet less than two hours byrail from London and with good road links to the Midlands.With more than 430 schools of all sizes; an induction programme praised by OfSTED; extensive CPD opportunitiesincluding MA(Ed) and PhD at UEA and our own leadership academy; career possibilities abound. This is a county wheretalent is recognised and nurtured.Secondary candidates can join our ‘Personalised Early Vacancy Alert Service’ by e-mailing [email protected] withtheir subject area. Both Primary and Secondary candidates can join our NQT Register (by 1 February 2012), which is availableto the head teacher of every subscribing school looking for an NQT, by going to‘Live’ vacancies can be viewed on your ambitions with ours. The place is Norfolk.

North East Lincolnshire

North East Lincolnshire offers an excellent induction package to newly qualified teachers and the schools in our areasupport the continued professional development of teaching staff. North East Lincolnshire is a small but diverse area on the east coast where the Humber estuary meets the North Sea. Thetowns of Grimsby and Cleethorpes for the larger centres of population, with the major container port of Immingham tothe north. In contrast, rural communities extend into the attractive Lincolnshire Wolds. It’s less than three hours to Londonby rail and is only a few minutes drive to Humberside Airport. The famous Humber Bridge enables you to reach the ferryport of Hull in less than an hour. Teaching vacancies are advertised on the North East Lincolnshire Council website and the addresses of all the schools in our area are listed on the website.

North Lincolnshire

North Lincolnshire Council, Education, Learning and Achievement, Human Resources, Hewson House, PO Box 35, Station Road,Brigg DN20 8XJ.Tel: (01724) 297294Website: you are looking to work in a friendly, progressive environment, for a local authority which values its commitment to

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support development and teamwork in the drive to raise standards, we would like to hear from you.We offer an extensive, fully supportive NQT Induction package and continuing professional development. All posts areadvertised in our regular Vacancy Bulletin which can be mailed or e-mailed to you free of charge.Vacancies can also be found on the second website address shown above along with a downloadable application form.We operate a supply teacher register for both the primary and secondary phases including special schools. This providesschools with details of teachers who are available to cover short-term absences.For further details please contact us at the above address and phone number or contact our Principal HR Officer Sue Dobson (01724) 297006 or e-mail: [email protected]

North Somerset

Schools Human Resources, Town Hall, Weston-Super-Mare BS23 1UJ.Tel: (01275) 884072Posts are advertised in our weekly vacancy list which is available on the schools vacancies’ page of our website� Some posts may also be advertised in external publications and websites. We do not e-mail orsend bulletins to individuals. Applications for posts should be made to the school with the vacancy unless otherwise stated.

North Tyneside

Recruitment Team, Quadrant, 2nd Floor, The Silverlink North, Cobalt Business Park, North Tyneside NE27 0BY.Tel: (0345) 2000 101Website: vacant posts are advertised by schools as required using either the TES or Catholic Teachers Gazette whereappropriate. For details on all current vacancies and how to apply, log on to our website at

North Yorkshire

Human Resources Services, Recruitment, HRSST, County Hall, Northallerton DL7 8AD.Website: Yorkshire is the largest county in England with more than 380 schools. All vacant posts are advertised by schools asrequired using our own website. Details of all our current vacancies can be found on the jobs and careers section of ourwebsite Schools may at times use a variety of methods to recruit including, job centre plus,websites and job boards, local and national press.


A big step needs a helping hand .... • 3 x NQT progress events • 1 x NQT conference• Online Self-Assessment for Core Teaching Standards• Online NQT and NQT Mentor support materials• Primary NQT Support Programme (optional).You are about to embark on your career and this can be the most challenging and daunting time of your professional life.We recognise that for you to achieve and be motivated it is our role to ensure that this transition is as successful as possible.We have a strong commitment to mentoring in our schools, helping you to develop your skills and grow into your role as ateacher. We are equally committed to you settling into your new life. Northamptonshire can provide all the right ingredientsto make you happy at work and in your lifestyle. Want to know more? Contact [email protected] Northamptonshire – helping you to make a difference!



Children’s Services, County Hall, Morpeth, Northumberland NE61 2EF.Tel: (01670) 533000Website: is one of the largest counties in the UK and is the least densely populated with a mix of town andcountry living. The County Council was one of the first authorities to form a Family and Children’s Trust to produce betteroutcomes for children in Northumberland.All vacancies are advertised by schools in the local press (Evening Chronicle) and/or TES. For details on current vacanciesand how to apply log on to our website or

Nottingham, City of

Children and Families (Human Resources), 1st Floor, Loxley House, Station Street, Nottingham NG2 3NG.Tel: (0115) 876 3587Nottingham is one of the most stylish and vibrant cities in the UK and an exciting place to teach and learn. Working in theCity of Nottingham means that you will be part of a progressive Education Service. You will feel supported and valuedevery step of the way. The local authority provides excellent induction support for NQTs as well as a wealth of in-serviceopportunities. We don’t operate a pool system but you can register your interest by completing a registration form. If youwould like to receive an information pack please contact Children and Families Human Resources or visit our


Children and Young People’s Services, County Hall, West Bridgford, Nottingham NG2 7QP.Tel: (0115) 9823823We want the best and most committed teachers and we know that you can choose where you work. We hope that a lively,cosmopolitan city offering a range of cultural events to interest all tastes, a vibrant nightlife and fantastic shopping willtempt you to consider Nottinghamshire as the place to start your career. With some of the most affordable housing inEngland, a real choice of schools and an excellent induction package to support you through your first years, we areconfident that you will find a fulfilling lifestyle here.We don’t operate a pool. Our vacancies are advertised in our own bulletin at for posts should be made to the school with the vacancy unless otherwise stated.


People, Communities and SocietyIf you are committed to high levels of pupil achievement and quality in the classroom; if you feel that children learn bestfrom first-hand experiences and you wish to promote children’s learning through exciting activities, we would like to hearfrom you.Oldham is seeking to select primary teachers for a pool from which vacancies arising in September 2012 will be filled.Secondary teachers are also required for a number of vacancies that will be available from September 2012.In conjunction with the three National Training Schools in Oldham, there is a full programme of training and support for all newly qualified teachers; the opportunity to work in a lively forward-looking authority, which is close to the city of Manchester and the M60 motorway network and in a stimulating environment located in the foothills of thePennines.You will be able to apply online at to the primary pool in late January 2012 and to secondaryvacancies as they are advertised.

54 England


Teacher Recruitment & Retention Team, Oxfordshire County Council, Unipart House, Garsington Rd, Oxford OX4 2GQ.Tel: (01865) 797397E-mail: [email protected]: is a county at the heart of England. It is internationally renowned as a place of architectural and natural beauty and a centre of excellence for academia and research. Oxfordshire is the south east of England’s most ruralcounty. With 639,800 residents across 1,006 square miles, the county has the lowest population density in the South Eastregion.The county is a popular tourist destination not only for its rural beauty but also for the urban attraction of the numerousmarket towns and the dreaming spires of Oxford. Oxford City has earned a global reputation for its academic andarchitectural splendour. It is host to both Oxford University, the oldest university in the English-speaking world and OxfordBrookes University, one of the best new universities in the country. Oxford has countless theatres, restaurants and cafesand is only 55 miles from London. Our central location with excellent transport links makes it easy to travel both locallyand nationally.Newly Qualified Teachers:Oxfordshire recruits more than 400 newly qualified teachers each year. We would like our teachers to reflect the diversityof Oxfordshire in the 21st century and we positively welcome applications from all parts of the community particularlyblack and minority ethnic (BME) and those with disabilities.Oxfordshire employs nearly 6,000 teachers in a variety of rural and urban schools. With more than 200 primary, more than30 secondary and 14 special schools, Oxfordshire County Council can offer you every opportunity you need to achieveyour teaching ambitions. Your first year of teaching is likely to be both demanding and rewarding and we will support you by providing an excellent induction programme which continues the emphasis on professional development in the early years of yourcareer.To apply online visit our website on: or e-mail: [email protected]

Peterborough, City of

NQT Administrator, Children’s Services (Education & Resources), Floor 2, Bayard Place, Peterborough PE1 1FB.Tel: (01733) 863637Fax: (01733) 863641E-mail: [email protected]: is a great place in which to live, teach and learn. It is located in one of the fastest growing areas of thecountry. It has first-rate shopping and leisure facilities and there is easy access to the surrounding countryside. It boaststhe most affordable housing within an hour’s commuting distance of London and the lowest travel to work index in thecountry. The north Norfolk coast is 50 miles away by road and London is 50 minutes away by train.There is a huge diversity within our early-years centre, 55 primary schools, 1 primary academy, 5 maintained secondaryschools, 6 secondary academies and 4 special schools, in terms of size, ethos, setting and ethnicity. Opportunities forcareer development and advancement abound within them and schools are keen to recruit and retain innovative andenthusiastic NQTs who are committed to encouraging all young learners to achieve their full potential.Support is available for all NQTs via the excellent induction support programme and there is the possibility of assistanceto buy or rent a property through the Keyhomes East Shared Ownership Scheme, plus a discounted leisure and keep-fitscheme.


Vacancies are advertised by the schools in the TES, the local press and at Schools welcome directapplications from NQTs, or alternatively you can apply to Peterborough’s NQT registration service via the onlineapplication form at There is no closing date for this service. However, early application isencouraged. Once you have submitted your application to us, it is circulated to all schools in Peterborough in your chosenphase. If you would like further information or guidance, please contact the NQT Administrator on (01733) 863637 or e-mail: [email protected]

Plymouth, City of

Teaching posts are normally advertised in the TES, locally in The Herald on a Wednesday and in a vacancy bulletin whichis distributed to all schools and education establishments and is available at job centres and libraries. The bulletin can be accessed via and copies are obtainable by subscription (£12 per 12 copies) from Choice Subscriptions, Recruitment Services, Devon County Council, Room 220, County Hall, Topsham Road, Exeter, Devon EX2 4QU.General information about living and teaching in Plymouth and other South West local authorities is available


Human Resources, Civic Centre, Poole, Dorset BH15 2RU.Tel: (01202) 633073E-mail: [email protected] Poole is situated on the south coast and offers a wide range of facilities and opportunities for those coming into worklocally.There is no pool system for NQTs – applications should be made direct to the school advertising the vacancy.Teaching posts are advertised on the borough website which is updateddaily Monday to Friday. Some posts are also advertised in the TES and local press (the Daily Echo – Bournemouth). Thereis an established programme of induction and support for newly qualified teachers.


HR Employee Relations Team, Schools, Civic Offices, Guildhall Square, Portsmouth PO1 2EA.Tel: (023) 9284 1796E-mail: [email protected] a training teacher, you’ll be keen to find the best place to kick-start your career. Somewhere you can get all the supportand training to take you through your induction year and beyond. Somewhere you can use all your skills and knowledge,and achieve your potential.Situated between the Solent and the South Downs, we have both countryside and the sea on our doorstep, offering aquality of living second to none. Living near the water, with a fantastic mix of cultural history and modern developments,and an impressive range of shops, bars and restaurants – you’ll come to rate Portsmouth very highly indeed.As a small local authority there is an excellent support and induction programme available and good networks developbetween NQTs in their first year, and beyond. Help with housing is also available for teachers in Portsmouth.Details of how to apply to NQT posts in Portsmouth schools are available at following the linkto ‘working in local schools’. Further information about NQT posts in Portsmouth can be obtained by contacting us on theabove telephone number or via e-mail at [email protected]

56 England


NQT Partnership Officer, Reading School Improvement Centre, The Avenue Centre, Conwy Close, Reading RG30 4BZ.E-mail: [email protected]: … A great place to live and work!Our outstanding NQT package demonstrates that Reading values its NQTs. As a small authority with a strong sense ofcommunity, our induction programme is renowned for its excellence and feedback from last year’s NQTs deemed ourprogramme to be “supportive and innovative”. You will also have access to a diverse range of schools, discounted leisurefacilities through the council and the staff club. We are a compact local authority both in terms of geographic area andnumber of schools.Reading, one of the fastest growing centres for business, shopping, transport and leisure in the UK, enjoys an unrivalledposition in the heart of the Thames Valley. Convenient for travelling, Reading has quick and easy access to majormotorways, train routes and airports, enabling you to reach London in 30 minutes and Paris in approximately three hours!Reading operates an equal opportunities policy, a requirement of which is that all applications are made in the format ofan application form.All of our school vacancy adverts can be found on an application form, please contact the school directly.Reading … There’s no better place to start your career!

Redcar and Cleveland

Recruitment Service, Eston Town Hall, Fabian Road, Eston, Yorkshire TS6 1SF.Website: are few better places to start or pursue your career than in Redcar and Cleveland where the quality of life is enviableand the reputation of schools is justifiably high.Teaching vacancies are advertised individually on the weekly school vacancies bulletin and some posts are also advertisedin the TES and local press. Applications can then be made by contacting the school. Please check our website (see above)for details of our current vacancies.


Schools Service, Rochdale Metropolitan Borough Council, PO Box 70, Floor 8, Municipal Offices, Smith Street, Rochdale, Lancs OL16 1YD.E-mail: [email protected] Website: is a vibrant place to live and work and is benefiting from major investment. Rochdale is located in the foothills of the Pennines with good transport links and has cities, countryside or coast all withinan hour’s drive. Rochdale welcomes applications from newly qualified teachers who want to work in a progressive, high achieving authority.We operate an NQT primary pool and details will be advertised via the e-teach website in January 2012.All vacancies are also advertised on our website. We will also be represented at all the relevant careers fairs where yourdetails will be collected and entered onto our recruitment database.All NQTs receive a comprehensive induction programme and access to a full range of professional developmentprogrammes. Rochdale is committed to the continuing professional development of teachers throughout their careers.Rochdale also operates its own supply agency and accepts applications from suitably qualified individuals. The agencypays supply teachers in line with School Teachers’ National Pay and Conditions.


If you have a recruitment query, or require further information, contact Katie Barnes, Schools HR Support Officer. Tel: (01706) 925169. Fax: (01706) 925030. E-mail: [email protected]


Children and Young People’s Services, Norfolk House, Walker Place, Rotherham S65 1AS.Tel: (01709) 382121Advertisements normally appear in the TES and/or Sheffield/Rotherham Star. General advice is available from the HumanResources Service Centre on (01709) 334242.Job vacancies are advertised on the website:


Head of Service, Lifelong Learning, Rutland County Council, Catmose, Oakham, Rutland LE15 6HP.Tel: (01572) 722577 (ext: 460)E-mail: [email protected]: welcomes enthusiastic NQTs who want to work in a high-achieving, innovative local authority. Advertisementsappear in the TES and local press and information packs are available direct from head teachers of the schools named inthe adverts. Informal discussion and school visits are welcomed. Rutland offers high-quality induction and support for NQTs and Early Career teacher support. There is also acomprehensive range of professional development opportunities and a full programme of support and guidance forteachers at all stages of their career.There are no pool systems in place so NQTs should apply direct to the schools.

St Helens

Children and Young People’s Services, HR Section (Schools Team), Town Hall, Victoria Square, St Helens, Merseyside WA10 1HP.Tel: (01744) 671854Website: Helens welcomes applications from newly qualified teachers. We do not operate a pool system, but schools welcomeapplications from NQTs for posts which they advertise both nationally and locally. We advertise teaching posts in theTimes Educational Supplement and on the council website.We provide a high-quality induction programme and support networks for NQTs. There is also a comprehensive range ofprofessional development opportunities for teachers at all stages of their career.


Children’s Services Directorate, Schools and Learning Development, School Improvement Service, Unity House, Salford CivicCentre, Chorley Road, Swinton, Salford M27 5AW.In Salford – Creating a brighter futureSalford City Council welcomes applications from newly qualified teachers and schools would welcome applicants forposts which they advertise both nationally and locally.Salford is fully committed to continuing professional development for all staff throughout their careers. Primary schoolsare currently running induction courses for newly qualified teachers and there are a number of opportunities available forteachers at all key stages.Further information is available from the School Improvement Service: Professional Matters, Paul Ford Tel: (0161) 778 0178 E-mail: [email protected] Matters, Aruna Puri Tel: (0161) 778 0158 E-Mail: [email protected]

58 England


Sandwell Learning and Culture Services, PO Box 41, Shaftesbury House, 402 High Street, West Bromwich, West Midlands B70 9LT.Tel: (0121) 569 8339Fax: (0121) 569 8397E-mail: [email protected]: – A Great Place to Teach, Learn and LiveSandwell is a large, multicultural Metropolitan Borough which lies at the heart of the West Midlands. We are committed to making Sandwell a place where people have high expectations and achieve excellent standards, harnessingthe advances of new technologies. The opportunities we provide will be high quality and aspire to world-class standards.Sandwell can offer you:• A comprehensive programme of support and professional development in your NQT year and beyond• A highly effective accredited NQT Induction Programme• A variety of teaching experiences within a culturally rich and diverse environment• Continuing professional development opportunities after your NQT year.The NQT Induction Programme – aims to support you in your new teaching post, ensuring that induction requirementsare met. Throughout the induction period we will seek to reinforce and encourage the development of your understandingof the tasks and responsibilities associated with your new role.Advertising – Schools advertise vacancies in local papers and nationally via and the TES. Job Bulletins are also held at several educational institutions and local libraries as well as on our are operating a pool system for primary applications and a database for secondary applications. more information please contact Kim Whiting, Adviser, Workforce Development, using the details above.


Sefton Children Schools & Families, Redgate Advisory Centre, Redgate Formby, Merseyside L37 4EW.Website: seeks to appoint enthusiastic, newly qualified teachers and welcomes applications from final year students forteaching posts in our schools. We do not operate a system of pool appointments. NQTs are encouraged to apply forspecific posts which interest them and for which they feel qualified. This system offers equality of opportunity to allapplicants. Vacancies are advertised in the TES, local press and Sefton website. Vacancy Bulletins are produced weeklyduring the term and posted on the website.


Recruitment Team, Children and Young People’s Organisational Development, Bannerdale Centre, 125 Carterknowle Road,Sheffield S7 2EX.Tel: (0114) 29 30902E-mail: [email protected]: are at least 60,000 good reasons why you should join us in Sheffield: shaping, guiding and educating our childrento take their place in the world. Sheffield is clean, green and safe, with two successful universities and some of the fastestimproving schools in the country, along with leisure activities to suit a range of tastes.


You can expect a high level of support and development from your school and the local authority. You will benefit from arange of training and Continuing Professional Development (CPD) opportunities linked to “The Sheffield Guarantee”, a package endorsed by the GTC and the DfE that underpins Sheffield’s commitment to promote/provide:• A framework for CPD for all school-based staff throughout their careers• High quality teaching and learning through recognised and accredited professional development• Sheffield as a place to live and learn.Sheffield welcomes NQTsWe will support you to successfully complete your NQT induction period and acquire QTS. You will receive an NQThandbook, outlining details about induction, support, roles, responsibilities and local authority structure. You can attendconferences, networking events, development opportunities linked with Sheffield’s universities leading to certificates,diplomas and higher degrees.Sheffield NQT PoolSheffield City Council operates an annual Newly Qualified Teacher pool and welcomes applications from students gaining their QTS the following September. You will find information on our website to join usYou can apply directly to schools for specific posts; these are advertised in our weekly Teacher Vacancy List, accessible viaour website: website offers the facility to make an application online, and will provide further information about our jobs andworking in Sheffield. NQTs can undertake supply teaching through our award winning supply agency, SESSA. If you wish to register with SESSAdetails of how to do this can be found on our website:


Children and Young People’s Services, Human Resources Department, The Guildhall, Frankwell Quay, Shrewsbury, Shropshire SY3 8HQ.Tel: (01743) 254412Application forms and details are available from and returnable to the head teachers of schools as advertised in the TESand local press. Vacancies are also available from


Slough Borough Council, Raising Achievement Team, St Martin’s Place, Second Floor, West Wing, Bath Road, Berkshire SL1 3UF.Tel: (01753) 476550E-mail: [email protected]: ‘Jobs and Careers’ section on home page.Registering with SloughWe operate a registration system rather than an NQT pool, as we would prefer you to be recruited directly and speedilyby our schools, so you can be sure you get the school you would like. Simply enter go straight to the NQT registration section. We will speed up the process for you by e-mailing your details to interested schools. All you need to do is register withSlough centrally. Use the guidelines together with the person specification sheet to fill in the registration form. Please fillin a soft copy version of the registration form and the monitoring form, save them to your hard drive, then e-mail themas attachments to [email protected] You can either wait for schools to approach you or you can contactschools directly (A-Z of schools can be found on our website) to introduce yourself.

60 England

About Slough We are a compact unitary authority of 46 schools on the outskirts of London, on the eastern edge of Berkshire (by Windsor) and bordering with Buckinghamshire. Please note that salaries benefit from having the London Fringeallowance. We provide you with a really excellent induction programme. We have a versatile rented accommodationfacility that encourages NQTs to meet and share together as well as encouraging you to pursue the opportunity to buythrough the Key Worker scheme. You will find further details about us on our website Sloughadvertisements appear in the TES (, the NQT pullouts, the Eteach website ( and the‘greensheets’ bulletin ( in schools/libraries.For further details contact our Teacher Recruitment Team on (01753) 476550.


Sue Lynch, Human Resources and Equalities, PO Box 9, Council House, Solihull B91 3QR.Tel: (0121) 704 6939Fax: (0121) 704 6081E-mail: [email protected]: runs a newly qualified teacher database for both primary and secondary applicants – see ‘First Appointments’edition of Times Educational Supplement in January, local press, recruitment fairs and college noticeboards. We will holdyour details on a database that can be directly accessed by head teachers who require NQTs. Closing date is thenearest Friday to 16 February. As not all schools subscribe to the database, candidates may also apply directly to theschool for any post advertised in the TES, local press or on our website a newly qualified teacher in Solihull you can expect an excellent induction and training programme designed to suitindividual needs. Solihull schools offer a distinctive and challenging environment in which to develop your enthusiasmand creativity while taking an active role in achieving your personal and professional aims.Contact us for an NQT database application form and to answer any queries regarding starting your career in Solihull. We look forward to hearing from you.


Human Resources, Children and Young People’s Directorate, County Hall, Taunton TA1 4DY.Tel: (01823) 356776Advertised as required. Application forms and details are available from and returnable to the head teacher of the schoolas advertised. TES, local press, local vacancy list – sent on a weekly basis, payment ranges from a three month subscriptionto 12 months. Subscription details can be obtained by calling (01823) 356776. The vacancy list can be viewed on theinternet at the following address:, click on ‘View Teaching Posts’. Supply teacher register inoperation. Call (01823) 356723 for an application pack.The Somerset local authority home page address is information about living and teaching in Somerset and other SW local authorities is available

South Gloucestershire

Schools’ Personnel, Department for Children and Young People, PO Box 2082, South Gloucestershire Council, Castle Street,Thornbury, South Gloucestershire BS35 9BQ.Tel: (01454) 863257Website:


The best place to look for teaching opportunities is via our website above. Click on ‘Jobs with the Council’ then ‘SchoolVacancies’ to see current vacancies within our schools. A paper copy is published weekly during term time and sent to allschools, libraries, job centres and training establishments across the region; you can collect a personal copy from ouroffices in Yate and Thornbury. Schools also advertise regularly in the TES and local press.We don’t operate a pool system and you should apply directly to the school. If you do join us you’ll discover that we havean excellent local authority programme of support for teachers throughout the induction period and beyond, with a firmcommitment to ongoing professional development. Employee benefits include discounted health and fitness clubmembership and a childcare voucher scheme.

South Tyneside

HR Services at Wouldhave House, Market Place, South Shields, Tyne and Wear NE33 1JN.Tel: (0800) 1693454We are happy to receive NQT application forms but only when jobs are advertised at We nolonger hold a central file. Candidates may apply for any advertised post in the TES and local press.


Southampton City Council, HR/Payroll, Floor 1, One Guildhall Square, Above Bar Street, Southampton SO14 7FP.Website: or visit the above websites for details of the teacher recruitment policy.


Recruitment Strategy Manager, Department of Children & Learning, 5th Floor, Civic Centre, Victoria Avenue, Southend-on-Sea,Essex SS2 6ER.Tel: (01702) 534941 Fax: (01702) 432273E-mail: [email protected]: Borough Council has joint recruitment arrangements with Thurrock Council. NQTs who wish to work inSouthend have a number of options. Southend has 4 grammar schools, 8 faith schools, 5 SEBD schools and a range ofschools with specialist status. Opportunities exist across all phases, and applications from secondary shortage subjectareas and from those with a desire to teach in SEBD are especially welcome. NQTs can also apply directly to schools in Southend in response to adverts or via a central pool. To apply to the pool visitthe local authority’s website at Many schools in Southend will offer an Early Start,and some will assist with rent or mortgage subsidies and relocation or travel allowances. The local authority may also beable to assist NQTs who relocate to Southend with affordable and comfortable housing. You will have access to fundingfor further study at M Level. For more information about teaching in Southend, please contact the Recruitment Strategy Manager using the detailsabove.


Resourcing Team, Shared Services, Wedgwood Building, Tipping Street, Stafford ST16 2DH.Tel: (01785) 276698E-mail: [email protected]: is one of the largest local authorities in England and Wales. With more than 400 diverse schools and settingsyou’ll enjoy a huge range of teaching choices.

62 England

Come and teach in Staffordshire and you can expect: a well respected induction support and training programme for allNQTs; an outstanding advisory service that provides specialist support in all curriculum areas; and continuing professionaldevelopment throughout your career. Outside of the classroom, Staffordshire can offer you: affordable housing in an attractive area; a central location for ease oftravelling; and the contrasts of beautiful countryside and lively town life.In order to be considered for a role in Staffordshire you should apply for vacancies as advertised by individual schools on ourregional recruitment portal. For more information please visit our website.


Children and Young People’s Directorate, Stopford House, Stockport SK1 3XE.Tel: (0161) 474 3814E-mail: c&[email protected] Council is an equal opportunities employer and is committed to enhancing the lives of people in the communitywhile meeting the individual needs of our employees.Within Stockport Council there is no pool system and applications are required for specific posts as advertised. Permanentand temporary vacancies are advertised throughout the year on the council’s website at:


Stockton-on-Tees Borough Council, Xentrall Shared Services, Recruitment, PO Box 891, Stockton-on-Tees TS19 1JT.Tel: (01642) 526992E-mail: [email protected]: is an equal opportunities employer and is committed to improving opportunity and achievement for all.Newly Qualified Teachers will receive a high level of induction support and the opportunity to access the excellent CentralTraining Programme for NQTs.The Stockton-on-Tees Graduate Training Programme now includes the opportunity to gain a PGCE qualification. For moreinformation please visit our website at The closing date for applications is the last working dayin November and all applications now have to be submitted via the Training & Development Agency for Schools (TDA) viathe portal at is no pool system, so applications are required for specific posts as advertised. Permanent and temporary vacanciesare advertised weekly during term time and can be found on the council website and at www.northeastjobs.orgSome secondary posts are also advertised in the TES.


Directorate of Children’s and Young People’s Services, Floor 2, Civic Centre, Glebe Street, Stoke on Trent ST4 1HH.Tel: (01782) 235017Website: is a diverse, forward looking and thinking unitary authority committed to raising the aspirations andachievements of its pupils, teachers and the wider multicultural community.The city has 71 primary schools, 17 secondary schools, five special schools, as well as seven nursery schools. A buildingprogramme is underway to upgrade or rebuild the secondary schools. Vacancies are advertised internally, in the TimesEducational Supplement and the Stoke Evening Sentinel.The NQT pool is open all year round and is online for access by applicants and schools. NQTs undergo a fully-supportedinduction programme.


The city is centrally located in the West Midlands within easy reach of some outstanding countryside and is undergoingheavy regeneration and major improvements to its infrastructure which will further improve its transport links tosurrounding nearby cities Birmingham, Manchester, Nottingham, Derby and Wolverhampton.


Suffolk County Council, Teacher Recruitment Service (TRS), Paul’s Road Centre, Paul’s Road, Ipswich IP2 0AN.Tel: (01473) 583517E-mail: [email protected]:• Suffolk recruits around 250 NQTs each year. We operate a pool system where one application form, completed online,is available to all schools, saving you significant time and effort. Apply via our website

• Vacancies are advertised on the county website at• Provide us with your details and we will send you an email alert when a suitable vacancy arises.SchoolsOur 355 maintained schools (including 254 primary, 28 middle and 39 upper/high) are all co-educational andcomprehensive.Suffolk – a great place to live and workSituated in the heart of East Anglia, Suffolk has the best of both worlds: an active cultural life with scenic rural and coastallandscapes, but also the benefits of rapid high technology development, thriving business communities and strategicconnections to London and Europe.Just beyond the county boundary, Norwich, Cambridge, Stansted and Colchester are all within easy reach.We strongly value our teachers and will provide opportunities for professional development at every stage throughoutyour teaching career.

Sunderland, City of

Children’s Services, Shared Service Centre, 50 Fawcett Street, Sunderland SR1 1RF.Tel : (0191) 566 3427Help give our children a better future…We are committed to an ambitious goal, making Sunderland the most liveable city in the UK.A four star Council with five star ambitions and with an innovative, progressive and highly regarded Children’s ServicesDirectorate which is dedicated to giving our children the best opportunities for life. Working in partnership with our 109 schools we share both a commitment to raising educational achievement and adesire to ensure that our pupils realise their full potential in and out of school.Our current aims are:• To improve outcomes in the Foundation Stage• To raise achievement in all key stages of primary and secondary education• To support the introduction of a revised curriculum entitlement for all our pupils through innovative curriculumprojects.

If you are passionate about teaching and think you can make a real difference to the pupils of Sunderland then we wouldlove you to join our NQT pool. This pool is managed via eteach and you can register for the pool by following this linkhttp://sunderlandnqt.eteach.comTo find out more about the council, view our ‘About Us’ page: visit our website –

64 England


Workforce Development team, Babcock 4S Head Office, Baytree Avenue, Kingston Road, Leatherhead, Surrey KT22 7UE.E-mail enquiries: [email protected] proactive in your search for a suitable vacancy – visit where you can sign up for a weeklyupdate of vacancies. Applications for vacancies should be made direct to the school. Advertisements may also be placedin the TES – visit or on the school’s own website. For a directory of Surrey schools, has a very high quality NQT induction and support programme. We have a consistently high rate of NQTs whocomplete their induction period successfully and continue to work in Surrey schools for the second year of their teaching –a powerful indication of the success of the induction process. More than 600 NQTs are recruited every year, and Surreyhas 406 schools, many of which are within commutable distance of Greater London.NQTs in Surrey can look forward to:• A structured school induction programme• Mentor support• An electronic development portfolio• High quality training• A named local authority contact to provide support• Access to a new electronic networking facility.Surrey’s commitment to continuous professional development is maintained through a highly regarded CPD framework.Opportunities for professional development are among the best in the UK and every effort is made in assisting teachersto plan and develop their careers.


HR Service Centre, 1st Floor, Wat Tyler House West, Beckhampton Street, Swindon SN1 2JG.Tel: (01793) 466700E-mail: [email protected]: is one of the fastest growing towns in Europe and has much to offer newly qualified teachers who wish to workin the area. It is located in the heart of some of the most beautiful countryside in England with the Cotswolds to the northand the Marlborough Downs and Salisbury Plain to the south.The dynamic economy and growing population has meant that education provision in the town is expanding and theopportunities for career development are significant. Strong partnerships exist within the town, which will enrich yourteaching experiences. We are also supported by two specialist development centres and the University of Bath inSwindon.We have several housing initiatives for key workers in Swindon. There are a number of properties available at discountedprices and we have several shared-ownership opportunities. If you’re not ready to buy, a purpose-built block of flats in thetown centre has low-cost rented accommodation for key workers. Please visit our website for more information. You canalso register for the SwindonCard which gives discounted use of leisure facilities.Your skills and qualifications were hard won and it’s well worth finding the best place to develop them. Swindon is justthis environment. We offer a welcoming and diverse community where there are strong links with parents, governors andcommunity projects that enhance classroom learning. You will have access to a comprehensive support network tosupport your teaching practice. Teachers should apply direct to schools when vacancies occur. Posts are advertised in the TES, on the Eteach website or inthe local paper, the Evening Advertiser, on Thursdays. Teachers can also visit and click on the


appropriate link for our current vacancies. NQTs looking for posts can register on our database. Once you have registeredwith us, we will send you our vacancy bulletin electronically each week. Please e-mail: [email protected] formore information.


Services for Children and Young People, Council Offices, Wellington Road, Ashton-under-Lyne, Tameside OL6 6DL.Advertised as required in the TES and local press. The teaching vacancy bulletin is available each Friday in term time onthe internet:

Telford & Wrekin

Recruitment and Retention Team, Civic Offices, PO Box 215, Telford TF3 4LF.E-mail: [email protected] are invited to apply to individual schools when vacancies are advertised. Advertisements can be found in the TESand the Shropshire Star (Thursdays). NQTs seeking supply work at the end of their course should contact the Supply Teamat [email protected] and Wrekin, set in the beautiful county of Shropshire, is an exciting place to work with significant initiatives in theeducation field. The borough’s transformational learning programme, with schools playing a central part, is helping toraise aspirations and improve outcomes in local communities. We have a reputation for being an innovative localauthority and one which places great value on its staff. We provide a structured support programme for NQTs whichincludes a conference, and an in-service training programme with support and monitoring from the Advisory Service inthe first year.Accommodation is relatively inexpensive yet the area offers a full range of leisure facilities.There are many reasons why you should consider Telford and Wrekin for that all-important ‘first post’.


Teacher Recruitment Section, The Professional Development Centre, The Culver Centre, Daiglen Drive, South Ockendon, Essex RM15 5RR.Tel: (01375) 652744Fax: (01708) 851789E-mail: [email protected]: and Council has joint recruitment arrangements with Southend-on-Sea Borough Council. If you would like to workin Thurrock you are invited to apply to our online ‘pool’ on We welcome applications for allsectors: primary, secondary and special schools. In Thurrock there are 43 primary schools, 10 secondary schools (including8 academies) and 2 special schools. All secondary schools have specialisms.NQTs may also wish to apply direct to schools in response to adverts placed in the TES, eteach, local newspapers and Jobscene (a weekly job bulletin which can be found in local public places). Vacancies can also be found schools operate an ‘early start’ scheme where you commence in June or July and get to know the school and staffand also get paid through the summer break. There is excellent support throughout your induction year. We are inpartnership with Homebuy who have various initiatives to help you own your own property.Choose Thurrock and enjoy an excellent quality of life whatever your interests, with easy access to nearby London, Essexand Kent. We have some of the best shopping and leisure facilities in the south east. You can also take advantage of theunspoiled countryside and parks of Thurrock.

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If you would like more information about teaching in Thurrock please contact the Business Support Officer, SchoolImprovement Team, on the above number.


Executive Director for Learning and Cultural Services, Torbay Council, Oldway Mansion, Paignton, Devon TQ3 2TE.Tel: (01803) 201201Please contact the above for details of the teacher recruitment policy. General information about living and teaching inTorbay and other South West local authorities is available at


Shared Service Team, Human Resources, Trafford Council, Quay West, Trafford Wharf Road, Trafford Park, Manchester M17 1HH.Tel: (0161) 912 4460Website: teaching vacancies are advertised on Posts are also advertised in the TES and local press.


David Beverley, HR Officer – Workforce Development, Organisational Improvement Team, Room 134, County Hall, Bond Street,Wakefield WF1 2QW.Tel: (01924) 306415 Mobile: 07500 106 952E-mail: [email protected] vacancies are advertised on our website: Our online recruitment service is aimed at anyonewho wants fast, easy access to information on current vacancies within the council, and who wants to save time whenapplying for a job. You can register to receive vacancy details by e-mail and there is an easy to use search facility to helpfind the job that’s just right for you. All adverts link to detailed person specifications, as well as our online application form.In addition, vacancies may be advertised in the press including the Times Educational Supplement, Wakefield ExpressSeries and other local press.Wakefield is an excellent choice for NQT induction. It is one of the very few authorities that continue to offer a full coreand complementary training programme for NQTs during their Induction year. The Wakefield induction programme offers:• An advance salary facility• Full INSET programme• Termly training opportunity for NQT tutors/mentors• End of year conference• Termly welcome meetings• Comprehensive handbooks for NQTs, head teachers and induction tutor/mentors• Virtual Learning Environment (VLE) for NQTs.If you are an NQT looking for your first teaching position, register now to receive teaching vacancies within the WakefieldDistrict at


Training & Development, Walsall Children’s Services – Serco, Education Development Centre, Pelsall Lane, Rushall, Walsall WS4 1NG.Tel: (01922) 686240 Fax: (01922) 686210E-mail: [email protected] Children’s Services – Serco, working in partnership with Walsall Council, has brought innovation and highexpectations into a quality service for our schools. We believe that all children and young people in Walsall have the rightto be healthy, happy and safe, to be loved, valued and respected and to have high aspirations for a successful future.


Central to this drive is our significant commitment to the development of the schools’ workforce and recruitment of thehighest possible quality Newly Qualified Teachers. Your role in securing these ambitions is crucial as we know that thosewho work with the children every day are the ones who really can make the difference.Walsall can offer you:• A comprehensive high-quality induction programme of support• Extensive opportunities for networking, sharing good practice and centralised learning and development• An assigned tutor for the duration of your NQT year.Most schools advertise general teacher vacancies at, in the local press and the TES. Walsallis also part of the Black Country NQT Pool which operates a pool system for primary applications and a database forsecondary applications. Details can be found at


Children’s Services Department, New Town House, Buttermarket Street, Warrington WA1 2NJ.Tel: (01925) 442946Warrington is a four star council. A unitary authority since 1998, it is one of the country’s most high-performing anddynamic local authorities, with outcomes well above regional averages. Three-quarters of our schools are graded as goodor better by Ofsted.Warrington is continuing to develop its positive reputation, scooping high praise, top awards and securing successful bidsover the past 12 months to make sure that it is a great place for any NQT to commence their career.Teaching vacancies are advertised in the TES, the local press, by individual schools, and in the council’s weekly TeachingVacancy Bulletin – have access to high quality induction, CPD and support.


Warwickshire Education Department, Saltisford Office Park, Ansell Way, Warwick CV34 4UL.Tel: (01926) 738510Please contact the above for details of the teacher recruitment policy.

West Berkshire

West Berkshire Council, Children & Young People, Education, West Street House, West Street, Newbury Berkshire RG14 1BZ.NQT Induction: Team Operations Manager, tel: (01635) 519724 Recruitment: Recruitment Team, tel: (01635) 519122West Berkshire lies between Oxfordshire, Wiltshire, and Hampshire and borders the Borough of Reading. The M4 runsthrough the centre of the district providing excellent links with the M25, A4, and A339. Heathrow airport is within easyreach and London is only an hour away from the principle town of Newbury. West Berkshire has 80 schools, (2 nursery, 66 primary, 2 special, 10 secondary schools, of which 3 have academy status)and 2 Pupil Referral Units. A number of schools host special educational needs resources in addition to the active pupilreferral units. We have extended school provision including a range of educational, cultural, sport and leisureopportunities based around schools for children and families. Each partnership of schools has a family and school supportworker to enable preventative work with vulnerable groups. West Berkshire has developed integrated children’s servicesto provide coherent support and uncomplicated access to services for children and families. Post 16 education is provided in all secondary schools which have sixth forms and by Newbury College of FurtherEducation and Thames Valley University. All ten secondary schools have specialist school status and offer a full range ofspecialist subjects including performing arts, sports, technology, science, languages, and business & enterprise. Bothspecial schools also have specialist status.

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Schools advertise their vacancies in the following ways: • Current vacancies with West Berkshire Council• The Newbury Weekly News – jobs• The Reading Chronicle• Greensheet School Vacancies is available free of charge on request by e-mail• TES and The Guardian Teaching in West Berkshire: West Berkshire Council recommends that schools use either Randstad Education(formally Select Education) or Hays Education to obtain supply teachers.Candidates may also wish to use the school search to obtain details of how to contact West Berkshire Berkshire schools achieve high standards and are staffed by teachers and support staff that are committed to the welfare and development of children. Schools and the council are committed to working together to continuallyraise educational standards and to ensure that all our teachers have opportunities for continuous professionaldevelopment. We offer a lively induction and development programme for NQTs which is supported in school by trained NQT mentors.Your induction period will provide a structured and individualised programme to meet your needs.We look forward to welcoming you to West Berkshire.

West Sussex

West Sussex offers you the opportunity to teach in a forward thinking, high achieving authority, with a range ofopportunities in schools across our diverse county. Whether you are looking for a vibrant urban area or a more ruralsetting, West Sussex has it all, making it the perfect place for you to start and progress your career.We offer a very high quality induction and support programme for NQTs and excellent opportunities for CPD at everystage of your career. West Sussex is the perfect place for the ideal work/life balance, with so much right on our doorstepsuch as easy access to the continent, Gatwick airport, coastal sports, areas of outstanding natural beauty, theatres andgalleries and easy travel distance to London and Brighton. NQTs are recruited to our schools through applications to individual advertisements placed by schools. Vacancies areregularly updated on our website and are advertised in the local press and the TES.Removal and resettlement expenses are available in participating schools and the local authority also has key worker housing initiatives. A guide for NQTs and information regarding our induction programme can be found on ourwebsite.


Workforce Resourcing, Wigan Council, Town Hall, Library Street, Wigan WN1 1YN.Tel: (01942) 827189Fax: (01942) 827889 E-mail: [email protected]: vacancies are advertised in the TES, local press and on our website schools will advertise vacancies and NQTs are encouraged to apply for specific posts which are of interest tothem and for which they feel qualified. Applications should be made to the school in accordance with the details shownin the advertisement.Wigan welcomes NQTs and will support you to successfully complete your NQT Induction Period. Please visit ourdedicated website: enquiries to Workforce Resourcing Team on (01942) 827189 or via e-mail: [email protected]



Wiltshire Council is ‘where everybody matters’ and we are proud of what we can offer as a great place to live and work.From quiet walks in the country, sports from rugby to galloping across the Salisbury plain, topped off with theatres and avibrant nightlife, these are just some of the wonderful aspects that makes Wiltshire a diverse county which has somethingfor everyone. Wiltshire is known as the “Gateway to the West”.Wiltshire is steeped in history from its ancient monuments, such as Stonehenge and Avebury, historic battlegrounds andmystical landscapes, to the villages nestled in the chalky hills; much of the county is designated as an area of outstandingbeauty. Strong values and traditions happily co-exist alongside a forward facing culture and economy. We have fast accessto Bath, Swindon, Bristol and Salisbury via the motorway.We welcome the positive contributions that NQTs make to our region’s 234 schools (201 Primary, 27 Secondary and 6 Special) and to ensure that as an NQT you make the best of your skills, you will receive an excellent inductionprogramme and continuing professional development in a supportive network.Individual schools and academies are responsible for the appointment of teachers, and you may make individualapplications for posts advertised in the Times Educational Supplement, on, inlocal newspapers and in local authority bulletins You can also register your interest in workingin Wiltshire through this link.

Windsor and Maidenhead, Royal Borough of

The Royal Borough of Windsor and Maidenhead is located just 30 minutes west of London. Commitment to recruit andretain a capable and talented workforce combined with a mixture of history, royalty, countryside, current highemployment and a lively social scene make the Royal Borough a great place to live and work.There are presently 62 schools, including one special needs school, located within the borough, all considered to haveexcellent standards of education. Each individual school carries out the advertising of vacancies within their respectiveschool and advertisements are placed in various publications, including the TES and local press, such as the MaidenheadAdvertiser. Teaching vacancies are also published on the Royal Borough’s website – The NQT programme is co-ordinated by the School Improvement and Curriculum Support Team. If you require further information please contactthe Recruitment Strategy Manager directly on (01628) 796628.


Children and Young People’s Department, Hamilton Building, Conway Street, Birkenhead, Wirral CH41 4FD.Tel: (0151) 666 2000Fax: (0151) 666 4207E-mail: [email protected] from NQTs are positively encouraged and Wirral offers an excellent induction programme. Vacancies areupdated on a weekly basis on our website and advertised in the local press and TES. Wirral has theaccredited Hays Education Personnel Teacher Supply Agency. Any NQT interested in supply work may wish to contact themat the Liverpool Office on (0151) 236 1616. Wirral is an equal opportunities employer, committed to improving opportunity for all.

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Human Resources, Shute End, Wokingham, Berks RG40 1WQ.Tel: (0118) 974 6110Website:• A vibrant, healthy and desirable place to live and work • Wokingham is close to Reading with good access to London, airports and motorways• We have an ethos of valuing our teachers • Creative and innovative approaches to teaching • Comprehensive professional development and support to guide you every step of the way• We have high achieving schools across all key stages• Highly trained induction tutors to guide you every step of the way• A dedicated local authority officer to provide one-to-one support and ‘a friendly ear’ – when you need it.To join our NQT Recruitment Register, or for an updated list of vacancies within the Wokingham Borough, visit our websitefor details: For information onall NQT support within Wokingham go to


Wolverhampton local authority operates a pool for primary applicants and a database for secondary applicants; both areoperated in partnership with the Black Country Children’s Services Improvement Partnership.Interviews are conducted by head teachers and inspectors from across the Black Country. Details of individuals in the poolare made available to head teachers across the Black Country.Details of secondary NQTs are held on a database and circulated to head teachers with vacancies.NQTs are also welcome to respond to individual advertisements for any post, most of which are advertised in Tuesday’sWolverhampton Express and Star, Friday’s Times Educational Supplement and on the local authority are available online at or by contacting the Recruitment & Retention Team, Black CountryChildren’s Services Improvement Partnership on Tel: (01902) 824093, e-mail: [email protected] about teaching in Wolverhampton can be obtained by e-mail: [email protected] Tel: (01902) 550345 Fax: (01902) 550325.


Children’s Services’ Human Resources, PO Box 73, Worcester WR5 2YA.Tel: (01905) 766 188 Fax: (01905) 766 190Website: www.worcestershire. gov.ukE-mail: [email protected] than 200 NQTs each year join schools in Worcestershire – a county which is proud of its quality induction,continuing professional development and career prospects. Our 250 schools conduct their own recruitment. They welcome NQT applications direct when vacancies arise and in mostcases will be happy to arrange a visit. Application forms and all vacancies appear on our website where you can also register for e-mail updates and alerts. Postsare advertised nationally in the educational press, and locally in the press and our bulletin published weekly during termtime and available in schools and libraries.We do not operate a pool system so look at our website for vacancies and e-mail us if you wish to register on our supply list.Worcestershire – a great place to live and work.


York, City of

Adult, Children and Education, Human Resources, Mill House, North Street, York YO1 6JD.Tel: (01904) 554272The City of York welcomes NQTsThe City of York is keen to welcome NQTs to join our very successful schools. In our most recent local authority Ofstedinspection we were praised for our induction programme and the support we offer to NQTs as part of our Strategy forContinuing Professional Development. Although we do not have a 'pool' system in the local authority all our schools arecommitted to recruiting and developing new talent in the teaching profession and indeed many schools already havestrong relationships with local ITT establishments.York is a city making history and its children are our future. If you want to build a career in our ambitious and vibrant city,do look out for vacancies in York schools advertised in the educational press or online on our website at

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London Boroughs

Barking and Dagenham

Barking and Dagenham has a rich culturally diverse community. We are situated nine miles to the north east of the centreof London, very close to beautiful countryside and coastal attractions as well as having ease of access by train and air toEuropean cities.Barking and Dagenham’s Recruitment and Retention Team sits within a highly effective School Improvement Service. Theinduction events and ongoing support and professional development opportunities for both primary and secondary NQTsare very well received. Our pastoral care of teachers is excellent. We have purpose-built teacher accommodation which we believe is uniqueamongst the London boroughs.Our children are delightful. Schools work hard to ensure they all enjoy and achieve to the highest levels.Salary is on the Inner London Salary Scale.If you are interested in working in a small, innovative local authority which has the best interests of the whole communityat its heart, please e-mail [email protected] or phone (020) 8227 2751 to request an information pack.


Schools and Learning, London Borough of Barnet, Children’s Service, North London Business Park, Oakleigh Road South,London N11 1NP.Barnet, the second largest London Borough by population, with 117 schools, is situated in NW London and offers easy accessto city and countryside. It is a desirable, diverse, leafy suburb with more than 200 parks and 20 traditional town centres,including a major retail location at Brent Cross.Among the highest achieving local authorities in all phases, Barnet schools have some of the most successful pupils in thecountry – alongside a sizeable minority for whom success does not come easily. This difference in achievement can last alifetime. Education continues to be one of our highest priorities: we intend to close that gap and help ensure everyone in ourcommunity gets the chance to reach their full potential.We are proud of the achievements of all our schools and continue to work in partnership with them to improve standards.Head teachers are keen to recruit outstanding teachers and there is a great tradition of career development in our schools.We do not run a pool system for NQTs or supply teachers; educational posts are advertised on the Barnet, in the local press and in the Times Educational Supplement.As well as a strong induction programme for NQTs, particularly those beginning their careers in primary schools, other benefitsinclude Outer London weighting and easy transport links.


More to offer.With the bright lights of central London and the ‘Garden of England’ both only a stone’s throw away, Bexley is able tooffer all the benefits of capital, countryside, coast and continent on its doorstep. Bexley is an Outer London boroughoffering the very best of town and country. Within its boundaries are award-winning parks and open spaces, historichouses and attractive waterways. We also have some of the most affordable housing in London.What are the schools really like?How long have you got? We’ve literally every kind of school you can imagine in Bexley. Rural, urban, large, small, primary,secondary, special needs, selective – whatever you want from a school, you’ll find it in our borough.


There are over 80 publicly maintained schools in Bexley. Of these, 16 are secondary schools and include four selective andone bilateral school with a selective stream, five special schools and community business academies.Bexley NQT Pool DaysBexley School Workforce Development Team and Bexley schools organise an NQT pool. The pool keeps you up-to-datewith vacancies that match your criteria as well as up-dating schools of your availability. This system enables you to gainas much information as possible about teaching in the London Borough of Bexley.Professional DevelopmentWe believe that ongoing professional development for those working in schools is central to further improving the quality ofeducation we provide to our pupils. Schools will encourage you to attend local and national courses to increase your ownskills and, of course, their worth to pupils. Bexley signposts opportunities for gaining further professional qualifications,whether as a support worker, teacher, school leader or head teacher.If you take up your first post with Bexley you will have access to:• An excellent NQT induction programme• Housing schemes• Outer London Weighting;• Excellent support networks• Continual Professional Development; including links with universities to do your MA• Links with Early Years for Childcare Provision• Voluntary Benefits Package.Further details on the Bexley NQT Pool System and current Bexley School vacancies are available


Schools HR Recruitment Service, Chesterfield House, 9 Park Lane, Wembley HA9 7RH.Tel: (020) 8937 4000E-mail: [email protected] Schools HR Recruitment Service works in partnership with all the schools in Brent to provide an end-to-endrecruitment service to teachers, head teachers and governors. Our services extend beyond your initial appointment and we will provide you with advice and support to help you beginyour teaching career. We provide:• An excellent induction and mentoring scheme for all NQTs• A full range of support services, e.g. language, special needs, reading, EMTAS, interest-free loan for the purchase ofseason tickets

• Assistance in finding affordable, rented accommodation through the accommodation register• Opportunities for paid supply work in July 2012 • Excellent opportunities for promotion• Commitment to inclusive education.Additionally, Brent is an Inner London Borough, and therefore all teachers are paid on the Inner London Pay Scale – theminimum starting salary for September 2011 is £27,000.Brent is one of the few local authorities to run a primary and a secondary NQT Pool.Closing date for applications is 14 February 2012. To apply please contact the Schools HR Recruitment Service on(020) 8937 4000 or e-mail [email protected] Shortlisted candidates will then be interviewed. Candidates selectedfor the NQT Pool will be allocated to the NQT database which will be circulated to schools in Brent. The Schools HR Recruitment Service will manage this process and talk to Brent Schools on your behalf. This is a free ofcharge service we provide to all teachers.

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Brent is a wonderfully diverse borough with many Beacon and high achieving schools. Our head teachers are effectivemanagers and encourage professional development, which contributes to our high teacher retention rate. We lookforward to hearing from you.


Human Resources Strategy Team, Civic Centre, Stockwell Close, Bromley BR1 3UH.Tel: (020) 8461 7482E-mail: [email protected]: located between London and the Kent countryside, Bromley is the ideal place to begin your teaching career. Anarea of contrasts with rolling green fields and wooded hills in the south-east and built up areas in the north and west, itis predominantly residential with small belts of light industry, modern business premises and up-to-date shoppingfacilities. We value the contribution that each individual teacher makes to our commitment to maintaining the highest possibleeducational standards and we work to ensure that both staff and pupils achieve their full potential. We take your personal and professional development very seriously. Support and training for newly qualified teachers ishighly valued and careful and sensitive consideration is given to the pastoral and social needs of those new to teachingand to Bromley.“The support given to me this year has allowed me to progress beyond my expectations. It has provided me with a firmbasis on which to continue to develop my teaching skills next year.” Bromley NQT 2010/11We do not run a pool system but would encourage you to register your details on so that you can receive e-mail alerts about new vacancies. Just check your e-mail account at your leisure and follow up the adverts that catch your eye! Here, you can also find out more about our schools, induction and CPDprogrammes, work/life balance, salary and pensions information, so that all the information you need is just a click away. Please feel free to contact the Recruitment Team on (020) 8461 7482 for any advice on finding your first job.


Sian Lloyd, Training Support Officer, Camden Children, Schools & Families Directorate, Crowndale Centre, 218-220 EversholtStreet, London NW1 1BD.Tel. (020) 7974 4467 or e-mail [email protected]: is a uniquely diverse and vibrant Inner London borough, offering a wealth of opportunity for new teachers todevelop and grow. Primary and Secondary – Camden operates a talent pool of NQTs to which primary and secondary heads have access.The application process is straightforward and reduces the burden of paperwork for both schools and NQTs. Applicationsare made online via and undergo a quality check, with all successful applicationsplaced in a database accessible to head teachers 24 hours a day. Schools are then free to contact you to invite you to aninterview. Most secondary school posts are advertised by schools in the TES and Guardian and on the Camden websitejobs pages.An open evening for the pool will be held on Tuesday 7 February 2012 in one of our primary schools, full detailswill be posted on the above website. This is an opportunity to meet some of Camden’s education professionals and to findout more about teaching in Camden. You can e-mail for further details and to reserve a place. The pool opens on Monday 31 October 2011 and the closing date for applications is Monday 27 February2012 at 12 noon.


We support our primary NQTs with a comprehensive and highly-regarded induction programme in your first year, andongoing CPD opportunities. Secondary NQTs are supported by induction programmes in their own schools, plus a concisecentral programme and ongoing CPD opportunities. Special teaching posts are advertised by schools in the TES and Guardian and on the Camden website jobs pages. A special school may also use the primary talent pool to find a suitably qualified or experienced NQT. Camden’s specialschools run school-based training programmes giving relevant, well planned training for teachers new to special education.Further benefits: Inner London Allowance included in salary; many schools may offer Recruitment & Retention packagesor payment through the summer; excellent professional development opportunities; interest-free season ticket loan;interest-free bicycle loan; Wellness Card giving discount on a range of sports centre activities.

City of London

City of London, Community and Children’s Services, PO Box 270, Guildhall, London EC2P 2EJ.Tel: (020) 7332 1860E-mail: [email protected] Website: posts are advertised individually in the TES and occasionally in other publications. Applications should be sent directto the school. Interest-free season ticket loan. Excellent induction and INSET programme. There is only one school in thislocal authority.


Teacher Recruitment, 7th Floor, Leon House, 233 High Street, Croydon CR0 9XT.Tel: (020) 8726 7381Fax: (020) 8726 0785E-mail for apps: [email protected]: information: Croydon runs a centralised recruitment process offering a supportive environment in which toapply for your first teaching post. Individual schools advertise in the TES and on our website. A large, diverse and vibrantborough, Croydon is the gateway to London and the south east. It has a wide variety of schools and is committed toproviding an excellent induction programme. For a comprehensive application pack please contact us on the abovenumber or request by e-mail. You can also download a form from our website.Primary: Teachers are invited to apply to our pool – the closing date is 16 March 2012. Croydon’s primary poolsteering group which consists of primary head teachers will shortlist the application form against the person specification.If you are shortlisted, you will be invited to an interview on one of the following dates: 23, 24, 25, 26 or 27 April. You willbe interviewed by Croydon head teachers/deputy head teachers and will receive feedback.Secondary: To be included in the NQT database, send your application to the above address. Your information will becirculated to all schools with relevant vacancies and they will contact you directly. There is no closing date although it issuggested that to access the highest number of vacancies you should aim for the end of February.


Schools HR, Fifth Floor, Perceval House, 14-16 Uxbridge Road, Ealing, London W5 2HL.Tel: (020) 8825 9000, option 3E-mail: [email protected]: or are five nursery, 65 primary, and six special and 12 high schools.Primary NQTs – Ealing encourages primary candidates to apply through the NQT pool system. This will give them access

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to available jobs in all 65 primary schools while only having to complete one application form. For all primary NQTs weoffer an excellent Induction Programme complemented by school-based support and mentoring. Details and applicationforms can be obtained from any of the above contacts. Interview expenses are paid.Closing date for applications is 31 March 2012Secondary and Special School NQTs – vacancies are advertised by schools in the Times Educational Supplement andthrough the Ealing Vacancy Bulletin, which is also available on the Ealing website. Induction programmes are run withinthe school in addition to support and training to progress your career even after the first year.In addition to the above, you will receive the Inner London Pay Allowance; access to a fully equipped teachers’ centre;continuous professional development throughout your career with us; and many schools may offer additional recruitmentincentives.


Recruitment Strategy Manager, Schools Personnel Service, Civic Centre, PO Box 56, Silver Street, Enfield EN1 3XQ.Tel: (020) 8379 3381/3428E-mail: [email protected]: takes all kinds.For some of us, it just has to be a city: shops, theatres, cinemas and great public transport after a night out. For others, it’swide-open spaces, owls at night and a house on a quiet lane. It takes all kinds. Whether you’re driven by the pace ofLondon’s bright lights or the charms of nearby countryside, Enfield can offer you the benefits of strong schools where bothchildren and staff have outstanding opportunities to learn and develop. We want to ensure that our teachers receive exceptional training and the nationally agreed pay and conditions thatthey’re entitled to. Along with their Outer London Allowance, our NQTs enjoy one of the best induction programmes inthe country, delivered by friendly and supportive staff.Like their teachers, our students also reflect a Borough that’s home to widely different cultures and communities. AtEnfield, we’re committed to ensuring that all children have access to the best possible education and to the advantagesof outstanding resources. But the key to everything we do lies with our teachers.We run a pool system for primary NQTs that remains open all year. The sooner you download and complete theapplication form at, the sooner we can get your application to our head teachers. Vacanciesare also advertised in the national press and on the Enfield website. In either case, you are welcome to contact therecruitment strategy manager on (020) 8379 3381/3428 or e-mail: [email protected] for further information.


Inclusion, Learning and Achievement, Greenwich Professional Development Centre, 1a Middle Park Avenue, Eltham, London SE9 5HH.E-mail: [email protected]: (020) 8331 3164A rich historyGreenwich lies on the south bank of the River Thames. Our borough is steeped in history with the town centre beingdesignated a World Heritage site. The capital’s oldest Royal Park, Greenwich Park, offers panoramic views of London andGreenwich’s iconic 02 Arena. As one of the five boroughs hosting the 2012 Olympics, the area is benefitting fromsignificant investment with unprecedented regeneration and economic growth. By 2020 more than 30,000 new jobs willbe created through the London Thames Gateway programme and a major modernisation programme for local servicesand transportation will be developed.

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Enfield – London’s bestkept secret

If people want to keep Enfield forthemselves, you can’t really blame them.After all, it’s one of London’s greenestboroughs, with over 900 hectares of openspaces. But it’s also one of the largest, soclearly it can’t be kept a secret for ever.Especially from newly qualified teacherswho want to live and work close to centralLondon but not too close. Enfield fits thatbill to a tee. An NQT!To find out more or email [email protected]

An equal opportunity employer.

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Our communityIn Greenwich, we have 4 Nursery Schools, 64 Primary Schools (including 14 faith schools), 12 Secondary Schools(including 2 academies and 4 faith schools) and 4 Special Schools. These schools provide an education for more than32,000 children aged between 5 and 16. What makes Greenwich such a vibrant and exciting place to teach is that:• Greenwich pupils speak over 120 different languages• 50% of our pupils are from an ethnic minority background• Approximately 30% of our pupils speak English as a foreign language• Our pupils are looking forward to being involved in the 2012 Olympics, with Greenwich hosting 6 Olympic and 3 Paralympic sports.

Greenwich Children’s Services is looking to recruit exceptional teachers who can inspire learning andencourage our pupils, who come from a diverse range of backgrounds, to reach their maximum potential.Greenwich is a fantastic place in which to begin your career.What do we offer Newly Qualified Teachers?• A centralised induction programme covering a wide range of topics to support NQTs• Support from our Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS), Primary and Secondary teams of advisers• Annual NQT conference• Preparation for entering the 2nd and 3rd years of teaching, and beyond • Inner London pay scale• Information about childcare provision • Season ticket loans• Access to key worker housing programmes• Designated, well trained mentors, who have access to training, guidance and support from the local authority.Applying to begin your teaching career in GreenwichGreenwich schools carry out their own individual recruitment processes, meaning you will need to respond directly totheir advertisements. If you would like to make contact with our schools to find out more about their recruitmentpractices, please visit


The Learning Trust, Hackney Technology & Learning Centre, 1 Reading Lane, London E8 1GQ.Tel: (020) 8820 7564E-mail: [email protected]: Learning Trust is the UK’s first private not-for-profit company to run a borough’s education services. We areresponsible for Hackney’s schools, day nurseries, the play service and the adult education service.We are dedicated to providing high quality education for all and have enjoyed some remarkable changes in the last fewyears. Today our schools are among the most improved in the country. Teaching in Hackney offers you the opportunity toplay a part in the success stories of tomorrow. We offer a swathe of CPD courses including early years, primary and secondary national strategy, bespoke training toenhance your skills as a teacher and comprehensive Senior and Middle Leadership training programmes.The very best training facilities, including state-of-the-art IT and multimedia suites, in the Tomlinson Centre, a £4.5mtraining centre dedicated to Hackney’s teaching and learning population which opened in April 2009.Modern and fully-equipped facilities. Many of our primary schools have been or are about to be radically refurbished andevery single secondary and special school will be overhauled by the Building Schools for the Future programme by 2015.And of course a range of hugely rewarding working environments and a host of dedicated colleagues that will supportyou and help you progress your teaching career.


Hammersmith and Fulham

Hammersmith and Fulham is a dynamic, forward-thinking borough in west London which has a strong record ofeducational success. The borough is a vibrant place to live and work with a diverse community and a rich cultural heritage.We have 35 primary schools and nine secondary schools. Continuing professional development for teachers is a priorityand we have a well equipped professional centre, providing excellent facilities for training and development sessions.Kingwood City Learning Centre (CLC) is another excellent resource providing IT and video equipment and training forpupils, teachers and the local community. Schools and the local authority strive for continual improvement in helping the young people of the borough achieve theirpotential. Our pupils made some of the best progress in the country in 2010. All secondary schools are rated ‘good’ or‘outstanding’, as are all of our nursery schools and the majority of our primary schools. Information explaining how to apply for a first teaching appointment in Hammersmith and Fulham can be found on thecouncil website qualified teachers may apply to specific vacancies advertised by schools. Teaching vacancies are advertised on thecouncil website at: in the job vacancies section, and in the Times Educational Supplement.Some of the benefits available to Hammersmith and Fulham teachers include: Interest-free travel season ticket loan;discounted sport and leisure facilities; advice and access to affordable accommodation schemes. We are a progressive local authority, seeking talented and committed NQTs who are ambitious for themselves and thechildren they will teach in our schools.


Haringey Council, Schools HR Service, Alexandra House, 10 Station Road, London N22 7TR.E-mail: [email protected]: offers you the opportunity to develop your career within a supportive dynamic, diverse, and multicultural environment. We offer:• a primary pool• a high quality induction programme• continuing professional development• Inner London salaries.We are a North London borough within easy reach of the West End and have some of London’s familiar landmarksincluding Alexandra Palace, Bruce Castle and Tottenham Hotspur Football Club. The borough is ethnically andgeographically diverse providing both benefits of a vibrant cultural scene and large areas of green open space.NQT recruitment takes place by main TES advert in January 2012. Application packs will be available on our website or byemailing [email protected] In addition to the above, vacancies are also advertised individually in the TES andapplications should be made directly to schools. Secondary NQTS should apply via advertised posts.An information evening to find out more about Haringey and meet head teachers and advisers will take placein February 2012. Please visit our website or e-mail us for more information about our borough and furtherdetails on NQT recruitment and our Open Event in February.


Harrow School Improvement Partnership, Harrow Teachers’ Centre, Tudor Road, Wealdstone HA3 5PQ.For general enquiries on obtaining a First Teaching Post in Harrow, please see the Harrow or e-mail [email protected] or telephone (020) 8736 6508 (24-hr voicemail)Where are we going? Harrow is cosmopolitan, confident and cohesive.

80 London

The Harrow School Improvement Partnership is a dynamic initiative to ensure that schools in Harrow have access to high-quality, locally-available school improvement provision. The Partnership is led by schools for schools and offers supportand challenge to our high-achieving schools which are at the heart of the local community. We aim to add value, empowerand involve young people.Our support for you:• £1,500 interest-free loan• Early contracts or supply rates available pre contract• Well-being programme – free access• Employee Assistance Programme – free 24 hour confidential support• Outer London pay rates and Chartered London Status • A comprehensive central induction programme and ongoing professional development opportunities• Personalized school-based induction, mentoring and support• Accreditation opportunities towards a Masters• A fully-equipped teachers’ centre• Interest-free loan for season tickets available• Childcare vouchers• High-quality nursery care, several after-school clubs and holiday play schemes.Primary Pool information will be advertised as soon as possible.Secondary NQTs – We suggest you contact schools direct. Schools advertise in the Harrow Observer and on the Harrow website Details of all Harrow schoolsare on the Harrow website.We welcome applications from members of black and other ethnic minority communities currently under-represented inour workforce.


London Borough of Havering, Schools HR, 12th Floor Mercury House, Mercury Gardens, Romford, Essex RM1 3SL.Tel: (01708) 4334255E-mail: [email protected] offers a mix of all the things you’re looking for. Far enough from the city centre to put countryside and coastwithin easy reach, yet close enough for you to reach the clubs and bars of the West End within half an hour. Or to be inthe heart of Paris in less than four hours.There’s a wide range of schools in the borough – 18 secondary, 59 primary and three special. Sizes vary from one formentry primary to a secondary with 1,300 pupils. Types include: community schools; church schools; single sex schools;schools with and without sixth forms; and specialist schools for technology, sports, language, science, performing arts andbusiness and enterprise. Whatever the setting, you’ll find well-ordered, supportive environments in which teaching andlearning are the prime focus.Havering offers a number of benefits, subject to qualifying conditions, for newly qualified teachers:• The opportunity, subject to the approval of the head teacher, to work in July in your new school and be paid for Julyand August

• Outer London Allowance• Childcare allowance worth £420 per annum, pro rata to contract, for teachers with a child of pre-school age• Accommodation assistance• An excellent induction programme.A pool system will operate for both primary and secondary vacancies.Applications can be made on our website: from December 2011.



Schools HR Co-operative, Cowley St Laurence CE Primary School, Worcester Road, Cowley, Middlesex UB8 3TH.Tel: (01895) 671996Website: www.schoolshrco-operative.comHillingdon is a lively, cosmopolitan London borough to the west of central London.The Schools HR Co-operative will operate a pool system on behalf of primary schools in Hillingdon.• Outer London allowance payable• Many schools will pay salary for several days in July. Some schools may pay salary during August• Highly-acclaimed, well supported first year induction programme• Excellent career opportunities• Employee Assistance Programme• Easy access (35 minutes by tube) to central London.Advertisements will appear in the TES and the Schools HR Co-operative website.A number of teacher recruitment fairs will be attended by representatives of the Schools HR Co-operative. Secondary NQTs will need to apply directly to schools.


London Borough of Hounslow, Teacher Recruitment, SC&LL, Hounslow Education Centre, Martindale Road, Hounslow TW4 7HE.Tel: (020) 8583 2682 Fax: (020) 8583 2895E-mail: [email protected]: – The majority of appointments are made though our Primary Pool. Interested candidates can find details ofthis and apply online via our website and are advised to apply at their earliest convenience. The borough has a long-standing commitment for providing high-quality training and support for newly qualified primary teachers and offers apopular central induction programme to run alongside school-based induction with support from the local authority. Thedeadline for applications to the Pool is 28 February 2012 with interviews commencing in March.Secondary – On behalf of our secondary schools the local authority runs a Secondary NQT Database. To register, pleasevisit our website and apply online. Once on our database your details will be circulated to our secondary schools. They willthen contact you directly should they have a vacancy in your subject specialism. Schools run induction programmesinternally while the borough offers a wide programme to support professional development. Once again candidates areadvised to apply at their earliest convenience as schools will access the database from as early as March. The Databasehas a formal deadline for applications of 31 May 2012.For further information on the NQT Schemes, and the London Borough of Hounslow please visit our


Cambridge Education @ Islington, 222 Upper Street, London N1 1XR.Tel: (020) 7527 2875E-mail: [email protected] Website: and will be an online application process for all prospective applicants for posts in early years/children’s centres, nursery,primary, secondary and special schools. Successful applicants’ details will be shared with schools via a database whichschools can access at any time. Some schools will also advertise independently, usually in the TES, and for these postsapplicants should apply directly to schools to receive job details.

82 London

Islington offers an excellent central induction programme, together with school-based support to provide high-qualitytraining and support for all NQTs. There is also an outstanding resources library, which provides a huge wealth ofmaterials, including books, artefacts and costumes.There will be an open evening in February 2012, where advice and further information from head teachers andadvisers can be obtained. Details will be advertised on the website from December 2011onwards.

Kensington and Chelsea

In the Royal Borough of Kensington and Chelsea we firmly believe that the better the working conditions, the happierpeople are, and therefore, the better they learn. We believe we have created a friendly, supportive, professionalenvironment, which ensures that the quality of life for our school staff is conducive to quality of learning for our pupils.In addition to the wealth of education and cultural resources through the Royal Borough, our schools are well resourcedin terms of equipment and facilities.All Kensington and Chelsea’s schools provide organised programmes of school-based support to help Newly QualifiedTeachers develop in and meet the challenges of their first teaching role. Newly Qualified Teachers are assigned to anexperienced teacher who will act as their mentor and answer any questions they might have. Additionally, all NQTs inthe Royal Borough of Kensington and Chelsea have access to some of the highest quality induction and continuingprofessional development. Our schools manage their own recruitment and vacancies are advertised on school websites and our local authorityrecruitment pages. Both of these can be found at Here you’ll also find usefulinformation and advice about applying and working in the Royal Borough of Kensington and Chelsea.

Kingston upon Thames

Learning and Children’s Services HR Helpdesk, Royal Borough of Kingston upon Thames, Guildhall, 2 High Street, Kingston upon Thames KT1 1EU.Tel: (020) 8547 5242Fax: (020) 8547 5176E-mail: [email protected]: upon Thames is a green and vibrant borough in the south west of London. Bordered by parks and the River Thames, with a café culture, community feel, great nightlife and the best shopping in the west and south west of London, Kingston is a great place to be. If you are an NQT we now run an online NQT Talent Pool which is available for both Primary and Secondary schools. You are invited to register to our online service at Once your application is live on site, the schools can view your CV andcontact you directly. The schools will then contact you with offers of interviews if they have positions which are suitablefor NQTs. Selection will be carried out by each school. The benefit to you is that you will only need to complete your detailsonline once and your information will be visible to all schools in Kingston. Our schools also advertise their vacancies inthe TES and on our website. If you see a post advertised by a school which you are particularly interested in please contactthem and let them know that you have registered with the NQT Talent Pool online service. There will be no actual closingdate, the process will continue until all our NQT posts are filled. The process will be advertised from October until May ofthe year of appointment. We also advertise on where you can register your e-mail address to receive weekly vacancy bulletins. Pleasevisit our website to see the fantastic opportunities we offer our NQTs.

83Choosing refereesCambridge Education@Islington will help you every step of the way.

Its energy, vibrancy and mix of cultures will stimulate you,

reassure you, and guide you. It’s the perfect place to learn

more about a career and education about life.

For more information, please visit us at or email us at [email protected]

Your Future

Handsourin Islington


84 London


Contact: Dave Coram on 07956 127009 or [email protected]: is the second largest Inner London borough, with a diverse population of more than a quarter of a million anda number of internationally renowned cultural venues (the South Bank complex), theatres (the Old and Young Vics) andsporting venues (The Oval cricket ground).Lambeth was London’s most improved council in 2008, and aims for equal opportunities for all and is committed tosafeguarding and promoting the welfare of children and young people and expects all staff and volunteers to share thiscommitment.Lambeth’s last OFSTED inspection judged the NQT support in place to be ‘very good’ and its schools are faring equallywell in their own inspections, with more than 70 per cent gaining ‘Good’ or ‘Outstanding’ judgements.Lambeth runs a pool for primary applicants and a database for secondary applicants, with applications for September2012 positions accepted from Christmas 2011 until 31 March 2012 (primary) and 30 May 2012 (secondary); thoseapplying to the Primary Pool are advised to apply by the end of February 2012 to stand the best chance of being offereda pool interview.Lambeth takes, on average, 140 NQTs into its 90 nursery, primary, secondary and special schools each September andprovides one of the most highly-regarded and tailored induction programmes in the country, with half-day sessionsthroughout the academic year on a number of topics.Lambeth teachers are paid on the Inner London pay scale and can access a number of benefits, such as key workerhousing, travel loans (after six months’ service) and the Childcare Voucher scheme.


Recruitment Strategy Manager, Directorate for Children and Young People, 3rd Floor, Laurence House, 1 Catford Road, London SE6 4RU.E-mail: [email protected]: has something to offer everyone. It’s one of the most vibrant, lively and culturally mixed communities you’llfind. We are only 15 minutes from the capital’s centre while also boasting the third highest amount of open spaces ininner London. The fact that our property and rental prices are among the lowest in London makes Lewisham very NQTfriendly. Information about the borough and our schools can be found on our website and by downloading our NQTbrochure.As a Lewisham teacher you’re more than our latest recruit; you’re our latest priority. Our NQT induction programme isrecognised to be of the highest quality. We offer the Inner London payscale and interest-free loans for computers, traveltickets and bicycles.We operate an NQT database for primary and secondary trained teachers working towards Qualified Teacher Status. Please visit click on “careers in schools” and “join NQT Talent Pool”. Schools will haveonline access to your details and may contact you directly. There is no central local authority-based interview or closingdate.You are also strongly advised to apply directly to schools in response to advertised vacancies in the national press,usually the TES, and through the Lewisham teacher vacancy pages at, click on “careers inschools”.



HR Recruitment team, Merton Civic Centre, London Road, Morden, Surrey SM4 5DX.Tel: (020) 8545 4127Fax: (020) 8545 3537Website: advertised nationally in the TES, the local Guardian and internally. Application forms can be obtained direct fromschools within the borough. Excellent induction programme provided alongside a comprehensive programme ofprofessional development along with participation in key worker housing schemes. Even though Merton is an OuterLondon Borough, teachers receive Inner London Weighting and interest-free season ticket loan, GRTP participation andGold Card Scheme.


Tel: (020) 3373 9723Fax: (020) 8430 1412E-mail (Primary NQTs): [email protected] (Secondary NQTs): [email protected]: is a vibrant, inner city borough in the heart of East London. It is a young, friendly, cosmopolitan community.Academic standards are rising fast. For newly qualified teachers, career prospects are excellent, with high starting salariesand good opportunities for promotion. All teachers benefit from a fantastic programme of continuing professionaldevelopment and support throughout their careers.We run a highly successful Primary pool, where candidates who are successful at interview are introduced to schools withvacancies. Applications for the pool should be sent from mid January 2012 and certainly by the end of April, although lateapplications may be considered.Secondary schools advertise in the TES, on and We also run a secondarydatabase which interested applicants can join from January 2012, for jobs starting in September 2012.For application forms and further details please see


Teaching Recruitment Manager, Teacher Recruitment Service, Redbridge Teachers’ Centre, Melbourne Road, Ilford, Essex IG1 4HT.Tel: (020) 8708 8820Fax: (020) 8514 5246E-mail: [email protected]: is an Outer London Borough. Its location in North East London benefits from an attractive and variedenvironment with both rural and urban surroundings. There is easy access to Central London, East Anglia and Kent. The2012 Olympic site is nearby.Our expanding population means a steady demand for teachers in both phases.Primary Recruitment Days 2012 are by invitation only on the basis of your application form. Expenses are reimbursed.Applications are accepted from 12 December 2011. Successful candidates form our recommended list and are thenshortlisted for primary vacanciesSecondary applicants complete a single application, which is used by secondary schools to shortlist.Application forms and information can be downloaded from our website, – search for ‘TeacherRecruitment’ and click on the NQT heading. Alternatively, scan the QR code on our advertisement on page 87.

86 London

Most NQTs are offered permanent contracts. The support package from individual schools varies but can include:• An early contract paying from 1 August• Paid work or an opportunity to visit your school during the summer term• Professional help to find accommodation• An interest-free salary advance• Support to help you develop throughout your first year of teaching.We look forward to receiving your application.

Richmond upon Thames

Looking for a new challenge? Make the right choice…The London Borough of Richmond upon Thames is committed to giving you the best opportunity to maximiseyour potential, whatever stage of your career you are at.Why? We offer…• A diverse, skilled and supportive workforce• Access to high-quality professional development and guidance• Outstanding induction programmes• Well-resourced and friendly schools with excellent national recognition• A vision for excellence for children and young people.We regard the recruitment and retention of a committed and well-qualified school workforce as a matter of the utmostimportance. We work hard to help all staff achieve enjoyment and satisfaction in their roles.Are you ready to apply?Our primary schools recruit to a primary NQT pool. Applications are submitted online at: applicants are interviewed by a panel of head teachers and, if successful, will be called for further interview atindividual schools. The closing date for candidates wishing to apply to the primary pool is 19 February 2012 andinterviews for selected candidates will be on 15 and 16 March 2012. Secondary schools recruit independently and through our central database. Applications are submitted online There is no official closing date; however, early applications for all subjects areencouraged. Secondary vacancies are advertised nationally and on our website. NQTs should apply directly to individuallyadvertised positions.To find out more contact:NQT Support School Effectiveness TeamE-mail: [email protected]:


School Workforce Professional Development Service, 160 Tooley Street, London SE1 2TZ.Tel: (020) 7525 5278Website: gives NQTs the opportunity to join an online central register of first appointment teachers. Online applicationsare available to all head teachers and candidates are shortlisted and interviewed by individual schools. There is no closingdate but you are recommended to apply by the end of February. Vacancies are also advertised in the TES.

87Choosing referees

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88 London

Southwark is a forward-looking education authority with a growing reputation. Its rich history and vibrant newdevelopments make it an exciting place to live and work. The excellent induction programme is the foundation of acomprehensive programme of good career and professional development opportunities. The local authority is committedto equal opportunities for all staff and children, and work to address the issues is continuous. We are keen to ensure thatschool staff reflect the ethnic diversity of pupils and welcome applications from qualified teachers from black andminority ethnic backgrounds.Our diverse community deserves the highest quality educational opportunities, so we need the best teachers to join usand benefit from:• Inner London Pay Scale• Interest-free season ticket loan• Negotiable early start dates/relocation packages at some schools.For more information, check out our website


Sutton Teacher Recruitment, Stonecourt, 2 North Street, Carshalton, Surrey SM5 2HU.Tel: (020) 8770 4020E-mail: [email protected] First Teaching Appointment – make it first classSutton’s high performing schools provide new teachers with the ideal opportunity to reach their full potential and becomefirst-class teachers. Sutton schools are well resourced and our extensive staff development programme provides excellentsupport for its teachers. We also support you in your first year of teaching with an excellent tried and tested inductionpackage.Sutton is situated on the outskirts of south west London with fast public transport links to the city centre and easy access to the Surrey countryside. For further information about Sutton please visit our we offer: • Outer London Weighting• Interest-free season ticket loans (community schools)• Leisure centre discount (community schools).We circulate a database of Newly Qualified Teachers for primary and secondary vacancies to schools electronically, and schools shortlist candidates they wish to interview. Advertisements for posts are also placed in the TES, the local press and church papers.We will be visiting local universities and application forms can be downloaded from our you would like further information please contact Christine Clarke on (020) 8770 4020.

Tower Hamlets

Tower Hamlets is a distinctive, unique London Borough that is home to a diverse, vibrant, multicultural community. As partof an exciting regeneration programme, we aim to improve the quality of life for all who live and work in the area. It’s also an ideal opportunity to further your career. As an NQT you can be assured of an excellent start to your teaching career, backed by our extensive induction programme.Also, not only will you be teaching in some of the most improved schools in the whole country, but Tower Hamlets’commitment to you will be reflected through the resources at your disposal and the low pupil/teacher ratios.For more information about how to apply to our schools for the September 2012 start, ring: (020) 7364 4523 or e-mail:[email protected] or [email protected]


Waltham Forest

Sylvia Harper, Babcock 4S, Graylaw House, 394 High Road, Leyton, London E10 6QE.E-mail: [email protected]: (020) 8498 4186Developing minds and realising potentialWaltham Forest is a highly multicultural borough and a perfect location for NQTs. It is conveniently located in the NorthEast of London – 20 minutes from Central London and the West End with great shopping, leisure and cultural hot spots,and in close proximity to the Olympic Village!As the year 2012 approaches there will be lots of events and learning activities for schools.We offer an outstanding Continuing Professional Development (CPD) programme, which provides ongoing developmentthroughout the NQT year and support to compile a professional portfolio.As a council employee you will be entitled to various benefits including: • Recruitment and retention allowance (depending on the school)• Outer London Allowance• Key Worker Housing (via various government partner associations)• Leisure incentives.Waltham Forest runs an NQT pool and an Open Day. Go to for details on how to apply.


Schools HR, Wandsworth Borough Council, Contracts and HR, Children’s Services Department, Town Hall, Wandsworth High Street, London SW18 2PU. Tel: (020) 8871 7590E-mail: [email protected]: www.teachinwandsworth.comThe Inner London Borough of Wandsworth has everything to offer from the bustling areas of Clapham Junction, Tootingand Putney to the tranquility of Battersea Park, Putney Heath and the newly regenerated Thames Riverside all within easyreach of central London.Transport links to the rest of London are excellent from Wandsworth. Britain’s busiest railway station, Clapham Junction,has excellent links into central London’s Victoria and Waterloo stations, north London and the south coast. Northern andDistrict Line tube stations are accessible and an extensive bus network serves the entire borough. Wandsworth offers teachers a supportive environment and an excellent induction programme to help you begin yourcareer. Other benefits include: • A starting salary of at least £27,000 per year• Comprehensive induction • Supportive and well-resourced schools • Extensive Learning Resource service • Access to affordable housing schemes • Promotional and CPD opportunities • At least five INSET days per year • Reduced membership rates at local health clubs. All of our vacancies are posted on the Council’s website

90 London


Westminster is located in the heart of London and is a stunning place to work. It is an area of contrasts and has thrivingcommunities, a rich historic heritage and unrivalled facilities. We are home to the nation’s government, tourism, arts andculture. The population we serve comes from diverse backgrounds and contributes greatly to the diversity that we are soproud of.More and more teachers and support staff are staying with Westminster because of the excellent ongoing support andtraining we offer. We recognise that the development of the whole workforce is essential and has a significant influence uponthe success of our pupils and its schools. Teaching in Westminster means you will join a committed and successful team ofteachers and support staff who enable children and young people to develop their full educational potential.A pool system operates for the majority of primary NQT appointments. The local authority holds a central bulletin of all teaching vacancies. It is updated weekly during school term time and can be viewed online You will also find information on the application process.Incentives include: professional development opportunities; Inner London Weighting Allowance; season ticket loan; staff cardwith leisure and cultural discounts; advice on accommodation and childcare.

91Choosing referees

Yr undeb sy’n recriwtioathrawon cymwys neu raisy’n cymhwyso yn unig

Athrawon cymwys Rydym yn sefyll dros statws proffesiynol athrawonac yn ymgyrchu dros gael athro/athrawes cymwys ym mhob ystafell ddosbarth.

Undod yn y proffesiwn Ni yw’r unig undeb sy’n ymgyrchu’n gysondros gael un undeb i’r holl athrawon.

Cyngor a chefnogaeth Rydym yn cynnig cefnogaeth gyfreithiol aphroffesiynol digyffelyb, gan gynnwys cyfreithiwr yn swyddfa NUT Cymru ac ymmhob swyddfa ranbarthol yn Lloegr.

Y mwyaf a’r mwyaf effeithiol Mae cryfder ein haelodaeth yn eingwneud ni yr undeb athrawon mwyaf effeithiol.

Cysylltiadau rhyngwladol Rydym yn ymgyrchu dros gynnig addysg ibob un o’r 67 miliwn o blant yn y byd nad ydynt yn mynychu ysgol.

Tegwch i bob plenty Rydym yn ymladd i sicrhau ysgol leol dda i bobplentyn a phob cymuned.

Eich undeb chi Rydym yn annog pob aelod i gymryd rhan mewnpenderfynu a hyrwyddo polisïau’r undeb.

Cyfleoedd Cyfartal Rydym yn arwain gyda’n gwaith o blaid polisïauarloesol ar faterion cydraddoldeb.

Ymgyrchu pendant Rydym yn falch i ymgyrchu ar y materion sy’nbwysig i athrawon a phlant. Yr NUT - yn arwain ar bensiynau


92 Wales


Blaenau Gwent

Blaenau Gwent County Borough Council, Education Management Support, Festival House, Victoria Business Park, Ebbw Vale,Blaenau Gwent NP23 6ER.Tel: (01495) 355349 or (01495) 355461E-mail: [email protected] posts are advertised in the TES, Eteach, Western Mail, local job centres and at contact the above to obtain a supply registration pack.


Bridgend County Borough Council, Human Resources, Ravens Court, Brewery Lane, Bridgend CF31 4AP.Tel: (01656) 643205E-mail: [email protected]: vacancies are advertised on Eteach. Any shortage subject, head teacher or deputy vacancies are advertised inthe Western Mail and/or TES. Welsh medium posts may also appear in Golwg or Y Cymro. All vacancies can be found onthe above website. The authority also operates a supply register. Please contact the above for further details.


Caerphilly County Borough Council, Directorate of Education and Leisure, T ^y Penallta, Tredomen Park, Ystrad Mynach CF82 7PE.Tel: (01443) 864872Fax: (01443) 864885Website: vacancies are advertised on Eteach. Shortage subject, head teacher and deputy vacancies are advertised in the TES.There is no longer a supply teacher pool – candidates are invited to contact individual schools directly.


All teaching and support staff vacancies in schools are advertised on the eteach website at A link tothe eteach website can be found on the Cardiff Council website at teacher and deputy head teacher positions are advertised nationally in the TES.


People Management and Performance, Building 14, St David’s Park, Jobswell Road, Carmarthen, Carmarthenshire SA31 3BB. Tel: (01267) 246114Fax: (01267) 246134Website: vacancies are advertised in the Western Mail and/or the TES. Welsh medium posts are advertised in Golwg andall vacancies can be found on the council’s website. For supply work, candidates should apply to the schools direct.



Cyngor Sir Ceredigion, Adran Addysg a Gwasanaethau Cymunedol, Canolfan Rheidol, Rhodfa Rheidol, Llanbadarn Fawr,Aberystwyth SY23 3UE.Ceredigion County Council, Department of Education and Community Services, Rheidol Centre, Rheidol Avenue, LlanbadarnFawr, Aberystwyth, Ceredigion SY23 3UE.Rhif ffôn/Tel: (01970) 633684E-bost/E-mail: [email protected] yr holl swyddi addysgu gwag ar wefan Cyngor Sir Ceredigion sef ac ar wefan ‘eteach’sef Mae’r Awdurdod hefyd yn cynnal rhestr o athrawon cyflenwi. Mae croeso ichi gysylltu â’r AdranBersonél yn y cyfeiriad uchod am fanylion pellach.

All teaching vacancies are advertised on the Ceredigion County Council website on and on theeteach website on The authority also operates a supply teacher list. Please contact the PersonnelDepartment at the above address for further details.


Adran Bersonél, Gwasanaeth Addysg, Cyngor Bwrdeistref Sirol Conwy, Adeiladau’r Llywodraeth, Ffordd Dinerth, Bae ColwynLL28 4ULPersonnel Section, Education Services, Conwy County Borough Council, Government Buildings, Dinerth Road, Colwyn BayLL28 4UL.Ffôn/Tel: (01492) 575055/84/95/66Ffacs/Fax: (01492) 575048Safle We/Website: ffeil ganolog o athrawon sy’n chwilio am swyddi. Bydd manylion y swyddi’n cael eu e-bostio i bawb sydd wedigofyn am wybodaeth. Gellir hefyd gweld manylion swyddi ar y Bwrdd Swyddi ar wefan Conwy,’r awdurdod yn cadw bas-data o athrawon llanw. Cysylltwch a’r Adran Personél ar (01492) 575055/84/95/66 amwybodaeth bellach neu am becyn cofrestru.

A central file of teachers seeking vacancies is held. Details of posts will be e-mailed to all persons who have asked to beinformed of vacancies. Details of vacancies can also be viewed on the Jobsboard on the Conwy website, authority also operates a supply teacher database. Please contact the Education Personnel Section on (01492) 575055/84/95/66 for further information or for a registration pack for supply teaching.


H.R. Direct, Denbighshire County Council, County Hall, Wynnstay Road, Ruthin, LL15 1YN.Tel: (01824) 706200 E-mail: [email protected] Details of all vacancies can be found on the website –


Director of Lifelong Learning, County Hall, Mold CH7 6ND.Tel: (01352) 704010Fax: (01352) 754202Website: contact the above for details of the teacher recruitment policy.

94 Wales


Adran Addysg Gwynedd, Swyddfa Cyngor Gwynedd, Caernarfon LL55 1SH.Ffôn/Tel: (01286) 677347Safle We/Website: pob swydd dysgu ar wefan Cyngor Sir Gwynedd sef Ysgolion unigol sy’n gyfrifol amunrhyw benodiad. Mae’r Awdurdod hefyd yn cynnal rhestr o athrawon llanw. Gellir cael mwy o fanylion ar sut i gofrestrutrwy gysylltu’n uniongyrchol gydag adain personél yr Awdurdod.

All teaching posts are advertised on the Gwynedd council website Appointments are made atindividual school level. The authority also operates a supply teacher database. Further details of how to register can beobtained by contacting the Authority Personnel Department.

Isle of Anglesey (Ynys Môn)

Education Department, Ffordd Glan Hwfa, Llangefni, Anglesey LL77 7EY.Tel: (01248) 752900Please contact the above for details of the teacher recruitment policy.

Merthyr Tydfil

Education Department, T ^y Keir Hardie, Riverside Court, Avenue De Clichy, Merthyr Tydfil, CF47 8XD.Tel: (01685) 724600 Fax: (01685) 721965E-mail: [email protected]: Tydfil County Borough Council is one of the 22 unitary authorities created as a result of local governmentreorganisation in Wales. A forward-looking authority, it is situated on the edge of the Brecon Beacons National Park, withgood road links to Cardiff and the heads of the valleys. All posts are advertised on e-teach on All postsare also advertised on the council website


Directorate Children and Young People, Innovation House, Magor, NP26 3DG.Tel: (01633) 644211E-mail: [email protected] in the four Comprehensive Schools, 34 Primary Schools and one Special School are advertised in the TES, WesternMail, and circulated to schools. Reciprocal arrangements to e-mail posts to neighbouring local authorities. Additionally,positions in the Catholic schools appear in The Universe. Welsh medium posts are advertised in Golwg and Y Cymro.

Neath Port Talbot

Education, Leisure and Lifelong Learning Department, Civic Centre, Port Talbot SA13 1PJ.Tel: (01639) 686868Website: schools operate with full delegation under the terms of the 1996 Education Act and the local authority does notoperate a pool system. Schools tend to advertise in one or more of the following publications: TES, South Wales EveningPost, Western Mail. Advertisements usually appear on a Friday. The local authority also advertises all posts on the website.With regard to relief and supply work, the local authority operates a Central Database jointly with the City and County ofSwansea Authority. Applicants wishing to put their names on this Database should contact Education Personnel. It mustbe appreciated that even if applicants are placed on the list, there is no guarantee of employment.



Recruitment, Transactional HR & Payroll, Newport City Council, Civic Centre, Newport NP20 4UR.Tel: (01633) 656656E-mail: [email protected] Newport we are focused on what matters: providing the most up-to-date, comprehensive and forward-looking services. Right now, we are investing for the future, embracing change and facing the challenges ahead.Newport City Council provides services for 61 schools: 8 secondary, 46 primary schools, 3 Welsh medium schools, 3 nurseries, 1 special school and 1 pupil referral unit. This means exciting and rewarding opportunities for Newport and for you too – so why not join us and help to make thiscity even greater.Teaching posts are advertised in the TES, Western Mail, e-teach and on Newport City Council’s website:, Welsh medium posts are advertised in Golwg and Y Cymro, and posts in Catholic schools in The CatholicTeachers Gazette. The city council also operates a Vendor Managed Service for the provision of supply teachers – please contact us at theabove address for details.


Education Department, Pembrokeshire County Council, County Hall, Haverfordwest SA61 1TP.Tel: (01437) 764551E-mail: [email protected] Website: vacancies appear on the Pembrokeshire County Council and eteach websites and may also appear in one ormore of the following publications: the TES, Western Mail, Western Telegraph, Golwg and Y Cymro. The Council operatesa pool system for some primary posts and the advertisement for the pool usually appears in late December/early January.To register for supply teaching in the county, please contact the Education HR Division on the above number.


Education Department, Powys County Hall, Llandrindod Wells, Powys LD1 5LG.Tel: (01597) 826422Powys County Council is the largest unitary in Wales in terms of geography and covers the three traditional shires ofMontgomeryshire, Radnorshire and Brecknockshire. It has 99 primary schools, 13 secondary schools and three specialschools. Teaching posts are advertised on e-teach and the council’s website On occasions schools willalso advertise in the TES and regional newspapers such as the Daily Post, Western Mail and Golwg. The authority alsooperates a supply teacher database.

Rhondda Cynon Taf

Education and Lifelong Learning, T^y Trevithick, Abercynon, Mountain Ash, Mid Glamorgan CF45 4UQ.Tel: (01443) 744137Website: Cynon Taf lies to the north of Cardiff, at the heart of South Wales, bound by the Brecon Beacons and the M4Motorway. Rhondda Cynon Taf is the second largest local authority in Wales covering 424 square kilometres and with apopulation of more than 230,000. We are a forward-looking council that contains 3 nursery schools, 101 English speakingprimary schools, 13 Welsh speaking primary schools, 15 English speaking secondary schools, 4 special schools and 4Welsh speaking secondary schools within our boundaries. Teaching vacancies are advertised, depending on the level andtype of post, in the TES, Western Mail, Golwg, Y Cymro and

96 Wales


Education Department, The Guildhall, Swansea, SA1 4PG.Tel: (01792) 636000Website: as required. Publications used include: TES, South Wales Evening Post, Western Mail, internal schools bulletinand the internet.


Yr Adran Addysg, Neuadd y Sir, Cwmbran NP44 2WN.E-bost: [email protected] cyfeirio unrhyw ymholiadau at y Prif Swyddog Addysg, Adnoddau Dynol Addysg. Ffôn (01633) 647629.Education Department, County Hall, Cwmbran NP44 2WN.E-mail: [email protected] enquiries to the Chief Education Officer, Education Human Resources. Tel: (01633) 647629Mae Cyngor Bwrdeistref Sirol Torfaen yn darparu gwasanaethau ar gyfer 38 o ysgolion (rhai cyfrwng Saesneg aChymraeg) gyda thros 800 o staff addysgu. Mae’r Awdurdod yn ymrwymedig i ddarparu cymorth a chyngor i gyrffllywodraethol ar bolisïau staffio a recriwtio ac yn gweithredu gwasanaeth recriwtio athrawon llwyddiannus ar gyferysgolion. Mae’r Awdurdod yn darparu Cyrsiau Sefydlu wedi’u cynllunio’n dda i gynorthwyo datblygiad gyda staffymgynghorol i’ch cefnogi ac i fonitro cynnydd yn enwedig yn ystod eich blwyddyn gyntaf o addysgu. Mae swyddi yn caeleu hysbysebu yn y TES ac/neu yn y Western Mail. Mae swyddi trwy gyfrwng y Gymraeg yn cael eu hysbysebu yn Golwg acyn Y Cymro. Mae swyddi mewn Ysgolion Catholig a gynorthwyir yn ymddangos yn yr Universe neu’r Gazette. Beth amymweld â’n gwefan ar Torfaen County Borough Council provides services for 38 schools (both English and Welsh) with more than 800teaching staff. The local authority is committed to providing support and advice to governing bodies on staffing andrecruitment policies and operates a successful teacher recruitment service for schools. The authority provides well plannedinduction courses to aid development with advisory staff to support you and monitor progress particularly throughoutyour first year of teaching. Posts are advertised in the TES, and/or Western Mail. Welsh medium posts are advertised inGolwg and Y Cymro. Positions in Roman Catholic Aided Schools appear in The Universe. Why not visit our website

Vale of Glamorgan

Human Resources, Provincial House, Kendrick Road, Barry CF62 8UF.For application packs: Tel: (01446) 700111E-mail: [email protected] Vale of Glamorgan Council fulfils its responsibilities for education through 49 Primary, Junior, Infant and NurserySchools, six Secondary Schools, two Foundation Secondary Schools and three Special Schools. A wide range of supportservices for teachers is provided by the council, including professional guidance, training and curriculum advice. Thecouncil also provides support and advice to head teachers and governing bodies on staffing and recruitment.Teaching vacancies can be found on our website – also use the local press, the TES and Eteach for some vacancies. Application forms can be requested to register to join the teaching supply list. When all necessary pre-employmentchecks are completed your name will be added to the supply list which is circulated to all schools in the Vale on aweekly basis.



Personnel Team, Children and Young People’s Service, T^y Henblas, Queens Square, Wrexham LL13 8AZ.Tel: (01978) 297403Fax: (01978) 297476E-mail: [email protected]: forms can be requested to register to join the Teacher Reserve and Supply List, where all teachers have thenecessary checks completed and the supply pool list is circulated to schools. Primary vacancies are sent out to the mailinglist (Reserve List) and where appropriate advertised in the local and/or national press. Secondary vacancies are mainlyadvertised in the Daily Post (Thursday), and the TES. Alternatively all vacancies can be found on the website.

98 Islands



Education Department, PO Box 32, Grange Road, St Peter Port, Guernsey GY1 3AU.Tel: (01481) 710821Fax: (01481) 722532E-mail: [email protected]: and Secondary: Vacancies are advertised both locally and in the Times Educational Supplement. Teachers whodo not hold Guernsey Residential Status are normally appointed on five-year contracts, due to local Housing Departmentregulations.Senior appointments in primary, secondary and special schools are usually on a permanent contract basis.A removal and relocation package, including rent subsidy, is available to teachers moving from the UK to Guernsey.There is a DfE recognised induction programme for newly qualified teachers and The Education Department welcomesapplications from newly qualified teachers.


Department for Education, Sport and Culture, PO Box 142, Jersey JE4 8QJ.Tel: (01534) 449500Fax: (01534) 449400E-mail: [email protected]: vacancies are advertised on a Thursday evening in the Jersey Evening Post, and can also be found on the Where appropriate local candidates are not available, vacancies will be advertised in the UK in theTimes Educational Supplement and on www.eteach.comA removal and relocation package, and excellent salary are available. There is an induction programme for newly qualifiedteachers.

Isle of Man

Department of Education and Children, Peel Road, Douglas, Isle of Man, IM1 5EZ.Tel: (01624) 685820Fax (01624) 685834E-mail: [email protected] Website: the first instance vacancies are filled by teachers who have Manx worker status. NQTs who successfully completeinduction on the Island automatically have this recognised in England. The Isle of Man Department of Education andChildren offers a comprehensive induction programme which includes periodical day release. There is continuousprofessional support, a generous relocation package and possibly housing assistance. Relocation comprises 70 per centof the cost of removal expenses. Travelling allowance, prior to taking up appointment, to view property, of £250 each forthe recruit and partner and £125 each for up to two dependent children. 70 per cent of the cost of storing the recruit’sfurniture for up to 13 weeks. The Housing Assistance Scheme will provide financial assistance towards accommodationcosts for staff who are appointed by the Department and are relocating to the Isle of Man and who as a result areincurring higher property costs on the Island. Dependent on circumstances, up to a maximum of £500 per month payablefor up to two years.


Service Children’s Education (SCE)

Headquarters SCE, JHQ, BFPO 40.Tel: 00 49 2161 472 5565E-mail: [email protected]: provides the children of Her Majesty’s Armed Forces – and other members of the Ministry of Defence and sponsoredorganisations stationed overseas – with access to a first-class education system.An Agency of the Ministry of Defence, SCE aims to mirror provision in the state education system in the United Kingdom– from Foundation Stage through to sixth form – and also to ensure that children benefit from their stay overseas.SCE Schools and Foundation Stage Settings are located in Belgium, Germany, Italy, The Netherlands, Cyprus, Gibraltar,Falkland Islands and Brunei, and they support approximately 10,000 children at any one time.SCE schools follow the English National Curriculum, administer national curriculum tests and public examinations and areinspected by Her Majesty’s Inspectorate (HMI). Teachers in SCE schools are UK qualified professionals especially recruitedfor service in SCE schools.Each school has a School Governance Committee that represents the local service community in a manner similar to theway Governors work in the UK and, as an Investor in People, SCE provides a very comprehensive programme of continuingprofessional development.SCE Headquarters is located in Germany: an Executive Board leads the service. Assistant Directors provide day-to-daydirection for the service.Educational psychologists, social workers and a team of specialist Inclusion Support staff work from three Pupil andFamily Services Centres in Germany and one in Cyprus. The Agency works very closely with relevant partner organisationssuch as the British Forces (Germany) Health Service and the Army Welfare Service.

SCE SchoolsExcept for very small isolated detachments, primary schools are established in all overseas commands. Secondary schoolprovision is available for all pupils in North West Europe and Cyprus, whether at local secondary schools on a daily basis– or in boarding schools in Germany at Rheindahlen and Gütersloh. All secondary schools are run on comprehensive lines.Transfer from primary to secondary school is usually at the end of Year 6 (age 11) although in Sennelager in Germany,children transfer at the end of Year 3 or 4 from a first school to a middle school and into a secondary school at the end ofYear 8. In Gibraltar, St Christopher’s School caters for children up to the end of Year 7 (age 12).

Special and/or Additional Educational NeedsChildren with a wide range of special and/or additional educational needs are supported in SCE schools. However, SCE doesnot have any special schools, special units or pupil referral units, and is unable to make provision overseas for the completerange of special needs. Queries about support for children with special and/or additional needs should – in the first instance – be referred to SCE/Children’s Education Advisory Service (CEAS) which is based in the UK. Tel: 0044 (0)1980 618244.

RecruitmentIf you are interested in both gaining experience of working overseas and furthering your career in the UK educationsystem you can do so with SCE. You will find details of our vacancies in the Overseas Section of the TES or by Posts with SCE (subject to the successful completion of a probationary year) are usually permanent –unless otherwise advertised – and salary and conditions of service mirror, in most respects, the conditions contained inthe England Pay and Conditions Document. Housing and utility charges – within certain limits – are provided free ofcharge for the first five years of service and an additional “cost of living allowance” is payable.The rewards of working for Service Children’s Education are consequently more than just professional.

100 NUT contacts

NUT contactsIn school your first point of contact with the union is your NUT representative or yourlocal secretary. For details of your local NUT contacts go to the interactive contactdirectory map at

You may also contact the NUT regional offices inEngland and NUT Cymru in Wales for advice,guidance and assistance.

NUT Regions1. Northern2. North West3. Yorkshire/Midland4. Midlands5. Eastern6. South East7. South West8. LondonW. Wales

101NUT contacts

Region 1 Northern

NUT Northern Regional OfficeAuckland House, High Chare, Chester-le-Street, Co Durham DH3 3PXRegional Secretary: Elaine Kay Tel: (0191) 389 0999 Email: [email protected]

City of York, Cumbria, Darlington, Durham, Gateshead, Hartlepool, Middlesbrough, Newcastle, Northumberland, North Tyneside, North Yorkshire, Redcar and Cleveland, South Tyneside, Stockton, City of Sunderland

Region 2 North West

NUT North West Regional Office25 Chorley New Road, Bolton, Lancashire BLI 4QR

Regional Secretary: Avis Gilmore Tel: (01204) 521434 Email: [email protected]

Blackburn with Darwen, Blackpool, Bolton, Bury, Cheshire East, Cheshire West and Chester, Halton, Isle of Man,Knowsley, Lancashire, Liverpool, Manchester, Oldham, Rochdale, Salford, Sefton, St Helens, Stockport, Tameside,Trafford, Warrington, Wigan, Wirral

Region 3 Yorkshire/Midland

NUT Yorkshire/Midland Regional Office1st Floor, Lazarus House, Princes Street, Doncaster DN1 3NJ

Regional Secretary: Ian Stevenson Tel: (01302) 342448 E-mail: [email protected]

Barnsley, Bradford, Calderdale, Derby City, Derbyshire, Doncaster, East Riding of Yorkshire, Hull, Kirklees, Leeds, Lincolnshire, North East Lincolnshire, North Lincolnshire, Nottingham City, Nottinghamshire, Rotherham,Sheffield, Wakefield

Region 4 Midlands

NUT Midlands Regional OfficeJarvis House, 96 Stone Road, Stafford ST16 2RS

Regional Secretary: Kit Armstrong Tel: (01785) 244129 Email: [email protected]

Birmingham, Coventry, Dudley, Herefordshire, Leicester City, Leicestershire, Rutland, Sandwell, Shropshire, Solihull,Staffordshire, Stoke-on-Trent, Telford and Wrekin, Walsall, Warwickshire, Wolverhampton, Worcestershire

Region 5 Eastern

NUT Eastern Regional OfficeElm House, Kennett Park, Moulton Road, Kentford, Suffolk CB8 8GF

Regional Secretary: Hilary Bucky Tel: (01638) 555300 Email: [email protected]

Bedford Borough, Buckinghamshire, Cambridgeshire, Central Bedfordshire, Essex, Hertfordshire, Luton, Milton Keynes,Norfolk, Northamptonshire, Peterborough, SCE(Worldwide), Southend-on-Sea, Suffolk, Thurrock

102 NUT contacts

Region 6 South East

NUT South East Regional OfficeBritton House, College Road, Ardingly, Haywards Heath, West Sussex RH17 6TT

Regional Secretary: Marian Darke Tel: (01444) 894500 E-mail: [email protected]

Bracknell Forest, Brighton and Hove, East Sussex, Hampshire, Isle of Wight, Kent, Medway, Oxfordshire, Portsmouth,Reading, Slough, Southampton, Surrey, West Berkshire, West Sussex, Windsor and Maidenhead, Wokingham

Region 7 South West

NUT South West Regional Office1 Lower Avenue, Heavitree, Exeter, Devon EXI 2PR

Regional Secretary: Andy Woolley Tel: (01392) 258028 E-mail: [email protected]

Bath and North East Somerset, Bournemouth, Bristol, Cornwall, Devon, Dorset, Gloucestershire, Guernsey, Isles of Scilly, Jersey, North Somerset, Plymouth, Poole, Somerset, South Gloucestershire, Swindon, Torbay, Wiltshire

Region 8 London

NUT London Regional Office

Ravenscourt House, 322A King Street, London W6 0RR


103 Cranbrook Road, Ilford IG1 4PU

Regional Secretary: Tim Harrison Tel: (020) 8477 1234 E-mail: [email protected]

Barking and Dagenham, Barnet, Bexley, Brent, Bromley, Camden, City of London, Croydon, Ealing, Enfield, Greenwich,Hackney, Hammersmith and Fulham, Haringey, Harrow, Havering, Hillingdon, Hounslow, Islington, Kensington andChelsea, Kingston, Lambeth, Lewisham, Merton, Newham, Redbridge, Richmond, Southwark, Sutton, Tower Hamlets,Waltham Forest, Wandsworth, Westminster

Wales NUT Cymru

NUT CymruT^y Sinnott, 18 Neptune Court, Vanguard Way, Cardiff CF24 5PJ

Wales Secretary: David Evans Tel: (029) 2049 1818 E-mail: [email protected]

Blaenau Gwent, Bridgend, Caerphilly, Cardiff, Carmarthenshire, Ceredigion, Conwy, Denbighshire, Flintshire, Gwynedd,Merthyr Tydfil, Monmouthshire, Neath Port Talbot, Newport, Pembrokeshire, Powys, Rhondda Cynon Taf, Swansea,Torfaen, Vale of Glamorgan, Wrexham, Ynys Môn

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