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Page 1: Firehouse Football

You and your partner Lupe are called to a retirement home where one of the residents will not get out of bed. The nurse on call reports that the man has facial droop and arm drift. You arrive on scene to find the man semiconscious and breathing at 16 breaths per minute with good depth. His gaze is fixed on the ceiling and saliva is coming out of his mouth. What would be the best course of action?

A) Suction his mouth and put him on O2 at 15LPM B) Suction his mouth and put a nasopharyngeal inC) Suction his nose and put an NRB on him at 15 LPMD) Suction his mouth and nose and do a focused exam

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You arrive on scene with your partner to a restaurant where a choking was reported. You enter and find an unconscious cyanotic male on the floor. He is supine with BBQ sauce on his mouth and a napkin in his hand. What would you do for this patient? A) Ask the bystanders what happened, verify no pulse, attach AED, tell everyone to stand back, and hit analyze B) Head tilt, chin lift, verify apnea, two slow breaths, compressions, and attempt to visualize obstruction using a laryngoscope and magill forcepsC) Verify apnea, two slow breaths with high flow O2, and back thrusts D) Abdominal thrusts, finger sweep, and high flow O2

Page 3: Firehouse Football

With regard to blood pressure, which of the following statements is true?

A) Blood pressure is equal to cardiac output divided by peripheral vascular resistance B) Blood pressure is the single most important sign during the initial assessmentC) Blood pressure is the force exerted on the heart as the right ventricle contractsD) Blood pressure has a direct affect on the perfusion of the body's tissues

Page 4: Firehouse Football

With regard to blood pressure, which of the following statements is true?

A) Blood pressure is equal to cardiac output divided by peripheral vascular resistance B) Blood pressure is the single most important sign during the initial assessmentC) Blood pressure is the force exerted on the heart as the right ventricle contractsD) Blood pressure has a direct affect on the perfusion of the body's tissues

Page 5: Firehouse Football

Why does Nitroglycerin lower the blood pressure?

A) Because it dilates the vessels reducing the preload on the heart B) Because it reduces the workload on the veinsC) Because the veins are constricted reducing workload on the heartD) It doesn't, it raises it

Page 6: Firehouse Football

You have just arrived on scene of a single vehicle accident involving a truck that has slid off the road and rolled . Your patient was driving about 40 MPH when he hit an icy spot and went off the road rolling the vehicle one time. After completing your scene size up, which of the following treatment choices would be the most appropriate? A) Check baseline vitals, do a focused exam on the patient's chief complaint B) Perform a rapid trauma assessment C) Perform a detailed physical examination to uncover any life threatening injuriesD) Get a SAMPLE history and do a focused physical examination

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Which of the following is usually the most dangerous?

A) Capillary bleed B) Venous bleedC) Arterial bleed D) Dark red bleeding

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One pupil dilated and the other constricted would suggest what type of injury?

A) AbdominalB) ThoracicC) ProximalD) Cerebral

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You are called to a home where a 91 year old man has had a syncopal episode and is vomiting. The caregiver who called 911 stated that the patient's bowel movements have been bright red since yesterday. The patient has not complained of any pain, but is nauseas. What is most likely wrong with this man and which choice includes appropriate treatment steps? A) He has had a TIA and should be given high flow oxygen via NRB and transported on his effected side to the nearest hospital. B) He has a lower GI bleed and should be given O2 via nasal cannula at 4LPM and transported in a position of comfort while treating for shockC) He has an upper GI bleed and should be transported sitting up with high flow O2 administered via a non rebreather mask at 15 LPM.D) He has pancreatitis and should be given high flow O2 via NRB at 15 LPM. Rapid transport in a left lateral recumbent position while keeping him warm will help avoid shock.

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Assault is used to describe behavior that… ?

A) Causes fear of offensive physical contact B) Attempts offensive physical contactC) Is threateningD) All of the above

Page 11: Firehouse Football

After the baby's head has delivered you should?

A) Put the mother on high flow O2 and have a cigar with the father B) Suction the mouth and nose then check if the cord is wrapped around the infant's neckC) Suction the mouth and nose and wait for the mother to push the rest of the baby outD) Support the head and gently pull the baby out

Page 12: Firehouse Football

The manner in which you must act is called?

A) Standard of practice B) Standard of care C) Standard of actionD) Standard of adaptation

Page 13: Firehouse Football

You arrive on scene to find a 34 year old male laying on the ground in a pool of blood. Bright red blood is squirting from a large cut in his shirt sleeve and he is clutching a knife between his teeth. What should you do first?

A) Inform the patient you will not hurt him and treat the injuryB) Have your partner distract the patient while you take the knife from himC) Call for police backup and then treat the woundD) Leave the scene until police arrive to make the scene safe

Page 14: Firehouse Football

It's 7:30 a.m. and you arrive on scene of a two car collision involving at least 6 patients on a foggy corner of a fairly busy country road. The fire department is not there yet and there is smoke and flames showing from both cars. You can hear people crying and cars are already driving around the wreckage to get past the scene. What steps should you take? A) Triage the most critically injured first and then extricate them in order of severity B) Get the fire department en route, establish a safety zone and assist in keeping traffic a safe distance away C) Begin extrication of the patients while your partner calls for more ambulancesD) Inform the patients that you are not allowed by law to enter the zone until it is made safe by law enforcement

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Albuterol is classified as a?

A) Parasympathomimetic B) SympatholyticC) Sympathomimetic D) Parasympatholytic

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You arrive on scene with your partner Elvis to find a woman who is complaining of general weakness. She has a fruity odor on her breath and states that she has been constantly thirsty. Her LOC is getting worse and you suspect some sort of diabetic reaction. What would be the best course of treatment for this patient?

A) A blood glucose test and 40 gm of D50B) A blood glucose test and fluid bolus C) A tube of oral glucose administered orallyD) High flow O2 and rapid transportation

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Which of the following is not an action of glucagon?

A) Causes breakdown of glycogen to glucose B) Increases cardiac contractilityC) Rapidly elevates blood glucose level D) Inhibits glycogen synthesis

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You and your partner Lou have responded to a man down call. The patient was not breathing and medical control has instructed you to intubate. After inserting the ET tube, Lou begins auscultating the epigastrum. What should Lou hear if the tube is placed correctly?

A) A whooshing noiseB) Heart soundsC) Equal and bilateral soundsD) Nothing

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You are called to a scene of a 3 year old who is not breathing and is pulseless. Your CPR should include compressions at what depth?epigastrum. What should Lou hear if the tube is placed correctly?

A) About 1/3 to 1/2 the depth of the chest B) 1-2 inchesC) 1.5-2.5 inchesD) No compressions, it's a child

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Which of the following would be considered unethical for a First Responder?

A) Giving a patient a business card for a lawyer B) Disclose one's affection for a coworkerC) Talking to a patient about religionD) Making sure a patient who has no insurance goes to the hospital