Download - Finding the Perfect Clients

  • 1. The Perfect Client Exists!
  • 2. Not all clients are clients from hell. Weve spent way too much time on the horror stories.
  • 3. And unlike Bigfoot, the Perfect Client has been discovered. His name is Rick.
  • 5. A custom logo. A new pricing perspective. And a perfect story.
  • 6. Rick was my rst perfect client. He also became a close friend and investor in my business.
  • 7. There are plenty of perfect clients out there just waiting for you to work with them. Go nd them!
  • 8. Finding the Perfect Clients
  • 9. Another great story. A River Runs Through It.
  • 10. If you want to catch the big sh, you have to think like them.
  • 11. First Step: Dening Your Perfect Client
  • 12. Dening the perfect client is a lot like catching the big sh. You have to think like them. Sit down and map out what your perfect client looks like. What do they value? This could be your expertise, humor, knowledge of an industry, etc. What type of work do you want to do? What qualities or values should your client have? What does their nancial perspective look like? Are they cheap or willing to invest. Remember that all clients are not created equal and it may take some time to clearly dene and nd the ones you want to work with!
  • 13. Second Step: Finding Your Perfect Client
  • 14. Its important to gain an understanding of how your perfect client thinks.
  • 15. If you want to nd your perfect client, get in their minds and think like them. Where do they like to hang out? Who are their colleagues and friends? What are their behaviors, lingo, or culture? How do they search for people with your skills or talents? When is the best time to approach them? Do whatever you can think of within reason (no stalkers please) to build a relationship with them. And remember that people congregate like sh do!
  • 16. Tips for nding and engaging perfect clients: Connect with people on LinkedIn, Google+, and Twitter. Be consistent! Blog on topics that benet your potential clients. Comment on blogs that are inuential with your perfect clients. Serve at events or venues that center on people you want to reach. Ask for referrals from friends or families if they have the connections. Volunteer in forums and membership sites. People will notice you. Attend community events or conferences to connect with potential clients. Speak at local or global venues. DO GREAT WORK AND GET VALUABLE WORD OF MOUTH!
  • 17. Keeping Perfect Clients Happy IS Important!
  • 18. For whatever reason, our culture places a low emphasis on keeping existing clients or customers happy.
  • 19. (Ahem, CABLE COMPANIES!)
  • 20. More focus is placed on courting a new customer than keeping an existing one satised and happy.
  • 21. Once you court or win a new client, you should invest in the relationship and build it. Dont give up after the honeymoon and excitement is over.
  • 22. Its easier to keep an existing client happy than winning a new one. Cliche maybe, but denitely true and effective.
  • 23. BESIDES... Why work hard at nding a perfect client only to convince them to go elsewhere?
  • 24. Some great ways to keep perfect clients happy: Always make sure they are a priority. Never sacrice them for a new sale. Always fulll your promises to them. If you cant, be honest. Always look out for their best interest. Be a company of integrity. Always excel in the small stuff ... like be ON time and respond promptly! Always be thankful for their business. Show your appreciation.
  • 25. Your goal as a freelancer or consultant should always be on nding and keeping the perfect clients. ALWAYS!
  • 26. Questions and Answers