Download - Financing Mobility · 3/6/2015  · Advocating mobility: Right on Track Conference March 15-17, 2014 – Amman, Jordan Government Financing Country( Ministry((and(federal(governments(

Page 1: Financing Mobility · 3/6/2015  · Advocating mobility: Right on Track Conference March 15-17, 2014 – Amman, Jordan Government Financing Country( Ministry((and(federal(governments(

Financing Mobility

Best Practices & Research

Page 2: Financing Mobility · 3/6/2015  · Advocating mobility: Right on Track Conference March 15-17, 2014 – Amman, Jordan Government Financing Country( Ministry((and(federal(governments(

Advocating mobility: Right on Track Conference March 15-17, 2014 – Amman, Jordan


�  Mobility operators along with social and cultural NGOs are now

facing a bigger challenge in providing and sustaining programs to support the mobility of social entrepreneurs and artists (men and women) in the region.

�  There is a growing need for governments, donors, and private sector companies to set a clear budget and allocate funds that have clear and simplified processes.

Page 3: Financing Mobility · 3/6/2015  · Advocating mobility: Right on Track Conference March 15-17, 2014 – Amman, Jordan Government Financing Country( Ministry((and(federal(governments(

Advocating mobility: Right on Track Conference March 15-17, 2014 – Amman, Jordan

What we aim to achieve

We aim to work with public and private sector institutions and the donor community in the

region, in order to agree on clear and transparent mechanisms for allocating budgets

and distributing funds to support mobility initiatives with no restrictions on receiving

funds and donations.

Page 4: Financing Mobility · 3/6/2015  · Advocating mobility: Right on Track Conference March 15-17, 2014 – Amman, Jordan Government Financing Country( Ministry((and(federal(governments(

Advocating mobility: Right on Track Conference March 15-17, 2014 – Amman, Jordan

The Research Istikshaf Advocacy Team has started to gather researches and information related to financing mobility in the Arab world, which will help in understanding the pattern of financing mobility by government, private sector, and mobility operators & NOGs. This research will help the coalition members in: 1.  Understanding the government financing policies and procedures 2.  Understanding the private sector strategies and focus. 3.  Build a unified financing model (operator to grantee) in order to

help in set and implement a streamlined grant process.

Page 5: Financing Mobility · 3/6/2015  · Advocating mobility: Right on Track Conference March 15-17, 2014 – Amman, Jordan Government Financing Country( Ministry((and(federal(governments(

Advocating mobility: Right on Track Conference March 15-17, 2014 – Amman, Jordan

Government Financing �  Selected countries were researched to better understand the regulatory

framework and the funding procedures.

�  Initial Results: ◦  There is no clear cultural policy for central and local government to support mobility (Art

and culture exchange programs)

◦  There are no clear and suitable budget for Art and culture, and focuses on commercial entertainment.

◦  If there is available funds, the strategies is focused on internal cultural exchange programs (within the country)

◦  No clear regulatory framework and procedures to ensure transparency in (allocating and distribution) of funds.

◦  No tax incentive scheme for Art / Culture / Mobility.

�  Extensive resaerach is needed to complete the research and validate the data.

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Advocating mobility: Right on Track Conference March 15-17, 2014 – Amman, Jordan

Government Financing Country   Ministry    and  federal  governments   Local  Authori8es  


YES.    Ministry  of  Culture  and  the  Ministry  of  Foreign  Affairs  

establish  a  number  of  scholarships  for  austrian  ci>zens  or  residents.  


Belgium  YES  

Funding  resources  for  mobility  are  mainly  managed  by  either  wallon  or  flemish  organisa>ons/associa>ons/ins>tutes  


Bulgaria   YES.    Mainly  scholarships  for  training  and/or  research  

YES  Municipali>es  of  Sofia  and  Verna  

Cyprus   YES.    Travel  grants  of  the  Ministry  of  Culture  and  Educa>on   NO  

Croa>a  YES  

 (grants  of  the  MoC  for:  EU,  Croa>a  and  countries  where  there  is  a  Croa>an  diaspora)  


Czech  Republic  

NO.    The  Ministry  of  Culture  mainly  funds  projects  within  

European  Programmes  

YES  but  travel  grants  are  mainly  funded  by  organisa>ons  and  arts  ins>tutes.  

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Advocating mobility: Right on Track Conference March 15-17, 2014 – Amman, Jordan

Government Financing Country   Ministry    and  federal  governments   Local  Authori8es  

Estonia   YES    (des>na>on:  EU)   NO  

Finland  YES.  

 Several  "Stage  grants",  mainly  related  to  projects  but  also  travel  grants.  


France  YES.  

 Several  programmes  for  ar>s>c  mobility  between  France,  UE  and  extra-­‐UE  Countries    


Germany  YES    

(travel  grants  by  federal  en>>es,  Goethe  Ins>tute,  Germany-­‐>Worldwide)  

YES.    City  Council  of  Berlin  

Greece   YES  YES    

but  just  one:  the  European  Cultural  Centre  of  Delphi  

Hungary   NO   NO  Ireland   YES   NO  

Italy  YES    

(both  the  Ministry  of  Culture  and  the  Ministry  of  Foreign  Affairs)  


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Advocating mobility: Right on Track Conference March 15-17, 2014 – Amman, Jordan

Government Financing Country   Ministry    and  federal  governments   Local  Authori8es  

Luxembourg   YES   NO  Macedonia   NO   NO  

Malta   YES   NO  The  

Netherlands   YES   YES  Amsterdam  Fund  for  the  Arts  

Norway   YES   NO  Poland   YES      

Portugal   YES  (Ins>tute  Camoes  funds  several  grants)   NO  

Romania   YES  YES  

 (i.e.  Young  Emerging  Ar>st  Residence  in  Cluj-­‐Napoca)  

Slovakia   YES    (travel  grants  from  and  to  Slovakia)   NO  

Slovenia   YES   NO  

Spain   YES    (i.e.  Grants  for  spanish  cultural  ac>on  and  promo>on)  

YES    (Euro-­‐Région  Pyrenees-­‐

Mediterranean,  Bilbao  Arte,  Matadero  Madrid)  

Sweden   YES   YES  City  Council  of  Stockholm  

United  Kingdom   YES  

YES  (Crea>ve  Scotland,  Arts  Council  of  


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Advocating mobility: Right on Track Conference March 15-17, 2014 – Amman, Jordan

Private Sector Financing Palestine: �  2% Profit from PalTel group companies (Jawwal, PalTel , Hadara,

Reach , Palmedia ) + endowment + interest �  50,000 JOD was allocated for Mobility

Educa>on  Sector     52%  ICT     10%  Social  &  relief     7%  Art,  Sport  ,  Media     8%  Pales>ne   Interna>onal   Award   for   Excellency   and  Crea>vity    


Others   6%  

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Advocating mobility: Right on Track Conference March 15-17, 2014 – Amman, Jordan

Mobility Operators Financing �  The team is working to research the best practices in

providing grants to grantees. �  Review the process of: ◦  Allocation of mobility grants ◦  Beneficiaries and target audience ◦  Requirements ◦  Announcement of grants ◦  Timeframe ◦  Review mechanisms and structures (committees) ◦  Refusal / approval guidelines ◦  Monitoring and evaluation strategy and process.

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Advocating mobility: Right on Track Conference March 15-17, 2014 – Amman, Jordan

Mapping Mobility Funds in the Mediterranean Report - 2011

Name  of  mobility  program  

Method  of  applica8on  (open,  members  only,  by  invita8on)  

Tools  (online,  email,  interview,  mail,  other)  



Priori8es   Selec8on  process/  commiEee  

Safar  Fund   Open   Online   All  year   Arabic   Youth  with  community  ini>a>ves  

Commihee  of  peers  

Fonds  Roberto  CimeEa  

Open     Email   Quarterly  English  and  French  

Ar>sts  and  cultural  operators  –  different  priori>es  annually  

Commihee  of  experts  Final  selec>on  approved  by  the  Board  

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Advocating mobility: Right on Track Conference March 15-17, 2014 – Amman, Jordan

Mapping Mobility Funds in the Mediterranean Report - 2011

Name  of  mobility  program  

Method  of  applica8on  (open,  members  only,  by  invita8on)  

Tools  (online,  email,  interview,  mail,  other)  

Regularity   Language(s)   Priori8es   Selec8on  process/  commiEee  

Mawa3eed   Open   Via  email  and  mail  

Quarterly   Arabic   Women  and  Arab  ar>sts  who  work      

Commihee  of  3  jury  members  

IIE  program/  FF   Open   Via  Email   All  through  the  year  

English   Mobility  and  learning  that  advance  networking,  capacity  building,      


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Advocating mobility: Right on Track Conference March 15-17, 2014 – Amman, Jordan

Mapping Mobility Funds in the Mediterranean Report - 2011

Name  of  mobility  program  

Method  of  applica8on  (open,  members  only,  by  invita8on)  

Tools  (online,  email,  interview,  mail,  other)  



Priori8es   Selec8on  process/  commiEee  

IIE  program/  FF   Open   Via  Email   All  through  the  year  

English   Mobility  and  learning  that  advance  networking,  capacity  building,  programming,  knowledge  produc>on,  and  exchange  


Page 14: Financing Mobility · 3/6/2015  · Advocating mobility: Right on Track Conference March 15-17, 2014 – Amman, Jordan Government Financing Country( Ministry((and(federal(governments(

Advocating mobility: Right on Track Conference March 15-17, 2014 – Amman, Jordan

Mapping Mobility Funds in the Mediterranean Report - 2011

Name  of  mobility  program  

Method  of  applica8on  (open,  members  only,  by  invita8on)  

Tools  (online,  email,  interview,  mail,  other)  



Priori8es   Selec8on  process/  commiEee  

Org.  Int.  de  la  francophonie  

N/A   N/A   Once  every  semester    

French   N/A   Commihee      

Prince  Claus  Fund   Open   On  line    applica>on  Via  Email  Mail  

All  year     English    French    Spanish  

Individuals  and  organiza>ons  based  in  countries      


KAFD   Open   Email   All  year   English    Arabic  

Priority  is  given  to  students    


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Advocating mobility: Right on Track Conference March 15-17, 2014 – Amman, Jordan

Mapping Mobility Funds in the Mediterranean Report - 2011

Name  of  mobility  program  

Method  of  applica8on  (open,  members  only,  by  invita8on)  

Tools  (online,  email,  interview,  mail,  other)  



Priori8es   Selec8on  process/  commiEee  

1.   Gulliver  Connect  

Open   Online     Annually   English   Both  the  young  visitor  and  the  hos>ng  organisa>on      


             CIMO  Fellowships  Centre  for  Interna8onal    Mobility-­‐Finland      

Open  to  researches  approaching    Finish  universi>es    

Fax,  Telephone  and  website    

3  months  before    the  start  of  scholarship    

Finish,  English  and  Swedish    

Educa>on,  Training,  Employment  and  young  people  

Host  University  

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Advocating mobility: Right on Track Conference March 15-17, 2014 – Amman, Jordan

Best Practices

� Accessibility ◦  People ◦  Gender ◦  Age ◦  Level of Education ◦  Beliefs ◦  Language

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Advocating mobility: Right on Track Conference March 15-17, 2014 – Amman, Jordan

Best Practices �  Transparency ◦  Legal framework ◦  Promotion ◦  Requirement ◦  Review process ◦  Decisions ◦  Communications

◦  Budget

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Advocating mobility: Right on Track Conference March 15-17, 2014 – Amman, Jordan

Best Practices �  Efficiency ◦  Clear and published process ◦  Realistic and published timeframe (internal and external) ◦  Clear mandate and role of the expert committee

�  Accountability ◦  Code of Conduct ◦  Clear/easy appeal system and process ◦  Pear review concept ◦  Public reporting on results

�  Number of Applications by Country / Nationality / Age / etc �  Number Refusal / Approvals �  Detailed budget / Financial statements

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Advocating mobility: Right on Track Conference March 15-17, 2014 – Amman, Jordan

Next Steps �  Istikshaf Advocacy Team will contact you to achieve the

following: 1.  Work with Ministries and Municipalities to gather and verify

data. 2.  Provide information and data about grant process and

budget. 3.  Agree on the final best practices that should govern a

unified grant system. 4.  Develop and launch a guideline manual based on best


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Advocating mobility: Right on Track Conference March 15-17, 2014 – Amman, Jordan

Thank you

Rami Takrouri, Policy Advocacy Advisor [email protected]