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1. rosaurora cardenas thesis - midterm+ me, midterm, thesis, jane, parsons 2. I want to use design to inspire creativity in children trough their imagination+ concept statement / design problem 3. Preferable, kids from 3 to 8 years old.+ audience 4. Preferable, kids from 3 to 8 years old. why..?+ audience 5. Because this is when they tend to start education; they start developing their minds by interacting with other people and objects.+ audience 6. Plato said you can discover more about a person in an hour of play than in a year of conversation. The same can be said of the way young children learn. Best toys for little ones are often the simplest. Open -ended toys? toys that foster childrens imagination, that have the potential to be different every time they play with them The reason those toys are so good for play and learning is that they require a lot more thinking and creativity on the part of the child, Dr. Christakis agrees. He recently conducted a study that found that when children are playing with blocks they are strengthening their thinking and language skills With clay theyre working the same muscles that will help them write one day, Unfortunately, as we increase our focus on technology, it usually means we decrease the time children spend actually making with old fashioned tools like paper, paint and scissors. But not always. A new project from Italian startup MusicInk is combining technology and tactile art making to create a new way to teach children the basics of music. Teachers provide prompts, not answers, and then they step aside so students can teach themselves and one another. They are creating ways for children to discover their passionand uncovering a generation of geniuses in the process. School clouds The bottom line is, if youre not the one whos controlling your learning, youre not going to learn as well, says lead researcher Joel Voss, now a neuroscientist at Northwestern University. Play is a set of behaviors that are freely chosen, personally directed, and intrinsically motivated. Penny Wilson, play theorist We provide an environment where children can laugh and play; explore and experiment; create, transform, and rebuild.In 2009, scientists from the University of Louisville and MITs Department of Brain and Cognitive Sciences conducted a study of 48 children between the ages of 3 and 6. The kids were presented with a toy that could squeak, play notes, and reflect images, among other things. For one set of children, a researcher demonstrated a single attribute and then let them play with the toy. Another set of students was given no information about the toy. This group played longer and discovered an average of six attributes of the toy; the group that was told what to do discovered only about four. A similar study at UC Berkeley demonstrated that kids given no instruction were much more likely to come up with novel solutions to a problem. The science is brand-new, but its not as if people didnt have this intuition before, says coauthor Alison Gopnik, a professor of psychology at UC Berkeley. Brooklyn Free School Brooklyn Free Schools mission is education for social justice. Always advocating for young peoples voices to be heard, BFS engages students and staff in democratic decision making and problem solving. We honor student choice and facilitate student-centered learning through play and exploration, constructivist teaching, collaborative course work and self-directed student initiatives. We support social and emotional development through conflict mediation, personal reflection, diversity awareness and community responsibility. BFS works in the service of students and their families, partners with progressive educators, and embraces our larger community. Gray points out that young children, motivated by curiosity and playfulness, teach themselves a tremendous amount about the world. And yet when they reach school age, we supplant that innate drive to learn with an imposed curriculum. Were teaching the child that his questions dont matter, that what matters are the questions of the curriculum. Thats just not the way natural selection designed us to learn. It designed us to solve problems and figure things out that are part of our real lives. Because no one made it this interesting, she said. (Paloma, Matamoros) Nicholas Negroponte, cofounder of the MIT Media Lab, is taking this approach even further with his One Laptop per Child initiative. Last year the organization delivered 40 tablets to children in two remote villages in Ethiopia. Negropontes team didnt explain how the devices work or even open the boxes. Nonetheless, the children soon learned to play back the alphabet song and taught themselves to write letters. They also figured out how to use the tablets camera. This was impressive because the organization had disabled camera usage. + research 7. Play doh As a company and product. Took a moldable product (plasticine) and marketed it to children as an expression of their own imagination+ precedents 8. Pacific Light Rusian Artist Ruslan Khazanov mixed soap, oil and ink to create this amazing mis of blue, yellow and magenta.+ precedents 9. MusicInk Combining technology to tactile art making to create a new way to teach children the basics of music. MusicInk, created by product designers Gilda Negrini and Riccardo Vendramin and software engineer Luong Bui, is a prototype kit that tuns paper into functioning, noise-making instruments through conductive paint and an arduino+ precedents 10. Little Sun A solar powered lamp in the shape of a hand-sized sun developed by Olafur Eliasson and Frederik Ottesen. A social business that produced Little Sun lamps and distributes them worldwide. A global project connecting the worlds electrified areas with off grid communities - purchasing a Little Sun in areas of the world with eletricity allows Little Suns to be sold off-grid at much lower, locally affordable prices.+ precedents 11. 1 x 10 Play with Leyla, let her lead 2 x 10 Help Leyla do homework/duttie 3 x 10 Have her document me (taking photos) 4 x 10 Word Game 5 x 10 Art house Experiment. 6x 10 Creative Destruction 7 x 10 Playground 8 x 10 Dumbos Carousel 12. + 10 x 10 13. Gracias.