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  • 8/10/2019 final exam FORM 1 2014.docx


    SULIT Page 1

    Section A

    [10 marks]

    [Time suggested : 15 minutes]

    The text below is about a farmer and his family.

    Questions 1

    Read the text below. The first and the last lines are correct .For the remaining lines; there is onegrammatical error in each line.

    Underline the errorand write the correct word in the space provided. An example has beengiven. The correct word must not change the meaning of the sentence. There are no spellingerrors in this text.

    Long ago, there was a farmer who lived with his wife, a young son and his old father

    in a small village. Every day, they worked hard at the farm to earn money in order to

    put food in the table.

    As time passed, the farmers old fatherbecome old and weak and he could not help

    them at the farm . The farmer and his wife felt that he is a burden to them and despised

    their old father. They no longer took good care of her . The old man was given little

    food to eat and old , tattered cloth to wear. However, the farmers young son loved his

    grandfather and would shared his food with him. One day, the farmer finally decided to

    put his old father in a largest basket. He wanted to take him deep into the forest to

    died alone.

    The old man could only cry and he did not said anything. The farmers son

    asked his father, When are you taking grandfather in the basket?The farmer answered

    angry, I am taking him to a place where he will be happy forever. Then, the young boy

    said, Father , dont forget to bring back the basket because when you are old , I can use it

    to carry you too. On hearing that , the farmer bowed his head in shame and took his

    father home.

    e.g on







    (g) ________

    (h) ________

    (i) ________

    (j) ________

    (Adapted Fables From Asia Retold by Suzee Leong)

    [10 marks]

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    [30 marks]

    [Time suggested: 40 minutes]

    Question 2

    Read the following notice. Then answer questions (a)(j)

    Borneo Animal and Tribal Children Volunteer Programme

    This project is ideal for people who love working outdoors or working with children and horses.

    Those who want to experience another way of life or looking for a project with conservation

    value can also take part. You get to spend two weeks on a mini-argo forestry park and wildlife

    sanctuary in Sarawak.

    As a volunteer on the farm, you will:

    1. Go horse-riding and help in training horses

    2. Visit the local kindergarten and school to interact with children

    3. Plant trees

    4. Learn tribal traditions

    For only RM750, you can stay in a comfortable farmhouse. The cost includes

    accommodation, meals and local guides. It does not cover airfares, travel insurance and

    fees for extra excursions.

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    Questions (a) (j)

    Using the information from the notice, complete the following graphic organiser.

    [10 marks]

    Programme includes:




    Cost of programme:

    (d) _________________



    (e) ____________________________________

    (f) ____________________________________

    (g) ____________________________________

    (h) ____________________________________







    Project location:(a)__________________


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    Questions 3

    Read the poster below. Then, answer questions (a)(j).


    (Off-season activities)

    Organised by: Muda District Education Department

    Date: 10 14 October 2014

    Time: 8.00 a.m. 6.00 p.m

    Venue: Muda Sports Complex, Sungai Petani, Kedah

    Sponsored by: Wira Sports

    Officiated by: Kedah State Education Officer


    Games Organised:

    Games Under 12 Under 14 Under 16

    Football Boys Boys & Girls Boys & Girls

    Hockey Boys & Girls Boys & Girls Boys & Girls

    Netball Girls - Girls

    All participants will receive a certificate each

    All winners will receive additional gifts :


    Key chain Book voucher

    Objectives :

    Enhance healthy relationship among students

    Develop interest among students in sports

    Educate students on the importance of sports

    Registration forms can be obtained at:

    Muda District Education Department

    Registration can be done


    Deadline : 7 October 2014Schools interested can call

    Mr.Didi at 04-4567890

    Prizes:1st : Trophy & cash RM500.002nd : Trophy & cash RM300.00

    3rd : Cash RM200.00

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    SULIT Page 5

    Questions (a) (e): Based on the poster, state whether the following statements are TRUEor


    a) The Games Carnival will be held throughout the year. _________ [1 mark]

    b) All schools in Kedah are allowed to participate in this carnival. _________ [1 mark]

    c) Every winner in this carnival will receive a trophy. _________ [1 mark]

    d) Certificates will be given to those who take part in the games. _________ [1 mark]

    Questions (e) (i):Read the poster carefully and answer all the questions below

    e) Name the game in the carnival that is open to both boys and girls for all categories.

    _________________________________________________________________ [1 mark]

    f) State a gift for the winners other than the trophy and cash.

    _________________________________________________________________ [1 mark]

    g) What can the competitors learn from participating in the carnival?

    _________________________________________________________________ [1 mark]

    h) Replace the meanings in the table with the correct word/phrase from the poster.

    Meaning Word/phrase

    i. good ties

    ii. the last day

    [1 mark]

    [1 mark]

    i) Why do you think this programme can encourage students to participate in sport?

    ______________________________________________________________ [1 mark]

    [10 marks]

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    (j) Your friend is not interested in any sports. In about 50 words, encourage your friend to take

    part in a game.

    In your message:

    name the game that is suitable for him

    tell him the benefits of taking part in sports

    add other relevant information to make your writing interesting

    You may use the details in the poster as a guide in your writing.

    Dear ____________,














    [10 marks]

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    SULIT Page 7

    When you have friends or relatives coming to stay over at your home, you should go

    the extra mile to make their stay as comfortable as possible. You should make sure your

    guest room have certain basic essentials such as fresh sheets and blankets on the beds,

    curtains on the windows, working lights, a fan, a clock, a wastebasket, an extra blanket

    and a cleared shelf or drawer.

    A few days before your guests arrive, ask them their food preferences and

    allergies. This will give you time to prepare what food to cook or buy for them.

    However, do not go and buy unusual ingredients that you would not normally buy. You

    should also let your guests know ahead what activities you have planned so that they

    can pack appropriately. You should also ask them if there is anything they would like to

    do or see while they are in town.

    If your guests are driving, try to save a good parking spot for them. Dont make

    your guests waste their time looking for a parking spot. When your guests first arrive,

    offer snacks and a beverage to them. Then show them to the guest room. You should

    help carry their bags and also point out where everything in the guest room is.

    You can also make your guests feel like a part of the household. They can help

    to wash and chop the vegetables. However, do not ask them to take out the trash or

    scrub greasy pans. Finally, be nice to your guests and do not argue with your family

    members in front of your guests. It will make them feel awkward. Just follow these

    simple tips and without a doubt, your guests will enjoy their stay.


    [20 Marks][Time suggested: 20minutes]

    Question 4

    Read the article on ways of preparing for guests who are staying over at your home.

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    Read the article carefully and answer questions (a)(i).

    (a) State one basic essential for the guest room.

    ______________________________________________________________________[1 mark]

    (b) What should you ask your guests a few days before they arrive?

    ______________________________________________________________________[1 mark]

    (c) Listtwothings you should do when your guest first arrive.


    ii._____________________________________________________________________[2 marks]

    (d) Why should you tell your guests the activities you have planned ahead?

    ______________________________________________________________________[1 mark]

    (e) Fill in the table with an appropriate word/phrase from the article.

    Meaning Word/Phrase

    i. going above and beyondwhatever is required for the taskat hand

    ii. providing physical ease andrelaxation

    iii. a house and its occupants

    iv. for certain

    [4 marks](f) Why should you save a good parking spot for your guests?

    ______________________________________________________________________[1 mark]

    (g) What can you do to make guests feel a part of the household?


    [1 mark]

    (h) Why do you think you should not argue with your family members in front of yourguests? Give tworeasons.


    ii._____________________________________________________________________[2 marks]

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    (i) Givetwoother suggestions on how to be a good host to your guests.


    ii._____________________________________________________________________[2 marks]

    [15 marks]

    Question 5

    Read the poem below carefully. Then, answer questions (a)(d).

    The RiverValerie Bloom

    The rivers a wanderer, The rivers a baby,A nomad, a tramp, He gurgles and hums,

    He doesnt choose one place, And sounds like hes happilyTo set up his camp. Sucking his thumbs.

    The rivers a winder, The rivers a singer,Through valley and hill As he dances along,He twists and he turns, The countryside echoesHe just cannot be still. The notes of his song.

    The rivers the hoarder, The rivers a monsterAnd he buries down deep Hungry and vexed,Those little treasures He gobbled up treesThat he wants to keep. And hell swallow you next.

    (a) In the first stanza, why is the river considered a tramp?

    ______________________________________________________________________[1 mark]

    (b) State twoimportant characteristics of the river.


    ii._____________________________________________________________________[2 marks]

    (c) In the third stanza, what does a hoarder do?

    ______________________________________________________________________[1 mark]

    (d) Why do you think that one has to be careful with the river?

    ______________________________________________________________________[1 mark]

    [5 marks]

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    [40 Marks][Time suggested: 45 minutes]

    Question 6

    You should spend 30minutes on this question.

    The picture below shows a fire that you witnessed while returning home from school.

    Based on the picture given, write a recount of the incident.

    When writing the recount, you should:

    give details of the incident

    write what you saw and suggest one way to avoid this incident

    make sure your recount is between 120 and 150 words[30 marks]

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    Question 7

    You have studied the novel of Journey to The Centre of The Earth written by Jules Verne.Based on the novel, Journey to The Centre of The Earth writes about your favourite character.Provide evidence from the text to support your response.

    Write: in not less than 50 words

    in continuous writing(not in note form)



















    [10 marks]

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    Answer scheme


    Question 1

    Errors in the passage The correct words(a) become became

    (b) is was(c) her him

    (d) cloth clothes(e) shared share

    (f) largest large

    (g) died die(h) said say

    (i) when where(j) angry angrily


    Question 2(a) mini-agro forestry park and wildlife sanctuary in Sarawak(b) farmhouse(c) two weeks(d) RM750(e) go horse-riding and help in training horses(f) visit the local kindergarten and school to interact with children(g) plant trees(h) learn tribal traditions(i) meals(j) local guides

    Question 3(a) False(b) True(c) False(d) True(e) Hockey(f) T-shirt/keychain/book voucher(g) Enhance healthy relationship among students/Develop interest among students in

    sports/Educate students on the importance of sport(h) i.healthy relationship

    ii.deadline(i) Because the prize is lucrative. Any possible answer.

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    Category Marks Description

    Excellent 910 requirements of the task are fulfilled

    response is well organised and well developedwith ideas and details

    subject matter is relevant with close reference tothe task

    sentence structures are varied and usedeffectively to convey meaning, language isexcellent and accurate

    vocabulary is apt and widely used

    spelling is accurate, tenses are correct,appropriate and consistent

    Credit 78 requirement of the task are largely fulfilled

    response is organised and developed with ideasand details

    subject matter is largely relevant with close

    reference to the task sentence structures are mostly effective but lack

    variety, language is largely accurate

    vocabulary is wide enough but lacks precision

    spelling is accurate and tenses are largely correct

    Achievement 56 requirements of the task are adequately fulfilled

    response is adequately organised but lackscoherence

    subject matter is sufficiently relevant

    some ability to develop some ideas but lackdetails, some sentences are short and simplemeaning is conveyed

    vocabulary is sufficient to convey meaning, someerrors in spelling and tenses.

    Weak 34 requirements of the task are partially fulfilled

    response lacks organization

    ideas are less developed

    subject matter is partially relevant

    sentences are short, simple and repetitivemeaning is obscured

    serious errors in spelling, tenses and punctuation

    Very weak 12 requirements of the task are hardly fulfilled

    response is disorganized and incoherent

    subject matter is irrelevant hardly any ideas

    hardly any accurate sentence

    meaning is not conveyed

    high density of errors

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    Question 4(a) Accept any one: fresh sheets and blankets/curtains/working lights/a fan/a clock/a

    wastebasket/extra blanket/cleared shelf or drawer(b) Ask guests their food preferences and allergies.

    (c) i.offer snacks and beverages to guests to the guest room

    (d) The guests will know what to pack.(e) i.go the extra mile

    ii.comfortableiii.householdiv.without a doubt

    (f) So they will not waste time driving around for a parking spot.(g) Ask them do simple chores such as to wash and chop the vegetables.(h) i.It will make guests feel awkward.

    ii.Your guests might not feel welcome.(i) i.Be nice to guests.

    ii.Help carry guests bags to their room

    Question 5(a) Because it does not have a fixed home and wanders around.(b) i.a wanderer

    ii.a hoarder(c) The hoarder buries and stores things.(d) The river can be dangerous.


    Question 6

    Category Marks Description

    Excellent [ A+] 2630 has shown excellent competence

    has reasons and examples used are relevant andappropriate demonstrates depth and maturity ofthought in presenting ideas, reasons andarguments.

    excellent linguistic abilitysentence variety,appropriate vocabulary,

    well organized and coherent

    hardly any major errors

    Good [ A ] 2125 has shown clear competence

    reasons and examples used are largely relevantand appropriate

    demonstrate some depth in presenting ideas,reasons and arguments

    few major errors

    Satisfactory [ B ] 1620 has shown some competence

    reasons and examples used examples used are

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    weak, repetitive and shallow

    competence linguistic ability but at times, a littlechoppy

    some gross and minor errors(spelling, tenses)Passable [ C ] 1115 demonstrates a lack of understanding of the

    requirements of the task

    lacks details to support ideas, reasons andarguments

    repetitive and monotonous sentences

    not very competent linguistic ability

    a number of gross and minor errors that affectmeaning

    Unsatisfactory [ D ] 610 demonstrates confusion about the task

    lack coherence

    incompetent use of language and vocabulary

    frequent gross and minor errors

    Poor [ E ] 05 inability to understand task and respond

    meaningfully incoherent piece of writing

    lack of relevant support

    numerous serious and minor errors throughout

    copying of entire rubric

    *Any attempt to write id given marks.*Copying/plagiarismzero marks

    Question 7

    Category Marks Description

    Excellent 910 requirements of the task are fulfilled

    response is well organised and well developedwith ideas and details

    subject matter is relevant with close reference tothe task

    sentence structures are varied and usedeffectively to convey meaning, language isexcellent and accurate

    vocabulary is apt and widely used

    spelling is accurate, tenses are correct,appropriate and consistent

    Credit 78 requirement of the task are largely fulfilled

    response is organised and developed with ideasand details

    subject matter is largely relevant with closereference to the task

    sentence structures are mostly effective but lackvariety, language is largely accurate

    vocabulary is wide enough but lacks precision

    spelling is accurate and tenses are largely correct

    Achievement 56 requirements of the task are adequately fulfilled

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    response is adequately organised but lackscoherence

    subject matter is sufficiently relevant

    some ability to develop some ideas but lackdetails, some sentences are short and simplemeaning is conveyed

    vocabulary is sufficient to convey meaning, someerrors in spelling and tenses.

    Weak 34 requirements of the task are partially fulfilled

    response lacks organization

    ideas are less developed

    subject matter is partially relevant

    sentences are short, simple and repetitivemeaning is obscured

    serious errors in spelling, tenses and punctuationVery weak 12 requirements of the task are hardly fulfilled

    response is disorganized and incoherent

    subject matter is irrelevant hardly any ideas

    hardly any accurate sentence

    meaning is not conveyed

    high density of errors

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