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UNIT 44 OUTREACH DRAMA 22 December 2014

I think overall the process was a huge success considering the amount of time we had on it, which was about 2 weeks. However, it wasn't straight forward and I had a lot to learn very quickly. In the beginning, I felt very anxious and worried about reading the script, the casting, remembering my lines and the pressure of it all. I



Final Evaluation

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UNIT 44 OUTREACH DRAMA 22 December 2014

think it was the unknown that scared me the most but inside I was an emotional wreck at this point which was a weakness of mine throughout the start of this process. However, when we got the script I loved the storyline and I was excited about the casting because there were a few characters that I found really interesting, which were Ruth and Nicky who I auditioned for. On the other hand, I liked Granny because I felt like I could relate to her in some ways, but I didn't think I would suit that character as well as some other members of the company so I didn't put myself forward for her. Looking back, I wish I had done but I didn't think I had enough confidence so I put myself forward for what seemed like a safer option. Luckily, I was cast as Granny and I was very happy even though she wasn't one of my two choices, I trusted Carleigh had made the right decision.

The casting was a success because it wasn't a long process and I think everyone suited their roles. This was a company strength because we all adapted really fast and I don't think I would have changed anything if I could have.

I now know what a schools tour requires and that it basically a lot of hard work, energy, patience, time and commitment and that is before you even start the performance. Not only was we performing but we were also doing everything else which included:Company rep - Alex, Sam, Julia Marketing - Julia, Alex, Sam


The Official Casting of The Secrets Out:

Holly - AlexNicky - HarrietJane - DaniellaRuth - Julia Granny - Amber-LilyGramps - Levi Arthur - Erol Humpty Dumpty- SamNumpty Dumpty- LewisStumpy Dumpty- CharleyLittle Al - Connor

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UNIT 44 OUTREACH DRAMA 22 December 2014

Tour management - Daniella, Harriet, Amber Props - Erol and Connor Costume - Levi, Lewis and Charley Hair and makeup - Amber and Harriet Set - Erol, Charley and ConnorEven though we had these assigned roles we all helped each other in the end by loading up each others cars with equipment such as, wooden stools, lighting, drapes, metal poles and props. All the equipment required trust and responsibility which I feel we respected and therefore this was a company strength throughout this process.

On the 12th of December 2014, was the begging of the Tightrope Theatre Company Schools tour. We visited Grave hill Primary School in Bexleyheath, which was my first ever acting performance. I was very excited but nervous at the same time. Being up early and having to set up and perform at 9 am which was a challenge in itself as I am not a morning person was difficult. I was exhausted before my day had even began, from the intense rehearsals that we had been experiencing all week. I got stuck in traffic and was nearly late which caused me even more stress. Everything was a rush but as soon as I was behind that curtain I became focused and everything slowed down and suddenly it was real. My nervous disappeared as soon as I stepped out onto the stage and I remember the feeling was very serial. The most difficult part of this show was the limited space. Having rehearsed with a lot more room made it difficult but we handled it as best as we could. I messed up some of my lines when I made eye contact with the children in the audience but I tried to engage and make them feel apart of it. I think this is an individual strength because I took a risk and this is something that I have done a lot throughout this process. In contrast to this, I do think the show was lacking energy and this is was a problem.

However, I thought the workshop with the children at the Gravehill Primary school went really well considering what we did with becky was 10x harder. I think becky inspired me to have fun and enjoy the time with the children instead of it feeling like a job or a chore just make everything into a game. For example, I wanted everyone to touch the wall so I made it into a race and they did respond quicker than when I asked them to do something. Becky did prepared us for the worst and it did help us as a company to understand what to expect. I enjoyed the workshop and I know the children did too from the smiles on their faces. I think some of the games were not appropriate for instance the dragon game was to energised for the last game. I think we should have thought about the order of the games more that was a company


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UNIT 44 OUTREACH DRAMA 22 December 2014

weakness but overall it was a success. I hope to have inspired some of them to be more confident within themselves and an interest in theatre.

School Tour Workshop Plan: List of games and leaders

Name game JULIABing bong name. DANIELLAStop and start opposite SAMMagic letters AMBERHep / zip zap CONNOR // ALEX // LEVINorth South // eye captain DANIELLA // EROLRiver Jump JULIA // SAMSticky fingers/stuck in the mud ALEX // CONNOR // AMBERCat and mouse CHARLEY // SAMGuess who started it HARRIET // EROLRiding on their Pony LEWIS // CHARLEY

2nd Show Saturday Matinee: Miskin Theatre• Thought it would be easier on home grounds but it wasn't  • I was more nervous for this one I think it's because I had the pressure of

people I know was coming to watch me • Scene 2 Erol forgot his line and put me and levi in an awkward position • After some quick improve we got it back but this did effect the rest of my

performance throughout the show• I felt we picked it up towards the end of the show  • But overall there was a lack of energy, play and connection with the audience

Company Weakness • Looking at the floor when dancing  • Not connecting with the audience  • We were all looking over them and not at them

Individual Weekness• Lack of breath when singing • Forgetting to sing when dancing  • Cant breath quick enough that is something that I really need to work on


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UNIT 44 OUTREACH DRAMA 22 December 2014

3rd Show Saturday Evening: Miskin Theatre• Best show so far  • I loved it  and the audiences energy  • This time I had members of my family come again and I just had a different

thought process going into this one. I said to myself just go all out and take some risks because there's no way it could be worse than the last one. And so I did and it paid of and because I felt I had more play with it I started to relax and really enjoyed it more than any other time.

• For me this was one of our best ruins and I felt really good about it afterwards • I had good feedback from the children that came they really enjoyed it and

even came away knowing all the characters names so we must have done something wright.

Company Strength: • Better energy • More play • More risks • Less mistakes • More focus and less panic 

Individual Weaknesses:• Singing  • Breathing  • Keep changing my Voice 

4th Show Sunday Matinee: Miskin Theatre • Performed to 2nd years • Lot of expectation  • Everyone was falling over  • Great energy/Lots of play  • Great audience very generous  • Out of breath when singing and dancing

5th Show Sunday Evening: Miskin Theatre • Harriet fell over in the opening number • Best performance in turns of play and connecting with the audience • I fell over with Alex during the physical section in we just found a cure  • A negative was that the floor made us all hesitant  • it was dangerous 


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UNIT 44 OUTREACH DRAMA 22 December 2014

The Bracton Centre: 6th Show Monday afternoon This show was not what I anticipated at all. It was very different and it had a warm feel about it. I personality felt like this performance was the most rewarding out of them all because we brought entertainment, joy and happiness to a place I imagine doesn’t have a lot of it. I think they really appreciated us and the performance which made me feel good. It  made me also start to think about my life and appreciate the things that I have and that I am lucky enough to be doing the thing that I love most and that is performing. I wasn’t scared of going in there like others, I was actually looking forward to meeting some of them. It was our best performance but it was the one I enjoyed the most because I knew it meant the world to this audience. It was only afterwards that I began to realise how important that show was. I feel proud of myself and the company but most of the audience. I will never forget this performance because I have learnt that theatre it not about the performance or actors its about the audience. I want this to influence my work and my next process because from here I have discovered what a true performance and that is the connection you have with your audience.

7th Show Tuesday morning: The Gateway Academy Primary School• Had a good atmosphere  • Questions and answers  •  Inspired the children  • Amazing  • loved it

This process has been one of the most challenging experiences I have ever faced in my life. I experienced such a contrast of emotional throughout this process. There were moments when I was so scared and nervous that I had to focus on composing myself and I had to start taking deep breaths to calm myself down yet, I enjoyed every single minute of it. I have come so far and achieved so much I have that feeling of accomplishment and it feels amazing. My confidence has gone from 0% to 100% in the space of two weeks. The stress, the intensity, the exhaustion I have experienced from doing all of them late nights was all worth it. I am so proud of myself for accomplishing this process and for becoming a better and more confident person. I have achieved something than I thought would never be possible for me to do. I have taken risks and broken my own boundaries, I have inspired others and that is why I now feel like I can call myself an actor.


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UNIT 44 OUTREACH DRAMA 22 December 2014