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Page 1: Filtration System



P R O P O S A L # C T - 1 0 - 0 1 3 0

October 25, 2010

DAR ALMARIFA, Amman, Jordan Attention: Mr. Waleed Murad

Project: Midland Refineries Co. (Daura Refinery)

By Martine Menard, B.Sc. LEED A.P.

8 5 S a r g e a n t S t . , P . O . B o x 6 1 4 1 , H o l y o k e , M A 0 1 0 4 1 U S A • T e l . : ( 4 1 3 ) 5 3 2 - 6 0 8 9 • F a x . ( 4 1 3 ) 5 3 4 - 5 8 9 3 1 4 0 0 T e e s S t r e e t , S t - L a u r e n t , Q u e b e c , C A N A D A H 4 R 2 B 6 • T e l . : ( 5 1 4 ) 3 3 5 - 2 2 0 0 • F a x : ( 5 1 4 ) 3 3 5 - 2 2 9 5

w w w . s o n i t e c . c o m

Important: The information and content are the sole properties of Sonitec. Inc and cannot be used, reproduced or distributed in any form or by any means without prior written permission from Sonitec Inc.

Page 2: Filtration System



Recirculation Flow


Considering the above data, we are proposing the following VORTISAND Side Stream Filtration System for your water loop application

1) Vortisand model AWT3-36-SI Skid mounted

2) Vortisand model AWT6-36-SI Skid mounted

3) Vortisand model AWT12-36-SI Skid mounted (2 banks)

420 gpm (95,5 cu.m./hr)

840 gpm (190,9 cu.m./hr)

1 760 gpm (400 cu.m./hr)

Oil & grease concentration None

Daily turnovers -

Make up water source City water quality

** Preventive measures must be implemented in order to avoid problems leading to media carry-over or media clogging. We do not recommend Vortisand for applications where high BOD/COD or oil & grease are present. However, the filter could be used if measures are taken (bacteria control must be rigorous; presence of oil & grease must be controlled with extreme conditions, it is the user’s responsibility to insure that the filter is cleaned and sterilized at the right time. S u m m a r y S t a t e m e n t Our experience in cooling towers over the last 25 years indicates that the great majority of suspended solids in recirculation systems are smaller than 5 microns in size. It is then very important to use a very fine filter to remove those contaminants before they agglomerate in low flow areas, clog strainers and nozzles, foul heat exchangers. VORTISAND®, because of its fine filtration capability, is the most valuable equipment to be installed. Therefore, the use of a 0.45 micron filter for cooling towers is recommended.

Vortisand® Efficient

Proud Member of Greenbuilding Councils

Page 3: Filtration System

PRICES AND TERMS Price per system: 1) Vortisand model AWT3-36-SI Skid mounted $ 69 327 US 2) Vortisand model AWT6-36-SI Skid mounted $ 130 030 US 3) Vortisand model AWT12-36-SI Skid mounted $ 257 085 US Option adders: Skid mounted - Epoxy painted steel skid mounted - Included 2 in. SS ball valves – pneumatic actuator – Included Adder for A/C device for control panel – extreme weather conditions

(50C ) if installed OUTDOOR.

In order to prolong filter media life and optimize filter efficiency, we recommend to install an Optisand Manual Chemical Clean (Patent Pending) system for periodic media sanitization. This patent pending media sanitization device includes stainless steel 5 usg tank, removable cover, 4 manual ball valves, pump and connecting piping. Proper chemical agent will be fed periodically into the water inlet to assist cleaning of the media from oil or other contaminants 1) 2) $ 4 063 US 3) $ 8 125 US

Export crating To be confirmed Start-up assistance and Training by Sonitec: Not included – to be confirmed

Installation: By others. Sonitec shall provide complete instruction. Ex Work Sonitec factory Montreal CANADA Delivery: 4 weeks 6-8 weeks ARO Payment: 50 % with purchase order; 50% prior to shipping (Bank Wire Transfer) Taxes: Customer’s responsibilities if applicable Validity: 15 days Terms & Conditions: Refer to attached document. Note: System is fully assembled and shipped on a steel skid, epoxy painted if skid

mounted option has been selected

Page 4: Filtration System


• “SIDE STREAM FILTRATION” system operates until either a pressure drop across the filter is reached or a 24 hours has elapsed. At either point, the filter will automatically backwash and return to its original mode.

• The system is equipped with an Omron PLC (Programmable Logic Controller) which is connected to an

Operator Interface Unit (OIU) to let the customer have the full control over the operation parameters. The following parameters can be adjusted to optimize the water savings while keeping the filter media at its maximum efficiency:

1. Backwash duration; 2. Periodic forced backwash; 3. Periodic maintenance reminder; 4. High backwash frequency alarm.

• The control panel has a differential pressure sensor used to detect the pressure built by the contaminants.

When the differential pressure is above the set point, the PLC initiates a backwash cycle.

• The PLC is programmed to force a backwash cycle automatically when the differential pressure sensor did not trigger the sequence within the hour range set in the periodic forced backwash parameter.

• Alarms in case of pump failure or sequence malfunctioning will facilitate troubleshooting of the unit. The

alarm is usually connected to an Automatic System for quick acknowledgement. Alarms will be displayed on the OIU.

• Operator Interface Unit

1. Easy to understand textual communication 2. Better status and fault diagnosis (in case of stager or pump failure) 3. Improved alarms detection 4. Flexible forced backwash frequency (hour increment) 5. Embedded backwash counter 6. Adjustable backwash timer with remaining time countdown 7. High backwash frequency warning 8. Automatic periodic maintenance reminder 9. Password protected 10. Omron PLC with minimized wiring 11. 2 lines x 16 characters backlit LCD 12. 4 functions keys 13. Automatic backwashing by differential pressure detection 14. Adjustable timer for periodic forced backwashing 15. Pump start/stop according to the backwash cycle 16. Stager operation 17. Pump fault and stager fault detection 18. Pump fault and stager fault detection 19. Easy on-site reprogramming 20. Provide RO Lockout during backwash cycle 21. A backwash water flow controller will limit the flow through the filter during backwash

eliminating loss of sand.

Page 5: Filtration System

• Performance may vary depending upon type and amount of suspended solids. Sonitec assumes the

system to be properly chemical treated. Filter system nominally rated for 0.45 micron

• A separate source of clean chlorinated water for backwash water is recommended. Clean water extends the life expectancy of the sand media and assures long term performance of the filter by keeping it cleaner than if cooling tower water is used to backwash. IMPORTANT Using other than a city water source for backwash may result in premature media fouling condition.

• Raw water must be free of oil and grease and of any substance that can agglomerate with the multi-

media silica sand.

• IMPORTANT - A reduced pressure zone back flow preventer must be installed on city water line, upstream the Vortisand filter, if there is any potential danger for city water to be contaminated. (Supplied by others)

• System is designed for a maximum flow rate of 20 gpm per square foot of filter surface media.

• The filter media is permanent. The backwash flowrate is half of the service flowrate with and adjustable

time duration (4 to 8 minutes). A D V A N T A G E S & B E N E F I T S


1. Chemical program enhances the need for finer filtration: iron precipitates when oxidized and creates a very fine crystal that is a fraction of a micron, then becomes larger and larger. But the iron particle circulating through the heat exchanger is very fine and it needs to be that way otherwise fouling occurs very quickly. Dispersing agents are used to keep the solids fine enough and charged so their tendency to agglomerate and to get larger is then reduced artificially.

2. 0.45 micron filtration will remove the very fine suspended solids before they agglomerate and foul in the tower sump or on heat exchangers. This fine filtration allows us to reduce the turnover rate and to recommend 10 turnovers/day for clean water or less depending on the contamination.

• LOW BACKWASH REQUIREMENT - Low flow rate for backwash makes it easy to use clean chlorinated

water rather than tower water for extended life of the media and chemicals savings.

• COOLING TOWERS BENEFITS 1. No more nozzles or strainers blocked for adequate temperature and recirculation of water; 2. Sump cleaning is virtually eliminated. 3. Pump seals last longer.


1. Higher energy transfer efficiency due to clean surfaces (no fouling of suspended solids); 2. Adequate temperature of chilled and condenser water for proper chiller or process operation. 3. Increased output due to better cooling.

• OPTIMAL USE OF CHEMICALS - Chemicals will work better because suspended solids will not interfere

with the treatment. No more fouling on pipes, heat exchangers, and better corrosion and microbiological control will result.

Page 6: Filtration System


VORTISAND uses centrifugal force (vortex effect) to whirl the untreated water above the media (multi layers) helps to remove the suspended solids and significantly increases the effective filter surface within the tank. This turbulence produces a sustained cleaning action that forces the suspended solids to accumulate on the inside walls of the tank. As a result, much finer sand can be used without any clogging problems. The water, now largely free of impurities, is then filtered through the media and subsequently collected. Contaminants trapped above the sand are removed using an automatic backwash cycle which requires less water and a shorter operating time than traditional sand filters. This process contributes to longer cycles and much finer filtration levels.

VORTISAND, the original 0.45 filtration technology, provides a filtration that is 10 times finer than the traditional sand filters. Our filter is designed for 0.45 micron solid removals and its high performance results from a unique concept that combines centrifugal separation and sand filtration. The typical depth down flow filter approach uses a media bed that hold solids at a rate of 2 to 5 pounds of solids per Cu Ft. The Vortisand works on cross flow filtration, like a membrane system, which allows the water to maintain a cleaning action at the top of the ultra fine media working layer. If this same Vortisand media was used in a conventional down flow design, the filter would blind over and channeling would quickly develop throughout the bed. This technology allows Vortisand to filter down to 0.45 micron, easily carry away solids during backwash and maintain a higher filter efficiency.

Raw water

Filtered water

ConventionalDepth FiltrationDown Flow

Filter Cake(dependant)

ContaminantAccumulation2 – 5 lbs / CuFt

Working Media

Cross FlowFiltrationVortex Effect


Filter Cake(limited)

Working Media(ultra fine level)


Page 7: Filtration System

The conventional down flow depth filter technology can only filter down to 10 - 15 micron. Typically after backwash the filter can reduce solids down to 15 micron until a filter cake is developed and then filtration may decrease to 10 micron. Once the filter cake creates a higher then design pressure differential, the solid captured in the top lay of the conventional filter bed can channel down through the bed and out the bottom distribution piping, resulting in a surge of TSS back into the filter effluent


ConventionalDepth FiltrationDown FlowProcessFlow Rate100 GPM

BackwashFlow Rate250 GPM @ 15 min.3750 Total Gallons

BackwashingSupply / Discharge4” dia. @ 7 FT/SEC.



Cross FlowFiltrationProcessFlow Rate100 GPM

BackwashFlow Rate50 GPM @ 4 to 8 min.400 Total Gallons

BackwashPipingSupply / Discharge2” dia.


4.9 ft2

Another significant difference in the two technologies is that the depth filter will require higher water flow during backwash, requiring a larger pipe to be installed on both the backwash supply and the backwash wastewater discharge. Typically, a down flow filter will use 25% to 50% more total backwash water over the same period, resulting in higher utility and higher wastewater cost. The limitation of a conventional depth filter is 10 -15 micron filtration efficiency. The filter requires a filter cake to form before filtration down to 10 micron can be realized. Filter quality changes throughout the filtration cycle, the backwash rate is the same as process flow or higher, the use of chemical dispersants limit filters effectiveness and energy requirements require filtration efficiency, due to high turn over rate requirement, to filter down to 10 micron. Overall, the utility cost is higher, the cost for wastewater treatment is higher and typical energy cost will be higher if properly sized

Page 8: Filtration System

Key Benefits of the Vortisand

• The Original 0.45 Filtration Technology • Proven technology for over 25 years in both small and large flow systems • Nominal 0.45 sub-micron and proven to remove TSS down to 0.25 micron • Reduces all (TSS) total suspended solids in circulating water loops by more than 90% • Filtration up to 20 gpm / sq.ft. (2-4 times greater than conventional filters) • Improve chemical effectiveness by significantly reducing suspended solids • Reduces nutrient food source for biological formation, typically related to those particles less the ten

micron • Reduces energy consumption • Low backwash flow rate at 25 to 30% of a typical down flow media filter • High efficient filtration means smaller foot print installations and easy to install • Durability & Maintenance free operation • Low horsepower requirement • Variable and full flow systems • Fully automatic systems with adjustable OIU settings from a key pad • Filtration efficiency unmatched and guaranteed


Page 9: Filtration System

!خطأ Important of Filtration to Less Then 1 Micron CCoonnvveennttiioonnaall FFiillttrraattiioonn -- FFiillttrraattiioonn bbyy %% VVoolluummee // WWeeiigghhtt RReemmoovveedd

Conventional filtration performance is based on the ability to remove a volume percentage of the total particle by weight, even though the total number of particles removed may be only be 10 to 15%. Vortisand High Efficiency Sand Filtration - Filtration by Particle Total T.S.S. Removal

Before After

Total of 10 particles Total of 3 particles smaller than 5 microns VVoolluummee RReemmoovvaall

EEffffiicciieennccyy >> 9900%% PPaarrttiiccllee RReemmoovvaall EEffffiicciieennccyy 9900 %%



90 % of the Volume


Total of 10 particles

Total of 9 particles smaller than 5 microns VVoolluummee RReemmoovvaall

EEffffiicciieennccyy 9900%% PPaarrttiiccllee RReemmoovvaall EEffffiicciieennccyy 1100 %%

Why using LASER PARTICLE ANALYSIS (LPA) ? Customers may have concerns about increased operating costs, increased blowdown and water solid loading in their cooling water systems. Water disinfecting is also difficult with high suspended solid loads (UV). We recommend a Laser Particle Analysis (LPA) to be done in order to get a handle on the size and distribution of the suspended solids. By knowing what to be dealing with would pay off in the long run when selecting an appropriate filter. In essence, an LPA will identify the number and size of all particles present in the water (or solution). An LPA will generate a report that lists particle size and the distribution of the particles as a percent of the total present. When filter are in use, an LPA is a better indicator of a filter’s performance than a turbidity test. LPA conducted before and after a filter will clearly demonstrate the unit’s ability to remove impurities from water. Filter performance can be determined by comparing the percent total reduction of the particles between the filter’s influent and the effluent. It will also be noticed how effective the unit is at removing particles of various sizes. E.g. : A conventional filter may remove 80% of the 10 micron and larger particles but if the impurities are smaller than 10 micron, benefits will be minimal. .

Page 10: Filtration System

Cooling Tower – Side Stream 99% removal of TSS particles down to less then 1 micron Automotive Assembly Plant Cooling Tower Application. After 23 days of operations, note the reduction of TSS – 99%. 1 to 5 micron particles were reduced from 700,000 count to less then 7,000. Closed Loop – Side Stream Suspended Iron Removal typically less the 5 microns American Automotive Assembly Plant closed loop-cooling water. The majority of particles found in the closed loop water was suspended iron. After 30 days 99% of all particles were removed. Note the total number of particles less then 5 micron was 1,800,000 in count. This system has a, patent pending, chemical feed system to prevent the iron from fouling the filter. Welding tip replacement was reduced by more then 60%, because of less fouling, resulted in less labor cost and less downtime. Cooling Tower Loop – Side Stream Filtration Single pass Inlet and Outlet Manufacturing Plant (wood panels) 89% of suspended particles found were smaller than 5 microns. On a single pass, Vortisand filter removed 46% of particles smaller than 1 micron and 85% of particles smaller than 2.


100 000

200 000

300 000

400 000

500 000

600 000

700 000

800 000




nt (#


1-5 5-15 15-30 30-50 50-100

Particle Sizes (micron)

Particle CountCooling Tower Water

After 23 days

Start up

After 23 days



0200 000400 000600 000800 000

1 000 0001 200 0001 400 0001 600 0001 800 0002 000 000




nt (#


1-5 5-15 15-30 30-50 50-100

Particle Sizes (micron)

Particle CountWelder Water

Ass'y Plant, MI (2004)After 30 days

Start up

After 30 days



99% 99% 99%


2 0 0 0 0

4 0 0 0 0

6 0 0 0 0

8 0 0 0 0

1 0 0 0 0 0

1 2 0 0 0 0

1 4 0 0 0 0




nt (#


< 1 1 -2 3 -8 8 -1 6

P a r tic le S iz e s (m ic r o n )

O p e n W a te r L o o p P a rtic le C o u n t

C la r io n B o a rd s , P AIn le t/O u tle t

In le t O u t le t

4 6 %

8 4 %

8 5 %

7 8 %


Page 11: Filtration System

Typical Side Stream Installations

Alternate Water Loop – Filter can be used on both open and closed loop systems. Primary filtration on condenser loop and alternating to closed loops when required. Consult factory for specific installation.

Basin to Basin - Sump water intake and return. Our high efficiency design reduces the need for sweeper piping in tower sumps.


The warranty on filter system vessel is 5 years and warranty starts 60 days after shipment date. The warranty on filter manifold and external equipment is 1 year and warranty starts 60 days after shipment date. Within this period, any parts or equipment found to be defective under normal use will be repaired or replaced with no material charge to the end user except for labor and shipping costs.