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  • 8/10/2019 Film Review Article: "SHOOTER"


    Film Review Article: SHOOTER

    by Alan Morrison

    The original reviews of the film, Shooter(2007), directed by Antoine Fuqua, with a screenplay by

    Jonathan Lemkin, were very mixed. The mainstream media were not enthusiastic. One viewers reviewsaid it was made by and for pinko-liberal communists in order to get people to despise their

    government; whereas another one said that it was one of the most unforgettable films he has ever

    seen with an intelligent screenplay and an important message for our time. I guess this is the great

    divide in America. One either gets it or one doesnt and most dont.So letscrack open this film to

    see what it has to say to us.

    The essential storyline of the film is as follows. (By the way, I make no apologies for spoilers as

    knowing what happens doesnt make a jot of difference to appreciating the message or the direction of

    the film). It opens with a US marine expert sniper (Bob Lee Swagger, played by Mark Wahlberg) and

    Danny, his spotter, in Ethiopia watching over a black ops mission from a hillside. Things go wrong

    and they get hung out to dry by the CIA field advisor and, as a result, they come under attack and the

    spotter is killed. Cut to three years later and we see Swagger (Ruby Ridge style) in a cabin 9000 feet up

    in the mountains in Wyoming with his dog (who fetches his beers from the refrigerator) and the

    solitude. By now he has a ponytail, a beard and a book about 9/11 on his desk. As he turns to a news

    website on his computer, he mutters Lets see what lies theyve got for us today. Clearly, he had

    learned from his experience in Ethiopia!

    Suddenly, we hear a car outside. Its a large black SUV with blacked-out windows. No prizes for

    guessing who is inside! Three big guys emerge, the head of which is a Colonel Johnson (not, of course,

    his real name)a big wheel in a contracting company (like Blackwater) connected to the CIA of the

    kind increasingly used by Langley as a way of carrying out dirty operations which would not (officially)

    be publicly tolerated by congress. Swagger comes out of the cabin and tells them to turn tail and go

    back where they camefrom. But they have a proposition for him. They claim to have intercepted a plot

    to assassinate the President and Col. Johnsons people have determined that it would probably have to

    happen in one of three places (Washington DC, Baltimore and Philadelphia), and would have to be

    done by a sniper shooting from over 1,500 yards away. Johnson says he wants Swagger to stake out the

    three areas, and determine the best way that the sniper would do it, so that they can try to prevent it.

    At first, he refuses; but after Johnson pushes some of Swaggers patriotic buttons, the sniper agrees.

    Sample dialogue of Johnsons argument here:

    Bob Lee Swagger: I don't really like the President much. Didn't like the one before that, much,either.

    Colonel Isaac Johnson: You like the ideaof the President, living in a free country. Do we allow

    America to be ruled by thugs?

    Bob Lee Swagger: Sure, some years we do.

    Huge laugh in the cinemas. But its not so much funny as true. And its not just someyears but most! Of

    course, the irony here is that Colonel Johnson and his contractor ilk are the total thugs, as the film

    reveals. It also reveals that America is ruled by such thugs, regardless of who is president.

    Soon, we see Swagger sizing up the various potential assassination locations and he reports back thatPhiladelphia is the most likely. When the day comes for the Presidents speech in front of

    Independence Hall in Philly, Swagger is there with his binoculars in a room overlooking the event with

    Colonel Johnson and sidekicks. Just as the hit is about to take place, a beat cop comes into the room by

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    arrangement with Johnson and proceeds to shoot Swagger who is hit twice and falls out of the window

    through a glass roof. Still alive but badly hurt, Swagger limps off and forcibly takes an FBI vehicle from

    an agent (Nick Memphis) who he tells about the set-up. After a car chase he winds up in the river and

    disappears. The TV news declares that Swagger was the assassin and portrays him as a dangerous man

    on the run. (We can smell Lee Harvey Oswald herein fact, Swaggers name is not totally dissimilar

    although the difference is that Swagger-the-patsy is much more adept at keeping himself alive than

    Oswald-the-patsy). Swagger then goes to the house of the girlfriend of his dead spotter buddy from

    Ethiopia who dresses his wounds and helps him to recover (as well as providing him with Danny's old

    hunting rifle to get him started on his campaign of revenge).

    The rest of the film is about how Swagger finds out what is going on, who is involved and why. (In fact,

    it wasnt the President who was hit but an Ethiopian bishop standing next to him. There are good

    reasons for that, connected with the black op at the beginning of the movie, as you will discover if you

    see it).

    There are a few particular cameo scenes in the movie during which much is revealed. They are like set-


    1)In the first cameo scene, the rookie FBI agent, Nick Memphis (3 months out of the academy) has

    been lured by Swagger as bait into a trap. (The agent already realises that Swagger was set-up and, as a

    result, he obviously has to be dealt with by the powers that be). We then see Memphis kidnapped by

    CIA hired contractors and beaten in a disused warehouse, after which he is rigged up in a suicide

    machinea kind of brace which pulls your arm round to point at your head and a gun is put in your

    hand and fired. One of the agents tells him Dont worry, youve already written a touching suicide

    note. What they didnt reckon on was Swagger in a boat 200 yards away with the hunting rifle. Three

    shots later the agents are dead and Memphis is rescued by Swagger. One of the great moments in the

    film is in this scene when Memphis tells Swagger to get himself a good lawyer and hell file an FBI

    report to his superior telling the truth and then everything will be okay. Now here youd expectSwagger to say something like Dont be so stupid, theyre all in on it. But instead he simply says I

    dont think you understand. These people killed my dog. Precisely. Theyd stop at nothing. They have

    to be dealt with! From that point on, Memphis teams up with Swagger in trying to get to the bottom of

    the plot.

    2)The second cameo scene involves a visit by Swagger and Memphis to a wise old gunsmith called Mr.

    Rate who is based in Tennessee (which Swagger amusingly calls the patron state of killing stuff!). The

    old gunsmith is played by actor Levon Helm (the original drummer and vocalist in Bob Dylan's group,

    The Band). There is something totally real about this scene. Helm's character rings true. This is a great

    role, wonderfully performed, as Mr. Rate sheds some important additional light on the plot. Inresponse to the public notion that Swagger killed the Ethiopian bishop, Mr. Rate says mischievously:

    "They also said artificial sweeteners were safe, WMDs were in Iraq, and Anna Nicole married for

    love!" Right on, Mr. Rate. There must be many such wise old-timers tucked away in the backwoods of


    3)The third cameo scene involves a confrontation between Swagger and another sniper who works as

    a contracted killer for the CIA (and who seems to spend most of the movie based in the Langley,

    Virginia, headquarters of that organisation). Hes the one who killed the archbishop from Ethiopia. This

    guy is played by Serbian actor, Rade Serbedzija, who brings a sinister touch to the film. With nothing

    left to lose and minutes away from death (realising that he too is about to be wasted by his CIAhandlers), he spills the beans about everything to Swagger. Its a powerful few minutes of vital

    information about the plot, about the fact that nothing evil happens without the prior approval of the

    government, and also about the black op which Swagger unwittingly protected as a sniper at the

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    beginning of the film. Apparently, the Blackwater style contractors for which Swagger had been sniping

    were massacring an Ethiopian village of four hundred men, women and children to make way for a US

    oil pipeline, the station of which was built over the mass grave. (The Ethiopian archbishop was going to

    spill the beans about this event while he was alongside the US president so he was shot dead but it was

    made to look like a botched assassination attempt on the Presidentwith Swagger as the fall guy).

    4)The fourth cameo scene involves a powerful denouement on top of a glacier. Present are Col.

    Johnson, Senator Charles F. Meacham, a CIA hitman, Swagger, his girlfriend and Nick Memphis.

    Swagger has now got the upper hand, having thwarted every attempt on the part of Col. Johnson (run

    by Senator Charles F. Meacham) to kill him off. But, true to form, Meachum isnt about to give up

    (these guys never do). Heres part of the exchange:

    Senator Charles F. Meachum: You got any plans after this? You have a rather unique skill set. I'd be

    interested in offering you a job.

    Bob Lee Swagger: Work? For you?

    Senator Charles F. Meachum: It's not really as bad as it seems. It's all gonna be done in any case. You

    might as well be on the side that gets you well paid for your efforts.

    Nick Memphis: And what side are you on?

    Senator Charles F. Meachum: There are no sides. There's no Sunnis and Shiites. Theres no

    Democrats and Republicans. Theres only haves and have-nots There's always a confused soul that

    thinks that one man can make a difference. And you have to kill him to convince him otherwise. That's

    the hassle with democracy This is a country where the Secretary of Defense can go on T.V., and tell

    the American public that This is about freedom! It's not about oil! And nobody questions him, cuz

    they don't wanna hear the answer, because it's a lie! There are only so many places at the table,

    Gunnie. Now, are you on the INSIDE, or are you on the OUT?

    This scene represents the confrontation between the corrupt government/secret service nabobs and

    the awakened ones who have seen through them. It demonstrates the utter cynicism, complete self-centredness and total disregard for truth and human life of those who run things. (It also represents

    the naivet of those who think that it is possible to do something about it, but thats another story, as

    well see).

    5)The fifth cameo scene in the film takes place in the US Attorney-Generals office. This occurs near

    the end of the movie and is, in my opinion, where it begins to go slightly astray. I dont mean in terms

    of the dialogue content but in terms of the fact that, in real ity, by this time Swagger (and FBI agent Nick

    Memphis) would no longer be alive. No doubt about that. However, be that as it may, Swagger is

    brought in chains and wearing an orange prison suit into the Attorney-Generals office before a small

    committee. Col. Johnson is also present, as is FBI agent Nick Memphis. Swagger and Memphis revealthe truth to the AG about the assassination and about the Ethiopian massacre but, although he agrees

    that it is the truth, he confesses that he is unable to do anything about itthat he is powerless against

    these forces. The Attorney-General does say to Johnson: Colonel, your moral compass is so fucked-up,

    I'll be shocked if you manage to find your way back to the parking lot. Nevertheless, Col. Johnson then

    walks from the room a free man, while saying to Swagger I won. The AG then sits informally on the

    table beside Swagger and says: For the record, I don't like how this has turned out any more then you

    do. But this is the world we live in. And justice does not always prevail. It's not the Wild West where you

    can clean up the streets with a gun. Even though sometimes it's exactly what is needed... Bob Lee

    Swagger, youre free to go. The clear implication is an unspoken authorization by the powerless

    Attorney-General for Swagger to clean up the streets with a gun, which he duly does in the finalscene of the film.

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    However, even though Swagger does mete out Wild West justice in the film, while this may be

    satisfying for audiences looking for a resolution to tell them that all is well with the world, it will not

    change anything at all; because for every Senator Meacham and Col. Johnson there are two more such

    scum waiting to step into their shoes. As the Serbian CIA sniper asset told Swagger You don't get it.

    There is no head to cut off. It's a conglomerate. If one of them betrays the principles of accrual of

    money and power, the others betray him. And this is the main theme of the film: That the entire

    thrust of government (in this case, especially the US government) is all about money and power and

    the fact that anything or anyone who stands in the way of that will be ruthlessly dispatched from this


    Bob Lee Swagger is a kind of upstanding antihero, a hybrid consisting of John Wayne cleaning up the

    streets of the Wild West and Clint Eastwood cleaning up the streets of Los Angeles (some might even

    add Rambo cleaning up the jungle). As a sergeant gunner in the US marines, Swagger had awoken from

    the hypnotically-induced trance which makes soldiers and civilians alike naively think that the military

    is defending freedom and democracy.

    Swaggers own betrayal experience in the military and his subsequent researches have led him to

    understand how things work in the world of conspiracy-fact. As he says to the girl tending his wounds:

    The first rule of conspiracy is to find some dumb-assed patsy, blame him and then kill him. The second

    rule of conspiracy is to clean up the loose ends. After [Jack] Ruby took care of his end, somehow he dies

    of an embolism in jail before he can talk to anybody.For those too young to remember, Jack Ruby was

    the unstable, nightclub-owning, mafia-connected patsy who was sent in to kill Lee Harvey Oswald

    (JFKs alleged killer)to shut him up, not at the time realising that he himself was going to be taken out

    too. [Here is an excerpt from the Wikipedia article about Ruby: A year after his conviction, in March

    1965, Ruby conducted a brief televised news conference in which he stated: Everything pertaining to

    what's happening has never come to the surface. The world will never know the true facts of what

    occurred, my motives. The people who had so much to gain, and had such an ulterior motive for

    putting me in the position I'm in, will never let the true facts come above board to the world.Whenasked by a reporter: Are these people in very high positions Jack? he responded Yes.] As Swagger

    said, the loose ends must be cleaned up. Thus Jack Ruby was also duly cleaned up (taken out, killed).

    In fact, many people connected with the Kennedy assassination have been murdered or have died

    under mysterious circumstances, for which see Sylvia Meagher, Accessories After the Fact: The

    Warren Commission and the Report, Random House, 1976, 477 pages, sadly out of print but still

    available used and highly recommended. The Kennedy assassination is the most disgusting wart on the

    face of the United States of America. It is its pinnacle of corruption and a warning to all who would try

    to meddle with the plans of those who secretly run the country. The warning is: Meddle and you will

    soon be removed from this world. If we can do it to a man like the President, then we can easily do it toyou. (Remember that Kennedy wanted to stand up to organised crime with his brother and he also

    said he wanted to splinter the CIA into a thousand pieces and scatter it into the winds. As part of that, he

    removed the then director of the CIA, Allen F. Dulles, from office though ironically Dulles later sat on

    the Warren Commission which produced the whitewash report on Kennedys assassination. A

    president cannot stand up to organised crime and the CIA and expect to live for long. As the Mafia and

    CIA have always been in each others pockets and even carry out each others assassinations it

    doesnt take a great deal of imagination to work out how John F. Kennedy met his death).

    There are a number of things which are underlined in this film:

    1) The first thing which is underlined in this film is that the US military is not a force for the

    defense of the country but it is a tool of the corporate empires of America in the global

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    furtherance of their wealth and power. If people do not realise this after the debacles of

    Afghanistan and Iraq then they are blind beyond belief.

    2) The second thing which is underlined in this film is that most politicians are not working for the

    representation of the people but are the puppets of the corporate empires of America in the

    global furtherance of their wealth and power. This is what so-called lobbyism is all about. But

    it goes way beyond that. Way beyond it. The truth is that the Senate and House of

    Representatives and all their committees are merely there to rubber-stamp whatever thecorporations want to do wherever it is in the world. Together with the Trilateral Commission,

    the Council on Foreign Relations, the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund, the big

    corporations ensure the direction which business and government will take hand-in-hand. It is

    all carefully mapped out. Those countries which deviate from what is desired or which refuse

    to cooperate will be overthrown by a CIA induced coup, or leadership assassination, or a full-

    blown invasion, or financial bleeding dry and isolation;while those individuals who try and

    stand up to this machine or expose it will be silenced at any cost.

    3) The third thing which is underlined in this film is that the public media (newspapers,

    magazines, television) is one big lying machine but that the majority of people are actually

    relieved that it is the way it is because the truth would be far too revealing, far too painful andwould necessitate them ceasing to be the kind of couch potatoes which governments need

    them to be. (It was interesting that when Barack Obamas former pastor, Jeremiah Wright,

    uttered a few home truths about America, the media went into apoplexy and Obama had to

    publicly denounce his pastor! Theres nothing like Truth for causing a furore!).

    4) The fourth thing which is underlined in this film is that, as the Serbian sniper reveals,

    Nothingno matter how horribleever really happens without the approval of the

    government, over there and here. This is what people do not, cannot and will not accept, even

    if they do suspect it in their hearts. I know of many people who secretly suspect that the event

    known as 9/11 was an inside job; but they cannot allow themselves to fully admit it because it

    would mean having to rethink everything in their lives and that is too painfultoo destabilising

    for them, even though it is the truth. (Even ugly truth is beautiful precisely because it is Truth!).

    As it has been said: The masses have never thirsted after truth. Whoever can supply them with

    illusions is easily their master; whoever attempts to destroy their illusions is always their victim

    (Gustave Le Bon).

    Shooter is a film which harks back to the darkly cynical, profoundly sceptical, utterly convincing

    political-conspiracy thrillers of the 1960s and 1970s, such as The Parallax View, The Manchurian

    Candidateand Three Days of the Condor, etc. There must be countless Nick Memphiss in the FBI

    as yet uncorrupted younger guys who doggedly want to see law and order prevail and thats why they

    signed up in the first place. Just as there must be countless ex-marine types like Swagger who have

    seen through the thin veneer of democracy in the USA to witness the real corruption and evil which lies

    behind it and behind the darkness of the massacring American War Machine which in a demonic

    touch of hypocrisy poses as a freedom-giving angel of light. As Senator Meachum said in the film

    about Swagger, such men do indeed have a unique skill set. But the gun is notthe answer. Creating

    patriotic militias will not solve anything. Rampant vigilantism will ultimately prove destructive and

    nihilistic,attractive as it may seem at a certain level of justice (I will be addressing this whole issue of

    vigilantism in a separate article) and will only bring down annihilation on all who use it. There is a

    telling moment near the end of the film as Swagger administers gun justice to the oily Senator from

    Montana. The exchange goes like this:

    Senator Charles F. Meachum: Wait a minute. Hold it, just a minute. Hold it... are you out of your

    mind? Are you out of your damn mind? I am a United States senator...

    Bob Lee Swagger(as he blows out the Senators brains): Exactly...

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    Exactly indeed! The senator was reaping what he had sown. The very fact that he had been entrusted

    with government which he had then used murderously and corruptly meant that he deserved what he

    had meted out to others. But his death doesnt solve anything. As the Serbian sniper said in his last

    powerful moments of honest exposition: You don't get it. There is no head to cut off. Its a

    conglomerate. If one of them betrays the principles of the accrual of money and power, the others

    betray him. What it is is human weakness and you cant kill that with a gun. Precisely. It is the

    natural corruption of this present dying age which seeps into the heart of the human souland it cannot

    be eradicated with a gun. The clearimplication here is that for every evil scumbag to whom one might

    administer peremptory justice with a gun, Wild West style, there will be another one in the wings

    ready to take his or her place. There would be no end to it. This is the world in which we live. This

    present age is fundamentally evil and it is rooted in deception, egotism, narcissism, vanity, corruption,

    selfishness, avarice, murder and cruelty. The US government is no exception to this, also being solidly

    rooted in corruption, narcissism, selfishness, avarice, murder and cruelty, no matter how much one

    may pretty it up to the human eye with White House lawns, elaborately-built Capitol Hill buildings and

    oak-lined interiors decked in grand period portraits, velvet curtains, thick pile carpets and slick election

    addresses. To fill such grand buildings with politicians is like putting dung inside a silver Gucci slipper.

    If you wonder why I should be such an affront to you by speaking in this vein and about these things, it

    is because the deception has been so deep that the majority of people in the USA have actually

    supported and avidly campaigned for the corruption, selfishness, avarice, murder and cruelty carried

    out by their government in countries such as Afghanistan and Iraq. This is something for which they

    should be deeply ashamed. People need to be shocked out of their sleepwalking mediocrity and


    There is no time like the present to stop being a supporter of evilwhether it has been deliberate or

    by default, whether it has been through corroboration or because of cowardice. Guilt for such things

    sticks to you like mud sticks to a jackboot. Make no mistake about it. It IS a jackboot that we arespeaking about here. It is the fascism of corporate America and its US military puppet, backed up by its

    foppish servantthe Senate and Congress of its governmentand silently supported by the smug

    collaboration of the American people. That such blatant fascism can happen under the thin disguise of

    freedom and democracy is a testament not only to the strong delusion involved but also to the

    gullibility of the mass of people today.

    Many say that it is unspiritual to address the matters of government corruption and disinformation.

    But being spiritual means nothing if it ignores humanitarian issues. Being spiritual means being

    proactive in uncovering truth and advocating peace, righteousness and justice.

    Shooter is a well-directed and powerful action film, even if only taken on that level. However, its

    message about the sham of democracy, the dictatorship of business corporations and the apparent

    powerlessness of decency in these dark times is even more compelling. This film should give us cause

    to question whether we ourselves are collaborators and traitors or seditionists and dissidents. To take

    the latter course is the noble and knightly one, regardless of the outcome for our own personal safety.

    Alan Morrison

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