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Film Distributor analyse

UK monthly cinema admissions figures 2014

January 15,187,114

February 14,332,398

March 10,360,563

April 12,678,793

May 12,601,600

June 10,399,406

July 13,275,721

August 17,066,765 

From this piece of data it shows the monthly cinema admission figures in 2014. It shows that in august there was a high demand of people watching movies in cinemas, there was 17,066,765 people who were watching movies half-way through the year compared to January which only had 15,187,114 people in the cinema. This shows that there was a higher demand for movies later on in the year. But in March it showed the lowest amount of cinema administration figures with only 10,360,563. This tells me that the most popular time for movies so far in 2014 is august.

HorrorHorror noir table website,

From looking at other websites it shows that the most popular movie that was released I august 2014 was “as above so below” this movie is a horror film which was distributed by universal studios. This film was classed as a thriller/suspense, and the gross that the movie made was $18,305, but the overall gross was $21,197,315. This was made over 38 days; this shows that the Movie became successful over time.

From looking at this table it shows that the horror genre wasn’t doing too well at all. However it got significantly popular in 1997 to 2007 with the exception of 2002. This could suggest that the demand for horror was high and that there were more types of horror movies and that these types of movies were getting

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the attention of the audience and selling more tickets. But the year that the horror genre was at its best was in 2007 as it reached 100,000,000 tickets sold; this could be because that there were many horror movies in that year. This will help for my noir horror as I now know that the horror genre isn’t that popular when compared to other genres such as action and thriller/suspense. I have also found out that the usual distributers of the horror franchise are “Miramax and Sony pictures.” This will help me decide what my distributer would be as these two are the usual ones for this genre, also as Sony is a popular distributer it could help my movie gain popularity. However Miramax is well known for horror movies where as Sony does a range of movie genre. Also from looking at the two distributors horror movies, it shows that Miramax horror movies are usually a PG-13 or a rated R. This will help influence what age rating my movie will be, this is because Miramax is not as well know as Sony do more genre of movies which range in age rating from PG to rated R where as Miramax does very few genres and they are ether a PG-13 or a rated R.

In 2007 the most popular movie of that genre was “I am Legend” the amount of tickets sold for that movie was 29,960,694. This could have been because of the use of Will Smith as he was popular during 2007 and he could have sold the movie making people want to watch it. The budget for the movie was $150,000,000. This shows that it was expensive to be a very action pact and CGI film and would be worth o be a very action pact and CGI film and would be worth the money. However as the movie was rated a PG-13 it would limit the audience a bit, this is because children under the age of 13 can’t watch it. This would cause the target audience to be limited. but from the picture below it shows that

despite the age rating it performed quite well surpassing the budget of the movie and making a profit. All of this information will help me, as it will give me a better understanding of how well some horror

movies will do. It will also help me to understand that the use of a famous actor might help sell the movie and gain popularity.

NoirNoir (action genre) table

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Most Noir type movies are classed as action movies such as Sin City, The Dark Knight and Skyfall so I looked at the tickets sold for action movies. And as you can see from the picture above the action genre is very popular from 1995 to today. This could be because of the use of popular actors in this genre of films. This would attract attention to the audience. The most popular time for action movies is 2003 as it sold more than 200,000,000 tickets in that year. This will help me as it shows that the audience enjoys action so it will influence the way my opening of my movie will be like.Also form looking at this website I know that the most common distributers of this ether “Warner bros. or Paramount pictures” this will help the movie as both these are very popular so it will help me when it comes to deciding what distributer I would like.

One of the noir films that is in the action genre is “sin city: a Dame to kill for”. This movie is set in the 1920’s and involves gangs so it is a typical noir movie. This movie involved a lot of well know actors such as Eva green and Bruce Willis and more. This would make the movie better know and sell this movie making it more popular. However the use of all these famous actors/actresses will make the production budget quite high.

The budget for this movie was $65,000,000 which is not that much when compared with “I am Legend” but this could be because there isn’t as much CGI and Green screen.

Also the worldwide box office for this movie is $35,649,672, this is under the budget of the movie however it is fairly new so it will have more time to make more money.The distributer of this movie is Weinstein co. This company is not well known and in recent years hasn’t been selling many tickets. This could be because most of the movies they distribute (including this one) are rated R, this will drastically affect the target audience as the movie will be appropriate for people 15 and over. So this would reduce the amount of people able to watch this movie. This will help me as it shows that having the age rating too high will affect the amount of money it will make due to the fact that the target audience has been restricted.