Download - Film Cw K 2

Page 1: Film Cw K 2

Surviving November

Tom Dunlop 13C Film Coursework

Shot Number 1Shot Duration - 10 sec

Show’s Zombie character knelt, covered in blood.

Camera - Medium close up.Camera movement – Camera follows the zombie’s movements whilst slowly panning around to the side.

Audio - Non diegetic - rustling, snarling sounds.

Lighting – Natural. Image darkened slightly in an attempt to make it scarier.

Editing - Image darkened to create a tense feeling, as a night time setting is supposedly scarier than having it set in the day time.

Page 2: Film Cw K 2

Surviving November

Tom Dunlop 13C Film Coursework

Shot Number 2Shot Duration - 7 sec

Show’s Zombie character dribbling blood, presumably having eaten something raw. Deliberately ambiguous as to what he is eating.

Camera - Mid shotCamera movement – Camera slowly zooms in to capture the dripping blood.

Audio - Non diegetic - crunching, tearing sounds. Slight wind noises.

Lighting – Natural.

Editing - Image darkened to create a sense of foreboding. Idea of a storm of the horizon, as emphasised by the dark clouds. Suggests events are to change.

Page 3: Film Cw K 2

Surviving November

Tom Dunlop 13C Film Coursework

Shot Number 3Shot Duration - 5 sec

Show’s protagonist (hero) stood alone in a desolate landscape. Imagery of the crowbar suggests violence. Also, tower in the background is framed against the trees, suggesting an objective. Cigarette smoke to show the character is attempting to calm his nerves.

Camera - Establishing shot. Camera is still, focused on the protagonist.

Audio - Non diegetic - Slight wind. Heavy breathing.

Lighting – Natural. Image darkened so that the character stands out.

Editing - Image darkened to emphasise the protagonist being isolated. Stands out against the blurry landscape, which suggests an almost surreal experience. Why is this character alone, and carrying a crow bar? Foreshadows confrontation with the zombie.

Page 4: Film Cw K 2

Surviving November

Tom Dunlop 13C Film Coursework

Shot Number 4Shot Duration - 10 sec

Show’s protagonist walking - creates tension as we expect confrontation with Zombie. Swinging crowbar promotes expectations of violence.

Camera - Tracking shot. Camera follows the protagonist as he walks, eventually panning around so the camera is behind him.

Audio - Non diegetic - Slight rustling of the grass. Wind blowing, suddenly quite fast.

Lighting – Natural. Image darkened slightly so that the character stands out.

Editing - Image remains darkened to create tension.

Page 5: Film Cw K 2

Surviving November

Tom Dunlop 13C Film Coursework

Shot Number 5Shot Duration - 6 sec

Show’s protagonist barely visible against the dark. Suggests his isolation, as well creating a fear of the unknown, as it is not immediately apparent what will happen to him.

Camera - Extreme long shot. Camera is not particularly focused on anything, so that audiences don’t immediately know where to look.

Audio - Non diegetic - wind.

Lighting - Natural

Editing - Image darkened to create a tense feeling, Lack of detail means audiences do not know what to expect.

Page 6: Film Cw K 2

Surviving November

Tom Dunlop 13C Film Coursework

Shot Number 6Shot Duration - 5 sec

Shot of the ground. Leads to a quick transition where we see the zombie sit up. Designed to make audiences jump, as it is unexpected.

Camera - Point of view - protagonist looking down. Camera follows what the character is looking at, before quickly looking up, as if the protagonist heard something.

Audio - Non diegetic - rustling, snarling sounds.

Lighting – Image edited slightly in an attempt to make it look like torchlight.

Editing - Meant to look like torchlight, as if the character was looking for something on the ground. Perhaps this light startles the zombie.

Page 7: Film Cw K 2

Surviving November

Tom Dunlop 13C Film Coursework

Shot Number 7Shot Duration - 5 sec

Show’s Zombie character knelt, covered in blood. Character is staring at protagonist, which is intended to shock and scare.

Camera - Reaction shot. Camera zooms out slightly as if the protagonist is backing away.

Audio - Non diegetic - rustling, snarling sounds. A low growling noise from the zombie

Lighting – Edited to look like torchlight, which has startled the character.

Editing – Image brightened slightly.

Page 8: Film Cw K 2

Surviving November

Tom Dunlop 13C Film Coursework

Shot Number 8Shot Duration - 5 sec

Show’s Zombie character standing in an aggressive stance, as if about to charge at protagonist.

Camera - Long shot. Camera is static, as if the protagonist is standing his ground. This also allows for audiences to get a good glimpse at the character.

Audio - Non diegetic - snarling, growling noise.

Lighting - Natural

Editing - Image darkened slightly to make the scene look darker, to create tension and fear.

Page 9: Film Cw K 2

Surviving November

Tom Dunlop 13C Film Coursework

Shot Number 9Shot Duration - 7 sec

Show’s Zombie character running at protagonist.

Camera - Medium close up. Camera remains static, so show the protagonist is standing still.

Audio - Non diegetic - wind, snarling hissing sounds.

Lighting - Natural

Editing - Image darkened slightly, pictured slightly blurred to suggest movement

Page 10: Film Cw K 2

Surviving November

Tom Dunlop 13C Film Coursework

Shot Number 10Shot Duration - 5 sec

Close up of the snarling zombie, covered in blood

Camera - Close up. Camera jumps a bit as if the protagonist is attempting to avoid the zombie.

Audio - Non diegetic - Hissing, snarling sounds. Slight whistling sound as the crowbar moves through the air.

Lighting - Natural

Editing - Crowbar slightly blurred to suggest movement. Image darkened slightly to fit with the rest of the sequence.

Page 11: Film Cw K 2

Surviving November

Tom Dunlop 13C Film Coursework

Shot Number 11Shot Duration - 5 sec

Shows Zombie character in the background with the crowbar in the front to make it stand out. Also suggests movement of both the zombie and weapon.

Camera - Close up. Camerawork is again jumpy and amateur, suggesting the character is attempting to avoid the zombie. Intended to be in slow motion, to emphasise the characters movements.

Audio - Non diegetic - Hissing, snarling noises. Whistle as the weapon scythes through the air.

Lighting - Natural

Editing - Image blurred to suggest movement.

Page 12: Film Cw K 2

Surviving November

Tom Dunlop 13C Film Coursework

Shot Number 12Shot Duration - 5 sec

Show’s Zombie character about to be hit with a crowbar

Camera - Medium close up. Camera remains more focused on the weapon. Also intended to be in slow motion, to emphasise the impact.

Audio - Non diegetic - Aggressive zombie noises.

Lighting - Natural

Editing - Blurred weapon to show movement.

Page 13: Film Cw K 2

Surviving November

Tom Dunlop 13C Film Coursework

Shot Number 13Shot Duration - 7 sec

Show’s Zombie character just before weapon hits him

Camera - Medium close up. Camerawork is again jumpy to make it unclear about how the protagonist is fairing. Camera resumes normal speed.

Audio - Non diegetic - Shrieking, spitting noises - zombie fury. At the end of the shot, a dull impact is heard.

Lighting - Natural

Editing - Weapon blurred to show movement and impact. Zombie slightly blurred to show reaction. Leads to a quick transition of the results of the impact on the ground.

Page 14: Film Cw K 2

Surviving November

Tom Dunlop 13C Film Coursework

Shot Number 14Shot Duration - 5 sec

Show’s splattered blood on the ground. Suggest the demise of the zombie, without actually revealing it. Could also suggest the injury of the protagonist - left deliberately ambiguous.

Camera - Close up. Camera is stationary, and focused on the ground as the blood splatters land.

Audio – Sound of blood splattering.

Lighting - Natural

Editing - Desaturated slightly to emphasise the red.

Page 15: Film Cw K 2

Surviving November

Tom Dunlop 13C Film Coursework

Shot Number 15Shot Duration - 5 sec

Show’s branches covered in blood. Again does not reveal which character came off worst.

Camera - Close up.

Audio - Slight wind.

Lighting – Natural.

Editing - Image darkened to make the red blood stand out.

Cuts to title sequence.