Download - File Systems, telnet and ftp Sources and Resources: 1. A Students Guide to UNIX, by Hahn 2. Paula Davidson’s Handout on UNIXHandout on UNIX.

Page 1: File Systems, telnet and ftp Sources and Resources: 1. A Students Guide to UNIX, by Hahn 2. Paula Davidson’s Handout on UNIXHandout on UNIX.

File Systems, telnet and ftp

Sources and Resources: 1. A Students Guide to UNIX, by

Hahn2. Paula Davidson’s

Handout on UNIX

Page 2: File Systems, telnet and ftp Sources and Resources: 1. A Students Guide to UNIX, by Hahn 2. Paula Davidson’s Handout on UNIXHandout on UNIX.

Internet Applications:telnet For Remote Login telnet remote_host_name

Internet application Used to login to a remote computer Allows your expensive PC to look like a

dumb glass tty or asynchronous terminal

At UNCA, you will use telnet to login to the servers:,, and the engineering

Page 3: File Systems, telnet and ftp Sources and Resources: 1. A Students Guide to UNIX, by Hahn 2. Paula Davidson’s Handout on UNIXHandout on UNIX.

Internet Applications:telnet For Remote Login

Ways to access telnet From a DOS window From the run window in Windows From a browser

telnet://login_name@server_name telnet://[email protected]

Page 4: File Systems, telnet and ftp Sources and Resources: 1. A Students Guide to UNIX, by Hahn 2. Paula Davidson’s Handout on UNIXHandout on UNIX.

Internet Applications:ftp For Moving Files ftp remote_host_name

Internet application Used to move files to or get files from

a remote computer At UNCA, you will use ftp to move files

to the servers:,, and the engineering

Page 5: File Systems, telnet and ftp Sources and Resources: 1. A Students Guide to UNIX, by Hahn 2. Paula Davidson’s Handout on UNIXHandout on UNIX.

Internet Applications:ftp For Moving Files

Ways to access ftp From a DOS window From the run window in Windows From a browser

ftp://login_name@server_name ftp://[email protected]

What would happen if you used

Page 6: File Systems, telnet and ftp Sources and Resources: 1. A Students Guide to UNIX, by Hahn 2. Paula Davidson’s Handout on UNIXHandout on UNIX.

UNIX File System Hierarchical Contains files

Text files Special files

Standard I/O – Keyboard, Display Device files


Page 7: File Systems, telnet and ftp Sources and Resources: 1. A Students Guide to UNIX, by Hahn 2. Paula Davidson’s Handout on UNIXHandout on UNIX.

File Structure - Hierarchical

Page 8: File Systems, telnet and ftp Sources and Resources: 1. A Students Guide to UNIX, by Hahn 2. Paula Davidson’s Handout on UNIXHandout on UNIX.






Page 9: File Systems, telnet and ftp Sources and Resources: 1. A Students Guide to UNIX, by Hahn 2. Paula Davidson’s Handout on UNIXHandout on UNIX.

Commands mkdir Make a directory

mkdir newDirectory Makes a new directory named

newDirectory as a child of the current directory

Page 10: File Systems, telnet and ftp Sources and Resources: 1. A Students Guide to UNIX, by Hahn 2. Paula Davidson’s Handout on UNIXHandout on UNIX.

Commands rmdir Remove a directory

rmdir newDirectory Removes a directory named

newDirectory. If specified as a relative path (not

beginning with a /) the directory to be removed must be in the current working directory.

Page 11: File Systems, telnet and ftp Sources and Resources: 1. A Students Guide to UNIX, by Hahn 2. Paula Davidson’s Handout on UNIXHandout on UNIX.

Commands ls List contents of a directory

ls newDirectory Lists the contents of newDirectory

ls Lists the contents of the current working

directory ls –a

Lists all the contents of the current working directory, even the hidden files

Page 12: File Systems, telnet and ftp Sources and Resources: 1. A Students Guide to UNIX, by Hahn 2. Paula Davidson’s Handout on UNIXHandout on UNIX.

Commands ls List contents of a directory

ls –l Lists all the contents of the current

working directory in a long listing which displays the file permissions as well as the owner, group, size in bytes, modification date

Page 13: File Systems, telnet and ftp Sources and Resources: 1. A Students Guide to UNIX, by Hahn 2. Paula Davidson’s Handout on UNIXHandout on UNIX.

Commands cd Change directory

cd // sets current working directory// to your home directory

cd otherDirectory

// sets current working directory

// to otherDirectory

Page 14: File Systems, telnet and ftp Sources and Resources: 1. A Students Guide to UNIX, by Hahn 2. Paula Davidson’s Handout on UNIXHandout on UNIX.

Commands cd Change directory

cd .. // sets current working directory// to the parent directory or

moves // one level up the hierarchy

cd ../..

// sets current working directory

// to 2 levels up the hierarchy

Page 15: File Systems, telnet and ftp Sources and Resources: 1. A Students Guide to UNIX, by Hahn 2. Paula Davidson’s Handout on UNIXHandout on UNIX.

Commands mv Move or rename a file

mv file1.txt file1.html // renames file1.txt to file1.html

mv file1.txt newDirectory/file1.html// moves file1.txt to


Page 16: File Systems, telnet and ftp Sources and Resources: 1. A Students Guide to UNIX, by Hahn 2. Paula Davidson’s Handout on UNIXHandout on UNIX.

To do

1. telnet into your account2. Display your home directory.

What directories exist in your home directory?

3. Do you have a public_html directory?

If not, create a directory under your home directory and call it public_html

Page 17: File Systems, telnet and ftp Sources and Resources: 1. A Students Guide to UNIX, by Hahn 2. Paula Davidson’s Handout on UNIXHandout on UNIX.

To do4. Change directories into your

public_html directory. 5. Change back to your home directory.6. Change to the root directory.7. Change back to your home directory.8. Create a subdirectory called junk9. Change into junk and create two

subdirectories: j1 and j2.10. Remove j1, j2 and junk.

Page 18: File Systems, telnet and ftp Sources and Resources: 1. A Students Guide to UNIX, by Hahn 2. Paula Davidson’s Handout on UNIXHandout on UNIX.

File Permissions The various flavors of UNIX including

LINUX and OS/X store permissions for every file.

There are three independent permissions Read Write Execute

You can change permissions for your files.

Page 19: File Systems, telnet and ftp Sources and Resources: 1. A Students Guide to UNIX, by Hahn 2. Paula Davidson’s Handout on UNIXHandout on UNIX.

File Permissions for Directories The various flavors of UNIX including LINUX

and OS/X store permissions for every directory.

There are three independent permissions Read - read names in a directory Write - make changes (create, move, copy, remove) Execute - search the directory (cd into it)

You can change permissions for your directories.

Page 20: File Systems, telnet and ftp Sources and Resources: 1. A Students Guide to UNIX, by Hahn 2. Paula Davidson’s Handout on UNIXHandout on UNIX.

Permissions: an octal representation

chmod permissions file Read: 4 100 Read + Write: 6 110 Read + Execute: 5 101 Read + Write + Execute: 7 111

Write: 2 010 Write + Execute: 3 011 Execute: 1 001

Page 21: File Systems, telnet and ftp Sources and Resources: 1. A Students Guide to UNIX, by Hahn 2. Paula Davidson’s Handout on UNIXHandout on UNIX.

chmod permissions file Each file has three sets of permissions Permission modes exist for you your_group world

rwx rwx rwx

n chmod 777 myWideOpenFilen chmod 744 myOtherFilen chmod 700 mySecretFile

Page 22: File Systems, telnet and ftp Sources and Resources: 1. A Students Guide to UNIX, by Hahn 2. Paula Davidson’s Handout on UNIXHandout on UNIX.

Displaying File Permissions ls -l-rw-r--r-- 1 mmasuser staff 20788 15 Dec 14:14 Adobe SVG

3.0 Installer Log

drwx------ 19 mmasuser staff 646 21 Jan 14:53 Desktop

drwx------ 21 mmasuser staff 714 16 Jan 15:13 Documents

drwx------ 29 mmasuser staff 986 11 Nov 14:09 Library

drwx------ 17 mmasuser staff 578 27 Nov 19:55 Movies

drwx------ 4 mmasuser staff 136 9 Oct 13:52 Music

drwx------ 5 mmasuser staff 170 19 Dec 19:27 Pictures

drwxr-xr-x 4 mmasuser staff 136 9 Oct 13:30 Public

drwxr-xr-x 5 mmasuser staff 170 9 Oct 13:30 Sites

Page 23: File Systems, telnet and ftp Sources and Resources: 1. A Students Guide to UNIX, by Hahn 2. Paula Davidson’s Handout on UNIXHandout on UNIX.

In class Do you have a directory under your home

directory named public_html? If not, create a directory under your home

directory and call it public_html Set file permissions for public_html:

chmod 755 ~/public_html Change directories into your public_html

directory. Create a new directory named 172.

4. Create 3 subdirectories of 172: Assignment1, Assignment2, and Assignment3.