
FIGU Bulletin No. 113 September 2021


Frequency of publication: Internet: 27th volume Periodic e-letter: [email protected] No. 113, Sept. 2021

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Former U.S. intelligence officer: "Aliens are very interested in our nuclear weapons".

10 June 2021 3:27 pm

In an interview, the former director of the US intelligence project "Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program, Luis Elizondo, spills the beans. Not only are UFOs real, according to Elizondo, and capable of things that terrestrial technology cannot do - they would also appear conspicuously often where there is nuclear technology. Former US intelligence official: 'Aliens are very interested in our nuclear weapons' Source: AFP © KTSDESIGN/SCIENCE PHOTO LIBRARY


FIGU Bulletin No. 113 September 2021 2

Symbolic image: According to the website "Statista", a total of almost 135 900

multiple UFO sightings

Luis Elizondo was the head of a former special U.S. intelligence program designed to identify "aerospace threats." The unit's official name was the Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program (AATIP). In a recent interview with the Washington Post, Elizondo said that aliens - or whoever was piloting the unidentified flying objects - appeared to be showing great interest in nuclear technology. There is "some sort of intersection between these UAP or UFO sightings and our nuclear technology with nuclear propulsion, nuclear power generation, or nuclear weapons systems," Elizondo claims to the newspaper. Moreover, he said, there have been similar observations in other countries. According to the former intelligence official, the aliens have managed to take US nuclear technology "offline" on "more than one occasion." In other countries, they are said to have even managed the opposite - to bring it "online". The hook for the interview with the Washington Post was a report that the Pentagon recently prepared for Congress in connection with UFOs - or as the official US designation is: "UAPs" (for "Unidentified Aerial Phenomena"). According to initial excerpts leaked to the press, the report neither seeks to confirm nor rule out that "UAPs" could be aliens. But for Elizondo, there can be only one explanation.

"These things can do 3.4 or 600g in mid-flight"

The video footage he had seen pointed to technologies "that could be anywhere from 50 to 1,000 years ahead of us ... they can frankly outstrip anything we have in our inventory. And we're pretty sure our foreign adversaries have everything in their inventory," Elizondo told the Washington Post. Some of this video footage - shot by military pilots - showed physically impossible things, he said. The rapid changes in direction, in particular, astounded Elizondo. "Humans can withstand about 9 g forces, or some of our best planes can withstand about 16 g," the former intelligence official said. But "these things do 3, 4 or 600 g in mid-flight." Moreover, they should be able to fly at hypersonic speeds. While hypersonic technology already exists - Russia has several hypersonic missiles, for example - the sighted flying objects are also said to be able to make extreme turns, something man-made objects have not yet been able to do. Beyond that, the UFOs are said to have the ability to camouflage themselves from human observers and operate in any medium - air, water or the vacuum of space - without sacrificing performance. The Pentagon had confirmed that much of the footage was genuine, and former Director of National Intelligence John Ratcliffe stated earlier this year that the government possessed more material that had not yet been released. "Wherever these technologies come from, they are clearly much more advanced than any terrestrial technology known to our intelligence agencies," Elizondo continued. "We desperately need our best scientific and intelligence gathering tools to understand what our pilots are observing." Source : care-very-much-about-us


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Just before Twelve by Andreas Schubiger, Switzerland

Today is December 31, 2020, and looking out the window, I see some snow and an overcast sky. After dawn, just before sunrise, I went for a walk. On the hill nearby, there was a magnificent view of the snowy Swiss mountains. The special morning light, the winter landscape and the cold air to breathe were a beautiful morning greeting. After trudging through the snow, I'm back indoors by the warmth. The morning light of the sun has given way to the gathering clouds. Year in review at this time of year is nothing unusual, and this year everyone agrees that it really was a very special year. Really? Externally, many things were different, precisely for reasons of the Corona pandemic, not to underplay that time-dominating word. But what the reactions and actions of those in authority followed this extraordinary situation was and is anything but extraordinary and special. Like many citizens of this country, I still miss a government and people in charge who deserve their name. While in this country innovative citizens, entrepreneurs, organizations and institutions knew how to help themselves time and again, the Swiss have to watch how at the cantonal and federal level, with an immature and clumsy, inconsistent approach, only a lukewarm and sobering response to this challenge is given by his trustingly elected government. This is not exactly special or even exceptional, but rather more in line with what is otherwise already being offered in a trivial and dreary manner. With Operation Framework Agreement, the people are being taken just as little seriously. Of course, what is really being deposited in Brussels is being concealed. Probably only because the thing stinks to heaven, otherwise it can probably not be. For, although a majority tendency can be discerned that the present form of the framework agreement does not correspond to the liberal and democratic ideas of the Swiss, a minority wants, by hook or by crook, a framework agreement that will be advantageous for the minority but enormously disadvantageous for the majority. This is the way we govern and negotiate in this country. At the latest now, at the end of the year, looking back at past events, it can once again be said that something has changed drastically in the general understanding between the citizen and the government, namely to the disadvantage of the citizen, the population. It is the government's tendency to conceal important facts, as in the negotiations on the framework agreement. It is also criminal to let the citizens run at random into the next wave of Corona without enacting any really effective measures. This government presents itself as too weak and fearful to boot. It is probably afraid for its position in the government. If the virology scientists are muzzled because they get to the heart of the problem, that is a clear sign. What's it all about? Is it about big bucks, a few of the people, or is it about everyone, rich or poor, big or small? It's about the power of politics. Politicians who are not scientifically literate should be making scientific decisions, but are incapable of doing so because they see themselves in the role of running the fortunes of the state, and then they do so quite unscientifically at the expense of human lives and for the sake of the economy. The welfare of the people as a whole is not considered a top priority, as it should be. Instead, the economy is biased in favour. The hypocritical time of the festive season, when federal councillors, the authorities, appeal for unity, once again casts its hypocritical shadow on the future. On this basis, the usual resolutions can be confidently dispensed with. True concern and responsibility for the welfare of the people looks different. As this year draws to a close and we take the trouble to look ahead, incorporating a good dose of optimism, we would do well to remain realistic. The politicians remain the same. The measures bob along similarly weak and lame. A supposedly saving vaccination, which is supposed to bring back to people the carefree and pleasurable life, is offered as a highly praised and lauded remedy just in time as a redeeming gift, as if it were a piece of the wise men from the Christmas story and today on everyone's lips. This gets under the skin, in the truest sense of the word. The pharmaceutical companies' wallets in particular will rejoice. The first vaccination victim from Lucerne, who paid for the gift cocktail with his life, is now listening to the heavenly festive music from beyond the grave. Unfortunately, it will not be able to tell us what it really died of. Either way, it may be assumed that everything about the vaccine's inadequacy will ultimately be denied anyway, and certainly will be in the future. It is unimaginable what would come to light if it became known that the vaccines were inadequate, even dangerous - not to mention the copied cheap products that are already circulating on the market as junk goods and


FIGU Bulletin No. 113 September 2021 4 are involved in this scandalous business. The authorising institution Swissmedic would be untrustworthy and so would other circles, trust in the authorities would be completely gone, there would be fodder for lawyers and the subsequent legal rulings would also be called into question, etc. So the predictions definitely don't make you feel happy. Add to that the fact that we don't know today what the following years will bring. It may be that this was just the beginning, ushered in with a real bang. Meanwhile it has become dark. Tonight on New Year's Eve I will definitely stay awake until midnight, not to greet the new year, but to be sure that the old one really goes.

Round 60 mm

By Bernadette Brand, Switzerland

On Monday, May 10, 2021, at 8:44 a.m., I was sitting with my morning coffee and reading when I heard the front door slam and Billy came rushing into the kitchen, panting heavily. When I looked up, I noticed that he was not only out of breath, but a little gray in the face. He sat down on the chair beside the cooking stove, and I asked him, "Häsch müèssè rännè?" Immediately he got up again and replied that he had just had a <giant pig>, while he held a half-full half-litre bottle of 'ginger ale' under my nose. As I picked up the bottle I saw in the slimness of the body of the bottle a good 30mm long, 10mm wide and 3mm deep furrow running a grey roughened track right across the crystal clear PET bottle. Looking at him, uncomprehending, I asked what that was? "I've just been shot at," he said in a calm voice, but still a little out of breath, and then went on to say that he had been standing at the top of the swing when a shot from a 22 mm small-bore rifle, apparently aimed at him, hit the bottle. He went on to tell me that he had gone up to Jacobus, who was greasing his digger at about the level of the PtaahLaube, because someone had been creeping around at the edge of the forest near the upper campsite, and he therefore wanted to instruct Jacobus to keep his eyes open. While he was talking to Jacobus, he observed a strange white-haired woman who, coming from Sitzberg, had walked up the new path near the collector a little way and then stopped and apparently talked to someone, but whom he could not see. At any rate, the woman then turned back and went back the way that leads through the woods to Sitzberg. Billy, wanting to see exactly where the woman was going and if she would come back again, walked a few meters further, up to the swing, to where the hiking trail to Schmidrüti leads over the hillside. At the moment he stopped by the swing, a peculiar pain went up his back, which made him double over a little, and at the same moment a shot rang out, and Billy felt a blow against his chest. The bullet from the 22mm small caliber rifle had hit the ginger ale bottle he'd tucked into the breast pocket of his shirt before going up to Jacobus because he was thirsty, thanks to the sudden, sharp pain. Between the groove in the PET bottle that had deflected the projectile and Billy's chest, there was just about 6 cm missing - if he hadn't had the bottle with him, deflecting the bullet's flight, he would have been hit for sure ... Jacobus, hearing the shot, of course, took off carelessly and ran as if stung by a tarantula up the trail to the campground, while Billy hastily retreated into the house, but not without whistling back at Jacobus. Apparently the gunman, who had been prowling along the edge of the woods above the campground, had crept along the campground and down the narrow grassy path to the trail, from where he aimed at Billy from the upper bend and disappeared immediately after firing, without even waiting or observing to see if the projectile had found and incapacitated its victim. 5 years and almost 8 months have passed since the last cowardly assassination attempt on Billy, and we all already thought that the time of such evil and insidious attacks was over, in which we were obviously thoroughly mistaken. That perfidious attacks like this are even possible and come about at all is solely due to the sad and depraved thinking and evil attitudes of delusional sectarians who are not powerful of their own character and consciousness and who, driven by


FIGU Bulletin No. 113 September 2021 5 childish fears and malicious intentions, allow themselves to be carried away to such degrading acts.


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Perceive intuition! In the summer of 1997, I set out to photograph a nearby sunflower field. Soon I found the field in question. I joyfully walked along the narrow dirt road and snapped the bright sunflowers that beamed so enchantingly at me. Suddenly I looked down the hill and noticed a cross road. "Where does this road lead to?" This thought was so intense and peculiar to me, and a strange feeling ran through me. I wondered about myself, for I was not usually so curious. Soon I turned back and, satisfied with my camera full of beautiful shots, went back to the car and drove the 8 km back home. Still full of joy and gratitude for this beautiful day, I was once again aware of how wonderful the nature of creation is. The so intense thought, where the road led to, faded with time and I didn't really think about it anymore. I have been studying Billy's valuable writings for a few years now. At that time the book <The Psyche>. From this I became aware that if man wants to think correctly and become knowledgeable, then he must only acknowledge Creation as the greatest power and pray to it when he has the need in this respect. I then quickly put down my imaginary God, and a tremendous peace, which I had never felt within me before, permeated my body. I will never forget this moment. I felt an indescribable free feeling inside me, as if a stone fell from my heart, as they say. This is exactly how I experienced it, as it can be read in the book - <Psyche> - by BEAM on p. 93. From then on I felt free and secure in the bosom of Creation. From then on I honored, admired and looked at everything with much love and gratitude, nature with its many wonders. I also practiced meditation daily, which gave me joy from the beginning. Billy's books I devoured daily at that time, wanting to gain much knowledge, insight and the experiences I gained from them. Slowly I felt a change in me and realized that my life was taking its course. So came the year 1999. That year, my husband and I intended to look for and buy a home. On Father's Day of that year, I realized that my father would not live much longer, because he was getting thinner and thinner and his illness was progressing. Spontaneously I asked him if he would like to go on a Father's Day outing with me, because the weather was beautiful that day. No answer came. Never mind, I thought to myself as I sat on the patio steps with my dad standing behind me. Suddenly I noticed something behind my back, turned around, and my father was standing there in a jacket and tie, smirking. He was like that. Mum wanted to come too. Father was to decide which direction we would go. He wanted to visit a former colleague in a town about 15 km away. He visibly enjoyed the ride, because his hospital stay was not long ago. He enjoyed the bright yellow rape fields, the blossoms all around and the blue sky. When we didn't find the colleague, but I left a message (later we learned he was in the garden and didn't hear us), we drove on again. Quite spontaneously, I then suggested the destination. My parents had nothing against it, and so the trip went in the direction of my father's hometown. The place and the cemetery were visited. Now you drive up the mountain, my father said to me, because up there lived acquaintances of my parents, whom I knew only from the telling. I had never been to this area either. When my parents rang the front doorbell that was around the corner of the house, I was still standing at the garden gate and suddenly looked out over the adjoining field, admiring the great view. "It's lovely here though, I'd like to live there too." Again there was a strange, peculiar feeling in me. I felt a completely liberating and joyful sense of well-being at that moment. We were happily invited by the elderly couple. They chatted about earlier times. In between I asked the little sympathetic woman, whom I had not known before. "Where is house No. 22," and gave the name of the woman who was to live there. "Just next door," she said. In this house lives a former colleague of mine, whom I recently met again after 27 years in the nearest town.


FIGU Bulletin No. 113 September 2021 8 "Strange", I thought to myself, "she lives right next door". When we met again after such a long time, Anni thought we should meet again. That's what I intended to do. The trip with my parents came to a joyful end. Meeting my former colleague is a story in itself. A school friend gave me and a mutual friend a voucher for the Rollstudio, so that you bring his body well in shape and also holds. Somehow we were then not so enthusiastic, but still we went 3x a week in the city to the Rollstudio. On one of these days, a woman's voice called out to me joyfully from the back room. Who was this person? My old acquaintance, whom I hadn't seen in 27 years and never heard from. During a nice conversation - which I arranged for after 2 weeks with her - I told her that we were looking for a suitable house. "There, take that one over there", came spontaneously from her. When I looked full of admiration over the open field at that time, there was a house a bit off to the side, which I didn't notice at all. Well, the front didn't look inviting either, but the location is great. At home I told my husband. Soon we drove there and he said that was the house, but the work. After meditating on the house, the strange encounters, I then realized, I need to follow my intuitions. After many visits to the elderly lady, we then knew who the heir could be. This we then sought out, who lived 25 km away. We clean before still properly our shoes, because he had a large footwear. I said to my husband: "He will surely look at the shoes first. Whether he did or not, I don't remember. In any case, he was unsympathetic to us and simply turned us away. He didn't know if he would inherit it, he said icily. (He inherited it.) The neighbor let us see the inside of the house at the request of the elderly woman, because he was the caretaker. The house was inhabited, but the two older sisters only visited it during the day, and that for about 30 years. The building fabric was in order, only the attic was not developed and various renovations had to be made and also the garden redesigned. So everything took its course. We didn't let up, but still kept looking for other houses. Everyday life was always a challenge for us. Many pieces of the mosaic were strung together. But somehow everything was so strange. A realtor also came forward; how he knew we were looking for a house, I didn't know. He had a house for us, he exclaimed. That's the building we want. But he said it would only be rented out. I soon saw through this jerk, for he betrayed himself with his over-friendly, false manner. So I called the heir and asked firmly, "Is the house being sold or just rented?". "Sold, of course." Then it was clear to me, this realtor surely wanted to buy the house too, because he had two sons. My better half was getting more and more impatient and nervous. "Let go of this house, we'll get it," I said to him. Suddenly I knew with certainty that one day we would live there. Dad got worse and worse, and 2½ months after Father's Day, he passed away. On his deathbed, he said to me, "Take care of your mother." Again a little mosaic came to me: With a shop for home and garden I suddenly came across with my foot three beautiful round natural plates on top of each other, and I took them to hand. On the first was a sun, beautifully engraved, on the 2nd was <Welcome> and on the third was the note, <There is a time for everything>. "I'll buy these and have them bricked into the wall when we get the house," came immediately to mind. One day before New Year's Eve, we got a call. We could see the house. Immediately we drove off. My husband immediately had a perspective and saw the house as he would like to have it after the renovation. It didn't take long, and then it was finally ours after 2 years. We were soon able to move in. With a lot of joy, enormous energy and zest for action, my husband went straight to work. My husband was full of ideas and was able to demonstrate his skills. Of course, I helped out where I could, didn't interfere with him, because I had my plans too, and that was gardening. But in between I went out to explore the immediate surroundings in the great outdoors. It was beautiful here, not far from the house, and I recovered a little from the daily work.


FIGU Bulletin No. 113 September 2021 9 Suddenly it gave me a twinge. Now I was even walking on the dirt road where I had once photographed the sunflowers. From then on, I knew this was the beginning of getting to that house. Four years ago, I was here. As if my subconscious had known even then that there was a house in the immediate vicinity where I and my little family would once live. After daily work with a lot of heart blood and joy we both had developed then after 7 years our <dream house> together with garden to our paradise. Sometimes I feel a little melancholy that my beloved father could no longer experience all this, although it was once his home. My mother benefited all the more for that. I have brought her to us again and again in the last years. The first years the older lady was also still alive. I had a good connection with her, but she too was always drawn to me. When my mother stayed with us, our nice neighbor also came and we had a great time. Today I can still hear my mother saying, "Gell, they built that house for you." That's one way to think of it. Sadly, my mom passed away in Sept. 2017, at 971/2 years old. She always enjoyed our garden and the beautiful outdoors when I sometimes drove her around in the car. As a result, she became calmer and more humorous the last few years, which made it easier for her to say goodbye to all of us. Thanks to the spiritual teachings which our herald of modern times, <Billy> E. A. Meier, has been tirelessly writing down for all of us earthlings, and which we have the unique opportunity to learn from now, in the time in which we live. No pain, no gain! With certainty I can say, had I not gone this way of the spirit teaching energy, my life would not have brought this success. Because one learns to perceive the intuitions through constant meditation, through self-responsibility, self-love and much more. In this sense I would like to thank Billy from deep reverence. Magdalena Sonnleitner, Germany










From Spiritual Doctrine, Letter Number 22, page 241, by Billy Meier.

Design: Regula Lamprecht, Switzerland

The rapid hair growth of <Billy> Eduard Albert Meier (BEAM) Since the Corona pandemic outbreak over the whole world with the meanwhile numerous mutations, whereby necessary protective measures had to be ordered also for the house inhabitants in the FIGU mother center, above all to remain at home and to move only in really absolute necessity outside of the center, meant also for Billy that he could not go any longer to


FIGU Bulletin No. 113 September 2021 10 the hairdresser, and I was allowed to step in as a layman as a haircutter, because the hair of Billy grew back extraordinarily fast and rapidly. So I took over this task. Within 2 months, March and April 2021, it was necessary to cut Billy's hair up to 6 times, and each time more than 1 cm, so that it would not grow over his ears. This meant that his hair had to be cut more than 1 cm every 10 days, and each time I would joke with Billy and ask him, "Have you been away again?" which of course he would never reveal, but always remained silent, frugal and patient until the hair cutting action was over. Thereby I was allowed to learn from his writings and reports how he was able to travel to other times thanks to the help from the Plejaren as well as on our planet, how he also <traveled> to other planets in other time dimensions. And because he has never been away from home for a longer time during these mentioned months, hardly anyone noticed that he actually suddenly wore longer hair now and then and urgently needed a haircut again. In a normal state, the growth of Billy's hair is neither faster nor slower than that of any earthly human being, but it was nevertheless noticeable that he suddenly had longer hair again. The great difference with Billy, however, lies in the fact that, according to his mission, he spreads the <Teaching of Truth, Teaching of the Energy of Creation, Teaching of Life> on our world and at the same time on Erra, the Plejarenwelt, for which he again and again needs the dear help and cooperation of the Plejaren has. So he travels to various places, where he is always helpfully transported. But he never talks about that, and you have to be on to him to find out anything about him - and I just had that luck because I had to cut his hair so often. So he very rarely - if ever - talks about the fact that he's been away. It's usually only then that the hairdresser gets onto this secret of Billy's and finds out about these <side trips>. Brief conversations sometimes occur about the connection, explaining that it is not as is generally supposed, that it is different with the passage of time, namely that when it is lived through in the past it becomes manipulative, i.e. that the return occurs at the same time as the departure. If Billy is on a trip that is time-shifted from our Earth time, so the time he is in the past or future - say for a month - while away from home is so minimally short, maybe only seconds or 15 min, usually at night doing his tedious office work for the mission, then a few hours, days, or weeks of absence due to traveling with the Pleiars is not noticeable. This because during that time the others in the house are all asleep, so no one notices that there has been any absence from Billy at all. Now, however, this has changed, because Barbara has noticed that Billy's hair has suddenly grown more than 1 cm, even though I had cut it for him 5 days ago, and it was so short that it normally could not grow back that much in that time. So this is regarding Billy's hair and much more that I have come to know and witness during my 20 years as a core group member. All of it fills yours truly with the finest feelings of honor that remain in my deepest self.

Many thanks, Karin Wallén, Switzerland

About time travel, the end of time and mental borderline experiences

by Christian Frehner, Switzerland Intention and aim of this article is to collect and present sufficient 'thought-material' and evidence, so the reader at the end of reading can take a substantial gain of knowledge into the rest of life. The main theme is travelling through space and time, not thought-based and


FIGU Bulletin No. 113 September 2021 11 imagined, but actually back and forth along the timeline. For this however, besides motivation, endurance, impartiality and courage, one thing above all is necessary, namely 'some time'.

Whoever begins to deal with the writings and information of the FIGU and of 'Billy' Eduard A. Meier will hardly do so because of a special interest in time travel, but because of other interests. What cannot be avoided, however, is that each of these people will sooner rather than later have to face an unspoken question-answer complex, whereby already in answering the first of the following series of questions and statements the wheat is separated from the chaff, or begins to be separated. While a clear, conscious and sure yes opens the way into a new, wonderful and promising world of knowledge, a no keeps this access closed and leads immediately to a 'break off of the exercise', whereby various reasons can be the trigger for this, such as doubts, disinterest, unwillingness to make mental effort or a mental short-circuit process. The latter is based on a kind of 'overload valve' in the brain, in order not to endanger one's own psycho-mental self-image and world-image, which, as is well known, is based on religious, ideological, philosophical or ideological beliefs (up to and including pathological delusions) in the majority of people on earth, and can therefore never be completely brought into harmony with reality. These people are, as it were, in a kind of self-determined cage attitude, whereby, as in the proverbial 'golden cage syndrome', it is not recognized, or is not willing or able to be perceived, that outside the open door freedom and undreamt-of knowledge and learning possibilities exist for free use and elaboration. However, these psychological laws are not to be dealt with in depth here, but rather the main topic of this article is to be advanced step by step on the basis of questions and statements.

Let's start with the 1st, the 'separating the wheat from the chaff' question:

1) Do the photographs and film footage taken by Billy between 1964 and 1981 and published by FIGU - for which the Billy Meier case is famous or infamous - show genuine, real 'UFOs' or 'jet ships', i.e. real, large, substantial flying objects and therefore not models? - Yes or no?

2) There is no other comparable so-called UFO case on earth, which is characterized on the one hand by hundreds of high-quality photos and other evidence materials or authenticity indications, and about which on the other hand so many scientific watertight evidence regarding authenticity exist.

3) This huge photo collection was only possible because the flying objects in the 1960s in India and from 1975 to 1981 in Switzerland positioned themselves - actually posed - in such a way that the one-armed Billy Meier could photograph and film them with his simple analog film cameras in the best possible quality.

4) It follows that the flying objects are being piloted by someone or someone who is in contact with Billy, or at least has chosen him as a photographing and filming target.

5) Therefore, the whole thing is not a 'coincidence' or a one-time, extraordinary stroke of luck on Billy's part (NB: Other people have also seen and photographed the same flying objects), but there is a certain intention and purpose behind the creation of this outstanding photo and film material, namely to publicly document the presence of the flying objects, from which many questions immediately arise (the intended 'controversy') and a need for background knowledge is triggered.

6) Since all color pictures of the different types of flying objects were taken in Swiss airspace, mainly in daylight, they can neither be test objects of another terrestrial state nor a 'secret' military project of the Swiss Army.

7) As film-recordings of these flying objects show motion-pattern, which up to now are not physically feasible by earthly technics (as already mentioned, and as irrefutable evidence shows, these are no models), these flying objects certainly are not of earthly origin.

8) Since the information in the presently available 'Pleiadian-Pleiadian Contact Reports' block of more than 9000 pages is coherent in its content and as a whole does not show any contradictions, and since the majority of the statements and information and explanations is furthermore in harmony with the reality of world events and practically everything is logically comprehensible on the basis of one's own inner cognitions and experiences as well as the use of intellect, reason and understanding etc., there is a certainty that the Billy Meier case is genuine and that the pilots of the flying objects are indeed human beings of non-terrestrial origin with whom Billy communicated. is logically comprehensible, the certainty arises that


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the Billy Meier case is genuine and that the pilots of the flying objects are actually human beings of non-terrestrial origin with whom Billy is in personal contact.

9) Since it is a fact that Billy has contact with extraterrestrial humans, this is a logical indication for it resp. there is only one logical conclusion, namely that faster-than-light travel is a fact resp. reality, because otherwise these humans could not fly (jump) back and forth between their solar system and us all the time.

10) Since travelling with faster than light speed is obviously possible and/or a fact, fantastic new research goals open up to earthly science, and tremendous new findings are tempting. Since the research goal - discovery and use of the speed of faster-than-light travel - corresponds 100% to reality on the basis of the indications, it is now a matter of initiating all the necessary intermediate research steps. In this respect it could be helpful to acknowledge or at least not to exclude that 'below' the Higgs particle level etc. still several finer energy levels as well as energy forms exist.

11) Because travelling at faster-than-light speeds - and indeed many times exaggerated - is realistic, this opens up the possibility or probability of time travel, which now brings us to a special 'mental nut' that we now want to crack together. Perhaps the following 'simple' example will help as a first step towards understanding the whole thing, by imagining the following sequence of events: We are sitting in our beam ship, which has a tachyon drive or 'simply' a device that allows us to accelerate to far translated light speed. We set our sights on a star that is said to be 1 million light years away. What we don't know is that 5000 years ago, on April 1, at 3pm, this star collided with a 'dark giant' or some other giant object and exploded. As said, we cannot know this, but only our descendants 5000 years in the future, because only then the image of the explosion can be discovered by a telescope or other sensor possibilities, because the flash of light needs 5000 years to reach us. - So: We start and jump with faster-than-light speed parallel/along the light beam or light corridor extending between star and earth towards the star. On a whim, we pre-programmed the 'time coordinate' April 1, 5000 years ago, 2:58 pm, on the route calculator. Eyes widening in terror, we see the approaching danger at the arrival point and immediately press the red emergency button, catapulting us back to the year 2021 on Earth in a brief split second. Bathed in sweat and shivering in all our limbs, we realize that we have been doubly lucky, namely 1. that we missed the catastrophe and consequently survived, and 2. that we now know that travel into the past as well as into the future is possible, because apparently in the present of the past the future already exists (has existed), at least certain aspects (more on this below).

12) As we can see from the contact reports, time travel is indeed a reality. Billy has made several such time journeys, e.g. back to the Middle Ages to Rabbi Jechieli in France, or to the time of the Prophet/Christian Jmmanuel in Palestine, as well as a few decades into the future to San Francisco, in order to experience its

destruction, whereby the two most spectacular proofs for the authenticity of the performed time travels are to be looked for resp. found elsewhere, namely in the growth of hair, when Billy

appeared after a short absence with a 7-day beard resp. once even with a full beard in front of his relatives. As is well known, beard hairs cannot be rushed in their slow growth, just as grass

does not grow faster when pulled.

In 12 explanatory or thought steps we have now landed at the topic of this article, the real time travels, whereby now further thought work and a good portion of 'thought elasticity' are required, because finally we want to have achieved a positive, satisfying breakthrough in knowledge at the end.

What we have been able to substantiate on the basis of a string of circumstantial evidence and logical deductions, namely that time travel is not only possible but a fact, is however dismissed by the majority of earthly mankind as science fiction, nonsense or unrealistic spinning of thoughts etc., i.e. roundly described as impossible. However, concerning those people who read about journeys into the past and future in the contact reports, it is to be assumed that this information is probably simply taken note of as a rule, without giving the process any deeper thought. But if one then thinks more deeply about the 'happening' of time travel, one quickly comes up against mental limits. While a journey into the past can still be 'understood' to some extent, e.g. by imagining a leap into a past time dimension (analogous to the aforementioned flight), the mental comprehension becomes more complicated when thinking about future


FIGU Bulletin No. 113 September 2021 13 journeys. But it is clear: the fact of time travel into the past necessarily and logically implies that, in relation to the time of the visited situation in the past, the future also 'already' exists (has existed). And if from today's present, lasting on average 2.7 seconds, a jump is made into the future, e.g. into the year 3999, then this logically means that now, here in our present of the year 2021, the events of the year 3999 are already taking place. Only in this way is it possible, on the one hand, to undertake time travel into the future by means of technical aids, or to gain information from the future through the use of consciousness.

But wait, stop! - What about man's free will?! If the future is already fixed, then surely this is in contradiction to the free will of man? Are we unconsciously moving in an illusionary thought bubble of supposed freedom, a kind of thought-consciousness mirage? Are the religious believers ultimately right when they claim that God determines or predetermines everything ("God willing") and that human beings should simply surrender to him with trust, as well as that his ways may be unfathomable, but that he already knows what is good for us? - Well, the various images of God and the belief that a vengeful and partial Lord God or Allah etc., who interferes in man's everyday life, created the universe etc., will not be discussed further here, because this absurd impossibility has already been commented on in detail elsewhere. But to go into the subject of 'free will' in more detail is indeed important, since it is a factor that distinguishes humans from the animal, animal and plant world and distinguishes them as humans.

The fact that man actually has a free will that determines his own fate, which is realized or claimed by individual people in different conscious forms, is to be played out by means of a fictitious example:

Variant 1: I know that my attention is very quickly limited if I have not slept at least 8 hours, and that I have already experienced a microsleep 2 times when I was sleep-deprived, which fortunately remained without consequences. The next morning I have to get up at 5am, because as promised I will pick up 2 colleagues and take them to the airport. The night before we celebrate the farewell at a dinner, drink some alcohol and have fun. Actually, I would have to say goodbye at 9 pm from the round to go to sleep, but it is so cozy and fun, and one joke follows the other. And before I know it, it's past midnight and I've had a few glasses of beer. - At 5.10am the alarm wakes me up for the 2nd time, as the 1st time I merely acknowledged it, rolled over and went back to sleep. I feel exhausted and start with the morning toilet. I skip breakfast, because it is time to leave. The colleagues get in and I steer the car through the darkness, merge onto the motorway and drive at the speed limit towards the airport. Suddenly I feel a strong blow to the left and perform a somersault - crash - blackout. Later I wake up in hospital: paraplegic. One of my colleagues is dead, the other is in an artificial coma with severe injuries, including a craniocerebral trauma.

Variant 2: Aware of my responsibilities and physical stress limits, I retired to sleep at 9pm. The journey to the airport went smoothly. Colleagues fly towards their destination and I returned home safe and sound.

Evaluation of variant 1:

Did the Lord God in His immeasurable wisdom and goodness predestine that I behave irresponsibly, indeed actually have to behave in such a way, so that one of the colleagues can take the shortcut to heaven, and that the other can make the best of his situation and learn a lot, just as I do, since many devout people are of the opinion that illnesses and accidents - as well as disabilities - must and will always exist, so that people can learn something from them? - Or have I simply disregarded the message rising from my conscience or my self-responsibility impulse knowingly and out of negligence and thereby culpably 'disturbed' the normal course of 3 human lives massively?

This blatant example shows that on the one hand it is the individual human being who continuously determines his own fate - namely by making a certain decision or not, i.e. whether he allows himself to be driven and determined by others - and on the other hand that through his own behaviour other people are affected, who in turn determine their own fate through ongoing decisions, which within the framework of the law of causality, namely that every effect arises from a cause, leads to the so-called interactions, which then cause in the negative what we call bad luck, or in the positive as luck or as 'being lucky again', etc. From this it follows that the cognitively sane person always holds, or should hold, the guiding hand on the steering wheel


FIGU Bulletin No. 113 September 2021 14 of his own course of life, because he has to bear the self-responsibility for all his thinking, his feelings and actions permanently and cannot delegate this. Differentiating himself from the instinct-controlled existence of the animal world and the animal world and other forms of life, being human demands quite fundamentally the use of the ability to always be aware of oneself as well as of one's relationships to the environment, to never willingly switch off one's self-control (intoxication!) and to generally strive for the attainment of new knowledge.

As can be deduced from what has been explained so far, the use of free will is not absolute, because of the very fact that there are interactions of manifold origin, for there are influences from outside which we personally cannot possibly influence and which we are at the mercy of, which we have to accept whether we want to or not, as for example when an atomic bomb suddenly explodes over our head (as in Hiroshima and Nagasaki at the time), or when we are infected with the Ebola pathogen by a healthy holiday returnee from Africa. Even a hermit living all alone on a deserted island in the Pacific is limited in terms of free will by interactions, in his case not with other people, but with interactions with nature and the weather and so on.

Further dimensions of the free will complex, as for example concerning the 'power of thoughts', will not be further dealt with here, because it is time that we find our way back to the subject of time and continue belatedly, but still in time, where not too long ago the insertion on the subject of 'free will' caused a time-consuming digression, which however is impossible to catch up or to undo, because what has once happened can NEVER be undone. In this regard, and as an additional explanation, below is a quote from FIGU Bulletin No. 40, August 2002, where Billy writes the following on page 12: "With regard to time travel into the past or future in terms of possible changes in events and effects from causes resulting in the past, the following is of necessity and importance to understand: What has already occurred in the past, in every respect, has already affected the future as resulting from the past-related cause, and has therefore already become an established and real fact in the future. Consequently, also by a past-trip no possibility is offered any more, to change already taken place processes and events etc. by any actions and interventions etc., in order to prevent already given effects from past-related causes in the future. This is given concerning normal time-travel, which can be achieved by using time-dimensions and thus is based on pure technical, material nature. But apart from that there is still a higher ordered form of time travel, which man bound to a material body can never carry out by himself with material means, because pure spiritual energies are necessary for it, through which even coarse material matter can be transported into different time dimensions. This is a form of time travel, to which probably the designation spirit-energy-time-dimension-travel as well as spirit-energy-time-travel (note: creation-energy-time-dimension-travel or creation-energy-time-travel) can be assigned, and through which it is possible to travel into the past as well as into the future. It still has to be explained with regard to the material-possible time travel that also all the processes and events of that time span of the future cannot be changed in any way or influenced in any other way, which have already happened up to that point of time, at which the direct time travel destination is located in the future. For the time of this goal the past has already arisen again, which means that at the time of the reaching of the future-time-travel goal the causes of the past resp. time passed until then have already formed as effect to reality.

Concerning future-related changes resp. the possible influencing of future processes and events, it is possible that an influence on the further future can be made, however, only from the point of time when the future time travel destination becomes the present. In this form, it is the same process as in the normal present, during or in which, as well as in the continuing time into the future, these can be influenced, shaped, and thus changes in the processes and happenings can be created, and this by the creation of certain causes, from which again certain effects develop and result."

So much for this explanation, but in this respect there is possibly and presumably still a need for further explanation until the desired "aha" effect is finally triggered and the case should, could or will be solved once and for all (it is to be hoped).

According to what Billy explains, the future, that is, the fate of mankind, and depending on it to a certain extent also the state of the planet, etc., is formed according to the totality of all continuously occurring decisions, activities and actions of people. Everything that has once been done or spoken can never be undone again, which, as has already been explained above, should actually be an incentive for every human being to practise and exercise a certain thought control,


FIGU Bulletin No. 113 September 2021 15 because thereby much unpleasantness and disaster could be avoided, which is namely all again cause for further effects. This also means that it is impossible to travel back some years into the past to kill e.g. the US-American president Truman before he has given his humanity-criminal order to drop the two atomic bombs, and by which the happening in Japan could have been undone. Such unrealistic scenarios and illogical assumptions are at most possible in movies and novels, such as in the Terminator series, but not in reality, because reality is determined by or based on logic, i.e., consistency and unchangeable laws. Therefore, a hallucination, an illusion or a belief does not show reality, but is only real in the sense that the disease delusion is called delusion, whose content is not real, but only a distorted interpretation of the senses and so on. - But back to the topic: Assuming we fly 1000 years into the future, the next section of the future immediately begins to run on from that point, since we arrive there, while after returning to the present time the future also continues to arise from there in the same way, whereby it is already certain in 2021 that in 1000 years our distant descendants will receive a visit from us time travellers from the past, even if we will already have died in the meantime. On the other hand, this means that if we do not undertake the time travel, we will nevertheless die, whereby then, however, in 1000 years no time travellers will appear.

Let us take another vivid and topical example as an aid to explanation: Since at the moment there are no signs whatsoever worldwide that in the foreseeable future any government will address a globally disseminated, official proclamation to its own population, namely that there is an urgent need for action regarding a drastic containment of population growth, because now, instead of fighting the symptoms, the cause must be addressed immediately (prepared by a permanent, The destruction of nature and its fauna and flora will continue unchecked, climate change will continue to intensify and the poisoning of air, soil and water as well as of all living beings will continue to increase, with the manifold effects known to the readership of the FIGU publications. So it is already certain - i.e. it has already happened in the future - that in the course of the next 1 to 2 thousand years a 'substantial' part of mankind will depart prematurely from life, be it due to tremendous natural catastrophes, by new epidemics or possibly due to violent, targeted decimation measures. A further decimation factor in the case of an actual crash would be the prophesied red meteor, now known to earthly science as Apophis, or the eruption of one or more of the 12 or so areas known as the Chaldera, e.g. those near Naples in Italy with the huge underwater volcano Mount Marsilis, or the Eifel in Germany, or the Yellowstone area in the USA, or a series of erupting supervolcanoes (such as Krakatau in its day, or Santorini even further back), in which case the smoke particles and toxic gases in the atmosphere could cause severe cooling worldwide, with drastic effects on land, food and living things. - The irresponsible, criminal and criminally stupid inaction of earthly mankind as a whole, under the main responsibility of the incompetent rulers etc., whose duty it would be to act for the good of the populations, corresponds on the macro level exactly to that irresponsible action on the micro level, where by disregarding the susceptibility to microsleep an accident with death and disability was triggered.

All what has been explained so far is closely connected with the factors or the phenomenon of space and time, i.e. matter and the flow of time, whereby, as a whole, everything is so comprehensive and far-reaching that it will hardly ever be comprehensible to the human brain in its entirety, which, by the way, also applies to the <Absolute Nothing> etc.. The whole thing reminds of the German comedian Piet Klocke, who in one of his stage plays, as a scatterbrained pseudo-scholar and would-be researcher meandering along in long chains of associations, asks the rhetorical question of how long space and time have existed, only to give the answer himself after some hesitation, namely 'for quite some time'.

As we can read in the contact reports, Sfath did extensive research in the past and even travelled back once with Billy several hundred million years into the terrestrial prehistoric times. To illustrate the whole thing, the following is an example of time travel that goes back 'a little less time', taken from PP Block 17:

Ptaah talks about his father Sfath: ".... According to his annals, he explored the earth at many times in the past, and nearly 40,000 years ago he also came across Lake Sanura, where at that time the elevated terrain above today's center was inhabited by small-bodied people who averaged 115 centimeters in height and were the most distant descendants of the first earthly hominids. In addition to these short-statured people - some of whose most distant descendants are still to be found in Africa


FIGU Bulletin No. 113 September 2021 16 as pygmies, as well as in Asia - my father Sfath also researched their origins, which led him to many other areas of the earth, whereby he came across other various smaller groups of short-statured people in Europe, Africa, South and North America, in Australia and Asia. These were all different, however, and ranged in height up to 160 centimetres, had different pigmentation and anatomical differences. Interested, he continued his research into the past of the earth's history and the earth's humanity and traced the developmental processes of the hominids back to the early times of 17 million years. After that he went back many more millions of years into the past and found about 45 million years ago in the area that is Germany today, 1st life forms that developed early into a form, from which about 17 million years ago the hominid development emerged, and from which in the course of further millions of years finally the small-sized humans developed. He discovered these life-forms at the place, where he was then also together with you, in order to instruct you, where the actual original origin of the human form of existence, which became visible, began, in the area, which you know as the 'Messel Pit' near Darmstadt. This first development of the life-form, which led to the creation of the first hominid species, was found there by my father Sfath for the very first time, from which then, over many millions of years, the effectively first human living being emerged from the descendants who developed from it in the area known today as North Africa, but at the same time also in areas which are today Europe, South Africa, South and North America, and Asia and Australia are mentioned."

Is already the idea 'challenging' that someone travels 44 million years into the earthly past to do research there (a fascinating process, especially if from a safe distance activities of dinosaurs could be observed, as they are shown in the 'Jurassic Park' movie series, but without 'human ingredients'), the formula called 'Zeitanon' listed in the book 'Diversikum' (Guido Moosbrugger, FIGU Wassermannzeit-Verlag) on page 404 overwhelms any semblance of a supposed understanding of human thought, because this formula can never be grasped and understood by a human brain or computer in the entire universe. But it is always interesting and impressive to read the formula and let eternity take effect on you.

What is to be added to the subject of time travel (according to information from Billy): Time travel into the past or future is only possible within the current existence of our universe (which is located in the matter belt, the 4th of a total of 7 belts), i.e. within its duration of existence of a total of 49 billion years (of which 17 billion years have already passed). of altogether 7 belts), thus within its existence duration of altogether 49 billion years (of which 17 billion years have already passed), namely until our material universe will have changed back into pure energy without transition, all worlds and galaxies will have dissolved and before the next universe begins to develop for again 49 billion years, and all this in the currently 46 trillion years old, during altogether 155.5 trillion years expanding creation universal consciousness.

Still impressed and amazed by these immense periods of time, you, dear reader, must now unfortunately be informed that the gain in knowledge prophesied at the beginning of this article regarding your questions about the understanding of space and time, duration and time travel, time streams and dimensions, etc., probably turns out to be leaner than hoped for. There would still be endless things to say and explain, but since this is an article and not a book, the time and number of letters between the beginning and end of the text is completely legitimate, but at least a small information bomb can be detonated at the end, as a kind of bonus and thanks for your attention so far: True is, and reality, that there is actually no time, because in the whole of creation there is, or is, no time, but only endless duration. Everything 'flows' and is subordinated to an incessant process of becoming and passing away and becoming again, and if the deer and foxes and owls and trout etc. could think and speak like we do, they would confirm this statement and realization, since they live completely in the here and now and free of temporal and time constraints. In fact, time is an 'invention' of man, a kind of instrument and a cognitive tool and a method to find one's way in the reality of everyday life and living and to make evolutionary progress etc. etc. For example, the 'deadlines' factor was invented by humans because without it, humans would act the same as animals and never file their tax returns.

As Archimedes said in his day, "Give me a lever long enough and a fulcrum strong enough, and I can move the world with one hand."

Such a lever is, of course, only possible as a principle and mentally or virtually, quite in contrast to another 'lever' which is available to all people free of charge, can be used by all in daily life,


FIGU Bulletin No. 113 September 2021 17 and would also bring knowledge gain in science and research, namely the <Teaching of Truth, Teaching of the Energy of Creation, Teaching of Life>.

Bulletin letters

Letters to the editor Salome Billy,

Oleg Kinash from Ukraine agrees with the publication as a letter to the editor. Hello Elizabeth I'm glad you thought of me. It was a pleasant surprise for me. People often don't think of others. I'm fine. Thank you. How's your situation with the Corona plague? I understand the third wave is sweeping through Europe today. I asked you a question because I thought that the spiritual doctrine cannot be taken only purely material-intellectually. Because if GL had only a purely material-intellectual value, then it would not be so good. I have seen many people who glorify their intellect, as well as that they have only become in bondage to our natural science, which unfortunately does not look good. What I have noticed about myself is that the more I understand, the less I want to talk about these things. People just don't have any respect for all that is really valuable, because everything is not focused on the creative-natural with them, but only everything purely material is valued. What I have also noticed is that in our society only purely material laws and phenomena form the very first and most primitive recognition and values, whereas the whole thing goes much further in the deepest value, namely into the very fine and higher values of logic. So I understood everything and also understand that the doctrine of mind is the doctrine of the evolution of consciousness and of true knowledge and being human. I thank you and also Billy for your very valuable answers. When you go to him again, please give him my greetings and thanks. I have read that he has damaged his hand, to which I hope he is now well again? On 06.02.2021 at 12:15 Stefan Funder wrote: Hello dear Elisabeth, I hope you are well under the circumstances. I feel the need to take up your time again. I refer to my last letter. What I say below I say as a student of the Teaching of Life. For a long time I sat like a hen on her egg and brooded, hoping a chick would come out. That's exactly the case. I am sorry to keep hearing all your work and especially Billy being dragged through the mud. From my perspective, Billy is the only person on earth who so selflessly shares all of his thoughts and experiences with all of us. A gift that many have not even realized the value of. He is the originator of a completely new language, and he has shown and described to us all how to use it responsibly. The sad thing for me about the whole thing is that even friends and many who used him as a teacher are throwing stones in his path today. It seems that many have already forgotten where the source of their wisdom is. During my training, the tooth that could have caused me to degenerate into this was pulled out early on. Unfortunately, however, few have the willingness within themselves to clearly attribute their success, large or small, to Billy's training and to confess as much. All too soon, after problems that have been solved with the help of your advice, people fall back into the old way of life that led to the evil. If it is not in one to educate oneself and learn through oneself, independence becomes an impossibility. Just now, since much time is given, in order to reflect and in itself clarity to create, do from my view consequences, where the one or other still the spit away remains it the fewest. The fact that the individual assumes that if he feels good, then it automatically means that this is right, but this only corresponds to a superficiality.


FIGU Bulletin No. 113 September 2021 18 Only that which satisfies not only the individual, but all others around him as well, can be right in sense, action and deed. I hope I didn't let too much off the hook. Thank you so much for your ear and your time. As always, greetings to all. In love and friendship. Salome. Stefan

N. W. wrote Address of the Egyptian President to the People

N.W. has translated for us the following from Arabic, which the Egyptian President said in his address. Three quarters of the speech the president talked about the

new cities, the roads, and led over the new capital of Egypt, which was built with very modern technologies, as well as other new cities, such as El Alamein, which is on the

Mediterranean Sea, where in the 2nd (3rd) World War the English and Germans contaminated the ground with mines in El Alamein City, which were left lying for a very long time and claimed many lives before they were removed and destroyed.

The President said on the renewal of Egypt that after the long period or epoch of war, the countless deaths and the applies: destruction: <Egypt rises again>. The President also spoke of the poor quarters in the great city of Cairo, which had been rebuilt within a short time. But that's not all, he says, will be renovated all the villages and small as well as large cities, which are located on the Nile River - and all the roads will be rehabilitated, everything will be provided with electricity and water, for which already laid all the necessary pipes. 1. the unauthorized buildings in the fertile zone along the Nile River in Egypt. All these houses will be demolished and new high-rise buildings will be built for you in the direction of the desert. Alssissi said: "I know that you are not used to living in high-rise buildings, but it has to be like this because Egypt does not have so much fertile land, so this is the only way we can solve it. However, he has also spoken of major problems, such as the unauthorized structures built in the fertile zone along the Nile River in Egypt. All these structures and houses are to be demolished and replaced with new permitted high-rise buildings towards the desert for the people and rebuilt. However, the president, Abd al-Fattah as-Sisi, also said, "I know you are not used to living in high-rise buildings, but it has to be this way because Egypt does not have much fertile land, consequently we have to use it to grow food. So we can only live well if we build our houses in the direction of the desert." Then the President went on to say, "You keep telling us we want jobs; but you have plenty of work - namely, your terrible land to use and cultivate for growing food crops, for the benefit of all. But you abuse the land by cultivating it without permission and destroying fertile land with many constructions. This is sad ... " And the president went on to address the people and said: "In Egypt, 1 million new people are born every year - 1 million children are born, and these people, when they grow up, then need work again, as do all those who have already been born, and who gradually grow up every year and must have work. But we cannot create a million new jobs for you every year, because that is impossible>. That was awesome 😄 because until now none of the government people managed to tell the truth in this way directly, clearly and openly. However, what the president went on to say continued in the same vein: "We need to reduce the number of newborn children to 400,000 a year for 10 years."


FIGU Bulletin No. 113 September 2021 19 How the Egyptian people should do that though, he unfortunately didn't say 🤔 , and besides, that was the end of the video. Whether he can do it, I do not know, but I do not see that he can prevail, because I know how the people think there in Egypt. - I myself have no children 😊 , and I'm glad that it is so. One comment: The Egyptian President ( HIS NAME IS SPELLED OUT AS: Abd- elfatah elssissi = عبد يسیسلا حاتفلا ), his name is pronounced in Arabic with two ss س because when in Arabic pronunciation a letter is spoken only as a single S, then it )ز ) sounds like < sän>, and that is interpreted and understood in Arabic as < dan> and thus as funny😊 .. His name in Arabic: Have a nice day Love to Billy 😍 ❤ N.W.

Note Billy: For the reader's understanding.

The origin of today's population of Egypt goes far back into the past, because like the earlier inhabitants of this ancient country, today's indigenous Egyptian people are descended from indigenous Mediterranean North African peoples. The Egyptian population shows a close genetic relationship with today's Arabs and Berbers, as well as with Europeans. Genetic connections also exist to a large extent to the East or to the Orient and thus to the countries on the Eastern Mediterranean, to which the Middle East is connected, including Turkey and especially the Greek peninsula and the Greek islands in the Aegean and the Mediterranean coastal areas. Egypt: This state in North Africa on the Mediterranean has been a politically turbulent country since time immemorial, which was subject to various conquests and was consequently confronted with various religions, and so on. Inevitably, there have also been major changes in the governance of the country, which have continued up to the present day and will continue for a long time to come. However, to list all this would be very lengthy and fill thick books, which is why only the following should be said briefly, starting with the Egyptian President Husni Mubarak, who was the first freely elected ruler in Egypt's history to come to power. Muhammad Husni Mubarak or Mohamed Hosny Mubarak was born in 1928 and died in Cairo on 25 February 2020. As I said, he was the first freely elected president to come to power, in 1981, and he held that office autocratically in the Arab Republic of Egypt for about 30 years, until 11 February 2011. Then, however, there was trouble, when in various states the people rose up against their governments and demanded freedom and a change of government, etc., which in this way also turned out to be a major protest in 2010/11. which resulted in 2010/11 in large-scale protests in Egypt under the slogan <Arab Spring>, resulting in the deaths of 1078 protesters according to the Pleiars, while publicly only about 850 deaths were mentioned. The whole thing caused Mubarak to resign, whereby this was self-decided or on the other hand forcibly decided, it remains to be seen, because there is still confusion about this, because on the one hand it is claimed that he was overthrown, on the other hand it circulated that he himself had resigned. This, however, while according to Pleiari he was forced to resign and put on trial and sentenced to life imprisonment. He then had to serve this sentence. In March 2017, however, he was acquitted by Egypt's Supreme Court of Appeal and released from the army hospital. However, he could not avoid being banned from leaving Egypt. If democracy and civil rights in Egypt are put under the microscope, then it emerges de facto that even after the repeal of the emergency law following the assassination of Egypt's pre-Mubarak president Anwar as-Sadat in 1981 - who was shot by Islamists for concluding a peace treaty with Israel - everything unfortunately remained extremely unsatisfactory.



FIGU Bulletin No. 113 September 2021 20

****************************************** These values were entered: Jonas Madsen, Paipisch. Finland, Dear Sirs, Thank you for all the books and other material, they are very helpful. I have known about Billy Meier for about 15 years, but earlier I did not study the teachings so actively. At first I was very interested in UFOs etc., but now I am only interested in the teaching of truth. German is not so hard for me to understand because my mother tongue is Swedish. Speaking and writing is a bit harder for me, but hopefully you understand my main points. At the moment I am reading the book "When man wants to become happy and satisfied. It's like, this book speaks directly to me and how to solve my problems. It is very helpful and everything seems so logical. I just want to thank Billy and FIGU for all the material, it is all available to mankind. I had been a bit depressed before, but now with the help of Billy's books I am certainly on the mend <power of thought> is also a very, very helpful and interesting book. All though is a slow and hard process for me to read the material, understand it and implement it in my own life. I want to become a true human being and learn this, and that I can with the help of the FIGU material and the books that really learn, and that is undoubtedly. Thank you very much! Salome, Jonas

Questions from 3 May 2021

680th contact, Monday, May 7, 2017, 1.07 p.m. resp. small print "The true engine of thought" Billy: "... So it is quite decisive that the material consciousness of man is not generated by the brain, but from the spirit-energy world of the so-called universal consciousness or precisely of the creation universal consciousness, whereby the whole in this respect embodies nothing other than an impulse store, of a spirit-energy-electromagnetic nature, which is called universal consciousness or creation universal consciousness only for the sake of the human possibility of understanding. …“ Questions about this: Is the term "impulse storage of spiritual-energy-electromagnetic nature" to be understood as a synonym for the creation of universal consciousness in such a way that, for example, all creative-natural laws - such as, for example, the causal principle, according to which every cause is followed by a very specific effect - are based on the impulses mentioned, which thus achieve their effect and function quasi fully automatically? – Which impulses does the creation of universal consciousness still contain or store? what impulses and forces does it allow to take effect beyond that? – With regard to impulses, is there also a structure based on the cosmic sevenfoldness? - If so,

what all does this sevenfoldness comprise, how is it structured? Answer: In and of itself, the Spiritual Doctrine (Creation Energy Doctrine) is basically meant to learn and study the personality, the character, non-conscious-evolutionary things and those facts, because the questions correspond to the development of the personality. Other things are not relevant, but extremely obstructive, because these factors distract from the meaning of the whole of evolution.

Quote from the internet page with respect to the total terrestrial population.

"The numbers consistent with reality, supplied by YHWH Ptaah. As of 12/31/2020 (midnight): 9,163,081,008.


FIGU Bulletin No. 113 September 2021 21 According to earthly population statisticians, the population as of 10/1/2019 is only about 7,545,276,910 people (source: A massive misestimation!" Questions about this: – Do the Plejaren have data on the actual population numbers on each continent of the earth? – It has been said that the huge discrepancy between the earthly official figures and the figures of the total earthly population measured by the Pleiars is due to the fact that, for example, people in remote areas were not counted, that many people live underground, that the censuses are inaccurate, and so on. – Do the Plejaren have exact data to this, thus which portions of these over 1.5 billion humans (conditions 31.12.2020) where on the earth and under which conditions these humans live. – What is the breakdown of the total earthly population of females and males? Salome and best regards Achim Response:

1. Yes, the earthly numbers of the mass of mankind are not correct, because there is no real counting of the mass of the overpopulation, but only an automatic counting, which is aimed at a second, in which 2.6 people are to be born anew. But this is not true, because according to Pleiari data the population of earthlings grows much faster and, moreover, increases. And this takes place first of all according to the fact that the descendants coming into the procreative age also produce descendants again, which is not calculated by the automatic calculation of the earth population in the 2.6 minutes. Furthermore, the people who live underground are not counted, just as those people who live or are born as natives in the jungles, etc., are not counted.

2. According to earthly data the deaths allegedly coincide approximately equally with the births, to which every layman can calculate that this is not true, because otherwise the mass of overpopulation would not grow, at present there are over 9.16 billion. If the same number of people would die as are born, then the level would remain eternally the same and mankind could not grow numerically. So in terms of millions, far fewer people die each year than are born, surely that should be obvious, as the growing number of overpopulation proves it. If it is thought that when the earthly population was counted at the end of the year 500 exactly 198,847,080 people inhabited the earth, then even then more births must have taken place than died. Up to the year 1800 everything then continued within the bounds of the <normal>, an increase in the earth's population of 892 333 410 people, which corresponds to an increase of resp. an increase of 693 486 330 human genes. With a population level of 1 660 990 034 at the end of 1900 - the number of 1 billion was already far exceeded there - the birth surplus at the end of these 100 years further reached the earthly 768 656 624 humans - at the end of 1950 then already resulted in a total population of 2 600 047 000 on the earth ball. And with date from December 31, 2020 the earthly population reached the overpopulation mass Of 9 billion 164 thousand 81 hundred and 8 people. (25.72021. CF) Where and under what circumstances these people live is beyond my knowledge.

3. The number of people of the individual continents is not known to me, because I receive only the total population of mankind on earth, not the various continents or peoples. In addition, I was answered to a corresponding question, that this is not a question on my part, consequently it is also not relevant and of necessity for my knowledge. So only questions are answered, which are necessary for my own knowledge, about which I then have to determine myself,


FIGU Bulletin No. 113 September 2021 22

how and what information I pass on. However, if this information is not intended for the general public, I must remain silent about it or only mention it in outline and veiled or broadly described terms.

4. As far as the question of men and women is concerned, the record shows that the distribution between the sexes on an overall basis has been given to me, and it is such that the preponderance is with the male population.

Reader Question Hans-Jörg Schmidt, author of the book 'Nachbarschaftskunde' ('Neighbourhood Studies') about the Czech Republic, explains that the Czechs tend to be rebellious and that this is anchored in the genes of this people. At first I thought it was embarrassing to ask such a question, but it is not, because it is reality and reality is the be-all and end-all of life. How did this stubbornness get into the genes of the Czech people? Or in other words, what is the origin of this stubbornness and how can it be eliminated, e.g. in a child? What do the parents have to do better so that the child no longer behaves in this way? Answer: Stubbornness, stubbornness or unruliness is not only a characteristic of the Czech people, but it can also be found to a greater or lesser extent among other peoples, ethnic groups, families or individuals throughout the world. Basically, renitence has a religious background, or rather, renitence in the form we know it today, originally arose through religions and sects. Religious and sectarians behaved intransigently, stubbornly and stubbornly towards those who represented other religions, faith communities, forms of faith or reality and wanted to impose their faith on them or bring them closer to the truth and teach them the facts. When it came to the recognition and the confrontation with the truth, i.e. the reality and the facts, they behaved rejectingly and aggressively towards everyone who was not of their own faith, which has eaten its way into the subconscious and to this day inexorably penetrates again and again and to a certain extent breaks open. From this then arose in the course of time a fundamentally hostile attitude towards everything and everyone who brought or represented something new or different, or brought up new laws or rules. Thus the stubborn adherence to the faith and to certain traditions became a pathological basic attitude, which was and is personally only difficult to fight and which thus developed into renitence, which then in the course of time became fixed in the genes. Instead of turning to the truth and the facts, accepting them, aligning themselves with them and working with them, religious and sectarian people preferred and still prefer to cling to any kind of belief, illusion and imagination and to completely block out the truth or the facts and reality, rejecting them and behaving against them in a stubborn, unruly and violent manner, even to the point of murder and manslaughter. Since renitence is now anchored in the genes, it is passed on from generation to generation, on the one hand through genetic predisposition or transmission, and on the other hand through the example set by parents and society. In other words, the children are encouraged and educated by the parents and the society to renitence. Renitence in children cannot be eliminated unilaterally. Education is not only based on It is not a matter of instruction, but first and foremost of the example set by parents and society. So first of all the parents have to deal with their own tendency to renitence and correct it in themselves, and at the same time they have to set an example to their offspring of acceptance, insight, adaptability and personal orientation towards reality and truth and transfer this to the


FIGU Bulletin No. 113 September 2021 23 children, whereby the children can then also learn to keep their genetic tendency to renitence in check, to control it over time, to master it and to cope with it.

New contact person: Plejare Onkoton Drawing from Ptaah/20.2.2021

Virtual meetings at Corona times

by Christian Krajczok, Germany For over a year now, a solution had to be found to keep us FIGUans in touch despite this terrible pandemic. In the meantime, we are connected via various platforms (WhatsApp, Telegram, Skype, Twitter, etc.), but these do not always offer an adequate substitute for physical, real meetings. A face-to-face meeting can probably never fully replace technology. I joined FIGU in about 2012 and had first come across our association/community of interest 1 or 2 years earlier when I was wildly scouring the internet and indulging in all the possible information/people/thoughts etc it offered that were not available in any other way in such a quick, easy and varied way. In 2012, I joined the FIGU group (FSS, pronounced: FIGUStudiengruppe-Süddeutschland), which at that time was the closest to my place of residence. Immediately, on the day of my first participation with a remarkable event, namely the completely surprising cancellation of the previous meeting room in Stuttgart. After bridging meetings at a FIGU member's home, the meeting place was then moved to Karlsruhe. There I had the first regular personal contacts to FIGU members. From this time originate the connections to many members, which have been preserved until today. Especially to Natale Vella and Kai Amos. After I left the FSS and moved back to my home in the Rhineland, the contact never completely broke off. It was used to keep in touch, mainly by email or more recently WhatsApp as well as Telegram. Since Natale lives near Mainz, which for me is more or less directly on the way to the center, we met as soon as I made my way to the center and it suited


FIGU Bulletin No. 113 September 2021 24 both of us. Otherwise the ways are relatively far, so that real meetings represented rather a rarity, since the life with us both holds very many obligations and for a meeting practically a whole day had to be invested. Although this was planned, even with other FIGUans, but was postponed indefinitely due to Corona. Corona came, and one considered how one could <meet> nevertheless. At some point an e-mail fluttered into my mailbox, in which the FIGU Center made a recommendation for Skype, in order to be able to meet nevertheless somehow meaningfully. Natale and I discussed it over email and wanted to try it out. I myself used my Apple iPad, with built-in microphone and camera, and Natale used his desktop PC with his girlfriend's borrowed webcam. The first attempt succeeded, and all in all we were pleasantly surprised and agreed to meet every few weeks - usually in the early evening between 6 - 8 pm and open until the end. At some point Natale upgraded technically so that the experience could be even better, meaning: headset, better webcam and recently even a brand new better computer with all the trimmings. For me, everything stayed the same. Over time, Natale approached other FIGUans who might also be interested in such meetings. One FIGUan joined once for some meetings, however, it was not the real thing for him. Physical meetings were clearly preferred. Another also had rather aversions to meet virtually, whether it was due to technical skill or also physical meetings were generally preferred, one cannot say. However, the last member to join was Kai Amos and he stayed with us for many months. At our last meeting we talked for 5 hours, most of the time actually only about one single question or thing. All three of us had very different points of view. Heated discussions ensued. Even I was able to weave in thoughts and experiences from my entire time at FIGU. Statements that I had heard in the past but did not understand at the time, or whose implications and meaning I could not comprehend at the time, finally made a/the deeper sense to me, and I could understand why something has to be exactly the way it is. There is sometimes a small but subtle difference, and a tiny iota in the wrong place can already lead to a wrong result. If one continues to calculate with this wrong result, then the deviation or the error becomes greater and greater. That is why the Center is so eager not to allow even the slightest falsification of the teaching for all times, so that it cannot come about, as it did with the old prophet/enunciator personalities, that blatant falsifications can arise from the teaching and finally the truth is lost; whereby perhaps there is still a spark of truth here and there, but this lies buried under mountains of falsehood. Our meetings are really free in the freest sense of the word. We meet when we all really have time and no other daily duties haunt us, and also the choice of topics is more than free. We want to talk about creation energy teaching topics. However, since these apply to theoretically everything that exists, you could say that we are talking about 'God' and the world, so practically everything. However, there is a certain consensus that we are not now talking about the current football results or - let's say - tabloid topics, but everything should have a relatively direct reference to the teaching as well as to the original source of all events and life, namely Creation. The most common topic was certainly the Corona situation. We dissected current publications on the FIGU website and related them to our everyday lives. As this format was very loose and more discussed than anything read or studied together, we also tried reading a shorthand, a contact report or a book at times. It was eventually settled on 'Power of Thought'. However, as our meetings usually went on for 4 - 5, but sometimes 6 hours, until even 2am at times, we still spent the least amount of time reading together. We noticed that reading scriptures brought better structure to our meetings, but we still proportionately spent the least amount of time doing so. Conclusion: We keep the meetings I would even say beyond the Corona time, even if one cannot estimate yet, how long it continues so. We got to know each other much better personally and also gained new enthusiasm to deal with the teaching more regularly - I think. These meetings will surely result in physical normal meetings one day, for that reason alone it was a success. In addition, it was possible to cancel the meetings without any problems, since we arranged everything freely and without obligation from home and only sacrificed our free time. However, this was perhaps also one of the biggest disadvantages, in that not enough value was placed on the meetings. It is too easy to cancel such meetings, yet one is not angry with anyone or would have lost anything. You can exchange ideas even if you practically live at opposite ends of the world, and you always save a lot of travel costs and time. In the end, though, you actually look forward to the day when you can face each other directly again. I would advise anyone to try an online meeting themselves.


FIGU Bulletin No. 113 September 2021 25

(People in the picture from left to right above: Kai Amos, Natale Vella, Christian Krajczok)

P.S. Thank you Natale and Kai for your input and suggestions for improving this article and your willingness to continue meeting online.






Lesson 5 -The Creation / Article: Austrian National Group / Article: H. Schossmann Hello folks! In past episodes, we have repeatedly reported about the Swiss <Billy> Eduard Albert Meier and his contacts with extraterrestrial humans from the Plejaren. Today we want to answer the question why the Plejaren visit us at all.


FIGU Bulletin No. 113 September 2021 26 In addition to their own various researches being conducted by Plejaren on Earth, the main reason for their visit is to assist in the dissemination of the Creation Energy Teaching by Billy Meier, <Teaching of Truth, Teaching of Creation Energy, Teaching of Life>. The Doctrine of Life refers to all the facts of human existence, the evolution of consciousness and the whole mental evolution, as well as to the virtues, the development of the personality, the character, the right way of life, as well as to the interpersonal relationships and the partnership and much more. On the other hand, the teaching of the energy of creation is directed to all creative-natural laws in every relationship, as well as to the creative commandments, which are recommendations to follow in order to do justice to the laws of creation. The Creation Energy teaching is by no means new, it is as old as Creation itself and has also been taught on Earth over and over again for the last 10,000 years, but mostly only in oral form. The few written records that have existed over the centuries and millennia have been wickedly distorted and led to sectarian religions and bloodshed as well as legendary mysteries, which unfortunately has remained so to this day. When the history of mankind on earth is considered, it becomes apparent that something is fundamentally wrong over all time. How else could it be that in 10,000 years there has been only 250 years of global peace? This is indeed a most deplorable circumstance. Man is constantly living in discord, the main cause of which is to be found in religions. It must be considered that various religious writings such as the Bible, the Koran, the Torah, i.e. all the so-called <Holy Books> were never written by the respective heralds and prophets, but centuries later by some scribblers. These fell back on various legends, fairy tales and teachings, which in the course of the millennia were increasingly falsified, reinterpreted and interspersed with falsehoods. By these <holy> books of lies men have been forced into a faith-obedience which pretends to hatred, discord, jealousy, deceit, lies and slander, murder, torture, injustice, manslaughter, capital punishment, violence, rape, degeneracy, child abuse, destruction and annihilation, as well as war and terror, and thus cause tremendous misery and disaster. A so-called <merciful God>, who is supposed to love his people, in order to hsand to plunge them into eternal conflagrations when he feels like it, serves as an evil example for people to likewise spread discord and terror of all kinds. But the assumption of an all-controlling and all-directing God could not be more erroneous, but only serves to enslave the consciousness of men and to hinder evolution. The Pleiarin Bermunda, who has studied the religions of Earth in depth, spoke the following words on this subject on March 14, 2018, during the 705th contact, which could not be more apt: "For us it is incomprehensible that such a delusion can be indulged in, which is so confused, so devoid of truth and reality, that even a person who is severely limited in consciousness must recognize the nonsense of such a delusion. Our incomprehensibility in this respect relates in a special way to the Christian religion, because with its story of lies concerning the "resurrection from death" it so far surpasses every conceivable kind of nonsense that not only a person who is severely limited in consciousness must recognize the nonsensical nature of such a delusion, but even one who is addicted to delusion and completely devoid of all understanding and reason. That also undisguised hatred and fantasies of violence arise from this lying, are spread and subliminally influence the life of the believers in Christ and determine their actions is an inevitable consequence when their hatred breaks through openly and demands revenge, as for example in disputes and war. This deviant and overgrown faith in Christ corresponds to a very special delusion, of which every person of faith in Christ must be ashamed, because this faith contradicts everything that is reality and truth, common sense and conscious reason, and therefore the values that every modern and enlightened person on earth should strive for and represent.


FIGU Bulletin No. 113 September 2021 27 But this happens because understanding and reason are lacking with the believers, and that with all People who are addicted to a belief in religion and God, consequently force their offspring at an early age to believe and to be alienated from reality and truth. Therefore, any religious belief, and no matter what kind, is already fundamentally harmful to young people and absolutely unsuitable for their offspring, even at a young age, because through faith their personal development towards independence and perception of reality-truth is viciously destroyed. " So how did the universe, and therefore creation, come into being? Let's start with the age. Earthly scientists theorize that the universe is about 13.8 billion years old, though even in their circles there is disagreement about the accuracy of this information. Rightly so, because they could hardly be further off the mark with their assumption. According to Billy's and Pleiari's data, our universe already has the proud age of 46.5 trillion years. A fact which our science cannot possibly fathom, since all matter, galaxies, nebulae, etc., are renewed every 49 billion years without transition. The universe originated from the timeless, the endless duration of the absolute nihilo, namely by generating an energy impulse through the endless energy of the nihilo resp. of the absolute nothing, by which a tremendously strongly compressed my resp. a most tiny myjota came into being. This formed itself over the endless duration of the Nihilo to a tiny energy globule, which developed in the further Nihilo perpetuity to a likewise tiny creation particle. This energized in itself up to a highly compressed, tremendous energy mass, which finally exploded by its humanly unimaginably high pressure and manifested itself as origin of the SEIN-absolutum resp. of the SEIN-creation as the very first big bang of all existence of all endless-permanent becoming-decaying and becoming-again. Thereby the origin of the SEIN-Absolutum was created as Myeilein, out of which the tremendous violence of the SEIN-Absolutum developed, which in the endless perpetuity of its all-great-time-perpetual existence created six further Absolutum-forms, namely the following: Sohar-, Super-, Creation-, Central-, Primordial- and Absolute Absolutes, after which from this last the first form of creation arose. This developed in the first way as an inconspicuous My, from which a Myjota and from it a tiny energy globule developed, which energized in itself, until it became a highly compressed, tremendous energy mass, which finally exploded by its high pressure as a big bang and developed origin of the very first universe of creation. After that and since then the Absolute Absolute created and creates in endless succession in the endless duration of the Nihilo unstoppable new creations, which manifest themselves by a big bang, hold in themselves 7 dimensions as 7 universes and evolve independently in trillions of years to enter one day back into the Absolute Absolute. In this Absolute they continue to evolve, after which they will one day enter the next higher Absolute form, the Primordial Absolute, in the highest state of development. This process takes place over a humanly unthinkable duration, namely up to the SEIN Absolute, which becomes endlessly more powerful and mightier in energy and power through the highly energetic creations that merge into it, in order to exist in endless duration. The energy of creation - which has emerged from the Absolute Absolute - corresponds purely to its own creation-energetic nature, which creates it out of itself, but leads it back to an energy-impulse of the nihilo resp. of the absolute nothing. As a result of ignorance, a universe is also erroneously called creation or universal consciousness by men, whereby there are 1049 different forms of creation of it, which constantly develop higher in their ever changing and new durations of existence.


FIGU Bulletin No. 113 September 2021 28 With the big bang at the coming into being of a creation, 7 creation belts resp. dimensions are formed in the almost egg-shaped creation space, which flow into each other as a whole space, because the whole creation space consists of 7 belts, of which the 4th one forms the matter belt, while the one that is erroneously and due to ignorance called universe by the earthly astronomy science, however effectively only corresponds to the 4th creation belt. So that which is called visible matter-universe, in which just the coarse matter and therefore also gases, dust, stars and planets etc. are formed, and from which therefore also meteorites, suns, comets, nebulae and galaxies etc. come forth, whose condensations have finally also created our earth, is only a 7th part of creation resp. of the whole creation-space. And all this resp. the emergence of this whole corresponds to a creative-natural energy process, which has purely nothing at all to do with a creator-God, but solely with creation-energetic-physical and matter-physical laws and processes, which are physically and chemically founded in every form and can also be explained in this sense. The Creation exists as autonomy in itself and is - if it may be called so according to human understanding - so to speak <responsible> for the universe, everything existing in it and therefore also for all life. It is the most elemental and greatest mass of energy and power that a human being can even imagine. The creation is the BEING and NOTHING of life. It is the most immense mass of creation-energy that can exist at all. It is supreme energy in its purest form and immeasurable in its power. Although Creation is the most perfect thing that man knows or believes to know, it must continue to perfect and develop itself unrestrainedly. Thus Creation inexorably creates ever new minute agglomerations of Creation-energy, which as <parts of Creation-energy> individually animate every form of life, no matter what genus and species. The creation-energy-particle has now to fulfil its mission in that it provides the life-form, to which it is "assigned" or belongs, with life-energy or life-force unstoppably in innumerable rebirths, until this life-form has advanced its evolution so far, until it has developed the highest possible energy, which it is capable of achieving. If then after 40 million years at the earliest it has worked out its highest attainable evolutionary energetic aggregate state, then this transforms itself as an evolutionary part worked out by man himself into the total mass of creation energy. If this has happened after innumerable lives and many millions of years, then the part of creation energy merges therefore one distant day with the creation itself, resp. with the whole creation energy, and becomes again inseparably one with it, whereby the creation itself perfects itself further and becomes more and more powerful. Man is totally ignorant and <incapable> at the beginning of his existence and evolution. He must first learn to grasp and evaluate all conceivable impulses for learning and building up his intellect, his mind and his reason, which emanate from his creation-energy-form, in order to absorb and utilize everything he accomplishes through his thought and consciousness evolution. The energetic power of his creation energy form enlivening him is always constant, however man learns in the course of many lives to use, to evaluate and to apply this power better and better, through which he also acquires more and more knowledge and wisdom and therefore evolves consciously. The more lives man puts behind him and consciously learns, the more knowledgeable and wiser he becomes, because he is able to tap and process the energetic impulses of his creation energy form better and better, which leads to greater knowledge, greater wisdom and to more life power. Mind, reason, his intellect and knowledge alone, as well as the wisdom that man acquires through his conscious efforts in relation to the creation-energy impulses, and which he also makes available and utilizes, shape his life, and his consciousness, character and personality. From this it can be seen: The more materially and irrationally a human being walks along, thinks and acts, the less he has developed his ability to consciously utilize the power that his creation-energy form makes available to him. Purely material thinking, without reason and intellect being developed, means that a human being stands on a primary stage of consciousness development, which is still very much in need of progress.


FIGU Bulletin No. 113 September 2021 29 Just as the human being has to develop himself further and further over innumerable lives, and thereby learns to use and implement the energetic power of his part of the energy of creation better and better, also creation with its 7 universes is subject to the same laws. We have established that our universe is currently 46.5 trillion years old and has therefore been expanding for this long. However, the total duration of this expansion process amounts to considerable 155.52 trillion years before the creation falls into the contraction resp. begins with the back-fall, namely with the same speed as the expansion took place. So, the creation does not collapse during this contraction process, but the back-fall also takes place over a duration of 155.52 trillion years, during which the entire energy, which has been worked up evolutionarily during the expansion phase, is worked up and becomes a further force, which compresses itself at the end of the contraction in such a way that it becomes overpowering and thereby a new big bang and consequently from it a new form of creation comes forth, namely a so-called primeval creation, which will be followed by many more after its development. So, for the expansion that found its beginning in the Big Bang and the subsequent contraction, the total duration is 311 trillion years. This time is called the waking period of creation, which is logically followed by a slumber period. So, when Creation goes into its slumber for the 1st time, it will be for the same duration as that of the first waking period, namely 311 trillion years, which is 311 x 1012 years. The next waking period of creation then already lasts 7 times as long as the preceding one, thus 2177.28 x 1012 years whereby the following slumber period also amounts to 2177.28 x 1012 years. So it goes on in altogether 7-fold form whereby the duration of the awake and slumber periods of the creation always increases sevenfold. This first sequence of the seven waking and slumbering periods, which has a total duration of 85,384,834.56 x 1012 years, is called all primordial-ur-temporal first creation, or simply creation. After the Creation has evolved over this period of time, it develops into the Original Creation, which again passes through 7 waking and slumbering periods, whereby also their duration always increases sevenfold.

Then it becomes the central creation according to the same rules. This process is repeated 1049 times before the creation enters the Absolute Absolute.

From this it can be clearly seen that the law of becoming and passing away, of cause and effect, is given from the very beginning. We can observe this phenomenon everywhere in nature, be it the blossoming and passing away of plants, the perpetual rhythm of day and night, as well as the constant change between life and death. Becoming and passing away correspond to two different poles, which are oppositely directed to the positive as well as to the negative. However, everything opposite to the positive pole creates a relationship of tension, whereby each of the two poles forms in itself a whole and thus a unity, but together with the other pole also forms a whole and results in a unity. This tension between the two opposite poles in the common oneness is necessary for everything that happens, for all events, changes and in further as well as unchangeable consequence for evolution, because out of all becoming and passing something new arises again and again and thus progress and an unstoppable continuous further development. A permanent striving for evolution therefore corresponds to a task and duty of man given by Creation. Unfortunately, however, the delusion of God prevailing on earth prevents any real progress of consciousness, which is why a large part of mankind has fallen prey to stagnation. Generally the mass of mankind is kept on this level quite consciously by religions and sects as well as their constantly proclaimed delusion of God, as also by authorities and governments,


FIGU Bulletin No. 113 September 2021 30 partly because they themselves are not taught better, but partly also because through this man can be manipulated, enslaved and suppressed to the best degree. However, the majority of people on earth give little or no thought to these matters and, as best they can, simply go about their day. As a rule, parents bring up their children to have a good sense of duty, and they wish for them a good education as well as a successful professional life later on. Of course, they understand that in between young people enjoy themselves at parties or with other leisure activities, but nevertheless parents are anxious to motivate their children to finish school quickly and successfully. So the question arises, why the adults themselves are not interested in a quick graduation resp. in a quick, good evolution and finally in a becoming one with creation? They could considerably accelerate the <school of life> - that is to say their continuous evolution - if they would let go of their delusion of God and align their life according to the eternally valid creative-natural laws and lead their existence in peace, harmony, love and wisdom. How miserable it is to see the hoarding of material goods as well as the primitive stupid living out of the lust for power as the only purpose in life! None, but none at all, of these mundane things are of lasting value and therefore not conducive to the evolution of man's consciousness, because they are based in the fact that he recognizes less and less the meaning of life and does not become a real man in any way. One should always be clear: The last shirt has no pockets. No matter how much wealth, power, land and other goods the human being acquires during his current life. Incarnation accumulates - none of it is of permanence. Only the evolution of consciousness, the further development of one's own power of consciousness, as well as the acquisition and development of reason, intellect, knowledge, wisdom, a respectable personality, a good intellect and a valuable character will always benefit man in future lives. Anything else is a waste of time, such as is peculiar at best to immature ungrown adult human beings. Children, as a rule, do not waste their time, but learn from their actions and their games various things and skills which will benefit them later in adult life. The Plejaren have already recognized this a very, very long time ago and have put their existence in the service of evolution and thus of creation. Who is surprised then that they do not come into contact with immature, still very low-evolved life forms such as the Earth people? We should be grateful to them and Billy for teaching us the <teaching of the truth, teaching of the Bringing Creation Energy, Teaching of Life> because the effort and expense that both Billy and the Pleiars put into it is much more than most people can even begin to imagine. You can find more information concerning creation and creation energy in the numerous books and writings of Billy and in the publications of the FIGU. Subscribe to our channel for more interesting topics and click on the bell if you want to be informed about our latest publications. So then, until our next episode, when we'll be revealing lots of interesting facts to you again: What school isn't telling you.

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FIGU Bulletin No. 113 September 2021 31





(false peace symbol = ☮ = Celtic rune of death ("rune of life" turned downwards)

ThePeaceSymbolPrimal Symbol Overpopulation

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Lesson 5 - The Creation


FIGU Bulletin No. 113 September 2021 32 Hi guys! Throughout our past episodes we have reported on the Swiss man 'Billy' Eduard Albert Meier and his contacts with extraterrestrial humans from the Plejaren. Today we want to find out why the Plejaren actually visit us in the first place. Aside from multi-layered research the Plejaren conduct on Earth, their actual reason for visiting us is to help spread the Teaching of the Creation-energy by Billy Meier, the 'Teaching of the Truth, Teaching of the Creation-energy, Teaching of the Life'. The Teaching of the Life refers to all aspects of human existence, conscious and complete mental evolution, virtues, the development of personality, character, the proper way to live, but also to interpersonal relations, partnerships and much more. The Teaching of Creation-energy, on the other hand, is focused on all creational-natural laws in every way, as well as on the creational principles, which are recommendations to follow in order to live up to the Laws of Creation. The Teaching of Creation-energy isn't new by any means, it is in fact as old as Creation itself and has also been taught on Earth throughout the last 10,000 years but mostly only in oral form. The few written records, which existed over centuries and millennia, have been viciously falsified which led to sectarian religions and blood-deeds as well as to legendary mysteries which unfortunately survived to this day. If we look at the history of terrestrial humans, it's obvious something went terribly wrong throughout the past millennia. How else could it be that out of 10,000 years of Earth history a mere 250 years were actually defined by global peace? That is indeed a very sad state of affairs. We live in a constant state of discord and the major blame for this falls on religions. Keep in mind that various religious writings like the Bible, the Koran, the Tora, thus all so-called 'Holy Books' have never actually been written by their respective heralds and prophets, but often centuries later by any random scribblers. They relied on various legends, fairy-tales and teachings which have been continuously altered and falsified through the course of millennia, they were re-interpreted and intermingled with falsehoods. Through these 'holy' books of lies, people were forced into a blind obedience, which causes hatred, discord, jealousy, deceit, lies and slander, murder, torture, injustice, manslaughter, death penalty, violence, physical and psychical violence, degeneracy, child abuse, destruction and elimination as well as war and terror, thus causing immense misery and disaster. A so-called 'benevolent god', who is supposed to love his people just so he can plunge them into eternal fires whenever he feels like it, serves as a deplorable example for people to also spread discord and terror of all kinds. The concept of an all-ruling, all-directing God, however, could not be any more irrational, but serves only to enslave the consciousness of the human being and to impede/prevent evolution. On March 14, 2018 during the 705th contact the Plejaren woman Bermunda, who has studied Earth religions in great detail, has spoken the following words on this subject which couldn't be more to the point: "For us it is incomprehensible that such a delusion can be indulged in, which is so confused and so far from the truth and reality that even a human being who is severely limited in consciousness must recognise the nonsensical nature of such an irrational belief. Our incomprehensibility in this respect relates in a special way to the Christian religion, because with its story of lies concerning the 'resurrection from death' it surpasses all conceivable nonsense to such an extent that not only a human being who is severely smallminded in consciousness must recognise the nonsense of such an irrational belief, but even one who is a slave to lunacy and completely devoid of all intellect and rationality.


FIGU Bulletin No. 113 September 2021 33 The fact that undisguised hatred and fantasies of violence also arise from this story of lies, are spread and subliminally influence the lives of believers in Christ and determine their actions and deeds, is an inevitable consequence when their hatred breaks through openly and demands revenge, as for example in disputes/quarrels and war. This deviant/perverse and overgrown/proliferate faith in Christ corresponds to a very special delusion, of which every human being who believes in Christ must be ashamed, because this faith contradicts everything that is reality and truth, common sense and conscious rationality, and thus the values that every modern and knowing human being on Earth should strive for and represent/advocate. But this happens because the believers lack intellect and rationality, namely all human beings who are addicted to religion and belief in God, so that they force their offspring to believe and to be alienated from reality and truth at an early age. Therefore, every religious belief, no matter what kind, is already fundamentally dangerous to young human beings and absolutely unsuitable for their offspring, even at a young age, because their personal development towards independence and perception of reality and truth is maliciously destroyed by their belief." So how did the universe and thus creation come about? Let's start with the age. Terrestrial scientists theorize that the universe is about 13.8 billion years old, this assessment, however, has been subject to heavy debates. Rightly so, for their estimate could not be further from the truth. According to Billy's and Plejaren data, our universe dates back some respectable 46.5 trillion years, that is 46.5 million million years. Our scientists couldn't possibly figure this out, because all material, all galaxies, nebulae etc. renew themselves continuously every 49 billion, that is 49 thousand million years. The universe has originated from the timelessness of the endless duration of the absolute Nihilo, and through the endless energy of the Nihilo, of the absolute nothing, an energy impulse has been created, by which a tremendously strongly compressed My, a most tiny Myjota came about. This formed itself over the endless duration of the Nihilo to a tiny energy globule which evolved in the further Nihilo perpetuity to an equally tiny egg-shaped creation particle. This energised in itself up to a most compressed tremendous energy mass which eventually exploded due to its unimaginably high pressure and manifested itself as origin of the 'SEIN-Absolutum' that is the SEIN-creation as the very first big bang of all existence, of all endless-permanent becomingpassing and becoming again. Thereby the origin of the 'SEIN-Absolutum' was created as tiny Myegg, from which the tremendous might of the 'SEIN-Absolutum' evolved, which in the endless non-duration of its all-great-ever-perpetual existence created six more Absolutum-forms - known as the: Sohar-, Super-, Creation-, Central-, Primordial- and Absolutes-Absolutum, the last of which proceeded from the very first creation-form ever. This initially developed as an inconspicuous My, from which a Myjota developed and subsequently a tiny energy globule, which energised in itself, until it became a highly compressed immense energy mass, which finally exploded due to its high pressure in a big bang and became the origin of the very first creation-universe. After that and since then the 'Absolutes-Absolutum' has created and creates in endless succession in the endless duration of the Nihilo incessantly new creations, which manifest themselves by a big bang, contain 7 dimensions as 7 universes and evolve independently over trillions of years to one day return into the 'Absolutes-Absolutum'. There they continue to evolve, to one day - after having attained the highest form of evolution - cross into yet an even higher Absolutum form, into the 'PrimalAbsolutum'. This process, which takes so much time humans cannot possibly fathom, continues all the way to the 'Being-


FIGU Bulletin No. 113 September 2021 34 Absolutum', which thanks to the highly energetic creations uniting into it grows increasingly mightful in energy to exist in ur-endless duration. The energy of Creation - which proceeded from the 'Absolutes-Absolutum' - corresponds purely to its own creational-energetic nature, which it created from within itself, yet, relates back to an energy impulse of the Nihilo, that is of the absolute nothing. Due to their unknowing human beings erroneously refer to a universe also as creation or universal consciousness wherethrough there are, however, 1049 different forms of creation, that keep evolving throughout ever changing, new phases of existence. With the big bang as the origin of a creation 7 Creation belts or dimensions are formed in the almost egg-shaped creation space, which flow into each other throughout all of space, because the entire Creation-realm encompasses 7 belts. The 4th belt forms the belt of material, which the earthly astronomy-science erroneously and falsely refers to as 'universe' which is in fact just the 4th belt of the entire actual universe. So that what is called visible material universe, in which the coarse material and therefore also gases, dust, celestial bodies and planets etc. are formed, and from which thus meteorites, suns, comets, nebulae and galaxies etc. emerge, whose condensations have created our earth, is only a 7th part of the Creation, that is of the entire Creation-realm. And the formation of all of this in its entirety is a creational-natural energy process, which has absolutely nothing to do with a 'creator-god', but just with creationalenergetic-physical and material-physical laws and processes, which are physically and chemically based and can also be explained in this way. The Creation exists as autonomy in itself and is - if one may be calling it that - according to human understanding, so to speak 'responsible' for the universe, everything existing in it and hence also for all life. It is the most primordial/ur-gigantic and largest mass of energy and power, which a human can possibly imagine. The Creation is the BEING and NONBEING of life. It is the most immense mass of creational energy that can possibly exist. It is highest energy in purest form and unmeasurable in its power. Even though the Creation is the relatively absolutely developed human beings know or think they may know, it must relatively absolutely fulfil itself relentlessly and keep evolving. So the Creation creates incessantly new tiny fullness of Creational-energy which as 'particle of creational-energy' individually gives life to every life form, no matter what species. Now the 'particle of creational-energy' has to fulfil its mission by relentlessly providing life-energy or life-power to the life form it has been 'assigned' to throughout countless rebirths, until this life form has advanced its evolution to such an extent, that it has developed the highest possible energy, it is able to ever attain. If it has reached this highest attainable evolutionary energetic aggregate state - no sooner than after 40 million years - then the 'particle of creational-energy' transforms itself as by a human being self-attained, evolutionised part into the total mass of creation energy. If this has happened after countless lives and many millions of years, then the part of creational-energy unites one day with the Creation itself, that is with the entire creational-energy, and again becomes inseparably one with it, wherethrough the Creation itself relatively absolutely fulfils itself further and becomes more and more enormous. At the beginning of their existence and their evolution human beings are completely unknowing and 'incapable'. They must first learn to grasp and process all kinds of impulses for studying and building up their intellectum, their intellect and rationality, which emanate from their creationalenergy form, in order to absorb and utilise everything that they accomplish through their thought and consciousness evolution. The energetic power of their animating creation-energy form always remains unchanged, however, throughout many lives human beings learn to use, evaluate and apply this power better and better. In doing so they also gain more knowledge and wisdom and thus evolve consciously.


FIGU Bulletin No. 113 September 2021 35 The more lives humans live and spend learning consciously, the more knowledgeable and wiser they become, for they are more efficiently able to tap and process the energetic impulses of their creational-energy form, which leads to greater knowledge, greater wisdom and to more life power. Only understanding, rationality, their intellect and knowledge as well as wisdom, which humans acquire through their conscious efforts with regard to the creational-energetic impulses, which they cultivate and exploit, influence their lives, and their consciousness, character and personality. This goes to show: the more materially oriented and devoid of rationality humans live, think and act, the less they have developed their ability to consciously use the power provided by the creational-energy. A purely material way of thinking, without developing rationality and intellect, means that a human being is still on a primary stage of consciousness development, which still needs a lot of progress. Just as human beings must keep evolving over countless lives, and better learn to use and wield the energetic strength of their 'particle of creational-energy', the Creation itself, with its seven universes, is subject to the same laws. We have determined that our universe is 46.5 trillion years old, that is 46.5 million million years, and has therefore been expanding this long. However, the total duration of this expansion process amounts to a considerable 155.52 trillion years before the Creation commences the contraction, that is to say, begins with the fall back at the same speed as the expansion occurred. Hence the Creation does not actually collapse during this contraction process, but the fall back occurs over a duration of 155.52 trillion years, during which all the energy that has been evolutionarily generated during the expansion phase becomes a power which compresses itself at the end of the contraction process in such a way that it becomes overpowered and a subsequent new big bang ensues and a new Creation-form emerges, namely a so-called PrimalCreation which though its course of evolution will be followed by many more. So the expansion which has begun with the big bang and its subsequent contraction lasts 311 trillion years. This time is known as the 'awake period of the Creation' which is naturally followed by a 'SLUMBER period'. When the Creation goes to sleep for the 1st time, it does so for the same duration as that of the first waking period, namely for 311 trillion years, that is 311 x 1012 years. The next awake period of the creation then lasts 7 times as long as the previous one, that is 2177.28 x 1012 years whereas the following slumber period likewise amounts to 2177.28 x 1012

years. It goes on like that in 7-fold form while the duration of the awake and slumber periods of the Creation keeps increasing sevenfold. This first sequence of the seven awake and slumber periods which amounts to a total duration of 85 384 834.56 x 1012 is referred to as the Ur-all-primal-first creation, or just lowest creation. After the creation has evolved over this period of time, it develops into the primalcreation which again goes through seven awake and slumber periods, whereby also their duration always increases sevenfold. After that it evolves into the Central-Creation according to the same rules. This process repeats itself in further consequence, 1012 times, before the Creation enters the 'Absolute Absolutum'. It is therefore quite apparent that the law of becoming and passing, of cause and effect, is given from the very beginning. We can observe this phenomenon everywhere in nature, be it the blossoming and passing away of plants, the perpetual rhythm of day and night as well as the constant change between life and death. The becoming and passing each match two different poles, which refer to the positive as well as to its negative counterpart, respectively. The two opposing poles, however, create a circumstance of tension and while each of the two poles forms a full unit on its own, they also form another unit once they are paired with the other pole.


FIGU Bulletin No. 113 September 2021 36 This circumstance of tension between the two opposing poles in the common oneness is essential for all occurrences, all happenings, changes and inevitably for evolution, for all becoming and passing away creates relentlessly something new resulting in progress and an unstoppable ongoing further development. A permanent striving for evolution is a creation-given task and duty of any human being. Unfortunately, however, the God-delusion belief prevailing on Earth prevents any real evolution of the consciousness, which is why a large part of humankind remains trapped in stagnation. Generally the masses are deliberately kept by on this level by religions and sects as well as their constantly proclaimed God-delusion belief, but also by authorities and governments, on one hand because they don't know any better themselves, on the other hand also because humans can be easily manipulated, enslaved and suppressed this way. The majority of the people on Earth doesn't care about these things, remains oblivious and goes about their lives as best ass they can. In general, parents raise their children to have a good sense of duty, and they wish for them to have a good education and a successful career later on. Of course, they understand that occasionally young people enjoy themselves at parties or other leisure activities, but nevertheless, parents are eager to motivate their children to graduate from school quickly and successfully. That begs the question, why then are adults themselves not interested in a swift graduation, that is, in a quick, sound evolution and finally in becoming one with the Creation? They could accelerate the 'school of life' - thus their continuous evolution - substantially if only they would let go of their God-delusion belief and would align their life according to the eternally valid creational-natural laws and would lead their existence in peace, harmony, love and wisdom. How sad is it to make the hoarding of material goods and the primitive-dumb lust for might and dominion the sole purpose of one's life! None, none of these mundane things whatsoever provide lasting value and are therefore in no way conducive to the evolution of the consciousness of humans, because these are based in the fact that they recognise less and less the meaning of life and fail to become real human. One should always keep in mind: Shrouds have no pockets. No matter how much wealth, might, land and other goods a person accumulates during his or her current incarnation - none of it will endure. Only the evolution of consciousness, the increased development of one's own power of consciousness as well as the growth and expansion of rationality, intellect, knowledge, wisdom, a respectable personality, a good intellectum and a valuable character, will always benefit a person in future lives. Everything else is a waste of time, as it is at best inherent in immature adult people. Children, as a rule, do not waste their time, but learn from their actions and their games various things and skills that will benefit them later in adult life. The Plejaren have realised this a very, very long time ago and placed their existence into the service of the evolution and thus the Creation. Does it come as a surprise then that they do not seek contact with immature, still very low-evolved life forms like the Earth human beings? We should be grateful to them and Billy for bringing us the 'Teaching of the Truth, Teaching of Creation Energy, Teaching of the Life', for the effort and the amount of work that both Billy and the Plejaren put into this is so much more than most people can even begin to imagine. Find more information on the Creation and creational energy in Billy's many books, writings and FIGU publications. Subscribe to our channel for more interesting topics and hit the bell if you want to know about our latest publications. Well then, see you in our next episode, when we will reveal lots of interesting facts again: What school won't tell you.



FIGU Bulletin No. 113 September 2021 37


Spreading the right peace symbol

The false symbol of peace - the so-called "peace symbol", which is now widespread throughout the world.

ThereshallbePEACEonearth<death rune>, which is derived from the Celtic futhark runes resp. the inverted And there shall bePEACEonEarthAlgiz rune was fabricated - is the very epitome of negative influences and creates

destructive vibrations regarding discord, feuds and AMANIΕΙΡΗΝΗhatred, revenge, vices, addictions and bondage, for the <death rune> signifies to.

BARIŞVREDEmany people reminiscences of the NAZI era, of death and ruin, as. PAQEଘ�but also ambitions in terms of wars, terror, destruction of many kinds, and

PACE damitםורש worldwide discord, because for the people any sign of death fear and МИРशांि◌तsymbolizes calamity.

PAIX Itى٤؛ is really most urgent that the <death rune> should be regarded as a false

PAZќ symbolPeaceؤ , which is the discord and unrest of human achievements and all the necessary foundations

of life of any FIGU.ORGcreates, completely disappears from the earth world and thereby the ancient as well as

FIGU,Semjase-Silver-Star-Center,8495SchmidrütiSwitzerlandTel.+41(0)523851310correct peace symbol is spread all over the earth and made world-famous, whose central elements reflect peace, freedom, harmony, strengthening of the life force, protection, growth and wisdom, have an uplifting effect and help very soothing and peaceful-positive vibrations to break through, which can effectively convey peace, freedom and harmony! We therefore appeal to all reasonable people of the earth, to all FIGU interest groups, FIGU study groups and FIGU national groups and thus to all reasonable and honestly striving for peace, freedom, harmony, justice, knowledge and evolution to do and give their best to spread the correct peace symbol worldwide and to create enlightenment about the dangerous and destructive use of the <Death Rune>, which in memory of the NAZI crimes collectively promotes in the minds and aspirations of the people character derangement, degeneracy and mischief, as this is unfortunately also extremely carried into the present time after the end of the last World War 1939-1945.

Spreading of the Correct Peace

Symbol The wrong peace symbol - the globally widespread "death rune" which has been fabricated from the Celtic Futhark /quintessence of negative influences and evokes destructive swinging-waves regarding unpeace and hatred, revenge, vice, addictions and bondage, because for many human beings the "death rune" means reminiscence (memories) of the Nazi era, of death and ruin as well as ambitions concerning war, terror, destruction of human achievements, livelihoods as well as global evil unpeace. Therefore it is of the utmost necessity that the wrong peace symbol, the "death rune", disappears from the world and that the ur-ancient and correct peace symbol is spread and made known all-over the world, because its central elements reflect peace, freedom, harmony, strengthening of the life power, protection, growth and wisdom, have a constructive and strongly soothing effect, and help peaceful-positive swinging-waves to break through. Therefore we appeal to all FIGU members, all FIGU Interest Groups, FIGU Study Groups and FIGU National Groups as well to all reasonable human beings, who are honestly striving for peace, freedom, harmony, fairness, knowledge and evolution, to do, and give, their best to spread the correct peace symbol worldwide and to bring forth clarification about the dangerous and destructive use of the "death rune", which in memory of the Nazi crimes collectively furthers deterioration and neglect of character-"ausartung" and terribleness in the reflecting and striving of the human being, as this is still being extremely carried on after the end of the last world war 1939-1945 until the current time.


FIGU Bulletin No. 113 September 2021 38


(False peace symbol = ☮ = Celtic rune of death (downturned "rune of life").

ThePeaceSymbolPrimal Symbol Overpopulation

Car stickers Order against prepayment: e-mail, WEB, tel: Sizes of FIGU adhesives [email protected] 120x120 mm = CHF 3.- Hinterschmidrüti 1225 250x250 mm = CHF 6.- Schmidrüti / Switzerland Tel. 052 385 13 10 300X300 mm = CHF 12 Fax 052 385 42 89 Use your car and stick the <Fight Overpopulation> symbol and the peace symbol on it, and spread it that way. Stick it everywhere else on walls, posters, etc., where it is allowed!

IMPRINT /// For CHF/EURO 10.- in one envelope, we will send you/you 3 pieces of coloured glue FIGU BULLETIN and FIGU Special BULLETIN /// Size 120 x 120 mm = on the car Printing and publishing: FIGU Wassermannzeit-Verla /// glue on

Size. 25 x 25 mm Semjase Silver Star Center, Hinterschmidrüti 1225, 8495 Schmidrüti, Switzerland FIGU-BULLETIN is published periodically; FIGU-Sonder-BULLETIN is published sporadically; Both bulletins are also published on the Internet, at the


FIGU Bulletin No. 113 September 2021 39 FIGU website: Editorial office: BEAM 'Billy' Eduard Albert Meier /././ Phone +41(0)52 38513 10 (7.00 h - 19.00 h) / Fax +41(0)52 385 42 89

Postcheck account: PC 80-13703 3 / IBAN: CH06 0900 0000 8001 3703-3 FIGU Free Interest Group, 8495 Schmidrüti, Switzerland FIGU-Shop:

© FIGU 2021 Some rights reserved. This work is, where not

otherwise specified, spiritualdoctrinepeacesymbol licensed under : Peace Truepeacecanonlybecomenc-nd/2.5/ch/ on earthamongtheworld'spopulationwheneverysensibleandreasonablepersonfinallymakes

thefirststeptowardsitwithoutviolence,inordertothen Non-commercialuseisthereforeexpresslypermittedwithoutfurtherpermissionofthefollowinginpeacefulnesseveryfurtherstepconsideredandauthor/ Published by Wassermannzeit-Verlag: consciouslytodotothelastconsequenceofpeace-making.FIGU, 'Free Interest Group Universal', Semjase Silver Star Center, SSSC,September10,2018,4:43p.m.,Billy

Hinterschmidrüti 1225, 8495 Schmidrüti ZH, Switzerland/Switzerland

(False peace symbol = ☮ = Celtic death rune) (Downturned "rune of life")