Download - 单元教学设计——外研版7AModule9 People and · 单元名称:Module9 People and places 4. 主题: 世界不同地区的人们在同一个时间做某事

Page 1: 单元教学设计——外研版7AModule9 People and · 单元名称:Module9 People and places 4. 主题: 世界不同地区的人们在同一个时间做某事


单元教学设计——外研版7AModule9 People and places



佛山市教育局教研室 指导人及









姓名 教龄(年) 职称

王晓娩 4 英语中学二级


外研版七年级上册 Module9 People and places 模块教学设计

王晓娩 一、教学材料

1. 授课年级:七年级 2. 教材:新课标外研版广东省专用 2012 年 7 月第一版 P54-P59 3. 单元名称:Module9 People and places 4. 主题: 世界不同地区的人们在同一个时间做某事


1. 教材的主题线索:单元以世界不同地区的人们在同一时间做某事为三个单元

的主题线索; 2. 单元内容与结构:本模块第一单元是用对话的形式呈现了现在进行时,学生



象,同时补充一个阅读的文化背景知识:时区。 3. 各部分的关系:第一单元是语言现象的初步展现和学生初步感知;第二单元


元现在进行时语法现象的强化巩固和本单元文化背景知识的补充。 4. 语言特征:第一单元是妈妈与女儿关于旅行进行的电话对话,口语特征比较

明显;第二单元是一篇新闻报道,具有即时性、客观性等新闻语体语言特征。 5. 活动:本模块的模块生成任务是能够做一个广播报道;为此任务做铺垫,两




的写作任务。 6. 单元内容调整的方案和理由:将第三单元的活动二和四调整到第一单元。作 为现在进行时的语法即时巩固。

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7.单元教学安排: 课时:三个单元一共用 5 个课时 第一单元计划用两个课时来完成,引入要能够吸引学生,对于语言现象的呈


结; 第二单元,阅读写作课用两个课时来完成,在完成了阅读之后,需要让学生





展示和点评。 三、学情分析


期的学习,小组合作能力较强,懂得课前预习并听懂老师的课堂指令; 2、学生小学阶段已经简单接触过现在进行时,对该语法概念和结构有一定的基

础认识; 3、每个学习小组都存在英语学困生的情况。

四、单元教学目标 1、第一单元教学目标: (1)知识目标:能够掌握本单元的核心词汇:call, lie, take photos, lie in the sun, walk, few, a few, enjoy, enjoy doing sth, back, go back 等的使用方法;能够识别对话中谈论


语境;能够描述人们正在做的事并进行相关主题的口语交际活动。 (2)学习与交际策略目标:利用关键词听取关键信息的听力微技能; 2、第二单元教学目标: (1)本节课之后学生能够利用 be doing 和 be not doing 的语法结构,准确描述人们

正在做或者不在做的事情;并自觉运用 and 和 so 两个连词进行写作。 (2)文化意识与情感态度:通过本单元的学习,让学生初步了解不同地方人们生活


的兴趣,加深对本国文化的认识,形成更加开阔的国际视野; (3)学习与交际策略:本节课后学生能掌握利用关键词进行扫读的阅读微技能;通


学习活动,进一步培养学生自学与合作的学习能力。 五、教学设计理念

根据新课标标准和新课标教材的活动设计,本单元主要采用情景交际法和任务 型教学法。

六、各课时教学设计 第 1~2 节 课型:【听说课】 (一)教学目标:

Page 3: 单元教学设计——外研版7AModule9 People and · 单元名称:Module9 People and places 4. 主题: 世界不同地区的人们在同一个时间做某事


1. 能够掌握本单元的核心词汇:call, lie, take photos, lie in the sun, walk, few, a few, enjoy, enjoy doing sth, back, go back 等的使用方法; 2. 能够识别对话中谈论的正在发生的事; 3. 能够通过观察,自主归纳现在进行时的语法结构并初步感知其适用语境; 4. 能够描述人们正在做的事并进行相关主题的口语交际活动。 (二)教学重点:现在进行时的 be doing 的使用 (三)教学难点:现在进行时 be doing 中的 be 动词 (四)教学过程: 环节一:引入与展示 (含 2 个教学活动) 活动 1 活动名称:头脑风暴

活动过程:教师让大家齐读新课标题:We’re enjoying the school trip a lot. 教师询问大家:Have you ever been on a school trip? What do you usually do on a school trip?take photos?此处教师做一个 take photos 的示范并在黑板板书,并鼓励大家想到就站起来说并进行小组 加分,老师同时板书出同学们所说出来的短语。 设计意图:旨在激发学生调动出已学的短语,激发学生兴趣,调动出学生关于学 校出游的相关词汇表达,同时为引出本单元新词汇做铺垫。 活动 2:小组合作,看图说话 活动过程:教师将学生说出来的出游短语板书后,播放课本活动一的图片,引导已 经预习过的同学,通过看图片说出本节课将学的短语:buy postcards, stand in line, wait for the bus, take photos, walk on the Great Wall, call sb, shop at somewhere 等短语; 教师展示图片 c, 并展示句型-What are they doing? - They are taking photos. 教师展示能够运用新学短语的六张图片,让学生两人一组进行问答对话 操练 3mins, 并邀请小组展示,展示小组加分。 设计意图:本活动旨在让学生巩固新学词汇并初步体验 be doing 的用法。 环节二:听力体验 活动 1: 活动名称:听并排序

活动过程:进行课本活动 2,指导学生抓住刚刚新学的短语作为听力关键词来 快速排序。 设计意图:让学生初步在语境中体验 be doing 的使用,进一步加深对相关短语的 印象。操练学生利用关键词进行有效信息获取的听力微技能。 活动 2: 活动名称:听并完成表格

活动过程:进行课本活动 3,给出课本表格,教师先给一个示范。同时提醒学生 根据姓名作为听力关键词来正确获取信息。听后,请学生进行组内校 对,并用组内一问一答的形式汇报小组讨论答案。

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如: -What is Betty doing? - She is calling her mother. 同时老师在黑板上板书学生给出答案。

设计意图:继续操练学生利用关键词获取正确信息的听力微技能;操练学生如何询 询问别人正在做的事并回答。培养学生小组内部合作,同龄互相反馈 和学习的能力。 环节三:发现与探索 活动 1: 活动名称:我来“练练看”

活动过程:老师呈现在黑板上的板书,引导学生去观察并总结现在进行时的语法 结构 be doing. 设计意图:培养学生观察并归纳的能力,提高自学能力,并让学生充分体验目标 语法现象。 活动 2: 活动名称:火眼金睛找规律

活动过程:老师提问,在 be doing 结构中,是否所有的动词都是直接加-ing. 继 通过图片,分别呈现 She is working. She is dancing. She is swimming. She is lying.等句子结构,来引导学生继续归纳 doing 构成。 设计意图:培养学生观察并归纳的能力,提高自学能力,并让学生进一步体验目 标语法现象。 环节四:巩固与生成 活动 1: 活动名称:熟能生巧多练习

活动过程:限时完成课本 P58A2 模块内第三语法单元活动二:对话补充 完整 设计意图:用于检测学生对于 be doing 的结构和意义的掌握。 活动 2: 活动名称:放飞想象齐开口

People Things he/ she is doing

Betty She is calling her mother.

Tony He

Wang Hui He

Lingling He

Daming He

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活动过程:学生听并模仿 A7,掌握 doing 形式的动词的正确发音;而后老师设定 情景:It’s ten o’clock in the morning on Monday, say what are they doing? -It’s ten o’clock now, what is your father/mother/teacher/ Grandparents/deskmate/penfriend...doing? -Oh, he/she is.... 设计意图:用于检测学生对于 be doing 的结构和意义的运用和口头交际表达。 环节五:小结与作业 【第二课时】 环节一:温故而知新 活动 1: 活动名称:看图造句

活动过程:老师引导大家回顾 be doing 的语法结构与意义,并展示包含了 doing 各种形式变化的 10 张图片,让学生进行造句。 设计意图:用于检测学生对于 be doing 的结构和意义的掌握。 环节二:立足课本 活动 2: 活动名称:跟着他们去旅行

活动过程:老师播放 U1A3 的 video,并请同学们观看完毕之后完成课本 A4,同

桌互相检查并请小组汇报。老师展示正确答案,同时展示几个重点词 短语,on sale/ a few/ few/ a little/little/wait in line,通过 图片和例句展示,小组讨论后请同学们来解释这些词的用法并完成老 给的造句。 设计意图:加深和检测学生对于课文内容和重点单词的理 解。 活动 3: 活动名称:熟能生巧多模仿

活动过程:1、老师播放 A6 单词并请学生模仿,引导学生关注目标音标读法; 2、老师播放 A3 录音,请学生认真听,关注目标单词读音并小声模仿; 3、班内齐读之后分角色朗读,分小组朗读,老师不断引领学生调整语 音语调和朗读的感情并对学生的朗读给予肯定; 设计意图:引导学生关注语音语调的准确性,加强学生对于课文的熟悉程度,形 成语感。 活动 4: 活动名称:短语大检测

活动过程:老师展示单元重点短语的中文形式,用开火车的形式进行逐个过关; 小组内部请学生讨论之后,小组内部每人用两个短语造句并小组汇报。 教师对于重难点短语通过问题和例句方式引领学生加强理解。 设计意图:帮助学生掌握和内化单元重点短语。

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环节三:拓展与运用 活动 5: 活动名称:我猜我猜猜

活动过程:老师讲游戏规则,两人合作,A 同学面向全班,B 同学与 A 同学相对 而站,并向 A 同学做动作,B 同学用 you are doing 的句型来进行猜测。 老师在 PPT 上展示 driving a car/ playing basketball taking photos/ watching TV/ getting up/ going to sleep/ lying in the sun/ studying history/ writing postcards 等短语; 之后再请小组内部讨论,每组设计四个没有被表演过的动作,小组交 换表演,得分高小组获得较高积分。 设计意图:对于 be doing 的结构和意义进行进一步的拓展,帮助学生在趣味性中 进一步巩固对于 be doing 的掌握。 (五)板书设计 She is calling her mother. He is eating an ice cream. He is taking photos. She is buying a few postcards. He is having lunch and lying in the sun. 第 3~4 节 课型:【阅读课】 (一)教学目标: 1. 本节课之后学生能初步懂得如何带着关键词进行扫读的阅读技能; 2. 本节课之后学生能够利用 be doing 和 be not doing 的语法结构,准确描述人 们正在做或者不在做的事情; 3. 本节课后,学生自觉运用 and 和 so 两个连词进行写作。 (二)教学重点:指导学生利用 be doing 和 be not doing 结构进行写作 (三)教学难点:and 和 so 不同逻辑功能的运用

take photos

on a school trip have a picnic

play games

do some shopping

wait in line

lie in the sun

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(四)教学过程: 环节一:引入与展示 (含 2 个教学活动) 活动 1 活动名称:温故而知新

活动过程:全班齐读模块第一单元中 Betty 和 Mum 的对话,用字体颜色标注引领 学生关注上一节课的目标结构 be doing;设定背景,引入 Betty 和 Mum 发给对方的信息 BETTY : Hi, mum! It's 6:00 pm in Beijng now. I am having dinner. What about

you? I miss you! Mum: Hi, Betty! It's 10:00 am here now. I am working in the office. Enjoy

your dinner! 通过问题引领的形式,引出本节课的阅读主题: At the moment, in different places of the world people are doing different things. 设计意图:本活动在复习的基础上,为本课创设了情景,同时也用最简单易懂的

方式,帮助学生理解时区这个背景知识。 活动 2 活动名称:看图造句

活动过程:老师引入哆啦 A 梦,米奇和憨豆先生三个来自三个不同国家的卡通 人物,利用图片,图片附带本节课的重点短语 drink coffee/ have

afternoon tea/ watch TV/ wait for buses/ have breakfast 等短语。 设计意图:让学生进一步感受 At the moment, in different places of the world people

are doing different things.同时引出本节课的重难点短语。 环节二:阅读 活动 1 活动名称:带着关键词扫读,定位此刻不同地区的时间

活动过程:教师展示第一张思维导图,利用图示的方法,帮助学生理解 scanning 之后,1 分钟限时,请学生完成以下导图; 设计意图:帮助学生利用思维导图,能够一目了然明白如何带着关键词定位信息;

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活动 2 活动名称:带着关键词扫读,定位此刻不同地区的人们正在进行的活动

活动过程:教师展示第二张思维导图,2 分钟限时,请学生完成以下导图; 设计意图:进一步帮助学生利用思维导图操练带着关键词定位信息的技能;

活动 3 活动名称:视频观看与短文填空

活动过程:教师播放课文视频,帮助学生更加直观理解 At the moment, in different places of the world people are doing different things. 让学生进行完成一个针对进行时结构操练的课文归纳。 设计意图:进一步 加深学生对文章的理解和对 be doing 结构的理解; All over the world, people are doing different things.It’s five o’clock in London , people are (1) ________ from work. People in Moscow are (2)___________at home or in restaurant. In Beijing, it's one o'clock at night, most people(3) __________, but some are still(4) ________. In Los Angeles, it's nine o'clock in the morning, people(5) _______ sleeping, they are working.

环节三:写作 活动 1 活动名称:写句子

活动过程:教师展示前面的思维导图,让学生仿照两个例句,In London, it's five o'clock in the afternoon, and people are leaving work and going home.分别运用 and和 so 来写句子。 In Moscow,_____________________________________________________________ In Beijing, ______________________________________________________________ In London, it's five o'clock in the afternoon so people aren't sleeping, they are leaving work In LosAngeles,__________________________________________________ In New York, ___________________________________________________

设计意图: 让学生感受并尝试使用两个两个连词来进行基础的写作; 活动 2 活动名称:读与悟

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活动过程:老师将刚刚写过的句子进行汇总,让学生齐读,并引导学生关注连 词的使用让文章更有逻辑性。 设计意图:让学生领悟连词在写作中的作用,并能够有意识地去尝试运用。 活动 3 活动名称:情景写作

活动过程:老师展示哆啦 A 梦寄来的一封邮件。 Dear friends: Good morning! I'm happy to have a chance to make friends with you. I live with Nobi Nobita's family now. It's Sunday morning now, (so Nobi Nobita isn't having a class, he is still sleeping. Right now, I am eating my favourite cake as breakfast. And Nobi Nobita's mother is shopping on the Internet. Nobi Nobita's father is reading a newspaper. His grandparents are doing morning exercise in the park.) I am happy here. What about you? Do you have a happy family? Best wishes! Yours, Doraemon

请每个小组合作,帮忙老师回复一封邮件哆啦 A 梦,告诉他你的家人和你 此刻正在做的事。引导学生关注邮件的结构,邮件的开头,主体和结束部分。 设计意图:本活动旨在设计一个比较真实的写作场景,让同学们在感觉有趣真实的 情境下运用 be doing 来进行写作;同时这个邮件也是给程度比较差的同 提供一个写作范本。 活动 4 活动名称:小组写作

活动过程:老师引导学生关注邮件的结构,并讲解了小组写作之后的汇报评分标 准:be correct; be fluent; be polite;

Dear Doraemon, Good evening! I'm happy to read your email. Let me tell you something about my family. I have got a big family. We all have different hobbies. (It's eight in the evening

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now.___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________We are doing different things, but____________________________________________________________________ Best wishes! Yours, ________ 设计意图:让学生能够有意识地小组内部检查,减少错误,提高写作的准确度;让 学生能够有意识地小组内部进行汇报练习。同时。关注汇报时的礼貌和

流畅度。 环节四:生成与展示 活动 5 活动名称:小组汇报展示

活动过程:邀请 2-3 个小组上讲台,团体汇报他们合作写出来的邮件,老师进行 提醒与点评,结合同学们的互评,给出相应的加分。 设计意图:让学生敢于大胆进行台前的展示,同时能够及时得到反馈,明白自己 的改进空间;让同学养成认真聆听并负责评价他人的习惯;检测同学 们对于 be doing 的运用情况。 环节五:小结与作业 活动过程:小结本节课学习到的阅读技能与写作连词;小结各个小组汇报优缺点;


第 5 节 课型:【语法课】 (一)教学目标: 1. 本节课之后,学生能够准备运用 be doing 来描述自己活着他人正在做什么; 2. 本节课之后,学生能够通过小组合作,初步体会如何进行新闻报道 (二)教学重点:指导学生利用 be doing 进行新闻报道 (三)教学难点:体现新闻报道的特征 (四)教学过程: 环节一:复习与巩固 活动 1 活动名称:看图说句子

活动过程:老师展示 U3A1 的课文图片,这是在 U1 课文基础上的一个延伸图片, 让学生抢答看图造句 设计意图:培养学生看图观察的能力;检测学生运用 be doing 结构进行口语表达 的熟练程度;

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活动 2 活动名称:看图写句子

活动过程:学生观察 U3A3 的三幅图画,并在 3 分钟内完成三个句子写作并进行 班内汇报,组间互纠。老师展示正确答案。 设计意图:培养学生看图观察的能力;检测学生运用 be doing 结构进行正确基础 写作的熟练程度; 环节二:阅读与引入 活动 3 活动名称:阅读并回答问题

活动过程:老师展示 Around the world 短文和信息表格,请学生阅读并快速运用 U2 所学的扫读技能,3 分钟内完成信息表。 Places time Activities New York Los Angeles Hawaii 设计意图:检测学生对于扫读技能的掌握程度;进一步帮助学生理解时区的概念; 为下文学生进行新闻报道铺设情景。 环节三:小组新闻报道 活动 4 活动名称:小组新闻报道

活动过程:老师设定一个北京时间,并提供本单元所学几个城市伦敦,莫斯科, 洛杉矶,夏威夷的对应时间。请每个小组选择一个地区作为自己小组 的新闻报道地,从运动、天气、节日等主题中选择一个作为报道主题, 进行小组合作报道。 设计意图:通过情景的设定,让活动的真实情景度更高,提供多种主题让学生能 够将学生之前所学到的知识与新学知识进行融合与生成,达到激发学 生综合运用语言的能力。 环节四:点评与小结 活动过程:老师对学生选择的主题报道从语法准确性,小组合作程度等方面进行点

评;小结本节课的重点内容并布置作业。 环节五:模块小测 活动过程:进行模块第三单元的小测。 Ⅰ. 根据汉语意思完成英语句子,每空一词(含缩略形式)。 1. 你现在和你弟弟在一起吗? ________ you ________ your brother now? 2. 我也想要一本书。 ________ ________ a book too.

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3. 天气不好。坐公共汽车去吧。 The weather is bad. Go ________ ________. 4. 是上床睡觉的时候了。 ________ ________ to go to bed. 5. 我们正在喝下午茶。 We’re drinking ________ ________. Ⅱ. 根据短文内容从方框中选出恰当的单词填空,使短文完整、通顺。 or, buying, by, sale, would There are five shops near my home. Every day, children (1)________ like to buy things here. Some of them come (2)________ bike, and some walk here. Sometimes, children come here with their parents (3)________ brothers or sisters. Look! Sam and Jack are in a food shop. Lots of meat is on (4)________. What are they doing? Sam is talking with the manager and Jack is (5)________ some meat. Well, they want to share the meat with their friends at the party. 七、单元测试及课堂小测设计 M9 Unit 1 课堂小测 Ⅰ. 找出与所给单词划线部分读音不同的一项。 ( )1. cat A. course B. Welcome C. cinema D. call ( )2. hears A. looks B. songs C. films D. plans ( )3. eating A. strong B. looking C. evening D. often ( )4. choose A. China B. school C. match D. search ( )5. takes A. cakes B. weeks C. checks D. saves Ⅱ. 根据语境从方框中选出恰当的单词填空,有的需要变换形式。 anyway, back, enjoy, few, call 1. ________ me at weekends. Let’s go shopping. 2. The weather is bad. ________, come to my party at half past seven. 3. Finally, they go ________ to the school. 4. ________ students come to the library on Friday evening. 5. They can ________ good food here. Ⅲ. 根据汉语意思完成英语句子,每空一词。 1. 请站成一排,孩子们。 Please stand ________ ________, children. 2. 他想拍长城的照片。 He wants to ________ ________ of the Great Wall. 3. 张老师正在教室里等你。 Mr Zhang is ________ ________ you in the classroom. 4. 很多新包正在商店出售。 Many new bags are ________ ________ in the shop. 5. 这里是公交车站。请下车。 Here is the bus station. Please ________ ________ the bus.

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参考答案 Ⅰ. 1-5 CADBD Ⅱ.1. Call 2. Anyway 3. back 4. Few 5. enjoy Ⅲ. 1. in line 2. take photos 3. waiting for 4. on sale 5. get off M9 Unit 2 课堂小测 Ⅰ. 根据句意从方框中选出恰当的单词填空,有的需要变换形式,每词限用一次。 still, star, thing, leave, drive 1. She usually ________ home at six o’clock. 2. He’s ________ London at this moment. 3. He is tired, but he is ________ working now. 4. I’ve got some important ________ to tell you. 5. Jackie Chan is a ________ in the world. Ⅱ. 根据汉语意思完成英语句子,每空一词。 1. 今天大多数男孩都穿着 T 恤衫。 ________ ________ wear T-shirts today. 2. 此时他们正在玩游戏。 They are playing games ________ the ________. 3. 有时我们在饭店吃。 Sometimes we eat ________ ________ ________. 4. 那个小孩经常躺在温暖的阳光下。 That small child often lies ________ ________ warm ________. 5. 她经常步行去买菜。 She often ________ ________ buy vegetables. 参考答案: Ⅰ. 1. drives 2. leaving 3. still 4. things 5. star Ⅱ. 1. Most boys 2. at; moment 3. in the restaurant 4. in the; sun 5. walks to M9 Unit 3 课堂小测 Ⅰ. 根据汉语意思完成英语句子,每空一词(含缩略形式)。 1. 你现在和你弟弟在一起吗? ________ you ________ your brother now? 2. 我也想要一本书。 ________ ________ a book too. 3. 天气不好。坐公共汽车去吧。 The weather is bad. Go ________ ________. 4. 是上床睡觉的时候了。 ________ ________ to go to bed. 5. 我们正在喝下午茶。 We’re drinking ________ ________. Ⅱ. 根据短文内容从方框中选出恰当的单词填空,使短文完整、通顺。

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or, buying, by, sale, would There are five shops near my home. Every day, children (1)________ like to buy

things here. Some of them come (2)________ bike, and some walk here. Sometimes, children come here with their parents (3)________ brothers or sisters.

Look! Sam and Jack are in a food shop. Lots of meat is on (4)________. What are they doing? Sam is talking with the manager and Jack is (5)________ some meat. Well, they want to share the meat with their friends at the party. 参考答案 Ⅰ. 1. Are; with 2. I’d like 3. by bus 4. It’s time 5. afternoon tea Ⅱ. 1. would 2. by 3. or 4. sale 5. buying Module 9 单元测试题 Written test part (共 80 分) Ⅰ. 词汇(共 15 分,每小题 1 分) A) 根据语境从方框中选出恰当的单词填空,每词限用一次。 walk, back, few, place, call 1. ________ me at half past six. I want to watch the match with you. 2. They ________ to school every morning. 3. There are ________ customers in the shop. That’s bad. 4. Finally, we go ________ to the classroom. 5. There are many interesting ________ in the city. B) 根据语境用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空。 6. Don’t always ________(lie) in the bed. It’s time to work. 7. We’re ________(enjoy) the food and drink at the party. 8. The weather is cold. ________(anyway), I’d like to go there with you. 9. At this ________(moment), they are standing on the Great Wall. 10. ________(most) actors are from Hollywood. C) 根据所给图片提示写出所缺单词。

11. I’ve got two ________ from my uncle. 12. Here is a picture of the ________. It’s smiling. 13. Mike’s father often ________ to meet him at the school gate. 14. We seldom eat in the ________ because the food is expensive.

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15. There are usually many ________ in the night sky (天空). Ⅱ. 单项选择(共 10 分,每小题 1 分) 从各题后所给的四个选项中选择可以填入空白处的最佳答案。 ( )16. That tall building is ________ school. My cousins study there. A. an B. a C. the D. 不填 ( )17. I haven’t got much time, so I’d go ________ bus. A. to B. with C. of D. by ( )18. —What do you do at weekends?

—I usually stay ________ home. A. at B. in C. on D. over ( )19. —Which do you choose, the pen ________ the pencil?

—The pen, thank you. A. and B. but C. or D. because ( )20. ________ girls would like to come to my party, so I’m very happy. A. Few B. A few C. Little D. A little ( )21. Please ________ at the gate. Your mother will meet you here. A. cut B. wait C. leave D. look ( )22. —________!Who is it?

—My sister is singing in her room. A. Listen B. Visit C. Read D. Think ( )23. She is sad because she has got little milk to ________ this evening. A. eat B. save C. make D. drink ( )24. —Where are you now?

—________. A. I’m sorry B. I’d love to C. I’m in Shanghai D. Good-bye ( )25. —They can help those old men. I’m sure. —________. A. Welcome B. That’s great C. It’s bad D. I’m fine Ⅲ. 完形填空(共 10 分,每小题 1 分) 先通读下面的短文,掌握其大意,然后从 A、B、C、D 四个选项中选出可以填入空

白处的最佳答案。 This is Gong Yu. She is 26 thirteen-year-old girl. She lives with her

parents 27 London. She is a student and enjoys 28 school life here. She likes English 29 it is interesting. And she often does 30 homework on the computer.

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Food and drink is 31 too. It can help her studies. Her parents 32 make her favourite food. Now 33 are her parents doing? Her parents are 34 lunch for her. Gong Yu is in her room. She is 35 a book. ( )26. A. an B. a

C. the D. 不填 ( )27. A. on B. under

C. about D. in ( )28. A. her B. his

C. my D. your ( )29. A. and B. but

C. so D. because ( )30. A. English B. Chinese

C. history D. geography ( )31. A. delicious B. bad

C. important D. funny ( )32. A. always B. only

C. never D. even ( )33. A. where B. who

C. when D. what ( )34. A. eating B. making

C. checking D. watching ( )35. A. calling B. reading

C. singing D. looking Ⅳ. 情景交际(共 10 分,每小题 2 分) 根据对话内容从方框中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项补全对话。 A: Where are you? B: At the party. A: (36)________________ B: Not really. I’m eating delicious food. A: Good. Is a boy singing? B: (37)________________ A: That song is my favourite. B: Well, I like it very much. And I can sing to you ... A: (38)________________ B: Why? A: I can’t go on the Internet. B: (39)________________ A: Yes, that’s right. B: (40)________________ A: Good idea. A. You can’t send the document to me? B. Are you busy now? C. Ha ha ... but I’ve got no time to enjoy your song. D. Print it. E. Yes, he is my friend. Ⅴ. 阅读理解(共 20 分,每小题 2 分)

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A It is seven o’clock in the evening now. Li Qi’s family are very busy.

Li Qi is in her room. There are some clothes on her bed, and some paper and books on her desk. She is looking at one red dress. The weather is cool, so she can’t wear the dress. And she’s got some homework to do. She is sad. But Li Qi’s sister is happy and she is watching TV in the living room. Basketball is her favourite sport and she often plays it with her classmates at weekends. Basketball tickets are expensive so she often watches basketball matches on TV.

Where are Li Qi’s parents? Her father is reading a book about animals and plants in the study and her mother is doing some washing in the kitchen. Well, an old man is playing taijiquan. He is Li Qi’s grandpa.

How busy they are! 根据材料内容选择最佳答案。 ( )41. What time is it now? A. 6:00 pm. B. 7:00 pm. C. 8:00 pm. D. 9:00 pm. ( )42. What are on Li Qi’s bed? A. Books. B. Flowers. C. Basketballs. D. Clothes. ( )43. How many people are there in Li Qi’s family? A. Five. B. Six. C. Seven. D. Eight. ( )44. What sport does Li Qi’s sister often play? A. Jianzi. B. Tennis. C. Basketball. D. Football. ( )45. 下列哪项陈述是正确的? A. Li Qi is washing her clothes. B. Li Qi’s sister is watching TV. C. Li Qi’s father is in the kitchen. D. The old man is Li Qi’s friend.

B It’s winter in my city now. The weather is very cold. My grandpa, my parents, my

uncle and I are at our house. We are doing different things. My grandpa is reading a book about science. Reading is his favourite. He thinks it is

interesting and useful. My father is watching TV. He likes watching CCTV news. From the news, he can know about things all over the world. My mother is cleaning the house. My mother is always busy keeping our house clean and tidy. My uncle is playing computer games in the study. He has got a son and a daughter. They are studying English in Australia. What am I doing? I’m writing an email to my cousins. It is very hot at the moment in Australia. They are happy there. I miss (想念) them very much. 根据材料内容选择最佳答案。 ( )46. How many people are there at the house? A. Four. B. Five. C. Six. D. Seven. ( )47. What does the writer’s grandpa like doing? A. Reading books.

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B. Watching TV. C. Cleaning the house. D. Playing computer games. ( )48. What does the underlined word “tidy” mean in Chinese? A. 幸福的 B. 健康的 C. 宽敞的 D. 整洁的 ( )49. What season (季节) is it in Australia? A. It’s spring. B. It’s summer. C. It’s autumn. D. It’s winter. ( )50. 下列哪项陈述是正确的? A. The writer’s cousins are visiting their friends. B. The writer’s father thinks reading is very useful. C. The writer’s uncle likes playing computer games. D. The writer is talking with his cousins on the Internet. Ⅵ. 完成句子(共 5 分,每小题 1 分) 根据汉语意思完成英语句子,每空一词(含缩略形式)。 51. 他正在和李老师说话。 He is ________ ________ Mr Li. 52. 秋天我们能去上海学习。太好了。 We can study in Shanghai in autumn. ________ ________. 53. 我们正在参加公司的郊游。 We’re ________ a company ________. 54. 她也想要一辆车。 ________ ________ a car too. 55. 那家商店正在出售什么? What’s ________ ________ in that shop? Ⅶ. 书面表达(共 10 分)


格提示内容写一篇英语小短文。词数不少于 70,可适当发挥。 人物 活动

一个女孩 拍照 一个男孩 吃冰激凌 一个年轻人 湖边画画 一些妇女 跳舞 一些男孩 有的踢足球,有的晒太阳、交谈 ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ 参考答案:

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Ⅰ. 1. Call 2. walk 3. few 4. back 5. places 6. lie 7. enjoying 8. Anyway 9. moment 10. Most 11. postcards 12. sun 13. drives 14. restaurant 15. stars

Ⅱ. 16-20 BDACB 21-25 BADCB Ⅲ. 26-30 BDADA 31-35 CADBB Ⅳ. 36-40 BECAD Ⅴ. 41-45 BDACB 46-50 BADBC Ⅵ. 51. talking to / with 52. That’s great

53. on; trip 54. She’d like 55. on sale

Ⅶ. One possible version: Today is Sunday. The weather is very good. There are a lot of people in the park.

What are they doing? Look! A girl is taking photos with her parents. A boy is eating an ice cream and a young man is drawing near the lake. Some women are dancing under the big tree. There are some boys on the grass. Some of them are playing football and the others are lying in the sun and talking.

How happy they are! 八、教学特色与反思【设计者对自己做的教学设计思路进行提炼】 1、本模块的设计着眼于模块的最终学生能力生成,进行了模块内部的小调整; 2、听说课和读写课的课型特征比较突出;能够让学生在对应的课型内充分操练利用

关键词听取关键信息和利用关键词扫读关键信息的两个微技能; 3、三个单元的活动比较情境性比较强,形式总体来说比较新颖,符合学生的年龄特



语法现象,有意识地培养学生的自主学习能力; 4、小组活动贯穿始终,注重培养学生的合作能力和小组内部互相学习的学习策略; 5、三个单元的活动设计衔接自然,目标明确,第三单元的活动设计又再一次呼应和


规律。 九、专家点评 附录:模块课堂小测和单元小测以及所设计的教材内容(word 文档) 十、教材附录