Download - February, 2013 TRIDENTFebruary, 2013 The BYC Trident • 10 Gostick Place • Vancouver, BC V9M 3G3 • (604) 988-0817 Another busy month for your board! Conor and I are putting the

Page 1: February, 2013 TRIDENTFebruary, 2013 The BYC Trident • 10 Gostick Place • Vancouver, BC V9M 3G3 • (604) 988-0817 Another busy month for your board! Conor and I are putting the

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Another busy month for your board!  

Conor and I are putting the final touches on the survey outcomes. Expect that in the next few weeks. Burns, as I imagine will contribute as well, is doing everything he possibly can to ensure the breakwater, as well as juggling a few other projects with security, gets the attention it needs. Ensuring we get the best possible finished product in front of our facility this Fall.

Couple of things I'd like to mention. Did you know you can pay your Club bills online? Burrard Yacht Club can likely be searched in your electronic banking and set up as a payee. This has been in place for a couple of years now, and given that moorage and dues are coming soon, you may want to consider this option. Of course, Laura can and will accept a cheque instead.

Spring work parties are also just around the corner. This is one of the things that makes a Yacht Club like ours special. We would really rather have your time rather than your money. Your time vests your interests in the Club deeper, as well as the relationships that members build both with each other and with the Club. Getting involved is always worth it. While we all appreciate spending a Saturday afternoon working on the docks may present a time challenge for us all, putting the time in has significant benefit for us all.

Lastly, I wanted to acknowledge Karen Shankey and the Social Committee for 3 great events keeping the winter blues away. Nancy and I attended 2 of the 3 and I understand the Oscar Party was great. We have almost sold out on the Portuguese Club Dinner next Friday (March 8) and we are looking forward to that as well. Once again, a great time and great friends. Thank you for coming along, and thanks to the committee for making it happen.

The next thing you know, it will be "Sailpast" and we will be getting out on the water, it feels like Winter is almost over!

Commodore John McCallum



Commodore John McCallum


Page 2: February, 2013 TRIDENTFebruary, 2013 The BYC Trident • 10 Gostick Place • Vancouver, BC V9M 3G3 • (604) 988-0817 Another busy month for your board! Conor and I are putting the

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Vice Commodore Report


All engineering is now complete and we are now working on the construction schedule.Wayne will be providing a complete report from the committee in the next Trident. Sail Past

We have chosen May 4th for Sail Past this year. Again between tides and other Club activities we feel this is the best date. We will once again leave the Vancouver Harbour and return to Indian Arm. The morning ceremonies will be held at the club at 0900. Boats will leave the club as is tradition and transit to a location similar to last year by Boulder Island at 1200. Once you have completed your salute you will be invited to proceed up the Arm to Clementine. We hope you will stay and enjoy the day including food and entertainment. For those not wishing to stay overnight we will arrange transportation back to the club. I will have all of the details completed and published in the next Trident. Please mark the date. Security With some of the proposed changes to the neighbourhood parking regulations as well as the new Spirit Trail route I have put together a Security Committee. We will be reviewing the current security procedures, the operation of the Front gate, Security cameras as well as perimeter fencing. Our goal is to take a proactive approach to the security needs of the club. We will be having our first meeting in March.

Vice CommodoreBurns McLellan

Page 3: February, 2013 TRIDENTFebruary, 2013 The BYC Trident • 10 Gostick Place • Vancouver, BC V9M 3G3 • (604) 988-0817 Another busy month for your board! Conor and I are putting the

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W i n t e r W o r k P a r t i e sW i n t e r W o r k P a r t i e sMarch 9 (10 members)

• Pender

March 16(2 members)

• Electric and Power Washing

March 23(16 members)

• Shore

April 6(24 members)

• Ekins

April 20(16 members)

• Clementine

April 27(20 members)

• Shore

Work parties are filling up fast! Sign up at the BYC Office.Work parties are filling up fast! Sign up at the BYC Office.

Rear Commodore Report

Spring Cruise!

This years cruise will be held at Ekins May 17, 18, & 19, and will be a Gilligan’s Island theme. (Note this is over the Victoria Day long weekend and the Monday is a holiday). Vickie and I are working hard to make it a weekend to remember.

Rear CommodoreRob Langford

Page 4: February, 2013 TRIDENTFebruary, 2013 The BYC Trident • 10 Gostick Place • Vancouver, BC V9M 3G3 • (604) 988-0817 Another busy month for your board! Conor and I are putting the

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Staff Captain Report

Members with an assigned tender/dinghy berth and members who are using a tender/dinghy berth:

Rule 37 requires that you identify your tender/dinghy with your name when using Club premises for storage.

As this may not be practical in many cases, it is also acceptable for you to use the license number or some other permanent identification on the tender/dinghy.

If you choose to do this, please forward the information including your berth assignment to the Staff Captain at [email protected] or to the Club Office.

Jim Nicholson, Staff Captain


Please note - The Indian Arm and Howe Sound areas are steep sided salt water fjords where high rainfall and/or rapid snowmelt have previously triggered debris flood or debris flow torrents in a number of the mountainside creeks. These events can be very destructive and may occur without warning so please keep this in mind and exercise caution if you choose to visit these areas during periods of high precipitation.

Page 5: February, 2013 TRIDENTFebruary, 2013 The BYC Trident • 10 Gostick Place • Vancouver, BC V9M 3G3 • (604) 988-0817 Another busy month for your board! Conor and I are putting the

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Maintenance Reminders

Grid Reminders:

• All grid bookings are in the shop – book early• All forms must be completed- If grid waiver not filled out with 48 hours of grid date, the grid day be allocated to another member- If Boat bottom service forms are not filled out within 7 days of the grid day – staff cannot guarantee

that the vessel can be completed• Did you know?- That all grid forms (waivers/ boat bottom service) are available on the club web site- Once you have completed your grid booking and filled out the forms you can check the web site to

confirm your grid date

2013 Classic Show: mark your calendar, numerous events for members

• Friday night dinner• Classic show June 8th 1000 hrs-1600 hrs• Saturday night dinner and dance (live band on the


From the Maintenance Department:• Tool room – please sign out tools• Key fobs(both pedestrian and parking lot gates) –

available through the maintenance office - $40/ea – maximum 2 per member

• Dock boxes for outside berths are available through maintenance

• Shed leaks or maintenance items with berths – please email the maintenance department at [email protected]

Summer Sailing: registration for summer sailing will be available in April

Adult Sailing: anyone interested in evening sailing in the club sailboats?Please email [email protected]

BYC Classic Show - June 8, 2013

We need volunteers for the committee. This is a fantastic BYC event that can use your help!


Page 6: February, 2013 TRIDENTFebruary, 2013 The BYC Trident • 10 Gostick Place • Vancouver, BC V9M 3G3 • (604) 988-0817 Another busy month for your board! Conor and I are putting the

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Crane Operation for Dinghy Storage

These guidelines are for the hydraulic crane:

• Any member (including family members) wishing to operate the crane must attend an instruction session provided by Maintenance staff prior to operating the crane

• The crane capacity limit is 1800 lbs. Please make your tender as light as possible for lifting and storage. Tenders which are known to be close to the limit must be weighed before first lift.

• Make sure lifting eyes are placed in the lifting hook so they set into the back of the eye.

• Never allow anyone aboard a tender while it is being lifted by the crane. This crane is not certified for lifting people

• When lifting your tender, use the controls slowly, do not make fast movements

• Have tag lines on your tender for easy movement

• When loading your tender onto the cart, put the heavy end (the motor end) on the rigid castors

• Do not unhook the crane until the tender is secure on the dolly (shake the tender)and lifting harness is slack


• When storing your tender, please leave in your designated spot. Do not impede pedestrians.

• All tenders must be kept in a neat and tidy order

• Covers must be custom (tight) covers. This area is exposed to strong winds

• All tenders must be chained in place for security

Page 7: February, 2013 TRIDENTFebruary, 2013 The BYC Trident • 10 Gostick Place • Vancouver, BC V9M 3G3 • (604) 988-0817 Another busy month for your board! Conor and I are putting the

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Membership News

The membership initiative I set out in the last month has been well received by the membership and a number of new prospects have been recommended to me. Watch for the next Trident for their introduction. Thank you and keep them coming!

I thought I'd clear up a few observations/concerns that have arose.

Firstly, this initiative has been put in place with the sole desire to maintain our current levels. Not grow it. The Canadian population as a whole is aging, our membership is too, in fact at an accelerated pace. Most people begin boating a bit later in life, once household and other family priorities have been met. In order to keep up with current attrition levels and accelerated ones in the near future, we need to attract new blood.

Secondly, there will not be any more strain on our parking facilities. As it stands now, we are not increasing the number of slips. New members, until they get a slip will be using the parking facilities on special occasions only, i.e. sailpast, and we have been able to accommodate that need through good neighbourhood relationships. The number of slips available determines our parking requirements, pure and simple. To help control parking issues we will be issuing parking decals, in the near future, so as to better identify members' cars and to ensure that the only authorized and approved vehicles are allowed to use our parking facilities.

Thirdly, membership initiation fees go toward capital expenditure only, not operating expenses, i.e. they go toward funding the acquisition and improvement of our outstations, not to pay our utilities etc. However, should we allow our membership levels to decline, the operating costs, will be spread over fewer members.

Fourthly, we decided not to drop the price of membership to attract new prospects but went with rewarding current members with an incentive... Why? We didn't want to devalue our club privileges by having a fire sale. This would be unfair to members who have paid full price and could serve to attract individuals who shop solely on price. By asking our membership to encourage their friends to join we hope to maintain the the integrity, fun and participative nature of the club we have all come to enjoy.

"A friend of yours is a friend of ours"

Encourage boating friends who are sitting on the fence to join BYC as fully active members and receive a credit on your account equivalent to a full year's dues once they join.

This is a limited time offer so get off the couch!


Frank PorattoMembership Director

Page 8: February, 2013 TRIDENTFebruary, 2013 The BYC Trident • 10 Gostick Place • Vancouver, BC V9M 3G3 • (604) 988-0817 Another busy month for your board! Conor and I are putting the

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Social Committee Report

Great turnout for our Social Events this past month – 36 for the Indoor Tailgate Party and 28 for the Academy Awards Evening. Special thanks to all those who pitched in to help make these events a success, in particular, Intermediate members Kristyn Lane, Nicole Lane and their friend Dorinda Sankowski who labored in the kitchen preparing and serving hot hors d'oeuvres, washing dishes and pouring bubbly for all those elegantly dressed Academy Awards attendees… and to Conor Shankey barbecuing in his tux in the rain! Thanks to Sue Arnold and Jennifer Thornton too for helping with the set up and decorations. The room looked really festive with balloons, decorations and beautiful flowers. Lots of pictures on the red carpet and we will be working to get all event pictures up on line for members to see but here are a couple of them.

Pictured to the right are Tony Read & Edith Wormsbecker walking the red carpet and below it seems that Grant Allan was pretty popular with the ladies - from left to right that’s Karen Shankey, Niki Bancroft and Joanne McLellan. And of course fancy dress doesn’t just mean black tie and long dresses. Check out Burns McLellan in his evening attire. Well, if you’ve got nice legs you probably want to show them off.

Evite continues to work well – if you’re not receiving them please let us know at:

[email protected]

and it is no problem to add a second email address if you need that at your house. The Maybe option doesn’t work that well for planning purposes as we only count those who reply Yes in final numbers so we’re going to change Maybe to “Waitlist if necessary”. We have only a handful now who sign up on the board outside the office so you really need to check on line to see who else is coming and what they have to say. At events that are near capacity showing up when you have not

Page 9: February, 2013 TRIDENTFebruary, 2013 The BYC Trident • 10 Gostick Place • Vancouver, BC V9M 3G3 • (604) 988-0817 Another busy month for your board! Conor and I are putting the

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rsvp’d can be a challenge as it often means those who have confirmed don’t get a seat – I didn’t realize this happened at the Multicultural Potluck Event.

See you soon,

Karen ShankeySocial Committee Chair

Celebrating over two decades as Vancouver Island’s premiere in-water boat show, the 2013 Victoria Harbour Boat Show, returns to the pristine waters of Victoria’s Inner Harbour, April 18 – 21, 2013. Hosted by the British Columbia Yacht Brokers Association, the 23rd Annual Show offers top-of-the-line products and accessories, expert advice, and amazing deals on all your boating needs, just in time for the 2013 boating season.

Whether you’re new to boating or a seasoned sailor, there’s something for everyone at this year’s Show. View hundreds of new and pre-owned boats for sale while exploring Victoria’s landmark Inner Harbour, located in the historic centre of beautiful Victoria. Meet with premium yacht brokers from across the Island and beyond to explore a range of models for every budget and boating activity, and stop by the wide array of on-land exhibitors, ranging from boat manufacturers to destination representatives, to find top products, accessories, and expert advice. For more information, visit

Page 10: February, 2013 TRIDENTFebruary, 2013 The BYC Trident • 10 Gostick Place • Vancouver, BC V9M 3G3 • (604) 988-0817 Another busy month for your board! Conor and I are putting the

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The Trident of Burrard Yacht ClubCan always be found

Member SupportThe Trident is supported by the members of The Burrard Yacht Club. The editor strongly encourages all members to contribute.

Contact the EditorSend your stories, pictures, links, and ideas to: Cliff Taylor [email protected], you can always drop off papers, pictures, and media disks at the office in the Trident mail slot.


Looking for a full time sailing instructor for the summer. Please contact James Nelson.

Sagas of Sammy Seagull - Retired


Get Your New Uniform Hats Ordered for Sailpast 2013!

To ensure your new uniform hat arrives in time for Sailpast, Saturday, May 04, 2013, deadline for orders is Friday, March 15th

Hats do need to be sized for proper fit. This can be done with Laura at the club office, or call Theresa Coridor or Sheryl Gowland to arrange. A bulk order will be submitted to supplier Saturday, March 16th. Members will be contacted when order received.

Total Cost $86.00 ($78.00 for hat and $8.00 for a hat cover)