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Members: Professor:Denise Ann V. De Vera Dr. Abelito T. QuiwaTrixia Ann V. VidalloVEGGIE JELLYChapter One: Project SummarA. !ame o" #nterprise$. %ocationC. Descripti&e De"inition o" the ProjectD. Project Objecti&es#. 'easibilit Criteria'. (i)hli)hts o" the Project*. +ajor Assumptions and Summar o" 'indin)sA.NAME OF THE ENTERPRISEVDVEner!r"seisapartnershipbusinesso" Trixia AnnVidalloandDenise AnnDeVera. TheacronmVDVcame"romtheinitialso" our surnames. ,echoseoursurnames to represents the "ull ownership o" our business. #. LO$ATION$usinessislocated atP.VisitacionSt. -alawaan.Pasi)Cit btheroadside.just/minutes awa "rom &illa)e church 0Sta. +artha Parish Church1 and 2 minutes awa "romschool 0-alawaan #lementar School1 which will be our tar)et consumers. 3t isaccessible to public mar4et 0Pasi) +ar4et1 and supermar4et 0'C+ Supermar4et1 "or ourreadil a&ailable in)redients and materials o" the product. +eans o" transportation canbe either triccle or jeep. The cost o" the rental is P5.266 monthl. The si7e o" the land is25 s8uare meter.$.DES$RIPTIVE DEFINITION OF THE PROJE$T%. Re&'e( n'"on'& !ro)r'mAll natural in)redients that ha&e been used plaed an important role in reducin) seriousnutritional de"iciencies amon)consumers. Thesein)redients alsohelpensurethea&ailabilito" "la&or"ul. nutritious. sa"e. con&enient. color"ul anda""ordable"oodsthatmeet consumer expectations ear9round. Thus this product is in line with the)o&ernment9initiated pro)ram in pro&idin) sa"et to consumers about the "oods the eat.REP*#LI$ A$T NO. %++,-AN A$T PROVIDING FOR THE DEVELOPMENT AND PROMOTION OF ORGANI$AGRI$*LT*RE IN THE PHILIPPINES AND FOR OTHER P*RPOSESBeit enactedbytheSenateandHouseof Representativesof thePhilippinesinCongress assembled:Se."on % Title. 9 This Act shall be 4nown as the "Organic Agriculture Act of 2010".Se."on/ Declarationof Policy. 9 3t isherebdeclaredthepolico" theStatetopromote. propa)ate. de&elop "urther and implement the practice o" or)anic a)riculture inthe Philippines that will cumulati&el condition and enrich the "ertilit o" the soil. increase"armproducti&it. reducepollutionanddestructiono" theen&ironment. pre&ent thedepletion o" natural resources. "urther protect the health o" "armers. consumers. and the)eneral public. and sa&e on imported "arm inputs. Towards this end. a comprehensi&epro)ram"or thepromotiono" communit9basedor)anic a)riculturesstems whichinclude. amon)others. "armer9producedpurelor)anic"ertili7erssuchascompost.pesticides and other "arm inputs. to)ether with a nationwide educational andpromotional campai)n"or their useandprocessin)aswell asadoptiono" or)anica)riculture sstem as a &iable alternati&e shall be underta4en.The State reco)ni7es and supports the central role o" the "armers. indi)enous peopleand other sta4eholders at the )rassroots in this pro)ram.Se."on 0 Definition of Terms. 9 'or purposes o" this Act. the "ollowin) terms shall bede"ined as "ollows:0a1Or)anicre"erstotheparticular"armin)andprocessin)sstem. describedinthestandards and not in the classical chemical sense. The term :or)anic: is snonmous inotherlan)ua)es to :biolo)ical:or :ecolo)ical:. 3t is also a labelin)termthatdenotesproductsconsideredor)anicbasedonthePhilippine!ational Standards"oror)anica)riculture.0b1 Or)anic a)ricultureincludes all a)riculturalsstemsthat promote the ecolo)icallsound. sociall acceptable. economicall &iable and technicall "easible production o""ood and "ibers. Or)anic a)ricultural dramaticall reduces external inputs b re"rainin)"rom the use o" chemical "ertili7ers. pesticides and pharmaceuticals. 3t also co&ers areassuchas. but not limitedto. soil "ertilitmana)ement. &arietal breedin)andselectionunder chemical andpesticide9"ree conditions. the useo" biotechnolo)and othercultural practicesthat areconsistent withtheprinciplesandpolicieso" this Act. andenhance producti&it without destroin) the soil and harmin) "armers. consumers andtheen&ironment asde"inedbthe3nternational 'ederationo" Or)anicA)ricultural+o&ement 03'OA+1: Provided. That the biotechnolo) herein to shall not include)eneticall modi"ied or)anisms o" *+Os. 0;e"erence: www.lawphil.net1/.Aff"n"1 o re)"on'& or se.or'& s2("esThe main )oal o" a certain business is to ha&e hi)h income especiall in the part o" theowner. The business should )enerate pleasantl relationship between the mana)er andemploeestoattainthemain)oal o" thebusinesswhichistoha&eanincome. Atwor4ers and emploees in the business need income to support their own needs andalso"or their ser&ices renderedinthebusiness. $uildin)upbusiness is a)reatopportunit"or anemploedpeopletoha&ejobs. 3t will alsobetheiropportunito"ha&in) another source o" income. This business is expected to )i&e a )reat contribution to the )o&ernment in the "orm o"taxes. Thetaxpament "romthebusinesswouldhelpthelocalitiesaswell astheeconom in its "uture project especiall "or people that will bene"it. This would help thepeople to more spri)htl.The or)anic products sector co&ers a broad ran)e o" product lines produced under theor)anic a)riculture sstem. 3t includes the &arious enterprises en)a)ed in )rowin) cropsand raisin) animals 0or)anic production1. processin) the "resh produce 0or)anicprocessin)1 and tradin) and distribution o" the products to trade buers and consumers0local and export mar4etin)1. +ajor Philippine or)anic products "or export includemusco&ado su)ar."reshbananas. bananachips. desiccatedcoconut. banabalea&esand &ir)in coconutoil. Other or)anic productsare chic4en.&e)etables. &ine)ar. rice.e))s. man)oproducts. juices. herbal teasS?/B billion in /66/. *lobal sales was expected to expand b >S?/.5billion in a ear. e8ui&alent to a CD annual )rowth rate. and would ha&e reached >S?B6billionin/662. The#uropean>nion0#>1 accounted"or 5C.BDo" total salesworldwide while !orth America accounted "or 5E.@D in /665. or a total o" CED "or thetwore)ions. 3ntermso" countrsales. the>.S. istheleadin)mar4et. "ollowedb*erman. >nited -in)dom. 3tal. 'rance and Swit7erland. Or)anic "ood has no(armoni7edSstem0(S1 classi"icationandisnot re)isteredbthelocal Customs$ureau. Thus. there are no o""icial trade statistics on export &olume and &alue "or localor)anic products. 'or the Philippines. uno""icialestimates placed the export &alue "oror)anics at >S?F6 million or more in /66B. and at an estimated /6D annual)rowthrate. it would ha&e reached >S?FA million or more in /66E. The bul4 o" or)anic "oodexport is underta4en b companies which produce or)anic &ersions o" theircon&entional productssuchasdesiccatedcoconut. "reshCa&endishandbalan)onbananas. banaba lea&es. banana chips and &ir)in coconut oil. +ajor export mar4ets areGapan. >.S.A.. Canada and #urope. 0;e"erence: www.philexport.ph10.Pro3e. !oen"'& 'n( !ro!onenThe project promotes the processin) o" &e)etables. The reasons "or this include:Attempts to preser&e seasonal suppl o" &e)etables which o"ten lie rottin) on the roadside.Di""iculties in storin) lar)e 8uantities o" "resh produce without incurrin) hea& losses.Small local mar4ets "or the lar)e 8uantities o" "resh produce in season.3ne""ecti&e distribution and transportation to meet demand in other. o"ten urban. areas.Due to the abo&e constraints. rural producers are o"ten "orced to )i&e produce awaor let it rot. To pre&ent this loss. man ma be tempted to con&ert such )luts into&alue9added products to be sold in the urban areas. D. LONG4RANGE O#JE$TIVESCases such as Gollibee and Ton Tan. he introduced children hi)hl addicti&e products0li4e "ast "ood. tos. H childhood memories in his pla)round1. Throu)hout theearsthose children )rew up to become adults who brin) their own children to his "ast "oodchain. This "act is the basic secret to his success. VDV #nterprise attempts to practice the same mar4etin) strate). 3ntroducin) nutritious&e)etable "la&oured snac4s to children. Ve))ie Gell mi)ht ha&e the same e""ect withchildren 0that will in turn become adults that will "eed their own children Ve))ie GellIII1. Ve))ie Gell will also be a well94nown product that will be a success not onl to VDV#nterprise but also with the countr.E. FEASI#ILITY $RITERIA$e"orewecameupwiththeideao" creatin)theproduct weconsideredaboutconductin)amar4et sur&eb)oin)out intoareas whereweexpect to"indconsumers and as4in) people "or their &iews.*i&in) consumers in"ormation aboutthe product and its 8ualitJ and in"ormation about the expected number o" people willbu. how o"ten and "or what price ha&e to be considered in producin) this tpe o"product. This should be a short exercise to 4eep the costs low and in9depth mar4etresearch is not necessar "or most products. A con&enient wa o" doin) this is topreparesimple8uestionnaireswhichcanbeusedbustoremindoursel&eso"which 8uestions to as4.There is now a )reat demand "or or)anic products. The mar4et "or )rowin) :or)anic:produce is ma4in) a niche )i&en the )rowin) number o" health9consciousconsumers and ecolo)ical "armers.The Department o" A)riculture 0DA1 led b Secretar Proceso G. Alacala. anad&ocateo" or)anica)ricultureandoneo" theprincipal authorso" theOr)anicA)riculture Act 0OAA1 o" /6F6. has been pushin) and encoura)in) local "armers to)o or)anic promotin) not onl its potentials to "eed a health population but also itssustainable and ecolo)ical bene"its to the world.Or)anic a)riculture as a priorit pro)ram o" Department o" A)riculture. initiati&es ande""orts to promote sustainable and ecolo)ical a)riculture ha&e been incorporated inthe +edium Term Philippine De&elopment Plan 0+TPDP1 "or /6FF9/6FE as part o"the )o&ernment=s o&erall anti9po&ert strate).This was "urther stren)thened when the OAA o" /6F6 0;A F66EA1 was enacted intolaw.whicha"ter muchdeliberationsandconsultationswiththesta4eholderswasappro&ed and adopted in Ganuar B6. /6FF.>nder thislaw. the$ureauo" A)ricultural ;esearch0$A;1. asthe;esearchHDe&elopment and #xtension 0;D#1 unit o" DA. was tas4ed to create and or)ani7e anOr)anic A)riculture ;D# !etwor4 composed o" research and educationalinstitutions. local )o&ernment units 0%*>s1. non9)o&ernmental a)encies. andreco)ni7ed associations o" interest )roups such as or)anic "ertili7er manu"acturersand distributors. a)ricultural en)ineers. a)riculturists. soil technolo)ists. and"armers. Thisisinaccordancetoitsmandateandcommitment toconsolidate.stren)then. and de&elop the a)riculture and "isher ;HD sstem "or the purpose o"impro&in) its e""ecti&eness and e""icienc. Socio9economic concerns re"er to issueson cost o" production. mar4etin) and product distribution sstems. labour expenses.consumer pre"erences. awareness buildin) and in"ormation campai)ns.stren)thenin)social networ4sand"armers= or)ani7ations. and)ender concerns.amon) others. 3t is a )reat concern "or "armers who are )oin) into or)anic "armin) to4nowits socio9economic bene"its and its mar4et niche in the local mar4et.0;e"erence: