Download - FCCU-SRU Retrofit Turnaround


In 2013, JTT was contracted to handle all the

refractory work in a major FCCU/SRU revamp

replacement. This included pre turnaround shop

and field work as well as the actual turnaround

work. The work included demolition and

installation in the Reactor, Regenerator, Fractionator

Tower, SRU Reaction Furnace, related furnace

work, and various large bore ducting.

There was a large scope of refractory

installation for the retrofit and a very large

quantity of discovery work as well. JTT also

performed all the refractory work on a new

related CO Boiler, associated ducts and a Seal

Pot. Concurrently, there were thousands of

square feet of fireproofing that had to be

installed to facilitate the retrofit.


Concurrently, there were thousands of square feet of fireproofing that had

to be installed to facilitate the retrofit. The work involved being inside

extremely tight bore piping and small cyclones so JTT had to qualify and

supply the appropriate craftsmen with the right skills.

The type of work included form/pour casting, gunite, ramming hand packing, brickwork, and ceramic fiber installation. JTT was required to

coordinate all these competing areas of work with the qualified personnel in order to complete the work while not disrupting other

contractors on site. JTT completed this work to the customer’s satisfaction without an OSHA Recordable injury.