Download - ‘…Father-child relationships – be they positive, negative or lacking – have profound and wide ranging impacts on children that last a lifetime, particularly.


‘…Father-child relationships – be they positive, negative or lacking

– have profound and wide ranging impacts on children that

last a lifetime, particularly for children from the most

disadvantaged backgrounds.’

(Every Child Matters, Department for Education and Skills, 2007)

Why Dads’ Space?

Improving access to parenting advice over 60% of fathers refer to the internet as their preferred channel

in locating information

At least one in three children will experience parental separation before the age of 16

Separated fathers often find the communication process with their children very difficult; our service provides support and ideas that can help generate meaningful


Child Contact

A number of factors hamper paternal care post separation. E.g. the size and location of the fathers new

home; financial implications; lack of strong social support network

40% of fathers lose all child contact within two years of separation / divorce

Fathers taking a sidelined role often results in poor outcomes in all five key areas as set out in Every Child


Domestic Violence

Almost all fathers making an application for contact are granted contact by the court (MOJ, 2008)

Risks of further serious assaults do not cease post separation. The routes to safety study found that more than 50% women with post separation contact arrangements with an abusive partner

continued to experience serious, ongoing

problems with this contact.

One in Eight call outs to the metropolitan police in relation to domestic violence, are due to disputes

over child contact

The Virtual Child Contact Centre

Dads’ Space 1-2-1 gives dads a way to stay in touch with their children following separation –

maintaining and enhancing their relationship

How it Works3 Levels of Contact

* Supported – Parents and children can email, play interactive games, chat on the messenger, upload photos, and exchange e-cards and e-gifts. Content is sampled and

post- moderated to ensure the service is being used appropriately.

* Supervised – Offering the same interaction as the supported level but with a limited messenger function. All communication at this level is moderated before it is


* Indirect – Parents and children can play games and exchange preset information (text, greetings and gifts).

Benefits to

Dads’ Space 1-2-1 is designed to help develop the father-child relationship in a safe and controlled way;

promoting only positive communication

Dads’ Space 1-2-1 aims to provide more autonomy to children over their contact arrangements, including children

who are looked after

Dads’ Space 1-2-1 aims to support contact between traditionally excluded fathers including: Young fathers;

Military; Prison; Diplomatic Core


Referral Form

Speak to fatherPermission to share info

Speak with motherPermission to share info

Send to moderator

Contact mother

Contact father

Agency checks if necessary

Register family on to system

Indirect automatically granted

Risk Assessment Completed

Access level determined

3 monthly review of contact or earlier if risk identified

Feedback to referrer

Determine IT access

Referring to Dads’ Space

For Further Information Please Contact:

Lesley Weber or Maxine Green

Dads’ Space

0207 022 1854 / 1852

[email protected]