Download - FARMYARD VENUE HIRE! - Duo Farmyard Venue Hire 2014.pdf · Once deposit has been made and booking confirmed you will be liable for full payment of venue

Page 1: FARMYARD VENUE HIRE! - Duo Farmyard Venue Hire 2014.pdf · Once deposit has been made and booking confirmed you will be liable for full payment of venue


2014 Price List

Weekends / Public Holidays

Morning: 10am - 1pm or

Afternoon: 2pm to 5pm

VVeennuuee HHiirree == RR11555500.. 0000

Venue hire fee includes 25 children + Birthday Child Free

Thereafter R18 per child.

50 Adults allowed free. Thereafter R10 per adult!

No charge for babies under 12 months

Weekends / Public Holidays

Full day: 10am - 5pm

VVeennuuee HHiirree == RR22888800

Venue hire fee includes 40 children + Birthday Child Free

Thereafter R18 per child.

80 Adults allowed free. Thereafter R10 per adult!

No charge for babies under 12 months

Extra fee applicable for more than 120 guests

Brand new Fountain Spray - Fun & Farmyard venue combined: 10am to 5pm = R4850

Fee includes 60 children & 120 adults

Fountain Spray venue can be hired exclusively & independently of Farmyard venue.

FFaarrmmyyaarrdd VVeennuuee HHiirree FFeeee Includes: � 80m2 Indoor hall with CD Sound System & DSTV: Dads can watch sports

� Kiddies & Adult tables, chairs etc included in hire.

� We provide 1 x Jumping Castle for half day option and 2 jumping castles for full day option.

� Extra shaded area outside with picnic tables & chairs.

� Gas Heater for cold winter days.

� Outside Bonfire (Bring own wood or purchase wood at tuck-shop)

� 2 acres of tranquil farm area with Picnic & Braai facilities

� Circus Jungle Gyms, Volley Ball, Climbing fun on Toby Tractor, Mandy Mini, Fantasy Trains, Cars, etc

� Scooters, Sand pit, Soccer Balls etc

� All farm animals on view during party.

� Secure Parking inside farm area with Security guard at gate.

� FREE: Cups of Tea & Coffee, 1 liter milk & sugar for moms & dads

E-mail Invitations

Plastic Baby pool & trampoline available on request. At no extra cost

PPaarrttyy BBaasshh VVeennuuee HHiirree –– iinncclluuddeess DDJJ && DDiissccoo LLiigghhttss NNeeww tteeeennaaggeerr’’ss vveennuuee hhiirree aavvaaiillaabbllee 66..3300ppmm ttoo 1100..3300ppmm!! AAsskk uuss ffoorr iinnffoo!!

AA ppeerrffeecctt vveennuuee ttoo eennjjooyy tthhee oouuttddoooorrss aanndd ffuunn ppllaayy aarreeaa ooff tthhee PPaarrttyy FFaarrmmyyaarrdd && CCiirrccuuss ZZoonnee!!


The Farmyard venue is exclusive to one party. It is separated from by 6ft high wall from Fountain

Spray - Fun Venue.

No sharing of any facilities / No Cleaning up.

Page 2: FARMYARD VENUE HIRE! - Duo Farmyard Venue Hire 2014.pdf · Once deposit has been made and booking confirmed you will be liable for full payment of venue

SSppeecciiaall WWeeeekkddaayy RRaattee ffoorr FFaarrmm vveennuuee ---- nnoott vvaalliidd oonn ppuubblliicc hhoolliiddaayyss

VVeennuuee hhiirree :: 33 hhoouurrss == RR770000 ((2255 kkiiddss)) oorr FFuullll ddaayy == RR11000000 ((2255 kkiiddss))


Can be added to venue hire. Must be booked on confirmation of venue hire! Subject to availability!

Pony rides: R200 (30mins) Maximum 20 children: Thereafter R5 per child.

Birthday Child Free

Extra Jumping castles:

Play station castle: 9m x 5m = R200

Crocodile castle: 12m x 5m = R200

Extra Shade: Marquee Tent: 10m x 5m = R600 Bubble machine = R210 p/hour

Inflatable Water Slide: R300

Quad train express: (30 min) R300

DDrraappiinngg iinn hhaallll

•• RReedd && BBllaacckk == RR330000

• LLuummoo DDrraappiinngg == RR440000

Bungy Bouncer

R480 (60 minutes) 15 kids

R680 (90 minutes) 20 kids

R950 (2 hours) 30 kids

Birthday Child Free


Special: Full day package: Fee R3950 Includes Farmyard Full day venue hire for 40 kids plus 2 hours flying trapeze – enjoy the unique experience of swinging on a real flying trapeze. Our professional crew

will ensure your safety.

Circus Show: 2 artistes (40 min) Performed by professional circus entertainers. Show consists of Juggling, fire eating, daring balancing acts, snakes, clowning and magic. Fee: R1850


Comedy Clown Show: (30 min.)

Fun, Laughter and magic. Fee: R500 Farmer Mac: (30 min.) Farmyard Magic Show

Fee: R500

ANIMALS Performing Goat Act. (+ - 10 min)

Our mischievous goats perform a variety of tricks. Fee: R160.

Other Entertainers / Equipment

We have a full data base of other entertainment available: Puppet shows, Survivor fun, Various theme

Clown and Magic shows, Extra equipment hire etc. Fees start at R1000+

NNEEWW!!!! Kids’ Face Painter & Balloon Twister: Our professional children face painters will

transform kids into fantasy princesses; pirates etc and make balloon animals for the kids 3 hour package Fee: R950 25 kids (2hr face painting & 1 hr balloons) There after fee per R400 p/ hour

All fees are only valid at Macs Venue and are subject to availability of resident entertainers


YYoouu aarree wweellccoommee ttoo ssuuppppllyy oowwnn ccaatteerriinngg aatt nnoo eexxttrraa cchhaarrggee..

CCaatteerriinngg ooppttiioonnss aavvaaiillaabbllee:: CCoonnttaacctt EEllssaabbéé 007722 22225555 667711

SSnnaacckkss:: � Popcorn – R18.50 per large

bucket �� CChhooccoollaattee FFoouunnttaaiinn

((++ -- 115500 ddiippppiinnggss)) wwiitthh MMaarrsshhmmaalllloowwss,, ssaallttyy ssttiicckkss && sseeaassoonnaall ffrruuiittss RR335500

OOppttiioonnaall PPaarrttyy GGooooddiieess

Table & Chair covers

Available in red, blue, green, purple, pink & black

Setting for maximum of 40 kids

R180. 00

� Party Memories Photo’s In house photographer available

on request. �� GGaass SSttoovvee == RR222200..

22 ppllaattee nnoorrmmaall ssiizzee ssttoovvee wwiitthh ggaass

PPaarrttyy PPaacckkss ffrroomm RR2200..0000 –– RR5500.. 0000 eeaacchh

AAllll ppaacckkss aarree ppaacckkeedd iinn ccoolloorrffuull bbaaggss aanndd iinncclluuddee cchhiippss,, jjuuiiccee,,

ssuucckkeerrss,, sswweeeettss eettcc.. DDeeppeennddiinngg oonn pprriiccee ssoommee ppaacckkss

iinncclluuddee ttooyyss.. Samples on view @ venue

Balloons: R13.00 per helium balloon or R10 per ready folded

animal balloon.

� Prepared Braai = R200 We supply charcoal, firelights and light the braai. All you have to do is braai.

� Braai yourself: No charge. Free use of venue braai.

� Extra chairs @ R2.50 each

Units Price Operator C) Popcorn 25 R250 Yes 50 R380 Yes L) Candy floss 50 R400 No 100 R530 No L) Popcorn & Candy Combo 50 units of each R700 No 100 units of each R900 No Hire of Equipment is for 3hrs. Longer time is optional Extra quantities available on request

Food & Decor: R730

Includes setting for 15 Children

Thereafter R30 p/child.

Includes Hot dog, cup cakes, chips, popcorn, Oros juice, R15.00 Party

packs, Kiddies Chair covers, tablecloths & helium balloons for


Page 3: FARMYARD VENUE HIRE! - Duo Farmyard Venue Hire 2014.pdf · Once deposit has been made and booking confirmed you will be liable for full payment of venue

Extra Electrical fee applicable: Should you wish to bring extra equipment like jumping castles, carousels etc, OR own catering equipment like electric fryers, chocolate fountains, ice cream, popcorn or candy floss machines an extra electrical fee of R80 per plug point will be applicable Loud Music: Please advise on booking venue if you want to play loud music or provide own sound system, as special arrangements have to be made!

EXTRA OVER TIME: Subject to availability - Not available if another party is booked!

Early start: Venue will be ready for you to set up at 9.30am.Should you require venue earlier, an extra Fee of R80 per half hour is payable. Extra time must be confirmed when booking venue! If you book early time, fee will still be payable if you arrive late. Extra time after 5pm: Fee R280 p/ hour: Not available if Teenager Party Bash venue is booked!

� Note: To avoid overtime payment - Please ensure that you are packed up & your guests leave on time. Due to staff transport you will be charged overtime rates, if our staff stays longer than 15 minutes after party is finished!

Venue Items included in hire: Bath for cold drinks, steel tables, party tables, adult chairs, children’s chairs & tables, picnic tables, side plates for snacks, cake forks, teaspoons, coffee & tea cups, urn, some plastic bowls, 30 x kiddies plastic cups, 10 x wine glasses, 10 x beer glasses, 10 x drinking glasses, plastic

table cloths, microwave oven & small bar fridge. Fridge cannot store Ice Cream Cake! Venue items - NOT provided: Linen, tablecloths, Cutleries & crockery for main meals. Stove – Gas stove can be hired. See optional extras hire – including hire fee for extra chairs Tuck Shop Open during party: Our tuck shop has a variety of goodies for sale – Ice, Cold drinks, Charcoal, Bonfire Wood, Beer etc

TTEERRMMSS && CCOONNDDIITTIIOONNSS OOFF HHIIRRIINNGG MMAACC''SS PPAARRTTYY FFAARRMMYYAARRDD!! � Should you wish to make a confirmed booking, please contact us to secure date & time!

� Once date & time have been verbally confirmed, please fill in & return a Booking Form.

� Due to high demand Provisional booking will automatically be cancelled, if signed booking form has not been received within 72 hours of verbal booking.

� Venue will only be confirmed on receipt of signed booking form. Please call us to confirm that we have received your booking form.

� We require a NON refundable deposit of R900 for ½ day or R1600 for full day. Payable within 3 days after we have received your booking form. Deposit will be deducted from final invoice

� Once deposit has been made and booking confirmed you will be liable for full payment of venue hire should you cancel party 21 days or less prior to confirmed date.

� We do allow alcohol in limited quantities.

� NO ill behavior will be tolerated and we reserve the right of admission at all times.

� The organizing parent will be responsible for safe keeping & signing of indemnity forms for children attending party. ORGANIZING PARENT MUST TAKE RESPONSIBILITY & SUPERVISE ALL CHILDREN USING


� You are welcome to bring your own bread, fruit & vegetables to feed our animals. (No cabbage)

� All optional extras & entertainment are subject to availability and must be booked in advance.

� CANCELATION POLICY: Once deposit has been received venue will be booked for your exclusive use! Deposit is not refundable and your date is not transferable should you need to cancel booking for any reason whatsoever. You may give your reserved date to someone else.

� SScchhooooll,, CCoorrppoorraattee,, FFuunn DDaayy,, TTeeaamm bbuuiillddiinngg && CChhrriissttmmaass ppaacckkaaggeess aavvaaiillaabbllee oonn rreeqquueesstt

Viewing of Venue & Facilities (By appointment only)

Please contact us to make an appointment to view venue, catalogues, and facilities or pay deposit. Should you not be able to keep your appointment please call us to cancel in advance.

If you do not have a pre booked appointment, we will not allow you to view venue.

We do not allow viewing of venue during other booked parties.


Please confirm all extra requirements during weekday office hours as venue staff may not be able to answer phones on weekends.

Contact details: Phone (011) 024 4447. Office Cell: 082 657 6817, Fax nr: 086 579 4855.

Emergency number: 082 900 4797. Email: [email protected] . Website:

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The venue is run by our sister company Duo Sapphire Entertainment Agency. The agency has a comprehensive list of every entertainer or equipment supplier in South Africa.

All our entertainers travel to you country wide, no matter when or where your event is. Contact us to assist you in finding entertainment for every event from sophisticated Corporate events, Family Fun Days,

Team Building or Birthday parties at your own venue. For maps, photo's & more information visit our website:

DIRECTIONS: Duo Sapphire / Mac's Party Venues – Farmyard, Circus Adventures, Party Bash & Fountain Spray Fun

10 Dan Pienaar Drive, Tedderfield Estates, Eikenhof (20 km South of JHB CBD) GPS: S 26° 20' 20.0" E 027° 58' 09.7


1) N12 towards Kimberly. Go past Alberton then Comaro Str turn off.

2) Take next off ramp - Klipriver, at top of off ramp turn left toward Vereeniging.

3) Go straight ±7 km, past Panorama shopping center on left

4) When you go past a big church on left, keep to the right.

5) Turn right at next traffic light marked Eikenhof.

6) See Quad bike track on left.

Carry on following directions number 7-15.

Directions from Brackenhurst / Alberton

7) Go straight on Swartkoppies Road for 8 km (name changes to Main Road) it is the R554. Go past Kibler Park on right & Waterstone College on left.

8) Turn left at T. Junction marked R82 Vereeniging.

9) Go past old Lido hotel and Shell garage on left.

10) Straight over next traffic light (Klipriver / Lenasia)

11) Exactly 1.5km after traffic light, keep right see Church & sign to Tedderfield airport on left. Turn right.

13) See our Duo Sapphire / Mac’s Party Farmyard on left.

14) Go straight for 1 ½km only , See yellow sign on right, at tar road - Duo Sapphire / Mac's Party Farmyard sign - TURN right.

15) Venue ½ km from here on right.


1) M1 Bloemfontein, go past Booysens, Xavier Street, Gold Reef City Casino.

2) After Casino see sign Bloemfontein N1,

Vereeniging R82.

3) Keep to middle lanes, highway splits keep right.

4) See sign Southgate / Vereeniging R82, keep straight onto Vereeniging R82

5) R82 becomes M27. We are 11 km from here

6) Go down hill past Eagles Nest, over traffic light to Kibler Park.

7) Go past old Lido hotel & Shell garage on left.

8) Straight over next traffic light - Klipriver / Lenasia.

9) Exactly 1km after traffic light, keep in right

hand lane.

10) See Church & Tedderfield airport sign on left.

TURN right.

11) See our sign on left - Duo Sapphire / Mac’s Party Farmyard.

12) Go straight for 1½ km only. See yellow sign on right, at tar road - Duo Sapphire / Mac's Party Farmyard sign - TURN right.

14) Venue ½ km from here on right - entrance to venue by large wagon wheels.

15) Use 3rd gate if you are visiting our offices - call at intercom.

GPS: S 26° 20' 20.0" E 027° 58' 09.7