Download - FAQS FOR PHS MAGNET - Montgomery County … FAQS FOR PHS MAGNET Updated 10/5/17 For ease in navigation to a particular question you may have, the following frequently asked questions




Updated 10/5/17

For ease in navigation to a particular question you may have, the following frequently asked questions are

arranged in several different categories:

Program Questions

Applications Questions

Screening & Selection

Test Questions

Can I Shadow a Poolesville Student?

Transportation Questions

Extended Day & Study Time Questions

Extra-Curricular Activities Questions

General School Questions


1. How many students are admitted?

There are three “tested-in” programs at PHS, the Global Ecology House (GEH), the Humanities House

(HH) and the Science, Math, Computer Science House (SMCS). Fifty out-of-the-area students are accepted into

each of the three programs for a total of 150 out-of-the-area students. Local John Poole Middle School (JPMS)

students do not count against the 150. JPMS students are admitted based on the decision of the selection

committee which is made up of about 20 local and central office staff. There is a fourth rigorous program at

PHS which is only for those families that reside in the PHS catchment area. This program is the Independent

Studies Program (ISP). Additional information may be viewed at the PHS website.

2. How many students came from the middle school magnet program, Roberto Clemente?

28% - Roberto Clemente; 25% - John Poole Middle School; 47% - 19 other middle schools

3. Currently how many students are in each house for the ninth grade?

In the Global Ecology House there are currently 90, which translate into three classes. In Humanities

House there are around 60 students or two classes of students. In Science, Math, Computer Science there are

60 students therefore two classes of students.

4. What is the ratio of boys to girls in each of the programs?

In the Global Ecology House the ratio is just about 50-50 boys to girls. In the Humanities House there are

more girls than boys. In the Science, Math, Computer Science House there are more boys than girls; we have

had a steady increase in the number of girls in the program in recent years.

5. How many students are in the programs have a 504 or an IEP?

Currently there are 3-5 students in each house for the ninth grade who have special accommodations.


6. What is the world language requirement for applicants?

While taking a world language in middle school is encouraged- the academic rigor of the middle school

transcript is elevated and students have more opportunities in their schedules if they complete some graduation

requirements prior to ninth grade- there is no world language prerequisite for PHS’s programs.

7. Are there people currently in the program who did not have straight A’s?

Yes. Please review question 2 in the Selection Process section for further information about the criteria for

selection in the Screening and Selection Process.

8. If a student selects a specific house in ninth grade are they able to switch later?

No. Students are not allowed to switch houses during their four year stay at PHS.

9. If your child does not start in the program in 9th grade can he or she transfer in a later grade?


10. How do students interact with the entire student body?

Each instructional house (i.e. Global Ecology House; Humanities House; Science, Math, Computer Science

House) has core courses that are required and sometimes linked. Students will interact with the entire student

body in world language courses, physical education courses, and many other courses. For example, students

from the Science, Math, Computer Science House will be in an Honors English class with Global Ecology and

Independent Studies Program (ISP) students.

11. How do the magnet kids interact with non-magnet students?

Poolesville High School is the first Whole School Magnet in Montgomery County Public Schools. As a

result, all students are considered magnet students. The Whole School magnet model engages and challenges

students selected through an application/screening process, as well as local school students interested in the

magnet focus areas. Local students who did not go through the application/screening process may earn an ISP

Certificate of Achievement upon graduation based on the courses that they select as juniors and seniors and by

meeting additional ISP Certificate requirements. Please see the Poolesville High School magnet website for

further details.

12. If you are a Poolesville resident and don’t get invited into the magnet program can you still take the

magnet courses?

All students not invited into Global, Humanities, or SMCS houses are in the ISP house and are ISP students.

ISP students may take many of the magnet program courses, particularly in their junior and senior years. In

ninth grade, the magnet course electives are reserved for the specific house students.

13. My child who loves science but does not like programming to apply to the Science, Math, Computer

Science House. Can my child be successful in SMCS?

So much of the correct answer to this question depends on the child, past programming experience, and

willingness to learn something new. A child who does not like programming at may consider perhaps entering

the Global Ecology House which is a highly rigorous program as well and no computer science requirement


after the freshman year. The first computer class in the Science, Math, Computer Science House is not really a

programming class. It is entitled Fundamentals of Computer Science and teaches independent computer

science units using computers as tools for science and engineering fields. The second class is entitled

Algorithms and Data Structures and does deal with computer programming.

14. Can strong math students continue a rigorous math course even if they are not in SMCS?

Yes. There is no one SMCS math pathway, as students enter the program taking Magnet Geometry, Pre-

calculus AB, or Functions. Students in the other programs are also taking those courses, which are available to

all students. Math teachers at PHS assess all freshmen during the first weeks of the school year to ensure that

students are placed where they are challenged and poised for success.

15. What happens if the courses are just too hard for my child?

Freshman year can be overwhelming, both socially and academically, and particularly for students who are

facing real challenge for the first time in their school careers. Our first step would be to collaborate with the

family and the resources at school – counseling services, tutoring, a support plan- to help the student. Students

who do not find success at PHS for whatever reason may always return to their home high school at any point

during the four years.

16. What types of expenses related to the field trips and projects should I expect?

Cost should never be a consideration in determining whether or not to be part of the magnet programs at

PHS. While there are fees associated with activities, if a family cannot afford the cost of fieldtrips, confidential

help is provided. The annual cost of field trips varies by house, grade, and in some cases, which trips a student

chooses to participate. For example, Global families are assessed an annual fee of $60.00 to cover the costs of

a minimal of 8-10 field trips per year. The funds are used to pay for the substitute coverage that is needed when

a teacher leaves the building. There could be additional optional trips offered and even overnight trips, which

would have additional transportation, lodging, and food costs.

17. Are the field trips during the school week only?

On rare occasion a field trip may be part of a weekend. For example, in 10th grade the Science, Math,

Computer Science students take a four day trip to Wallops Island which runs into the entire day on Saturday.

18. Is there a non-extended day option available in SMCS?

No. In order to attain the SMCS Certificate at graduation, students must take eight periods all four years at


19. How much time is spent on homework each night?

The average time spent on homework each night is about 3 hours by the senior year. Students who

procrastinate may be looking at significantly more hours on some nights. This question is always hard to

answer because students work at different rates.

20. Do students in the three magnet programs participate in sports or music?

Many students participate in sports as well as other extra-curriculars such as clubs, band, and drama.

Practices do not start until after the 8th period so that SMCS students are not forced to choose between sports


and the program . Music is different from a sport or a club in that it is both a class and an extra-curricular

activity. As a magnet student, your priority will be your magnet academic program, which must take priority

over any schedule conflicts during the school day.

21. What is the difference between PHS and the IB program at Richard Montgomery?

The interdisciplinary method of teaching is the main difference between PHS and RM. PHS

integrates/blends subjects to guide students to real-world application of subject matter. Richard Montgomery

issues an IB Diploma that is recognized around the world. The prescribed IB path of courses offers little

flexibility. The PHS students will receive a Maryland diploma with a Certificate of Achievement from their

chosen path of study. PHS students have more opportunities for course selection based on their interest.

22. What advantage are these programs over just an aggressive load of AP classes when it comes to

applying to college?

When the high school transcript is sent to a college, a program description for each house is included which

lists specific SAT and AP data for that house, indicating the overall rigor and expectations of the program, not

only the designation of some classes as AP level. At PHS we also offer courses which are beyond AP like:

Thermodynamics, Analytical Chemistry, Physical Chemistry, Optics, Introduction to Genetic Analysis, Linear

Algebra, Vector Calculus, Writing Mobile Apps for Android Devices, Robotics, Quantum Physics, Vector

Calculus, Cellular Physiology and Biochemistry.

23. Are Science, Math, Computer Science students getting any college credits?

Most SMCS freshmen take AP National, State, and Local Government as freshmen, though this is not a

course requirement. By their sophomore year, most SMCS students are taking AP math courses. As juniors and

seniors the SMCS students have many choices of courses available to them. Some will offer AP credit. The

SMCS elective classes mentioned in the question above are considered beyond AP in scope and sequence.

24. If my child gets into the Humanities Program, but wants to be a medical doctor will he be adequately


There will be many opportunities for Humanities students to take rigorous science classes. It is also

important to recognize that students have their entire undergraduate college careers to prepare for whatever

endeavor they wish to pursue.

25. What is the Independent Studies Program (ISP) program?

Students whose home high school is PHS who are not in the Global House, Humanities House or Science,

Math, Computer Science House are in the Independent Studies Program. These students may choose a focused

plan of study in their junior and senior year. They may also earn a certificate of recognition in Biological and

Physical Sciences, Cultural and Political Studies, Music/Arts/Media Studies or Original Studies or Project

Lead The Way. ISP students will be recognized at graduation with a notation in the graduation program and

receive a special tassel recognizing their hard work. ISP students are also eligible to be Falcon Ambassadors.

You may visit the following website for more information.


26. What is the difference between the Communication and Arts Program at Montgomery Blair and the

Humanities House at Poolesville?

Selection is one of the main differences in the programs. The selection process for the Humanities House at

PHS is very rigorous, using the same selection criteria as the IB program at Richard Montgomery. The

curricula of the programs differs as well. The Humanities House emphasizes excellence in communication and

argument in a variety of formats (debate, paper, video). Drama and theatre may be taken as electives, but these

courses are not required.

27. My son is GTLD – gifted, talented, learning disabled and has an IEP. Should I discourage him from

applying to the Global Ecology House?

We currently have students with IEPs in the Global House, Humanities House and the Science, Math,

Computer Science House who have had great success. In Global, the number of field trips it is important to

consider as you apply; the students must make up all work from classes that are missed because of a trip. We

would not discourage a child who is GTLD from applying to Global, but would make it clear that while the

program is a field based program it is a program for highly-able students who love science. The program is not

a work/study program.

28. What dissections (if any) will be done by the students?

Dissections in biology are not mandatory in Montgomery County Public Schools. Alternative assignments

are given for students who morally have an objection.

29. When does school start?

First period starts at 7:45 am.

30. If we start the SMCS program at PHS, but relocate our residence to the Wootton cluster, where do

we go to school in the 10th grade.

For the SMCS program, once accepted, if you live in the upper county area you would attend Poolesville,

but if you move out of the area serviced by Poolesville you would attend the SMCS program at Montgomery

Blair. Poolesville is the only school offering a Humanities House, so if you move to the down county area you

may attend your home high school or you may apply for a Change of School Assignment (COSA) but would be

expected to provide your own transportation to PHS. The Global Ecology program is open to students living in

all of Montgomery County. The bussing is limited in the down-county area.

31. What math teams or competitions does PHS have or participate with?

PHS completes in the Montgomery County Math League and the Maryland Math League. PHS participates

in math competitions at GW, University of Maryland, and the AMC competition.

32. What is the difference between what is covered/taught in the Global House and the Science, Math,

Computer Science House?

One big difference is that GH students take seven classes for all four years and SMCS students take eight

classes each year. Both houses are rigorous science programs. GH has a focus on the environment. SMCS

has a focus on robotics, programming, and biomedical sciences.


33. In SMCS when does a student have time to do an internship?

The internship takes place in the summer between the junior and senior year. It is at least a six week

internship. Some student continue the internship during their senior year of high school.

34. What programming languages are taught?

Arduino, C++,Java, Python, Processing

35. Do top universities look more favorably at an average student in a magnet program or a student in

the top 5 percentile attending a non-magnet school?

The top three criteria that colleges use are:

1. CGPA – Cumulative Grade Point Average – This is often the first sort that is done.

2. SAT/ACT Scores

3. Strength of Schedule – a thorough examination of the transcript to determine whether or not the student

has taken high level classes. This is also reflected in the WGPA – Weighted Grade Point Average

Schools are also looking for students who are good citizens. This translates into the child’s involvement

in extra-curricular activities.

36. What kind of internships do Global House students do?

Global House students have the opportunity to do internships in just about any area. Some students have

secured internships at NIH, NIST, and University of MD. Many are high level internships with working under a

Phd scientist. Some students set up internships that are more of a service approach. They have in the past

given time to the Second Hand Nature Center, National Zoo, Peachtree Animal Clinic. It really depends on the

student and their interest. Global House students are welcome into the SMCS research classes in junior and

senior year so that they can prepare high level papers that are entered in the Siemens and Intel science

competitions. The sky is the limit! BACK TO TOP


1. What programs can I apply to?

Students from all over Montgomery County may apply to the Global Ecology house. Students whose home

high schools are Clarksburg, Damascus, Gaithersburg, Magruder, Northwest, Poolesville, Quince Orchard,

Seneca Valley, or Watkins Mill may apply to the Humanities and Science, Math, Computer Science houses.

Residency in the home school high school area must be established at the time of application.

2. How do we identify on the application form which school we want to apply to?

You are to check off whether you are applying to Montgomery Blair High School, Richard Montgomery High

School and/or Poolesville High School on page one of the application. If you are applying to more than one

high school the criteria for application is listed on page one of the application booklet under the heading

Overview. Each high school needs its own application. If you are applying to more than one


program at Poolesville High School only one application is needed, but an essay for each program

(i.e. Global Ecology House; Humanities House; Science, Math, Computer Science House) is required. The

essay pages are located in Section V of the application.

3. Do local students have to apply to get into Global Ecology, Humanities, and SMCS?


4. Can you apply to two programs? Do you have to decide at the time of testing?

Students may apply to any and all of the three “test-in” houses at PHS. The selection committee will invite

students, put students in a waiting pool, or say no independent of invitations to other houses or RMHS.

The notification letter to students lists the programs extending an invitation. A return form is mailed to the

school with a parent signature indicating which of the programs the child has chosen. The family decides

which program is chosen if more than one invitation is extended by the selection committee.

On the day of the test, students are asked to rank their order of preference of programs, but this information

is not used in making a decision about whether or not a child is invited to a program.

5. How many teacher recommendations are required?

Four teacher recommendations from the 8th grade teacher are required: English, Math, Science, Social


6. Can I have my 7th grade teachers complete the required recommendations?

While you may ask your teachers from previous years to write a recommendation, doing so is not a

requirement for the application, and there is no bonus for extra recommendations. We will read all of the

recommendations we receive.

7. The MCPS website says that the teacher recommendation forms will be posted in late October, but I

see the forms in the application packet. Should we wait to distribute the forms until the website is ready?

The forms in the application packet are requests for recommendations from teachers in MCPS. You may

make the request as soon as you have the application/forms. Teachers from non-MCPS schools will need to be

provided with the recommendation form, which will be available later in October.

8. My daughter is applying to the IB program at Richard Montgomery and the Humanities House

program at Poolesville High School. Just one set of teacher recommendations will do?

MCPS teachers will fill out the recommendations on an MCPS database. PHS Magnet will then print out the

recommendations. Likewise, RM will print out their recommendations from that database.

Non-MCPS teachers need to fill out the recommendations and then print them out and send them to each

school. If the child is applying to RM and PHS Magnet, a set of recommendations is needed at PHS Magnet

and RM.

9. How many applications do you receive for each house?


Applications vary by year. Over 700 applications were received in 2016. For the SMCSH there were 477

applications, for the GEH 533 applications, and for HH 423 applications. Many students apply to more than

one house.

10. My son currently attends a private school and doesn’t have an MCPS ID number. What do I put on

the application?

In the space for the MCPS ID number please put Private or “P” for private.

11. Can essays be typed on the application?

We recommend that students type the essays and then copy and paste them into the application. In that

way the child benefits from spell check and a grammar check. The application does not have spell check and a

grammar check imbedded.

12. Do we complete one application for all houses?

Yes, you fill out one application for Poolesville. On Page 1 of the application you check boxes to inform us

of the houses that you want to apply to. You only need to complete two applications if you are applying to


13. If I have more activities and awards and hobbies than the space on the application provides, can I

attach an additional page to my application?

We encourage you to prioritize what you list in the provided space in terms of relevance to your application

goals. Some recognition, activities, and awards are not related to these rigorous academic programs or

occurred long ago; including them does not make the applicant more appealing as a good fit for the programs.

You can include program-specific information about some achievements and interests through the essay that

you write for each program.

14. Do you accept ESOL students?

Yes. Students with an English Language Learner (ELL) plan that provides testing accommodations should

include a copy of the plan with their applications.

15. If I wasn’t in MCPS for middle school, will my transcript be looked at fairly?

Yes. We will contact the school or you if there are questions about the courses or grades listed on your




1. Is preference given to applicants that would attend PHS anyway, or to applicants from outside the PHS


Preference is not given to one group over another during screening and selection. Students whose home

high school is PHS, do not preclude out-of-the-area students from being invited into the programs, nor do out-

of-the-area students preclude students whose home high school is PHS from being invited.

Students who have a sibling that attends PHS Magnet are not given preferential selection either.


2. What selection criteria are used?

The selection committee is made of 20 staff members. Ten of the members come from Central Office and 10

are from PHS. Every folder is read twice. If the student is applying to all three programs the folder is ready six

times. The contents of the folder are used as the criteria for selection. The folder contains: the application

with an essay for each house that is written at home, 7th and 8th grade (first nine weeks) report cards, 4

confidential teacher recommendations – English, math, social studies, science, scores from the Pearson math

and verbal test given on the testing day, and a writing sample that was created on the testing day. In addition

MAPR and MSA scores are used.

3. For students who took SATs through the Johns Hopkins program, will their scores be considered?

Parents may send in SAT scores but they are not required. The scores will be considered but would never be

a determining factor because most 8th graders do not have SAT scores.

4. What if you live in Poolesville and don’t make it into the programs?

If you live in the Poolesville area and do not make it into the programs you will be eligible for the

Independent Studies Program (ISP), which is part of the Whole School Magnet at Poolesville High School.

Many students who have graduated from PHS who were not in Global Ecology have gone on to be doctors,

dentists, research scientists, and attorneys.

5. If my child is invited to Poolesville and Richard Montgomery, will she be allowed to select the

program she wants to attend?

Yes, a child may only accept one program. It is up to the family which program they choose to accept.

6. If Poolesville is my second choice is it going to affect my chance of selection?

Screeners do see student preference data when they are examining files, this fact however is never used as a

final deciding factor.

7. If a student takes the PSAT in 8th grade will those scores be used in the screening and selection


Everything in the child’s folder is read by the selection committee. Because PSAT scores are not required

and most students have not taken a PSAT test the results would never be used as a deciding factor. The results

would be viewed as additional information.

8. How will I know if I got accepted?

Letters of notification will be mailed to students’ homes in February. For each program to which you

applied, you will be notified that you have been accepted, not accepted, or put into a wait pool.

9. How many students are in the wait pool for each program?

About 100 students are in the wait pool for each of the three programs.

10. What happens if I’m in a wait pool?


Many students who are at PHS on the first day of school were originally in a wait pool. After students

accepted to multiple programs have decided which program to join, students in the wait pools are invited to fill

open spots. The wait pools are not ranked lists. When a seat becomes open, the entire pool of waiting

candidates is considered.



1. Do all three high schools, Montgomery Blair, Poolesville High School and Richard Montgomery, use

the same test?

Yes, the same test is used at all three sites.

2. What is the total length of the test, if you apply to all three Poolesville Programs and the IB at Richard


Students have two hours to complete the verbal and math portions of the test. They may use the two hours as

they determine best suits their needs: they may take either section first, and they may spend as much time as

they like on each section, up to two hours total. The writing portion of the test is 30 minutes.

3. Is the essay portion of the test computer-based or handwritten? Will accommodations be given to

students with bad handwriting?

The essay portion is handwritten. IEP and 504 writing accommodations are honored.

4. My child is taking the entrance exam for the Archdiocese to apply to a Catholic high school. The

testing date is the same date as the test as Montgomery County’s magnet testing date. What do I do?

When you submit your child’s application please include a note stating that you have a testing day conflict.

The magnet coordinator will contact your family directly. Usually students take the test on the following day

(Sunday) at Richard Montgomery.

5. What is the cost of the test and how do I pay?

The cost of the test is $35.00. You may pay for the test with a credit card online. Go to the PHS

Website>PHS Online School Store>Special Programs>Magnet High School Program. If you are paying for

the test with a check, please make the check out to “Poolesville High School.” If you are applying to both PHS

Magnet and Richard Montgomery, please make the check out to “Richard Montgomery” and send the check to

RMHS. Please put a copy of the online payment in each application. If you are writing a check to Richard

Montgomery, please put a copy of the check in the application to PHS.

6. Where do I take the test?

Last year 1,700 students took the magnet test at one of three high schools: Montgomery Blair High School,

Richard Montgomery High School or Poolesville High School. To guarantee that the students are divided

evenly, students have been assigned to tests sites as listed below:

Test at Montgomery Blair High

School if your home high school


1. Bethesda Chevy Chase

Test at Richard Montgomery

High School if your home high

school is:

1. Winston Churchill

Test at Poolesville High School

if your home high school is:

1. Clarksburg

2. Damascus


2. Montgomery Blair

3. James Hubert Blake

4. Albert Einstein

5. John F. Kennedy

6. Northwood

7. Paint Branch

8. Sherwood

9. Springbrook

10. Wheaton

2. Gaithersburg

3. Walter Johnson

4. Col. Zadok Magruder

5. Richard Montgomery

6. Rockville

7. Thomas Wootton

8. Walt Whitman

3. Northwest

4. Poolesville

5. Quince Orchard

6. Seneca Valley

7. Watkins Mill

Buses will run from Clarksburg, Seneca Valley, and Watkins Mills high schools* on the morning of the test.

Buses will leave each site at 7:00 am promptly and will return students after testing, approximately 11:00-

11:30. * This is a change from the information presented at the October 2 evening meeting.

7. What if I cannot get to my assigned testing site?

If you need to change locations for testing, contact the magnet office for the school to which you are

assigned. We can reassign students, but need to know in advance of changes to ensure that each site has

sufficient testing materials. 8. What are the topics on the test?

There are three sections to the test: Verbal, Math, Writing Sample

Verbal – questions that fit into three categories: vocabulary, logical reasoning, reading comprehension.

Math –questions that fit in to two categories: mathematical problems, quantitative comparisons.

Writing Sample – Students will be given a writing prompt that has them explain a provided quotation using

their own experiences or the experiences of others as support for their thinking.

Use the test preparation booklet! It is available for download on the PHS and MCPS websites. `BACK TO TOP


1. How do students get to school? Where are the bus stops?

MCPS provides transportation for students in and out of the Poolesville area. Out-of-area students meet at

central locations referred to as localized hubs. Most buses arrive to PHS between 7:00 and 7:10 am. Please

see the website in the Quick Links section of the main page for the current bus routes and times. Routes are

subject to change for the following school year.

2. What are the routes for the 4:30 buses?

The 4:30 routes are similar to the 2:30 routes, with fewer drop off locations. You can find the routes on the

PHS website; check the Quick Links section of the main page.

3. Is there public transportation in Poolesville?


Many students use the Ride On bus for transportation. There is a bus stop adjacent to the school grounds.

The route is #76 and the most up to date information about it is on the Montgomery County government




1. Why does PHS need an extended day?

In order to provide the full program for students in Science, Math, Computer Science House (SMCS) an

extra course is needed to meet certificate and state requirements. SMCSH students have an 8 period day for

all four years at PHS. The extended day will allow PHS to offer the additional courses for the certificate and

electives. Currently Montgomery Blair High School operates on an extended day schedule for their Science,

Math, Computer Science program as well. (The Global Ecology House and the Humanities House run on a

seven period schedule.)

2. What is the extended day? Study time?

The standard instructional day remains the same – 7:45 AM – 2:30 PM

Local and out-of-the-area buses depart at 2:30 PM

An extended instruction period is added from 2:40 – 3:25 PM

Students who can provide their own transportation may leave the school at 3:25 PM

Students who participate in extra-curriculars join their groups at 3:25 PM

A Study Hall with adult supervision is provided between 3:30 – 4:20 PM

Local and out-of-the-area buses depart at 4:30 PM

3. Who is affected?

Extended day bus service will be provided for Grade 9-12 students.

Students in the Science, Math, Computer Science House participate in 8 periods day for all four years

in order to fulfill the certificate requirements

Global Ecology House students and Humanities House students are not required to stay for the extended


4. What classes are being offered during the extended day instructional period?

For the 2017-2018 school year eight classes were offered during the extended period: Advanced Science 1

& 2, AP US History, AP NSL, Magnet Pre-calculus C/D, AP US History, AP Physics C, Research

Design/Research Project A, AP English: Literature, and Genetics.

5. What happens during the study time period?

The study time period allows students to have time to do homework and extended computer time. Students

who are involved in extra-curricular activities do not attend study time on days when those activities meet.

Students who can provide their own transportation home do not have to attend study time.

6. How will extended day affect sports and after school activities?

Coaches and club sponsors will adjust schedules to accept students arriving at 3:25pm. Depending on the

sport, some students will not have the exact same amount of practice time as a result of their academic class.

The expectation for the coaches is that the academic class comes first and then practice. SMCS students have


been the quarterback of the football team, starters on the basketball team and soccer teams. The house

designation does not limit the playing time of the athlete.

7. How does transportation work for extended day?

Every day there are two bus runs. One is at 2:30 PM and one is at 4:30 PM. Please review the answer to

question 2 above for additional information.

8. How often does the 8th class for SMCSH students meet?

PHS has an 8 period day. There are 8 academic class nearly every day. There are exceptions such as half-

days or the day before a holiday. For the exceptions, students have longer 8th periods and shorter study halls

during the days leading up the canceled 8th period to make sure no instructional time is lost. BACK TO TOP


This question is often asked. Because of the high volume of applications we cannot have students shadow at

our school. We are at capacity in terms of the enrollment of the school. The extra students would interfere with

our instructional day. Please know that on the Magnet Home Page you can find over 10 videos that give you a

very good view of the school in action. BACK TO TOP


1. Are students allowed to participate in sports or extra-curricular activities if they are part of an

extended day program?

Coaches and club sponsors will adjust schedules to accept students arriving at 3:25 pm.

2. When do tryouts occur for sports? What sports do you offer?

Poms and cheerleading have tryouts at the end of the 8th grade year. Students who receive an invitation to be

at PHS Magnet as 9th graders will receive the information about poms and cheerleading tryouts by email.

All other sports begin around the second week in August. Students must have a health form filled out by a

doctor before they can begin practice. The form may be found on our school website; click on the Athletics tab

for the form and information about the sports teams at PHS.

What if I have another question?

Please feel free to contact the Poolesville High School magnet office at 240-740-2419. BACK TO TOP




1. What sports and music are available at PHS?

PHS offers all sports that are available to secondary schools in Montgomery County Public Schools. For the

2017-18 school year the following music courses were offered: chorus, guitar, concert band, and AP Music


2. What levels of foreign language are offered?

At PHS we offer classes in French 1-5 and Spanish 1-5 plus AP Spanish and Spanish Literature.

We offer the AP Chinese test each year because we have many students who go to Chinese school on

Saturdays. We currently cannot find a Chinese teacher who has the State of Maryland certification credentials

to teach in public school. Please contact the magnet office if you know of any high level candidates.

3. Are there plays put on at Poolesville?

Yes, in the fall there is a drama play and in the spring a musical. The productions involve over 100 students

for each performance with dual casts to involve even more students.

5. How much time is there between classes?

There are five minutes of passing time between classes at PHS.

6. What schools have PHS students gotten into in the past?

Adelphi University

Agnes Scott College

The University of Alabama

Albright College

Alfred University

Allegany College of Maryland

Allegheny College

American University

Appalachian State University

Arcadia University

Arizona State University

The University of Arizona

The University of the Arts

College of the Atlantic

Auburn University

Austin Peay State University

Averett University

Babson College

Baldwin-Wallace College

Baltimore County Community College

Baltimore International College

University of Baltimore

Bard College

Barnard College

Barry University

Bates College

Baylor University

Belmont Abbey College

Beloit College

Bennington College

Bethany College

Bethune-Cookman College

Binghamton University

Biola University

Bloomsburg University

Boston College

Boston University

Bowdoin College

Bowie State University

Bowling Green State University

Bradley University

Brandeis University

Bridgewater College

Brigham Young University


Brigham Young University, Idaho

Brown University

Bryn Mawr College

Bucknell University

Butte College

Cabrini College

University of California at Davis

U of California at Los Angeles

U of California at Santa Barbara

U of California at Santa Cruz

California State U, Long Beach

California Polytechnic Institute

Calvin College

Campbell University

Carleton College

Carlow University

Carnegie Mellon University

Case Western Reserve University

Catawba College

The Catholic University of America

Cazenovia College

Cedar Crest College

Centenary College

Central Christian College of the Bible

University of Central Florida

Central Michigan University

Champlain College

Charleston Southern University

College of Charleston

University of Charleston

Chatham College

Chestnut Hill College

University of Chicago

Christopher Newport University

The Citadel

Claflin University

Clark University

Clemson University

Coastal Carolina University

Colby College

Colby-Sawyer College

Colgate University

University of Colorado at Boulder

U of Colorado, Colorado Springs

Colorado College

Colorado State University

Columbia College

Columbia University

Connecticut College

University of Connecticut

Cooper Union

Cornell College

Cornell University

Covenant College

The Culinary Institute of America

Dartmouth College

Davidson College

University of Dayton

Delaware State University

University of Delaware

University of Denver

DePauw University

DeVry University

Dickinson College

U of the District of Columbia

Drew University

Drexel University

Duke University

Duquesne University

Earlham College

East Carolina University

Eastern Kentucky University

Eastern University

Eastman School Music, U of Rochester

Eckerd College

Edinboro University of Pennsylvania

Elizabethtown College

Elmira College

Elon University

Embry-Riddle Aeronautical U - FL

Emerson College

Emory University

The Evergreen State College

Fairleigh Dickinson University

Fairmont State University

The University of Findlay

Flagler College

Florida Atlantic University

Florida Gulf Coast University

Florida Institute of Technology

Florida International University

Florida Southern College

Florida State University

University of Florida

Fordham University

Fordham University

Franklin and Marshall College

Franklin College Switzerland

Franklin Pierce University

Frederick Community College


Frostburg State University

Furman University

George Mason University

The George Washington University

Georgetown University

Georgia Institute of Technology

Georgia Southern University

University of Georgia

Gettysburg College

Goucher College

Green Mountain College

Greensboro College

Grinnell College

Grove City College

Guilford College

Hagerstown Business College

Hamilton College - NY

Hampshire College

Hampton University

Hartford College for Women

University of Hartford

Harvard University

Harvey Mudd College

Haverford College

Hawaii Pacific University

High Point University

Hobart and William Smith Colleges

Hofstra University

Hollins University

College of the Holy Cross

Hood College

Howard Community College

Howard University

Humboldt State University

Husson College

University of Illinois at Chicago

U of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

Immaculata University

Indiana State University

Indiana University at Bloomington

Indiana University of Pennsylvania

The University of Iowa

Ithaca College

Jacksonville University

James Madison University

Johns Hopkins University

Johnson & Wales University

Juniata College

Kalamazoo College

Kean University

Kennesaw State University

Kent State University

University of Kentucky

Kenyon College

Knoxville College

Kutztown University of Pennsylvania

La Salle University

Lafayette College

Lasell College

Lebanon Valley College

Lehigh University

Lenoir-Rhyne University

Lewis & Clark College

Liberty University

Limestone College

Lincoln University

Lock Haven University of Pennsylvania

Long Island U, C.W. Post Campus

Longwood University

Louisiana State University

University of Louisville

Loyola College in Maryland

Loyola University Chicago

Loyola University New Orleans

Lycoming College

Lynchburg College

University of Maine

Manhattanville College

Marist College

Mars Hill College

Marshall University

Mary Baldwin College

University of Mary Washington

U of Maryland, Eastern Shore

Maryland Institute College of Art

U of Maryland, Baltimore County

University of Maryland, College Park

Marymount University

Maryville College

Marywood University

Massachusetts Institute of Technology

University of Massachusetts, Amherst

University of Massachusetts, Boston

McDaniel College

The University of Memphis

Mercyhurst College

Messiah College

Methodist University

Miami University, Oxford

University of Miami


Michigan State University

Michigan Technological University

University of Michigan

University of Michigan, Flint

Midlands Technical College

Millersville University

University of Minnesota, Twin Cities

Mississippi College

University of Mississippi

University of Missouri Columbia

University of Missouri, Kansas City

Molloy College

Montana State University, Bozeman

The University of Montana, Missoula

Montgomery College, Germantown

Montgomery College, Rockville

Montgomery College, Takoma Park

Morehouse College

Morgan State University

Mount Holyoke College

Mount Saint Mary's University

Mountain State University

Muhlenberg College

University of Nebraska at Lincoln

University of Nevada, Las Vegas

New England College

University of New England

University of New Hampshire

University of New Haven

The College of New Jersey

University of New Mexico

New York University

Newberry College

Newbury College

Norfolk State University

U of North Carolina at Asheville

U of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

U of North Carolina at Charlotte

U of North Carolina at Greensboro

U of North Carolina at Pembroke

U of North Carolina at Wilmington

North Carolina Central University

North Carolina State University

North Carolina Wesleyan College

Northeastern Ohio College of Medicine

Northeastern University

Northern Arizona University

Northland College

Northwestern University

Norwich University

College of Notre Dame of Maryland

University of Notre Dame

Nyack College

Oberlin College

Ohio Northern University

The Ohio State University

Ohio University

Ohio Wesleyan University

Old Dominion University

University of Oregon

Otis College of Art and Design

Pace University, Pleasantville-Briarcliff

University of the Pacific

Parsons School of Design

Paul Mitchell, The School

Pennsylvania College of Art & Design

Pennsylvania College of Technology

Pennsylvania Institute of Culinary Arts

PSU Erie: The Behrend College

PSU: University Park

University of Pennsylvania

Pepperdine University

Pfeiffer University

Philadelphia University

Pittsburg State University

University of Pittsburgh

Pomona College

Pratt Institute

Princeton University

Providence College

Purdue University

Quinnipiac University

Radford University

Randolph College

Randolph-Macon College

Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute

University of Rhode Island

Rhodes College

University of Richmond

Rider University

Roanoke College

Robert Morris University

Rochester Institute of Technology

University of Rochester

Rollins College

Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology

Rowan University

Rutgers University

Saint Anselm College

Saint Augustine's College-NC


Saint Francis University

Saint Joseph's University

Saint Leo University

Saint Michael's College

Salem College

Salisbury University

San Diego State University

University of San Diego

San Francisco Art Institute

Sarah Lawrence College

Savannah College of Art and Design

University of the Sciences in Philadelphia

The University of Scranton

Seminole Community College

Seton Hall University

Seton Hill University

Shenandoah University

Shepherd University

Shippensburg University of Pennsylvania

Siena College

Skidmore College

Slippery Rock U of Pennsylvania

Smith College

University of South Carolina

University of South Florida

University of Southern California

Southern Methodist University

University of Southern Mississippi

Southern New Hampshire University

Southern Virginia University

Spelman College

St. Bonaventure University

St. John's College

St. John's University - Queens Campus

St. Lawrence University

St. Mary's College of Maryland

Stanford University

Stevenson University

Stonehill College

Stony Brook University

Suffolk University

SUNY at Albany

SUNY at New Paltz

SUNY Coll-Envir Sci and Forestry

SUNY College at Potsdam

SUNY Maritime College

Susquehanna University

Syracuse University

The University of Tampa

Temple University

Tennessee State University

University of Tennessee, Knoxville

Texas Tech University

The University of Texas, Austin

The University of Texas, San Antonio

Towson University

Trinity College

Tufts University

Tulane University

Union College

US Coast Guard Academy

US Merchant Marine Academy

US Military Academy – West Point

Universal Technical Institute

Ursinus College

Utah State University

University of Utah

Vanderbilt University

Vassar College

University of Vermont

Villanova University

Virginia Commonwealth University

Virginia Intermont College

Virginia Military Institute

Virginia Polytechnic Institute

Virginia Wesleyan College

University of Virginia

Wagner College

Wake Forest University

Warren Wilson College

Washington and Jefferson College

Washington and Lee University

Washington Bible College

Washington College

Washington University in St. Louis

University of Washington

Webb Institute

Wellesley College

Wentworth Institute of Technology

Wesley College

West Chester University of Pa

West Liberty State College

West Virginia University

West Virginia Wesleyan College

Western Carolina University

Western Michigan University

Western New England College

Western Washington University

Westminster College

Whittier College


College of William and Mary

Williams College

Winthrop University

University of Wisconsin, Madison

The College of Wooster

Worcester Polytechnic Institute

University of Wyoming

Xavier University

Yale University

York College of Pennsylvania

Youngstown State University

7. What kind of clubs do you have?

The following clubs have been recently offered: Art Club, Asian American Club, Badminton, Book Club,

Business/Investment Club, Chemistry Club, Chess Club, Computer Team Club, Dance Club, Debate, Equestrian

club, Falcon Ambassadors, Fellowship of Christian Athletes, Forensics, Gay and Straight Alliance, Grill

Masters, Harry Potter Club, Hero Club, History Club, Hockey Club, Independent Film Club, Interact Club, It’s

Academic, Key Club, Leo’s, Linguistics, Literary Magazine, Matheletes, Midnight Players, Mission OSOP

(Overseas Soldier Outreach Program), Mock Trial, Model UN, National Science Bowl, Otaku (Anime), Pink

Ribbon, Physics, Random Acts, FIRST Robotics, Rock Band Club, Rubik’s Cube, Science Olympiad,

Shakespeare Club, Theoretical Physics Club, World Cultures, Wounded Warriors, Young Life. New clubs

emerge each year, based on student interest.

8. What kind of Art Programs do you have?

Currently the following art classes are offered at PHS: AP Studio Art, AP 2D Art, Studio Art 1 & 2,

Ceramics & Sculpture 1 & 2, Drawing and Design, Photography, AP Art History.

9. What is the racial breakdown of Poolesville High School?

Poolesville High School’s student body is approximately 31% Asian, 5% African-American, 8% Hispanic,

6% Multiple Races and 51% White.

10. When will MCPS rebuild Poolesville High School?

According to the current MCPS Capital Improvements Program, a revitalization/expansion is planned with a

completion date of 2023. Our fingers are crossed.