Download - Fanatical Niche Marketer’s Guide · Traffic is the lifeblood of marketing. We all know that without it you might as well forget being any kind of marketer. The problem with traffic

Page 1: Fanatical Niche Marketer’s Guide · Traffic is the lifeblood of marketing. We all know that without it you might as well forget being any kind of marketer. The problem with traffic

Fanatical Niche Marketer’s Guide

© 2014 By Michael Kelley All rights Reserved You Can Find Out More About Fanatical Niche Marketing Here:

Page 2: Fanatical Niche Marketer’s Guide · Traffic is the lifeblood of marketing. We all know that without it you might as well forget being any kind of marketer. The problem with traffic


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Page 3: Fanatical Niche Marketer’s Guide · Traffic is the lifeblood of marketing. We all know that without it you might as well forget being any kind of marketer. The problem with traffic

Contents DISCLAIMER .................................................................... 2

Introduction ................................................................... 5

The ‘Box’ Makes You OCD .......................................................... 6

A Look At Typical Traffic ................................................ 7

The Real Truth About SEO .......................................................... 7

Adwords, PPC And Paid Ads ....................................................... 9

Solo Ads ................................................................................... 10

What Now? .............................................................................. 11

Why Typical Traffic Can Be A Problem .................................... 12

Find A Fanatical Group And Co-Opt It! .................................... 14

The Psychology Behind “Fanatical” Groups ............................ 15

A Few Examples Of Fanatical Niches You Can Co-Opt .............. 18

A Few More Fanatical Niches ................................................... 20

Key Factors To Tap Fanatical Niches ....................................... 21

Attune Yourself To The Niche .................................................. 22

How Can I Find A Fanatical Niche That Works For Me? ........... 23

Traffic Spies R Us? .................................................................... 24

I Know It Works Because I Am Doing This ............................... 25

The Fanatical Niche Marketing Funnel ..................................... 26

Locate Niche Contributors And Support Them ........................ 27

Page 4: Fanatical Niche Marketer’s Guide · Traffic is the lifeblood of marketing. We all know that without it you might as well forget being any kind of marketer. The problem with traffic

Become A Regular Contributor ............................................... 27

Celebrate Niche Events ............................................................ 28

Your Own Unique Content ....................................................... 30

Create A Subscription Like A Magazine ................................... 31

Give Away FREE Content .......................................................... 31

Use Survey Monkey - Period .................................................... 32

Power Tweak Your Content ..................................................... 33

Now Change Over To A Paid Subscription ............................... 33

Conclusion .................................................................... 35

Page 5: Fanatical Niche Marketer’s Guide · Traffic is the lifeblood of marketing. We all know that without it you might as well forget being any kind of marketer. The problem with traffic

Introduction Traffic is the lifeblood of marketing. We all know that without it you

might as well forget being any kind of marketer. The problem with

traffic is that there are many varieties and most marketers’ think that

paid traffic is the only consistent answer to their marketing woes.

There can be little doubt that paid traffic is good quality but there

actually is a better source, and a free one!

Traffic from fanatical followers!

I recently released a WSO called Power Magazine Marketer where I

explain how I went from nothing to thousands of paid subscribers,

traffic from just about everywhere online, and search engine gravity of

hundreds of thousands of links all pointing from anything related to

my magazine, to my sites and Facebook Fanpage, thanks to fanatics!

In fact this guide was originally just for my Power Magazine Marketers

but several of them suggested I make this content available to

everyone. If you follow the path laid out for you in this guide you will

accomplish the same thing I did. I believe you will also outperform

most people in your niche because of the psychology and momentum

behind this truly awesome method.

Warmest Regards,

Page 6: Fanatical Niche Marketer’s Guide · Traffic is the lifeblood of marketing. We all know that without it you might as well forget being any kind of marketer. The problem with traffic

The ‘Box’ Makes You OCD First of all I want you to take a deep breath. It will be alright. Traffic

has become a fixation point for many marketers. They swoon over the

numbers; they agonize over the slightest decrease in stats. They

constantly crunch the numbers and look for islands of traffic flow. It is

a sickness similar to OCD (obsessive compulsive disorder) that leaves

them up late at night gets them up early in the morning. It keeps them

away from family and friends and never allows them to sleep well.

I am sorry for you. Really. I have been there and in fact for years I did

the same thing. I spent too much time looking at the mechanics of

traffic generation and forgot about the real humanity behind what I

was doing as a marketer. Believe it or not that matters big time.

I attended all of the traffic courses you have; I have been to seminars,

online marketing webinars, listened to all the gurus. Yep just like you.

I suffered from the same sickness and I must admit part of me

obsessed for countless hours I devoted to all of this. Still I kept

breaking even or in many cases lost money on many promotions I was

doing. A little voice in the back of my head kept telling me something

was missing. “How come all of the gurus were generating so much

traffic and I wasn’t?”

So I really began to look at what these people were doing and not

just what they said to me. Guess what? I discovered a shocking secret

(Fanatical Followers) AND some real truth about traffic systems:

Page 7: Fanatical Niche Marketer’s Guide · Traffic is the lifeblood of marketing. We all know that without it you might as well forget being any kind of marketer. The problem with traffic

A Look At Typical Traffic

There are many traditional traffic methods most of us have been

relying on. I want to cover these quickly because there is a problem

with the mindset and functionality. Most marketers preach one of

these (or all of them). They each have good value and used to work

well in their own day but I believe now they are not like they used to

be. This is again because marketers look at them like a mechanical

process that just needs to be done to make traffic and as long as you

look at them this way they become money traps.

Yes you heard that right; traps. I am sure there will be naysayers that

will strongly disagree with my thinking but I ask you to keep an open

mind here because if you are sick to death of these methods like I was

and really want to try something RADICALLY different then keep

reading; but first a few home truths . . .

The Real Truth About SEO When I first started my IM Career I thought SEO was the answer. Part

of me still loves the idea of SEO but let’s be absolutely honest here;

SEO can take months to achieve results and during this time, you are

totally at the whim of the search engines. Since all the major search

engines queue from Google and Google is constantly tweaking

algorithms, this is like building your business on quicksand. I have

Page 8: Fanatical Niche Marketer’s Guide · Traffic is the lifeblood of marketing. We all know that without it you might as well forget being any kind of marketer. The problem with traffic

heard from countless marketers that have had lots of ongoing traffic

from the search engines only to see it crumble like a house of cards

and watch them struggle to recover. It wasn’t pretty.

Part of SEO is based on keywords and as such there is ongoing, often

impossible competition you must face for really good terms. This can

drive the typical marketer insane. Worse still SEO forces you to settle

for very low volume long tailed keywords which will require almost as

much work to rank as medium and some higher volume ones. Yes,

long tailed keywords can produce better sales but other marketers

also know this and look for this low hanging fruit. With all of the new

changes to the search engines, direct match keywords are going the

way of the Dodo; so no one really knows exactly how to rank for a

specific keyword term anymore unless you devote yourself to ranking

for dozens of related terms in hopes of pulling your site up by the

bootstraps and that means ten times the work.

In addition, trying to outsmart the search engines is a losing

proposition; for example hiring people to do backlinks for your

business is like flushing at least part of your money down the toilet

now because of the required additional related terms to point to your

main keyword(s) so your site has real gravity. Some people have had

success with backlinking after Hummingbird, Panda and Penguin but

eventually, another algorithm change or tweak will come along and

your website will probably get slapped HARD if you use paid links.

Even if you manage to avoid the big slap, there are dozens of “little

slaps” that the search engines will do and you will need to constantly

adjust your efforts to remain ranked. The end result is that either you

will need to devote endless hours or a large bankroll to keep your sites

Page 9: Fanatical Niche Marketer’s Guide · Traffic is the lifeblood of marketing. We all know that without it you might as well forget being any kind of marketer. The problem with traffic

ranked. While there are some exceptions to this rule, in general this is

what happens to most marketers. So if you are one of the lucky few

that can make this all work, good for you but don’t worry . . . Google

will get around to your site soon enough. They always do.

The only exception to this is high quality content that the search

engine will locate and rank without help. We will talk about this later.

Another issue with SEO is it requires constant study and results will

vary based on many different schools of thought. Google has been at

war with SEO practitioners for years and unfortunately they seem to

be winning. Trying to outsmart a room full of PhD’s has never been my

idea of easy traffic or fun yet many marketers continue to think so.

Adwords, PPC And Paid Ads Some of the most targeted traffic online is here if you can endure the

exceedingly long and expensive learning curve to master this kind of

marketing. Nothing has greater potential to bankrupt you until then.

Like SEO, you will be competing for the best keywords which is

difficult if not outright impossible. Now you get the added expense of

single clicks costing on average $5.00 or more. What is even worse,

click fraud is a serious problem with PPC because of the money

involved. Even though the search engines claim they are on the

constant lookout for this, anyone with an IP rotator and a network of

thieves or paid workers (See Mechanical Turk) can make good money

at your expense. Expect to pay thousands of dollars to drive traffic to

your websites. If you have a tested marketing funnel and a large

Page 10: Fanatical Niche Marketer’s Guide · Traffic is the lifeblood of marketing. We all know that without it you might as well forget being any kind of marketer. The problem with traffic

converting backend with expensive products / services, this kind of

marketing can work well but most marketers do not fit this


Keep in mind that beginners, even middle of the road experienced

marketers have been repeatedly burned by Adwords / PPC. Plan to

lose a lot of money until you figure everything out. If you have this

kind of money to toss at your funnel I would suggest hiring a PPC

expert with a long and proven track record before you go it alone.

Overall you should steer clear of this kind of advertising until you

know what the hell you are doing.

Solo Ads One of the somewhat bright spots in traffic / listbuilding is solo ads.

This is where you buy a certain number of clicks from someone else’s

mailing list. Usually you have to supply a free offer / squeeze page and

you contact the solo ad provider who will then mail their list with your

offer. If you find a good quality provider you can see some reasonable

results and sign ups to your mailing list.

Unfortunately with the explosion of solo ad providers, many scams,

click fraud schemes and low performance issues abound. Like I

mentioned before about B.S. lists and places like Mechanical Turk,

unscrupulous people can hire overseas people to “visit” your site to be

counted as clicks and even get people to sign up to your squeeze

pages for a few pennies per sign up. These people could care less

about your programs. They are paid for delivering clicks to your page.

Page 11: Fanatical Niche Marketer’s Guide · Traffic is the lifeblood of marketing. We all know that without it you might as well forget being any kind of marketer. The problem with traffic

So what good is 200 visits and 70 signups if the people doing so are

sitting in a sweatshop computer room in China?

What is the chance of making money from people who earn less than

a dollar a day and barely understand English and are being paid to click

ads and sign up to lists that they have no intention of ever following

up with? If you are going to use solo ads really investigate offers. Use

places like where you can see the

history of solo ad sellers.

What Now? So the list can go on here. I picked the last three traffic methods to

expose and illustrate the real problem of incorrect thinking and lack of

marketing psychology that plagues the industry. These three traffic

systems are mostly what marketer’s use and have some pretty high

scam rates as well as additional expense. Make no mistake there are

other traffic sources like media buys, contextual ads, banner ads and

the like. They all have potential and wise marketers learn how to use

them after long failures or expensive training “classes” from gurus

who essentially have the kind of big money to toss around and

experiment with media buys.

I also believe at least some of the impressive results gurus show are

because they push clicks and conversions from their own massive

lists of JV’s and desperate marketers and NOT from the real traffic

sources they are touting and teaching. I know this because I have

heard this discussed at IM conferences as a way to demonstrate

“proof” of what they are pushing “works” epically on hapless newbie

Page 12: Fanatical Niche Marketer’s Guide · Traffic is the lifeblood of marketing. We all know that without it you might as well forget being any kind of marketer. The problem with traffic

and desperate middle of the road marketers. Not all gurus use this

form of deception but always remember, Caveat Emptor . . . (Buyer


Why Typical Traffic

Can Be A Problem

There is one more inherent flaw with all of this kind of traffic we have

just discussed – it is essentially UNPROVEN in the sense that you do

NOT readily know the people who are visiting your site; just that they

might have an interest based on keywords or the kind of lists /

location that the traffic originates from.

Again I know marketers will disagree and you may be one of them that

have mastered one of these traffic skills.

Wonderful; but I want to introduce you with a new concept here.

To really generate super high quality traffic, the kind that will lead to

people almost demanding your products and services, you need to try

something new.

Radically new . . .

Please have a look at the flowchart on the next page. You will be

reborn! Fanatical traffic is where it is at!

Page 13: Fanatical Niche Marketer’s Guide · Traffic is the lifeblood of marketing. We all know that without it you might as well forget being any kind of marketer. The problem with traffic
Page 14: Fanatical Niche Marketer’s Guide · Traffic is the lifeblood of marketing. We all know that without it you might as well forget being any kind of marketer. The problem with traffic

Find A Fanatical

Group And Co-Opt It! One of the best ways to create a firestorm

of traffic in a way that defies logic and

traditional marketing is quite simply this:

LOCATE a fanatical group and then

PROVIDE content that the group needs

and wants.

This is infinitely BETTER than trying to push

your content on people that you have to

educate into liking your products and

services. Much better.

In fact, in today’s short attention span you have to start with the deck

stacked in your favor. Pick a niche that has fanatical followers, one

that matches your products and services.

If you already have a business you should find a way to make it highly

attractive to people in a related fanatical niche. Here is an example:

Problem: “I want to market my gaming ebooks and guides to the

World Of Warcraft niche, so how can I do it?”

Answer: Create a niche based magazine to get these people signed up

to your mailing list and then market your guides. The key here is to

create content the fanatical niche is looking for so they will want to

Page 15: Fanatical Niche Marketer’s Guide · Traffic is the lifeblood of marketing. We all know that without it you might as well forget being any kind of marketer. The problem with traffic

make you part of their life. This is a much better way to market

because people in a highly dedicated and fanatical niche consume

content and will do essentially ANYTHING to be associated via social

interaction to express their devotion.

The Psychology Behind

“Fanatical” Groups I remember how over the years people became fanatics about certain

causes, events and groups. Music groups are a great example of this.

Take for example the hard rock group AC/DC. They have MILLIONS of

raving fans who buy just about anything AC/DC marketing sells. Their

market is huge; everything from older CD’s, concerts, iTunes

downloads, and almost any kind of memorabilia you can imagine.

It is interesting to note that AC/DC fanatics are willing to do almost

ANYTHING that they are told and certainly will spend every dime they

have to attend concerts, fan events and even get together with related

groups all over the world and happily spend a fortune.

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This is just ONE Fanpage; there are thousands of others and related

groups. While AC/DC may not be your cup of tea, I am choosing this to

make an extreme example. Fanatical followers are where it is at.

The above group has 27 MILLION followers with thousands of spin off

groups . . . Just imagine if you owned a record store and had one of

these fan groups visiting YOU on a regular basis?

The moral of the story here is that fanatics / fan clubs and fanatic

niche based groups are where you can find EPICALLY dedicated people

that will stand up and be counted when it comes to affirming their

social identity which is EVERYTHING to them. It is their LIFE.

Fanatical people are the “lunatic fringe” you mother warned you

about; but they exist in many facets of society. They often go

unrecognized by the mainstream but they are ready to devote

themselves to you and if you understand this you can become their

Pied Piper so to speak and lead them down the path right to your

products and services.

Seth Godin, Minimalist, Founder of Squidoo and recognized expert in

marketing as well as one of the top speakers worldwide, explains that

traditional marketing is essentially dead and that you need to support

people if you want success:

“Don’t try to change someone’s worldview is the strategy smart

marketers follow. Don’t try to use facts to prove your case and to insist

that people change their biases. You don’t have enough time and you

don’t have enough money. Instead, identify a population with a certain

Page 17: Fanatical Niche Marketer’s Guide · Traffic is the lifeblood of marketing. We all know that without it you might as well forget being any kind of marketer. The problem with traffic

worldview, frame your story in terms of that worldview and you win.”

– Seth Godin

Of course you have to speak their ‘geek speak’ or language.

You can’t fake it! If you are really serious about this you have to

immerse at least partially, yourself into their strange and passionate

world. It is best if you already support one of these niches because it

will be much easier to get into their heads . . .

(Blizcon Night Elf Costume Contestants)

Page 18: Fanatical Niche Marketer’s Guide · Traffic is the lifeblood of marketing. We all know that without it you might as well forget being any kind of marketer. The problem with traffic

A Few Examples Of Fanatical

Niches You Can Co-Opt Gaming Niches – Warhammer 40K, World

Of Warcraft, Old Republic, Sports Gaming,

Xbox games, PlayStation games, Fantasy

Football and anything related.

Fantasy Niches – Dungeons & Dragons,

Faerie Cons, furry Conventions, Medieval

Reenactments, Star Trek, Anime, Comicons.

Adult Fantasy/ Swingers – This is where people join clubs and trade

mates, spouses and rent or sell themselves as escorts, dominatrixes or

other related sex services. This industry is vast and worldwide.

Author Niches – Fans associated with any top author, book

conventions, Reader’s Clubs, Author Fanclubs, Controversial Authors –

this is a well respected fanatical niche among academics and avid

learners with endless possibilities.

Live Action Roleplayers – This is where the

group assumes personas and acts out a

storyline. This can be about anything from

detective novels to adult fantasy. The

people involved actually live the role and

attend conventions like this furry

convention and spend gobs of money for

associated “gear” they need for these roles.

Page 19: Fanatical Niche Marketer’s Guide · Traffic is the lifeblood of marketing. We all know that without it you might as well forget being any kind of marketer. The problem with traffic

Civil War Reenactments – These folks devote almost full time to

preparing to roleplay various historic battles. They are very serious

about the history and use of old tech firearms, cannons, uniforms etc.

Primitive Hunting / Bow Hunting – This kind of hunter is absolutely

dedicated to the craft of primitive hunting techniques and the

followers see themselves as real hunters ready for the end of society.

Extreme Sports – These are hardcore sports and not the typical

athletics. Like Extreme Martial Arts, Olympic Bodybuilding, Power

Cycling, Mountain Climbing, Skydiving, Scuba Diving, Spelunking,

Bungee Jumping. Think sports but the extreme end of the spectrum.

*Obscure Religious Groups – Be careful here. Still there is huge

potential to connect with and promote related products and services.

For example Wiccans (modern day witches), Druids, Earth Religions,

Scientology, Occultists; again be VERY careful with these groups but

many people have dedicated entire businesses successfully here.

UFO Worshipers – What a fanatical niche this is! People in this niche

continue to devour endless content and believe in abductions and

spend constant time looking for sightings and gathering points.

Government Conspiracy / Doomsday Preppers – This is a very active

and growing niche. People here believe governments / Globalists are

out to destroy humanity. To a degree they could be correct. If you are

aligned with this kind of thinking you can sell endless products and

services to people that are preparing for the end of the world.

Collectors Niches – Mugs, spoons, baseball cards, sports, etc.

Page 20: Fanatical Niche Marketer’s Guide · Traffic is the lifeblood of marketing. We all know that without it you might as well forget being any kind of marketer. The problem with traffic

A Few More Fanatical Niches Classic Cars / Muscle Cars – A huge group with many sub niches.

People love cars of all kinds and there are devoted and raving fans.

Animal Rights Activists – This group can be broken down into just

about any kind of animal activism and many people love animals to

the point of very illogical and absolutely bizarre, extreme behavior.

Extreme Environmentalists –Look out for this group. Regardless of the

facts you will be seduced into believing the world is about to end

because you drive a car to work. Mostly co-opted by political groups.

Celebrity Worship / Poser Groups – Millions of people follow and

purchase everything on their favorite star. Some attain a cult of

personality status that you can support.

Right / Left Wing Political Groups – Take your pick. There is enough

content here to upset and involve just about anyone.

Vegans / Vegetarians – These groups tend to believe all of the rest of

us are evil for eating meat and tout their superiority on the rest of us.

Beauty Pageants (adult and children) Parents will do anything to get

their children to win; so will adults who compete.

These are just some of the fanatical niches that exist. A little research

could net you dozens more. The idea is to locate a fanatical niche that

you can then support and eventually dominate as an expert over time.

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Key Factors To Tap

Fanatical Niches Fanatical niches as we have demonstrated are often at the extreme

end of bizarre. You are going to have to swallow your pride a bit and

begin to seriously identify with them. Remember we are in some

unortadox territory here. Finding and then controlling a fanatical niche

is your goal here, so welcome to freakazoid land! Want an example?

The magazine Fusion explored the furry fanatical niche

and its ties to the gay community. Counterculture is

always fascinating to explore because there are

usually specific needs that these communities

have that are not being met simply because

mainstream people recoil from the niche at first

but the reason behind what they do can

sometimes be sound when you explore it.



One of the biggest things that you could provide would be good

reporting by creating a magazine on the niche activities since few

people will go to this length to dominate the niche; so the barrier for

competition drops dramatically for you if you do this to support it.

Once you continue to support the fanatical niche you will receive

overwhelming support because this is what is lacking in their world.

You can then J.V. with top niche contributors, promote good quality

products that the community has difficulty locating and sell ads,

classifieds and many other opportunities will begin to open up.

Page 22: Fanatical Niche Marketer’s Guide · Traffic is the lifeblood of marketing. We all know that without it you might as well forget being any kind of marketer. The problem with traffic

Attune Yourself To The Niche Many of these groups expect you to identify with their group think.

They also expect you to have real respect for its members and if you

are going to market to them you have to first understand their

thoughts before you can realistically sell anything to them:

1. Become a regular contributor to their community using yourself

or others as examples

2. Agree with and celebrate the events, top contributors

3. Create your own dynamic expression of the niche and promote

top contributors

4. Create your own unique content that will be shared and given

away to the niche to get subscribers to your blog, magazine etc.

5. Use the resultant traffic to redirect the niche to support your

products, services and other marketing

This is NOT the traditional traffic marketing and everything hinges on

your delivery to the niche of high quality content that people want to

consume and share.

Do not treat this concept the same as other niche promos. Deliver first

what the fanatical niche wants. If you are uncertain what this is, follow

the lead of top contributors, top magazines and high trafficked blogs.

Your goal is to first emulate what they are doing but add your unique

voice and then use this content to control the niche.

Page 23: Fanatical Niche Marketer’s Guide · Traffic is the lifeblood of marketing. We all know that without it you might as well forget being any kind of marketer. The problem with traffic

How Can I Find A Fanatical

Niche That Works For Me? In some ways choosing a fanatical niche is far

superior than the typical crap every internet

marketer and their guru buddies tell you to get

started with like weight loss, dog training etc.

Time to look beyond. Look for what is HOT, even

sexy and in huge demand and essentially

worshipped by the lunatic fringe:

Image source: Greloch

You need to engage your PASSION and think about the psychology

here; if a woman is willing to dress up as an elf scantily clad before

hundreds of people at a large convention center, do you think she and

others who behave and think this way would be interested in buying

support products and services related to this niche? Hell yes. There is

passion and desire being created in fanatical niches. The buzz

associated to this kind of content is ongoing and powerful.

Your job is to tap into all of this using intelligence, storytelling and

powerful images that captivate people who are in the niche to start

gravitating in your world. It’s time to put on your creativity cap on and

follow this traffic model to its powerful and logical conclusion. Buckle

your seat belt because you are in for one hell of a ride IF you have the

imagination and will to find and fulfill your fanatical niche.

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Traffic Spies R Us? So now you realize this is unlike most traffic models. Before we fully

explore this concept keep in mind that all of it is based on good intel.

You need ongoing “spies” so to speak, of happenings in the fanatical

niche of your choice. Once you see the kind of information you need

it is time to discuss Google Alerts.

A while back I created a WSO entitled Traffic Tidalwave and its update,

Traffic Tidalwave 2.0. I was fascinated with Google Alerts, a really cool

way for content to come to you. In the WSO, I discussed how I used

Google Alerts to keep up with the gaming niche and sell guides to

people who were part of it. Google Alerts is a simple web app that

allows you to set up keywords and have results emailed to you

anytime there is internet activity around the keyword(s) you created.

This is a great way to “spy” on your competitors, be notified of events,

videos, press releases, book releases and just about ANY content on

the web that meets your keyword criteria. It is a very powerful tool

and is kind of like an RSS feed because you no longer have to devote

hours to searching out content related to your fanatical (or any) niche;

it finds you and deposits content into your email box. You can have

this ready for you daily, even as it happens up to the minute so you

can react immediately to changes in the industry as well as keep up

with the most devout marketer. It is also a way to have content on

ANY topic and you can essentially improve on what is currently being

shared by rewriting and giving your own unique spin. I STRONGLY

recommend you use Google Alerts as part of your marketing funnel.

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I Know It Works

Because I Am Doing This How do I know all of this works? I use this marketing strategy to

absolutely CRUSH IT in the Doomsday Prepper / Survival Niche when I

discovered the Fanatical sub niche of Aquaponics.

In less than 12 months using Power Magazine Marketer, my wife and I

took our little Facebook Fanpage (Aquaponics Survival Communities)

from a few dozen people to well over 17k active and excited followers

who constantly share our posts. In this niche, this is one of the largest

communities in the world for Aquaponics. We did this organically and

it didn’t cost us one penny in ads. The page builds on itself daily.

We also took our magazine ASC Magazine from

a small free publication to one of the most

celebrated magazines in the niche. This included

articles and support from the top names in the

fanatical niche.

Our magazine now has thousands of paid

subscribers and we have used the list to also

promote book sales, sell real tangible goods as

well as dozens of other related moneymaking

and humanitarian projects and have top selling Kindle books as well.

I am not showing this to you to brag but to demonstrate that this kind

of marketing is powerful and works well to promote almost anything.

Page 26: Fanatical Niche Marketer’s Guide · Traffic is the lifeblood of marketing. We all know that without it you might as well forget being any kind of marketer. The problem with traffic

The Fanatical Niche

Marketing Funnel

These are the steps that I used to explode my business. This will work

with any niche if you actually follow this funnel. I have dozens of

students now that use this funnel successfully and I am on my third


Here are the action steps fully explained.

Page 27: Fanatical Niche Marketer’s Guide · Traffic is the lifeblood of marketing. We all know that without it you might as well forget being any kind of marketer. The problem with traffic

Locate Niche Contributors

And Support Them Now a day’s everybody is a critic. Everyone loves to critique and

criticize what other people are doing but this is the WRONG approach!

If you want to make friends and influence people you need to locate

the top people in your niche and tell them just how awesome they

are; but it will take more than this – you must immerse yourself in

their world and meet them on that wavelength. You need to produce

content that SUPPORTS the top niche contributors. Why? You

VALIDATE and give SOCIAL PROOF about them. You also will be

elevated to higher status and you are creating a footprint on the

internet people can see with their own eyes. This is a powerful first

step at aligning yourself with the niche. People check out new people

to their group. You need to show them you are hardcore and want to

be identified by the group think.

Become A

Regular Contributor If you are going to dominate a niche you first have to contribute to it.

Not only is this demonstrating social proof but it will educate you

further about the niche. This knowledge will serve you well and will

leave a record for others to clearly see you are serious and a willing

contributor to it.

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This also helps if you show a willingness to work with people, a

friendly attitude and deliver content that is compelling and

interesting. You will also make friends along the way who can support

you later with testimonials and help with trolls and feedback. Do not

skip this step. It is part of your learning curve and internet footprint.

Celebrate Niche Events If you are a Trekkie fanatic, it is

obvious you would take time

to celebrate the next

upcoming convention. You

would do posts to build the

anticipation as well as get as

many fanatics involved as you


Image Courtesy Of Stately English Manor

This is when you begin to shift your writing from contributor to more

of a lead role. Hold chats, discussions and meetups. Form groups and

channel EVERYTHING to a tool to harvest names to a mailing list.

The idea is to ride the tsunami of excitement. Do this by anticipating

big events, holding meetups, Skype calls, attending conventions and

reporting on everything back to your niche.

Here is a snapshot of the lobby for a recent Blizcon convention. World

Of Warcraft gaming boasted at one time over 12 MILLION subscribers

(it has decreased some but this changes as more expansions are

Page 29: Fanatical Niche Marketer’s Guide · Traffic is the lifeblood of marketing. We all know that without it you might as well forget being any kind of marketer. The problem with traffic

announced) and is more than the population of over 100 smaller

countries . . . Still think this is like the typical niche marketing? Nope.

Fanatics are SUPER LOYAL to their niche and it permeates much of

what they do. The Typical World Of Warcraft player logs almost 22

HOURS of gameplay a week. That’s more than some people training

for the Olympics. Since these people are so addicted to this kind of

game, it is easy to get them involved in co-opted content targeted at

them. More so than trying to convince someone to lose weight, train

their dog or some other oversaturated and beat to death niche.

Fanatics are also FUN to market to.

They LOVE anything related to their activities like videos, stories and

shared content. Have a look at this video where Jace mentions in the

song they are all fanatics (14 Million + Views)

Here is another example (22 Million Views) to give you an idea about

fanatic group think:

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Your Own Unique Content Now is time to begin to lead the pack. Begin creating content that

reinforces the group think and drives more interest. It is a good idea to

consider a Facebook Fanpage and build even more community. Start

finding high quality images of attractive and fun people with pictures

that define the niche.

Try to focus on images of people doing something. This is epically

helpful if the images reflect exactly what the niche loves and

celebrates. Here is an example:

For Cosplay – creating adult

fantasy and ‘poser’ costumes

goes hand in hand. The images

have been attracting gamers to

this fanatical niche for years.

Adults dress up in sexy game

attire and attend conventions to

see who wins. They also

represent their favorite games and gamers and exchange images. This

is kind of like a freaky Sims game but lived out in real life as an

extension of a fantasy game and real life anime.


Page 31: Fanatical Niche Marketer’s Guide · Traffic is the lifeblood of marketing. We all know that without it you might as well forget being any kind of marketer. The problem with traffic

Create A Subscription

Like A Magazine As mentioned earlier you can create a tool like a magazine that you

can use to draw your fanatical niche right into your mailing list. Since

your content has been curating, you have proven yourself to your

niche and they are ready and receptive to your desire to expand your

reach. Don’t try to create a magazine or newsletter unless all of the

other steps are in place because you need both social proof and

existing content to support your bid for mover and shaker.

Give Away FREE Content Now it is time to put on your blogger / reporter hat. Giving away

content that your fanatical niche loves is the key factor to your

success. The better the content the more success you will have. Free

content also convinces people to follow you and you can shape and

mould their thinking. Eventually you are trying to get them to invest in

you. Free content can deliver many things:

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Use Survey Monkey - Period One of the most invaluable steps to any marketing is a way to get

CONSTANT and accurate feedback. This is the tool that separates the

lightweight marketers from the real pros. Your goal is to constantly

request FEEDBACK from your market. When I starting using surveys I

was stunned at the feedback and what I thought I was going to deliver

to my niche was sometimes the exact opposite of what they wanted!

If you learn nothing else from this guide learn this:

You have to deliver what your market

WANTS not what YOU think they want.

It isn’t about YOU at least not at first. You need to curtail your own

ego and make it all about your niche and what THEY want.

This is NOT a ground breaking concept and it should make absolute

sense but a lot of warriors / marketers MISS this completely and

devote oceans of content about themselves and this really pisses off

your market! The only time you should discuss yourself in your

marketing is if it makes sense, demonstrates proof or is part of your

marketing that is necessary or validates group think.

The final focus should always be about your niche.

Deliver EXACTLY what people expect and want and make it about

them not you. The funny thing is when you do this you actually

encourage people to want to find out more about you.

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Power Tweak Your Content Now you have your niche’s attention. You are delivering powerful, free

content with attractive images that support the fanatical view about

the group think. When you start using survey monkey and get

feedback you need to do one more thing; start tweaking the content

in a way that can begin to support you selling your products and

services. You do this by associating your products and services with

top niche events, top fanatics and show your products and services in

action supporting the niche.

You can do this regardless of what it is you sell, market or produce.

Simply find the right fanatical niche and gift them your content. Watch

the magic happen and adjust / tweak results to show people and

events with your products and services.

Now Change Over To

A Paid Subscription This is perhaps a poor example but one most people will understand –

you need to first HOOK your fanatical audience.

Think of yourself as a kind of content “drug” dealer (I use this very

term loosely). A dealer will hook their customers on the free version of

their product. Once you have them securely on the line now you reel

them in. When the moment is right do this:

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1. Tell the fanatics you want to move from a few hours a day to full

time supporter of the niche

2. Send out a survey asking questions about converting to a paid

support product (subscription)

3. Explain to your fanatics they DEMANDED you switch over so that

you can continue to deliver ever increasing content

4. Order Power Magazine Marketer and follow those steps to take

your marketing into the stratosphere

The mindset here is to not just change over with no warning but ease

your followers into wanting a subscription over about a month.

Explain you can deliver even more dynamite content because you can

devote more time to a paid magazine.

Do NOT just switch over to a subscription without following these

steps. You also want to create questions in your survey about how

much would be a fair price for a full magazine.

Make the answer multiple choice and do NOT give the option for zero

cost; as part of what you are doing is to get people thinking about

paying for the magazine BEFORE you change over.

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Conclusion So there you have it. Fanatical niches are the top of the heap. Will you

need to do some work to make all of this work? Yes. Let me ask you

one final question; would you rather work on a sure thing or spend

months, even years continuing to struggle?

Stop searching for something that will work. This does. If you think

about it this should make complete sense that fanatics are the logical

choice to market to because they are loyal not to mention fun.

Fanatics are everywhere but few marketers completely grasp this.

Once you do you can become the 2% that are actually making money

online. That’s how it happened for me.

Warmest Regards,