Download - FAITH Notes April 2016 - Clover! Ed is an ex-drug addict and ex-prisoner who is now managing Grace House in downtown Rochester

Page 1: FAITH Notes April 2016 - Clover! Ed is an ex-drug addict and ex-prisoner who is now managing Grace House in downtown Rochester

FAITH Notes April 2016


He Is Risen!

He Is Risen Indeed!

Alleluia! Alleluia!

Page 2: FAITH Notes April 2016 - Clover! Ed is an ex-drug addict and ex-prisoner who is now managing Grace House in downtown Rochester

SUNDAY MORNINGS Traditional Worship (Music provided by organ and

Senior Choir) 8:30 a.m.

Contemporary Worship

(Music led by the Praise Team)

10:45 a.m.


2576 Browncroft Boulevard Rochester, New York 14625-1530

(585) 381-3970 FAX: (585) 381-6407

OFFICE HOURS: 8:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. Monday-Friday

Rev. Ben Braun, Pastor [email protected] 381-3970 ext. 13

Lyle Heggemeier, DCE, Adult Ministries [email protected] 381-3970 ext. 14

Peter Johnson, DCE, Youth Minister and Communications Director

[email protected] 381-3970 ext. 16

Carrie and Steve Ford

Directors of Children's and Adult Ministries [email protected] 381-3970 ext. 18

Dianne Christensen, Director of Music/Organist [email protected] 381-3970 ext. 17

Elizabeth Balentine

Director of Contemporary Music/Secretary [email protected] 381-3970 ext. 11

Kay Gerlach, Business Administrator [email protected] 381-3970 ext. 12

Carol Keeler, Secretary [email protected] 381-3970 ext. 10

Direct Phone to Faith Child Care and Nursery School Office: 385-2360

Jennifer Deutsch, Executive Director, Faith Child Care and Nursery School [email protected]

Lori Connolly, Assistant Executive Director, Faith Child Care and Nursery School [email protected]

Page 3: FAITH Notes April 2016 - Clover! Ed is an ex-drug addict and ex-prisoner who is now managing Grace House in downtown Rochester

Pastor Ben’s Corner “Missionaries at Home” “Things that we have heard and known and that our ancestors related to us. We will not conceal them from their children, But tell to the generation to come the praises of the LORD, And His strength and His wondrous works that He has done.” – Psalm 78:3&4 When you hear the word missionary,

what images pop into your mind? Do we picture people walking across the plains of a third world country, with Bible in hand? Do we picture people giving up everything in order to bring the word of God to people who have never heard it? Do we picture medical missionaries giving vaccines to sick children? If you weren’t before, you probably are now, and there is nothing wrong with that! God has called some to be missionaries in far distant lands, to help care for the physical needs of others, to give up lives of comfort for the sake of the Gospel. The world needs these types of servants of the Gospel! And yet we often forget that each of us is called to be a missionary. When Jesus sends the disciples in Mathew 28 saying, “Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age,” He is sending you and me! This command wasn’t just for disciples, or pastors, or career missionaries--it was a command, a sending of all believers of Jesus Christ into the world. But where do we start? After all it is hard to do something if we have no idea where to start. I am going to suggest twe are called to start in our homes. We are called to be missionaries in our homes. Some may say, "we already go to church; what else do I need to do?"

I want to give to you three encouragements in this area. First of all we are called to serve as missionaries to ourselves. Now that sounds kind of weird, but let me explain a little further. We are called to be missionaries to ourselves in that each of us needs to be making sure that each and every day we are immersed in the Word of God--hearing, reading and digesting the good news that Jesus gave His life for us, in order to save us. Setting aside time to focus upon your relationship with Jesus fuels you, feeds you, and prepares you to be sent out. The second encouragement is to be missionaries to your partners in ministry. If you are married, this is first and foremost your spouse. It could also be a close confidant or friend, a sibling or parent, a co-worker or mentor. We are called to uplift one another, to be bearers of those beautiful words “You are forgiven” in the lives of those around us. Proverbs 27:17 puts it this way, “As iron sharpens iron, so one person sharpens another.” In supporting and being supported we serve as missionaries. My third encouragement is to recognize our call to serve as missionaries to those put in our care. The Bible passages at the beginning of this article remind us of our call to pass on the faith to the next generation. Whether you have children, or not, whether the children in your life are younger or older, the call remains the same: provide them with every opportunity to grow in their relationship with Jesus Christ as you can and to trust that God holds them in His hands. The reality is that none of us can force someone else to believe. All we can do is recognize our calls to be missionaries and deliver the Word of God to those around us. God’s Word is for all people, of all nations, and of all backgrounds. So start in your homes and watch God work! Sincerely, ><>Pastor Ben

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Lyle's Lines FREE Kid's Videos and Training Videos for Adults Faith Lutheran Church is trying out a new, web-based video service from Right Now Media. With this service, anyone attending Faith who desires to watch free (FREE!) videos will be able to do so. You may choose from thousands of videos and watch them at home or on the road. All you'll need is an internet connection. Similar to Netflix, but with only Christian content, Faith will be paying the fee for you to watch whatever videos you wish. More about this new opportunity will be presented during worship on Sunday, April 3. If you have questions, you may speak with Lyle, Peter, or Steve and Carrie Ford.

During Education Hour (9:45-10:40 a.m.) Satisfied: Discovering Contentment in a World of Consumption Lyle Heggemeier, Leader Why is it so hard to find the contented, satisfied life? Why are we often influenced more by what our neighbors own than what will truly make us happy? In this class, which will meet in the Auditorium beginning April 3, we'll look at issues such as contentment, generosity, and dealing with our wealth. A Man Named Martin Part 1: The Man Pastor Ben Braun, Leader This class begins April 10 in the Community Room. In this class, participants will encounter a 15th-century religious reformer from Germany who broke ranks with the Catholic Church. In this five-session Bible study, Luther's life and times are examined through the lens of history, religion, and theology. Expanding on the commentary from Rev. Gregory Seltz, speaker for The Lutheran Hour, numerous scholars will add their expertise and perspective to render an illuminating portrait of the life of this extraordinary human being.  

Sunday Morning Classes

PAUL'S LETTER TO THE ROMANS Led by Lyle Heggemeier 7:00-8:15 PM in the Community Room Everyone is welcome and invited to this study. You are encouraged to bring your favorite Bible as we get into a more in-depth study of this fabulous epistle!

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 Thank You… -To the 53 youth for bringing friends and hanging out at Mystery Night! -To all of the adults for helping with Sunday Night FLY last month! -To the youth who helped create and teach the Palm Sunday lesson for the younger Sunday School children!        

   Apr. 10 – Moe’s & Guest Speaker! Come grab a FREE Moe's burrito and listen to Ed McMaster talk about how Christ changed his life! Ed is an ex-drug addict and ex-prisoner who is now managing Grace House in downtown Rochester (a ministry that helps men restart their lives

after prison or living on the streets). Moe’s is catering because we broke our FLY attendance record at Mystery Night with 53 teens! Apr. 24 – Sunday Night FLY REMIX You choose the lesson and game! What will you choose?! *About Sunday Night FLY Youth in grades 7-12 meet on the 2nd & 4th Sundays of the month from 7-8:45pm in the FLY Room! We worship together, read God’s Word, talk in small groups, play large group games, eat lots of food, and more! The FLY Café is open from 6:30-9 where youth can buy candy, t-shirts, and soda. (Popcorn is always FREE!) The Xbox, air hockey, and foosball games can be played before and after Sunday Night FLY. Friends are always welcome!


Flower City Work Camp – Mar. 28 – Apr. 1 Eight youth and many adults from Faith joined hundreds of other youth from around Rochester to serve others with the love of Christ! Thanks to all of the youth and adults who were part of this amazing week! FLY Work Campers: Liz Alvut, Genevieve Foster, Owen Ledermann, Jordan McNaughton, Erin Testa, Morgan Testa, Henry Trojian, and Seth Trojian

Sr. FLY Spring Retreat - Apr. 15-16 9-12th grade youth are invited to our first ever Spring Retreat! We’re going to pack cookies, jump at SkyZone, play games, dig into the Word, eat at Bill Gray’s, and end the retreat watching “Star Wars: The Force Awakens!” Sign-up and return the permission form to Peter Johnson by Sunday, Apr. 10. Cost is $30. Youth also need to fill out & print the online SkyZone waiver here: *Youth need to bring the following: $30 cash, 2 dozen homemade cookies, SkyZone waiver, jumping clothes, sleeping bag, pillow, hygiene stuff, and snacks

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Movie Night at Faith – Apr. 16 Travel to a galaxy far, far away on Saturday, April 16th at 6:30pm. FLY will be showing “Star Wars: The Force Awakens” in our church auditorium and you are invited! Popcorn and pizza will be served throughout the night. Pajamas and blankets are encouraged! Children under the age of 13 need to be accompanied by an adult (the movie is rated PG-13 for sci-fi action violence). Join your friends, Jedi, and BB-8 for an adventure you won’t forget!

National Youth Gathering (NYG) Meeting - April 24 @ Noon    Youth  attending  the  Gathering  are  invited  to  to  this  lunch  meeting  to  discuss:    hotel  room  assignments,  flamingo  fundraiser,  fun  things  to  do  in  New  Orleans,  and  our  t-­‐shirt  design.    Please  talk  to  Peter  if  you  can't  come!    


Sr. FLY / Young Adult Wilderness Retreat May 27-30

Be on the lookout for more info about this exciting camping adventure in the Adirondacks over the Memorial Day weekend! Talk to Peter if you're interested in going.  

 Mark Your Calendars... May 3 - Jr. FLY Confirmation Test May 10 - Jr. FLY Confirmation Party May 27-30 - Sr. FLY/Young Adult Wilderness Retreat June 12 - Sunday Night FLY Finale  


Sunday Mornings During Education Time (9:45-10:40) Jr FLY - Youth meet in Room 204. Sr FLY - Youth meet in in Room 201.  

     Did you know… You can watch hilarious Coffee House videos, FLY promos, and more on our YouTube page?! Connect with FLY on Facebook! Join our group today! Search for “Faith Lutheran Youth (FLY)” on Facebook or type out this link…

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Christ has risen! He has risen indeed! Children have just completed a study of Palm Sunday, The Last Supper, Good Friday and Easter. Ask them about the events of Holy Week. They have a lot to share. Children in the rotations will be continuing to learn about the New Testament with JESUS APPEARS TO HIS DISCIPLES, DOUBTING THOMAS and THE LORD’S PRAYER rotations in April. Each week they will be focusing on a different aspect of the lesson and learning through a variety of different ways (songs, art, computer games, songs, videos and games). The younger children who are 3 years old, 4 years old and in kindergarten will be continuing their study of the New Testament using the Hands-On Curriculum. Kindergartners will also be learning about the Ten Commandments and presenting to their parents. A thank you to Marguerite McKee and Sharon Phillips for their work with our Kindergartners.

Got cans? Did you know that in the last year our children were able to donate hundreds of dollars to charities through bottle returns to Nickel Back Bottle and Can Return Center? It’s easy to contribute. You can bring your cans directly to Nickel Back (it's located behind Hancock Paints on 659 Ridge Rd, Webster). You can just let them know it’s for Faith Lutheran Church, leave the cans, and they will put the money into our account. Or you can bring your cans to church and put them in the labeled cans that are by the FCCNS

office or by the Jr. Fly room and the Doty family will bring them to Nickel Back for you. Please consider either of these options the next time you go to return your bottles and cans. Thank you to the Dotys for being volunteers in this important service ministry.

Fun Night The next Fun Night for 4th through 6th graders will be on April 22 from 7:00 to 10:00 pm at Faith. Permission slips are available on the Children’s and Family Ministry bulletin board. We hope that you can join us and friends are welcome.

Sunday School Food Drive The Sunday School will be holding a Food Drive during the month of May. On June 4, the 4th through 6th graders will be delivering the food collected and will be participating in their first service project at the Foodlink Warehouse. They will be traveling to Foodlink to volunteer from 9:00-12:00. Permission slips will be available on the Children and Family Ministry bulletin board. We will also need multiple adult drivers and adults to supervise the event. If you are interested in driving/supervising, then please let Carrie or Steve Ford know.

Vacation Bible School News VBS is getting closer! Please save the week of August 1-5, 2016 for The King’s Court. Children will be learning about the King they experience the daily themes of: as The King Calls, The King Protects, The King Heals, The King Loves and The King Saves and Sends Us To Be His Servants. Preparations for this exciting week are already being made. Signups for volunteers will be posted soon. Please mark this week on your calendar and save this week as you make your summer vacation plans. If you would like to help, but are unavailable VBS week, there are volunteer opportunities available as we prepare for VBS in the coming months. Contact Steve and Carrie Ford for opportunities.

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Church Building Security NEWS FROM THE FAITH LUTHERAN CHURCH PROPERTY BOARD By Peter Crounse Our society is changing and as a result, individuals and organizations need to consider requirements for increased security for both people and property. At Faith Lutheran Church, we have had some thefts, and unwelcome people have entered the building at various times, both during the day and at night. Before we encounter more serious security issues, we are initiating efforts to tighten building access controls and increase the

opportunity to identify the source of the problem utilizing technology. In the past, we have taken steps to ensure the safety of our members, staff, and Faith Child Care children by such actions as locking selected exterior doors in an effort to direct traffic flow into the building and to prevent people from accessing certain areas within the building. There is a security concern by staff who enter the church building early in the morning as well as the existence of unsupervised access to various areas in the building during the day. Installation of a security system has been contemplated for several years in our Ten Year Capital Program. Now that we have completed a number of other projects that had priority, it is time we consider a security system that will service our immediate and future security requirements. We are presently considering a computer-based security system that controls perimeter access as well as a CCTV system that will monitor and record activities in various hallways, exterior building access locations, and selected other areas. This system will do a much better job of controlling building access via intercom and video communication with the church and Faith Child Care offices. We will also have a record of building access and an opportunity to research problem situations using a computer record of building access and a video record of activity. Our efforts are designed to make this security system as transparent to our members as possible while still performing the required security function. The new security system will allow staff, certain members who require daily access into the building, and selected committee chairs to use a "fob" to access the church building day or evening. Guest entry will be available through the main church entry as well as the east door. Fob access will also be available for members at other selected exterior doors. Guests and members who do not come to church on a regular basis during the week will gain access through interface with either the church or Faith Child Care office at the two visitor entry locations. The church doors will be open to members and guests, in the normal manner, each Sunday morning and at other selected times during the week based upon the planned church activity. Existing keys will access certain interior rooms but the exterior door locks will be changed to control access into the church. We plan to significantly reduce the need for keys to exterior doors. Additional exterior doors and cameras will be added to this security program at a future date. Specific details will be worked out and communicated to the staff and members when it is appropriate for the implementation of the new security system. We have completed system design and system specifications and are in the process of bidding this project with several security equipment vendors. If you have any questions, please contact Kurt Finkbeiner, Property Board Chair (671-7771), or Pete Crounse (377-2112). They will be able to respond to any questions you may have. Thank you for your assistance in this effort to improve building and personal activity at Faith.

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Happy Easter to all of our friends and families!

Report from the Carnival and Pancake Dinner Thank you to all of our Faith friends who supported this fabulous fundraiser! We were able to raise enough money to purchase new ABC rugs and kitchen sets for some of our classrooms! As always, we appreciate the support of families and members like you.

Book Fair April 13-18 Stop by to browse the many books available for kids of all ages during our Book Fair happening mid-April! In fact, you can pick up a FREE book when you buy one. The books will be in the Concourse and on Sunday, April 17, near the FCCNS Office.

Board Membership We are in the process of looking for new church members to join our Board of Directors for next school year! If interested in learning more about us, please contact Heidi Gregory at [email protected] or Christy Coles at [email protected].

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Charlene Annese, Lynne Leinenbach, Co-Chairs

Thank you to everyone who made it possible to deliver 50 baskets of Easter dinner food to those in need in the community!


ALSO HAPPENING IN APRIL STOP HUNGER NOW: 12 volunteers participating MISSION SPEAKER: Matt Flanigan, from Habitat for Humanity, April 24, during worship


Mission Board

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Prime Time Monday, April 4, 12 Noon in the Community Room POTLUCK LUNCH AND PROGRAM Travelogue and slides of Greenland & Spitsbergen (Island north of Norway) by Olaf Muller ===========================================

Prayer Shawl Ministry The women in the Prayer Shawl Ministry enjoyed a good meeting in March. Carol Letky brought in two shawls she had made. Marie Ferner came with one shawl she completed. Sue Hutchings sent in the treasurer's report, a shawl she

had completed, and letter for our new poster. Great work, ladies! Marie Ferner gave the opening devotion. Plans for a new poster were discussed. Lots of knitting, chatting, and crocheting was done. The new shawls were blessed. The closing prayer was given by Marie Ferner.

Our next meeting is Monday, April 4, 7:00 p.m. at church in Room 204. All are welcome. Any questions, call Doris Florance at 236-5197. • Give the warmth and comfort of a prayer shawl.

There are many to choose from, and any of the women listed above would be glad to help you select one to give to anyone you know of who would appreciate receiving one.

• Knit or crochet at home. Patterns are available from the bulletin board across from the copy room. Help yourself! Completed shawls may be left in the church office with your name and a note that it is for the Prayer Shawl Ministry.

Dorcas Circle The Dorcas Circle ladies were busy in March. We received a nice thank you

note from St. John's. Brigitta Lux brought in two dresses and tape she made plus an ironing board pad. Thanks to Karen Linton for the four pillowcases she donated for dresses for "Dress A Girl". During the meeting, favors were made for Easter. Walker bags, shirt savers, pillows, and bears were cut out. Eight shirt savers, seven pillows, and three walker bags were completed. Lois Jacob will take the favors to Woodside Manor. Laurie Ebbecke will take the walker bags and pillows to St. John's. Norma Kreiss will put faces on the bears. Doris Florance will deliver the shirt savers to Mary Cariola and the dresses to "Dress A Girl". Our next meeting is Thursday, April 14, 11:30 a.m. at church in Room 204. All are welcome. Bring your lunch and join us for work, chatting, and fellowship. Any questions, call Doris Florance at 236-5197. ===========================================

L.I.F.T. (Lutherans in Fellowship Together)

"Holy Stromboli" Night! Saturday, April 23, 5:30 p.m.

At the home of Don and Stella Reschke, 283 Lake Road, Ontario, NY, (607) 624-0036, [email protected]. We'll all participate in making homemade stromboli! Come for fun, fellowship, and food! Bring a salad or dessert to share. Sign up at the Information Center. =========================================== And Coming in May... Women's Book Discussion Group - May 12, 7:00 PM Queen of the Fall by Sonja Livingston

L.I.F.T. Euchre Night - May 14, 7:00 PM Hosted by Bob & Sandie Freitag


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BIRTHS Everleigh Chatterton (3/2), niece of Mark & Liz Wood Quinn Ashley Lewis (2/22), granddaughter of Doris Florance BAPTISMS Cameron Dowd Cerveny (3/13), son of Liam & Tracy Cerveny, nephew of Steve & Carrie Ford Piper Jean German (4/3), daughter of Geoffrey & Kathleen (Hannah) German, granddaughter of Dale & Nancy Hannah DEATHS Burt August, Sr. (3/18), father of Burt August Daniel Bischoping (3/3), cousin of Noreen Crouse Judith Foster (2/26), mother of Amy Yelle (Jennings/Nulton), friend of Peggy Muller and others at Faith Margaret Hill (3/30), wife of Mike Hill Isaac Samuel Johnson (3/27), son of Peter & Stephanie Johnson Phil McCabe (3/3), friend of Larry Christensen Rosalie McLean (3/18), mother of Ray McLean Dan Neave (2/25), cousin of Peggy Muller Joyce Powers (3/7), aunt of Sandie Freitag Ernie Schimmelpfennig (3/12), cousin of Cheryl Speisman Declan Watt, 30-week-old twin, cousin of Noreen Crouse Jane Yage (3/29), sister of Mary Gates ADDRESS UPDATES Doris Florance Herb Stohr 140 Maryview Drive 6470 Post Road Apt 319 Webster, NY 14580 Dublin, Ohio 43017 236-1597 Beverly Wolfanger Marv & Lois Jacob (as of May 1) 900 Cherry Ridge Boulevard 43 Paramount Lane Apt. A210 Rochester, NY 14610 Webster, NY 14580 381-6161 670-0671 BULLETINS FROM FAITH FOLKS WORSHIPING IN OTHER CONGREGATIONS Doris & John Adamek Hope Lutheran Church, Greece NY 3/13 Debbie & Lyle Heggemeier Prince of Peace Lutheran Church & School, Fremont CA 2/21 & 2/28 Kathy Mason Ascension Lutheran Church, Charlotte NC 2/21 Ed & Karen Wright St. Andrew's Evangelical Lutheran Church, Dover, Delaware 3/24, 3/27

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Sunday Server Schedule April 2016 APRIL 10 8:30 AM 10:45 AM Elders Bob Freitag Cathy Saresky Acolyte/Crucifer Amanda Longhenry, Seth Trojian Alex Aloi, Ryan Ledermann Greeters (Concourse) Ida Stiner Kathy McCarthy Greeters (Sanctuary Doors) Tom & Nancy Hammond Bill & Sara Love Lay Readers Todd Natemeier Christine Avila-Smith Webcam Operator Seth Trojian Powerpoint (10:45 only) Chelsea Muller Kid's Time (10:45 only) Kris Messner, Liz Alvut, Cory Alberti Nursery Care Ryan Wilson Abby Bennett Ushers Team 2 - Kurt Finkbeiner Team 5 - Dave Banning Offering Counters Karen Linton, Penny & Terry Wheeler, Ida Stiner APRIL 17 8:30 AM 10:45 AM Elders Jackie Johnson Pete Schultz Acolyte/Crucifer Amanda Longhenry, Ryan Wilson Ryan Ledermann, Erin Testa Eucharist Assistants Bob Freitag, Hans Kurzik John Gerlach, Peter Ostberg Eucharist to the Pews Jackie Johnson Deb Kime Greeters (Concourse) Bob & Sandie Freitag Ann McEwen Greeters (Sanctuary Doors) Lis Mangerian Ralph & Beth Harstad Lay Readers Karen Nitschke Kathy Foster Powerpoint Owen Ledermann Nursery Care Ryan Ledermann Abby Bennett Kid's Time Meredith Tindall, Morgan Testa, Dom Peeso Ushers Team 3 - Bill Wendland Team 4 - Mari-Beth Schembri Offering Counters Ken & Sharon Kiellach, Tracey Testa APRIL 24 8:30 AM 10:45 AM Elders Karen Linton Mari-Beth Schembri Acolyte/Crucifer Amanda Longhenry, Ryan Wilson Alex Aloi, Cory Alberti Greeters (Concourse) Kurt & Sharon Finkbeiner Cheryl Speisman Greeters (Sanctuary Doors) Liz McLean Joseph & Suzanne Giangreco Lay Readers Barbara Price Stacy Ledermann Powerpoint (10:45 only) Genevieve Foster Kid's Time (10:45 only) Cheryl Speisman, TBA, Cole Nadritch Nursery Care Chloe Interlicchia Abby Bennett Ushers Team 1-Ed Freeman Team 5 - Dave Banning Offering Counters Elmer Pankratz, Ida Stiner, Richard Reitz

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Faith Lutheran Church Year to Date Income & Expenses Compared to Budget

As of 2/29/2016

  YTD YTD Fav/(Unfav)   Prior Voter Approved

  Actual Budget Variance   YTD 2016 Budget Operating Income            Envelope Offering/Plate Cash 107,020 107,475 (455)   96,432 693,500 FCCNS Usage Fee 3,520 3,520 0   4,384 21,120 Interest/Misc/Other 2,331 410 1,921   379 8,040 Total Operating Income 112,872 111,405 1,467   101,195 722,660


Education 2,073 2,200 127   1,875 21,750 Employee Related 73,576 80,129 6,553   62,054 443,727 Missions 5,332 5,750 418   5,323 70,500 Music 1,590 1,267 (323)   808 10,650 Other Expense 1,032 1,040 8   2,366 13,100 Property 27,019 27,166 147   26,056 132,439 Supplies 5,870 5,717 (153)   4,638 28,700 Operating Expenses 116,491 123,268 6,778   103,120 720,866

Net Surplus (Deficit)







Faith Lutheran Church is excited to announce that you can now manage your giving online! Giving online is easy and allows you to set up automatic recurring contributions and view your complete online giving history from anywhere you have access to the internet. Simply follow these easy steps: 1) Visit the church website at 2) Click on the GIVING button            3) Click on "Click here to securely give online" which takes you to the Faith Lutheran Church donation page 4) You may opt to create a Profile, which allows you to easily log in again at a future time, or just continue on

to finalize your recurring contribution or special gift.

Our new online giving program offers convenience for you and provides much-needed donation consistency for our congregation. You contributions can be debited automatically from your checking or savings account or processed using your credit or debit card. Offerings can be made weekly, bi-weekly or monthly and can be changed at any time. Please do not hesitate to call Carol Keeler in the church office at 381-3970 EXT 10 if you have any questions or need assistance.

We continue to offer the Simply Giving program which also allows you to have your contributions automatically deducted from your bank account. Any changes you make to your giving through the Simply Giving program must go through the church office. Please contact Carol at 381-3970 EXT 10 if you would like to switch from the Simply Giving program to our new online giving program.

Endowment Fund:


The Faith Lutheran Church Permanent Endowment Fund was established in 2004 to provide members and friends the opportunity to make charitable gifts to Faith that will become a permanent endowment providing financial support for the ministry and mission of the Church. If you would like to make a contribution to this fund, please make the check payable to

"SEI Private Trust Company" and mail to: Cooper/Haims Advisors LLC            Attn: Tobey Sweezey            1501 Pittsford-Victor Rd            Suite 101            Victor, NY 14564            

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At the end of 2015, the Consolidated Appropriations Act of 2016 finally made permanent qualified charitable distributions (QCDs) from individual retirement accounts. This charitable rollover provision allows IRA owners 70 ½ years or older to transfer up to $100,000 per year directly from their IRA to one or more qualified charities, without that donation being counted as taxable income when it is withdrawn. In addition, these qualified charitable distributions count as part of the person’s required withdrawals from the IRA account.

Please consult your tax adviser and IRA trustee to make sure that you meet the qualifications to take advantage of this provision and that the distribution is properly processed.

If you would like to make a qualified charitable distribution to Faith Lutheran Church, please instruct your IRA trustee or custodian to make a transfer from the IRA directly to Faith Lutheran Church as the payee on the check. You may also have the distribution transferred directly from your IRA account to Faith Lutheran Church’s checking account by contacting Kay Gerlach in the church office at 381-3970 ext. 12 or [email protected] for the necessary information.

Your donation will be credited to support the unified budget of Faith Lutheran Church unless you designate otherwise via written communication to either Kay Gerlach or Carol Keeler.

Please know that we sincerely appreciate any gift you make to support the ministry and mission of Faith Lutheran Church. We are so blessed that God provides so many ways for us to be a part of His work here on earth! May your gifts serve as a reminder that God provides all that you have and has given to us His greatest

gift of all – His Son, Jesus who gave His very life for you!

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April Birthdays

You are never too old to set another goal or to dream a new dream. C.S. Lewis      

1 Christine Avila-Smith, Colin Daly, Don Duckles, Evan Ford, Lois Jacob, Betty McKay, Michael McNaughton, Ruth Truax 2 Anthony Demme, Marv Jacob, Skylar Jones, Doris Laitenberger, Adrienne Van Horn 3 William Cerveny, Laura Kubanka 4 Connor Goessling 5 Adrienne Gillespie, Erica Hernandez, Ray Klafehn, Mary Ann Rockwell, Bonnie Samuels, Davey Schaum-Bartocci Patricia Withall 6 Garrett Hynes, Kyle Ledermann, Sara Love, Amy Ottman, Steve Welk 7 Larry Ferner, Mark Harstad, Natalia Hernandez, Ripley Matthews 10 Brianna Adams, Scott Cronk, Jack Maginn 11 Sandie Freitag, Lucille Richiusa 12 Ruth Cordingley, Brian Hammond, Roxanne Leschhorn 13 Jonah Twomey 14 Carol Letky, Jennifer Ottman 15 Robert Blakemore, Lauren Cronk, Kevin Deutsch, Doris Florance 16 Tracy Cerveny, Monique Doty, Deborah Gillespie, Linda Kleine, Elizabeth Russell, Matthew Zager 17 Marrie Freeman, Greg Gerbasi, Bethany Riethmeier 18 John Adamek, Kurt Finkbeiner, Douglas Niblack, Emma Smith 20 Lauren Daly, Ed Lindskoog, Ann McEwen, David Palmer Sr., Reese Rogers 21 Linda Demme, Gordon Long, Wally Maurer, Michael McLean 22 Beth Camann, Katherine Catalanello, Amanda Longhenry, Melissa Maschoff 23 Rob Doty, Annerose Eberhardt, Zach McEwen, Kristin Nuijens, Erin Wolfanger 24 Linda Gerbasi, Amanda Poetker 25 Abigail Bennett, Mark Shortino 26 John Benesch, Elizabeth Ford, Luella Jacuzzo, David Palmer Jr., Dick Phillips, Greg Supranowitz 27 Justin Hoffarth, Cathy Lindskoog, Nick Muller, Jeff Rupp, Jeff Strieter 28 Kathy McEwen, Abby Ottman, Cameron Sartini, Jacob Sartini, Gail Sudore, Dorothy Tetro 29 Heather Poisson 30 Marcus Lathrop, Jordan McNaughton, Emelia van Wichen, Terry Wheeler

I have found the one my heart loves.

Song of Solomon 3:4 5 Robert & Monique Doty 7 Marv & Lois Jacob 13 Larry & Robin Arnone 14 Tom & Nancy Hammond 19 David & Debra Salmon 21 Len & Karen Carlson 29 Bill & Lisa Sykes 30 Liam & Tracy Cerveny


Page 17: FAITH Notes April 2016 - Clover! Ed is an ex-drug addict and ex-prisoner who is now managing Grace House in downtown Rochester
Page 18: FAITH Notes April 2016 - Clover! Ed is an ex-drug addict and ex-prisoner who is now managing Grace House in downtown Rochester

FAITH LUTHERAN CHURCH 2576 Browncroft Blvd Rochester NY 14625-1530 TIME-SENSITIVE MATERIAL

SPECIAL VOTERS MEETING Sunday, April 17, 2016

The Leadership Board is calling for a special voters meeting for Sunday, April 17, 2016, after 10:45 a.m. worship. There will be two

candidates presented for nomination to the Leadership Board: Cathy Saresky and Matt Kime. Additionally, Donna Kaser is being nominated

to serve on the Nominating Committee.