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Success is desired by everyone reasonable but not many attained to it. If wishes were horses beggars will ride so it is with success in life, career, business, etc.

Success is Gods will for man, even Good success but man cannot come by it by chance but there are some definite steps that man will take to get the good success promised by God. Faith, vision and goal setting are three-fold cord that cannot be easily broken in the achievement of success life, career, business or any endeavour.

1. FAITH FOR SUCCESS: Heb. 11:8-9, 11,23-26. Matt 19:26, Mk. 9:23. Dan. 3:13-25 Judges 6:11-16; 7:7-8, 19-21. Phil. 4:13, Mk 11:22-24.

Faith is a supernatural tool for success. It is a doorway to allow sudden changes to happen in your life (success).

Faith is unreasonable to the faithless.

Faith allows you to see a way, where no other way can be seen. Faith allows you to take advantage of in sight intuition and visionary thinking is giving yourself a better future.

When you have faith, you act and believe with all might that a certain thing is possible. Your see it in your reality, making it so for you.

Faith makes you is partner with God in having the level of success that many had missed as you know there is nothing God can not do.

With faith in God you can do the impossible. Mk. 11:22-24.

2. VISION FOR SUCCESS Pr.29:18 Act. 26:19, 13-19 Acts 9:6. Lk 4:16-21, Jn. 4:34,94.

A vision is a picture or idea you have in your mind of yourself, your business, or anything this is going to happen. A clear vision helps you to pursue dreams and achieve goals; an idea of the future, a strong wish.

A vision that is clear will open your mind to the endless possibilities of the future.

A vision will help you to overcome obstacles on the way and help you hold on when times are tough. A vision that is well defined helps to focus and create a purpose that becomes your measurement for your success.

If you dont have a vision of who you want to be, how you want to succeed or what you want out of life, you begin to lack drive and your life becomes just an order of events.

Vision is like mission statement of organization and corporate companies that in driving them to action and made them peculiar in operation.

Dream lofty dreams, and as you dream, so shall you become. Your vision as the promise of what you shall one day be. Your ideal is the prophecy of what you shall at last unveil.

A vision is the capability to see beyond your current reality, creating and inventing what does not now exist and becoming what you are not right now.

A vision is important in all aspect of life; physically, emotional, corporately. Building your vision doesnt have to be difficult as long as you know exactly what it is yourself in the future.

Important things to remember when creating a vision: 1.Know exactly who you are 2.Brain storm, imagine and Dream 3.Focus on things that give your life purpose and meaning. 4.Do not put limits on your dreams.

How to build a vision?The first step:- Creating a vision is to know exactly what you want. If you had a hard time creating a vision, ready history can help you see past changes and what changes you might like for yourself.

Ask yourself where you want to see yourself in so many years. Do you want to be healthy? Wealthy? Tell Yourself specifically how you picture your life. Anything is possible within a vision. When you build your vision, vision big.

When you create a successful vision, you begin to feel passionate about it.

The only way to be successful in your vision is to visualized it and set goals and a plan of action to reach your vision. Over time you will begin to see more parts of your vision coming true until one day you see yourself living your vision Success.

Who do you want to be?

3. GOAL SETTING FOR SUCCESS: Lk 14:28-33, Gen 11:1-4, Pro 19:21.

There are characteristics of effective goals: 1.Challenging Your goal should be realistic not cosmetic and suited. Is your present capabilities. You cant go from habitual couch portals to world-class athlete overnight. Small, progressive steps towards reasonable, long-term goals are crucial to success. 2.Attainable:- Dont take the challenging characteristic above too far. Make sure you can actually achieve what you ware setting out to do otherwise you will get frustrated and quit the game.

3.Specific Trying to Do your best or do better is like trying to eat the hole in a dont. there is nothing to chew on or digest. You need to define some very specific, concrete, and measurement action steps that tell you what your goal looks like in real-life terms. Include how you will measure your results so you can tell whether you are getting anywhere.

4.Time Limited:- Goals need to come with deadlines, due dates, and payoff schedules. Otherwise they will fade into the background with your daily hubbub, and you will quit playing the game.

If your long-term goal will take a while to reach, create some intermediate and short-term goals. These will make your larger goal seem less daunting and keep you focused on what you can do here and now to help yourself get there.

5.Positive: Goals should always be framed in positive terms. Humans are not designed to white-knuckle their why through life, always trying to not do things or to avoid certain thoughts, feelings, actions or circumstances. We are much better at appreciating what we do want than avoiding what we dont want.

6.Flexible:- Good strategies and goals are always flexible, because nothing in thus world stays the same for very long, and staying alive and on course means being able to adapt to changing circumstances remember, meeting your goals is 90% attitude. No one is perfect, and you are going to have days where you first dont do what you set out to. Make sure you build up some good stress management habits and tools to help you deal with those days without losing sight of your long-term goals, or losing your motivation.

If you have never recorded any success in the history of your life before as you make use of the three-fold cord of faith, vision and goal setting for success surely success will be yours.