Download - Factors affecting needs P2 By Alix Evans. Substance misuse (dugs etc.) Drinking too much alcohol is bad for your body because it is bad for your health.

Page 1: Factors affecting needs P2 By Alix Evans. Substance misuse (dugs etc.) Drinking too much alcohol is bad for your body because it is bad for your health.

Factors affecting needs P2 By Alix Evans

Page 2: Factors affecting needs P2 By Alix Evans. Substance misuse (dugs etc.) Drinking too much alcohol is bad for your body because it is bad for your health.

Substance misuse (dugs etc.)Drinking too much alcohol is bad for your

body because it is bad for your health and will ruin your liver, heart. It can also make you addicted to it.

5 million non-drinkers 40 million social drinkers 10 million " at risk" drinkers 1 million problem drinkers 200,000 dependent drinkers But its not all alcohol it may be drugs. Drugs

make you addicted to them but not all such as the medicine drugs. Some medicine drugs make you addicted to them.

Page 3: Factors affecting needs P2 By Alix Evans. Substance misuse (dugs etc.) Drinking too much alcohol is bad for your body because it is bad for your health.

Year Amount of substance abuce

2010 100,000

2011 123,000

2012 140,000

2014 50,000

Page 4: Factors affecting needs P2 By Alix Evans. Substance misuse (dugs etc.) Drinking too much alcohol is bad for your body because it is bad for your health.

Substance misuse (dugs etc.) It can cause all these types of cancers: Mouth cancerPharyngeal cancer (upper throat)Oesophageal cancer (food pipe)Laryngeal cancer (voice box)Breast cancerBowel cancerLiver cancer

Page 5: Factors affecting needs P2 By Alix Evans. Substance misuse (dugs etc.) Drinking too much alcohol is bad for your body because it is bad for your health.

Presence of a chronic disorder (asthma etc.)Having a serious illness will affect your needs in

many ways, because if you lived by your self and you needed to go shopping but the doctor said you must stay ,in bed then basically you would have to get one of your family members to get your shopping and you daily needs. Some serious illnesses could be asthma, cancer diabetes. Half of people diagnosed with cancer now survive their disease for at least five years.

5.4 million people in the UK are currently receiving treatment for asthma: 1.1 million children (1 in 11) and 4.3 million adults (1 in 12).

Page 6: Factors affecting needs P2 By Alix Evans. Substance misuse (dugs etc.) Drinking too much alcohol is bad for your body because it is bad for your health.

Injury If you had a serious injury that required care

but you lived by yourself you would have to get a relative to take care of you.

If your injury does not require medical treatment for example, a mild sprain or strain you can treat it at home using PRICE therapy. PRICE stands for protection, rest, ice, compression, and elevation.

If you had a broken leg you would struggle to walk around and get up and down the stairs. You may also struggle too cook your own food and carry if to your table.

Page 7: Factors affecting needs P2 By Alix Evans. Substance misuse (dugs etc.) Drinking too much alcohol is bad for your body because it is bad for your health.

Social classSocial class is where you are in society. Its

about how much money you have. The middle class would be people like teachers, landlords. The royal family would be the upper class. Or people who have serious amounts of money. This will affect your life because its is to do with money and if you dint have enough money for your life then you will not be in a very good situation.

Page 8: Factors affecting needs P2 By Alix Evans. Substance misuse (dugs etc.) Drinking too much alcohol is bad for your body because it is bad for your health.

Employment/ incomeYou're not earning very much money

therefore you will not be able to pay for your daily needs such as food, toilet roll. For example food you not going to be able to pay for good fruit and vegetables which means you won’t be getting enough vitamins. If you don’t have the money to buy good meats you wont be getting any iron and protein. If you’re not getting enough vitamins then your health will decrease because you will need them vitimins in your diet and your body.

Page 9: Factors affecting needs P2 By Alix Evans. Substance misuse (dugs etc.) Drinking too much alcohol is bad for your body because it is bad for your health.

Living conditions If you live somewhere damp or with no heating your

health would become very poor. You would be freezing cold all the time in the winter if you had no heating in your house. And if your house was damp you would get all types of infections in you in your chest.

Around 2.5 million children live in homes that are damp

Around 1.5 million children live in households that cannot afford to heat their home.

If your child has no room to play at home This will affect them because if your home is bad

then you won’t be very confident with going out and people coming into your house.

Page 10: Factors affecting needs P2 By Alix Evans. Substance misuse (dugs etc.) Drinking too much alcohol is bad for your body because it is bad for your health.

Education If you don’t get education you won’t have a

very good job and you wont have a nice house or a nice husband. If you don’t have an good education the job you end up with will not be a very well paid job or it wont be a very nice job. Your health will decrease as you will be working in a unhygienic job and you probably won’t have enough money for hot water. The number of 16- to 24-year olds not in education, work or training in England hit a record year on year high at the end of last year. Some 938,000 young people in this age group were "neets" not in education, employment or training.

Page 11: Factors affecting needs P2 By Alix Evans. Substance misuse (dugs etc.) Drinking too much alcohol is bad for your body because it is bad for your health.

Culture Muslim women have to cover themselves up

head to toe when they go out. This is bad because when the sun is shining they won’t get enough vitamin D! The Jewish culture can not eat pork, or meat with blood on. Muslims don’t eat pork or don’t drink. Hindus don’t eat cow as that is their sacred animal. These things may affect them by not eating the good meats as they might not get the right protein from the meats they eat.

Page 12: Factors affecting needs P2 By Alix Evans. Substance misuse (dugs etc.) Drinking too much alcohol is bad for your body because it is bad for your health.

Diet If your diet is poor you will be unhealthy. You

will be unhealthy because you will not be getting your 5-a-day fruit and veg rule. If your overweight you will find it hard to lose weight and move around your home. If your underweight you will find it very hard to put on the pounds because you’re more then likely to have a eating disorder.

Page 13: Factors affecting needs P2 By Alix Evans. Substance misuse (dugs etc.) Drinking too much alcohol is bad for your body because it is bad for your health.

Exercise •If you don’t currently exercise and aren’t

very active during the day, any increase in exercise or physical activity is good for you. Start slow, and gradually build up the length and intensity of your workouts over time.

You should do at least 10 mins of exercise a day. Even if this is walking/ cycling to the shop or just walking around the park. If you don’t do this you will become unhealthy and when you come to exercise you will not enjoy your first time but you will have to get used to it.

Page 14: Factors affecting needs P2 By Alix Evans. Substance misuse (dugs etc.) Drinking too much alcohol is bad for your body because it is bad for your health.

Smoking Smoking causes cardiovascular disease. It is

the main cause of death due to smoking. There is also many more problems smoking causes such as lung cancer, mouth cancer, throat cancer, gum cancer, tongue cancer, kidney cancer, bladder cancer etc. smoking also comes with a few more things such as yellow teeth, finger nails, may make your teeth fall out! 63.23 million people smoke since 2012.

Page 15: Factors affecting needs P2 By Alix Evans. Substance misuse (dugs etc.) Drinking too much alcohol is bad for your body because it is bad for your health.

Mental health If you had a mental health problems such as

depression. The symptoms are: you can’t sleep or you sleep too much you can’t concentrate or find that previously easy tasks are now difficult you feel hopeless and helpless you can’t control your negative thoughts, no matter how much you try you have lost your appetite or you can’t stop eating you are much more irritable, short-tempered, or aggressive than usual you’re consuming more alcohol than normal or engaging in other

reckless behaviour you have thoughts that life is not worth living.

If you feel any of these but you don’t have anyone to talk to you should go to get some help.

Page 16: Factors affecting needs P2 By Alix Evans. Substance misuse (dugs etc.) Drinking too much alcohol is bad for your body because it is bad for your health.

Genetic inheritance If your family has health problems you

should get your self tested as you may have something. Some genetic inheritance you may have:

Cancer Diabetes. If you have cancer and they find it early you

may be able to save your self like if you had breast cancer and the doctors find the cancer early you may still have a chance to save your breast.

Page 17: Factors affecting needs P2 By Alix Evans. Substance misuse (dugs etc.) Drinking too much alcohol is bad for your body because it is bad for your health.

Environment e.g. pollution If pollution around you effected you, you

would not be very clean, healthy and people would not visit your house. You could be come stressed because of noise pollution if its all around you and you have no where to go but your house and your next door neighbour has party's every night you may also suffer with depression. You will have to get medical help or you may have to move out but you will have no money to get s new flat.