Download - ExposureofPetrolStationAttendantsandAutoMechanicsto risk of exposure to PMS fumes in Calabar, Nigeria, among AM, PSA


Hindawi Publishing CorporationJournal of Environmental and Public HealthVolume 2009, Article ID 281876, 5 pagesdoi:10.1155/2009/281876

Research Article

Exposure of Petrol Station Attendants and Auto Mechanics toPremium Motor Sprit Fumes in Calabar, Nigeria

N. E. Udonwa,1 E. K. Uko,2 B. M. Ikpeme,3 I. A. Ibanga,2 and B. O. Okon2

1 Department of Family Medicine, University of Calabar Teaching Hospital, Calabar 1278, Cross River State, Nigeria2 Department of Haematology and Blood Transfusion, University of Calabar Teaching Hospital, Calabar 1278, Cross River State, Nigeria3 Department of Community Medicine, University of Calabar Teaching Hospital, Calabar 1278, Cross River State, Nigeria

Correspondence should be addressed to N. E. Udonwa, [email protected]

Received 25 November 2008; Revised 21 April 2009; Accepted 29 May 2009

Recommended by Ike S. Okosun

A population-based-cross-sectional survey was carried out to investigate the potential risk of exposure to premium motorspirit (PMS) fumes in Calabar, Nigeria, among Automobile Mechanics (AM), Petrol Station Attendants (PSA) and the generalpopulation. Structured questionnaire was administered on the randomly chosen subjects to elicit information on their exposureto PMS. Duration of exposure was taken as the length of work in their various occupations. Venous blood was taken formethaemoglobin (MetHb) and packed cells volume (PCV). Mean MetHb value was higher in AM (7.3%) and PSA (5.8%) thanin the subjects from the general population (2.7%). PCV was lower in PSA (30.8%), than AM (33.3%) and the subjects from thegeneral population (40.8%). MetHb level was directly proportional, and PCV inversely related, to the duration of exposure. Thestudy suggested increased exposure to petrol fumes among AM, PSA, and MetHb as a useful biomarker in determining the level ofexposure to benzene in petrol vapour.

Copyright © 2009 N. E. Udonwa et al. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License,which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.

1. Introduction

No alternative to petrol (premium motor spirit (PMS))has been introduced into the Nigerian automobile industry.Therefore, millions of automobiles on Nigerian roads run onPMS or diesel fuel. PMS contains volatile organic compound(VOC) such as benzene which is limited by regulation to 6–8% of the content of PMS in Nigeria [1] and between 1%(v/v) to 5% in the USA and Europe [2–6]. Nitrobenzeneis largely used in the manufacture of aniline and for theproduction of lubricating oils used in automobiles andmachineries among other uses. Few studies have reportedhaematological disorders associated with the exposure tobenzene in the environment in less developed countries [7].However, there is evidence about health effects linked withlow dose exposures to volatile organics including benzene inPMS [8–12]. It is acutely toxic by inhalation, causing mucousmembrane irritation, neurological and other symptoms dueto respiratory failure. Chronic exposure has been reportedto result in bone marrow depression, aplasia and leukaemia,cardiac abnormalities, heart attack, and other cancers of

the lung, brain and stomach [13]. Following inhalation,benzene vapour is rapidly absorbed into the blood anddistributed throughout the body [13, 14]. One of the effectsof benzene in the body is the production of methaemoglobin(MetHb) which differs from haemoglobin. Haemoglobinaccepts and transports oxygen only when the iron atom isin its ferrous form. When haemoglobin becomes oxidized,iron is converted to the ferric state (Fe3+) or MetHb. MetHblacks the electron that is needed to form a bond withoxygen and, thus, is incapable of oxygen transport. Sincered blood cells are continuously exposed to various oxidantstresses, blood normally contains MetHb levels of between 1and 3% [15]. Considering that MetHb has little affinity foroxygen, transport of the later to cells is hindered resulting infunctional anaemia [15, 16]. As the level of MetHb increases,symptoms like shortness of breath, palpitation, anxiety andconfusion occur [15, 16]. Humans are commonly exposed tobenzene and other VOCs through the pulmonary and dermalpathways.

Exposure assessment studies have indicated that impor-tant microenvironments for benzene exposure are those

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associated with petrol use: driving, working at or visitinga service station, having an attachment to an automobilemechanic (AM) workshop, and living close to waste sitesof petroleum refinery or chemical manufacturing plants[2]. Benzene uptake and distribution have been investigatedrelying on unmetabolised benzene in exhaled air (breath),blood, and urine, as well as benzene metabolites in urineamong occupationally exposed workers [17–24]. The otherway is to use blood MetHb concentration to assess exposureand for risk assessment in order to provide information onthe internal dose received by individuals [19–24]. In turn,this dose can be related to health outcomes.

In studying the acute toxicological effects of diesel andcrude oil, that also contain benzene, in experimental animalsan increase in dose of the fuel administered into the animalscaused a dose dependent decrease in haemoglobin (Hb) andpacked cell volume (PCV) [25, 26]. The observed linearreductions in haematological parameters demonstrated andsuggested an anaemic condition in the animals.

Automobile Mechanics (AM) and Petrol Station Atten-dants (PSA) are commonly found in Nigeria. The AM doesroutine maintenance and repair of motor vehicles while thePSA dispenses PMS and other petrochemical products atautomobile re-fueling stations. In Nigeria AM are commonlyexposed to PMS by sucking with their mouth through atube in an attempt to siphon PMS from the vehicle tank.They also often wash vehicle parts with PMS without anygloves. PSA practice dispensing the fuel into vehicles withoutusing any protective device to minimize their exposure. Inthe process the AM and the PSA inhale the PMS fume.Therefore, automobile re-fueling and repairs are reasonablesources of benzene exposure among PSA and AM in Nigeria.This raises serious public health concern. These classes ofworkers are seldom subjected to pre-employment medicalexamination or provided with regular medical check ups todetect potential serious risk the exposure may have.

The purpose of the research was to investigate thepotential risk of exposure to PMS fumes in Calabar, Nigeria,among AM, PSA and the general population based on theMetHb level as a blood biomarker of exposure to benzene inthe PMS fume. Direct levels of benzene in blood and urinewere not measured.

2. Materials and Methods

This was a population-based-cross-sectional study in whichMetHb levels were estimated for individuals who wereroutinely exposed to PMS.

2.1. Sampling Procedure and Sample Size. The sample sizefor the study was 150 subjects. A sampling frame was drawncomprising all 368 automobile workshops in Calabar. Every5th workshop was selected from this frame to make a totalof 50 workshops. One workshop attendant was chosen perworkshop by simple balloting provided he was 18 yearsand above for a total of fifty AM. The same procedure wascarried out in selecting 50 PSA from 320 automobile fuellingstations.

A total of fifty subjects were also selected from thegeneral population (not targeted occupational groups) usingthe same criteria of age 18 years and above, whose workdid not involve use of PMS and they were not workingin automobile mechanic workshops or automobile fuellingstations. These 50 individuals represented this study’s controlsubjects.

Informed consent was obtained for in-depth interviewof the PSA and AM and collection of venous blood forPCV, and MetHb estimation. The PSA were asked aboutuse of face mask and rubber-hooded delivery pump, andAM about sucking petrol from reservoirs or containers usingtheir mouth. The duration of exposure was taken as thelength of work in their various occupations.

2.2. Blood Collection, MetHb and PCV Estimation. Fourmillilitres of blood were collected by standard vene-puncturemethod from the 150 subjects. The blood was dispensedinto EDTA bottle to give a concentration of 1–5 mg/mL. Thesamples were transported to the haematology laboratory ofthe University of Calabar Teaching Hospital, (UCTH) withinone hour of collection, using field ice boxes for maintaininga temperature of between 18◦C to 24◦C. Samples wereanalysed within one hour of collection. Those that couldnot be analysed were diluted and stored in a refrigerator at2◦C to 4◦C but not kept beyond 24 hours. Analysis was bymethod of Evelyn and Malloy [27] . About 0.2 mL of bloodwas lysed in a mixture of 4 mL of phosphate buffer (pH 6.8)and 6 mL of non-ionic detergent. The lysate was divided inequal volumes into tubes A and B. The absorbance of A wasread with a spectrophotometer [28] at 630 nm and recordedas D1. Using a spectrophotometer the absorbance spectrumof MetHb exhibits a small characteristic peak of 630 nm.Addition of cyanide eliminates the peak and the decreasein absorbance is proportional to the MetHb concentration.Addition of ferricyanide measures total haemoglobin afterconversion to MetHb. One drop of potassium cyanide wasadded to A, mixed and absorbance recorded as D2. One dropof potassium ferricyanide was added to B, mixed and allowedto stand for 5 minutes and absorbance recorded as D3. Onedrop of potassium cyanide was added to B, mixed and readas absorbance D4.

Result was expressed as MetHb (%) = (D1 − D2/D3 −D4)×100. Four millilitres of phosphate buffer plus 6 mL non-tonic detergent was used as blank.

For the determination of packed cells volume [PCV]the method in Dacie and Lewis was adopted [29]. Anticoagulated blood was filled into plain capillary tube up tothree quarters level by capillary suction. One end of thecapillary tube was sealed using plasticin and the capillary wascentrifuged using a special speed automated microhaemat-ocrit centrifuge [30] at 1200 rpm for 5 minutes. PCV wasread with micro haematocrit reader [31] and results wereexpressed in percentages and frequencies. The data wereanalysed using Epi-Info 2002 Epidemiological Software forMicrocomputers [32]. Comparisons and associations weredetermined using Chi-square tests to determine significantdifference at 95% degree of confidence (P < .05).

Journal of Environmental and Public Health 3

Table 1: Age distribution of study subjects.

Age range (years) Automobile mechanics AM (%) Petrol station attendants PSA (%) Control

<20 5 (10) 4 (8) 6 (12)

20–29 18 (36) 23 (46) 10 (20)

30–39 11 (22) 13 (26) 15 (30)

40–49 10 (20) 8 (16) 12 (24)

≥50 6 (12) 2 (4) 7 (14)

Total 50 (100) 50 (100) 50 (100)

Table 2: Mean methaemoglobin (MetHb) and pack cell volume (PCV) values among Automobile Mechanics (AM) and Petrol StationAttendants (PSA) according to self-reported duration of exposure to Petrol (PMS) fumes.

Duration of self-reported exposure to Petrol (PMS) fumes

Automobile mechanics (AM)

<1 yr(n = 8)

1-2 yrs(n = 9)

3-4 yrs(n = 10)

5-6 yrs(n = 8)

7-8 yrs(n = 6)

9-10 yrs(n = 5)

>10 yrs(n = 4)

MetHb (%) 2.1 2.6 8.7 9.1 10.1 11.7 15.0

PCV (%) 41.8 41.4 32.5 30.3 30.0 28.6 24.4

Petrol station attendants (PSA)

<1 yr(n = 11)

1-2 yrs(n = 13)

3-4 yrs(n = 7)

5-6 yrs(n = 9)

7-8 yrs(n = 5)

9-10 yrs(n = 3)

>10 yrs(n = 2)

MetHb (%) 1.8 2.5 7.2 7.8 8.7 10.8 13.6

PCV (%) 40.4 40.2 35.0 35.0 32.0 30.0 28.0








Petrol stationattendants



Figure 1: MetHb (%) and PCV (%) levels in Automobile Mechan-ics (AM), Petrol Station Attendants (PSA) and Controls.

3. Results

The age range of subjects was between 18 and 56 years witha median age of 28 years for PSA, 27 years for AM, and 31years for controls, Table 1. Twenty nine (58%) AM, 36 (72%)PSA and 25 (50%) were between 20–39 years old. Extendingthe age range to between 20 and 49 there were 39 (76%) AM,42 (88%) PSA and 37 (74%) controls.

Figure 1 shows that MetHb values were significantlyhigher (P < .05) in AM (7.7%) and PSA (5.8%) than in thecontrol subjects (2.7%). Among the study subjects.

Table 2 indicates that long self-reported exposure relatespositively with the increased formation of MetHb anddecreased PCV. The AM and PSA who had been exposedto the PMS fumes for three or more years and above hadhigher concentration of MetHb (7.2% to 13.6%) than thosethat were exposed for less than three years (1.8% to 2.5%).The measured PCV levels in the studied AM and PSA also

decreased as the number of reported years of exposureincreased.

Thirty two (64%) of the AM admitted sucking PMSwhile all of them (100%) had washed their hands with PMS(Table 3). The measured MetHb levels among those whoreported they sucked PMS rose from 8.9% in those whosucked once or twice a day to 10.2% in those who suckedup to three times or more a day.

Those who washed their hands with PMS up to and abovefive times a day had a higher MetHb (13.6%) than those whowashed their hands once or twice a day (10.6%).

The PCV levels among those who sucked three timesdaily were lower (30.4%) than those who sucked once a day(32.2%). Those who washed their hands up to and over fivetimes a day had a lower PCV (28.8%) than those who washedtheir hands once a day.

Among the fifty PSA that were tested all (100%) deniedever using face mask and/or rubber-hooded dispensingpump. Four (8%) of them admitted ever going into theunderground storage facility to measure the volume of PMSin the absence of a testing instrument.

4. Discussion

In this study it was observed that AM and PSA had asignificantly higher MetHb than the controls (P < .05). It wasalso seen that those exposed to the PMS fumes were havingsignificantly lower PCV values compared with controls (P <.05). These findings agree with those of Dede and Kagbo[25], Ovuru and Ekweozor [26], Mohorovic [29] and Linzet al. [30]. The MetHb concentration as well as in AMwere observed to be significantly higher than those of PSA(P < .05). This marked difference suggests that the AM aremore exposed to the product since they suck PMS from the

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Table 3: Mean methaemoglobin (MetHb) and pack cell volume (PCV) based on route and self-reported duration of exposure of AM toPetrol (PMS) fumes.

Route of exposure Estimated (self-reported) daily frequency of exposure

<1 time 1-2 times 3-4 times ≥5 times

Mean MetHb (%)

Aspiration of petrol by mouth (N = 32) 0.0 (n = 0) 8.9 ± 2.7 (n = 23) 10.2± 2.6∗(n = 9) 0.0 (n = 0)

Washing of hands with pPetrol (N = 50) 0.0 (n = 0) 10.6 ± 2.6 (n = 20) 11.1 ± 3.8 (n = 16) 13.6± 5.6∗(n = 14)

Mean pack cell volume (PCV)

Aspiration of petrol by mouth (N = 32) 0.0 (n = 0) 31.4 ± 4.9 (n = 23) 30.4 ± 4.6 (n = 9) 0.0 (n = 0)

Washing of hands with petrol (N = 50) 0.0 (n = 0) 30.8 ± 4.8 (n = 20) 30.2 ± 4.6 (n = 16) 28.8± 3.8∗(n = 14)∗P value <.05.

car tanks and use it for washing most of the engine parts.This agrees with the report that the practice of aspiration ofPMS by mouth by mechanics was an important source forexposure [2, 31]. Although the primary route of exposureto benzene, a volatile chemical organic compound, is byinhalation of PMS fume, PMS came in contact with airwaysand lungs and through the skin when the study subjectseither washed their hands and/or vehicle parts or took insome quantity of PMS.

Low dose exposure to volatile organics including benzenein PMS fume is proportional to age [10]. Over 70% of theAM (76%), PSA (88%) and Controls (74%) were of the sameage range, therefore, the observed higher level of MetHbamong the AM and PSA than the control was not due to agedifference only.

Exposure of attendants to PMS fume has been limited inthe USA by the use of rubber hood over the delivery pumpand use of “self-service” at stations. Although a very smallpercentage admitted going into the underground storage tomeasure the volume of PMS the practice itself is extremelydangerous. The extreme heat generated in the undergroundfacility produces more PMS fumes which have little escaperoute. It is therefore very hazardous to enter into suchenclosure.

Comparing the years of exposure of both groups thisstudy reveals that there is an increase formation of MetHbas the years of exposure increases. In Nigeria PMS at fuelstations is still largely dispensed by attendants who areexposed to the gasoline fumes for more than a typical 40-hour work week.

The American Conference of Government and IndustrialHygienist (ACGIH) and National Institute of OccupationalSafety and Health (NIOSH) recommend an occupationalexposure limit of 23 mg/m3 for a 10-hour work day in a 40-hour work week [32].

5. Conclusion

This study has suggested increased exposure to PMS fumeamong AM and PSA. While the primary route of exposureto benzene is by inhalation of PMS fume benzene permeatedthe pulmonary and dermal exposure routes of the subjectswhen they either washed their hands and/or vehicle parts ortook in some quantity of PMS. It has also shown that MetHb

is a useful biomarker in determining the level of exposureto PMS fume. We recommend enlightenment campaign toeducate AM and PSA on the negative health implication ofexposure to the fume. We also recommend a legislation onmandatory provision of personal protection and monitorsfor AM and PSA, and phasing out of attendants at pumpsadopting the use of self dispensing pump alternative. Finallywe recommend the use of MetHb level during a mandatorymedical examination for suitability or otherwise of AMand PSA for such employment or to continue in suchemployment.


The authors are grateful to the Management of Universityof Calabar Teaching Hospital for providing the researchfacilities. They are also thankful to Mrs E. Nkang for thesecretarial assistance.


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