Download - Exposure to Ecdysone Agonist-Treated Surfaces … · TIFF (Uncompressed) decompressor are needed to see this picture. QuickTime™ and



Entomology Program AreaDivision of Plant Sciences

University of MissouriColumbia, Missouri 65211 USA

[email protected]

Bruce A. Barrett, PhD


Exposure to Ecdysone Agonist-Treated

Surfaces Negatively Affects

Reproduction and Orientation in Adult



Prothoracic Prothoracic Prothoracic Prothoracic glandsglandsglandsglands Corpus Corpus Corpus Corpus allataallataallataallata

ecdysoneecdysoneecdysoneecdysone juvenile hormone (JH)juvenile hormone (JH)juvenile hormone (JH)juvenile hormone (JH)

Insect Endocrine SystemInsect Endocrine SystemInsect Endocrine SystemInsect Endocrine System

Types of MoltTypes of MoltTypes of MoltTypes of Molt

Larva Larva Larva Larva ---- LarvaLarvaLarvaLarva Larva Larva Larva Larva ---- PupaPupaPupaPupa Pupa Pupa Pupa Pupa ---- AdultAdultAdultAdult



(e.g., ecdysone)(e.g., ecdysone)(e.g., ecdysone)(e.g., ecdysone)

- stimulate vitellogenesisstimulate vitellogenesisstimulate vitellogenesisstimulate vitellogenesis

- stimulate spermatogenesisstimulate spermatogenesisstimulate spermatogenesisstimulate spermatogenesis

- initiates apolysisinitiates apolysisinitiates apolysisinitiates apolysis

- cuticle productioncuticle productioncuticle productioncuticle production

MoltingMoltingMoltingMoltingReproductionReproductionReproductionReproduction GrowthGrowthGrowthGrowth

---- initiate evagination initiate evagination initiate evagination initiate evagination

of imaginal discsof imaginal discsof imaginal discsof imaginal discs

division of epidermal cellsdivision of epidermal cellsdivision of epidermal cellsdivision of epidermal cells


Ecdysteroid agonist insecticidesEcdysteroid agonist insecticidesEcdysteroid agonist insecticidesEcdysteroid agonist insecticidesEcdysteroid agonist insecticidesEcdysteroid agonist insecticidesEcdysteroid agonist insecticidesEcdysteroid agonist insecticides


e (RH(RH(RH(RH----5992)5992)5992)5992)


e (RH(RH(RH(RH----5992)5992)5992)5992)



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Mouthparts are trapped within old head capsule and cannot be sheMouthparts are trapped within old head capsule and cannot be sheMouthparts are trapped within old head capsule and cannot be sheMouthparts are trapped within old head capsule and cannot be shed,d,d,d, larvalarvalarvalarva starves to death.starves to death.starves to death.starves to death.

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QuickTime™ and aTIFF (Uncompressed) decompressor

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QuickTime™ and aTIFF (Uncompressed) decompressor

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QuickTime™ and aTIFF (Uncompressed) decompressor

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Mimic ecdysone and accelerates the molting process resulting in Mimic ecdysone and accelerates the molting process resulting in Mimic ecdysone and accelerates the molting process resulting in Mimic ecdysone and accelerates the molting process resulting in a premature, lethal molt.a premature, lethal molt.a premature, lethal molt.a premature, lethal molt.


From the

literature . . .Low doses or exposure to insecticides may result Low doses or exposure to insecticides may result Low doses or exposure to insecticides may result Low doses or exposure to insecticides may result

in nonin nonin nonin non----lethal effects on the target organism. lethal effects on the target organism. lethal effects on the target organism. lethal effects on the target organism.

Spruce budworm (Spruce budworm (Spruce budworm (Spruce budworm (Choristoneura fumiferanaChoristoneura fumiferanaChoristoneura fumiferanaChoristoneura fumiferana) ) ) )

larvae fed sublethal doses of larvae fed sublethal doses of larvae fed sublethal doses of larvae fed sublethal doses of fenitrothionfenitrothionfenitrothionfenitrothion (OP) . . .(OP) . . .(OP) . . .(OP) . . .

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QuickTime™ and aTIFF (Uncompressed) decompressor

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resulted inresulted inresulted inresulted in reduced fecundityreduced fecundityreduced fecundityreduced fecundity in adults in adults in adults in adults

(Alford & Holmes 1986).(Alford & Holmes 1986).(Alford & Holmes 1986).(Alford & Holmes 1986).


Tufted apple bud moth (Tufted apple bud moth (Tufted apple bud moth (Tufted apple bud moth (Platynota idaeusalisPlatynota idaeusalisPlatynota idaeusalisPlatynota idaeusalis) larvae ) larvae ) larvae ) larvae

fed sublethal doses of fed sublethal doses of fed sublethal doses of fed sublethal doses of fenoxycarbfenoxycarbfenoxycarbfenoxycarb (JH mimic) . . .(JH mimic) . . .(JH mimic) . . .(JH mimic) . . .

From the

literature . . .

resulted inresulted inresulted inresulted in reduced fecundity and fertilityreduced fecundity and fertilityreduced fecundity and fertilityreduced fecundity and fertility

in adults (in adults (in adults (in adults (Biddinger Biddinger Biddinger Biddinger & Hull 1999).& Hull 1999).& Hull 1999).& Hull 1999).

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QuickTime™ and aTIFF (Uncompressed) decompressor

are needed to see this picture.

Low doses or exposure to insecticides may result Low doses or exposure to insecticides may result Low doses or exposure to insecticides may result Low doses or exposure to insecticides may result

in nonin nonin nonin non----lethal effects on the target organism. lethal effects on the target organism. lethal effects on the target organism. lethal effects on the target organism.


Adult diamondback moths (Adult diamondback moths (Adult diamondback moths (Adult diamondback moths (Plutella xylostellaPlutella xylostellaPlutella xylostellaPlutella xylostella) sprayed ) sprayed ) sprayed ) sprayed

with with with with sublethal sublethal sublethal sublethal does of does of does of does of carbarylcarbarylcarbarylcarbaryl ((((carbamatecarbamatecarbamatecarbamate) had a ) had a ) had a ) had a

decrease in fecunditydecrease in fecunditydecrease in fecunditydecrease in fecundity (Kumar & Chapman 1984).(Kumar & Chapman 1984).(Kumar & Chapman 1984).(Kumar & Chapman 1984).

QuickTime™ and aTIFF (Uncompressed) decompressor

are needed to see this picture.


From the

literature . . .

Adult female bollworm (Adult female bollworm (Adult female bollworm (Adult female bollworm (Helicoverpa zeaHelicoverpa zeaHelicoverpa zeaHelicoverpa zea) treated with ) treated with ) treated with ) treated with

sublethal doses of sublethal doses of sublethal doses of sublethal doses of permethrinpermethrinpermethrinpermethrin (synthetic (synthetic (synthetic (synthetic pyrethroidpyrethroidpyrethroidpyrethroid) ) ) )

attracted fewer malesattracted fewer malesattracted fewer malesattracted fewer males than untreated females . . .than untreated females . . .than untreated females . . .than untreated females . . .

. . . treated males were . . . treated males were . . . treated males were . . . treated males were less likely to respondless likely to respondless likely to respondless likely to respond to to to to

pheromone traps than untreated males (Moore 1988).pheromone traps than untreated males (Moore 1988).pheromone traps than untreated males (Moore 1988).pheromone traps than untreated males (Moore 1988).

QuickTime™ and aTIFF (Uncompressed) decompressor

are needed to see this picture.

Low doses or exposure to insecticides may result Low doses or exposure to insecticides may result Low doses or exposure to insecticides may result Low doses or exposure to insecticides may result

in nonin nonin nonin non----lethal effects on the target organism. lethal effects on the target organism. lethal effects on the target organism. lethal effects on the target organism.


Adult California Adult California Adult California Adult California fivefivefivefive----spined ips spined ips spined ips spined ips beetle treated with beetle treated with beetle treated with beetle treated with fenoxycarbfenoxycarbfenoxycarbfenoxycarb

(JH mimic) had a (JH mimic) had a (JH mimic) had a (JH mimic) had a reduction in fertility reduction in fertility reduction in fertility reduction in fertility (Chen & Borden 1989).(Chen & Borden 1989).(Chen & Borden 1989).(Chen & Borden 1989).

From the

literature . . .

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are needed to see this picture.

Eastern five-spined ips beetle (Ips grandicollis)

Low doses or exposure to insecticides may result Low doses or exposure to insecticides may result Low doses or exposure to insecticides may result Low doses or exposure to insecticides may result

in nonin nonin nonin non----lethal effects on the target organism. lethal effects on the target organism. lethal effects on the target organism. lethal effects on the target organism.


---- incorporated into dietincorporated into dietincorporated into dietincorporated into diet---- applied applied applied applied topicallytopicallytopicallytopically

Majority of studies on sublethal effects have theMajority of studies on sublethal effects have theMajority of studies on sublethal effects have theMajority of studies on sublethal effects have the insecticide being: insecticide being: insecticide being: insecticide being:

Few published reports on effects ofFew published reports on effects ofFew published reports on effects ofFew published reports on effects of exposure to treated surfacesexposure to treated surfacesexposure to treated surfacesexposure to treated surfaces....

From the

literature . . .


Low doses or exposure to insecticides may result Low doses or exposure to insecticides may result Low doses or exposure to insecticides may result Low doses or exposure to insecticides may result

in nonin nonin nonin non----lethal effects on the target organism. lethal effects on the target organism. lethal effects on the target organism. lethal effects on the target organism.

Sublethal effects of exposure to surfaces treated with Sublethal effects of exposure to surfaces treated with Sublethal effects of exposure to surfaces treated with Sublethal effects of exposure to surfaces treated with

ecdysone agonists on major tortricid apple pests.ecdysone agonists on major tortricid apple pests.ecdysone agonists on major tortricid apple pests.ecdysone agonists on major tortricid apple pests.

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fruit Moth







Research Project

. . .


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Oriental fruit

Moth---- Grapholita molesta (Busck)Grapholita molesta (Busck)Grapholita molesta (Busck)Grapholita molesta (Busck)

- directdirectdirectdirect and indirect deciduous fruit pestand indirect deciduous fruit pestand indirect deciduous fruit pestand indirect deciduous fruit pest

- major pest of peach and applemajor pest of peach and applemajor pest of peach and applemajor pest of peach and apple

- larvae bore into shoots and fruitlarvae bore into shoots and fruitlarvae bore into shoots and fruitlarvae bore into shoots and fruit

OK State Extension

OFM fruit damageOFM fruit damageOFM fruit damageOFM fruit damageOFM shoot damageOFM shoot damageOFM shoot damageOFM shoot damage

Target species .

. .


Leafroller---- Argyrotaenia velutinana Argyrotaenia velutinana Argyrotaenia velutinana Argyrotaenia velutinana (Walker)(Walker)(Walker)(Walker)

- indirect/direct deciduous fruit pestindirect/direct deciduous fruit pestindirect/direct deciduous fruit pestindirect/direct deciduous fruit pest

- primarily attacks appleprimarily attacks appleprimarily attacks appleprimarily attacks apple

- larvae feed of foliage and surface of fruitlarvae feed of foliage and surface of fruitlarvae feed of foliage and surface of fruitlarvae feed of foliage and surface of fruit


Leafroller---- Choristoneura rosaceana Choristoneura rosaceana Choristoneura rosaceana Choristoneura rosaceana (Harris)(Harris)(Harris)(Harris)

- direct deciduous fruit pestdirect deciduous fruit pestdirect deciduous fruit pestdirect deciduous fruit pest

- primarily attacks appleprimarily attacks appleprimarily attacks appleprimarily attacks apple

- larvae feed on surface of fruitlarvae feed on surface of fruitlarvae feed on surface of fruitlarvae feed on surface of fruit

Target species .

. .


Codling Moth---- Cydia pomonellaCydia pomonellaCydia pomonellaCydia pomonella (L.)(L.)(L.)(L.)

- direct deciduous fruit pestdirect deciduous fruit pestdirect deciduous fruit pestdirect deciduous fruit pest

- major pest of apple and pearmajor pest of apple and pearmajor pest of apple and pearmajor pest of apple and pear

- larvae bore into fruitlarvae bore into fruitlarvae bore into fruitlarvae bore into fruit

Egg and neonateEgg and neonateEgg and neonateEgg and neonate ““““StingStingStingSting”””” damagedamagedamagedamage

““““EntryEntryEntryEntry”””” damagedamagedamagedamage““““EntryEntryEntryEntry”””” damagedamagedamagedamage

QuickTime™ and aTIFF (Uncompressed) decompressor

are needed to see this picture.

Larvae in pupation cocoonsLarvae in pupation cocoonsLarvae in pupation cocoonsLarvae in pupation cocoonsLarvae in pupation cocoonsLarvae in pupation cocoonsLarvae in pupation cocoonsLarvae in pupation cocoons

Internal fruit damageInternal fruit damageInternal fruit damageInternal fruit damage

Target species .

. .


Determine what effects adult exposure to surfaces treated Determine what effects adult exposure to surfaces treated Determine what effects adult exposure to surfaces treated Determine what effects adult exposure to surfaces treated

withwithwithwithecdysoneecdysoneecdysoneecdysone----agonists would have on moth fecundity and fertility.agonists would have on moth fecundity and fertility.agonists would have on moth fecundity and fertility.agonists would have on moth fecundity and fertility.

(Cydia pomonella)(Cydia pomonella)(Cydia pomonella)(Cydia pomonella)

Codling moth

(Argyrotaenia velutinana)(Argyrotaenia velutinana)(Argyrotaenia velutinana)(Argyrotaenia velutinana)



(Choristoneura rosaceana)(Choristoneura rosaceana)(Choristoneura rosaceana)(Choristoneura rosaceana)



Project A: Effects of ecdysone agonists

on moth reproduction.


Assay #1


exposure� Virgin adults (Virgin adults (Virgin adults (Virgin adults (<<<<48 h old) placed in cage (1F, 2M) lined48 h old) placed in cage (1F, 2M) lined48 h old) placed in cage (1F, 2M) lined48 h old) placed in cage (1F, 2M) lined

with treated mesh screening.with treated mesh screening.with treated mesh screening.with treated mesh screening.

� OOOOviposition sites were treated apple or foliage; eggviposition sites were treated apple or foliage; eggviposition sites were treated apple or foliage; eggviposition sites were treated apple or foliage; egg

counts every 24 h until female death.counts every 24 h until female death.counts every 24 h until female death.counts every 24 h until female death.

(Cydia pomonella)(Cydia pomonella)(Cydia pomonella)(Cydia pomonella)

Codling moth

(Argyrotaenia velutinana)(Argyrotaenia velutinana)(Argyrotaenia velutinana)(Argyrotaenia velutinana)



(Choristoneura rosaceana)(Choristoneura rosaceana)(Choristoneura rosaceana)(Choristoneura rosaceana)



Project A: Effects of ecdysone agonists

on moth reproduction.

Cydia pomonellaCydia pomonellaCydia pomonellaCydia pomonella

Mean Fecundity

Mean % Fertility







74.5 a74.5 a74.5 a74.5 a

39.6 b39.6 b39.6 b39.6 b

17.5 c17.5 c17.5 c17.5 c

58.4 a58.4 a58.4 a58.4 a

6.6 b6.6 b6.6 b6.6 b

0.4 c0.4 c0.4 c0.4 c

Argyrotaenia Argyrotaenia Argyrotaenia Argyrotaenia velutinanavelutinanavelutinanavelutinana

142.5 a142.5 a142.5 a142.5 a

62.5 b62.5 b62.5 b62.5 b

51.9 b51.9 b51.9 b51.9 b

83.7 a83.7 a83.7 a83.7 a

29.7 b29.7 b29.7 b29.7 b

9.5 c9.5 c9.5 c9.5 c

Choristoneura rosaceanaChoristoneura rosaceanaChoristoneura rosaceanaChoristoneura rosaceana

467.6 a467.6 a467.6 a467.6 a

216.3 b216.3 b216.3 b216.3 b

157.8 b157.8 b157.8 b157.8 b

86.4 a86.4 a86.4 a86.4 a

29.3 b29.3 b29.3 b29.3 b

7.6 c7.6 c7.6 c7.6 c

Means followed by the same letter in the same column per parametMeans followed by the same letter in the same column per parametMeans followed by the same letter in the same column per parametMeans followed by the same letter in the same column per parameter are not significantly different (Fisherer are not significantly different (Fisherer are not significantly different (Fisherer are not significantly different (Fisher’’’’s PLSD Test, P<0.05; s PLSD Test, P<0.05; s PLSD Test, P<0.05; s PLSD Test, P<0.05;

Continuity Adjusted ChiContinuity Adjusted ChiContinuity Adjusted ChiContinuity Adjusted Chi----Square Test, P<0.05)Square Test, P<0.05)Square Test, P<0.05)Square Test, P<0.05)

Assay #1


exposure (both


Journal of Economic Entomology 92: 1039-1044

Entomologia Experimentalis et Applicata 94: 75-83


Project A: Effects of ecdysone agonists

on moth reproduction.

Assay #2

Treated x Nontreated

Pairings� Virgin adults (Virgin adults (Virgin adults (Virgin adults (<<<<48 h old) placed in treated cage (by sex). 48 h old) placed in treated cage (by sex). 48 h old) placed in treated cage (by sex). 48 h old) placed in treated cage (by sex).

� After 24 h, paired with nontreated partner in nontreatedAfter 24 h, paired with nontreated partner in nontreatedAfter 24 h, paired with nontreated partner in nontreatedAfter 24 h, paired with nontreated partner in nontreated

cage with apple or plastic strips (oviposition sites). cage with apple or plastic strips (oviposition sites). cage with apple or plastic strips (oviposition sites). cage with apple or plastic strips (oviposition sites).

� EEEEgg counts every 24 h until female counts every 24 h until female counts every 24 h until female counts every 24 h until female death.


Reproduction of a treated moth paired with a Reproduction of a treated moth paired with a Reproduction of a treated moth paired with a Reproduction of a treated moth paired with a nontreated nontreated nontreated nontreated moth?moth?moth?moth?

Mean % Fertility






Mean Fecundity

86.3 a86.3 a86.3 a86.3 a

87.6 a87.6 a87.6 a87.6 a

78.7 b78.7 b78.7 b78.7 b

74.4 b74.4 b74.4 b74.4 b

79.0 b79.0 b79.0 b79.0 b






97.7 a97.7 a97.7 a97.7 a

65.5 65.5 65.5 65.5 abababab

26.8 b26.8 b26.8 b26.8 b

39.1 b39.1 b39.1 b39.1 b

21.9 b21.9 b21.9 b21.9 b

74.9 a74.9 a74.9 a74.9 a

52.8 b52.8 b52.8 b52.8 b

13.0 c13.0 c13.0 c13.0 c

76.7 a76.7 a76.7 a76.7 a

18.8 c18.8 c18.8 c18.8 c

235.2 a235.2 a235.2 a235.2 a

117.9 b117.9 b117.9 b117.9 b

6.4 c6.4 c6.4 c6.4 c

48.8 c48.8 c48.8 c48.8 c

1.2 c1.2 c1.2 c1.2 c

Choristoneura rosaceanaChoristoneura rosaceanaChoristoneura rosaceanaChoristoneura rosaceanaCydia Cydia Cydia Cydia pomonellapomonellapomonellapomonella

73.0 b73.0 b73.0 b73.0 b

78.7 a78.7 a78.7 a78.7 a

66.8 c66.8 c66.8 c66.8 c

50.5 d50.5 d50.5 d50.5 d

4.6 e4.6 e4.6 e4.6 e

84.0 a84.0 a84.0 a84.0 a

59.7 a59.7 a59.7 a59.7 a

47.4 a47.4 a47.4 a47.4 a

56.2 a56.2 a56.2 a56.2 a

4.2 b4.2 b4.2 b4.2 b

Argyrotaenia velutinanaArgyrotaenia velutinanaArgyrotaenia velutinanaArgyrotaenia velutinana

Means followed by the same letter in the same column per parametMeans followed by the same letter in the same column per parametMeans followed by the same letter in the same column per parametMeans followed by the same letter in the same column per parameter are not significantly different (Fisherer are not significantly different (Fisherer are not significantly different (Fisherer are not significantly different (Fisher’’’’s PLSD Test, P<0.05; s PLSD Test, P<0.05; s PLSD Test, P<0.05; s PLSD Test, P<0.05;

Continuity Adjusted ChiContinuity Adjusted ChiContinuity Adjusted ChiContinuity Adjusted Chi----Square Test, P<0.05)Square Test, P<0.05)Square Test, P<0.05)Square Test, P<0.05)

Assay #2

Treated x Nontreated


Journal of Economic Entomology 92: 1039-1044

Entomologia Experimentalis et Applicata 94: 75-83


Key results

Project A: Effects of ecdysone agonists

on moth reproduction.

1. The mean fecundity and fertility of adult moths exposed to t1. The mean fecundity and fertility of adult moths exposed to t1. The mean fecundity and fertility of adult moths exposed to t1. The mean fecundity and fertility of adult moths exposed to treated surfaces of reated surfaces of reated surfaces of reated surfaces of

tebufenozide and methoxyfenozide (at field rates), whether for etebufenozide and methoxyfenozide (at field rates), whether for etebufenozide and methoxyfenozide (at field rates), whether for etebufenozide and methoxyfenozide (at field rates), whether for entire life or for 24 hr, are ntire life or for 24 hr, are ntire life or for 24 hr, are ntire life or for 24 hr, are

significantly reduced.significantly reduced.significantly reduced.significantly reduced.

4. Depending on species, the negative influence of methoxyfenoz4. Depending on species, the negative influence of methoxyfenoz4. Depending on species, the negative influence of methoxyfenoz4. Depending on species, the negative influence of methoxyfenozide on adult fecundity ide on adult fecundity ide on adult fecundity ide on adult fecundity

and fertility appears to be both maleand fertility appears to be both maleand fertility appears to be both maleand fertility appears to be both male---- and femaleand femaleand femaleand female----based.based.based.based.

3. Depending on species, the negative influence of tebufenozide3. Depending on species, the negative influence of tebufenozide3. Depending on species, the negative influence of tebufenozide3. Depending on species, the negative influence of tebufenozide on adult fecundity and on adult fecundity and on adult fecundity and on adult fecundity and

fertility appears to be femalefertility appears to be femalefertility appears to be femalefertility appears to be female----based.based.based.based.

2. Methoxyfenozide had a significantly greater affect in reduci2. Methoxyfenozide had a significantly greater affect in reduci2. Methoxyfenozide had a significantly greater affect in reduci2. Methoxyfenozide had a significantly greater affect in reducing adult moth fertility ng adult moth fertility ng adult moth fertility ng adult moth fertility

than tebufenozide.than tebufenozide.than tebufenozide.than tebufenozide.

5. Constant exposure to methoxyfenozide5. Constant exposure to methoxyfenozide5. Constant exposure to methoxyfenozide5. Constant exposure to methoxyfenozide----treated surfaces significantly reduced the treated surfaces significantly reduced the treated surfaces significantly reduced the treated surfaces significantly reduced the

longevity of adult male moths.longevity of adult male moths.longevity of adult male moths.longevity of adult male moths.


(e.g., ecdysone)

Mating BehaviorMating Behavior1. Chemical communication1. Chemical communication

A. Exocrine glandsExocrine glands:

- produce sex pheromones

- located beneath cuticle

B. Chemoreceptors:

- found on antennae, MP, legs

- stimulate vitellogenesis

- stimulate spermatogenesis

- initiates apolysis

- cuticle production

MoltingReproduction Growth

- initiate evagination

of imaginal discs

division of epidermal cells



Determine what effects adult exposure to surfacesDetermine what effects adult exposure to surfacesDetermine what effects adult exposure to surfacesDetermine what effects adult exposure to surfaces treated treated treated treated

with ecdysonewith ecdysonewith ecdysonewith ecdysone----agonists would have on femaleagonists would have on femaleagonists would have on femaleagonists would have on female attractivenessattractivenessattractivenessattractivenessand male responsiveness.and male responsiveness.and male responsiveness.and male responsiveness.

Project B: Effects of ecdysone

agonists on moth orientation.

(After Haynes & Birch 1985)

���� Virgin moths (0Virgin moths (0Virgin moths (0Virgin moths (0----24 h old) placed in cages with a treated 24 h old) placed in cages with a treated 24 h old) placed in cages with a treated 24 h old) placed in cages with a treated

liner for 48 h.liner for 48 h.liner for 48 h.liner for 48 h.

���� The liners were treated with water, surfactantThe liners were treated with water, surfactantThe liners were treated with water, surfactantThe liners were treated with water, surfactant or or or or


���� Moths were then exposed to wind tunnel tests.Moths were then exposed to wind tunnel tests.Moths were then exposed to wind tunnel tests.Moths were then exposed to wind tunnel tests.

Exposure cages with plasticExposure cages with plasticExposure cages with plasticExposure cages with plastic----mesh liners.mesh liners.mesh liners.mesh liners.

4.5 x 9 cm4.5 x 9 cm4.5 x 9 cm4.5 x 9 cm

Project B: Effects of ecdysone

agonists on moth orientation.

Assay #1: Wind


1. water

water2. surfactant

surfactant3. methoxyfenozide

surfactant4. methoxyfenozide

methoxyfenozide5. surfactant


Wind Tunnel Combinations

Female Male

Wind tunnel at Horticulture and Wind tunnel at Horticulture and Wind tunnel at Horticulture and Wind tunnel at Horticulture and Agroforestry Agroforestry Agroforestry Agroforestry Research Center.Research Center.Research Center.Research Center.


���� Female Female Female Female ‘‘‘‘callingcallingcallingcalling’’’’ cage (w/4cage (w/4cage (w/4cage (w/4----5 females) placed upwind, 5 females) placed upwind, 5 females) placed upwind, 5 females) placed upwind,

male male male male ‘‘‘‘releasereleasereleaserelease’’’’ cage (8cage (8cage (8cage (8----10 males) placed 1 m downwind.10 males) placed 1 m downwind.10 males) placed 1 m downwind.10 males) placed 1 m downwind.

Project B: Effects of ecdysone

agonists on moth orientation.

Assay #1: Wind


Downwind male release cage.Downwind male release cage.Downwind male release cage.Downwind male release cage.Downwind male release cage.Downwind male release cage.Downwind male release cage.Downwind male release cage.

Upwind female calling platform.Upwind female calling platform.Upwind female calling platform.Upwind female calling platform.Upwind female calling platform.Upwind female calling platform.Upwind female calling platform.Upwind female calling platform.

Downwind male release cage.Downwind male release cage.Downwind male release cage.Downwind male release cage.Downwind male release cage.Downwind male release cage.Downwind male release cage.Downwind male release cage.

Upwind female calling platform.Upwind female calling platform.Upwind female calling platform.Upwind female calling platform.Upwind female calling platform.Upwind female calling platform.Upwind female calling platform.Upwind female calling platform.

Project B: Effects of ecdysone

agonists on moth orientation.

Assay #1: Wind


Smoke tests using titanium tetrachloride (TiClSmoke tests using titanium tetrachloride (TiClSmoke tests using titanium tetrachloride (TiClSmoke tests using titanium tetrachloride (TiCl4444) confirmed ) confirmed ) confirmed ) confirmed

plume position (laminar flow) within wind tunnel.plume position (laminar flow) within wind tunnel.plume position (laminar flow) within wind tunnel.plume position (laminar flow) within wind tunnel.

QuickTime™ and aMotion JPEG OpenDML decompressor

are needed to see this picture.

���� Female Female Female Female ‘‘‘‘callingcallingcallingcalling’’’’ cage (w/4cage (w/4cage (w/4cage (w/4----5 females) placed upwind, 5 females) placed upwind, 5 females) placed upwind, 5 females) placed upwind,

male male male male ‘‘‘‘releasereleasereleaserelease’’’’ cage (8cage (8cage (8cage (8----10 males) placed 1 m downwind.10 males) placed 1 m downwind.10 males) placed 1 m downwind.10 males) placed 1 m downwind.


���� After acclimation period males released, and 20 min later numberAfter acclimation period males released, and 20 min later numberAfter acclimation period males released, and 20 min later numberAfter acclimation period males released, and 20 min later number of trapped males recorded.of trapped males recorded.of trapped males recorded.of trapped males recorded.

Project B: Effects of ecdysone

agonists on moth orientation.

Assay #1: Wind


Upwind female calling cage and male trapping platform.Upwind female calling cage and male trapping platform.Upwind female calling cage and male trapping platform.Upwind female calling cage and male trapping platform.

water water water water water water water water waterwaterwaterwaterwaterwaterwaterwater

surfactantsurfactantsurfactantsurfactantsurfactantsurfactantsurfactantsurfactantaaaaaaaa surfactantsurfactantsurfactantsurfactantsurfactantsurfactantsurfactantsurfactant

MethoxyfenozideMethoxyfenozideMethoxyfenozideMethoxyfenozideMethoxyfenozideMethoxyfenozideMethoxyfenozideMethoxyfenozidebbbbbbbb surfactantsurfactantsurfactantsurfactantsurfactantsurfactantsurfactantsurfactant

MethoxyfenozideMethoxyfenozideMethoxyfenozideMethoxyfenozideMethoxyfenozideMethoxyfenozideMethoxyfenozideMethoxyfenozide MethoxyfenozideMethoxyfenozideMethoxyfenozideMethoxyfenozideMethoxyfenozideMethoxyfenozideMethoxyfenozideMethoxyfenozide

surfactantsurfactantsurfactantsurfactantsurfactantsurfactantsurfactantsurfactant MethoxyfenozideMethoxyfenozideMethoxyfenozideMethoxyfenozideMethoxyfenozideMethoxyfenozideMethoxyfenozideMethoxyfenozide

Mean % of Males


Wind Tunnel Combinations

Female Male

39.3 ab39.3 ab39.3 ab39.3 ab39.3 ab39.3 ab39.3 ab39.3 ab

39.5 a39.5 a39.5 a39.5 a39.5 a39.5 a39.5 a39.5 a

36.3 ab36.3 ab36.3 ab36.3 ab36.3 ab36.3 ab36.3 ab36.3 ab cccc20. cccc bcbcbcbc27. bcbcbcbc

Means followed by the same letter are not significantly differenMeans followed by the same letter are not significantly differenMeans followed by the same letter are not significantly differenMeans followed by the same letter are not significantly different (Fishert (Fishert (Fishert (Fisher’’’’s PLSD, P<0.05)s PLSD, P<0.05)s PLSD, P<0.05)s PLSD, P<0.05)

aaaaLabeled Labeled Labeled Labeled field rate (0.125% vol:vol) of Latron Bfield rate (0.125% vol:vol) of Latron Bfield rate (0.125% vol:vol) of Latron Bfield rate (0.125% vol:vol) of Latron B----1956195619561956®®®®

bbbbEach Each Each Each methoxyfenozide treatment solution contained the surfactant (as methoxyfenozide treatment solution contained the surfactant (as methoxyfenozide treatment solution contained the surfactant (as methoxyfenozide treatment solution contained the surfactant (as per label recommendations).per label recommendations).per label recommendations).per label recommendations).

Assay #1: Wind

Tunnel aaaa33. aaaa bbbb18. bbbb

29.4 a29.4 a29.4 a29.4 a29.4 a29.4 a29.4 a29.4 a

12.5 b12.5 b12.5 b12.5 b12.5 b12.5 b12.5 b12.5 b

15.1 b15.1 b15.1 b15.1 b15.1 b15.1 b15.1 b15.1 b

Choristoneura Choristoneura Choristoneura Choristoneura rosaceanarosaceanarosaceanarosaceana

Cydia Cydia Cydia Cydia pomonellapomonellapomonellapomonella

23.3 a23.3 a23.3 a23.3 a23.3 a23.3 a23.3 a23.3 a23.3 a23.3 a23.3 a23.3 a

14.4 b14.4 b14.4 b14.4 b14.4 b14.4 b14.4 b14.4 b

15.3 ab15.3 ab15.3 ab15.3 ab15.3 ab15.3 ab15.3 ab15.3 ab15.3 ab15.3 ab15.3 ab15.3 ab

7.9 c7.9 c7.9 c7.9 c7.9 c7.9 c7.9 c7.9 c

5.8 c5.8 c5.8 c5.8 c5.8 c5.8 c5.8 c5.8 c

Argyrotaenia Argyrotaenia Argyrotaenia Argyrotaenia velutinanavelutinanavelutinanavelutinana

Journal of Economic Entomology 96: 623-628

Entomologia Experimentalis et Applicata 107: 133-140


Level of OFM Attractiveness &


Male Responsiveness/treatment(female data pooled)(female data pooled)(female data pooled)(female data pooled)

WaterWaterWaterWater 42.1 a42.1 a42.1 a42.1 a

SurfactantSurfactantSurfactantSurfactant 44.0 a44.0 a44.0 a44.0 a

MethoxyfenozideMethoxyfenozideMethoxyfenozideMethoxyfenozide 27.1 b27.1 b27.1 b27.1 b

Female Attractiveness/treatment(male data pooled)(male data pooled)(male data pooled)(male data pooled)

Mean %Mean %Mean %Mean %

Male RecaptureMale RecaptureMale RecaptureMale Recapture

WaterWaterWaterWater 41.5 a41.5 a41.5 a41.5 a

SurfactantSurfactantSurfactantSurfactant 39.8 a39.8 a39.8 a39.8 a

MethoxyfenozideMethoxyfenozideMethoxyfenozideMethoxyfenozide 31.8 a31.8 a31.8 a31.8 a

Assay: Wind Tunnel (2005 study)

(Grapholita molesta)(Grapholita molesta)(Grapholita molesta)(Grapholita molesta)


fruit moth

QuickTime™ and aTIFF (Uncompressed) decompressor

are needed to see this picture.

Journal of Economic Entomology 100: 72-78

Exposure cage with plasticExposure cage with plasticExposure cage with plasticExposure cage with plastic----mesh liner.mesh liner.mesh liner.mesh liner.

2.5 x 6 cm2.5 x 6 cm2.5 x 6 cm2.5 x 6 cm2.5 x 6 cm2.5 x 6 cm2.5 x 6 cm2.5 x 6 cm

���� Virgin moths (0Virgin moths (0Virgin moths (0Virgin moths (0----24 h old) placed in cages with treated 24 h old) placed in cages with treated 24 h old) placed in cages with treated 24 h old) placed in cages with treated

liner for 48 h.liner for 48 h.liner for 48 h.liner for 48 h.

���� Female cages attached to upwind end of tube, male Female cages attached to upwind end of tube, male Female cages attached to upwind end of tube, male Female cages attached to upwind end of tube, male

cages attached to downwind end.cages attached to downwind end.cages attached to downwind end.cages attached to downwind end.

Project B: Effects of ecdysone

agonists on moth orientation.

Assay #2: Orientation


Glass orientation tubes inside wind tunnel.Glass orientation tubes inside wind tunnel.Glass orientation tubes inside wind tunnel.Glass orientation tubes inside wind tunnel. Male OBLR approaching caged female.Male OBLR approaching caged female.Male OBLR approaching caged female.Male OBLR approaching caged female.

���� Observations made on male sexual behavior and Observations made on male sexual behavior and Observations made on male sexual behavior and Observations made on male sexual behavior and

distances traveled in tubes.distances traveled in tubes.distances traveled in tubes.distances traveled in tubes.


water water water water water water water water waterwaterwaterwaterwaterwaterwaterwater

surfactantsurfactantsurfactantsurfactantsurfactantsurfactantsurfactantsurfactantaaaaaaaa surfactantsurfactantsurfactantsurfactantsurfactantsurfactantsurfactantsurfactant

MethoxyfenozideMethoxyfenozideMethoxyfenozideMethoxyfenozideMethoxyfenozideMethoxyfenozideMethoxyfenozideMethoxyfenozidebbbbbbbb surfactantsurfactantsurfactantsurfactantsurfactantsurfactantsurfactantsurfactant

MethoxyfenozideMethoxyfenozideMethoxyfenozideMethoxyfenozideMethoxyfenozideMethoxyfenozideMethoxyfenozideMethoxyfenozide MethoxyfenozideMethoxyfenozideMethoxyfenozideMethoxyfenozideMethoxyfenozideMethoxyfenozideMethoxyfenozideMethoxyfenozide

surfactantsurfactantsurfactantsurfactantsurfactantsurfactantsurfactantsurfactant MethoxyfenozideMethoxyfenozideMethoxyfenozideMethoxyfenozideMethoxyfenozideMethoxyfenozideMethoxyfenozideMethoxyfenozide

Mean % of Male Wing-

fanning and Upwind

Orientationcccc (< 1 min)

Wind Tunnel Combinations

Female Male

73 a73 a73 a73 a73 a73 a73 a73 a

50 50 50 50 abababab50 50 50 50 abababab

40 b40 b40 b40 b40 b40 b40 b40 b

30 b30 b30 b30 b30 b30 b30 b30 b

38 b38 b38 b38 b38 b38 b38 b38 b

Means followed by the same letter are not significantly differenMeans followed by the same letter are not significantly differenMeans followed by the same letter are not significantly differenMeans followed by the same letter are not significantly different (Fishert (Fishert (Fishert (Fisher’’’’s PLSD, P<0.05)s PLSD, P<0.05)s PLSD, P<0.05)s PLSD, P<0.05)

aaaaLabeled Labeled Labeled Labeled field rate (0.125% vol:vol) of Latron Bfield rate (0.125% vol:vol) of Latron Bfield rate (0.125% vol:vol) of Latron Bfield rate (0.125% vol:vol) of Latron B----1956195619561956®®®®

bbbbEach Each Each Each methoxyfenozide treatment solution contained the surfactant (as methoxyfenozide treatment solution contained the surfactant (as methoxyfenozide treatment solution contained the surfactant (as methoxyfenozide treatment solution contained the surfactant (as per label recommendations).per label recommendations).per label recommendations).per label recommendations).

Assay #2:

Orientation Tubes

93 a93 a93 a93 a93 a93 a93 a93 a

90909090 aaaa90909090 aaaa

93 a93 a93 a93 a93 a93 a93 a93 a

63 b63 b63 b63 b63 b63 b63 b63 b

53 b53 b53 b53 b53 b53 b53 b53 b

Choristoneura Choristoneura Choristoneura Choristoneura rosaceanarosaceanarosaceanarosaceana

Cydia Cydia Cydia Cydia pomonellapomonellapomonellapomonella

60 a60 a60 a60 a60 a60 a60 a60 a60 a60 a60 a60 a

55555555 aaaa55555555 aaaa

57 a57 a57 a57 a57 a57 a57 a57 a57 a57 a57 a57 a

23 b23 b23 b23 b23 b23 b23 b23 b

33 b33 b33 b33 b33 b33 b33 b33 b

Argyrotaenia Argyrotaenia Argyrotaenia Argyrotaenia velutinanavelutinanavelutinanavelutinana

ccccBehaviors Behaviors Behaviors Behaviors associated with tortricid male moth sexual excitability.associated with tortricid male moth sexual excitability.associated with tortricid male moth sexual excitability.associated with tortricid male moth sexual excitability.Journal of Economic Entomology 96: 623-628

Entomologia Experimentalis et Applicata 107: 133-140

water water water water water water water water waterwaterwaterwaterwaterwaterwaterwater

surfactantsurfactantsurfactantsurfactantsurfactantsurfactantsurfactantsurfactantaaaaaaaa surfactantsurfactantsurfactantsurfactantsurfactantsurfactantsurfactantsurfactant

MethoxyfenozideMethoxyfenozideMethoxyfenozideMethoxyfenozideMethoxyfenozideMethoxyfenozideMethoxyfenozideMethoxyfenozidebbbbbbbb surfactantsurfactantsurfactantsurfactantsurfactantsurfactantsurfactantsurfactant

MethoxyfenozideMethoxyfenozideMethoxyfenozideMethoxyfenozideMethoxyfenozideMethoxyfenozideMethoxyfenozideMethoxyfenozide MethoxyfenozideMethoxyfenozideMethoxyfenozideMethoxyfenozideMethoxyfenozideMethoxyfenozideMethoxyfenozideMethoxyfenozide

surfactantsurfactantsurfactantsurfactantsurfactantsurfactantsurfactantsurfactant MethoxyfenozideMethoxyfenozideMethoxyfenozideMethoxyfenozideMethoxyfenozideMethoxyfenozideMethoxyfenozideMethoxyfenozide

Mean Distance (cm)

Traveled (< 1 min)

Wind Tunnel Combinations

Female Male

43 a43 a43 a43 a43 a43 a43 a43 a

45 a45 a45 a45 a45 a45 a45 a45 a

33 33 33 33 abababab33 33 33 33 abababab

13 b13 b13 b13 b13 b13 b13 b13 b

13 b13 b13 b13 b13 b13 b13 b13 b

Assay #2:

Orientation Tubes

70 a70 a70 a70 a70 a70 a70 a70 a

63 a63 a63 a63 a63 a63 a63 a63 a

63 a63 a63 a63 a63 a63 a63 a63 a

23232323 bbbb23232323 bbbb

18 b18 b18 b18 b18 b18 b18 b18 b

Choristoneura Choristoneura Choristoneura Choristoneura rosaceanarosaceanarosaceanarosaceana

Cydia Cydia Cydia Cydia pomonellapomonellapomonellapomonella

65 a65 a65 a65 a65 a65 a65 a65 a65 a65 a65 a65 a

52 a52 a52 a52 a52 a52 a52 a52 a

47 a47 a47 a47 a47 a47 a47 a47 a47 a47 a47 a47 a

8 b8 b8 b8 b8 b8 b8 b8 b

5 b5 b5 b5 b5 b5 b5 b5 b

Argyrotaenia Argyrotaenia Argyrotaenia Argyrotaenia velutinanavelutinanavelutinanavelutinana

Journal of Economic Entomology 96: 623-628

Entomologia Experimentalis et Applicata 107: 133-140

Means followed by the same letter are not significantly differenMeans followed by the same letter are not significantly differenMeans followed by the same letter are not significantly differenMeans followed by the same letter are not significantly different (Fishert (Fishert (Fishert (Fisher’’’’s PLSD, P<0.05)s PLSD, P<0.05)s PLSD, P<0.05)s PLSD, P<0.05)

aaaaLabeled Labeled Labeled Labeled field rate (0.125% vol:vol) of Latron Bfield rate (0.125% vol:vol) of Latron Bfield rate (0.125% vol:vol) of Latron Bfield rate (0.125% vol:vol) of Latron B----1956195619561956®®®®

bbbbEach Each Each Each methoxyfenozide treatment solution contained the surfactant (as methoxyfenozide treatment solution contained the surfactant (as methoxyfenozide treatment solution contained the surfactant (as methoxyfenozide treatment solution contained the surfactant (as per label recommendations).per label recommendations).per label recommendations).per label recommendations).



Examine sexual orientation behaviors of males Examine sexual orientation behaviors of males Examine sexual orientation behaviors of males Examine sexual orientation behaviors of males


and treated) when given a choice of and treated) when given a choice of and treated) when given a choice of and treated) when given a choice of competingcompetingcompetingcompeting pheromone sourcespheromone sourcespheromone sourcespheromone sources(nontreated and treated females) in a wind tunnel.(nontreated and treated females) in a wind tunnel.(nontreated and treated females) in a wind tunnel.(nontreated and treated females) in a wind tunnel.

(Grapholita molesta)(Grapholita molesta)(Grapholita molesta)(Grapholita molesta)


fruit moth

Project C: Effects of ecdysone

agonists on moth orientation.

QuickTime™ and aTIFF (Uncompressed) decompressor

are needed to see this picture.

���� Virgin OFM moths (0Virgin OFM moths (0Virgin OFM moths (0Virgin OFM moths (0----24 h old) placed in cages with a 24 h old) placed in cages with a 24 h old) placed in cages with a 24 h old) placed in cages with a

treated liner for 48 h.treated liner for 48 h.treated liner for 48 h.treated liner for 48 h.

���� The liners were treated with water, surfactant and The liners were treated with water, surfactant and The liners were treated with water, surfactant and The liners were treated with water, surfactant and


� Two female cages placed upwind in wind tunnelTwo female cages placed upwind in wind tunnelTwo female cages placed upwind in wind tunnelTwo female cages placed upwind in wind tunnel....

� Single male release cage downwind.Single male release cage downwind.Single male release cage downwind.Single male release cage downwind.

Exposure cage with plasticExposure cage with plasticExposure cage with plasticExposure cage with plastic----mesh liners.mesh liners.mesh liners.mesh liners.

4.5 x 9 cm4.5 x 9 cm4.5 x 9 cm4.5 x 9 cmAssay: Competing Pheromone


Male OFM orientingMale OFM orientingMale OFM orientingMale OFM orienting to calling calling calling calling females.

Project C: Effects of ecdysone

agonists on moth orientation.

QuickTime™ and aMotion JPEG OpenDML decompressor

are needed to see this picture.

QuickTime™ and aMotion JPEG OpenDML decompressor

are needed to see this picture.


Assay: Competing Pheromone


Time Male OFM released in wind tunnel spent displaying

sexual excitability behaviors.

Mean Time (seconds)Mean Time (seconds)Mean Time (seconds)Mean Time (seconds)

Female Cage Contact

WaterWaterWaterWater 28.5 a28.5 a28.5 a28.5 a 28.5 a28.5 a28.5 a28.5 a

SurfactantSurfactantSurfactantSurfactant 25.4 25.4 25.4 25.4 abababab 34.1 a34.1 a34.1 a34.1 a

MethoxyfenozideMethoxyfenozideMethoxyfenozideMethoxyfenozide 17.3 b17.3 b17.3 b17.3 b 8.5 b8.5 b8.5 b8.5 b

Upwind Plume Orientations

WaterWaterWaterWater 21.7 a21.7 a21.7 a21.7 a 13.4 a13.4 a13.4 a13.4 a

SurfactantSurfactantSurfactantSurfactant 13.2 13.2 13.2 13.2 bcbcbcbc 21.9 a21.9 a21.9 a21.9 a

MethoxyfenozideMethoxyfenozideMethoxyfenozideMethoxyfenozide 8.3 c8.3 c8.3 c8.3 c 7.9 b7.9 b7.9 b7.9 b

Female TreatmentsFemale TreatmentsFemale TreatmentsFemale Treatments(male data pooled)(male data pooled)(male data pooled)(male data pooled)

Male TreatmentsMale TreatmentsMale TreatmentsMale Treatments(female data pooled)(female data pooled)(female data pooled)(female data pooled)

Journal of Economic Entomology 100: 72-78

Key results

1. Males exposed to methoxyfenozide1. Males exposed to methoxyfenozide1. Males exposed to methoxyfenozide1. Males exposed to methoxyfenozide----treated surfaces were not as responsive (via treated surfaces were not as responsive (via treated surfaces were not as responsive (via treated surfaces were not as responsive (via

flight or walking) to calling females as were nontreated males.flight or walking) to calling females as were nontreated males.flight or walking) to calling females as were nontreated males.flight or walking) to calling females as were nontreated males.

2. 2. 2. 2. Females exposed to methoxyfenozideFemales exposed to methoxyfenozideFemales exposed to methoxyfenozideFemales exposed to methoxyfenozide----treated surfaces were just as attractive as treated surfaces were just as attractive as treated surfaces were just as attractive as treated surfaces were just as attractive as

nontreated females.nontreated females.nontreated females.nontreated females.

Projects B & C: Effects of ecdysone

agonists on moth orientation.

(After Haynes & Birch 1985)

3. Disruption of moth orientation through exposure to surfaces 3. Disruption of moth orientation through exposure to surfaces 3. Disruption of moth orientation through exposure to surfaces 3. Disruption of moth orientation through exposure to surfaces treated with treated with treated with treated with

methoxyfenozidemethoxyfenozidemethoxyfenozidemethoxyfenozide appears to be maleappears to be maleappears to be maleappears to be male----based.based.based.based.

4. Depending on species, exposure to surfactant4. Depending on species, exposure to surfactant4. Depending on species, exposure to surfactant4. Depending on species, exposure to surfactant----treated surfaces also negatively treated surfaces also negatively treated surfaces also negatively treated surfaces also negatively

impacts moth orientation.impacts moth orientation.impacts moth orientation.impacts moth orientation.


Negative effects on adult chemical communication in the field?Negative effects on adult chemical communication in the field?Negative effects on adult chemical communication in the field?Negative effects on adult chemical communication in the field?

Significant population reduction pressures?Significant population reduction pressures?Significant population reduction pressures?Significant population reduction pressures?

Potential Impacts?

Projects B

& C:

Effects of ecdysone agonists on

moth reproduction.


t A:

Effects of ecdysone agonists on

moth orientation.

���� Possible misdiagnosis of moth populations with pheromone trapsPossible misdiagnosis of moth populations with pheromone trapsPossible misdiagnosis of moth populations with pheromone trapsPossible misdiagnosis of moth populations with pheromone traps

(underestimating male density)? (underestimating male density)? (underestimating male density)? (underestimating male density)?

Potential Impacts?



Potential Impacts?

���� Monitoring problems further exacerbated when ecdysone agonistsMonitoring problems further exacerbated when ecdysone agonistsMonitoring problems further exacerbated when ecdysone agonistsMonitoring problems further exacerbated when ecdysone agonists

are used in conjunction with mating disruption? are used in conjunction with mating disruption? are used in conjunction with mating disruption? are used in conjunction with mating disruption?

The full utilization of ecdysone agonists in tree fruit pest manThe full utilization of ecdysone agonists in tree fruit pest manThe full utilization of ecdysone agonists in tree fruit pest manThe full utilization of ecdysone agonists in tree fruit pest management agement agement agement

programs is dependent on better understanding the sublethal impaprograms is dependent on better understanding the sublethal impaprograms is dependent on better understanding the sublethal impaprograms is dependent on better understanding the sublethal impacts cts cts cts

these types of insecticides have on the adult (nonthese types of insecticides have on the adult (nonthese types of insecticides have on the adult (nonthese types of insecticides have on the adult (non----target) stage.

���� Possible misdiagnosis of moth populations with pheromone trapsPossible misdiagnosis of moth populations with pheromone trapsPossible misdiagnosis of moth populations with pheromone trapsPossible misdiagnosis of moth populations with pheromone traps

(underestimating male density)? (underestimating male density)? (underestimating male density)? (underestimating male density)?

Dr. Xiaoping Sun, University of MissouriDr. Xiaoping Sun, University of MissouriDr. Xiaoping Sun, University of MissouriDr. Xiaoping Sun, University of Missouri

Ms. Jennifer Hoelscher, Missouri Highway Patrol LabMs. Jennifer Hoelscher, Missouri Highway Patrol LabMs. Jennifer Hoelscher, Missouri Highway Patrol LabMs. Jennifer Hoelscher, Missouri Highway Patrol Lab

MrMrMrMr. Michael . Michael . Michael . Michael ReinkeReinkeReinkeReinke, Michigan State University, Michigan State University, Michigan State University, Michigan State University

Dr. Mark Ellersieck, University of MissouriDr. Mark Ellersieck, University of MissouriDr. Mark Ellersieck, University of MissouriDr. Mark Ellersieck, University of Missouri

Mr. Randy Thiessen, University of MissouriMr. Randy Thiessen, University of MissouriMr. Randy Thiessen, University of MissouriMr. Randy Thiessen, University of Missouri

Mr. Kevin Bishop, University of MissouriMr. Kevin Bishop, University of MissouriMr. Kevin Bishop, University of MissouriMr. Kevin Bishop, University of Missouri

Dr. David Biddinger, Pennsylvania State UniversityDr. David Biddinger, Pennsylvania State UniversityDr. David Biddinger, Pennsylvania State UniversityDr. David Biddinger, Pennsylvania State University

This research was funded through contributions from:This research was funded through contributions from:This research was funded through contributions from:This research was funded through contributions from:

Rohm and Haas CompanyRohm and Haas CompanyRohm and Haas CompanyRohm and Haas Company

Missouri Apple Merchandising CouncilMissouri Apple Merchandising CouncilMissouri Apple Merchandising CouncilMissouri Apple Merchandising Council

Missouri Agricultural Experiment StationMissouri Agricultural Experiment StationMissouri Agricultural Experiment StationMissouri Agricultural Experiment Station


Images (slide #4) used with kind permission of Images (slide #4) used with kind permission of Images (slide #4) used with kind permission of Images (slide #4) used with kind permission of HortNETHortNETHortNETHortNET, a product of , a product of , a product of , a product of

The Horticulture and Food Research Institute of New Zealand LimiThe Horticulture and Food Research Institute of New Zealand LimiThe Horticulture and Food Research Institute of New Zealand LimiThe Horticulture and Food Research Institute of New Zealand Limited.ted.ted.ted.





Prothoracic Prothoracic Prothoracic Prothoracic glandsglandsglandsglands Corpus Corpus Corpus Corpus allataallataallataallata

ecdysoneecdysoneecdysoneecdysone juvenile hormonejuvenile hormonejuvenile hormonejuvenile hormone

Insect Endocrine SystemInsect Endocrine SystemInsect Endocrine SystemInsect Endocrine System

Insert field trap data with treated females

And get OFM data from Mike’s work.

Subsequent Subsequent electroantennagram electroantennagram studies have indicated that (at studies have indicated that (at

least for A. V.) the male antennae are still sensitive to the maleast for A. V.) the male antennae are still sensitive to the main in

components of the pheromone (Haynes & Barrett, unpublished components of the pheromone (Haynes & Barrett, unpublished



Sublethal exposure to various chemicals has been reported to Sublethal exposure to various chemicals has been reported to

negatively impact the matenegatively impact the mate--locating process of moths (Floyd & locating process of moths (Floyd &

Crowder 1981, Linn & Crowder 1981, Linn & Roelofs Roelofs 1984, Haynes 1988, Moore 1988).1984, Haynes 1988, Moore 1988).

The full utilization of ecdysone agonists in tree fruit pest manThe full utilization of ecdysone agonists in tree fruit pest management agement

programs is dependent on better understanding the sublethal impaprograms is dependent on better understanding the sublethal impacts cts

these types of insecticides have on the adult (nonthese types of insecticides have on the adult (non--target) stage.

Exposure to treatment surfaces

(by sex)a,b

Exposure to treatment surfacesExposure to treatment surfaces

(by sex)(by sex)a,ba,b

FemaleFemale MaleMale

Cydia pomonellaCydia pomonella

Mean % wing fanning,Mean % wing fanning,

upwind orientationupwind orientationdd

Mean distance Mean distance

traveled (cm)traveled (cm)

<1 min<1 min 10 min10 min <1 min<1 min 10 min10 min

Means followed by the same letter are not significantly different (Fisher’s PLSD, P<0.05)aaFemale or male moths, 0Female or male moths, 0--24 h old, exposed to treated surfaces for 48 h prior to being as24 h old, exposed to treated surfaces for 48 h prior to being assayed.sayed.ccLabeled field rate (0.125% vol:vol) of Latron BLabeled field rate (0.125% vol:vol) of Latron B--19561956®®

ddBehaviors associated with tortricid male moth sexual excitabilitBehaviors associated with tortricid male moth sexual excitability.y.

bbTwenty (20) cages (replicates)/trmnt; each consisted of 2 caged Twenty (20) cages (replicates)/trmnt; each consisted of 2 caged F and 2 released M. New moths used each replicate.F and 2 released M. New moths used each replicate.

water water water water

water/surfactantwater/surfactantcc water/surfactant water/surfactant

MethoxyfenozideMethoxyfenozide water/surfactantwater/surfactant

MethoxyfenozideMethoxyfenozide Methoxyfenozide Methoxyfenozide

72.5a 55.0a72.5a 55.0a

50.0ab 53.1a50.0ab 53.1a

40.0b 64.0a40.0b 64.0a

30.0b 18.6b30.0b 18.6b

37.5b 20.1b37.5b 20.1b

42.5a 98.1a42.5a 98.1a

45.0a 92.1a45.0a 92.1a

32.5ab 96.3a32.5ab 96.3a

12.5b 47.1b12.5b 47.1b

12.5b 48.3b12.5b 48.3bwater/surfactantwater/surfactant Methoxyfenozide Methoxyfenozide

Orientation tube assayOrientation tube assay







Exposure to treatment surfacesExposure to treatment surfaces

(by sex)(by sex)a,ba,b

FemaleFemale MaleMale

Argyrotaenia velutinanaArgyrotaenia velutinana

Mean distance Mean distance

traveled (cm)traveled (cm)

<1 min<1 min 10 min10 min <1 min<1 min 10 min10 min

60.0a 56.8a60.0a 56.8a

55.0a 65.5a55.0a 65.5a

56.7a 62.8a56.7a 62.8a

23.3b 43.0b23.3b 43.0b

33.3b 41.5b33.3b 41.5b

65.0a 83.8a65.0a 83.8a

51.7a 88.0a51.7a 88.0a

46.7a 88.0a46.7a 88.0a

8.3b 64.8b8.3b 64.8b

5.0b 62.5b5.0b 62.5b

Mean % wing fanning,Mean % wing fanning,

upwind orientationupwind orientationdd

Orientation tube assayOrientation tube assay

Means followed by the same letter are not significantly different (Fisher’s PLSD, P<0.05)aaFemale or male moths, 0Female or male moths, 0--24 h old, exposed to treated surfaces for 48 h prior to being as24 h old, exposed to treated surfaces for 48 h prior to being assayed.sayed.ccLabeled field rate (0.125% vol:vol) of Latron BLabeled field rate (0.125% vol:vol) of Latron B--19561956®®

ddBehaviors associated with tortricid male moth sexual excitabilitBehaviors associated with tortricid male moth sexual excitability.y.

bbTwenty (20) cages (replicates)/trmnt; each consisted of 2 caged Twenty (20) cages (replicates)/trmnt; each consisted of 2 caged F and 2 released M. New moths used each replicate.F and 2 released M. New moths used each replicate.

water water water water

water/surfactantwater/surfactantcc water/surfactant water/surfactant

MethoxyfenozideMethoxyfenozide water/surfactantwater/surfactant

MethoxyfenozideMethoxyfenozide Methoxyfenozide Methoxyfenozide

water/surfactantwater/surfactant Methoxyfenozide Methoxyfenozide






Exposure to treatment surfacesExposure to treatment surfaces

(by sex)(by sex)a,ba,b

FemaleFemale MaleMale

Choristoneura rosaceanaChoristoneura rosaceana

Mean distance Mean distance

traveled (cm)traveled (cm)

<1 min<1 min 10 min10 min <1 min<1 min 10 min10 min

92.5a 75.3a92.5a 75.3a

90.0a 62.1b90.0a 62.1b

92.5a 80.1a92.5a 80.1a

62.5b 31.4c62.5b 31.4c

52.5b 19.0c52.5b 19.0c

70.0a 103.8a70.0a 103.8a

62.5a 106.4a62.5a 106.4a

62.5a 100.8a62.5a 100.8a

22.5b 58.8b22.5b 58.8b

17.5b 55.0b17.5b 55.0b

Mean % wing fanning,Mean % wing fanning,

upwind orientationupwind orientationdd

Orientation tube assayOrientation tube assay

Means followed by the same letter are not significantly different (Fisher’s PLSD, P<0.05)aaFemale or male moths, 0Female or male moths, 0--24 h old, exposed to treated surfaces for 48 h prior to being as24 h old, exposed to treated surfaces for 48 h prior to being assayed.sayed.ccLabeled field rate (0.125% vol:vol) of Latron BLabeled field rate (0.125% vol:vol) of Latron B--19561956®®

ddBehaviors associated with tortricid male moth sexual excitabilitBehaviors associated with tortricid male moth sexual excitability.y.

bbTwenty (20) cages (replicates)/trmnt; each consisted of 2 caged Twenty (20) cages (replicates)/trmnt; each consisted of 2 caged F and 2 released M. New moths used each replicate.F and 2 released M. New moths used each replicate.

water water water water

water/surfactantwater/surfactantcc water/surfactant water/surfactant

MethoxyfenozideMethoxyfenozide water/surfactantwater/surfactant

MethoxyfenozideMethoxyfenozide Methoxyfenozide Methoxyfenozide

water/surfactantwater/surfactant Methoxyfenozide Methoxyfenozide




