Download - Experiences from Practice: Architecture Accreditation in Turkey and TRNC Association of Quality Assurance Agencies of the Islamic World (QA Islamic) May.


Experiences from Practice:Architecture Accreditation in Turkey and TRNC

Association of Quality Assurance Agencies of the Islamic World (QA Islamic) May 28, 2015 Girne- Northern Cyprus

Prof. Dr. Nur Esin, MİAK, ChairProf. Dr. Füsun Alioğlu, MİAK, Vice ChairDilşad Aktaş, Secretary General

Prof. Dr. Neriman Şahin Güçhan MİAK, Board Member

Giriş Anahtarı :


MİMARLAR ODASI MİMARLI K AKREDİ TASYON KURULU YÖNETMELİ Ğİ Kuruluş Madde 1- 6235 sayılı Türk Mühendis ve Mimar Odaları Birliği Kanunu’nun 2. maddesinde sayılan; meslek mensuplarının müşterek ihtiyaçlarını karşılamak, mesleki faaliyetlerini kolaylaştırmak, mesleğin genel menfaatlere uygun olarak gelişmesini sağlamak amaçlarıyla ve meslek menfaatleriyle ilgili işlerde resmî makamlarla işbirliği yaparak gerekli yardımlarda ve tekliflerde bulunmak, meslekle ilgili bütün mevzuatı, normları, fennî şartnameleri incelemek ve bunlar hakkındaki görüş ve düşünceleri ilgililere bildirmek görevleriyle, mimarlık eğitimini değerlendirmek ve yetkinlik çalışmaları aracılığı ile geliştirmek üzere “Mimarlık Akreditasyon Kurulu” (MİAK) kurulmuştur. Dayanak Madde 2- Bu Yönetmelik; Anayasa’nın 135. maddesi ile 3458 sayılı Mühendislik ve Mimarlık Hakkındaki Kanun ve 6235 sayılı Türk Mühendis ve Mimar Odaları Birliği Kanunu’nun 2. ve 39. maddelerine dayanılarak hazırlanmıştır. Amaç Madde 3- Mimarlık Akreditasyon Kurulu’nun temel amacı mimarlık eğitimini değerlendirme ve yetkinlik çalışmaları aracılığı ile geliştirmektir. Böylece, daha iyi eğitilmiş ve kalitesi yükseltilmiş mimarlar yetiştirilerek toplum refahının ileri götürülmesi hedeflenmiştir. Bir eğitim kurumunun ister kendisi tarafından gönüllü talep edilmiş, ister yetkili kuruluşlar tarafından zorunlu tutulmuş olsun, toplum yararı açısından; öncelikle eğitim programını başarıyla tamamlayarak mezun olanların edindiği standartların yetkin bir mesleki pratik için gerekli tasarım, teknik ve mesleki becerilerinin ve kazanılan etik formasyonun yeterli olmasını garanti altına almayı amaçlar. Mimarlık Akreditasyon Kurulu Mimarlık Akreditasyon Kurulu’nun Oluşumu Madde 4- Mimarlık Akreditasyon Kurulu; yedi (7) üyeden oluşur. Yedi (7) üyenin beş (5) tanesi Mimarlık

Association of Quality Assurance Agencies of the Islamic World (QA Islamic) ■ May 28, 2015 ■ Girne- Northern Cyprus

Experiences from Practice:Architecture Accreditation in Turkey and TRNC

Mİmarlık Akreditasyon Kurulu:MİAK Architectural Accreditation Board: AAB


1. Short history of AAB’s establishment and




3. AAB Conditions for Accreditation

4. Recognition and Validation of AAB 2012-2015

1. Short history of AAB’s establishment and institualization

Short history of AAB’s institualization - I

1995 First initiatives: a search for establishing a communication platform between the “Heads of Department of Schools of Architecture (MOBBİG)”

1996 Gümrük Birliği (AB 1963, 1987)

1997 A PILOT STUDY: Aiming at the accreditation of ITU and YTÜ (İstanbul), a pilot study was realized by the Higher Education Funding Council of England (HEFCE) with the demand of the Turkish Higher Education Council (YÖK).

1997 Establishment of MOBBİG (A Communication Platform for Heads of Department of Schools of Architecture)

1999 Acceptance of Turkey's EU candidacy EU directive: Priority in Medicine, Architecture, Law

Short history of AAB’s institualization -II

2001 Establishment of MÜDEK (Engineering Deans Council),

2001 Architecture and Education Congress Ist. 2001 - VIIth. 2013; VIIIth 2015

2002 Regulations for the Academic Evaluation and Quality Improvement at the Higher Education Institutions


Towards establishment of ARCHITECTURAL ACCREDITING BOARD UCTEA / Union Of Chambers of Turkish Engineers and Architects - Chamber of Turkish Architects established a commission to develop a system for accreditation of Architectural Education

2005 Start of EU full membership negotiations

Short history of AAB’s institualization -III


Regulations for the Academic Evaluation and Quality Improvement at the Higher Education Institutions

Yükseköğretim Kurumlarında Akademik Değerlendirme ve Kalite Geliştirme Yönetmeliği, YÖK, RGT: 20.09.2005, RGS: 25942/ rev. RG-28/12/2006-26390)

2006 Regulations for the establishment of Architectural Accrediting Board is introduced and then MİAK is established by Chamber of Turkish Architects and Heads of Department of Schools of Architecture (MOBBİG)

During its establishment and development process, MÜDEK (Engineering Deans Council) shared their experiences with MİAK. MÜDEK's this support was invaluable.

2. Introducing AAB*


• Basis

• Aim

• The Formation of the Architectural Accreditation Board

• Responsibilities and Activities of the Architectural Board

• Expenses of the Architectural Accreditation Board

*With reference to Regulations for ARCHITECTURAL ACCREDITING BOARD, 2006



EstablishmentItem 1- In compliance with the aims listed in the 2nd item of the law no. 6335 for the Union of Chambers of Turkish Engineers and Architects, to meet the common interests of the members of the profession, facilitate their professional practice, provide the improvement of the profession in compliance with general interests, to give the necessary assistance and suggestions in cooperation with official authorities in matters related to professional interests, with the responsibility of studying and reporting to those responsible their view and opinion regarding all the laws, norms and technical specifications regarding the profession, in order to assess and improve the architectural education, through quality assurance activities the “Architectural Accreditation Board” (AAB) as been established.



BasisItem 2- This regulation has been prepared based on the 135th item of the Constitution, the law No. 3458 regarding Engineering and Architecture and the 2nd and 39th items of the law No. 6235 for the Union of Chambers of Turkish Engineers and Architects.



AimItem 3- The main aim of the Architectural Accreditation Board is the assessment of the architectural education and its improvement through quality assurance activities. Thus by raising architects with better training and upgraded quality, it is targeted to further the welfare of the society. An educational institution, whether it has volunteered for, or has been forced to by responsible authorities, from a societal interest point of view, aims to guarantee that primarily those who have gradated through completing successfully an educational programme, the standards, the design skills, technical and professional qualities and the ethical formation they have achieved, is sufficient for perfect professional practice.



The Formation of the Architectural Accreditation Board Item 4- The Architectural Accreditation Board is formed out of seven (7) members, five (5) of which are elected from among the candidates nominated by the Heads of Department of Schools of Architecture (MOBBİG) and the remaining two (2) members are nominated by the Chamber of Architects of Turkey, from the Union of Chambers of Turkish Engineers and Architects. The term of duty for each elected member is two years.  Members of the Architectural Accreditation Board are chosen from among academic staff who have at least 15 years of experience in architectural assessment, or from among architects who have had 15 years of professional experience.



The Formation of the Architectural Accreditation Board Item 4- cont’ed During the first meeting, after these principles have come into effect, the Heads of Department of Schools of Architecture (MOBBİG), determine the list of candidates who have the necessary qualifications to take part in the Architectural Accreditation Board and send it for the approval of the Chamber of Architects of Turkey. The Central Executive Board has to choose 5 members of the council from among these candidates and nominate directly the other 2 within the first three months of coming into office.



Responsibilities and Activities of the Architectural Accreditation Board Item 6-The Architectural Accreditation Board is responsible for the assessment of architectural programmes and the development of policies, methods and criteria regarding its functionability. The Board reviews the prevailing policies, methods and criteria for assessment and makes suggestions for change.

The Board provides the criteria for assessment and notifies the public, student candidates, consultants, parents of future students, educational and professional institutions, related private or state employment agencies and defines and announces the names of the architectural programmes which have achieved these criteria and have been found satisfactory.



Responsibilities and Activities of the ABBrchitectural Board Item 6- cont’ed 

The Board brings together the Teams for Programme Assessment and ensures that the assessment is done within the pre-set criteria.The Board ensures the training of the Programme Assessment Teams and its own members. The Architectural Accreditation Board defines its policy, working principles and the criteria for assessment.The Board prepares its budget, work programme and work report. The realization of these responsibilities and activities is made possible through working together with the Board of Consultants and the Programme Assessment Teams. Both the Consultants’ Council and the Programme Assessment Teams help the Architectural Accreditation Council in achieving its aims.



Expenses of the Architectural Accreditation BoardItem 12- These expenses comprise all expenditure made for activities undertaken towards realizing the aims of the Board. These are met by the Chamber of Architects of Turkey, in compliance with the approved budget.All expenditures of the Board are shown in a separate item within the budget of the Chamber of Architects of Turkey.

*Due to the significant decline in revenues of Chamber of Architects, it has been decided to pricing of the services of MİAK. Legislative arrengements necessary for the institualisation of MİAK is still continuingç

3. AAB Conditions for Accreditation

Revised in 2015

Documents of AAB

1. Working Principles of ABB (2007)

2. AAB Precedures for Accreditation (Revised in 2014)

3. AAB Conditions for Accreditation ( Revised in 2015)

Giriş Anahtarı :


MİMARLAR ODASI MİMARLI K AKREDİ TASYON KURULU YÖNETMELİ Ğİ Kuruluş Madde 1- 6235 sayılı Türk Mühendis ve Mimar Odaları Birliği Kanunu’nun 2. maddesinde sayılan; meslek mensuplarının müşterek ihtiyaçlarını karşılamak, mesleki faaliyetlerini kolaylaştırmak, mesleğin genel menfaatlere uygun olarak gelişmesini sağlamak amaçlarıyla ve meslek menfaatleriyle ilgili işlerde resmî makamlarla işbirliği yaparak gerekli yardımlarda ve tekliflerde bulunmak, meslekle ilgili bütün mevzuatı, normları, fennî şartnameleri incelemek ve bunlar hakkındaki görüş ve düşünceleri ilgililere bildirmek görevleriyle, mimarlık eğitimini değerlendirmek ve yetkinlik çalışmaları aracılığı ile geliştirmek üzere “Mimarlık Akreditasyon Kurulu” (MİAK) kurulmuştur. Dayanak Madde 2- Bu Yönetmelik; Anayasa’nın 135. maddesi ile 3458 sayılı Mühendislik ve Mimarlık Hakkındaki Kanun ve 6235 sayılı Türk Mühendis ve Mimar Odaları Birliği Kanunu’nun 2. ve 39. maddelerine dayanılarak hazırlanmıştır. Amaç Madde 3- Mimarlık Akreditasyon Kurulu’nun temel amacı mimarlık eğitimini değerlendirme ve yetkinlik çalışmaları aracılığı ile geliştirmektir. Böylece, daha iyi eğitilmiş ve kalitesi yükseltilmiş mimarlar yetiştirilerek toplum refahının ileri götürülmesi hedeflenmiştir. Bir eğitim kurumunun ister kendisi tarafından gönüllü talep edilmiş, ister yetkili kuruluşlar tarafından zorunlu tutulmuş olsun, toplum yararı açısından; öncelikle eğitim programını başarıyla tamamlayarak mezun olanların edindiği standartların yetkin bir mesleki pratik için gerekli tasarım, teknik ve mesleki becerilerinin ve kazanılan etik formasyonun yeterli olmasını garanti altına almayı amaçlar. Mimarlık Akreditasyon Kurulu Mimarlık Akreditasyon Kurulu’nun Oluşumu Madde 4- Mimarlık Akreditasyon Kurulu; yedi (7) üyeden oluşur. Yedi (7) üyenin beş (5) tanesi Mimarlık

Giriş Anahtarı :


MİMARLAR ODASI MİMARLIK AKREDİTASYON KURULU YÖNETMELİĞİ Kuruluş Madde 1- 6235 sayılı Türk Mühendis ve Mimar Odaları Birliği Kanunu’nun 2. maddesinde sayılan; meslek mensuplarının müşterek ihtiyaçlarını karşılamak, mesleki faaliyetlerini kolaylaştırmak, mesleğin genel menfaatlere uygun olarak gelişmesini sağlamak amaçlarıyla ve meslek menfaatleriyle ilgili işlerde resmî makamlarla işbirliği yaparak gerekli yardımlarda ve tekliflerde bulunmak, meslekle ilgili bütün mevzuatı, normları, fennî şartnameleri incelemek ve bunlar hakkındaki görüş ve düşünceleri ilgililere bildirmek görevleriyle, mimarlık eğitimini değerlendirmek ve yetkinlik çalışmaları aracılığı ile geliştirmek üzere “Mimarlık Akreditasyon Kurulu” (MİAK) kurulmuştur. Dayanak Madde 2- Bu Yönetmelik; Anayasa’nın 135. maddesi ile 3458 sayılı Mühendislik ve Mimarlık Hakkındaki Kanun ve 6235 sayılı Türk Mühendis ve Mimar Odaları Birliği Kanunu’nun 2. ve 39. maddelerine dayanılarak hazırlanmıştır. Amaç Madde 3- Mimarlık Akreditasyon Kurulu’nun temel amacı mimarlık eğitimini değerlendirme ve yetkinlik çalışmaları aracılığı ile geliştirmektir. Böylece, daha iyi eğitilmiş ve kalitesi yükseltilmiş mimarlar yetiştirilerek toplum refahının ileri götürülmesi hedeflenmiştir. Bir eğitim kurumunun ister kendisi tarafından gönüllü talep edilmiş, ister yetkili kuruluşlar tarafından zorunlu tutulmuş olsun, toplum yararı açısından; öncelikle eğitim programını başarıyla tamamlayarak mezun olanların edindiği standartların yetkin bir mesleki pratik için gerekli tasarım, teknik ve mesleki becerilerinin ve kazanılan etik formasyonun yeterli olmasını garanti altına almayı amaçlar. Mimarlık Akreditasyon Kurulu Mimarlık Akreditasyon Kurulu’nun Oluşumu Madde 4- Mimarlık Akreditasyon Kurulu; yedi (7) üyeden oluşur. Yedi (7) üyenin beş (5) tanesi Mimarlık

Criteria for Programme AssessmentItem 11- The main headlines for the criteria for programme

assessment are the following:a) Philosophy of the programmeb) The composition and structure of the programmec) Knowledge and competence expected from the graduated) Human resourcese) Learning resources (physical resources)f) Financial resourcesg) Quality provision and improvementh) Student support and guidancei) Rewarding systemsj) A report is prepared in compliance with these criteria,

emphasising the strong points of the programme, its deficiencies, insufficiencies and negative points.

Conditions for Accreditation* 2014

Courses which should be contained in the educational curriculum of the program and fields of knowledge and skills which the graduate should acquire are gathered under five main headings:

 I) Architecture- Design/Creative Thinking II) Architecture- History/Theory, Culture/Art III)Architecture- Environment/City/Society IV) Architecture- Technology V) Architecture- Professional Medium

Each field contains the knowledge, skills and abilities which architectural education aims to provide to the graduate.

*For Architectural Undergraduate Programmes

Conditions for Accreditation* 2014 cont’d.

Each field contains the knowledge, skills and abilities which architectural education aims to provide to the graduate. These are defined in two levels: Understanding: This is the capacity to comprehend information which has been internalized. This is the ability to interpret, explain, summarize, compare and classify information, in short the ability to internalize it.

 Ability: Proficiency in using specific information to accomplish a task. It is the ability to use the acquired information in diverse representative mediums. The ability to choose relevant information when solving a specific problem, and to be aware of the diverse use of this information.

*For Architectural Undergraduate Programmes

Architectural Undergraduate Programmes applied for accreditation to AAB

  Name of the Programme Type of Accreditation

Year of Accreditation

Year of Next Visit

Valid Document

1 ANADOLU UNIVERSITYFaculty of Architecture and Design Department of Architecture

2 Years - Supervising

2008 2010AAB Procedures


3 Years 2010 2013AAB Procedures-

2009 / 8.1.2.c

6 Years - Conditional

2014 2020AAB Procedures-

2012 / 8.2.2.b

2 YILDIZ TECHNICAL UNIVERSITYFaculty of Architecture Department of Architecture

6 Years 2010 2016AAB Procedures-

2009 / 8.1.2.a

3 ISTANBUL KÜLTÜR UNIVERSITYFaculty of Architecture Department of Architecture

3 Years 2010 2013AAB Procedures-

2009 / 8.1.2.c

6 Years - Conditional

2014 2020AAB Procedures-

2012 / 8.2.2.b

6 Years (Conditional)

2011 2017

AAB Procedures-2009 / 8.1.2.b

(Conditional Assesment completed in 2014.)

2013 2019

2014 2020

2014 2020


  OKAN UNIVERSITYFaculty of Engineering Architecture and Design Department of Architecture

Application Accepted.


In January 2012, ABB recognized by the Higher Education Council and awarded with Quality Assessment Certificate.

Recognition of AAB 2012

4. Recognition and Validation of AAB 2012-2015

In April 2015, Quality Assessment Certificate of ABB was revised and validated for the two years by the Higher Education Council.

AAB is still a national non-governmental agency.

Validation for 2 years, 2015

AAB is a national non-governmental agency.

Aiming to become a partner of Canberra Accord, AAB is in contact with below listed international accreditation institutions:

• NAAB National Architectural Accrediting Board of US

• Canberra Accord: an international platform • UIA/ International Union of Architects• RIBA

Canberra Accord

Signed in April 2008, the Canberra Accord is a document by seven accreditation/validation agencies in architectural education.

The Canberra Accord is intended to facilitate the portability of educational credentials between the countries whose accreditation/validation agencies signed the Accord.

It does not address matters related to professional registration or licensure.

thank you for your attention

Prof. Dr. Neriman Şahin Güçhan MİAK, Board [email protected]