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Experience with Safe Memory Management in Cyclone

Michael HicksUniversity of Maryland, College Park

Joint work with

Greg Morrisett - Harvard

Dan Grossman - UW

Trevor Jim - AT&T


• Derived from C, having similar goals– Exposes low-level data representations,

provides fine-grained operations

• But safe– Restrictions to C (e.g., (int *)1 not allowed)– Additions and types to regain flexibility

• Today: balancing safety and flexibility when managing memory

Goal: Programmer Control

• Many memory management choices– Garbage collection– Stack allocation

– malloc/free– Reference counting (Linux, COM)– Arenas (bulk free) (Apache, LCC)

• Depends on the application

Unifying Theme: Region types

• Conceptually divide memory into regions– Different kinds of regions (e.g., not just bulk-free)

• Associate every pointer with a region

• Prevent dereferencing pointers into dead regions

int *`r x; // x points into region `r *x = 3; // deref allowed if `r is live

(inference often obviates annotations `r)

Liveness by type & effects system (Tofte&Talpin)


• Motivation and basic approach

• Regions description– Basics: LIFO arenas, stack and heap regions– Unique and reference-counted pointers– Dynamic arenas

• Programming experience• Experimental measurements• Conclusions

LIFO Arenas

• Dynamic allocation mechanism• Lifetime of entire arena is scoped

– At conclusion of scope, all data allocated in the arena is freed.

LIFO Arena Example

FILE *infile = …

Image *i;

if (tag(infile) == HUFFMAN) {

region<`r> h; // region `r created

struct hnode *`r huff_tree;

huff_tree = read_tree(h,infile); // allocates with h

i = decode_image(infile,huff_tree,…);

// region `r deallocated upon exit of scope

} else …

Stack and Heap Regions

• Stack regions– Degenerate case of LIFO arena which does

not allow dynamic allocation– Essentially activation records

• Heap region– A global region `H that is always live– Like a LIFO arena that never dies; objects

reclaimed by a garbage collector

Scoped Regions Summary

See PLDI `02 paper for more details

Region Variety




(what) (when)



Stack static whole region

exit of scope


LIFO Arena


Heap single objects



• No runtime access checks• Arena/stacks

– costs are constant-time• region allocation• region deallocation• object creation

– useful for• Temporary data (e.g., local variables)• Callee-allocates data (rprintf)• Lots of C-style code


• Lack of control over memory usage– Spurious retention of regions and their objects– Fragmentation– Extra space required by the garbage collector

• Lack of control over CPU usage– Garbage collection is “one-size-fits-all”

• Hard to tune

– Cannot avoid GC in some cases: LIFO arenas not expressive enough

• E.g., objects with overlapping lifetimes

Overcoming the Limitations

• Allow greater control over lifetimes– Object lifetimes

• Unique pointers and reference-counted pointers

– Arena lifetimes• Dynamic arenas

• But not for nothing ...– Restrictions on aliasing– Possibility of memory leaks

Unique Region

• Distinguished region name `U

• Individual objects can be freed manually• An intraprocedural, flow-sensitive analysis

– ensures that a unique pointer is not used after it is consumed (i.e. freed)

– treats copies as destructive; i.e. only one usable copy of a pointer to the same memory

– Loosely based on affine type systems

Unique Pointer Example

void foo() {

int *`U x = malloc(sizeof(int));

int *`U y = x; // consumes x

*x = 5; // disallowed

free(y); // consumes y

*y = 7; // disallowed


Temporary Aliasing

• Problem: Non-aliasing too restrictive• Partial solution: Allow temporary, lexically-

scoped aliasing under acceptable conditions– Makes unique pointers easier to use– Increases code reuse

Alias construct

extern void f(int *`r x); // `r any scoped region

void foo() {

int *`U x = malloc(sizeof(int));

*x = 3;

{ alias <`r>int *`r y = x; // `r fresh

f(y); // y aliasable, but x consumed

} // x unconsumed



Alias inference

extern void f(int *`r x); // `r any scoped region

void foo() {

int *`U x = malloc(sizeof(int));

*x = 3;

f(x); // alias inserted here automatically



Reference-counted Pointers

• Distinguished region `RC • Objects allocated in `RC have hidden

reference-count field

• Aliasing tracked as with unique pointers. Explicit aliasing/freeing via

`a *`RC alias_refptr(`a *`RC);

void drop_refptr(`a *`RC);

Reference-counting Example

struct conn * `RC cmd_pasv(struct conn * `RC c) { struct ftran * `RC f; int sock = socket(...); f = alloc_new_ftran(sock,alias_refptr(c)); c->transfer = alias_refptr(f); listen(f->sock, 1); f->state = 1; drop_refptr(f); return c;}

Regions Summary

Region Variety




(what) (when)



Stack static whole region

exit of scope


LIFO dynamic

Dynamic manual

Heap single objects


Unique manual



Ensuring Uniformity and Reuse

• Many different idioms could be hard to use– Duplicated library functions– Hard-to-change application code

• We have solved this problem by– Using region types as a unifying theme– Region polymorphism with kinds

• E.g., functions independent of arguments’ regions

– All regions can be treated as if lexical• Temporarily, under correct circumstances• Using alias and open constructs

Boa web server

BetaFTPD ftp server

Epic image compression

Kiss-FFT portable fourier transform

MediaNet streaming overlay network

CycWeb web server

CycScheme scheme interpreter

Programming Experience

QuickTime™ and aTIFF (LZW) decompressor

are needed to see this picture.

Application Characteristics

QuickTime™ and aTIFF (LZW) decompressor

are needed to see this picture.

MediaNet Datastructures

• Platform– Dual 1.6 GHz AMD Athlon MP 2000

• 1 GB RAM• Switched Myrinet

– Linux 2.4.20 (RedHat)

• Software – C code: gcc 3.2.2– Cyclone code: cyclone 0.8– GC: BDW conservative collector 6.24– malloc/free: Lea allocator 2.7.2

Experimental Measurements

• CPU time– Most applications do not benefit from switching

from BDW GC to manual approach– MediaNet is the exception

• Memory usage– Can reduce memory footprint and working set

size by 2 to 10 times by using manual techniques

Bottom Line

QuickTime™ and aTIFF (LZW) decompressor

are needed to see this picture.

Throughput: Webservers

QuickTime™ and aTIFF (LZW) decompressor

are needed to see this picture.

Throughput: MediaNet

QuickTime™ and aTIFF (LZW) decompressor

are needed to see this picture.

Memory Usage: Web (I)

Memory Usage: Web (II)

QuickTime™ and aTIFF (LZW) decompressor

are needed to see this picture.

Memory Usage: Web (III)

QuickTime™ and aTIFF (LZW) decompressor

are needed to see this picture.

QuickTime™ and aTIFF (LZW) decompressor

are needed to see this picture.

Memory Usage: MediaNet

(4 KB packets)

Related Work

• Regions– ML-Kit (foundation for Cyclone’s type system)– RC– Reaps– Walker/Watkins

• Uniqueness– Wadler, Walker/Watkins, Clean– Alias types, Calculus of Capabilities, Vault– Destructive reads (e.g., Boyland)

Future Work

• Tracked pointers sometimes painful; want– Better inference (e.g. for alias)– Richer API (restrict; autorelease)

• Prevent leaks– unique and reference-counted pointers

• Specified aliasing– for doubly-linked lists, etc.

• Concurrency


• High degree of control, safely:

• Sound mechanisms for programmer-controlled memory management– Region-based vs. object-based deallocation– Manual vs. automatic reclamation

• Region-annotated pointers within a simple framework– Scoped regions unifying theme (alias,open)– Region polymorphism, for code reuse

More Information

• Cyclone homepage–

• Has papers, benchmarks from this paper, and free distribution– Read about it, write some code!