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Fo llo w B allabio l w w w.ballabio .n et l in fo @ ballabio .n et

Excellence is a path.


Inspire d by passion.

Full of sacrifice and com m itm e nt.

A path w e h ave tak e n w ith all our h e art, w aiting for th e

righ t tim e th at dictate s th e nature , m ak ing e xpe ri-

m e nts, ch alle nging th e natural ch aracte ristics of th e

te rritory, te sting and re se arch ing in de tail th e be st w ay

to re ach an am bitious goal ...

Only with great care and love in every stageof the work we can obtain a valuable product.

30 m onth s of re fining

th e ye ast to obtain a fine

cre am y and e vane sce nt pe rlage ,

sce nts of toaste d

nuts and fre sh bre ad,

w ith an h arm onious

vivacity and e xtre m e ly vivacity and e xtre m e ly

pe rsiste nt afte rtaste .

Today we are proud to share with you the first fruits of our path to excellence:

our Pinot Noir version classic method.

…of tak ing our Pinot Noir grape s

to th e h igh e st standards for

cre ating a uniq ue spark ling w ine .

An entrepreneurial project and a challenge

Th e love for good food, th e strong bonds w ith th e Italian tradition and th e te rritory,profe ssionalism , and passion for gre at w ine s h ave cre ate d a spe cial union be tw e e n th re e

partne rs in an am bitious ne w ve nture .Th e ch alle nge of re ach ing th e h igh e st le ve ls of q uality th rough a uniq ue re ality in

Oltre pò Pave se is just th e be ginning of an am azing journe y.Th e re cognition of G am be ro Rosso is a boost to th e collaboration be tw e e nTh e re cognition of G am be ro Rosso is a boost to th e collaboration be tw e e nCantina Ballabio, th e oe nologist Carlo Casave cch ia and Fe de gari G roup.

Th e passion for e xce lle nce , continuous innovation and ch alle nge s give us th e confide nce to ach ie ve e xtraordinary re sults in any conte xt.

From proce ss m ach ine s to w ine .