Download - Excel Project 2 Formulas, Functions, and Formatting · Excel Project 2 – Formulas, Functions, and Formatting 1. Open a blank Excel spreadsheet 2. Save the spreadsheet as Project

Page 1: Excel Project 2 Formulas, Functions, and Formatting · Excel Project 2 – Formulas, Functions, and Formatting 1. Open a blank Excel spreadsheet 2. Save the spreadsheet as Project

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Excel Project 2 – Formulas, Functions, and Formatting

1. Open a blank Excel spreadsheet

2. Save the spreadsheet as Project 2 Formulas, Functions, and Formatting on your network drive

3. In cell A1, type Silver Dollars Stock Club and then press the down arrow

4. Type Portfolio Summary in cell A2

5. In cell A3, type Stock and then press the right arrow key

6. In cell B3, type Symbol and then press the right arrow key

7. In cell C3, type Date, then press ALT + ENTER. Type Acquired and then press the right arrow key

8. In cell D3, type Shares and then press the right arrow key

9. In cell E3, type Initial, then press ALT + ENTER, then type Price, then press ALT + ENTER, and type Per Share. Press the right arrow key

10. In cell F3, type Initial then press ALT + ENTER, then type Cost. Press the right arrow key.

11. In cell G3, type Current, press ALT + ENTER, type Price, press ALT + ENTER, type Per Share. Press the right arrow key.

12. In cell H3, type Current, press ALT + ENTER, then type Value. Press the right arrow key.

13. In cell I3, type Gain/Loss. Press the right arrow key.

14. In cell J3, type Percent, then press ALT + ENTER. Type Gain/Loss Check your spreadsheet with the image below.

Page 2: Excel Project 2 Formulas, Functions, and Formatting · Excel Project 2 – Formulas, Functions, and Formatting 1. Open a blank Excel spreadsheet 2. Save the spreadsheet as Project

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15. Click cell A4, type Apple Computers, then press the right arrow key

16. Type AAPL in cell B4, then press the right arrow key

17. Type 12/1/14 in cell C4, then press the right arrow key

18. Type 440 in cell D4, then press the right arrow key

19. Type 64.59 in cell E4

20. Click cell G4

21. Type 82.99 in cell G4

22. Then click cell A5. Save your changes.

23. Using the table below, enter the data into your spreadsheet in rows 5 through 8

Stock Symbol Date Acquired

Shares Initial Price Per Share

Initial Cost

Current Price Per Share

Apple Computers AAPL 12/1/2014 440 64.59 82.99

AT&T T 12/16/2013 870 28.71 27.99

Comcast CMCSA 12/11/2012 380 33.62 41.39

Google GOOG 12/2/2014 920 390.32 492.55

Home Depot HD 11/14/2014 770 34.54 31.72


Page 3: Excel Project 2 Formulas, Functions, and Formatting · Excel Project 2 – Formulas, Functions, and Formatting 1. Open a blank Excel spreadsheet 2. Save the spreadsheet as Project

7th grade Business & Computer Science 3

24. Check your spreadsheet with the image below. Make any corrections and save changes.

25. Click cell A9 and type Totals. Then press the down arrow key.

26. Type Average in cell A10. Then press the down arrow key.

27. Type Highest in cell A11. Then press the down arrow key.

28. Type Lowest in cell A12. Then press the down arrow key.

29. Save your changes.


30. In cell F4, type =d4*e4 (This will display the formula in the formula bar. This formulas means multiplication will take place).

31. In cell H4, type = then click cell D4, type *, then click cell G4. Press Enter

32. Click cell I4 to select it

33. Type = then click cell H4, type – then click F4. Press Enter. (This formulas means subtraction will take place).

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34. Click cell J4

35. Type = then click cell I4, type /, then click cell F4. Press Enter. (This formulas means division will take place).

36. Save your changes.

37. Click cell F4. Use your fill handle to copy the formula to the range F5 through F8.

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Page 6: Excel Project 2 Formulas, Functions, and Formatting · Excel Project 2 – Formulas, Functions, and Formatting 1. Open a blank Excel spreadsheet 2. Save the spreadsheet as Project

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38. Use your fill handle for columns H, I, and J to copy the formulas through row 8. Check your spreadsheet with the image below. Save changes.

39. Click cell F9

40. Use the AutoSum button on the Home Ribbon to display the total for this column

41. Use the AutoSum button to display the totals for columns, H and I.

42. In J9, type =I9/F9 then press Enter. Check your spreadsheet with the image below. Save


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43. Click cell D10

44. Type =av in the cell to display the Formula AutoComplete list

45. Point to the AVERAGE function name

46. Double click the AVERAGE function name

47. Select the range D4:D8 to insert the range as the argument to the AVERAGE function. Check the image below for help.

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48. Click the Enter box to compute the average for the range D4:D8

49. Click cell D11

50. Type =max(d4:d8) and then press Enter

51. Click cell D12

52. Type =min(d4:d8) and then press Enter

53. Save changes.

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54. Select D10 through D12. Using your fill handle, copy the Average, Max, and Min functions to the

range E10 through J12. See the images below.

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55. Save changes

56. Select the range A1:J1 and click the Merge and Center button on the Home Ribbon

57. Select the range A2:J2 and click the Merge and Center button on the Home Ribbon

58. Select cells A1 and A2. From the Cell Styles menu, choose Title.

59. Change the font size in A2 to 14. Save changes.

60. Select cells A1 and A2. Click the Fill Color button on the Home Ribbon.

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61. Choose Blue, Accent 1, Lighter 80% from the menu

62. Select the range E4:I4 then click the Accounting Number Format on the Home Ribbon.

63. Select the range E8:I8 then click the Accounting Number Format on the Home Ribbon.

64. Select the range E5:I7 then click the Comma Style button on the Home Ribbon. Save changes.

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65. Select the range J4:J12 then click the Percent Style button on the Home Ribbon. Then click the Increase Decimal button on the Home Ribbon TWO TIMES.

You should see two decimal places in Column J.

66. Place your cursor between Column A and B until you see this symbol

67. Double click between the columns to automatically resize the column. Save changes.

68. Place you name in cell A14

69. Save your changes

70. Call instructor over for screen check.

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Sample of completed Project 2.

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Follow the instructions below to create the spreadsheet, Blue Ocean Design Wear.

1. Using the image below, set up and format your spreadsheet so that it looks similar.

2. Save the spreadsheet as Lab 2-1

3. You want to find the total sales for each product. In cell F4, enter the formula =Units Sold * (Cost + Profit) or =E4*(C4+D4) then press ENTER.

4. You want to find the total profit for each product. In cell G4, enter the formula =Units Sold * Profit or =E4*D4 then press ENTER.

5. You want to find the % profit for each product. In cell H4, enter the formula = Total Profit/Total Sales or =G4/F4 then press ENTER.

6. Using your Fill Handle, copy the formula in cell F4 to the range F5:F10.

7. Using your Fill Handle, copy the formula in cell G4 to the range G5:G10.

8. Using your Fill Handle, copy the formula in cell H4 to the range H5:H10.

9. Save changes.

10. In row 11, use a function or formula to find the totals for columns E through G.

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11. Click on cell H10. Use your Fill Handle to copy the formula to cell H11.

12. Format the ranges C4:D4, F4:G4, and F11:G11 with Accounting Number Format.

13. Using appropriate functions, find the highest, lowest, and average figures for each column. Place these functions in the range B12:G14.

14. Format column H with two (2) decimal places for each percentage.

15. Format the ranges C12:D14 and F12:G14 with Accounting Number Format.

16. Type your name in A16 and save.

17. Check your spreadsheet with the image below, then call instructor over for screen check.