Download - Everyday use

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Everyday use

By Alice Walker

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Question #1

• What are your impressions of each character?

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• How do you feel about Dee’s wanting nice things and leaving home?Explain

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• Do you think that the narrator made the right choice at the end of the story? Explain

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• What dream does the narrator recall as she waits for Dee in the yard?

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• A) What objects does Dee ask to have?

• B) What does she intend to do with each one?

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• What is Dee’s response when the narrator says that she has promised to give the quilts to Maggie?

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• A) What narrator’s remarks at the beginning of the story reveal about her relationship with each of her daughters?

• B) How does her relationship with each one change during the course of the story?

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• A) what is ironic about Dee’s taking picture after picture of her family in front of the house?

• B) what is ironic about her professed interest in he heritage?

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• A0 what do the quilts mean to Dee?

• B) what do they mean to Maggie?

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• How well do you think the narrator understands her daughters? Explain

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• Do you think that it would have been possible for Dee to embrace her African heritage without rejecting her American heritage?

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• A) what heirlooms does your family treasure?

• B) What makes them important?