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Page 1: Evangelism Training Clinic - Helpers of Your Joy...Week 1. Learn how to overcome excuses. Week 2. Learn the three critical issues. Week 3. Learn how to present the gospel. Week 4.

Evangelism Training Clinic

Developing An Overall Evangelistic StrategyThe Body of Christ has as its purpose the glory of God by performing the good works He designed it to accomplish.

The Local Church has three basic objectives (Acts 14:21-23), which control what we do and teach:

1. EVANGELISM: The proclamation of the gospel of grace to non-believers resulting in their conversion to Jesus Christ and fellowship in the local body of believers.

2. EDIFICATION: The equipping of believers with sound doctrine so that they experience genuine spiritual growth, which results in doctrinal unity, personal integrity and corporate harmony.

3. EXPANSION: The sending and supporting of spiritually mature and properly trained workers into every community and culture of the world resulting in planting grace churches in every ethnic grouping.

The Specific Objectives for the Evangelism Training Clinic:

Week 1. Learn how to overcome excuses.Week 2. Learn the three critical issues.Week 3. Learn how to present the gospel.Week 4. Learn how to be precise.Week 5. Learn how to deal with objections.Week 6. Learn how to follow up.Week 7. Learn how to farm.Week 8. Learn how to look beyond the church walls.

“It is not at all an easy calling to be a soul-winner. He does not sit in the armchair and catch fish. He has to go out in rough weather. If he that regardeth clouds will not sow, I am sure he that regardeth clouds will never fish. If we never do any work for Christ except when we feel up to the mark, we shall not do much. We must be always at it, until we wear ourselves out, throwing our whole soul into the work in all weather, for Christ’s sake.” ~ Charles H. Spurgeon.

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LESSON 1 ~ How To Overcome Excuses

The Top Three Reasons Believers Fail To Evangelize

In a survey conducted by The Foundation For Evangelism – United Methodist Church, the top three reasons why believers fail to evangelize are:

Reason #3. “It’s the Pastor’s job.”Reason #2. “I don’t know what to say.”Reason #1. “I’m too frightened.”

Whose job is it?

God did not entrust His gospel to a band of spiritual elite. Believers are all the children of light, in possession of that life-giving knowledge of Jesus Christ and Him crucified. 2 Cor. 4:3-7; 2 Tim. 1:10; Phil. 2:15,16; Eph. 5:8-13; et. al. The work of evangelism is not the responsibility of “gifted” men, or of professionally trained men.

In Acts 8:1 we see the method of evangelism employed. Here, we see God’s people (not the apostles) “preaching the word.” Euangelizo (preaching) means, “evangelizing.” That is, everybody except the apostles went everywhere evangelizing. In 1 Thess. 1:8 the saints “sounded out the word of the Lord” Execheomai (sounded) means, “to echo forth.” All believers are given the glorious privilege of repeating the claims of God regarding His son to the world!

What do I say?

Welcome to ETC! Our goal is to equip each believer with a loving and precise strategy that:

A. Provides an opening.B. Addresses the three critical issues of the gospel.C. Leads an unbeliever to the critical point of decision.

Why am I afraid?

When you hear the word “evangelism” what goes through your mind? Offending people, looking like a religious nut, losing friends, ruining your reputation, looking like a fool, rejection, failure, being intrusive, being ridiculed, not knowing what to say, not knowing how to respond to objections, etc.

A. Fear is rational.B. Fear can be sin – when it paralyzes from doing what ought to be

done.C. Fear is a constant – it must be faced and dealt with.

“Courage is never the absence of fear. Courage is doing what is right in spite of your fear”

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Fear cannot be eliminated; therefore it must be displaced by something else, something stronger. Just as the only way to get air out of a glass is to fill it with something, fear can be overcome only by displacement.

Displace fear with F.E.A.R


A. Faith in the Message:Romans 1:16 – it works and you know it personally! You become incredibly dynamicwhen you believe what you are saying is true.

B. Faith in the Messenger:Romans 1:15 – ‘as much as in me is” – You have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ, so take it personally! Appreciate whom God has made us in Christ: Saints – Forgiven – Redeemed – Ambassadors.


A. 1 Thessalonians 2:13 – “The word of God, which effectually worketh also in you that believe.” As we continue to learn and grow in grace, the power of God works in us to do the job.


A. 2 Corinthians 4:13; 1 Thessalonians 2:1,2 – “Just do it!” Taking action is the basic key to overcoming fear. Look for someone who will say “yes.” Plan your work – work your plan.


A. Without a WHY you’ll be crushed by fear – Proverbs 29:18.

1. Power – 2 Timothy 1:7. We can have absolute confidence in our “medicine.”

2. Love – 2 Timothy 1:7. See 2 Corinthians 5:14,15 and Romans 5:8.3. Sound Mind – 2 Timothy 1:7. The ability to distinguish between our

personal identity and rejection of our message. (We know what is really going on).

If you have a big enough “why,” you can do anything!

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In our Christian world, stereotypes abound. Some think we must share the gospel in the prescribed ways we have always heard about and sometimes shudder over: Knocking on doors. Standing on street corners passing out tracts. Carrying our Bibles to school or work. For some, these ways work. For most, they don’t. And because of this, many believers upon hearing the word “evangelism” are struck with terror knowing they are unable or unwilling to follow the “prescribed” stereotypical methods. As a result they feel guilt and shame, convinced that they aren’t as faithful as others and can never be wholly “sold out unto the Lord.” But there is a way of evangelism that fits every believer, a way that utilizes a believer’s own unique personality. Learn to like people. Be interested in people. Learn about a person’s likes & dislikes, their attitudes, their stories, their discoveries, their interests, their joys, their sorrows, what they do and why they do it. Show them that you genuinely care about them and for them. Someone coined the phrase “gossiping the gospel.” That is what we’re talking about. People engaged in normal, meaningful conversation, which evolves into talking about one’s personal acquaintance with the Lord Jesus Christ! The proclamation of the gospel that blossoms out of a normal, ordinary conversation, as two people ask questions of each other, explain, and just plain talk. ~ Carroll F. Hunt (Adapted)

The Four Cornerstones of Effective Evangelism.

Preparation Passion Prayer Persistence


In Romans 1:15 Paul says, “I am ready to preach the gospel.” Jeremiah 20:9 is a great illustration.


In Romans 1:15 Paul says, “as much as in me is.” 2 Cor. 5:14 says, “For the love of Christ constraineth us.” Evangelism is designed to be the outflow of the overflow of the inflow of love for the Lord Jesus Christ that comes to us through “the full assurance of understanding” all that He accomplished for us through Calvary. 1 Corinthians 9:16 is a great illustration.


In 1 Timothy 2:1-4 Paul says, “that…prayers be made for all men.” As we commune with God about what He is doing, “Who will have all men to be saved…,” we make ourselves accountable to God, seeking to conform every area of life to His revealed will. Our fellowship in prayer with God causes our inner-man to “reconnect” with His plan and purpose. The Lord Jesus Christ and His “Abba Father” prayer is a great example. See also Luke 5:16; 6:12; 22:41-44.


In 1 Timothy 4:10 Paul says, “ …we both labour and suffer reproach, because we trust in the living God, who is the Saviour of all men.” The results of evangelism are not always

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noticeable or always instantaneous. We can become easily discouraged and think our energy and effort is for naught. Remember, God does not have a day planner system with a list of deadlines. Be persistent in sowing the gospel, and let God give the increase. The typical believer believed the gospel after an average of “seven hearings and three touches.”


1. Make Memory Verse Cards for the following verses: I John 5:13 Romans 3:10Romans 3:23 Romans 4:4, 5 Romans 4:20, 21 Romans 5:8Romans 6:23Romans 10:17Revelation 21:8 Ephesians 1:13 Ephesians 2:8, 9 Isaiah 53:6 Galatians 3:10 II Corinthians 5:21 James 2:10James 2:19.

2 Memorize I John 5:13Romans 3:10Romans 3:23Romans 6:23Romans 5:8.

3. Memorize the three critical issues:

1. All men are sinners, and sin separates from God.

2. Calvary is God’s only solution for man’s sin.

3. Believe by personal choice and relying exclusively upon Christ’s work on the cross to be sufficient payment for sin.

4. Make a list of unsaved people with whom you have a relationship.

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LESSON 2Learning The Three Critical IssuesLearning The “Crunch Questions”

The gospel is not only precious, it is also precise. Therefore, we need to see the basic issues of the gospel so clearly that it becomes second nature to share them.

Romans 3:23 – 25 clearly state the “Three Critical Issues” that every unbeliever must understand.

#1 – Romans 3:23 #2 – Romans 3:24 #3 – Romans 3:25

All have sinned .

(Establish the need)


1. What sin is.

____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________

2. What sin earns. ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________

Redemption in Christ Jesus

(Provide the solution)


1. Eternal life is thru the cross. ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________

2. Eternal life is a free gift. ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ______________________

Faith in His blood .

(Encourage the response)


1. Only faith can save.

____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________

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Learn these three great issues word perfect! They are the bedrock of the gospel. Knowing them thoroughly develops reserve power in our presentation.




When you know these Three Critical Issues – in fact, when you know these three sentences – you know enough to lead a person to a saving knowledge of Jesus Christ. Our task is to make these issues as clear as possible to whomever we are talking with, and to persuade our listener that he can act immediately by claiming Christ as his or her own Savior. This must not be done, however, until we are persuaded that the listener understands and believes these great issues.


In order to meet a stranger, win his confidence and discover where he stands spiritually, you must learn to ask effective questions. The following is an extremely powerful, direct and helpful way to accomplish this. We call them "crunch questions" because they go to the heart of the real issues. Make asking these questions a habit and you will find opportunities to present the gospel multiplying on every hand.

Ice Breakers

“Do you ever think about spiritual things?”

“What is your concept of God?”

“Who is Jesus Christ to you?”

“Do you attend a church?” “Why? “Why not?”

Crunch Question

“Will you go to heaven when you die?”

If Response is “YES”

“How do you know?”

“If God asks you, ‘Why should I let you into heaven’, what would your answer be?”


“If I could show you (based on the authority of scripture) that you can know ____, would you want to know?” or “would you want to hear it?” or “would you let me share it with you?”

If Response is “NO”

“Do you think a person could ever know?”

“If you could know, would you want to know?”

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These questions are designed to "break the ice" by soliciting their viewpoint and thoughts.

1. "May I ask you a question?" (This is a simple and effective way to ask permission to talk to anyone!).

2. "Do you think much about spiritual things?"

3. "What is your concept of God?" "Do you have a concept of what God is like?"

Always be looking for an effective way to open a conversation that fits your personality. The above should work for anyone.


1. GENERAL QUESTION: (Brings their thinking to this vital issue).

"If a bomb were to drop in the next five minutes and we were all killed, do you know for certain where you would spend eternity?" or "If a bomb were to drop in the next five minutes and we were all killed, do you know for certain that you would go to heaven to be with the Lord?"

(If they answer, "No," go to the next question. If "yes;" "maybe;" "hope so;" etc., then, "I see, let me ask you this:")

2 SPECIFIC QUESTION: (Here they must commit themselves and thus identify exactly what they are relying on). "Suppose you did die today and stood before God, and He should ask you, ‘Why should I let you into my Heaven?' What would your answer be?"


This is the most powerful and effective question you can ask because it establishes this as a genuinely interested listener and you as an authoritative communicator of God's Word.


"Do you think it's possible for a person to know for sure they have eternal life?" or "Do you think a person can know for sure where they will spend eternity?"


"I know you don't know, but if you could know, would you want to know?" or "If you could know--if I could show you on the authority of God's Word how you could have eternal life as a free gift, know that all your sins are forgiven, know that heaven will be your home when you die and how you can have peace with God while you're here, would you want to know?"

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(Romans 4:5)

A. ALL PEOPLE ARE SINNERS (Goal: Produce conviction. Make wrath “reasonable.” Acts 24:25)

1. What sin is: (Romans 3:23)

a. Sin is every action, attitude, thought, and word that violates God’s holy standard of righteousness. See Romans 1:29-32. Also include: lying, stealing, swearing, and taking God’s name in vain. (Pro. 6:17; Exodus 20:15; Rom. 3:14; Exodus 20:7).

b. Sin is every action, attitude, thought, and word that fails to achieve God’s holy standard of righteousness. Also include: unholy, unmerciful, unrighteous, unthankful, not seeking God, no fear of God, not loving God with ALL your HEART, SOUL, and MIND (Mat. 22:37), not being PERFECT (Mat. 5:48) not continuing in well doing (Rom. 2:7; Gal. 3:10; Jam. 2:10). (2 Tim. 3:2; Rom. 1:29-32; Rom. 3:11, 18; 1 Pet. 1:16).

c. We ALL sin in character and conduct. Romans 3:10-12; 13-18. Ecc. 7:20.We ALL demand our own way: "ME FIRST" (autonomy). Isa. 53:6.We ALL defy the God’s will: "Stay out of my life!" (rebellion). Rom 1:20–23.We ALL are driven by selfishness to do the wrong thing (unrighteousness). Rom. 1:28–32.

2. What sin earns: (Romans 6:23) All sinners will perish. (Death means separation)

a. Sin earns physical death. Rom. 5:12. Separation of soul and body. (Heb.9:27)

b. Sin earns spiritual death. Eph. 2:1-3. Separation of my spirit from God’s spirit.

c. Sin earns the second death. Rev. 20:14; 21:8. Separation from God in eternal torment. (Romans 2:8, 9)

B. CHRIST DIED FOR SINNERS Romans 3:25; 5:6–8. (Goal: Provide the solution)

1. God is loving. Key verses: Rom. 5:8; I John 4:8–10; Eph. 2:4; Eph. 5:2; Gal 2:20; John 3:16; I Timothy 2:4; 2 Peter 3:9; Ezek. 33:11.

2. Key concept: God wants everyone to be saved and know it.

3. Jesus Christ died on a cross to pay the penalty for man’s sins. Key verses:

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Romans 5:8; 4:24,25; 6:23b; I Corinthians 15:3,4; II Corinthians 5:21; Gal. 3:13; I Peter 3:18. Calvary is God’s only provision. The work of Christ can never be mixed with religious rites or moral obligations. We are not saved by our performance but by Christ's sacrifice on the cross.

4. Key concept: Christ is our Substitute and made full payment for all our sin. The saving work of Christ is a once-for-all transaction independent of our efforts. Because we do not await the outcome of any present contingencies, we can have peace with God today.

5. Eternal life is a free gift. Romans 3:24; 6:23. Because of Christ’s sacrifice for our sins, eternal life is a free gift offered by God’s grace.

a. Man tries to achieve Heaven through religion, good works, morality, philosophy, and self-righteousness. Key verses: Titus 3:5; Isa 64:6; Gal. 2:21; Phil. 3:7–9. ALL of man’s ways are incompatible with God’s ways (Isa 55:8, 9). God will never accept man’s efforts (2 Tim.1:9, 10). God has done ALL that is necessary to secure eternal life on man’s behalf (Eph 2:8,9; Titus 3:4–7; Rom. 5:15–21). Grace and works can never mix (Rom. 11:6).


1. Goal: Encourage a response. Key verses: Rom 3:27, 28; 4:5, 16; 5:1; Gal 3:24; Eph 2:8.

2. Choice: A person's will is involved. The gift of eternal life is available to anyone who will personally claim it for him or herself.

3. Trust: "Relying exclusively upon." Salvation is ours as we "recline in" or "sit down in" the promise of God. A person must transfer their trust in self or things to Jesus Christ and His completed work at the cross ALONE for eternal life.


1. Review verses learned thus far.

2. Memorize Romans 3:23-25; 4:4,5,20,21; 10:17; Isaiah 53:6.

3. Memorize the Crunch Questions. If you can, practice reciting them with someone.

4. Fill-in the “Three Critical Issues” chart with verses you would use on an unbeliever.

5.Purchase a pocket New Testament.

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LESSON 3Learning How To Present The Gospel

A comprehensive approach to presenting the gospel is a three-phase sequence. As you understand and work through each phase you will be in control of the presentation and in the most effective position to bring a person to the point of personal decision. Remember: we cannot make the choice of faith for others. Our job is to bring them to the point of a clearly understood decision--the decision is up to them!


Phase 1: The first moment of conversation to the discernment of a person's spiritual need.

Phase 2: The presentation of the gospel.

Phase 3: Leading the person to the point of decision.

A. PHASE ONE: (Evaluation)

Discernment of a person's spiritual need. Remember the “crunch questions” (lesson #2).

1. The Three-Step Process:

a. The Goal: Meet a stranger, win his confidence and discern where he stands spiritually.

b. The Steps:

1. Establish Rapport: make a personal connection.2. Ask Crunch Questions to identify spiritual standing.3. Ask Permission.

2. The Procedure:

a. Different situations, of course, require different adaptations. Try to relate with people by talking about sports, business, weather, current events, etc. Following the FORM method is an effective way to make people feel at ease. You are really saying, "Tell me something about you!" (Most people enjoy talking about themselves, and respond to those genuinely interested in them).

F = FAMILYSeek to understand who they are. Married? Children? Neighborhood?

0 = OCCUPATIONLine of work? School? Hobbies? Interests?

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R = RELIGIOUS LIFEDo you attend church? Religious background? Do not try to encourage criticism. Be genuinely interested in his appraisal of his own church background (watch for clues to spiritual condition).

M = MESSAGE“Christ put His church in the world to point men and women to eternal life. And yet so few people are satisfied with their lives! That was certainly true in my life… [Give your testimony--3 minute max.] Say, I've been talking a lot about myself. May I ask you a question?" (Go to Crunch Questions.)

B. PHASE TWO: (Presentation)

The presentation of the Gospel: Remember the “Three Critical Issues” (lesson #2). Use the “Three Critical Issues” chart, which address the Five Basic Truths of the Gospel. These five basic propositions, each succeeding one built upon the former, form a basic outline, which you must enhance with your own personality and illustrations. This is not a magic formula, it is a systematic, logical, passionate setting forth of saying facts! It may take five minutes or five hours to present this message in such a way that it produces conviction and understanding.

It may be helpful to think of your presentation of the gospel in terms of a body: the outline of the gospel is the skeleton, the Scripture verses which support this outline are the muscles, the clear illustrations of the facts are the flesh which helps to make rather abstract truths practical and vivid.

Our basic aim is to teach the Word of God and let the Holy Spirit use His Word to do the work. We want to be clear, not clever. The following are several models to help you develop your own presentation. Remember that your presentation is simply a vehicle to make the three critical issues of salvation logical and clear.

1. A "full approach" to presenting the gospel: "I used to believe that we couldn't know for certain where we were going when we died--but I was wrong! In fact the Bible clearly teaches that not only can we know where we will spend eternity but that we choose where we'll spend eternity. The Lord tells us in I John 5:13" (read).

a. Some people picture God as a fiendish concentration camp officer: arbitrarily choosing who will go to heaven and delighting in those who go to Hell.

b. This is not the Bible picture of God at all! Quote John 3:16, I Timothy 2:4, I Peter 3:9. God doesn't want anyone to perish. He wants every one to be saved and know it.

c. How, then, can people know?

2. "We turn to the Book of Romans, which is a book written specifically to us today [quote Romans 11:13] to give us the doctrine (or teaching) about salvation. I'm sure you've heard this first verse before, but it is a verse we all need to understand clearly:"

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(read Romans 3:10).

a. "Written ... good." The Bible proves that there is no exception: Apart from Jesus Christ, no one is perfect. None of us is what God intended us to be.

b. "not one" includes me, and you.

c. We've all got a lot to give account for! Illustration: 3 sins per day equals one thousand sins a year.

3 "The Lord goes on and tells us WHY it is, that, apart from Jesus Christ nobody is good:" (read Romans 3:23).

a. "All" -that means everybody. (Quote Ecclesiastes 7:20).

b. "Sinned"

1. Some will object to this. Illustration: "Oh, I'm not a sinner!" (i.e., a murderer, adulterer, robber, etc.)

2. Sin is much deeper than this (quote Matthew 5:28).3. Bible definition of sin: A person insisting on having his "own way" (quote Isaiah

53:6, Proverbs 14:12). It is the "Me First" impulse that leads to rebellion against God.

c. "Short" -Problem is God is perfect and we are not.

1. Compare self with others--with God (quote I Peter 1:16, Matthew 5:48).2. The Bible is clear: In order to go to heaven we must be perfect. We aren't perfect--

that's what the Bible calls sin.3. Hard as we try, we cannot do anything about the gap. Illustration: Can't broad jump

100-foot canyon no matter how hard one tries.4. Reason can't is the basic flaw in human nature: Is soured by this "Me first" impulse

that leads to rebellion. Illustration: Resolving to change it is like putting oranges on a lemon tree--just a lemon tree with dead oranges on it!

4. "The Lord tells us in Romans 6:23a exactly what's going to happen:" (read).

a. "Wages"--what you earn or deserve. Illustration: Paycheck for sin reads, "Death."

b. "Sin"--singular: one sin. Illustration: How many sins did Adam and Eve have to commit before being put out of the Garden?

c. "Death"--means separation. Three kinds of death/separation in the Bible:

1. Physical--soul leaves the body.

2. Spiritual--our spirit separated from God (quote Ephesians 2:1, Ezekiel 18:4.)

3. Second Death: TURN TO AND READ Revelation 21:8 "Liars"--ask, "Have you ever told a lie?" "Death ... Lake of fire"--ask, "According to this Bible, where would you

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go if you died this moment?"

5. "That's bad news, isn't it! The good news is that Romans 6:23 has another part to it [read Romans 6:23a & b ]. In other words, even though you deserve to spend eternity separated from God in the Lake of Fire, God offers an escape--a way out. But HOW IS IT POSSIBLE for even God to do this?"

a. Illustration: He is holy: Righteous is the standard and Justice the enforcer of His integrity (Quote Habakkuk 1:13).

6. "Romans 5:8 tells us how God has made it possible for Him to be Just and yet for us to escape the wages of our sin" (read).

a. "Died"--What are the wages of sin? [death] What did Christ do for you? [paid the price!]

b “For our sins"--He took our guilt, our sin and was punished for us .... It was just as though He had committed them.

1) Illustration: Book of sins placed on Christ (quote I Corinthians 15:3,4; II Corinthians 5:21; I Peter 3:18).

2) The infinite, eternal Son of God--God became man, bore the infinite, eternal wrath and judgment and hell we deserve.

3) His resurrection demonstrates that the sin debt was paid in full (quote Romans 4:24,25).

c “Love"--He bore it all because He loved us.

d. Jesus Christ received your punishment for sin in the experience on the cross--now you must receive Him through the experience of salvation.

7. "That's why we read in Romans 6:23b:" [read].

a. "Gift"--Because Jesus Christ has already paid the price for it. Illustration: A gift is already paid for. The only thing you can do with a gift is accept it or reject it. Illustration: Hand a card--"When did you get it?" When you reached out and took it!

b. "Through Jesus Christ"--Eternal life is in Jesus Christ. You receive it by receiving Jesus Christ as your Savior. Illustration: Put card in book--receive book and get card.

8. "How would you reach out and take this gift of eternal life? Paul tells us in Romans 10:12-14" [read].

a. "Believe"--there is much confusion as to what saving faith really is:

1) What it is not:

a.) Mere intellectual assent--"Believing in God" [quote James 2:19].b.) Temporal faith--trusting God to protect in dark; keep well; care for you; etc.

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2) What it is:

a.) Trusting Christ alone to save you: relying exclusively upon the work of Christ on the cross to be sufficient payment for sin (read Romans 4:4,6; quote Ephesians 2:8,9). Illustration: Reclining in a chair.

b.) "Call"--you must claim by personal choice. Illustration: Sit in chair--not rest in till make a decision to do so.

9. "I know I've talked a lot, but I can sum it all up in three sentences [state the Three Critical Issues]. May I ask you a question? Do these things really make sense to you?"


You will not always have the opportunity to go through the "Full" presentation; circumstances will not always make this possible. Thus you have need for a concise presentation. You must have the necessary verses memorized to make this possible.

Oscar M. Woodall's Presentation

Oscar M. Woodall is one of the most effective personal workers I know. His focus is like a laser beam when it comes to the souls of people he meets. Within the first few minutes (6-10) of contact with anyone, Oscar will turn the conversation to spiritual issues. This requires him to have a very compact, direct and effective gospel presentation.

The following gospel presentation is a summary transcript of a message given by Oscar Woodall explaining his method of presenting the gospel. It is an excellent guide to developing your own “short presentation.” Not only should we have sufficient Scripture memorized in the event we are given the opportunity to present the gospel, we also should have a coherent presentation prepared. The following has served Oscar well for many years.

Begin by asking, "If a bomb were to drop in the next five minutes and we were all killed, do you know where you'd spent eternity?" Then wait for responses; of course, most will not know; will hope they'd go to heaven; are trying, working; just really don't know. Then ask, "Well, do you think a person could know for sure?" "Well, I don't know" or "Uh, maybe," will be a common response.

Now ask: "Well, if you could know; if I could tell you or show you on the authority of God's Word how you could have eternal life as a present possession, know that all of your sins are forgiven, know that heaven will be your home when and if you die, and how you could have peace with God while you're here on earth, would you want to know?" Wait for responses. Invariably people that we meet will say, "Yes. Who wouldn't.”?

So now, when we have their permission to share, we continue: "We can tell you in the next three to five minutes that the Bible clearly declares that you can not only know

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where you'll spend eternity, but you can choose where you'll spend eternity, not based on what you do or how you live your life, but rather, what you believe that God has done for you.

"You know, for forty years of my life I'd never disbelieved in God, never disbelieved in Jesus; I'd been water baptized, I used to pray--all those things, but none of them made me a Christian. But, when I was forty years of age, someone shared with me for the first time that the Bible, God's Word, does clearly declare that you can know where you'll spend eternity, not based on what you do or how you live your life, but what you believe God has done for you.

"I had a man tell me one time, he said, 'You know to go to heaven you have to be perfect,' [and invariably, people will shake their heads and say, 'No one is perfect.'] 'Well,' I said to Him, 'how can anybody be perfect?' And he said, 'You can't. that's the reason God sent his Son, the Lord Jesus Christ, who was perfect, and he died and shed his blood to make a complete payment for your sin and mine. He went to the grave and bodily came out of it alive the third day as the author of eternal life. And if you would believe that he died to pay for your sin, then you don't have to pay for it.'

"Of course, I know I'm not perfect and I'm sure you know you're not, right? [And everybody would agree, 'Right, I'm not perfect.']

"That's what the Bible calls 'sin.' The Scripture says, 'For all have sinned and come short of the glory of God.' You inherited the sin of Adam and the sins that you committed from the time that you were born, under the penalty of sin. The Scripture further says, 'For the wages (or payment) of sin is death.' If you pay for your sin, you'll pay for it with physical death, spiritual death, and separation from God in hell. But, 'the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.' Then God made a provision for your sin, for he said, 'For while we were yet without strength, in due time Christ died for the ungodly.' He died for those that were unlike Him, and that includes you and me.

"Then the Bible says, God commended (or demonstrated) His love toward us, in that while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us." He didn't die to pay for His sin. He was sinless. He was perfect.

"There's an account in Scripture about a Philippian jailer who sensed the presence of God within Paul and Silas and asked the question, 'Sirs, What must I do to be saved?' And the answer was quick in response and positive in content when Paul said, 'Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and thou shalt be saved and thy house.'

"And what is the gospel that saves when believed? It's Paul's gospel--I Corinthians 15-- where he said, 'How that Christ died for our sins according to the Scriptures, that he was buried and that he arose again the third day according to the Scriptures.' He's alive today and lives within my life and the life of everyone who has trusted Him as Savior.

"Now, you can be saved and know it. You don't have to hope, think or wish. You can know. So the question for you [whether an individual or group of one, two or fifty] is, 'Do you believe that Christ died to pay for your sins? [Wait for a response. People will

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say, "Yes" or nod their head.] Whether you believe it or not, He did because He said He did. But, if you say you believe it, it's not enough to intellectually believe that--Satan and the demons believe it also.

You must receive Him by faith. The Scripture says, 'For by grace are ye saved through faith, and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God: not of works, lest any many should boast.' So a gift must be received.

So there are two questions: One: Do you believe that Christ died for your sins? [If the answer is "yes,"] Secondly: Do you desire to have eternal life? [And wait for a response. Invariably they'll say, "Yes." Go on:] Your requirement to be saved is just simply tell God that you believe what He said is true. Number one, that you're not perfect. That's what sin is. Two, that you believe that Christ was God Who died to pay for your sin. Third, by faith, trust him as your Savior. The moment you do that, he said, 'You have eternal life.'

"Does that make sense to you? [If the answer is "Yes," go on:] Would you like to trust Christ as your Savior right now? [If "Yes," go on]


"Now let me ask you, on the basis of what you have just learned: If a bomb were to drop now, and we were all killed, where will you spend eternity? [They should respond "Heaven."] How do you know this for sure? ... What does He say He gave you? [eternal life] And how long does eternal life last? [forever] Could you ever loose something that lasts forever? ... Do you think, then, that you could get out of the family of God? What happens when you sin? [He forgives me].

"Now let’s go over the verses you heard..."

a. One key to Oscar's effectiveness is that he has his presentation memorized and uses it as a "cookie cutter." This keeps him on track and headed to the goal.

1. The Three Critical Issues Presentation:

a. You can use the Three Issues to form an easy to understand short presentation. I have done this many times with blessed results. A great opening uses the following type approach:

"In the course of my life, the Lord has taught me three things..."

Another approach might be:

"There are three lessons that the Lord has taught me: first, men and women cannot lift a finger to save themselves. Second, God never intended them to try. Third, Christ has done it all!"

b. You will, of course, want to "fill-in" the above, always having adequate Scripture

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and illustrations memorized to make a coherent presentation.

2. Timing: This Concise Presentation should be used in the same manner as the Full Presentation, i.e., after gaining permission. However, the Three Issues can be stated (as in "a" above) at any time. Remember: it is asking permission that gives you the position and leverage to press for a decision.

C. PHASE 3: (Decision)

How to lead a person to the point of a decision. The concept of coming to a point of time in which one personally claims Christ's provision for himself is in keeping with the definition of faith. In pressing for a decision there are two extremes that ought to be avoided.

1. Inability to "Tie the Knot"--the fear of confronting a person directly about their need to trust. Christ now. This can be largely overcome by learning to ask the Decision Questions

2. Gaining Decisions at Any Cost--pressing for decisions for decision's sake apart from understanding or the Holy Spirit’s conviction or genuine desire. We must be absolutely honest about presenting the facts of the gospel. But then we must prepare a climate in which a person can be equally free to respond in honesty. Our task: to make things clear. Their task: to make a free choice.


Success must be measured by our faithfulness in sharing a life-changing message, not by how many people make a decision to trust Christ in our presence.

A. The Decision Questions:

After you have clearly presented the gospel you must compassionately ask three questions which will encourage your prospect to personally trust Christ. These questions clarify and lead to a clear decision.


"Do the things I've shared with you really make sense?"

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Be prepared for anything! If they answer "yes," go to the next question. If "no" or "I'm not sure," ask exactly what confuses them. Be very patient. You have plenty of time--you are equipping a soul to face eternity. You want his honest thoughts. Review the Three Critical Issues because they hold the real answers to his confusion.

2. TRANSITION QUESTION: "Do you desire to have eternal life?"

3. SPECIFIC QUESTION: "Would you like to trust Christ as you Savior right now?"

a. Again be prepared for anything! If "yes," go to the next section, Making the Decision. Other possible answers:

1) "This could alienate me from my family."

a) My experience: more love from and for my family than ever before.b) Yes, it could! But some questions in life are even bigger than your

family.c) Most parents want the best for their children. They want them to have

a purpose.d) Our responsibility to God comes before family.

2) "I've tried it already and it didn't work." (Many have made some sort of blind religious commitment already.) Be sure to have a good answer for this response!

a) You don't try to believe. Faith is an intelligent stand based on objective facts. An honest exposure to the Word of God makes faith a very reasonable thing.

b) The fact that "it didn't work" is proof that you never understood or really believed. It is because Christianity is true (and I know it!) that I claim it for myself!

c) I don't try to believe in George Washington; I accept his existence on the basis of the reliable testimony of history.

3) "I just don't feel right about this. I feel sort of uneasy."a) Satan will do all in his power to make you put off this decision.b) You ought to feel uneasy right now, for this is a decision that

determines your eternal destiny.

4) "You're absolutely right, but I just don't want to see my life changed."

a) Salvation doesn't depend on a changed life--but rather faith in Calvary. What you are really saying is that you do not want to give up your sin.

b) If you are not interested, then salvation is not for you. But remember this: Every man is going to have to give an account of his life to the great God of the universe.

c) I don't believe you. I have met thousands of people who tried to

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appear happy and content on the outside but on the inside they were miserable. Could this be true of you?

5) "I'm just not sure."

a) Be very patient with this person--if the uncertainty is real. The Holy Spirit must be given time to accomplish His work.

b) Ask the person to share the nature of his uncertainty. If you see there is no hope for immediate resolution of the problem, suggest that you get together again. Ask him to write down his thoughts so you can think them through.

6) "I think I've always believed that."

a) Remind him of the answer he gave to the "Why should I let you into my heaven?" question.

B. Making The Decision:

We press for a decision with three straightforward questions:

1. They must recognize that they are a lost sinner:

"Do you take your place before God as a lost sinner--absolutely incapable of lifting a finger to save yourself [through religious exercises or moral reformation]?"

2. They must recognize that Jesus Christ is their Savior:

"Do you believe that Jesus Christ is God who shed His precious blood on Calvary to pay the full penalty for your sins?"

3. They must personally claim salvation:

"Will you right now claim by faith the free gift of eternal life which God promises to all who place their trust in Christ alone?" [Wait for them to make their decision and then ask:] "WHAT DID YOU DECIDE?"


Some say repentance means the willingness to turn from all your sins and make Jesus Christ the Lord of every area of your life. This is not true. Repentance means a change of mind. God asks me to change my mind about my sin, His son and Christ's blood. Once I thought I was okay. I could get to Heaven by being good; I didn't have to depend on the work of Christ. Then I repented! I discovered I couldn't save myself. I was lost. I needed a Saviour. I looked in faith to Jesus Christ.


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1. Prayer is simply one person verbalizing his thoughts to another person--a Divine Person. Remember that prayer does not save anyone, only faith does; don't cause confusion on this point.

2. Pray for the newborn babe in Christ.

D. The Matter Of Assurance And Follow-up:

1. Follow-up questions will allow you to test the decision they have made as well as begin to teach them the issues of assurance and identity:

a. "Did you really mean the decision you just made? Then let me ask you:

1) If you were to die right now, where would you spend eternity?2) How do you know?3) What did He say He would give you when you trusted Christ?

(eternal life)4) And how long does eternal life last?5) Do you think you could ever get out of the family of God?6) What happens when you sin?

2. Go back over the verses they heard (especially if you were not over an open Bible)--have them read them. Conclude with Ephesians 1:13,14 and a teaching session on our completeness in Christ. Suggest they start learning Romans 5:1-11.

3. Encourage your convert to share what has happened with a trusted friend or loved one before that day is over. Ask about who they know that should hear what they heard.

4. Make appointment for follow-up Bible study and encourage your convert to attend the next scheduled services at church with you.


1. Review the Three Critical Issues and the Crunch Questions.2. Memorize FORM.3. Memorize the “Decision” questions.4. Memorize the “Follow-up” questions.5. Develop your own Gospel Presentation. List the verses you will use for the “Five

Propositions.” Memorize.

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LESSON 4Learning How To Be Precise

The greatest doctrinal dispute of our age involves the precise definition of the gospel. It is not uncommon to hear muddled and contradictory evangelistic appeals such as: “believe”, “repent”, “confess”, “public testimony”, “forsake”, “yield”, “surrender”, “turn”, “ask Jesus into your heart”, “make Jesus Lord”, etc. Paul in 2 Timothy 1:13, exhorts us to “Hold fast the form of sound words…” We must accurately communicate the words of the gospel with pinpoint precision and with “great plainness of speech.”

It ought to make sense to say what God says, for it is His Gospel. There is no way we can be guilty of misstating God’s requirement and so perverting the gospel when we simply direct the unsaved to scripture, and read and preach exactly what God Himself says about how to be saved. In doing this we will be faithful ambassadors for Christ.


Unfortunately much of the common terminology used to promote evangelism is confusing at best and heretical at worst. Soul winning is like heart surgery. It demands our total concentration. It requires maximum precision. We simply must seek and demand maximum clarity in gospel presentation.

A basic source of faulty gospel messages comes from dispensational confusion caused by a failure to rightly divide the Word. There is also, however, a great deal of doctrinal confusion. We will focus on this latter area of confusion.

We know that our terminology is doctrinally faulty if it:

1. Fails to provide us with an adequate basis for our faith.2. Implies that something other than exercising faith on our part is necessary in

order to be saved.3. Causes the inquirer to depend upon his subjective, emotional response for

his assurance.4. Fails to declare that the issue in believing is: "Where is your hope? Upon

what are you depending?"5. Deals too lightly with sin and its consequences, or fails to convey to the

listener the horror of his lostness.

The gospel is an objective message to be believed. Christ's death is the ground of our hope; His resurrection is the certainty of our hope. Too often this message is being confused by subjectivism that causes people to imagine that they must do, feel, experience or surrender in order to find peace with God. When we add anything to "faith in Christ's blood" we loose everything.


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A. Wrong Directions:

Popular appeals, expressions and clichés frequently given to those desiring to be saved can be very misleading. Rather than presenting the gospel clearly and concisely, they bewilder and confuse the unsaved. Some of these approaches are simply unscriptural, while others refer to someone who is already saved. A few examples of confusing terminology include:

1. "You must give your heart to Christ.”

a. This sounds positively romantic yet it lacks an adequate basis for faith to rest upon.

b. Salvation is not our gift to God, but God's gift to us (Romans 6:23, Ephesians 2:8,9).

c. What the heart is to do is clear in Romans 10:10-- it is to believe!

2. "You must let Christ come into your heart."

a. Variations: "You must receive Christ into your life." "You must ask Jesus to come into your life."

b. You are not saved by entering a love affair with Jesus Christ. Faith must be based on factual reality not heated passion. Joy and peace result from salvation; they are not its cause.

c. The gospel is an objective message to be believed. The issue is not how you feel but what you believe. Salvation is the result of objective faith in the truth of the gospel.

d. Revelation 3:20 is often the basis of this invitation. Yet this is not a passage dealing with salvation. It is spoken to the church at Laodicea, not the lost; Christ says He will sup with, not save, those who open the door; it does not focus attention on Christ dying in our place or our acceptance of His work for us.

3. "You must make Jesus the Lord of your life."

a. Variations: "You must surrender all to Jesus" or "You must make your commitment to Christ" or "You must put Christ on the throne of your life."

b. This is a pure appeal to works! Promising to obey and serve Christ is an issue of dedication and obedience for believers (Romans 12:1,2). This is not the issue with the lost.

c. "To preach full surrender to an unsaved man as the way of salvation will just make a hateful Pharisee out of him" (W. R. Newell). How true.

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The natural man wants to be told that he must do something in order to be saved. His pride does not want to accept grace; men don't want to be obligated to God-- they want to pay as they go.

d. "When anyone comes promising salvation to those 'who make a full surrender' of all that they have to God, and who 'pay the price of salvation,' he is preaching another gospel, for the price was paid on Calvary's cross and the work that saves is finished. It was Christ Jesus who made the full surrender when He yielded His life on Calvary that saves us, not our surrender in any way to Him" (Harry Ironside). Amen!

e. The basis for this dangerous direction is Romans 10:9, "If thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved." New versions adjust the verse to say: "If thou shall confess Jesus as Lord..."

But this is not the point of the verse at all. Indeed we must recognize who He is, or we will die in our sins (John 8:24). This is vastly different, however, from making Him the lord of your life-- i.e., promising to obey Him the rest of your life.

4. "You must confess your sins and ask the Lord to forgive you."

a. We are not asked to identify every known sin in our life. Rather we are to recognize our lost, sinful condition.

b. This appeal also lacks a basis for faith: Why should God forgive you? Why should a holy God forgive you? Just because you asked?

5. "You must repent of your sins and turn to Christ."

a. Variations: "You must forsake all your sins." "You must turn from your sins and receive Christ."

b. This is an astounding appeal. The lost have no ability to forsake sins. God accepts us, as we are "ungodly sinners" for whom Christ died when as sinners we trust Him and His redeeming work on Calvary.

c. This is not only an impossible appeal, it is a clear works message: a call to self-reformation rather than regeneration.

d. The fact is that sin remains a battle in the life of believers.

e. A basic problem is confusing the terms repentance (a change of mind), penance (a payment for sin) and penitence (sorrow for sin). By mistakenly thinking repentance means "sorrow for sin" confusion enters. Sorrow for sin can only come from a regenerated life.

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6. "You must pray the sinner's prayer."

a. Variation: "You must pray through." "You must call on the name of the Lord to be saved."

b. There is no adequate basis of acceptance: Why should God hear you or accept you? Even the heathen pray. You cannot pass over the blood of Christ and still have salvation (Hebrews 9:22). We do not trust our prayer but Christ's payment for salvation.

7. "You must ask God to forgive you."

a. Again, no basis for God doing so is offered for faith to rest in.

b. This is usually based on Matthew 6:9-13.

8. "You must confess Christ before men."

a. Based on Matthew 10:32,33 (a Kingdom program passage) and a misunderstanding of Romans 10:9,10. "Confess with thy mouth" does not equal walking the isle. Note verse 10: just as the heart is not the physical organ in your chest neither is the mouth your physical mouth (else people who cannot speak can't be saved!).

B. The Reason for the Confusing Terminology:

If we neglect to stress the need of salvation, we will invariably look for the reality or the "punch" of conviction in conditions that are attached to obtaining salvation. We don't want folks to miss the fact that there is a difference between Christians and non-Christians, so we force that difference to be the commitment of our lives to Christ. If you spend more time dealing with the wretchedness of being lost, the horror of our sinfulness, the deep- rootedness of our sinfulness, it will not be possible to attach human requirements to the gospel of grace!


C. How to make Clear Statements:

1. Be careful when presenting an invitation to emphasize the only adequate basis for faith--Calvary.

2. Never imply that anything other than "coming to our senses" (repentance) about our lostness and faith in the sufficiency of Christ's sacrifice is necessary for salvation.

3. Never base assurance on subjective experiences; rather focus on the promises of God.

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4. Specify that the issue in belief is, "Where is your hope? Upon what are you depending?"

5. Never neglect the first part of your presentation--the explanation of sin and its consequences--or there will be a temptation to "add" to the invitation by asking for a "life commitment" to Christ.

If you observe the following few guidelines you will see people gain assurance of their salvation. It is true that you may not see as many people make outward decisions; the results you do see, however will be genuine and lasting.

1. Make sure that your appeal is designed to encourage your listener to claim by choice an objective message that deals with a great event outside of himself in real world of space/time history.

2. Insist that the issue is not how a person feels, but rather, what he believes: what is relying upon.

3. Never present a message that stresses human performance of any kind as a necessary requirement for salvation.

4. Emphasize what happened at Calvary. Never allow yourself to stray too far from this bedrock issue.

5. Never give the impression that certain mechanics must be fulfilled in the decision-making process. The issue is not hand raising, tears, formula prayers, or even prayer in general. The issue: faith in Christ's substitutionary work.

6. Avoid using any pet phrases or terminology that neglect the communication of an adequate basis for saving faith (the work of Christ), or that implies that we must do more than see our need and claim by faith God's provision.

7. Remember, a person is not saved by entering into a love affair with Jesus Christ. Do not be romantic about the matter of salvation. The decision must be based on factual reality, not heated passion. Tears may flow--they often do--but one is not saved by crying. Joy results

from, but does not cause Christianity. Be aware of the mindset of your listener. His tendency will be to try to feel saved and to try to act saved in order to convince himself that he is saved.

This is backward. Only as he sees the rational basis for his faith, only as he believes the gospel, will he be able to feel and act like a new creature in Christ. LESSON 5

Learning How To Deal With Objections


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Fears and doubts will arise in your heart that your prospect will raise questions you cannot answer. Understanding ahead of time how to deal with objections will help calm fears and doubts and build confidence in your presentation. Remember:


A. How to AVOID Arguments:

It is easy to say, "Never argue," but "how to perform" is the question!

1. The best way to avoid an argument is to preclude it. The presentation of the gospel you have learned largely anticipates most objections and questions and gives the Scriptural answers before the questions are raised.

2. Welcome the objection: be glad your prospect feels free to express his feelings to you (and tell him so!). He has been listening and assimilating what you are saying so use the opportunity to clear away issues which delude him.

3. If you will answer the objection later in your presentation, simply say, "I'm glad you asked that. It's encouraging to see that you're thinking! I'm coming to that issue in just a minute. I think you'll see it more clearly in light of [whatever you dealing with at the time]."

B. How to HANDLE Objections:

You must not rush ahead of a person's understanding. You must deal with the substance of questions and objections in order to rescue your prospect from the delusions, which blind his mind to the gospel.

1. First, don't panic!

2. If the question grows out of the subject at hand, answer quickly and return to the presentation. The quality of your answer ought to be related to the sincerity of the inquiry. You have their permission to tell them how to have eternal life. Set other questions aside for future consideration as quickly as possible.

Also: "You said you wanted to know for sure how to have eternal life--so lets stay on that and then we can come back to this question."

3. Don't get off the track:

"That's a good question and I'm sure you have some interesting thoughts on it. However, my real concern right now is you, I want you to know you have eternal life. The Bible says you can know that you have eternal life and you told me that you aren't sure what would happen if you died tonight. Let's

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confine ourselves to what God has said about you and your eternal welfare. Perhaps later we can see what the Scripture says about ----"


“What we’re doing here right now is far more urgent than settling a debate about----“

4. The best time to deal with questions is in conjunction with the final two questions that you ask prior to discussing the person's decision to trust Christ as Saviour.

C. Answers to Basic Questions and Objections:

Our success does not depend on technique or craftiness or strong-arm tactics. The Gospel itself "is the power of God unto salvation to everyone that believeth" (Romans 1:16). It needs no embellishment. It is sufficient. It needs only to be clearly presented. Paul majored in the simple, straightforward approach (I Thessalonians 2:3-15) and everywhere he preached, people understood. They responded.

The gospel works when it is understood and believed. It cannot be believed if it is not understood. Everyone who hears the Gospel brings a different mind set, background and personality with him. Each has questions that must be resolved. It is a testimony to human nature to discover how similar most questions are. With experience you will find that the following basic questions will repeatedly come up. Be sure you have considered each carefully and can respond to them logically and Scripturally.

1. "What about the heathen that don't know?"

a. Variations: "Can God condemn those who have never heard?" "God isn't like that. He would never punish anyone!"

b. Do not loose sight of the central issue: the question is not who may be an exception to the general rule (that Christ is the only way to Heaven), but how does God say anyone can be saved? We must start with the method by which God saves any man (Romans 1:16).

c. The great argument of Romans 2 is that God does not hold the heathen accountable for breaking laws that they don't know about. Rather he holds them accountable only for violating laws that they do know.

d. "Right now I'm not concerned about some pagan who has never heard Christ. Right now I'm concerned about you."

e. "I'm not sure about the heathen, but I do know that you will never again be able to say, "No one ever told me!"

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2. "Is Christ really the only way to God?"

a. Variations: "Everyone will ultimately be saved!" "Hell isn't real; it just what you make of your life on earth." "Everyone will finally be saved."

b. To deal effectively with any denial of Bible truth you must appeal to the issue of final authority: What is my authority? If it is the Bible, I must accept its teaching (John 14:6).

c. The Bible says that if men could be saved through any other method, then Christ died for no reason (Galatians 2:21).

d. It is not enough to believe something sincerely. Our faith is only as valid as the object of that faith. Faith can only claim the benefits of what is real. We can demonstrate that sincerity is not enough in two equations:

1) The Equation of Sincerity: Great amount of faith x The Object of faith = No reality! (1,000,000 units) x (0 units) = (0 units)

2) The Equation of Salvation: Little faith x A valid Object of faith = Sufficient faith (5 units) x (1,000,000 units) = (5,000,000 units)

3. "Why is there so much pain, suffering and evil in the world?"

a. Variations: "Why do the innocent suffer?" "Why do babies die?" "How can God be good and in control and allow so much suffering and evil?" "Why did God create us so?"

b. Men are not robots. God has given us a free, moral will.

c. Evil and suffering in this world have been caused by the wrong choices which men have made. God is not responsible for its present misery; sinful men are.

d. Christ died on the cross as the ultimate solution to the problem of evil. "You are right to be concerned about the problem of evil in the world. Why not be a part of the God's victory over evil by trusting Christ?"

4. "Isn't the Bible full of errors?"

a. Variations: "I don't believe the Bible." "The Bible contradicts itself." "The Bible is not always true." "Where did Cain get his wife?" "I used to believe those fairy tales when I was in kindergarten but now I am an educated man and am far above believing such things."

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b. Ask: "Which one did you have in mind?" Very few people really have a specific reference in mind. For those who do, a simple explanation will help. For example, the professor who objected to the "four corners of the earth" until I pointed out the four points of the compass, the daily sun "rise" and "set" times reported in the paper, etc.

c. Remember: Our primary task is proclamation not defense. The key to seeing that the Bible is the Word of God is seeing how precisely its prophetic utterances have been fulfilled. The Bible has never been wrong in its prophecies concerning future things.

d. Ask: "That's very interesting and it’s certainly your privilege not to believe it. Could I ask you a question: the main message of the Bible, which has been unquestionably the most important literary work in our history, is how a person may have eternal life. So what I would like to know is, Do you understand what the Bible teaches about this matter?" "I am not asking you what you believe but I am asking you what you understand. It would be a rather unintellectual approach to reject something without understanding its main message, wouldn't it?" "This is just what I was afraid of. You have rejected the Bible without even understanding its main message, for your answer is not only incorrect but it is diametrically opposed to what the Bible teaches. Don't you think the more logical approach would be to let me share with you what the Scriptures teach on this issue and then you can make an intelligent decision whether to reject it or accept it?"

5. "How can miracles be possible?"

a. Variations: "I don't believe that Jonah was swallowed by a fish or that Christ rose from the dead." "The Bible isn't scientific--its superstition." "I believe in science and in the validity of scientific evidence. Miracles just don't happen!"

b. The real question: Is there a God? If God is real, it is not only logical to allow for miracle, it is foolishness not to expect them!

c Everything we know about God Himself we know because of two great miracles: the revelation of God in the Bible and the revelation of God in human flesh through the person of Jesus Christ.

d The proof of miracles is not a scientific experiment but a legal proof: the testimony of reliable eyewitnesses. The greatest miracle of all, the resurrection of Jesus Christ, is the clearest, most positively demonstrable fact of history possible. See “Evidence That Demands a Verdict”, by Josh McDowell.

6. "Isn't the Christian experience really only psychological?"

a. Variation: This is a reaction to one of any number of "new age"

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approaches to "spirituality."

b. The crucial issue is what is the common denominator for this experience? We suggest that it is faith in the objective fact of the crucifixion of Jesus Christ.

7. "Won't a good moral life get me to heaven?"

a. Variation: "That's what I've believed all the time." "I've lived by the Ten Commandments." "I've always tried to do the best I can."

b. God's standard for qualifying for Heaven is perfection. If you could live a perfect moral life, you could get in!

c. If I can't get to Heaven by works of righteousness, I must look for another way--the righteousness with is mine by faith (Romans 3:22).

d. "Apparently I misunderstood you when you said that you would tell God that He should let you into heaven because you keep the Commandments and live according to the Golden Rule."

e. Stress the difference between law and grace.

f. A good, moral life does not cause salvation, it grows out from salvation. The only reason any of us can live a righteous life is that Christ lives in us.LESSON 6

Learning How To Follow Up.

Our strategy for evangelism is in Three Phases:

1. Phase 1: The first moment of conversation to the discernment of a person's spiritual need.

2. Phase 2: The presentation of the gospel.3. Phase 3: Leading the person to the point of decision.

Effective follow-up after a person has made a decision about trusting Christ is essential. If they have unwisely decided not to trust Christ, don't close the door on the future. Remember it generally takes more than one hearing of the gospel before a person chooses to trust Christ. Today we want to focus on those who make a positive decision and do trust Christ.

Winning a person to Christ does not end our responsibilities of Ambassadorship. Having led people to Christ, the Apostle Paul took care to establish churches (Acts 14:21-23) where they could grow in the grace and knowledge of Christ (Ephesians 4:11-16). We need to get the new convert tied into the church.

In the local church he gets sound doctrine, fellowship with believers, partnership in service,

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giving, winning, praying, worship, etc.


The September 1977 issue of Eternity Magazine reported the results of an evangelistic crusade that involved 178 churches. Out of 4,106 decisions only 3 percent joined a local church. That series of meetings created 3,981 babes left exposed, without the protection and edification benefit of a local assembly.

A new believer is a “babe” (1 Corinthians 3:1; 1 Peter 2:2) and should be treated as such. Think of the condition, vulnerability, and capabilities of a newborn immediately after birth. Paul exercised tremendous gentleness to newborns as 1 Thessalonians 2:8-12 demonstrates.

A babe must not be expected to immediately “prove” their salvation or faith by a changed lifestyle or by serving, doing, and working in the church. They must first be taught and equipped. They must learn grace doctrine, which in-turn produces the grace-life. They must be lovingly brought into the family where they will be protected, cared for, loved, and nurtured. Those who are mature must be quick to exercise great patience, forgiveness and forbearance. The application of Roman 14:1-15:7 is critical.

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A. Remember that we do believe in repentance Passages like Acts 17:30 and 20:20,21 demonstrate Paul considered it part of his gospel. But also remember that repentance must be properly defined: It means, "to change your mind," and this is exactly what people do when they trust Christ as Savior.

B. Effective Follow-up Questions will allow you to test the decision they have made and also begin to teach them the issues of assurance and identification. Review the follow up questions for immediate follow-up after the decision is made.

"Did you really mean the decision you just made? Then let me ask you:

1. If you were to die right now, where would you spend eternity?2. How do you know?3. What did He say He would give you when you trusted Christ?

(Eternal life)4. And how long does eternal life last?5. Do you think you could ever get out of the family of God?6. What happens when you sin?

C. This is the time to nail down his understanding of the gospel and the decision he made to trust Christ.

Be sure he understands in whom he is trusting and that eternal life is a free gift. Now is the time to introduce the topics of:

1. Assurance: Eternal Life as a free gift; Total Forgiveness (Colossians 2:13; Romans 4:6-8); Welcome them into the Family of God! See also Romans 5:1-21; 8:31-39.

2. Completeness and Identification in Christ: an understanding of who they now are in Christ, their new identify (II Corinthians 5:17).

a. The mechanics of positional truth--the "one baptism" (I Corinthians 12:13). Thus there is no need for water baptism (I Corinthians 1:17).

b. Completeness in Christ (Colossians 2:10, Ephesians 1:3).

c. Co-crucifixion and co-resurrection with Christ as the basis of the Christian life (Galatians 2:20; Romans 6).

3. The need of a King James Bible: a Bible without mistakes (e.g., Colossians 1:14); the battle over the Bible (II Corinthians 2:17).

4. The need to get established through the Edification process (Colossians 1:9-11; 2:6,7).

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D) Clarifying the next steps:

1. Ask permission to mark the key verses in their Bible.2. Share the first Bible Study Lesson with them.3. Ask them to do the first chapter within 24 hours.4. Arrange for a personal contact with them within 24 hours. (By phone if

necessary; in person if at all possible.)5. Encourage them to attend the next meeting at church with you.6. Arrange to accompany them.7. Leave your name and phone number--assure them you are available at any

time to help with spiritual needs/concerns

E. Lead in a Closing Prayer:

1. Request permission to close your visit with prayer.2. With thanksgiving focus prayer on the central ministry of your visit.

F) Departing from the Home/Visit:

1. Do not stay too long. Only in exceptional situations should you stay longer than one hour.

2. Regardless of what your experience, always leave them with a positive, affirming word.

3. If appropriate, confirm your next point of contact such as a return visit, meeting them at church, picking up a child, etc.


A. The first follow-up contact is the time to confirm his understanding of the gospel and test his decision to trust Christ. Re-ask the Crunch Questions. Another good question is to ask what he would tell some one who asked him how to have eternal life.

B. Practical Pointers:

1. A follow-up call should be made within 24 hours. The longer you delay the more difficult it will be to accomplish.

2. When researching a question or continuing an uncompleted conversation, the ideal follow-up is in one week.

3. If your follow-up is to meet you at church, attempt to arrange it for the following Sunday.

4. Within a week have him over for a meal or refreshment or some other personal contact.

5. Pray regularly by name for your convert.6. Maintain a personal supportive relationship with your spiritual child.7. See that other means of follow-up are consistently applied to you new

convert.8. If your follow-up involves responding to a specific (authentic) need or

interest, set a definite time or schedule a specific event that will bring you

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together.9. Encourage him to enter the next ETC. Ask him to be your trainee or find

some other trainer with whom he will be comfortable.

C. Personal follow-up should pave the way for deeper Bible study and involvement in the Edification Process.


A. Getting the new convert integrated into the local church as soon as possible is critical.

1. Go by and get him on Sunday morning and take him with you to church. Sit with him in the service.

2. Introduce him to the Pastor, Sunday School teachers, friends, get his family settled into appropriate classes, etc.

3. If there are special interests/needs you are not best equipped to meet, make definite arrangements to introduce them to the appropriate person. You are responsible for the convert until you have adequately referred them to someone else.

B. Arrange to take the pastor for a visit to develop a personal connection with the ministry of the church.


A. We are in need of and in the process of developing an edification program based on the Pauline Pattern (Romans 16:25, 26). "Your New Life," "Getting Started Right," "Beginning Bible Studies," "Going On with Christ," or the like, are possible titles. Using "Dictionary of the Gospel" is an available and fine study guide for the present.

B. Practical Pointers:

1. Don't get off the subject.2. Watch the time--one-hour tops.3. Don't teach too fast or give him too much at one time.4. Don't go unprepared. The above-mentioned study lessons will provide a

guideline for studies.5. Don't bring gloom into the convert’s home. Leave your burdens with the Lord

and be filled with the fruits of the Spirit (Galatians 5:22,23).6. Don't teach with a "know-it-all" attitude.7. Don't argue--instruct (II Timothy 2:24-26, Ephesians 4:11-16).

C. The crucial issue of spiritual maturity finds its basis not simply in the blood of Christ for forgiveness of sins but also in the cross to deal with the power of sin. Clear instruction must be given, over time, in dealing with both what he has done--sins--and what he is. The vital ingredients of our co-crucifixion and co-resurrection with Christ must be fully appreciated and appropriated by faith.

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D. Our completeness in Christ is demonstrated by a listing of things each believer receives the instant they trust the Lord Jesus Christ. This list is attached to this lesson.


1. Set up appointments to meet with those you listed as part of the Lesson #1 homework assignment. These appointments are for the purpose of sharing the gospel using the method thus far learned in ETC.

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Christ: My All in AllChrist IN you – the hope of Glory (Colossians 1:27)


I WAS: Ungodly Romans 5:6A Sinner Romans 5:8God’s Enemy Romans 5:10Condemned Romans 5:18Under Death’s Penalty Romans 6:23Cursed Galatians 3:10Dead in Sin Ephesians 2:1

I AM: Crucified with Christ Galatians 2:20Buried with Christ Colossians 2:12Risen with Christ Colossians 2:12Alive with Christ Colossians 2:13Ascended with Christ Ephesians 2:6Seated with Christ Ephesians 2:6Joint-Heir with Christ Romans 8:17Indwelt by the Father Ephesians 4:6Indwelt by the Son Colossians 1:27Indwelt by the Holy Spirit I Corinthians 3:16Beloved of God Romans 1:7A Saint Romans 1:7Dead to Sin Romans 6:2, 11Under Grace Romans 6:14Eternal Romans 6:23Free from Condemnation Romans 8:1,34A Son of God Romans 8:14Foreknown Romans 8:29Predestinated Romans 8:30Called Romans 8:30Justified Romans 8:30Glorified Romans 8:30More than a Conqueror Romans 8:37In Fellowship I Corinthians 1:9The Temple of God I Corinthians 3:16Washed I Corinthians 6:11Sanctified I Corinthians 6:11A Member of His Body I Corinthians 12:27Victorious I Corinthians 15:57Triumphant II Corinthians 2:14A New Creature II Corinthians 5:17Reconciled II Corinthians 5:18Ambassador II Corinthians 5:20

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I AM (cont): The Righteousness of God II Corinthians 5:21Rich IICorinthians 8:9Redeemed from Curse of the Law

Galatians 3:13

Adopted Galatians 4:5Free Galatians 5:1Called unto Liberty Galatians 5:13Blessed Ephesians 1:3Chosen Ephesians 1:4Holy Ephesians 1:4Without Blame Ephesians 1:4Accepted Ephesians 1:6Sealed Ephesians 1:13Saved by Grace Ephesians 2:8His Workmanship Ephesians 2:10Fellow Citizen Ephesians 2:19Delivered from Power of Darkness

Colossians 1:13

Translated into Kingdom of Son Colossians 1:13Complete Colossians 2:10Circumcised without Hands Colossians 2:11Forgiven All Trespasses Colossians 2:13Elect Colossians 3:12Delivered from Wrath to Come I Thessalonians 1:10Not Appointed to Wrath I Thessalonians 5:9Saved II Timothy 1:9

I HAVE: Peace with God Romans 5:1Now Received the Atonement Romans 5:11The Mind of Christ I Corinthians 2:16All Spiritual Blessings Ephesians 1:6Obtained an Inheritance Ephesians 1:11Hope Laid Up in Heaven Colossians 1:5An Holy Calling II Timothy 1:9

I SHALL BE: Confirmed unto the End I Corinthians 1:8

HE IS: My Wisdom I Corinthians 1:30My Righteousness I Corinthians 1:30My Sanctification I Corinthians 1:30My Redemption I Corinthians 1:30My Victory I Corinthians 15:57My Peace Ephesians 2:14My Hope Colossians 1:27My Completion Colossians 2:10


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LESSON 7Learning How To Farm

You will NEVER be the same when you have a clear understanding of the gospel of grace, a logical way to present it, and when you have seen it change lives in real flesh and blood situations.

In our fast-paced society we view those about us in one of three ways:

*As scenery: people decorate the landscape, most often as obstacles through which to navigate in the mad rush of life.

*As machinery: serving coffee, taking money at checkouts, directing traffic--little more than stop lights or drinking fountains.

*As people: As a real person with whom a genuine relationship is possible.

In the work of evangelism we must endeavor to break through to others on the personal level. As we become genuine people to our prospects they will give our message a genuine hearing.

As believers we should live with a purpose as well as with a passion. To do so effectively we must also live with a plan. The following will help you develop the discipline of effective, long term prospecting and farming those prospects into fruitfulness. (Remember our definition of Evangelism from Session 1).

The Bible does not teach that God orchestrates “divine providential appointments” with lost people in the dispensation of grace. Rather, we as Ambassadors are called upon to proactively engage all lost people with the gospel. We must “do the work of evangelism” (2 Tim. 4:5). Work must be deliberate and planned for. Psalms 90:12; Col. 4:5; Eph. 5:16; Proverbs 18:9; Rom. 12:11 et. al. instructs the people of God to live with purpose in life (note that the Apostle Paul prioritized his life based on his sense of purpose, 2 Tim. 3:10). Time is a valuable and important commodity that should be viewed as a stewardship. Once it is lost it can never be recouped. We have learned to measure time, but have we learned to master it? Intentional forethought must be given to our work. Things won’t “just happen” unless we make it “happen.”


A A major problem we face in evangelism will continue to be finding those who are willing to receive our gospel presentation. Thus we will need to develop what we will call a farm. Although not exactly a scriptural term it does suit our purposes (cf., I Corinthians 3:6-9). A farm is a list of those people to whom we are to relate so that

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they might have the benefit of such evangelism, instruction or spiritual concern as we can give.

B Basic Sources of Prospects for our Farm: In evangelism, prospecting is simply being "soul conscious." There are two basic sources of soul-winning prospects. We can call them:

C Cold Market Prospects (CP): those strangers we meet through various outreach and contact means (e.g., tract distribution, mass media responses, telephone and letter evangelism, door-to-door calling, etc.).

D Warm Market Prospects (WP): those people we know--relatives, friends, coworkers, neighbors, friends, baby-sitters, hair dressers, people we play ball with, the list goes on and on.

GOAL: The key here is to move our Cold Prospects to Warm Prospects because our goal is to share the gospel with friends (new and old) at their earliest point of receptivity.


A. Use Existing Networks:

The best people in our Farm are received from friends and relatives--ours and those of others (i.e., personal and referred leads). Aside from our own personal network, the best contacts come through the friends of those who have confidence in our ministry, especially those who have recently been saved. When someone gets saved, you should immediately begin to help him or her identify who in their network needs to hear what they heard. This will help you train them to develop their own farm!

E Friends, Relatives, Associates, Neighbors (FRAN) form a natural network into the world of the unsaved.

F Referred leads from those who have confidence in our ministry and especially from those who have recently been saved.

B. Win a hearing:

G We must constantly be moving those on our Cold List over to our Warm List. Everyone wants to be loved and respected; everyone wants to be accepted and treated like a friend. If we repeatedly reach out through personal concern and touch the people we want to lead to Christ, it builds a bond between us that will make it easier for them to accept us, our friends, and ultimately our Savior.

H Do not become impatient or get discouraged if your WP does not respond immediately. Continue on, because they will respond if we continue to reach

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out with personal concern. Remember to always “do good” (Gal. 6:10; 1 Thess. 5:15; Titus 2:14, 3:8)

I For example, I could:

*Invite my friend to:Dinner ... a picnic ... bowling ... tennis ... church ... fishing ... a ball game ... golf ... birthday party ... banquet ... Vacation Bible School ... home for dessert ... etc.

*Offer to:Provide transportation if person's car is in shop ... Provide a meal when person is ill or there's a death in the family ... Baby-sit: allow them a night out for a special occasion ... Clean house for a mother who has just had a baby ... Feed a pet while the neighbor is on vacation ... Mow that lawn for the man who is temporarily unable ... Help meet a financial need ... etc.

*Send a Card:On Birthday ... on Anniversary ... at Thanksgiving ... at Christmas ... at Easter ... When person was feeling down ... Get well ... Death in family ... Congratulate for accomplishment ... Thank you: for no reason ... etc.

C. Reach the Reachable:

J Since we never know who is most reachable, we must continue Saturation Evangelism-- "using every available means to reach every available person at every available time." This develops CP's who then can be moved to WP status.

K Tract distribution, televangelism, door-to-door visitation, mass media, daily personal contacts, special meetings, new residents, child evangelism, Sunday School parents, VBS, youth work, jails and prisons, Rescue Missions, the sick, street meetings, fairs and special events, Evangelistic Bible Studies, etc.

D. Watch for "seasons of the soul:"

There are seasons in the lives of every person when they are especially open to the gospel. Times of sickness and sorrow; times of conviction for sin and failure; times of loss and reversal; times of special blessings, such as the birth of a child; etc.


1. Motivated by the pressure of guilt rather than the power of grace.

2. Expecting abnormal rather than normal responses.

3. Thinking evangelism should focus primarily on strangers rather than friends.

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L A file should be maintained on each of your personal prospects. This is a convenient method of organizing and reminding yourself to pray for your prospects and of keeping up with their progress.

M You should start by always carrying 3x5 cards with you so you can begin the list immediately with each new contact. A permanent file (e.g., a file box, a notebook or computer data base file) should be made out with as much personal history as possible: Name, address, phone, date and manner of first contact, age, marital status, interest level, family members, relatives, occupation, religious background, etc. This should be an ongoing record and added to with each further contact.

N Each prospect should be categorized:

"D" --- for desist from personal contact. Though they do not want further personal contact at this time you can pray for them and keep correct data (i.e., address info). Send a card on Thanksgiving or Christmas to keep address current.

"C" --- this person is willing to receive regular contacts (visits, calls, letters) but generally is not yet open or responsive to a gospel presentation. This person should be contacted at least every three months.

"B" --- this person does receive the Word gladly. They should be contacted at least every 60 days until they are saved. After salvation and until they are faithfully in the local church they should be seen as often as once per week for instruction.

"A" --- this is a referred contact and is usually a person who expressed a need, is facing a crisis, etc. Generally your schedule should be built around the need of an "A" contact. After they are saved they should be seen three times the following week for individual instruction--Bible study, time of prayer and identifying those in their network who should hear. This intense instruction should be continued for three weeks. After this it can be done weekly until they are settled into the local church.

D. A "Monthly Activity" Monitor sheet should be maintained to track contact activity. This will allow you to wisely use your time as well as plan and pray more effectively.

= Contact= Presentation= Saved= Churched

E. This file is your Farm. As you plant and water, God will give the increase. In time you will see the fruit harvested into the next phase: edification.

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USE THREE-WAY CALLING:Your telephone is a wonderful contact and farming tool. Three-way calling costs only a few dollars a month to add to your phone but it will allow you to connect your prospects with others.


O List as many unsaved people, as you know. Prioritize the list according to their importance to you. Then select the top seven personal prospects and begin to plan and pray about a strategy to reach them. You will find that seven is about the top number with which you can actively work.

P The following examples may help jog your memory: Friends, Relatives, Neighbors, People to whom you give business, business contacts, social clubs, people who attended your wedding, Christmas card list, people from high school, civic activities, your attorney, your dentist, your travel agent, medical doctors, chiropractors, small business owners, former school mates, real estate brokers, people to whom you write checks, sales people (cars, carpet, supplies, etc.), your banker, your insurance agent, people who owe you money, etc.



1. Organize your Farm File. Identify seven Warm Prospects who need to hear the gospel.

2. Set up appointments to meet with those you listed as part of the Lesson #1 homework assignment. These appointments are for the purpose of sharing the gospel using the method thus far learned in ETC.

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LESSON 8Learning To Look Beyond The Church Walls.

“Have we been so preoccupied with defining the Gospel (which is important) and defending the Gospel (which is also important) that we have neglected declaring the Gospel (which is tragic)? Has the Church become “sinfully silent?” ~ Les Lofquist.

How do you view “ministry”?

Unfortunately, the very concept of “ministry” has been degraded by ecclesiastical forces to be limited only to what goes on inside the four walls of a church building at pre-determined times of the week. “Ministry” means service. Ministry is serving people. Ministry is you, serving at the very moment of time, and in the very place you find yourself in.

Develop a mindset of witnessing to people in the natural context of our daily lives. We must work consciously, determinedly, and daily to develop a witnessing way of life. There are opportunities for witness all around us. Our responsibility is to develop alertness of mind and zeal for sharing God’s love that will enable us to take advantage of every opportunity. Evangelism is a lifestyle, not a program!

“Somehow, tragically, much of the Christian church has substituted other goals and objectives for [the preaching of the cross]. “Christianity” has taken on the characteristics of the heathen “religions” around us: building up “membership”; constructing “temples”; making “adherents”; raising “funds”; performing ceremonies; attending meetings; saying prayers; building schools; organizations; and denominations; etc. Until today, “Christianity” has come to be merely another sect or religion. The world seemingly no longer realizes that Christians have been entrusted by God with a vital message – a message of life and death, and that our responsibility is to deliver this message to every person.” ~ Paul Borman.

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The Problem Of Isolation:

Many believers actually avoid any connection with the world, mistaking it for “spirituality”, even going so far as to use the church as an extension of their isolationist lifestyle! Many have become “Rabbit - Hole Christians.” In the morning they pop out of their safe Christian homes, hold their breath at work, scurry home to their families and then off to their Bible studies, and finally end the day praying for the unbelievers they safely avoided all day! Many are consumed in achieving unbroken comfort. SHAME! See Phil. 1:27-29; 2 Tim. 1:7,8; Col. 1:24; 2 Cor. 4:7-18; 1 Thess. 3:1-4; 1 Co. 4:9-16; et al. (Note our response: Rom. 5:3; 2 Cor. 12: 10, 15; Phil. 4:11 – 13; Phil. 3:10; Col. 1:24; 2 Cor. 4:15; et al.)

The Cure For Isolation:

We must engage the lost! We must step out of our comfort zones and, without compromising, get involved with real people and their needs, struggles, and intellectual doubts. Apply the principle of “Bridge - Building.” Is your life (warts and all) a bridge or channel for the gospel? Evangelism should be:

• Relational. Build a bridge.• Confrontational. Test the bridge.• Proclamational. Cross the bridge.

A. Relational. Build a bridge.

Develop bridges with people. Befriend people. Remember FRAN. We are instructed to love and to do good toward all men. This is especially true given the current cultural context in America, where conservative Christians are viewed with great skepticism. (Gal 6:10; 1 Thess. 5:15; Romans 12:17-21)

1. Be a pattern of good works. Titus 2:7.

2. Be zealous of good works. Titus 2:14.

3. Be ready to every good work. Titus 3:1.

4. Be careful to maintain good works. Titus 3:8.

5. Be always learning to maintain good works. Titus 3:14.

We perform good works for “necessary uses” to win people to Jesus Christ.

B. Confrontational. Test the bridge.

At some point in our relationship with people (as soon as possible) we must confront them with their need of a Savior. Today our society is filled with people who are ignorant of the Bible, often assume Christians are intolerant and manipulative, distrust any meaningful concept of truth, and are leery of making a

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commitment to anything. Persistently sow spiritual seed. Ask the Crunch Questions. Be positive and look for areas of agreement. Notice Paul’s approach in Acts 17:18-34. Never fear “disputing”(Acts 19:8,9) with someone. Welcome and encourage discussion, make them feel comfortable expressing their views (even if they are wrong!). We have confidence in the truth!

C. Proclamational. Cross the bridge.

Once you have won a hearing and secured permission, follow the steps learned in ETC in presenting the gospel. Proclaim the merits of Calvary!

Some Practical Advice:

If there must be an offensive element in presenting the gospel, let it be the cross and not halitosis! The Apostle Paul said it all: "Giving no offence in any thing, that the ministry be not blamed: But in all things approving ourselves as the ministers of God, in much patience, in afflictions, in necessities, in distresses" (II Corinthians 6:3,4).

Please consider each of the following suggestions personally. We all make mistakes; but we are learning. Your message is so very important. Let's be genuinely concerned about winning an audience so that the gospel message can have an opportunity to accomplish its life-transforming work.

A. Do's and Don'ts In Making Contacts and Becoming Comfortable with a Stranger:

1. Do believe that this hour represents a life-changing opportunity. Believe God! Pray! Go by faith.

2. Don't carry a large Bible when you visit. An unsaved person is going to see it and think, "What in the world is he going to do with that!" Never draw your weapon until you are ready to use it!

3. Do understand the importance of the first few minutes. People are suspicious of strangers--and rightly so. You must become a person to them.

4. Don't fail to appraise the situation you have just disrupted.5. Do look sharp--well groomed and confident. Sloppiness or immodesty does not

speak well of the One you represent. Neatness is important and appropriate in all situations. A good rule: Dress in a way that will not draw attention away from your message.

6. Do introduce yourself, your friends and your church.7. Do start where the person is "at." For the most part this will not be very far. Don't

assume your listener knows anything about the Bible or Jesus Christ.

B. Do's and Don’ts in Presenting the Gospel.

1. Do not begin until you have secured permission to present the gospel. This is the most powerful issue in beginning the gospel presentation.

2. Do make sure the listener has clarified his hope of heaven before you begin. This will be important if he tries to convince himself that he has always been a believer.

3. Don't make your testimony too long. Remember its purpose is to attract, not to tell all you know about the Bible.

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4. Do be positive in your approach and uncompromising in your message. When we become unduly defensive of the Gospel we tend to move in one of two extremes: We may resort to strong-arm tactics (because we insist that a person needs what he does not want), or we make concession after concession (to appeal to the best in the natural man) until the gospel is so watered down it doesn't save anymore. Never feel ashamed when you share spiritual truth. You represent a good God! You are a doctor with the right medicine--good news! Don't blush to speak of being saved, the sinfulness of man, Hell, the blood of Christ and the blessed security of the believer.

5. Don't give specific references when you quote Scripture. It gets too involved and can be distracting.

6. Do make the gospel logical. Use the five central truths of your presentation to flow through the gospel. Your passion is to hear those beautiful words, "Hey, it all makes sense!"

7. Don't make your next point until you are sure that the listener understands. Salvation is so much more than a quick recitation of truth and a flippant inquiry about whether you believe. Don't talk about Christ until a person understands sin. Don't talk about faith until a person understands substitution. Don't talk about a changed life until a person understands that he is saved by faith alone.

8. Do use illustrations for major truths. This helps bring abstract truths to life.9. Don't be afraid to handle a person’s questions and objections. They are a

guarantee that a person is listening.10. Do ask your listener to recite back to you the basic truths you shared with him.

This is the only way you can know for sure they are listening and understanding.

C. Do's and Don'ts In Pressing for a Decision.

1. Do believe that salvation involves a decision. God asks us to choose to believe that His Son died on Calvary to pay for our sins in full. That alone must be the decision for which we press. Appeals to emotions or to surrender your life to Christ are unworthy and to be avoided.

2. Don't press for a decision until you are sure that a person understands the gospel. Understanding leads to desire. One way you will know he understands is if the desire to get the matter of salvation settled comes from him, and not from you.

3. Do be sure that you understand the issues in the decision to be made. Many who witness faithfully see few actually get saved mainly because they honestly don't know how to bring into sharp focus the issues in the decision to be made. This decision is rational and logical and thus can be verbalized into three clear propositions:

a. "Do you take your place before God as a lost, Hell-deserving sinner, absolutely powerless to lift a finger to save yourself?"

b. "Do you believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God who died on Calvary to pay the full penalty for your sins?"

c. "Do you, right now, claim the free gift of eternal life which God promises to anyone who will place his hope for eternity in the finished work of Christ?"

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4. Do stress that saving faith involves more than knowledge of facts. Knowledge must become personal through choice:

"Christ died"--That's history."Christ died for sin"--That's theology."Christ died for my sin"--That's salvation.

God asks me to claim this fact personally and apply it to my sin problem. It takes an act of choosing to make such a claim.

5. Don't allow the seeker to believe he is saved through prayer. Prayer is beneficial as a tangible way of expressing our faith, but it is faith that saves. Prayer must not become a substitute for that inner faith.

6. Don't use high-pressure tactics if a person is hesitant to make a decision. Like Paul, we can try to persuade--but we cannot force. Each person has the responsibility to choose his own destiny.

D. Do's and Don’ts in Conveying Assurance.

1. Do go over verses on assurance with the one who has made a decision until he has peace. It is important that they gain assurance as soon as possible because assurance is the test of genuine faith.

2. Don't tell a person he is saved. When he understands the issues and is confronted with the right questions, he will tell you that he is saved. There is no greater joy than this!

3. Do instruct him that salvation is once-for-all. Eternal life lasts forever and forgiveness of sins is total and complete.

4. Don't allow the person to confuse faith and feeling.

5. Do assure a new convert that salvation is not perfection. Now they need to grow.

6. Do encourage a new believer to find someone he trusts with whom he can share his decision. It is positively liberating to tell someone for the first time that you are saved and on your way to heaven.

E. Do's and Don’ts in the Matter of Follow-Up.

1. Don't walk away from a person who has just trusted Christ as Savior. The first 48 hours after salvation are a time of great need. This is the time of satanic assault. This is the time of confusion and perplexity. This is the time to begin the edification process. You have no choice but to follow-up on this new life.

2. Do have concrete edification suggestions for a new believer. They need to now learn the importance of Bible study, prayer and fellowship. Suggest beginning by reading and memorizing Romans 5:1-11 before your next meeting. Make an

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appointment for personal Bible study. Invite him to church unapologetically. By all means, leave your phone number with him.

3. Do be conservative in your estimation of what has taken place. Great damage has been done at this point--both to converts and the cause of evangelism. Simply tell the story modestly, with as little notice of your part and as much emphasis on what was believed as possible. If a decision is real it will stand the test of time. Change often comes slowly to a new believer but as the edification process proceeds it will come.