Download - Evaluation Question 4


Olivia Peacock

How did you use new media technologies in the construction and research, planning and evaluation stages?


I used Facebook as a way of contacting people I know to answer my survey. This was a very good way of doing this because it meant that I could contact a variety of people with the same message quickly and effectively. However; some people ignored my messages so another way could have been asking people directly.


Olivia Peacock

I used Survey Monkey to collect responses for my Audience Research questionnaire. This was a really good way of collecting responses because I could easily view who said what and it was easy to set up answers. But on the other hand it took me a while to set up because the layout was quite complicated, and I could have spent that time doing something more productive.


Olivia Peacock

I used YouTube to watch videos within the indie-pop genre to get a clear understanding of what our video needed to be like. I also used it to see videos for analysing my other videos within the same genre, I also used this to play the song when filming. However; it buffered a lot, thus taking valuable time away from more important things.

Olivia Peacock


I used Blogger as main source of this

project. I used it to store all of my projects on. This was the best blogging format I could have used because I did not have to pay for it and the layout looked really good and professional. However; I had some trouble at the beginning finding where to put everything because it was quite complex.


Olivia Peacock

I used Slideshare to convert all of my word documents and PowerPoint presentations into a format suitable to go straight on to the blog. This was the best software to use because without it I could not transfer any of my work on to my blog and it is so quick and simple to use.


I used Google as a source for the

beginning of most my work. It was used when we were looking up the lyrics to the song so that our actress in the video could learn them.

Olivia Peacock


The main source of using my e-mail was to contact a person from Kate Nash’ production team to see if they would allow me to use the track for our video.


Olivia Peacock

We used this software the most because this is the software that we used to edit our music video.


Olivia Peacock

I used PhotoShop to design the Album CD cover. This was the best format to use because it meant that I was able to make any changes and adjustments easily and it looked really good. The only downside was that the software was quite complicated to use and took a while to get used to where all of the buttons were!


This was used a lot when making our pre-production parts. I

used this when I was making the music video analyses and also when writing down the feedback from my questionnaire. However it was quite a boring format to use and I could have used something more interesting like ‘Wordle’ or ‘Prezi’.


Olivia Peacock

This was used for the majority of my pre-production tasks and some of the evaluation tasks. I used this software when designing the risk assessment, storyboards, and shooting schedule.